Results for 'Anton Œzelt-Newin'

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  1.  79
    Cognitive Archaeology and the Minimum Necessary Competence Problem.Anton Killin & Ross Pain - 2023 - Biological Theory 18 (4):269-283.
    Cognitive archaeologists attempt to infer the cognitive and cultural features of past hominins and their societies from the material record. This task faces the problem of _minimum necessary competence_: as the most sophisticated thinking of ancient hominins may have been in domains that leave no archaeological signature, it is safest to assume that tool production and use reflects only the lower boundary of cognitive capacities. Cognitive archaeology involves selecting a model from the cognitive sciences and then assessing some aspect of (...)
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    Undue Fear of Inducements in Research in Developing Countries.Gardar Arnason & Anton van Niekerk - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2):122.
    Prematurely born children who have underdeveloped lungs may suffer a potentially fatal condition called respiratory distress syndrome. A U.S. company developed a drug, called Surfaxin, to treat such poorly functioning lungs. A placebo-controlled study was planned in four Latin American countries. At the time, in 2001, four treatments were already on the market, although not available to the research populations used in the study. This case is usually discussed as part of the standard of care debate or offered as an (...)
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    Accent labeling algorithm based on morphological rules and machine learning in English conversion system.Pljonkin Anton Pavlovich, Pradeep Kumar Singh & Xiaofeng Liu - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):881-892.
    The dependency of a speech recognition system on the accent of a user leads to the variation in its performance, as the people from different backgrounds have different accents. Accent labeling and conversion have been reported as a prospective solution for the challenges faced in language learning and various other voice-based advents. In the English TTS system, the accent labeling of unregistered words is another very important link besides the phonetic conversion. Since the importance of the primary stress is much (...)
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    Moral and social complexities of AIDS in Africa.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (2):143 – 162.
    In this article, the main complexities of understanding and curbing the HIV/AIDS pandemic in (South) Africa, are discussed. These are: 1. Poverty as niche or social context of the pandemic, 2. Denial, lack of leadership and the politicization of the public discourse on AIDS, 3. Problems related to accomplishing behavior changes under conditions of deprivation and illiteracy, 4. Women's vulnerability, and 5. The disenchantment of intimacy brought about by the pandemic. In each case, some solutions are suggested, although the notion (...)
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  5. The text-building function of names and nicknames in 'Sverris saga' and 'Boglunga sogur'.Anton Zimmerling - 1994 - In Sverrir Tómasson (ed.), The Ninth International Saga Conference. The Contemporary sagas. Akureyri, 1994. Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar. pp. 892-906.
    This paper explores the hypothesis that proper names serve as anchors identifying the individuals in the possible or real world. This hypothesis is tested on Old Icelandic narratives. A prominent feature of Old Icelandic sagas is that the narrative matter is not quite new. A Saga is reliable iff it refers to the events relevant for its audience and accepted as true by the whole community. I argue that proper names must be regarded as references to the background knowledge of (...)
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  6. Логика прогноза [The Logic of Prognosis].Anton Zimmerling - 1997 - In Н.Д Арутюнова & Т.Е Янко (eds.), Логический анализ языка. Язык и время. Н.Д.Арутюнова, Т.Е.Янко (отв. ред.). М.: Индрик, 1997. 352 с. [Logical Analysis of Language. Language and Time / Nina D. Arutyunova, Tatiana E. Yanko (Eds.). Moscow: Indrik, 1997. 352 p.]. pp. 337-347.
    This paper introduces and discusses three models of future: a determinist model, a stochastic model, and the model of True Prophetic Knowledge. All three models coexist in natural languages and are represented both in their grammatical systems and in the text-building discourse strategies speakers and authors apply to.
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    Uudsuseotsing.Anton Markoš - 2004 - Sign Systems Studies 32 (1-2):327-327.
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    T. rex, the crater of doom, and the nature of scientific discovery.Anton E. Lawson - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (3):155-177.
  9.  29
    Value Grounded on Attitudes. Subjectivism in Value Theory.Fritz-Anton Fritzson - 2014 - Dissertation, Lund University
    The thesis examines a specific way of understanding the subjectivist position in value theory according to which subjectivism is the view that value is grounded on attitudes. It is argued that this should be seen as a second-order claim about the nature of value although with pluralistic implications on the substantial, first-order level. Subjectivist analyses of final and intrinsic value and of relational value are offered. Further, the implications of subjectivism are considered with respect to, among other things, situations in (...)
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  10. What Prompted Aristotle to Address the Protrepticus to Themison?Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1966 - Hermes 94 (2):202-207.
  11.  15
    Eine individualistische Theorie sozialen Handelns. Zu Raimo Tuomelas "A Theory of Social Action".Anton Leist - 1985 - Analyse & Kritik 7 (2):180-205.
    This critical review concentrates on four important parts of Raimo Tuomela’s analytical theory of social action. It examines the book’s reconstructions of social action, of practical reasoning in this context, of social norms and it investigates its claim to a conceptual individualism. The result is critical in several aspects. Tuomela’s most original idea in the analysis of joint action, that of we-intentions, is not broad enough to cover more than a part of social action in the commonly understood sense. His (...)
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    II. Menschliches Leben an der Grenze.Anton Leist - 2005 - In Ethik der Beziehungen: Versuche Über Eine Postkantianische Moralphilosophie. Akademie Verlag.
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    Introduction : Philosophy's Akward Relation to Literature.Anton Leist & Peter Singer - unknown
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    V. Lösungsversuche.Anton Leist - 2000 - In Die Gute Handlung: Eine Einführung in Die Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 330-398.
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  15. Hortus (In)Conclusus. Polska i Ukraina: rozmowy o filozofii i literaturze (En - Hortus (In)Conclusus. Poland and Ukraine: Talks on Philosophy Literature).Anton Marczyński (ed.) - 2017 - Warsaw, Poland: Barbara Skarga Foundation for Thinking.
    EN: Selection of Marczyński's interviews on philosophy and literature which were recorded in early 2007 for the purpose of his radio broadcast "Hortus (In)Conclusus." Includes interviews with: Marek Bieńczyk, Józef Bremer, Ihor Byczko, Andrij Dachnij, Anna Dziedzic, Mateusz Falkowski, Tadeusz Gadacz, Michał Głowiński, Dorota Hall, Serhij Jospenko, Wachtang Kebuładze, Zbigniew Kloch, Andrzej Kołakowski, Wasyl Lisowyj, Ołeksandr Majewskyj, Anton Marczynski, Julia Marczyńska, Wadym Menżulin, Zbigniew Mikołejko, Monika Milewska, Andrij Okara, Ihor Paśko, Adam Pomorski, Myrosła Popowycz, Jerzy Prokopiuk, Iryna Puchta, Barbara (...)
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    The Position of Bulgaria with Regard to the Albanian Factor in Macedonia During the London Conference of Ambassadors.Anton Panchev - 2014 - Seeu Review 10 (1):135-142.
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    Zu Martin Kolmars «Grenzbeschreitungen. Vom Sinn, dem gelingenden Leben und unserem Umgang mit Natur» (Wien und Köln 2021).Peter Seele, Anton Hügli, Fritz Breithaupt, Andreas Härter & Martin Kolmar - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
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    Teorías criminológicas sobre la violencia contra la mujer en la pareja.Lorena Antón García - 2014 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 48:49-79.
    La violencia contra la mujer en la pareja es un fenómeno registrado en las sociedades a lo largo de la historia. Con el f in de averiguar cuáles son las causas que favorecen su aparición se han desarrollado teorías desde diferentes perspectivas —psicológica, socioló- gica y feminista, principalmente— que han tratado que determinar cuáles son los factores que aumentan el riesgo de que exista este tipo de violencia. El propósito de este artículo es exponer los postulados de las principales las (...)
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  19.  29
    Late Hellenistic « Textbook Definitions » of Philosophy.Anton-Hermann Chroust - 1972 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (1):15.
  20. A Fragment of Aristotle's 'On Philosophy'?Anton Hermann Chroust - 1972 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 27 (3):287.
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    Forschungen zur Geschichte der frühmittelalterlichen Philosophie.Joseph Anton Endres - 1915 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    The Words Of History.Anton Froeyman - 2014 - History and Theory 53 (2):244-252.
    In From History to Theory, Kerwin Lee Klein writes a history of the central terms of the discipline of theory of history, such as “historiography,” “philosophy of history,” “theory of history,” and “memory.” Klein tells us when and how these terms were used, how the usage of some declined during the twentieth century, and how other terms became increasingly popular. More important, Klein also shows that the use of these words is not innocent. Using words such as “theory” or “historiography” (...)
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  23.  38
    On traits as dispositions: An alleged truism.Jaap van Heerden & Anton J. Smolenaars - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (3):297–309.
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    III. Die Schwierigkeiten der Ethik.Anton Leist - 2000 - In Die Gute Handlung: Eine Einführung in Die Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 160-244.
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    II. Sprache und Intersubjektivität.Anton Leist - 2000 - In Die Gute Handlung: Eine Einführung in Die Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 85-159.
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  26. Nachgelassene Schriften, Aus « Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der allgemeinen Grammatik und Sprachphilosophie » II, Satz und Wort, eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der üblichen grammatischen Lehre und ihren Begriffsbestimmungen.Anton Marty & Otto Funke - 1950 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 12 (4):763-764.
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  27.  10
    El símbolo y la imagen. Imaginación creadora y mundo imaginal.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (36):9-19.
    Los análisis en la filosofía occidental de la imaginación siempre la han mostrado como una realidad ambigua, pues por un lado se veía necesaria para la construcción del concepto, pero por otro se encontraba supeditada a los sentidos externos y por tanto su esencia consistía en receptividad. Sin embargo, en la filosofía irania, ha sido posible constituir una ontología de la imaginación no como realidad meramente receptiva sino también como instancia espontánea y productiva, pudiendo así fundamentar el símbolo y su (...)
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  28. The pedagogic relationship in existential education.Anton Sevilla-Liu - 2025 - In Gregory S. Moss & Takeshi Morisato (eds.), The dialectics of absolute nothingness: the legacies of German philosophy in the Kyoto school. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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  29. of article Morality of principle versus morality of loyalty.Tina Uys & Anton Senekal - forthcoming - African Journal of Business Ethics.
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  30. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy I.John P. Anton & George L. Kustas (eds.) - 1971 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    The essays in this volume treat a wide variety of fundamental topics and problems in ancient Greek philosophy. The scope of the section on pre-Socratic thought ranges over the views which these thinkers have on such areas of concern as religion, natural philosophy and science, cosmic periods, the nature of elements, theory of names, the concept of plurality, and the philosophy of mind. The essays dealing with the Platonic dialogues examine with unusual care a great number of central themes and (...)
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  31. Überlebt der Utilitarismus? Peter Singer und das Tötungsverbot.Anton Leist - 1991 - Studia Philosophica 50:143-161.
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    Individuelles Handeln und Macht: Foucaults Herausforderung.Anton Leist - 1991 - Analyse & Kritik 13 (2):170-183.
    Foucault’s twofold attack on the modem concept of power gives us something to think about. Backed by ingenious historical analyses he devises an idea of systemic and productive power, abstracted from the conceptual connections between power and individual power-sources, viz. power and restrictions of freedom. The article probes Foucault’s historical sketches on. these two tasks. It defends the less radical view of power as constraining interests and freedom.
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  33. Kreuzzugskritik und Ablehnung der Feudalordnung in der Gefolgschaft des Franziskus von Assisi.Anton Rotzetter - 1972 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit. Franziskanische Studien Zu Theologie, Philosophie Und Geschichte 35:121-137.
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    Elementa Arabica: Einführung in die klassische arabische SpracheElementa Arabica: Einfuhrung in die klassische arabische Sprache.Alan S. Kaye & Anton Schall - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):171.
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  35. Die Erkenntnislehre Bonaventuras nach den Quellen dargestellt.Bonifaz Anton Luyckx - 1923 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    Palme, A. J G. Sulzers Psychologie und die Anfänge der Dreivermögenslehre.Anton Palme - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    The position of God in the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.Anton Charles Pegis - unknown
  38.  15
    Emergence of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii recovered from blood cultures in Australia.Anton Y. Peleg, Clare Franklin, Jan M. Bell & Denis W. Spelman - 2006 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 27 (7):759-761.
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    Principle-based recommendations for big data and machine learning in food safety: the P-SAFETY model.Salvatore Sapienza & Anton Vedder - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):5-20.
    Big data and Machine learning Techniques are reshaping the way in which food safety risk assessment is conducted. The ongoing ‘datafication’ of food safety risk assessment activities and the progressive deployment of probabilistic models in their practices requires a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of these advances. In particular, the low level of trust in EU food safety risk assessment framework highlighted in 2019 by an EU-funded survey could be exacerbated by novel methods of analysis. The variety of processed (...)
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    A Sad Science?Anton Schütz - 2007 - New Nietzsche Studies 7 (3-4):107-124.
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    Rousseau's Rejuvenation of Political Philosophy: A New Introduction. [REVIEW]Antón Barba-Kay - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (3).
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  42. Varano, Francesco Saverio, Vincenzo de Grazia. [REVIEW]Anton Hilckman - 1936 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 49:417-418.
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  43. Тема теософії о. п. блаватської та "живої етики" о. і. реріх у гуманітарній науці: На перехресті релігієзнавства та сходознавства. [REVIEW]Anton Leshchynski - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):102-107.
    This article is dedicated to the theme of Theosophy and Living Ethics Teaching in modern Religion and Oriental Studies. So, in the article, the author surveys problems, which concerned with this theme and describes her condition in Religion and Oriental Studies and academic achievements, which was done for this theme. Essentially, discourse of the article focused on the contexts this theme in post-Soviet Religion Studies and Oriental Studies. According the author's review, the problems for modern academic research of Theosophy and (...)
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    Mohammad b. MONAVVAR: Los arcanos de la Unicidad de Dios en las estancias espirituales del sheij Abû Sa’îd (Asr'r al-Toûhid fî maq'm't al sheîj Abû Sa’îd). Biografía de un sufí persa escrita por su tataranieto. Traducción del persa, prólogo y notas de Joa. [REVIEW]José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2020 - Isidorianum 25 (50):481-482.
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    Roman democracy F. Millar: The crowd in Rome in the late republic . Pp. XVI + 236. Ann Arbor: The university of michigan press, 1998. Cased. Isbn: 0-472-10892-. [REVIEW]Anton Powell - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (02):516-.
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    Anton William Amo's treatise on the art of philosophising soberly and accurately (with commentaries).Anton Wilhelm Amo - 1990 - Nsukka: William Amo Centre for African Philosophy, University of Nigeria. Edited by T. Uzodinma Nwala.
  47.  37
    Embedded implicature: what can be left unsaid?Anton Benz & Nicole Gotzner - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1099-1130.
    Previous research on scalar implicature has primarily relied on meta-linguistic judgment tasks and found varying rates of such inferences depending on the nature of the task and contextual manipulations. This paper introduces a novel interactive paradigm involving both a production and a comprehension side and a precise conversational goal. The main research question is what is reliably communicated by some in this communicative setting, both when the quantifier occurs in unembedded and embedded positions. Our new paradigm involves an action-based task (...)
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  48.  37
    Essays in honour of Anton Charles Pegis.Anton Charles Pegis & J. Reginald O'Donnell (eds.) - 1974 - Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
    O'Donnell, J. R. Anton Charles Pegis on the occasion of his retirement.--Conlan, W. J. The definition of faith according to a question of MS. Assisi 138: study and edition of text.--Spade, P. V. Five logical tracts by Richard Lavenham.--Maurer, A. Henry of Harclay's disputed question on the plurality of forms.--Brown, V. Giovanni Argiropulo on the agent intellect: an edition of Ms. Magliabecchi V 42.--Synan, E. A. The Exortacio against Peter Abelard's Dialogus inter philosophum, Iudaeum et Christianum.--Fitzgerald, W. Nugae Hyginianae.--Sheehan, (...)
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  49.  2
    In Search of Saint Thomas Aquinas, By Anton C. Pegis (And) Etienne Gilson.Anton Charles Pegis & Etienne Gilson - 1966 - Saint Joseph College.
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  50.  19
    Quiet Politics, Trade Unions, and the Political Elite Network: The Case of Denmark.Anton Grau Larsen, Christoph Houman Ellersgaard & Christian Lyhne Ibsen - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (1):43-73.
    Pepper Culpepper’s seminal Quiet Politics and Business Power has revitalized the study of when business elites can shape policies away from public scrutiny. This article takes the concept of quiet politics to a new, and surprising, set of actors: trade union leaders. Focusing on the case of Denmark, it argues that quiet politics functions through political elite networks and that this way of doing politics favors a particular kind of corporatist coordination between the state, capital, and labor. Rather than showing (...)
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