Results for 'Arnd Küppers'

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  1. Christian Humanism: The Ethical Basis of the German Model of Social Market Economy.Arnd Küppers - 2015 - In Martin Schlag & Domènec Melé, Humanism in Economics and Business: Perspectives of the Catholic Social Tradition. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Migration, Labor, and Welfare.Arnd Küppers - 2022 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 41 (3):547-563.
    The desire for work, income, and better living conditions is the main cause for international migration. Such labor migration is also called economic migration, although it has many non-economic aspects and side effects as well. This article seeks to examine the reasons for and the consequences of international labor migration in its different dimensions. This will take into consideration the interests of all three groups involved: the migrants and their families, the countries of origin and their peoples, the host countries, (...)
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    Frame Reflection Lab: a Playful Method for Frame Reflection on Synthetic Biology.Frank Kupper, Jacqueline Broerse, Anouk Heltzel & Marjoleine Meij - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (2):155-172.
    Synthetic biology is an emerging technology that asks for inclusive reflection on how people frame the field. To unravel how we can facilitate such reflection, this study evaluates the Frame Reflection Lab. Building upon playfulness design principles, the FRL comprises a workshop with video-narratives and co-creative group exercises. We studied how the FRL facilitated frame reflection by organizing workshops with various student groups. Analysis of 12 group conversations and 158 mini-exit surveys yielded patterns in first-order reflection as well as patterns (...)
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    Pierre Angels transrheinische Antisemitismusforschung.Patrick Küppers - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (3):278-282.
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    Religion and Society in the 21st Century.Joachim Küpper, Klaus W. Hempfer & Erika Fischer-Lichte (eds.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    This volume focuses on religion from a trans-cultural perspective. Its aim is to suggest new ways of seeing how religions might coexist peacefully within different societies of the 21st century. Can secular culture be the path to convince different religions to endorse a shared ideal of peaceful co-existence? The chapters take into consideration the socio-political implications of religions in Asian, African, Latin-American and European contexts.
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    Ottmar Ette: TransArea. Eine literarische Globalisierungsgeschichte, Berlin: De Gruyter 2012, 334+X S.Patrick Küppers - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (3):301-302.
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  7. The context-dependence of biological information.Bern-Olaf Küppers - 1995 - Ludus Vitalis 3 (5):5-18.
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    Deliberating Animal Values: a Pragmatic—Pluralistic Approach to Animal Ethics.Frank Kupper & Tjard De Cock Buning - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):431-450.
    Debates in animal ethics are largely characterized by ethical monism, the search for a single, timeless, and essential trait in which the moral standing of animals can be grounded. In this paper, we argue that a monistic approach towards animal ethics hampers and oversimplifies the moral debate. The value pluralism present in our contemporary societies requires a more open and flexible approach to moral inquiry. This paper advocates the turn to a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to animal ethics. It contributes to (...)
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    Deliberating Animal Values: a Pragmatic—Pluralistic Approach to Animal Ethics.Frank Kupper & Tjard Cock Buning - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):431-450.
    Debates in animal ethics are largely characterized by ethical monism, the search for a single, timeless, and essential trait in which the moral standing of animals can be grounded. In this paper, we argue that a monistic approach towards animal ethics hampers and oversimplifies the moral debate. The value pluralism present in our contemporary societies requires a more open and flexible approach to moral inquiry. This paper advocates the turn to a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to animal ethics. It contributes to (...)
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    Dimensionen ästhetischer Erfahrung.Joachim Küpper & Christoph Menke (eds.) - 2003 - Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
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  11. Begriff und Grund der Rechtsgeltung in der aktuellen Diskussion.Georg Küpper - 1991 - Rechtstheorie 22:71-86.
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  12. Das Proömium der 'Cynegetica' Nemesians:: Ein Exemplum spätlateinischer Klassikerrezeption.Jochem Küppers - 1987 - Hermes 115 (4):473-498.
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    (1 other version)Understanding Complexity.Bernd-Olaf Kuppers - 1992 - In Ansgar Beckermann, Hans Flohr & Jaegwon Kim, Emergence or Reduction?: Prospects for Nonreductive Physicalism. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 241.
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  14. Computersimulationen: Modellierungen 2. Ordnung.Günter Küppers & Johannes Lenhard - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):305-329.
    Es soll ein Beitrag zur epistemischen Charakterisierung von Computersimulationen als jenseits von Experiment und Theorie geleistet werden. Es wird argumentiert, dass die in der Simulationstechnik eingesetzten Verfahren nicht numerische Lösungen liefern, sondern deren Dynamik mittels generativer Mechanismen imitieren. Die Computersimulationen in der Klimatologie werden als systematisches wie historisches Fallbeispiel behandelt. Erst "Simulationsexperimente" gestatten es, mittels Modellen eine Dynamik zu imitieren, ohne deren Grundgleichungen zu "lösen". /// Computer simulations will be characterized in epistemic respect as a method between experiment and theory. (...)
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    Responsible Reporting: Neuroimaging News in the Age of Responsible Research and Innovation.Irja Marije de Jong, Frank Kupper, Marlous Arentshorst & Jacqueline Broerse - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1107-1130.
    Besides offering opportunities in both clinical and non-clinical domains, the application of novel neuroimaging technologies raises pressing dilemmas. ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’ (RRI) aims to stimulate research and innovation activities that take ethical and social considerations into account from the outset. We previously identified that Dutch neuroscientists interpret “responsible innovation” as educating the public on neuroimaging technologies via the popular press. Their aim is to mitigate (neuro)hype, an aim shared with the wider emerging RRI community. Here, we present results of (...)
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    Le structuralisme français et la réception allemande.Joachim Küpper - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):107-117.
    L’article discute la réception du structuralisme français dans les milieux académiques de langue allemande des années soixante-dix du xx e siècle. Après avoir décrit la situation en Allemagne de l’Ouest, mais aussi en Allemagne de l’Est, l’article tente de développer quelques hypothèses qui pourraient expliquer le succès éclatant du structuralisme français en Allemagne. Dans ce contexte, on présente aussi une analyse brève de la relation entre le structuralisme et la méthode « autochtone » de l’interprétation de textes littéraires, c’est-à-dire l’herméneutique.
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    Emotions Guaranteed: On the Kitsch Contract.Thomas Küpper - 2025 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (2):52-62.
    Kitsch is usually described as overwhelming – as if it captivates the audience, almost inevitably taking hold of them and manipulating emotions. Such assumptions are influenced by aesthetic positions like Kant’s, who claimed that ‘pure’ aesthetic judgments are independent of emotions, a position out of which a traditional defensive attitude towards emotions in the aesthetic sphere emerged. While steadfast in this defensiveness towards kitsch, the question arises whether theories in this lineage have not in fact overestimated the directness and completeness (...)
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    Mimesis und Fiktion in Literatur, Bildender Kunst und Musik.Joachim Küpper - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 53 (2):7-28.
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    Introduction.Joachim Küpper - 2014 - In Joachim Küpper, Klaus W. Hempfer & Erika Fischer-Lichte, Religion and Society in the 21st Century. De Gruyter. pp. 1-12.
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    Die Faunus-Prophezeiung in der 1. Ekloge des Calpurnius Siculus.Jochem Küppers - 1985 - Hermes 113 (3):340-361.
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  21. Schopenhauers Straftheorie und die aktuelle Strafzweckdiskussion.G. Küpper - 1990 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 71:207-216.
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    Image politics, without the real: Simulacra, dandyism and disability fashion.Petra Kuppers - 2002 - In Mairian Corker Tom Shakespeare, Disability/Postmodernity: Embodying Disability Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 184--197.
  23. Perspectives for an evolutionary biotechnology.Bernd-Olaf Kuppers - 2001 - In Hans Lenk & Matthias Maring, Advances and problems in the philosophy of technology. Münster: Lit. pp. 5--383.
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  24. Deliberating Animal Values: a Pragmatic—Pluralistic Approach to Animal Ethics. [REVIEW]Frank Kupper & Tjard Cock Bunindeg - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):431-450.
    Debates in animal ethics are largely characterized by ethical monism, the search for a single, timeless, and essential trait in which the moral standing of animals can be grounded. In this paper, we argue that a monistic approach towards animal ethics hampers and oversimplifies the moral debate. The value pluralism present in our contemporary societies requires a more open and flexible approach to moral inquiry. This paper advocates the turn to a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to animal ethics. It contributes to (...)
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    Knowledge and the World: Challenges Beyond the Science Wars.Martin Carrier, Johannes Roggenhofer, Günter Küppers & Philippe Blanchard - 2011 - Springer.
    The fundamental question whether, or in which sense, science informs us about the real world has pervaded the history of thought since antiquity. Is what science tells us about the world determined unambiguously by facts or does the content of any scientific theory in some way depend on the human condition? "Sokal`s hoax" added a new dimension to this controversial debate, which very quickly came to been known as "Science Wars". "Knowledge and the World" examines and reviews the broad range (...)
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    La subjectivité à travers les médias : étude comparée des médias participatifs et de la presse traditionnelle.Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac & Anne Küppers - 2011 - Corpus 10:179-199.
    Cette étude propose une analyse des différences et similitudes linguistiques dans la presse écrite traditionnelle et les médias participatifs en ligne afin d’évaluer dans quelle mesure la production et la diffusion en ligne peuvent modifier nos usages linguistiques. Les analyses effectuées se basent sur un large corpus (8 millions de mots) qui représente des modes d’expression et des degrés de subjectivité a priori différents.
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  27. Das „Wie “und „Warum “von Solidarität: Bedingungen und Ursachen der Bereitschaft zum Engagement für andere.Hans Werner Bierhoff & Beate Küpper - 1999 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 10 (2):181-196.
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  28. Meine Solidarität ist besser als Deine: Der Prozess der Herstellung begrifflicher Ordnung.Hans-Werner Bierhoff & Beate Küpper - 1999 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 10 (2):242-255.
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    Documents administratifs de la Salle 135 du Palais de Mari, transcrits et traduitsArchives administratives de Mari i.M. Stol, Jean-Robert Kupper, G. Bardet, F. Joannès, B. Lafont, D. Soubeyran, P. Villard & F. Joannes - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (2):355.
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  30. Bild und text: Zu einigen systematischen implikaten der frühneuzeitlichen emblematik.Joachim Küpper - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 50 (1).
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    Einige Überlegungen zu Musik und Sprache.Joachim Küpper - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 51 (1):9-43.
    The article resumes the discussion on the relation of absolute music and language. Firstly, a critical look is taken at the two current theses: that music bears no meaning, or rather, that music is meaningful analogue to language. The second step describes the concept that processes conferring meaning upon music do not differ from corresponding processes regarding language. In a further step, however, the case is made that the structure of sound concatenations follows different principles concerning music on the one (...)
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    Nur Wissen kann Wissen beherrschen: Macht und Verantwortung der Wissenschaft.Bernd-Olaf Küppers - 2008 - Köln, Germany: Fackelträger.
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    Pandemic-Related Audit of the German Banking System.Jan Küpper - 2022 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 7 (1).
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    Review of Ivan Landa, Joseph Grim Feinberg and Jan Mervart (eds.), Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete, London, Brill 2022, Hardcover: ISBN 978-90-04-50324-4, E-book: ISBN 978-90-04-50324-3, € 144.45. [REVIEW]Martin Küpper - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (3):479-482.
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    Kants »Kritik der Urteilskraft« und die Philosophie der Aufklärung.Joachim Küpper - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 55 (1):9-23.
    This paper seeks to examine the relation between Kant’s aesthetic theory and the philosophy of Enlightenment. My study will focus on two central aspects from the Critique of Judgment: In connection with the Analytic of the Sublime, I will argue that Kant’s discussion of the concept enabled the development of the opinion that experiencing the specifically modern artistic beauty works as a means to equip us with an awareness of ourselves as beings equipped with reason. The second aspect I want (...)
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  36. Confrontando la complejidad: problemas de reducción en biología.Bernd-Olaf Küppers - 1993 - Ludus Vitalis 1 (1):117-135.
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    Uti und frui bei Augustinus und die Problematik des Genießens in der ästhetischen Theorie des Okzidents.Joachim Küpper - 2002 - In Wolfgang Klein & Manfred Naumann, Genuss und Egoismus: zur Kritik ihrer geschichtlichen Verknüpfung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 3-29.
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    On Power.Patrick Kupper, Odinn Melsted & Irene Pallua - 2017 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 25 (1):143-158.
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    Das Alter macht Epoche. Literarische Semantik um 1800.Thomas Küpper - 2007 - In Jörg Vögele, Johannes Siegrist, Hans-Georg Pott, Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, Christoph auf der Horst, Henriette Herwig, Monika Gomille & Heiner Fangerau, Alterskulturen Und Potentiale des Alters. Akademie Verlag. pp. 237-248.
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    Exegetisches zu einigen Stellen bei Lukan.Jochem Küppers - 1988 - Hermes 116 (4):445-467.
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  41. Schopenhauer und der Wert der Freiheit.Dieter Birnbacher & Georg Küpper - 1994 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 75:75-96.
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    Die spätantike prosakomödie ‚querolus sive aulularia‘ und Das problem ihrer vorlagen.Jochem Küppers - 1989 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 133 (1-2):82-103.
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    The Secret Life of Classical and Arabic Medical Texts in Petrarch’s Canzoniere.Joachim Küpper - 2018 - In Igor Candido, Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 91-128.
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    Zum 'querolus' (p. 17.7-22 R.) und seiner datierung.Jochen Küppers - 1979 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 123 (1-2):303-323.
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    Constructing future scenarios as a tool to foster responsible research and innovation among future synthetic biologists.Afke Wieke Betten, Virgil Rerimassie, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Dirk Stemerding & Frank Kupper - 2018 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14 (1):1-20.
    The emerging field of synthetic biology, the designing and construction of biological parts, devices and systems for useful purposes, may simultaneously resolve some issues and raise others. In order to develop applications robustly and in the public interest, it is important to organize reflexive strategies of assessment and engagement in early stages of development. Against this backdrop, initiatives related to the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation have also appeared. This paper describes such an initiative: the construction of future scenarios (...)
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    Citizen Science Fiction: The Potential of Situated Speculative Prototyping for Public Engagement on Emerging Technologies.Jantien W. Schuijer, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse & Frank Kupper - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (1):1-18.
    In response to calls for a research and innovation system that is more open to public scrutiny, we have seen a growth of formal and informal public engagement activities in the past decades. Nevertheless, critiques of several persistent routines in public engagement continue to resurface, in particular the focus on expert knowledge, cognitive exchange, risk discourse, and understandings of public opinion as being static. In an attempt to break out of these routines, we experimented with an innovative engagement format that (...)
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    Book Review: Embodied Performances: Sexuality, Gender, Bodies. [REVIEW]Petra Kuppers - 2018 - Feminist Review 118 (1):115-116.
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    Juggling Roles, Experiencing Dilemmas: The Challenges of SSH Scholars in Public Engagement.Jantien Willemijn Schuijer, Jacqueline Broerse & Frank Kupper - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (2):169-189.
    The progressive introduction of emerging technologies, such as nanotechnology, has created a true testing ground for public engagement initiatives. Widespread experimentation has taken place with public and stakeholder dialogue and inclusive approaches to research and innovation more generally. Against this backdrop, Social Science and Humanities scholars have started to manifest themselves differently. They have taken on new roles in the public engagement field, including more practical and policy-oriented ones that seek to actively open the R&I system to wider public scrutiny. (...)
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    Curriculum „Ethikberatung im Krankenhaus“.Arnd T. May & Gerald Neitzke - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):322-326.
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    Ethical decision making in the clinical practice: role of the Healthcare Ethics Committee.Arnd T. May - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (3):242-252.
    Zur patientenorientierten Behandlung bei nichteinwilligungsfähigen Patienten werden aktuell der Einbezug oder auch die Entscheidung durch ein Ethikkonsil oder klinisches Ethikkomitee (KEK) gefordert. Damit die Entscheidung des Entscheidungsträgers durch das KEK unterstützt werden kann, müssen Zuständigkeiten, Besetzung und Arbeitsweise des Gremiums klar umschrieben sein.
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