Results for 'Ariadne von Schirach'

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    Die Herzlichkeit der Vernunft.Ferdinand von Schirach - 2017 - München: Luchterhand. Edited by Alexander Kluge.
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    Lektüre des siebenten Dithyrambus „Klage der Ariadne“.Wolfram Groddeck - 1991 - In „Dionysos-Dithyramben“: Band 1: Textgenetische Edition der Vorstufen Und Reinschriften. Band 2: Die „Dionysos-Dithyramben“. Bedeutung Und Entstehung von Nietzsches Letztem Werk. De Gruyter. pp. 176-213.
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  3. Gerechtigkeit als Stachel des Rechts? - Das Ringen um die Gerechtigkeit im Recht.Anna Puzio - 2020 - Jahrbuchs Für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 62.
    Die anhaltende Popularität von juristisch geprägter Literatur zeigt, dass das Ringen um die Gerechtigkeit im Recht ein brisantes Thema ist, das gesellschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht, provoziert und immer wieder neu zum Nachdenken herausfordert. Zeitgenössisch sind es Autor*innen wie Juli Zeh, Bernhard Schlink, Georg Oswald oder Ferdinand von Schirach (sogenannte Dichterjurist*innen 1 ), die die Frage nach Recht und Gerechtigkeit literarisch verbinden und deren Problemkontexte beleuchten. Juli Zeh lässt ihrem Roman Spieltrieb die Erzählerinstanz sprechen: „Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal (...)
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    Crime and Guilt.Alice Woolley - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (2):412-420.
    Alice Woolley reviews Crime and Guilt by Ferdinand von Schirach.
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  5. (1 other version)Dionysische Perspektiven. Eine philosophische Interpretation der Dionysos-Dithyramben.Michael Skowron - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:296-315.
    Ausgehend von der methodischen Leitfrage, warum Nietzsche in den Dionysos-Dithyramben gerade diese besonderen Dithyramben ausgewählt und in dieser Folge zu einem Zyklus zusammengestellt hat, werden die DD nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern von ihrer Komposition und ihrem narrativem Zusammenhang her. Die Komposition der neuen Dithyramben gliesdert sie einerseits symmetrisch in zwei 'gerechte' Teile, andererseits asymmetrisch in drei Triaden, die eine narrativ nachvollzichbare Verwandlung in den Dionysos-Dithyramben angzien. Sie führt von dem in der ersten Triade zur Sprache kommenden historischen Erbe Zarathustras über (...)
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    Trotz/dem Subjekt.Ugo Perone - 1998 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Die Hermeneutik setzt sich mit dem Subjekt auseinander, sie entdeckt dessen List und Tauschung, sie schafft es aber nicht ab. Sie uberlasst es vielmehr der geduldigen Arbeit der Interpretation den Faden der Ariadne zu probieren, der uns nicht aus dem Labyrinth der Welt herausfuhrt, sondern es in einen bewohnbaren Ort verwandelt. Um dies zu tun, muss man am Subjekt gesichert arbeiten und sich gleichzeitig zu seinen aussersten Grenzen vorstrecken: wieder das Subjekt denken aber, zur gleichen Zeit und trotz dem (...)
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    Moral Engagement and Disengagement in Health Care AI Development.Ariadne A. Nichol, Meghan Halley, Carole Federico, Mildred K. Cho & Pamela L. Sankar - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (4):291-300.
    Background Machine learning (ML) is utilized increasingly in health care, and can pose harms to patients, clinicians, health systems, and the public. In response, regulators have proposed an approach that would shift more responsibility to ML developers for mitigating potential harms. To be effective, this approach requires ML developers to recognize, accept, and act on responsibility for mitigating harms. However, little is known regarding the perspectives of developers themselves regarding their obligations to mitigate harms.Methods We conducted 40 semi-structured interviews with (...)
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    Ares and the Danaids in Aeschylus’ Suppliants.Ariadne Konstantinou - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 114 (1):25-38.
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    Tradition and innovation in greek tragedy's mythological exempla.Ariadne Konstantinou - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):476-488.
    Novelties introduced into traditional myths are an essential characteristic of Greek tragedy. Each and every play demonstrates, in different ways, how tragedians were versatile and innovative in handling mythic material. Modern prefaces to individual tragedies often discuss the possible innovations in the dramatization of a myth compared to previous or subsequent versions. Innovations advanced in a play sometimes became so familiar that they came to be regarded as ‘standard’. Such examples include the condemnation and death of the protagonist in Sophocles’ (...)
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    Winnicott e o Middle Group: a diferença que faz diferença.Ariadne Alvarenga de Rezende Engelberg de Moraes - 2008 - Natureza Humana 10 (1):73-104.
    Considerando que a fundação do Middle Group é uma dissidência teórica do pensamento psicanalítico clássico, destaco as idéias centrais dos teóricos britânicos das relações de objeto, mostrando os pontos de divergência entre eles e Klein, autora que, apesar de pioneira no desenvolvimento do conceito de relações objetais, apresentava-se como principal representante do pensamento tradicional. Em seguida, analiso a noção winnicottiana de constituição de um si-mesmo e de conquista do concernimento como os fundamentos teóricos que marcam a originalidade de Winnicott no (...)
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    Potential Implications of Testing an Experimental mRNA-Based Vaccine During an Emerging Infectious Disease Pandemic.Ariadne A. Nichol - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):W2-W3.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page W2-W3.
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    The One Health Approach to Zoonotic Emerging Infectious Diseases.Ariadne Nichol & David Magnus - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):1-2.
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    Excerpting practices and the interpretation of Greek myth: Melanion and Timon in Aristophanes.Ariadne Konstantinou - 2020 - Hermes 148 (4):457.
    This article addresses the topic of excerpts by focusing on modern excerpting practices used in the analysis of Greek myth. It examines the mythological exemplum about Melanion and Timon from Aristophanes’ Lysistrata within the context of Greek myth’s flexibility and potential for innovation. After discussing the innovative details of the exempla, I turn to the use of the Melanion excerpt by two prominent classicists, P. Vidal-Naquet and M. Detienne. This leads to some general remarks on the transmission of knowledge regarding (...)
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    Greek drama and female protagonists - (h.M.) Roisman tragic heroines in ancient greek drama. Pp. X + 314, map. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2021. Paper, £24.99, us$34.95 (cased, £75, us$100). Isbn: 978-1-350-10399-3 (978-1-350-10398-6 hbk). [REVIEW]Ariadne Konstantinou - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):42-44.
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    Caso B: a experiência da perda do concernimento e a importância da análise.Ariadne Alvarenga de Rezende Engelberg de Moraes - 2010 - Natureza Humana 12 (1):1-30.
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    The Impact of Job Performance in Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean.Willam Suárez Peña, Yesica Llontop Arista, Exandra de Nazareth Llanos Vásquez, Lina Ariadne Gonzáles Imán & Rafael Damián Villón Prieto - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1249-1262.
    The purpose of this article was to analyze the impact of work performance on companies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The methodology used was a qualitative approach, a literature review was carried out through the documentary analysis of scientific articles, triangulation was also used as a technique for the analysis of information. Among the main results are: Job performance has a significant impact on productivity, effectiveness of public management and work performance in the region, human resource management is fundamental (...)
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    Leadership in the Employees of a Public Institution, Cajamarca.Suárez Peña, Willam, Villón Prieto, Rafael Damián, Llontop Arista, Llanos Vásquez Yesica, Alexandra de Nazareth, Gonzáles Imán & Lina Ariadne - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1521-1534.
    The general objective of this research was to understand the manifestations of managerial leadership in the employees of a public institution in Cajamarca. The research is qualitative in nature, based on the analysis of scientific research obtained from the review of various studies and academic documents. The main results revealed the coexistence of different leadership approaches within the institution, highlighting transformational leadership and systemic leadership, characterized by fostering skills development, promoting a shared vision, and stimulating innovation; however, the presence of (...)
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    “‘It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience’: pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana”: a letter to editors.Livia Maria de Souza Gonçalves, Felipe Felizardo Mattos Vieira, Ariadne Botto Fiorot, Sthefany Brito Salomão & Luciano Soares - 2023 - Global Bioethics 34 (1):1-3.
    Establishing effective pharmaceutical governance is a challenge for government agencies, private enterprises, and professionals working on the ground, demanding complex ethical decisions from the actors involved, especially in a lower-middle-income country like Ghana. This letter aims to share the author’s perspectives and additional considerations on the analyses of the reports in the paper “It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience”: pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana by Hampshire et al. The (...)
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  19. CIA leaks.Kai von Fintel & Anthony S. Gillies - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (1):77-98.
    Epistemic modals are standardly taken to be context-dependent quantifiers over possibilities. Thus sentences containing them get truth-values with respect to both a context and an index. But some insist that this relativization is not relative enough: `might'-claims, they say, only get truth-values with respect to contexts, indices, and—the new wrinkle—points of assessment (hence, CIA). Here we argue against such "relativist" semantics. We begin with a sketch of the motivation for such theories and a generic formulation of them. Then we catalogue (...)
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    The Theory of Meaning.Jakob von Uexküll - 1982 - Semiotica 42 (1).
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    Wittgenstein.G. H. von Wright - 1982 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  22. An Outline of General System Theory.Ludwig von Bertalanffy - 1950 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1 (2):134-165.
  23. The presupposition of subjunctive conditionals.Kai von Fintel - 1997
    Why are some conditionals subjunctive? It is often assumed that at least one crucial difference is that subjunctive conditionals presuppose that their antecedent is false, that they are counterfactual (Lakoff 1970). The traditional theory has apparently been refuted. Perhaps the clearest counter-example is one given by Alan Anderson (1951: 37): If Jones had taken arsenic, he would have shown just exactly those symptoms which he does in fact show. A typical place to use such a subjunctive conditional would be in (...)
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  24. Wittgenstein.G. H. von Wright - 1984 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):132-133.
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  25. If and when if -clauses can restrict quantifiers.Kai von Fintel - manuscript
    The interpretation of if -clauses in the scope of ordinary quantifiers has provoked semanticists into extraordinary measures, such as abandoning compositionality or claiming that if has no meaning. We argue that if -clauses have a normal conditional meaning, even in the scope of ordinary quantifiers, and that the trick is to have the right semantics for conditionals.
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  26. Would you believe it? The king of France is back! Presuppositions and truth-value intuitions.Kai Von Fintel - 2004 - In Marga Reimer & Anne Bezuidenhout (eds.), Descriptions and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  27. A note on deontic logic and derived obligation.Georg von Wright - 1956 - Mind 65 (260):507-509.
  28. Positivism a Study in Human Understanding.RICHARD VON MISES - 1951 - General Publications.
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  29. Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis.Ludwig von Mises - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (2):265-270.
  30. Synchronistic phenomena as entanglement correlations in generalized quantum theory.Walter von Lucado & H. Romer - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (4):50-74.
    Synchronistic or psi phenomena are interpreted as entanglement correlations in a generalized quantum theory. From the principle that entanglement correlations cannot be used for transmitting information, we can deduce the decline effect, frequently observed in psi experiments, and we propose strategies for suppressing it and improving the visibility of psi effects. Some illustrative examples are discussed.
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    Causation.Franz Von Kutschera - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (6):563 - 588.
    As cause we often specify an event the occurrence of which first guaranteed that of the effect. This notion is explicated in a framework of branching worlds in Sections I to V. VI and VII point out its close relations to the concept of an agent's bringing about an event. The topic of the last two sections is the distinction between causes and necessary circumstances. For this purpose conditionals are used, interpreted with respect to branching worlds without a similarity relation (...)
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    Chimpanzees’ Bystander Reactions to Infanticide.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Carel P. van Schaik, Alexandra Kissling & Judith M. Burkart - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (2):143-160.
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  33. An essay on the relativity of categories.L. von Bertalanffy - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (4):243-263.
    Among recent developments in the anthropological sciences, hardly any have found so much attention and led to so much controversy as have the views advanced by the late Benjamin Whorf.The hypothesis offered by Whorf is,“that the commonly held belief that the cognitive processes of all human beings possess a common logical structure which operates prior to and independently of communication through language, is erroneous. It is Whorf's view that the linguistic patterns themselves determine what the individual perceives in this world (...)
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  34. The theory of money and credit.Ludwig von Mises - unknown
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  35. The radical constructivist view of science.Ernst von Glasersfeld - 2001 - Foundations of Science 6 (1-3):31-43.
    From the constructivist perspective, science cannot transcend thedomain of experience. Scientific theories are seen as models that helpto order and manage that domain. As the experiential field expands,models are replaced by others based on novel conceptual constructs. Thepaper suggests the substitution of viability or functional fit forthe notions of Truth and objective representation of anexperiencer-independent reality. This by-passes the sceptics'incontrovertible arguments against certain real-world knowledge andproposes the Piagetian conception of cognition as the function thatgenerates ways and means for dealing with (...)
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    On Gestalt-qualities.Christian Von Ehrenfels - 1937 - Psychological Review 44 (6):521-524.
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    Liberalism.Ludwig von Mises - unknown
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  38. Probability and determinism.Jan Von Plato - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (1):51-66.
    This paper discusses different interpretations of probability in relation to determinism. It is argued that both objective and subjective views on probability can be compatible with deterministic as well as indeterministic situations. The possibility of a conceptual independence between probability and determinism is argued to hold on a general level. The subsequent philosophical analysis of recent advances in classical statistical mechanics (ergodic theory) is of independent interest, but also adds weight to the claim that it is possible to justify an (...)
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  39. Special supplement: The Wittgenstein papers.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (4):483-503.
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    A sequent calculus isomorphic to gentzen’s natural deduction.Jan von Plato - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (1):43-53.
    Gentzens natural deduction. Thereby the appearance of the cuts in translation is explained.
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  41. Ludwig Wittgenstein, a biographical sketch.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (4):527-545.
  42. (1 other version)Space and Sight: The Perception of Space and Shape in the Congenitally Blind before and after Operation.M. von Senden - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (139):80-81.
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  43. (2 other versions)The Logical Problem of Induction.G. H. VON WRIGHT - 1957 - Philosophy 35 (132):77-80.
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    The Ticking Clock: Addressing Farm Animal Welfare in Emerging Countries.Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk & Maria José Hötzel - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):179-195.
    Over the last decade many emerging economies, and in particular Brazil, have established themselves as major players in global food animal production. Within these countries much of the increase in food animal production has been achieved by the adoption of intensive housing systems similar to those found in most industrialized countries. However, it is now well established that many of these systems are associated with numerous welfare problems, particularly with respect to restriction of movement. Previous work has shown that people (...)
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  45. The structural diversity of historical injustices.Jeppe Von Platz & David A. Reidy - 2006 - Journal of Social Philosophy 37 (3):360–376.
    Driven by a sharp increase in claims for reparations, reparative justice has become a topic of academic debate. To some extent this debate has been marred by a failure to realize the complexity of reparative justice. In this essay we try to amend this shortcoming. We do this by developing a taxonomy of different kinds of wrongs that can underwrite claims to reparations. We identify four kinds of wrongs: entitlement violations, unjust exclusions from an otherwise acceptable system of entitlements, and (...)
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    Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Perioperative Nursing Practice Through Critical Incidents.Iréne von Post - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (3):236-249.
    This article describes the nature of ethical dilemmas in perioperative nursing practice. Using the Critical Incident Technique, common ethical dilemmas experienced by periop erative nurses are explored. The aim of the study was to elicit the ethical dilemmas that arise in perioperative nurses' practice. The study has a descriptive design and the data are critical incidents described by 48 anaesthetic nurses and 76 operating theatre nurses. An analysis of the critical incidents gave four domains of ethical dilemmas: those arising as (...)
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    Toward a Wireless Open Source Instrument: Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Mobile Neuroergonomics and BCI Applications.Alexander von Lühmann, Christian Herff, Dominic Heger & Tanja Schultz - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  48. Time, Change and Contradiction.G. H. VON WRIGHT - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (4):372-374.
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    Emotion and social structures: Towards an interdisciplinary approach.Christian von Scheve & Rolf von Luede - 2005 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 35 (3):303–328.
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  50. Hedging your ifs and vice versa.Kai von Fintel & Anthony S. Gillies - unknown
    “Any theory of conditionals has consequences for less-than-certain judgements. Something is proposed of the form: If A, B is true iff A*B. If a clear-headed person, free from confusions of a logical, linguistic or referential sort, can be nearly sure that A*B yet far from sure that if A, B, or vice versa, then this is strong evidence against the proposal.” (Edgington 1995/2007).
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