Results for 'Antonia Pierobon'

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  1.  15
    Psychosocial Cardiological Schedule-Revised (PCS-R) in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit: Reflections Upon Data Collection (2010–2017) and New Challenges. [REVIEW]Nicolò Granata, Ekaterina Nissanova, Valeria Torlaschi, Marina Ferrari, Martina Vigorè, Marinella Sommaruga, Elisabetta Angelino, Claudia Rizza, Alessandra Caprino & Antonia Pierobon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy.Antonia LoLordo - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive treatment of the philosophical system of the seventeenth-century philosopher Pierre Gassendi. Gassendi's importance is widely recognized and is essential for understanding early modern philosophers and scientists such as Locke, Leibniz and Newton. Offering a systematic overview of his contributions, LoLordo situates Gassendi's views within the context of sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century natural philosophy as represented by a variety of intellectual traditions, including scholastic Aristotelianism, Renaissance Neo-Platonism, and the emerging mechanical philosophy. LoLordo's work will be essential (...)
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    Le métier du philosophe.Frank Pierobon - 2021 - Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium: PUL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain. Edited by Pascal Chabot.
    Qu'est-ce qu'un 'philosophe', au regard de l'histoire et singulièrement du XXIe siècle? Frank Pierobon, en s'appuyant sur son propre parcours et aussi sur ses dix années d'engagement dans la riche aventure des Matins-Philo à Bruxelles, tente d'apporter une réponse située à la question. Loin des imageries populaires, il fait du philosophe un homme de métier et de savoir-être dont toute l'existence oscillerait entre la création de concepts et, en même temps, une quête incessante du désir de sens. Un texte (...)
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    Le symptôme Avatar.Frank Pierobon - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Avatar, le film de James Cameron (2009), aura ete un succes commercial d'une ampleur exceptionnelle, a considerer davantage comme le symptome d'une certaine societe en crise spirituelle, que comme l'expression personnelle d'un createur, fut-il exceptionnel. Sur cette base, Frank Pierobon, au terme d'une deconstruction tres poussee, en extrait l'embleme de notre postmodernite finissante: un Deus ex Fantasma, soit une derisoire redemption par le reve, faute de tout autre salut.
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  5. Mary Shepherd on Causation, Induction, and Natural Kinds.Antonia LoLordo - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    In several early 19th century works, Mary Shepherd articulates a theory of causation that is intended to respond to Humean skepticism. I argue that Shepherd's theory should be read in light of the science of the day and her conception of her place in the British philosophical tradition. Reading Shepherd’s theory in light of her conception of the history of philosophy, including her claim to be the genuine heir of Locke, illuminates the broader significance of her attempt to reinstate reason (...)
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    Visual perspective taking impairment in children with autistic spectrum disorder.Antonia F. De C. Hamilton, Rachel Brindley & Uta Frith - 2009 - Cognition 113 (1):37-44.
  7.  33
    Mary Shepherd's Essays on the Perception of an External Universe.Antonia Lolordo (ed.) - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    This is the first modern edition of an important work by a previously neglected early 19th century woman philosopher, Mary Shepherd. Shepherd develops a distinctive philosophical system that can be seen as a competitor to Kant's Transcendental Idealism. The edition is aimed at researchers in early modern philosophy and is also intended to be used in graduate and undergraduate courses. It contains a concise introduction as guide for the reader.
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  8. Malebranche (review).Antonia LoLordo - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):124-125.
    Antonia LoLordo - Malebranche - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.1 124-125 Andrew Pyle. Malebranche. London: Routledge, 2003. Pp. xiii + 289. Cloth, $80.00. Despite Malebranche's widely recognized importance, no comprehensive overview of his system was available before Pyle's excellent and wide-ranging study. Pyle agrees with scholarly consensus that occasionalism and the vision in God are Malebranche's two most significant doctrines, but his scope extends well beyond those to matters of theology, (...)
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    Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict: Shadows of Modernity.Antonia Dodds - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (2):251-253.
  10.  18
    Substance-Specific Differences in Human Electroencephalographic Burst Suppression Patterns.Antonia Fleischmann, Stefanie Pilge, Tobias Kiel, Stephan Kratzer, Gerhard Schneider & Matthias Kreuzer - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Einleitung: John Stuart Mill – Ein liberaler Intellektueller im politischen Handgemenge.Antonia Geisler & Hubertus Buchstein - 2013 - In John StuartHG Mill & Antonia Geisler (eds.), Liberale Gleichheit: Vermischte Politische Schriften. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 11-70.
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    The Continuations of the Flores Historiarum from 1265 to 1327.Antonia Gransden - 1974 - Mediaeval Studies 36 (1):472-492.
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    Teaching and Learning Logic in a Virtual Learning Environment.Antonia Huertas - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (4):321-331.
    Teaching and learning in a virtual learning environment poses some difficulties, but also challenges and opportunities to rethink the whole learning process, particularly in abstract subjects like logic or high level mathematics. On the other hand, resources and ways to work, now available in VLEs, might soon extend to all kinds of environments. In this paper, we will present experiences at the Open University of Catalonia , a particular VLE, concerning the whole process of teaching logic and mathematics. In addition, (...)
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  14. D'un message de New York.Frank Pierobon - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:227-230.
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  15. Kant et les mathématiques. La conception kantienne des mathématiques, coll. « Histoire de la philosophie ».Frank Pierobon - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):257-258.
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    Kant et la fondation architectonique de la métaphysique.Frank Pierobon - 1990 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
    La Critique de la raison pure d'Emmanuel Kant est incontestablement l'un des ouvrages-clefs de la tradition philosophique. Paradoxalement, la fascination qu'elle a durablement exercée sur des générations de philosophes est à la mesure du mystère de sa construction dont on a maintes fois constaté la rigueur et l'omniprésence, mais dont on a peu examiné, jusqu'à présent, les conditions de possibilité. Pourtant Kant ne se lasse pas de souligner la prépondérance de la systématicité, qu'il appelle " architectonique ", dans la fonction (...)
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    L’architectonique et la faculté de juger.Frank Pierobon - 1998 - In Herman Parret (ed.), Kants Ästhetik · Kant's Aesthetics · L'esthétique de Kant. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 1-17.
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  18. L'architectonique kantienne existe-t-elle comme méthode?:(Quelques remarques sur les travaux récemment parus de Pascal Gaudet).Frank Pierobon - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 22:283-317.
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    Oscar Wilde et le portrait surréel d’un désir invisible.Frank Pierobon - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (2):113-140.
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    Quelques remarques sur la conception kantienne du jugement singulier.Frank Pierobon - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (3):312-335.
    A première vue, la différence que Kant fait dans sa Critique de la raison pure entre jugements particulier et singulier semble être dénuée d’une véritable importance philosophique. D’ailleurs, dans cette même veine, l’on s’est demandé très tôt s’il fallait vraiment que les catégories soient regroupées par trois plutôt que par deux, puisque la troisième semble résulter de la connexion des deux autres, et c’est l’observation que le fidèle Johann Schultz s’enhardira à faire respectueusement au philosophe dans une lettre de 1784 (...)
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  21. Some comment on the Kantian of singular judgement.F. Pierobon - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (3).
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    Système et représentation: la déduction transcendantale des catégories dans la Critique de la raison pure.Frank Pierobon - 1993 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
  23.  18
    Manhatta de Charles Sheeler et Paul Strand : du panorama au kaléidoscope.Antonia Rigaud - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans la revue E-rea [En ligne], 13.1 | 2015. Nous remercions Antonia Rigaud et la revue E-rea de nous avoir autorisé à en reproduire le début ici. Représentant une journée dans la vie d'une ville, Manhatta oscille entre un traitement narratif nous invitant à suivre le quotidien de la ville et un traitement beaucoup plus abstrait, cherchant à capter une atmosphère beaucoup plus qu'à produire un document exact. Tourné en 1921, le film est resté (...)
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    Locke's moral man.Antonia LoLordo - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  25. Epistemic Contextualism.Antonia Barke - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):353-373.
    Any contextualist approach to knowledge has to provide a plausible definition of the concept of context and spell out the mechanisms of context changes. Since it is the dynamics of context change that carry the main weight of the contextualist position, not every mechanism will be capable of filling that role. In particular, I argue that one class of mechanisms that is most popularly held to account for context changes, namely those that arise out of shifts of conversational parameters in (...)
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  26. Mental action.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (6):e12741.
    Just as bodily actions are things you do with your body, mental actions are things you do with your mind. Both are different from things that merely happen to you. Where does the idea of mental action come from? What are mental actions? And why do they matter in philosophy? These are the three main questions answered in this paper. Section 1 introduces mental action through a brief history of the topic in philosophy. Section 2 explains what it is to (...)
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    Mary Shepherd.Antonia LoLordo - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    There has recently been a resurgence of interest in the early nineteenth century Scottish philosopher Mary Shepherd. This Element is intended to provide an overview of Shepherd's system, including her views on the following wide range of topics: causation, induction, knowledge of the external world, matter, life, animal cognition, the relationship between mind and body, the immortality of the soul, the existence of God, miracles, and the nature of divine creation. The author also provides an overview of relevant secondary literature (...)
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    Gelehrtentum und Patrizierstand: Wirkungskreise des Nürnberger Humanisten Sixtus Tucher (1459-1507).Antonia Landois - 2014 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Where was he active, and where did his surroundings act upon him? In addition to these questions, Antonia Landois deals with the relevance of status of birth and 'acquired' scholarship.
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    Kant et les mathématiques: la conception kantienne des mathématiques.Frank Pierobon - 2003 - Vrin.
    La conception qu'Emmanuel Kant se faisait des mathematiques etait en parfaite consonance avec l'opinion philosophique la plus courante au XVIIIe siecle a l'egard de cette science. Il conviendrait par consequent de tenir davantage compte de l'histoire des idees scientifiques, ce qui permettrait de faire remarquer que la pensee kantienne releve d'un paradigme scientifique plus ancien, celui de la geometrie euclidienne (ou l'image reste intimement articulee au signe), alors que les critiques ordinairement adressees au Kant mathematicien s'appuient indirectement sur l'heritage de (...)
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  30. How literature expands your imagination.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):298-319.
    Many great authors claim that reading literature can expand your phenomenal imagination and allow you to imagine experiences you have never had. How is this possible? Your phenomenal imagination is constrained by your phenomenal concepts, which are in turn constrained by the phenomenology of your own actual past experiences. Literature could expand your phenomenal imagination, then, by giving you new phenomenal concepts. This paper explains how this can happen. Literature can direct your attention to previously unnoticed phenomenal properties of your (...)
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  31. To exist is to exit the point.Antonia Birnbaum - 2008 - In Jean-Luc Nancy (ed.), Corpus. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Experiencing Ritual: A New Interpretation of African Healing:Experiencing Ritual: A New Interpretation African Healing.Antonia C. Mills - 1993 - Anthropology of Consciousness 4 (2):23-23.
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    Una logica per il tempo: crisi della fondazione logica, idea di storicità ed esperienza religiosa nel primo Heidegger.Antonia Pellegrino - 2012 - Roma: Aracne editrice.
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  34. Isabelle STENGERS: Penser avec Whitehead, une libre et sauvage creation de concepts.F. Pierobon - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  35. L'autiste et l'artiste comme "extrêmes" de la différence des sexes -à propos des thèses de S. Baron-Cohen.Frank Pierobon - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:241-260.
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  36. Quand "tout a disparu" apparaît..Frank Pierobon - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 104:115-133.
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    The Moral Compass and Mortal Slumber: Divine and Human Reason in the Bibles Moralisées.Antonia Martínez Ruipérez - 2018 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 81 (1):1-34.
    In the thirteenth-century Bibles moralisées there appears a new iconographical type in which God the Father, and figures depicted in moralising illustrations, are shown with a compass. This article argues that these images throw light on the medieval concept of reason and its role in the Divine Economy. In these French Capetian Bibles, the compass is the symbol of divine or human reason, depending on the context where it occurs. When depicted in the scene of Creation in the frontispieces, the (...)
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    Medizinethischer Kommentar zum Fall: „Methadon zur Tumortherapie“.Antonia Sahm & Stephan Sahm - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (4):326-329.
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    Au fil du motif: autour de Wittgenstein et la musique.Antonia Soulez - 2012 - Sampzon: Éditions Delatour France.
  40. Descartes' System of Natural Philosophy.Antonia Lolordo - 2003 - Mind 112 (446):336-339.
    This is a review of Stephen Gaukroger's book Descartes's System of Natural Philosophy.
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  41. Let’s be Liberal: An Alternative to Aesthetic Hedonism.Antonia Peacocke - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):163-183.
    Aesthetic value empiricism claims that the aesthetic value of an object is grounded in the value of a certain kind of experience of it. The most popular version of value empiricism, and a dominant view in contemporary philosophical aesthetics more generally, is aesthetic hedonism. Hedonism restricts the grounds of aesthetic value to the pleasure enjoyed in the right kind of experience. But hedonism does not enjoy any clear advantage over a more permissive alternative version of value empiricism. This alternative is (...)
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    Zwischen Offenbarung und metaphysischer Losigkeit: Philosophisch-theologische Lektüre literarischer Jenseitsreisen.Antonia Bräutigam - 2019 - Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
    Infolge der Moderne schwinden absolute Erklärungsprinzipien: Man sucht Orientierung, um seine Lebenswelt und den erfahrungswissenschaftlich aufgeschlossenen Kosmos zu überschauen. Seine sich in diesem Kontext ausbildende, nie ganz bewusst gestaltete Weltanschauung artikuliert der Mensch auch in der Literatur. Antonia Bräutigam analysiert anhand von Jenseitsreisen in Werken von Autoren wie Thomas Mann, Samuel Beckett und C.S. Lewis die durch die Moderne geprägte Weltanschauung und reflektiert diese philosophisch-theologisch. Literatur erweist sich dabei als locus theologicus, als Erkenntnisort für die Theologie, das Motiv der (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Locke’s Problem Concerning Perceptual Error.Antonia Lolordo - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 77 (3):705-724.
    Locke claims that we have sensitive knowledge of the external world, in virtue of the fact that simple ideas are real, true, and adequate. However, despite his dismissive remarks about Cartesian external-world skepticism, Locke gives us little to go on as to how knowledge of the external world survives the fact of perceptual error, or even how perceptual error is possible. I argue that Locke has an in-principle problem explaining perceptual error.
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    Freire and education.Antonia Darder - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Paulo Friere is considered to be one of the most influential educational philosophers of the twentieth century. Within many progressive circles, he would be considered the most important radical educational philosopher of our times, given his contribution to a revolutionary understanding of education and his certainty and faith that education can function as one of the most significant empowering and democratizing forces in the lives of the disenfranchised. In this deeply personal introduction to the man,and his ideas and their contribution (...)
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    (1 other version)Reinventing Paulo Freire: a pedagogy of love.Antonia Darder - 2002 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire, best known for his work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, challenged education plans that contributed to the marginalization of minorities and the poor. Freire believed that education should be used for liberation by helping learners reflect on their experiences historically, giving immediate reality to issues of racism, sexism, and the exploitation of workers. Known as one of the most influential theoretical innovators of the twentieth century, his views have left a significant mark on progressive thinkers about education (...)
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  46. Embedded mental action in self-attribution of belief.Antonia Peacocke - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):353-377.
    You can come to know that you believe that p partly by reflecting on whether p and then judging that p. Call this procedure “the transparency method for belief.” How exactly does the transparency method generate known self-attributions of belief? To answer that question, we cannot interpret the transparency method as involving a transition between the contents p and I believe that p. It is hard to see how some such transition could be warranted. Instead, in this context, one mental (...)
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  47.  9
    Extension du concept d’ironie à l’ironie objective.Antonia Birnbaum - 2019 - Cahiers Philosophiques 1:17.
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    Un courage sans héroïsme.Antonia Birnbaum - 2024 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (1).
    The comprehension of the tragic in Hegel and Lacan states Antigone’s unconditional desire as heroic. Against this tendency, another hypothesis is explored: The heroic, be it ironic or a sublime brilliance of the sublime, bars the access to the unconditional by attaching it to a transcendence, rather than inquiring into its address. To play down heroism means to reinterpret the capacity of solitude which characterizes heroic courage. What courage then reveals is an ignorance regarding the law of totality, regarding the (...)
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    The Authorship of Philoponus’ Commentary On the Soul iii.Antonia Kakavelaki - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):291-301.
    To this day no consensus has been reached concerning the authorship of the 3rd book of Philoponus’ on the Soul. I will begin this article by surveying the discussion of the authorship. In this first section I go into some detail concerning the arguments of scholars who attribute the DAC 3 to Philoponus, and those who do not believe that it is by Philoponus, including those who attribute it to Stephanus of Alexandria. The second section of the paper consists in (...)
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    The Notion of “πνεῦμα” (spirit) in the Work of John Philoponus.Antonia Kakavelaki - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 6:17-21.
    The notion of spirit was a central notion of two ancient traditions: the medical and the philosophical tradition of ancient Greece and the neoplatonic philosophical one. In this paper we will examine the way in which a Byzantine philosopher of the 6th century, John Philoponus, handled this notion from a neoplatonic point of view, and how he assimilated the Aristotelian, the medical and the neoplatonic “πνεῦμα” theory in a single conception. Philoponus’ career can be divided into two periods: the one (...)
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