Results for 'Anti-Humanism,Finite Rational Being,Autonomy,Independence'

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  1. Kant y el humanismo.Alain Renaut - 1999 - Apuntes Filosóficos 15.
    El artículo plantea el problema de si la filosofía kantiana es un humanismo o un antihumanismo. El autor se propone defender una lectura humanista de dicha filosofía, pues en esa lectura se fundamentan los valores de la libertad y la democracia. Heidegger dio lugar a una lectura antihumanista de Kant, la cual quebrantaría a lo humano como origen de toda norma para actuar y juzgar. Reemplazar a la razón humana como fundamento de la libertad por una trascendencia que dicta leyes (...)
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  2. Spinoza's Anti-Humanism.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2011 - In Smith Justin & Fraenkel Carlos (eds.), The Rationalists. Springer/Synthese. pp. 147--166.
    A common perception of Spinoza casts him as one of the precursors, perhaps even founders, of modern humanism and Enlightenment thought. Given that in the twentieth century, humanism was commonly associated with the ideology of secularism and the politics of liberal democracies, and that Spinoza has been taken as voicing a “message of secularity” and as having provided “the psychology and ethics of a democratic soul” and “the decisive impulse to… modern republicanism which takes it bearings by the dignity of (...)
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    Anti-humanism or autonomy of the individual vis-a-vis social structures: The individual-society relationship in Niklas Luhmann's theory.Cecilia Dockendorff - 2013 - Cinta de Moebio 48:158-173.
    The individual-society relationship remains a central issue in the social sciences which has not yet reached a consensual explanation. This article presents the way in which Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems deals with the subject. I discuss some of the critical approaches this theory has arises. Then I present social system’s concepts and partial theories that describe the individual-society relationship. I conclude with some reflections about what we consider to be "theoretical advantages" regarding Luhmann’s theory vis-a-vis common explanations in (...)
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  4. Do Kuhnians have to be anti-realists? Towards a realist reconception of Kuhn’s historiography.Thodoris Dimitrakos - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-32.
    It is quite unequivocal that Kuhn was committed to (some version of) naturalism; that he defended, especially in his later work, the autonomy of scientific rationality; and that he rejected the correspondence theory of truth, i.e., the traditional realistic conception of the world’s mind-independence. In this paper, I argue that these three philosophical perspectives form an uneasy triangle, for while it is possible to coherently defend each of them separately or two of them combined, holding all three leads to incoherence. (...)
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    Kant without Sade.Francis Edward Sparshott - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):151-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant without SadeFrancis SparshottErmanno Bencivenga’s discussion of “Kant’s Sadism” rests on a misrepresentation of Kant’s enterprise. 1 It presents Kantian morality as a matter of motivation, so that reason has to be pitted against desire. But Kant’s whole point is that, because the psychological causes of one’s actions can never be ascertained, they are irrelevant to morality. Morality is entirely a matter of the reasons for one’s actions, no (...)
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    The death of man : Foucault and anti-humanism.Béatrice Han-Pile - 2010 - In Christopher Falzon (ed.), Foucault and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 118--42.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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  7. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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    Post-Kantian Elements in the Intersubjectively Constituted Subject of Universalism as a Metaphilosophy.Józef Leszek Krakowiak - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (2):93-135.
    This comparative essay about two kinds of interpersonal-centric humanism is dedicated to the memory of professor Janusz Kuczyński and his conception of dialogical universalism as a metaphilosophy, and shows Immanuel Kant’s thought as a ceaseless source of inspiration for all anti-conservatives and universalists. Kant’s philosophy gave man an unforgettable sense of freedom, because it not only posed the imperative of building a pan-human community of all rational beings, but also revealed the above-natural sense of the human species’ imposition (...)
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  9. The Problem of Obligation, the Finite Rational Will, and Kantian Value Realism.Anne Margaret Baxley - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (6):567-583.
    Abstract Robert Stern's Understanding Moral Obligation is a remarkable achievement, representing an original reading of Kant's contribution to modern moral philosophy and the legacy he bequeathed to his later-eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century successors in the German tradition. On Stern's interpretation, it was not the threat to autonomy posed by value realism, but the threat to autonomy posed by the obligatory nature of morality that led Kant to develop his critical moral theory grounded in the concept of the self-legislating moral agent. Accordingly, (...)
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    Gandhi on nonviolence in the context of enlightenment, rationality and globalization.R. P. Singh - unknown
    An attempt has been made in this paper to trace Gandhi's principle of 'nonviolence' in the context of 'Enlightenment Rationality' on the one hand and 'Globalization' on the other. The ideas of freedom/independence, autonomy, sovereignty, property, maturity/adulthood, public and private, tolerance, scientific rationality, secularism, humanism, democracy, nation/ state, universality of moral actions, humanity as an end in itself, critique of religion, etc., are the most operative terms of European Enlightenment of the 19th century. Though these ideas evolved and developed in (...)
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  11. Autonomie und Transzendenz. Zwei Kernthemen der Enzyklika Fides et Ratio im Fokus von Augustins und Kants Denken.Norbert Fischer - 2009 - Theologie Und Philosophie 84 (2):219.
    Die Enzyklika Fides et Ratio öffnet sich betont einem Verständnis von Philosophie, das deren neuzeitliche Ansätze nicht grundsätzlich diskreditiert; sie richtet aber klare Forderungen an die Philosophierenden und weist sie aus philosophischen Motiven auf ihre genuinen Aufgaben hin. Dies wird sachlich gesehen an zwei Kernthemen der Enzyklika , geschichtlich gesehen an Augustinus und Kant untersucht, wobei Kant nach einem erstaunlich positiven Anfang alsbald durch ungünstige Konstellationen bei katholischen Lesern in ein schiefes Licht gekommen war. Gezeigt wird, dass dem Ausdruck 'Autonomie' (...)
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  12. Stoic autonomy.John M. Cooper - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (2):1-29.
    As it is currently understood, the notion of autonomy, both as something that belongs to human beings and human nature, as such, and also as the source or basis of morality , is bound up inextricably with the philosophy of Kant. The term “autonomy” itself derives from classical Greek, where it was applied primarily or even exclusively in a political context, to civic communities possessing independent legislative and self-governing authority. The term was taken up again in Renaissance and early modern (...)
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  13.  52
    Individual Autonomy and a Culture of Narcissism.Arnold Burms - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (4):277-284.
    Autonomy, self-determination, self-affirmation, emancipation: all these words refer to an ideal that orients the way in which our contemporary culture speaks about many moral and political problems. The importance of this ideal for us can be seen in the way we accept as obvious a number of ideas that follow from it. Most of us would certainly tend to accept that no universally valid answer can be given to the question of what kind of human life is truly meaningful or (...)
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    Enlightenment contra humanism: Michel Foucault’s critical history of thought.Bregham Dalgliesh - unknown
    In this dissertation I claim that Michel Foucault is a pro-enlightenment philosopher. I argue that his critical history of thought cultivates a state of being autonomous in thought and action which is indicative of a kantian notion of maturity. In addition, I contend that, because he follows a nietzschean path to enlightenment, Foucault’s elaboration of freedom proceeds from his critique of who we are, which includes a rejection of humanism’s experiential limits. At the same time, and perhaps most importantly, I (...)
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    Humanism and Public Policy in Germany: The Point Is to Change the World Interview with Frieder Otto Wolf.Frieder Wolf & Charles Murn - 2016 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 24 (2):177-186.
    Prof. Dr. Frieder Otto Wolf, President of the Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands, provides an overview of the main currents of modern humanism in Germany. He describes the central stream of German humanism as practical, in that it combines the principled imperative to overcome all structures and situations in which people are not treated as human beings with seeking to widen the horizons of humane existence in the arts and sciences and in capabilities of leading a fulfilling life. This humanism compels resort (...)
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  16. Fichte’s Anti-Dogmatism and the Autonomy of Reason.Kienhow Goh - 2019 - In Steven Hoeltzel (ed.), The Palgrave Fichte Handbook. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-60.
    This chapter offers a fresh perspective on Fichte’s controversial critique of dogmatism in the “First and Second Introductions” to the Attempt at a New Presentation of the Science of Knowledge. It argues that the issue at stake in Fichte’s anti-dogmatism is the demand that reason be thoroughly determined from within itself and hence not be determined by anything outside it. It then addresses the charge of Fichte’s two-mindedness about the effectiveness of his refutation of dogmatism by arguing that the (...)
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    Hegel, Natural Law & Moral Constructivism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - The Owl of Minerva 48 (1/2):1-44.
    This paper argues that Hegel’s Philosophical Outlines of Justice develops an incisive natural law theory by providing a comprehensive moral theory of a modern republic. Hegel’s Outlines adopt and augment a neglected species of moral constructivism which is altogether neutral about moral realism, moral motivation, and whether reasons for action are linked ‘internally’ or ‘externally’ to motives. Hegel shows that, even if basic moral norms and institutions are our artefacts, they are strictly objectively valid because for our very finite form (...)
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    Computers in control: Rational transfer of authority or irresponsible abdication of autonomy? [REVIEW]Arthur Kuflik - 1999 - Ethics and Information Technology 1 (3):173-184.
    To what extent should humans transfer, or abdicate, responsibility to computers? In this paper, I distinguish six different senses of responsible and then consider in which of these senses computers can, and in which they cannot, be said to be responsible for deciding various outcomes. I sort out and explore two different kinds of complaint against putting computers in greater control of our lives: (i) as finite and fallible human beings, there is a limit to how far we can acheive (...)
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  19. Autonomy in Children: Accessing the Inaccessible Space in Essex County Vol. 1: Tales from the Farm.Maria Botero - 2017 - In Jeff McLaughlin (ed.), Graphic Novels as Philosophy. University Press of Mississippi. pp. p. 64-86.
    Traditional theories of autonomy argue for rational agents who are free to make decisions about the moral law and justice. Adopting these theories entails that children lack of autonomy; they are not fully developed rational agents, and, because of that, they are unable to engage in the complex cognitive capacities required by autonomy, such as critical self-reflection or substantive independence. Amy Mullin who, as part of a new area of philosophy called Philosophy of Childhood, argues for granting children (...)
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    Digital Technology: Reflections on the Difference between Instrumental Rationality and Practical Reason.Ludwig Nagl - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (1):60-88.
    Are computers on the way to acquiring “superintelligence”? Can human deliberation and decision-making be fully simulated by the mechanical execution of AI programmes? On close examination these expectations turn out not to be well-founded, since algorithms do, ultimately, have “heteronomous” characteristics. So-called AI-“autonomy” is a sensor-directed performance automatism, which — compared with the potential for ethical judgment in human “practical reason” — proves to be limited in significant ways. This is shown in some detail with reference to the idea of (...)
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    Being and creation in the theology of John Scottus Eriugena: an approach to a new way of thinking.Sergei N. Sushkov - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    The work aims to demonstrate that at the heart of Eriugena’s approach to Christian theology there lies a profoundly philosophical interest in the necessity of a cardinal shift in the paradigms of thinking – namely, that from the metaphysical to the dialectical one, which wins him a reputation of the ‘Hegel of the ninth century,’ as scholars in Post-Hegelian Germany called him. The prime concern of Eriugena’s discourse is to prove that the actual adoption of the salvific truth of Christ’s (...)
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    “Secularization” or Plurality of Meaning Structures? A. Schutz's Concept of a Finite Province of Meaning and the Question of Religious Rationality.Marek Chojnacki - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):92-99.
    Referring to basic Weberian notions of rationalization and secularization, I try to find a more accurate sense of the term “secularization”, intending to describe adequately the position of religion in modernity. The result of this query is—or at least should be—a new, original conceptualization of religion as one of finite provinces of meaning within one paramount reality of the life-world, as defined by Alfred Schutz. I proceed by exposing a well known, major oversimplification of the Weberian concept of secularization, very (...)
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    Hume's Hobbism and His Anti-Hobbism.Daniel E. Flage - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):369-382.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Hobbism and His Anti-Hobbism Daniel E. Flage Thomas Hobbes posed a crise morale to which British philosophers attempted to reply for over a century.1 Hobbes maintained that the terms 'good' and 'evil' have no import beyond individual self-interest and the fulfilment or failure to fulfil one's desires.2 While alluding to lawsofnature knownbyreason,3whetherone deems suchlaws dictates ofprudence4 or laws of some moral import,5 Hobbes held: (1) that the (...)
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  24. Autonomy, religious values, and refusal of lifesaving medical treatment.M. J. Wreen - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (3):124-130.
    The principal question of this paper is: Why are religious values special in refusal of lifesaving medical treatment? This question is approached through a critical examination of a common kind of refusal of treatment case, one involving a rational adult. The central value cited in defence of honouring such a patient's refusal is autonomy. Once autonomy is isolated from other justificatory factors, however, possible cases can be imagined which cast doubt on the great valuational weight assigned it by strong (...)
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  25. The Feeling of Respect and Morality for the Finite Rational Being.Stefano Pinzan - 2024 - Phenomenology and Mind 1 (27):2.
    This paper aims to show the significance of respect in revealing the normative structure of Kant’s ethics to the agent as a finite rational being. I argue that understanding the moral law as a fact of reason is insufficient for fully recognizing its absolute value and the normative consequences it entails. Indeed, the finiteness of the human agent requires the experience of the feeling of respect, which not only has a motivational role but also an epistemic one. I thus (...)
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  26. On the Independence of Belief and Credence.Elizabeth Jackson - 2022 - Philosophical Issues 32 (1):9-31.
    Much of the literature on the relationship between belief and credence has focused on the reduction question: that is, whether either belief or credence reduces to the other. This debate, while important, only scratches the surface of the belief-credence connection. Even on the anti-reductive dualist view, belief and credence could still be very tightly connected. Here, I explore questions about the belief-credence connection that go beyond reduction. This paper is dedicated to what I call the independence question: just how (...)
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  27. Sittlichkeit, Religion und Geschichte in der Philosophie Kants.Georg Geismann - 2000 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 8:437-531.
    The contribution starts with a concise account of Kant's moral philosophy. It is shown that a moral will is necessarily an autonomous will and that only the "formal" character of the moral law can establish its universal validity. Some widespread misunderstandings are discussed, especially with regard to the alleged emptiness of the moral law; the relationship between duty and inclination; the role of natural incentives in a moral will; and the necessary objects of such a will. This leads to the (...)
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  28. Personal Autonomy: Its Theoretical Foundations and Role in Applied Ethics.James Stacey Taylor - 2000 - Dissertation, Bowling Green State University
    For almost the past three decades the model of autonomy which has dominated philosophical discussion of this concept has been the "hierarchical" model, which has been independently developed and defended by Harry Frankfurt, Gerald Dworkin and John Christman, and which is primarily concerned with what makes a person autonomous with respect to her first-order desires. It is argued that all versions of the hierarchical model of personal autonomy are based upon a theoretical mistake, and so should be rejected. This mistake (...)
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  29. Kant on Autonomy and the Value of Persons.Eric Entrican Wilson - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (2):241-262.
    This essay seeks to contribute to current debates about value in Kant's ethics. Its main objective is to dislodge the widely shared intuition that his view of autonomy requires constructivism or some other alternative to moral realism. I argue the following. Kant seems to think that the value of persons is due to their very nature, not to what anyone decides is the case (however rational or pure those decisions may be). He also seems to think that when we (...)
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  30. Handout #5: Anti-rationalism and internalism about practical reason.David O. Brink - manuscript
    Given these worries about strategic ethical egoism, we might conclude that morality and rationality are two independent points of view. We might agree that morality is impartial but insist that practical reason is instrumental or prudential. If so, we can see how there might be conflicts between practical reason and other-regarding morality, because other-regarding duties need not always advance the agent's own aims and interests. If there can be such conflicts, then immoral action is not necessarily irrational. If so, we (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Kant's Transcendental Humanism.Henry E. Allison - 1971 - The Monist 55 (2):182-207.
    Perhaps the ultimate significance of Kant's Copernican revolution in philosophy lies in its attempted reconciliation of the transcendental, logical orientation of continental rationalism with the humanistic, psychological approach of British empiricism. With the rationalists, Kant distinguished sharply between questions concerning the causes and origins of our knowledge and questions about its limits and objective validity. Thus, a rigorous critique of psychologism, i.e. of any attempt to explain, or explain away the validity of either our cognitive or moral principles by means (...)
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    Le Mal radical chez Fichte entre Kant et Schelling.Claude Piché - 1999 - Symposium 3 (2):209-231.
    Schelling fait remarquer que la théorie kantienne du mal radical repose fondamentalement sur un acte de liberté, ce qui n’est pas le cas chez Fichte. Dans cet article, nous voulons examiner le bien-fondé de la thèse de Schelling selon laquelle les conceptions kantienne et fichtéenne du mal moral présentent d’importantes divergences. Pour I’essentiel, en effet, la position de Fichte s’éloigne de celle de Kanten ce qu’elle réhabilite une certaine forme d’humanisme en réduisant le mal à l’inertie de l’être raisonnable fini (...)
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    Why Anti‐Realism Breaks up Relationships.Christopher J. Insole - 2002 - Heythrop Journal 43 (1):20–33.
    Some theologians are inclined to regard realism with hostility or indifference. I do not present an argument for realism, but for why realism matters, and what is at stake.First of all, I separate the heart of realism from gratuitous doctrines which are too often associated with it. Religious realism is the claim that truth is independent of our beliefs about truth, and that we can in principle hope to have true beliefs about God. Realism is not intrinsically concerned with the (...)
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    René Descartes: Regulae ad directionem ingenii.Gregor Sebba - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):82-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:82 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY phy) than the aspects considered in the earlier chapters. The attempts of these men to formulate theories of the cosmos and of natural phenomena, to take the place of Aristotle's natural philosophy, are described as honest and original speculative endeavors, with a few features which can be construed as anticipations of seventeenth-century scientific philosophy, but basically lacking the soundness of method and evidence that could (...)
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    Autonomy, Competence and Non-interference.Joseph T. F. Roberts - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (3):235-252.
    In light of the variety of uses of the term autonomy in recent bioethics literature, in this paper, I suggest that competence, not being as contested, is better placed to play the anti-paternalistic role currently assigned to autonomy. The demonstration of competence, I will argue, can provide individuals with robust spheres of non-interference in which they can pursue their lives in accordance with their own values. This protection from paternalism is achieved by granting individuals rights to non-interference upon demonstration (...)
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    Autonomy and interrelatedness: Spinoza, Hume, and Vasubandhu.Winnifred A. Tomm - 1987 - Zygon 22 (4):459-478.
    If reason and emotion are taken as inseparable founda–tional components of human nature, then all knowledge must be characterized by both objective description and subjective, felt experience. If that is the case, then it is impossible for autonomy to be described in terms of rational knowledge, independent of affective response. Accordingly, autonomy and interdependence are mutually inclusive terms. Following the assumption that reason and emotion are integrally related in human understanding, morality can be explained by reference to both (...) principles and emotive, unreflected experience. Spinoza, Hume, and Vasu–bandhu provide three different but compatible views of moral development based on their views of the mutually informing effect of reason and emotion on motivation for action. In contrast to Kant, they describe the morally autonomous person as one who is directed by personal interests shaped by a consciousness of the context of emerging interrelated conditions. It is a context in which individual self–expression is a function of receptivity and responsiveness to the expression of others. (shrink)
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    Between Utopia and Dystopia: Erasmus, Thomas More, and the Humanist Republic of Letters.Hanan Yoran - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    The figure of the intellectual looms large in modern history, and yet his or her social place has always been full of ambiguity and ironies. Between Utopia and Dystopia is a study of the movement that created the identity of the universal intellectual: Erasmian humanism. Focusing on the writings of Erasmus and Thomas More, Hanan Yoran argues that, in contrast to other groups of humanists, Erasmus and the circle gathered around him generated the social space—the Erasmian Republic of Letters—that allowed (...)
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  38. Autonomy and liberalism * by Ben Colburn.M. Oshana - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):399-402.
    Colburn’s ambition in this book is to defend a ‘political morality of autonomy-minded liberalism’. Colburn defines autonomy as the ability to live in accordance with what one has deemed valuable, and to bear responsibility for this decision. There is a traditional debate that forces liberalism either to identify itself as anti-perfectionist and thus as neutral on the question of autonomy’s value , or as pro-autonomy and perfectionist. Colburn alleges that this debate is premised on a logical error. In Chapter (...)
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    Interpretive Social Science: An Anti-Naturalist Approach.Mark Bevir & Jason Blakely - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jason Blakely.
    In this book Mark Bevir and Jason Blakely set out to make the most comprehensive case yet for an 'interpretive' or hermeneutic approach to the social sciences. Interpretive approaches are a major growth area in the social sciences today. This is because they offer a full-blown alternative to the behavioralism, institutionalism, rational choice, and other quasi-scientific approaches that dominate the study of human behavior. In addition to presenting a systematic case for interpretivism and a critique of scientism, Bevir and (...)
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    The Dilemma of Modernity. [REVIEW]Gerald J. Galgan - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (1):132-134.
    Caught in a dilemma-namely, the decontextualization and negation of its early interpretive schematism which served as the sole ground for a free society--modernity is presently losing its legitimacy, its fidelity to individual freedom, the "core of nondialectical humanism," which Cahoone attempts to isolate. In part 1, he argues that the "self-negating strain" of modern philosophical activity is a "methodological or systematic dualism" endemic to "subjectivism," viz., the belief that the distinction between the non-subjective and the subjective is fundamental for any (...)
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    Machiavelli's critique of humanism and the ambivalences of modernity.Hanan Yoran - 2010 - History of Political Thought 31 (2):247-282.
    Contrary to most interpretations, the article argues that the scandalous dimensions of Machiavelli's thought are the outcome of his critical reflections on humanist discourse. Machiavelli drew the radical conclusions from the humanist rejection of the classical and medieval vision of man as a creature with an objective telos, within a rational order of Being. From this perspective the article accounts for Machiavelli's separation of politics from ethics, his anti-Christian stance as well as his appreciation of the social and (...)
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  42. The body bytes back (anti-humanist thinking and a postmodern perception of the human being).M. L. Angerer - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (2):221-232.
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    Touched by injury: toward an educational theory of anti-racist humanism.R. M. Kennedy & Dina Georgis - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):19-30.
    Informed by the critical humanisms of Hannah Arendt, Frantz Fanon, and Paul Gilroy, the authors argue for an orientation to teaching and learning that troubles the continuing effects of dehumanizing race logic. Reflecting on Paul Haggis's Oscar award winning film Crash from 2004, they suggest that the metaphor of racial 'crashing' captures what happens when we act out from experiences of racial injury instead of being touched by it. They propose a psychoanalytic pedagogy of emotions as a method for reading (...)
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    The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy (review).Frederick Rauscher - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):627-628.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy by J. B. SchneewindFrederick RauscherJ. B. Schneewind. The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xxii + 624. Cloth $69.95.For most of the twentieth century ethics has been relegated to the status of a hanger-on to other pursuits in philosophy. Only in the past three decades has ethics re-emerged as (...)
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  45. Kant on Freedom and Rational Agency.Markus Kohl - 2023 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    In "Kant on Freedom and Rational Agency", I aim to give a comprehensive interpretation and a qualified defense of Kant’s doctrine of freedom as a systematic conception of rational agency. -/- Although my book follows Kant in focusing on the idea of free will as a condition of moral agency, it denies that moral freedom of will is the only relevant (transcendental) type of freedom. Human beings also exercise absolute freedom of thought (intellectual autonomy) in their theoretical cognition. (...)
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  46. The misguided marriage of responsibility and autonomy.Marina A. L. Oshana - 2002 - The Journal of Ethics 6 (3):261-280.
    Much of the literature devoted to the topics of agent autonomy and agent responsibility suggests strong conceptual overlaps between the two, although few explore these overlaps explicitly. Beliefs of this sort are commonplace, but they mistakenly conflate the global state of being autonomous with the local condition of acting autonomously or exhibiting autonomy in respect to some act or decision. Because the latter, local phenomenon of autonomy seems closely tied to the condition of being responsible for an act, we tend (...)
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    Humanism as philosophia (perennis ): Grassi's platonic rhetoric between Gadamer and Kristeller.Rocco Rubini - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (3):pp. 242-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Humanism as Philosophia (Perennis):Grassi's Platonic Rhetoric between Gadamer and KristellerRocco RubiniToday's situation is such that in our desacralized and demythologized world we believe in no annunciations, in no purely directive statements, in no evangelist, be it a God or a prophet. We turn to rational thought, to proofs and reasons in order to free ourselves from the subjectivity and relativity of appearances.... Thus not only is every access (...)
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    Reconsidering the ‘self’ in self‐management of chronic illness: Lessons from relational autonomy.Lydia Ould Brahim - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12292.
    Self‐management is often presented as a panacea for chronic disease care. It plays an important role at the policy level and increasingly guides the delivery of health care services. Self‐management approaches to care are founded on traditional individualistic views of autonomy in which the patient is understood as being independent, rational, self‐interested, and self‐governing. This conceptualization of autonomy has been challenged, particularly by feminist scholars. In this paper I review predominant critiques of self‐management and the traditional individualistic view of (...)
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  49. Humanism and anti-humanism.Kate Soper - 1986 - La Salle, Ill.: Open Court.
    "Why, in present-day French writing, are we most likely to encounter the word "humanist" only as a term of glib dismissal? In this introduction to the controversy over "humanism", Kate Soper explains how the argument (developed by existentialists and Marxist humanists), that human experience and action play a fundamental role in "making history", has fallen into disrepute. 'Humanism and anti-humanism' shows how the "humanist" standpoint emerged in the post-war period, out of a convergence of arguments derived from Hegel, Marx, (...)
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    Literature and (Anti‐)Humanism.Poul Houe - 2015 - In Jon Stewart (ed.), A Companion to Kierkegaard. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 325–340.
    This chapter discusses Kierkegaard's impact on creative writers worldwide. Traditional attempts to identify his individual “influence” have increasingly yielded to an interest in “intertextuality,” a more socially oriented take on authorial interrelationships, overcoming the narrow specificity of “influence,” while sometimes tending to be overly broad and general instead. Concurrently, Kierkegaard's role as a literary writer has recently been favored over his role as a Christian thinker, although by no means exclusively so. Altogether, intertextual reception of his corpus significantly extends his (...)
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