Results for 'Arrigo Lampugnani-Nigri'

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    Per Proudhon.Arrigo Lampugnani-Nigri - 1970 - Man and World 3 (1):76-101.
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  2. A utilitarian argument against torture interrogation of terrorists.Jean Maria Arrigo - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (3):543-572.
    Following the September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, much support for torture interrogation of terrorists has emerged in the public forum, largely based on the “ticking bomb” scenario. Although deontological and virtue ethics provide incisive arguments against torture, they do not speak directly to scientists and government officials responsible for national security in a utilitarian framework. Drawing from criminology, organizational theory, social psychology, the historical record, and my interviews with military professionals, I assess the potential of an official (...)
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    Pre-crime, Post-criminology, and the Captivity of Ultramodern Desire.Bruce A. Arrigo, Brian Sellers & Jo Sostakas - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (2):497-514.
    This article further elaborates on the “pre-crime society” thesis as developed and examined by Arrigo and Sellers. Specifically, the article focuses on the ultramodern era of digital inter-connectivity and argues that productive psychic desire is held clinically captive. Ultra-modernity is populated by cyber-forms of human relating and of economic exchange that nurture hyper-securitization. We discuss how the maintenance of hyper-securitization supports a pre-crime society, and how hyper-securitization’s object of desire consists of sign-optics. We argue that the co-constitutive forces of (...)
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    Family Business in Italy: a Humanistic Transition of Assets and Values from One Generation to the Next.Giorgia Nigri & Riccardo Di Stefano - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):57-76.
    This paper analyzes the family business as an organizational entity and as a proprietary form useful to transmit personal values and company assets to the next generations. This paper aims to introduce the legal instruments in Italy to transfer family businesses and to evaluate how these are useful for ensuring not only the survival of the company in the market but also that family values and characteristics pass from one generation to the next maintaining a prosocial humanistic management perspective. The (...)
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    The Ethics of Total Confinement: A Critique of Madness, Citizenship, and Social Justice.Bruce A. Arrigo, Heather Y. Bersot & Brian G. Sellers - 2011 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Heather Y. Bersot & Brian G. Sellers.
    In three parts, this volume in the AP-LS series explores the phenomena of captivity and risk management, guided and informed by the theory, method, and policy of psychological jurisprudence. The authors present a controversial thesis that demonstrates how the forces of captivity and risk management are sustained by several interdependent "conditions of control." These conditions impose barriers to justice and set limits on citizenship for one and all. Situated at the nexus of political/social theory, mental health law and jurisprudential ethics, (...)
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  6.  57
    Mereología, teoría del conocimiento y metafísica de Ortega como fundamento de la Antropología Metafísica de Julián Marías.Francesco De Nigris - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (1):205-232.
    For a better understanding of Julián Marías’ Metaphysic Antropology, it is recommendable going back to the Ortega’s mereology, epistemology and metaphysic, especially in order to clarify the meaning of “structure”, “system”, “organ” and “function”. The vital reason is personal project as the systematic openness to its circumstance, whose unitary, empirical and structural structure is “man”.
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  7. Hobbes and biblical philology in the service of the state.Arrigo Pacchi - 1988 - Topoi 7 (3):231-239.
  8.  73
    Intencionalidad, pasividad y autoconciencia en la fenomenología de Husserl.Francesco de Nigris - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):215-250.
    A pesar de los matices y variaciones de significado, el concepto husserliano de intencionalidad no deja de estar al servicio de la idea clásica de la verdad como adaequatio, finalmente adaptada al orden monádico de la conciencia trascendental. Veremos, sin embargo, que en los análisis de Husserl sobre la conciencia interna del tiempo se manifiesta toda la dificultad para interpretar intencionalmente la esfera pasiva de la conciencia, peligrando la peculiar vocación a la verdad de la misma intencionalidad. Intentaremos, mediante las (...)
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  9.  12
    Ortega et la Métaphysique.Francesco de Nigris - 2015 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 271 (1):13-44.
    En approfondissant la pensée d'Ortega, nous découvrons que la métaphysique est une science de la réalité radicale, du sens et un mode de vie. Nous verrons que la réalité radicale est la vie individuelle et que le sens de la raison vitale est personnel, ce qui implique un changement dans la conception traditionnelle du sujet, de l'objet et de la vérité.
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    Constrained spherical deconvolution analysis of the limbic network in human, with emphasis on a direct cerebello-limbic pathway.Alessandro Arrigo, Enricomaria Mormina, Giuseppe Pio Anastasi, Michele Gaeta, Alessandro Calamuneri, Angelo Quartarone, Simona De Salvo, Daniele Bruschetta, Giuseppina Rizzo, Fabio Trimarchi & Demetrio Milardi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11.  32
    A military/intelligence operational perspective on the American Psychological Association’s weaponization of psychology post-9/11.Jean Maria Arrigo, Lawrence P. Rockwood, Jack O’Brien, Dutch Franz, David DeBatto & John Kiriakou - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (5):51-79.
    We examine the role of the American Psychological Association (APA) in the weaponization of American psychology post-9/11. In 2004, psychologists’ involvement in the detention and interrogation of terrorist suspects generated controversy over psychological ethics in national security (PENS). Two signal events inflamed the controversy. The 2005 APA PENS Report legitimized clinical psychology consultation in support of military/intelligence operations with detained terrorist suspects. An independent review, the 2015 Hoffman Report, found APA collusion with the US Department of Defense in producing the (...)
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  12.  19
    Juicio, percepción y existencia pragmática en el pensamiento de Franz Brentano.Francesco De Nigris - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (261):919-937.
    La filosofía de Brentano, más conocida por introducir el antiguo concepto de intencionalidad para distinguir los fenómenos psíquicos de los físicos, acaba siendo una peculiar metafísica en que el objeto es función de la actividad autoperceptiva del sujeto. Los conceptos de juicio como reconocimiento y de conciencia secundaria como percepción interna tienen un papel fundamental en este proceso, porque establecen, desde el comienzo de su doctrina, un ámbito de realidad indudable en que se cumple el concepto clásico de verdad como (...)
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  13. Rethinking the language of law, justice, and community: Postmodern feminist jurisprudence.Bruce A. Arrigo - 1995 - In David S. Caudill (ed.), Radical Philosophy of Law: Contemporary Challenges to Mainstream Legal Theory and Practice. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanity Books. pp. 88--107.
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    La religione nel pensiero di Platone dai primi dialoghi al Fedro.Arrigo Bortolotti - 1986 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    La religione nel pensiero di Platone dalla Repubblica agli ultimi scritti.Arrigo Bortolotti - 1991 - Firenze: Olschki.
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    Cosmopolitismo contemporaneo: moralità, politica, economia.Arrigo Colombo & Laura Tundo (eds.) - 2009 - Perugia: Morlacchi.
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    Il destino del filosofo.Arrigo Colombo - 1971 - Manduria,: Lacaita.
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    Sulla fenomenologie e la rivelazione delle cose.Arrigo Colombo - 1968 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
  19.  88
    El ser y la sustancia de Aristóteles ante la razón vital: las cuatro reducciones de la realidad.Francesco De Nigris - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):625-648.
    «Hermeneutic» means interpretation, that is, looking from a point of view. In this study we try to interpret from the vital reason, the method of Ortega y Gasset, his and his disciple Julián Marías, the Aristotelian concept of «substance». If life is the radical reality, as Ortega stresses, and the person its programmatic realization, in Marías’ opinion, a vital reason of the concept of οὐσία, means to discover its capacity to understand human life. We will find, as a matter of (...)
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  20. La razón vital de J. Ortega y Gasset y la analítica existencial de M. Heidegger / J. Ortega y Gasset's Vital Reason and M. Heidegger's Existential Analytic.Francesco De Nigris - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):115-129.
    En los reproches que José Ortega y Gasset le hace a Martin Heidegger sobre el problema del ser, al afirmar que este no puede ser un ciego punto de partida, una creencia, se evidencia la distancia entre dos perspectivas unidas por el horizonte real que pretenden explorar: la vida humana. Sin embargo,..
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    Il ciclo nel pensiero greco fino a Aristotele.Annabella Lampugnani - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia.
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    El estilo de Adán, primer artista y primera obra de arte. Metafísica y estética en el nacimiento de la razón vital de Ortega.Francesco de Nigris - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (286 Extra):1079-1112.
    La fundamental idea orteguiana de que «mi vida» es «razón», difiere radicalmente de la concepción fenomenológica de la razón que alumbra Husserl en Ideen, esencialmente fundada en el ser. La razón vital es teoría del hombre, que es su proyecto circunstancial; su estímulo argumental procede de una reflexión estética sobre todo orientada a la comprensión del realismo y del idealismo artísticos, y cuyas consecuencias filosóficas serán decisivas.
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    Pobreza y fecundidad.Francesco de Nigris - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:205-232.
    La experiencia de la pobreza llama a la economía a humanizarse y a la filosofía a pensar etimológicamente desde las “normas de la casa”. Se descubre, entonces, el sentido de las épocas y de las generaciones filosóficas, la razón de su fecundidad y de su pobreza, así como la relación entre estas y la justicia.
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    Introduzione a Hobbes.Arrigo Pacchi - 1971 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Introduzione alla lettura del "Saggio sull'intelletto umano" di Locke.Arrigo Pacchi - 1983 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    Leviathan and Spinoza's tractatus on revelation: Some elements for a comparison.Arrigo Pacchi - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (5):577-593.
  27.  42
    Conflict of interest as seen from a researcher’s perspective.Arrigo Schieppati, Norberto Perico & Giuseppe Remuzzi - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):337-342.
    The continuous growth of the pharmaceutical industry is expected to require a considerable output of new drugs, with speedy development and approval processes. This profit-driven expansion of the drug market may broaden the already established erosion of the role of academia in favor of commercial clinical research organizations. Less and less control on the clinical trial design, its conduct and the resulting publication[s] is the likely consequence. Academic medicine and governments should find means to sustain the development of independent clinical (...)
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  28. Hobbes and the problem of God.Arrigo Pacchi - 1988 - In Graham Alan John Rogers & Alan Ryan (eds.), Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes. New York: Oxford University Press.
  29. Hobbes and the passions.Arrigo Pacchi - 1987 - Topoi 6 (2):111-119.
  30.  14
    Dove abita la verità?: riflessioni sul vero e sul falso nell'epoca contemporanea.Giacomo Maria Arrigo & Claudio Tagliapietra (eds.) - 2023 - Roma: EDUSC.
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    René Girard: cristianesimo, etica, complessità nella società globalizzata.Nino Arrigo - 2014 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    The “Good” Psychologist, “Good” Torture, and “Good” Reputation—Response to O’Donohue, Snipes, Dalto, Soto, Maragakis, and Im “The Ethics of Enhanced Interrogations and Torture”.Jean Maria Arrigo, David DeBatto, Lawrence Rockwood & Timothy G. Mawe - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (5):361-372.
    O’Donohue et al. sought to derive, from classical ethical theories, the ethical obligation of psychologists to assist “enhanced interrogations and torture” in national defense scenarios under strict EIT criteria. They asked the American Psychological Association to adopt an ethics code obligating psychologists to assist such EIT and to uphold the reputation of EIT psychologists. We contest the authors’ ethical analyses as supports for psychologists’ forays into torture interrogation when the EIT criteria obtain. We also contend that the authors’ application of (...)
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    Saggi sulla formazione del pensiero di Descartes.Arrigo Bortolotti - 1983 - Firenze: Olschki.
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    Full Industry Equilibrium: A Theory of the Industrial Long Run.Arrigo Opocher & Ian Steedman - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    This highly original book develops a systematic zero-net-profit comparative statics theory of the firm that challenges many widely held views in microeconomics. It builds a bridge between the marginalist long-run theory of the firm and Sraffian theory to create a unified theoretical framework that explains how firms react to exogenous shocks resulting in new equilibrium positions of the whole economy. The central message of the book is that too often economists expect more from the microeconomic laws of input demand and (...)
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    Cartesio in Inghilterra.Arrigo Pacchi - 1973 - Roma-Bari,: Laterca.
  36.  32
    Some Guidelines into Hobbes's Theology.Arrigo Pacchi - 1989 - Hobbes Studies 2 (1):87-103.
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    Marx e il materialismo: dalla Sacra famiglia alle Tesi su Feuerbach.Arrigo Bortolotti - 1976 - Palermo: Palumbo.
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    L'involucro politico.Arrigo Cervetto - 1994 - Milano: Lotta comunista.
  39. Cardone, dalla prima alla seconda filosofia del divenire.Arrigo Distello (ed.) - 1975 - [Padova]: Rebellato.
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  40. Convenzione e ipotesi nella formazione della filosofia naturale di Thomas Hobbes.Arrigo Pacchi - 1965 - Firenze,: La Nuova Italia.
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    La materia.Arrigo Pacchi - 1976 - Milano: ISEDI.
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    Il fenomeno immigrazione. Proposte per affrontarlo in termini umani.Arrigo Colombo - 1996 - Idee 31:171-183.
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    Le nouveau sens de l'utopie.Arrigo Colombo - 2011 - Multitudes 44 (1):133-142.
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  44. Martin Heidegger.Arrigo Colombo - 1964 - [Bologna]: Il Mulino.
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  45. El origen griego de la "intencionalidad" medieval.Francesco de Nigris - 2007 - Paideia 28 (80):335-351.
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  46. La función educadora de la verdad filosófica en Julián Marías.Francesco de Nigris - 2007 - Paideia 28 (78):57-66.
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    Libertad y método: el liberalismo desde la perspectiva personal de Ortega y Marías.Francesco de Nigris (ed.) - 2005 - FUE.
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  48. Libertad Y Método. El Liberalismo Desde La Perspectiva Personal De Ortega Y Marías.Francesco de Nigris - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48:446.
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    Filosofia e teologia in Hobbes: dispense del corso di storia della filosofia per l'A.A. 1984-'85.Arrigo Pacchi - 1985 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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  50.  14
    Urban Design as Craft: Eleven Conversations and Seven Projects 1999-2011 = Stadt Bau Als Handwerk: Elf Gespräche Und Sieben Projekte 1999-2011.Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani - 2011 - Gta Verlag.
    In eleven pointed and sometimes provocative conversations, architect and professor of architecture, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani uses a critique of contemporary urban planning to develop principles for reestablishing the discipline. In seven projects designed with these principles in mind, he shows how his vigorous reinterpretation of the field can be implemented and what a fresh start can look like. Magnago Lampugnani envisages a calm modern city that can measure itself against the historic city, while emphasizing sustainability and providing a (...)
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