Results for 'Architectural Space'

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  1.  11
    3 Architectural space.Daniel Libeskind - 2004 - In François Penz, Gregory Radick & Robert Howell (eds.), Space: in science, art, and society. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 15--46.
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    Walking through Architectural Spaces: The Impact of Interior Forms on Human Brain Dynamics.Maryam Banaei, Javad Hatami, Abbas Yazdanfar & Klaus Gramann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:289961.
    Neuroarchitecture uses neuroscientific tools to better understand architectural design and its impact on human perception and subjective experience. The form or shape of the built environment is fundamental to architectural design, but not many studies have shown the impact of different forms on the inhabitants’ emotions. This study investigated the neurophysiological correlates of different interior forms on the perceivers’ affective state and the accompanying brain activity. To understand the impact of naturalistic three-dimensional (3D) architectural forms, it is (...)
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    The Uncanny and the Architectural Space.Anne Boissière - 2019 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 46:45-61.
    Le texte aborde un cas particulier d’atmosphère, l’inquiétante étrangeté, dans son rapport à l’espace architectural, selon une inflexion phénoménologique soulignant la teneur d’atmosphère (Stimmung) du sentiment éprouvé. Effectuant une relecture du texte éponyme de 1919 de Freud sous cet angle, notamment l’épisode de la promenade dans la petite ville italienne, la réflexion s’engage ensuite dans une approche de la peinture de De Chirico, en particulier le tableau de 1913 La grande Tour. Les écrits du théoricien américain de l’architecture Anthony (...)
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    Diagrammatic Transformation of Architectural Space.Kenneth J. Knoespel - 2002 - Philosophica 70 (2).
    If we are to think about diagrams closely, we must register their cognitive significance as they direct work and establish networks of relationships among multiple symbolic fields. Diagrams do not engage a simple horizon of understanding but are part of an integrative process through which structures literally appear in the world. Rather than being hermeneutic in a strict sense, diagrams are heuristic because they are accompanied by an expectation that they participate in a process that turns words and experience into (...)
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    The Narration of Architectural Space as a Way of Constructing the Spatial Atmosphere: Two Readings of Contemporary Japanese Architecture.Fatma İpek Ek - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):99-117.
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    Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century ArchitectureThirteen Ways: Theoretical Investigations in ArchitectureOn the Aesthetics of Architecture: A Psychological Approach to the Structure and the Order of Perceived Architectural Space.Tom Leddy, Kenneth Frampton, Robert Harbison & Ralf Weber - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (1):79.
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    Husserl and Merleau Ponty: The Affective Bodily Experience of Architectural Space.Irene Breuer - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):287-302.
    Summary This paper deals with the development of Husserl’s and Merleau-Pontys analyses of the affective lived experience of body and space. Both the concept of „flesh“ (Merleau-Ponty) and „Hyle“ (Husserl) stand for a sensuous principle that underlies the original givenness and solidarity of body and world and I claim that this interaction and the concomitant intertwining of body and place make up the existential dimension of architecture, i.e. the, being-here-in-a-place’. In this connection, I argue that the fact that bodily (...)
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    Further from Nature — or Closer? Towards a Post–formal Dynamic of Architectural Space.Magdalena Borowska & Maciej Bańkowski - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (3-4):111-122.
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    What is Semiotics and How Is it Illustrated in Architectural Spaces?Setareh Kiumarsi - 2009 - Semiotics:170-192.
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    Evolution and Innovation of Guangxi Yao Mountain Residential Architecture Space from the Perspective of Cultural Heritage.Ying Xu, Pisit Puntien, Akapong Inkuer & Chanoknart Mayusoh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:995-1016.
    Enhancing national cultural self-confidence involves promoting and strengthening the protection and utilisation of traditional national villages. Studying how to protect and inherit the resources of these villages, as well as utilising existing resources in a sustainable manner, poses a challenging issue. Further research is needed to investigate the influence of regional culture on residential buildings in the mountainous areas of the Yao people in Guangxi, and to explore how traditional architectural elements can preserve their cultural essence using modern artistic (...)
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    Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy: Radical Cities Over Time and Through Space.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In D. R. Cole, M. M. Rafe & G. Y. A. Yang-Heim (eds.), Educational Research and the Question(s) of Time. Singapore: Springer. pp. 387–400.
    In an era where decolonizing architectural pedagogy is imperative, cities stand as the forefront of radical thought, acting as crucibles for ideological, activist, and spatial dynamics. These urban landscapes are not just breeding grounds for new paradigms, but also reflect significant shifts in political and social frameworks. This study adopts the concept of the “radical city” as a prism to understand how local events echo global political and sociocultural disturbances. This research takes an innovative approach by integrating mixed-method pedagogies, (...)
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    Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture.Barry Blesser & Linda-Ruth Salter - 2006 - MIT Press.
    How we experience space by listening: the concepts of aural architecture, with examples ranging from Gothic cathedrals to surround sound home theater. We experience spaces not only by seeing but also by listening. We can navigate a room in the dark, and "hear" the emptiness of a house without furniture. Our experience of music in a concert hall depends on whether we sit in the front row or under the balcony. The unique acoustics of religious spaces acquire symbolic meaning. (...)
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  13. Conceptual Spaces for Cognitive Architectures: A Lingua Franca for Different Levels of Representation.Antonio Lieto, Antonio Chella & Marcello Frixione - 2017 - Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 19:1-9.
    During the last decades, many cognitive architectures (CAs) have been realized adopting different assumptions about the organization and the representation of their knowledge level. Some of them (e.g. SOAR [35]) adopt a classical symbolic approach, some (e.g. LEABRA[ 48]) are based on a purely connectionist model, while others (e.g. CLARION [59]) adopt a hybrid approach combining connectionist and symbolic representational levels. Additionally, some attempts (e.g. biSOAR) trying to extend the representational capacities of CAs by integrating diagrammatical representations and reasoning are (...)
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  14.  18
    Architecture from the Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space.Elizabeth Grosz - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Essays at the intersection of philosophy and architecture explore how we understand and inhabit space. To be outside allows one a fresh perspective on the inside. In these essays, philosopher Elizabeth Grosz explores the ways in which two disciplines that are fundamentally outside each another—architecture and philosophy—can meet in a third space to interact free of their internal constraints. "Outside" also refers to those whose voices are not usually heard in architectural discourse but who inhabit its (...)—the destitute, the homeless, the sick, and the dying, as well as women and minorities. Grosz asks how we can understand space differently in order to structure and inhabit our living arrangements accordingly. Two themes run throughout the book: temporal flow and sexual specificity. Grosz argues that time, change, and emergence, traditionally viewed as outside the concerns of space, must become more integral to the processes of design and construction. She also argues against architecture's historical indifference to sexual specificity, asking what the existence of (at least) two sexes has to do with how we understand and experience space. Drawing on the work of such philosophers as Henri Bergson, Roger Caillois, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Luce Irigaray, and Jacques Lacan, Grosz raises abstract but nonformalistic questions about space, inhabitation, and building. All of the essays propose philosophical experiments to render space and building more mobile and dynamic. (shrink)
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    Dimensions: Space, Shape & Scale in Architecture.Charles Willard Moore & Gerald Allen - 1976
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    Space-making and aesthetics: Adaptive restoration, new functions and their experience in architecture.Zoltán Somhegyi - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 69:85-103.
    In this study I investigate several questions related to adaptive restoration, i.e. when a functioning piece of architecture operates with a different purpose to its original one, as well as the role of aesthetics in re-purposing, and the importance of the special forms of experience such a conversion provides. The questions connected to these architectural projects are not only theoretically inspiring, leading to diverse and broad fields of research in architecture, art and aesthetics, but are also crucial on a (...)
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    The Architecture of Potentiality: Weak Utopianism and Educational Space in the Work of Giorgio Agamben.Tyson Edward Lewis - 2012 - Utopian Studies 23 (2):355-373.
    Italian critical theorist Giorgio Agamben is well known for his rigorous attempts to redefine political, aesthetic, and theological concepts through messianic categories. For Agamben, the messianic is not concerned with perpetual waiting for a savior to come and redeem the world. Rather, it concerns the radically open potentiality for action within the contemporary moment. While the temporality of the messianic moment has been emphasized both by Agamben and by the vast secondary literature that has provided ample reflections on his body (...)
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  18. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces.Gernot Böhme - 2017 - Bloomsbury.
    There is fast-growing awareness of the role atmospheres play in architecture. Of equal interest to contemporary architectural practice as it is to aesthetic theory, this 'atmospheric turn' owes much to the work of the German philosopher Gernot Böhme. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces brings together Böhme's most seminal writings on the subject, through chapters selected from his classic books and articles, many of which have hitherto only been available in German. This is the only translated version authorised (...)
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    Architecture as the Art of Shaping the Human Environment and Human Space.Krystyna Najder-Stefaniak - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (12):115-121.
    The author suggests to view the architectural planning of the human environment as „directing” the phenomena and events that occur in human surroundings. In her reflections on human existence she juxtaposes the concepts “environment” and “space”, which both accentuate different aspects of the human environment. The author views “environment” as the objective existence of human surroundings, and “space” as the effect of environmental envisionment and experiencing the environment by means of rationality and valuation.The author also focuses on (...)
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    Architectural Making: Between a "Space of Experience" and a "Horizon of Expectations".Iris Aravot - 2008 - PhaenEx 3 (2):92-114.
    The paper suggests that architectural making , a process of research in practice , and itself a bridging between the space of experience and the horizon of expectations , corresponds to phenomenology as a method of inquiry. This includes architectural phases parallel to epoché, phenomenological reduction, free variations, transcendental intuition of the essence, and description . The paper describes the in-between, its two edges, experience and expectations, and their mutual influences through the process of architectural making. (...)
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  21. Application of Fuzzy Logic in Design of an Aesthetics-Based Interactive Architectural Space.Mihai Nadin - 2018 - International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing 9 (2):113-134.
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    Phenomenological Reading on Symbols of Architecture Space in Korean Traditional Mountain Temples - With Special Reference to BuSeok Sa -. 장규언 - 2015 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (20):99-117.
    필자는 전통 산사 건축이 출가 수행자나 일반인 모두에게 ‘역사적인 종교적 상징’으로 인식되고 있다는 전제 하에서 부석사(浮石寺)를 텍스트로 삼아 ‘예배자의 시각 체험의 관점에서’ 사찰 공간과 그것을 둘러싼 자연(산, 암석, 숲 등)이 예배자에게 어떻게 인식될 수 있는지를 살펴보았다. 먼저 의상은 ‘명당’ 봉황산 부석사를 품은 무진강산 그 자체를 화엄의 무한한 초월의 진리를 설하고 있는 ‘정토’로 보았다는 점에서 예배자에게 그것은 ‘진리의 무한한 초월성’으로 읽힐 수 있을 것이다. 다음으로 의상의 후계자들은 먼저 ‘석축과 계단’의 구성을 통해 각각 ‘붓다의 존엄적 초월성’과 ‘붓다와 예배자의 실존적 만남’이라는 상호 대비적인 (...)
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    Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body by Federico de Matteis.Jasna Sersic - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):142-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body by Federico de MatteisJasna SersicAffective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body BY FEDERICO DE MATTEIS New York, NY: Routledge, 2021What is architectural space? For architects, urban planners, and all involved in the design and transformation of the environment, space is a central subject. However, despite this fact, nobody accurately states what space is all about. As a (...)
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    Architecture for Revolution: Democracy and Public space.Asma Mehan (ed.) - 2015 - Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh.
    Common space and public open spaces are studied and investigated from various aspects in western contexts. What is the most considered in this study is the relationship between public open space and democratic functions in eastern context and especially in Middle Eastern countries. The notion of public is connected to the notion of people in the framework of the nation-state political organization. What was happened in Cairo in 2011, just as in Kiev in 2014, and Turkey 2013 was (...)
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    Augmented Spatial Mediators of Late 20th Century and their Impact on the Realization Process of the Smooth Space in Architectural Discourse: Fresh Water Expo Pavilion Case.Emine Görgül - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:155-172.
    With the rising influence of digitalization and its immense penetration intoeven everyday life, the last decade of the 20th Century addressed to a critical threshold in the successive transformation process of the spatiality in its long-term run. The advanced digital technologies of ubiquitous computing and generative design, as well as the invention of smart materials in late 90’s have all provoked the fluid characteristics of spatiality, and strengthen the transformative capacities of the architectural space through the emergence of (...)
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    Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space.Luciana Parisi - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In Contagious Architecture, Luciana Parisi offers a philosophicalinquiry into the status of the algorithm in architectural and interaction design.
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  27. Portcityscapes as Liminal Spaces: Building Resilient Communities Through Parasitic Architecture in Port Cities.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - In Saif Haq, Adil Sharag-Eldin & Sepideh Niknia (eds.), ARCC 2023 CONFERENCE PROCEEDING: The Research Design Interface. Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc.. pp. 631- 639.
    Port Cities are historically the places for paradigm shifts, radical changes, and socio-economic transitions. In particular, the interaction zone between the port infrastructure and urban activities creates liminal spaces at the forefront of many contemporary challenges. In these liminal spaces, the port's flows, form, and function intertwine with urban contexts and conflict with the living conditions. Conceptualizing the portcityscape and harborscape as liminal space and urban thresholds leads to (re)thinking about innovative participatory methods and technologies for building community resilience (...)
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    Space-time and contemporary architecture.P. A. Michelis - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (2):71-86.
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    The Climate of Spaces. On Architecture, Atmospheres and Time.Federico De Matteis - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):28-37.
    This paper discusses the concept of climate in relation to architectural space. By elaborating on the notion of atmosphere, that today permeates a wide range of architectural research, I intend to expand its relevance by outlining a relationship between atmosphere and climate analogous to what occurs in meteorological studies. While climate represents a rather stable (if evolving) cycle of recurring conditions, atmospheric events are fleeting and less predictable. Equally, architectural spaces can establish a general climatic scaffolding (...)
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  30. The Space of affectivity in the architecture of the capable self.Beatriz Contreras Tasso - 2025 - In Sophie-Jan Arrien & Beatriz Contreras Tasso (eds.), From vulnerability to promise: perspectives on Ricœur from women philosophers. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  31. Reflection: space, vision, and faith: linear perspective in Renaissance art and architecture.Mari Yoko Hara - 2020 - In Andrew Janiak (ed.), Space: a history. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Architecture, dilatation, unproduction.Pierre Caye - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:21-30.
    Architecture is the key mediator between time or duration and production. Creating architecture consists of spacing, leaving intervals, dilating. Space contributes to the construction of time, just as time contributes to the construction of space. This mutual construction of space and time by the means of architecture offers a new approach of the transcendental aesthetic, a transcendental aesthetic which determines the conditions of the productive system to promote the sustainable development.
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    The Space of Appearance Within the Megalopolis. Architectural Culture- Politics of São Paulo 1957-2017.Kenneth Frampton - 2023 - Architecture Philosophy 6 (1/2).
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    (3 other versions)“The space of communicativity”: Lévinas and architecture.Dorian Wiszniewski - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (s1):183-194.
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    The Existential Image: Lived Space in Cinema and Architecture.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2012 - Phainomenon 25 (1):157-174.
    Walter Benjamin pointed out the affinity of cinema and architecture, and argued unexpectedly that tbese art forms are both essentially tactile arts. The tactility of the material art of building is not difficult to grasp, but the idea that a cinematic projection could result in fundamentally tactile experience certainly meets objections. However, the philosophical as well as neurological studies ofthe past few decades in perception, emotion, and thought, as well as in artistic expressions, suggest that these two arts, or poetic (...)
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    Architecture and the poetry of space.Louis Hammer - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (4):381-388.
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    Henri Lefebvre on Space: Architecture, Urban Research, and the Production of Theory / Lukasz Stanek.Lukasz Stanek - 2011 - University of Minnesota Press.
    Introduction -- Henri Lefebvre : the production of theory -- Research : from practices of dwelling to the production of space -- Critique : space as concrete abstraction -- Project : urban society and its architecture -- Afterword : toward an architecture of jouissance.
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    Space complexity and architectural conception: Revisiting Alberti's treatise.Albert Levy - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):253-267.
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    Architecture for adaptable smart spaces oriented on user privacy.Adam Wójtowicz & Daniel Wilusz - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (1):3-17.
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  40. The Space of the Lacerated Subject: Architecture And Abjectiion.Sean Akahane-Bryen & Chris L. Smith - 2019 - Architecture Philosophy 4 (1).
    In Powers of Horror,1 the psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva presented the first explicit, elaborated theory of ‘abjection,’ which she defines as the casting off of that which is not of one’s “clean and proper”2 self. According to Kristeva, abjection is a demarcating impulse which establishes the basis of all object relations, and is operative in the Lacanian narrative of subject formation in early childhood via object differentiation. Abjection continues to operate post-Oedipally to prevent the dissolution of the subject by repressing identification (...)
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    Architecture and the Distribution of the Sensible.Nika Grabar - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (2).
    Following Theodor W. Adorno’s reading of architecture as a purposeful art, the article explores how the social dimension is inscribed into the purposes ascribed to architecture by establishing a relation between what Adorno calls a sense of architectural space and the distribution of the sensible as defined by Jacques Rancière. Considering Rancière’s understanding of the political dimension of different “regimes of art”, the article attempts to show how similar observations can be made regarding architecture. What implications do these (...)
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    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th century (...)
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  43. Institutional Design and Public Space: Hegel, Architecture, and Democracy.J. C. Berendzen - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (2):291-307.
    Habermas's conception of deliberative democracy could be fruitfully supplemented with a discussion of the "institutional design" of civil society; for example the architecture of public spaces should be considered. This paper argues that Hegel's discussion of architecture in his 'Aesthetics' can speak to this issue. For Hegel, architecture culminates in the gothic cathedral, because of how it fosters reflection on the part of the worshiper. This discussion suggests the possibility that architecture could foster a similar kind of intersubjective reflection. To (...)
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    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th century (...)
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  45. The Architecture of image: existential space in cinema.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2001 - Helsinki: Rakennustieto.
    This book explores the shared experiential ground of cinema, art, and architecture. Pallasmaa carefully examines how the classic directors Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Andrei Tarkovsky used architectural imagery to create emotional states in their movies. He also explores the startling similarities between the landscapes of painting and those of movies.
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  46. A Cognitive Architecture for Music Perception Exploiting Conceptual Spaces.Antonio Chella - 2015 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker (eds.), Applications of Conceptual Spaces : the Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation. Cham: Springer Verlag.
  47. Architectural Deleuzism: Neoliberal Space, Control and the'Univer-city'.Douglas Spencer - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 168:9.
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    Complexity: Architecture, Art, Philosophy.Andrew Benjamin (ed.) - 1995 - Distributed to the Trade in the United States of America by National Book Network.
    JPVA Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts No 6 Complexity Architecture / Art / Philosophy 'Beginning with complexity will involve working with the recognition that there has always been more than one. Here however this insistent "more than one" will be positioned beyond the scope of semantics; rather than complexity occurring within the range of meaning and taking the form of a generalised polysemy, it will be linked to the nature of the object and to its production. Complexity, therefore, (...)
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    The Public Face of Architecture: Civic Culture and Public Spaces.Albert William Levi, Nathan Glazer & Mark Lilla - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (3):113.
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    Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture, written by Patricia M. Locke & Rachel McCann.Christopher M. Aanstoos - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):145-148.
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