Results for 'Arsène Dumont'

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  1. Lettres de MM. Schmitz Dumont et Tannery.Schmitz-Dumont & Paul Tannery - 1882 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 13:107-108.
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  2. Transcendental being: Scotus and scotists.Stephen D. Dumont - 1992 - Topoi 11 (2):135-148.
    Of singular importance to the medieval theory of transcendentals was the position of John Duns Scotus that there could be a concept of being univocally common, not only to substance and accidents, but even to God and creatures. Scotus''s doctrine of univocal transcendental concepts violated the accepted view that, owing to its generality, no transcendental notion could be univocal. The major difficulty facing Scotus''s doctrine of univocity was to explain how a real, as opposed to a purely logical, concept could (...)
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    Theology as a science and Duns Scotus's distinction between intuitive and abstractive cognition.Stephen D. Dumont - 1989 - Speculum 64 (3):579-599.
    By all accounts one of the most influential philosophical contributions of Duns Scotus is his distinction between intuitive cognition, in which a thing is known as present and existing, and abstractive cognition, which abstracts from actual presence and existence. Recent scholarship has focused almost exclusively on the role given intuitive cognition in the justification of contingent propositions and on the debates over certitude which arose from the critiques of Scotus's distinction by Peter Aureoli and William of Ockham.
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    Philosopher en islam et en christianisme.Philippe Capelle-Dumont - 2016 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf. Edited by Souleymane Bachir Diagne & Damien Le Guay.
    Deux penseurs entrent en dialogue. Pour relever ensemble un même pari. Afin de dire symphoniquement le pourquoi et le comment de l'embrasement de la violence religieuse à l'échelle planétaire. Qu'en est-il du christianisme et de l'islam, de leurs théologies et de leurs histoires au regard de la philosophie, née en Grèce? La rencontre, nouée au Moyen Âge, est-elle devenue impossible aujourd'hui? Comment peut-on et doit-on philosopher en islam et en christianisme pour le bénéfice d'une mutuelle compréhension? Une religion sans philosophie (...)
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    Праця арсена річинського "проблеми української релігійної свідомості" в українському релігієзнавстві.Arsen Gudyma & M. Andreychyn - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 41:23-27.
    An unquestionable achievement of contemporary Ukrainian religious thought is the return from oblivion of Arsen Rychynsky's creative heritage, which is made by his main work, "Problems of Ukrainian Religious Consciousness." As the founder of the ethnology of religion in Ukrainian religious studies, he has filled the nearly three hundred-year gap in Ukrainian Orthodoxy, organically combining the historical origins, status, and tasks of the ethno-confessional existence of the Ukrainian people. If for the time of Peter Mohyla the idea of ​​the national (...)
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    Are there true contradictions? A critical discussion of Graham Priest's, beyond the limits of thought.Jürgen Dümont & Frank Mau - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (2):289-299.
    The present article critically examines three aspects of Graham Priest's dialetheic analysis of very important kinds of limitations (the limit of what can be expressed, described, conceived, known, or the limit of some operation or other). First, it is shown that Priest's considerations focusing on Hegel's account of the infinite cannot be sustained, mainly because Priest seems to rely on a too restrictive notion of object. Second, we discuss Priest's treatment of the paradoxes in Cantorian set-theory. It is shown that (...)
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  7. A modified view of our origins.Louis Dumont - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  8. Speaking Out through the Web in China: New References to Assert New Identities.Severine Arsene - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):17 - +.
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  9. Putnam's model-theoretic argument(s). A detailed reconstruction.Jürgen Dümont - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (2):341-364.
    Two of Hilary Putnam's model-theoretic arguments against metaphysical realism are examined in detail. One of them is developed as an extension of a model-theoretic argument against mathematical realism based on considerations concerning the so-called Skolem-Paradox in set theory. This argument against mathematical realism is also treated explicitly. The article concentrates on the fine structure of the arguments because most commentators have concentrated on the major premisses of Putnam's argument and especially on his treatment of metaphysical realism. It is shown that (...)
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  10. Géopolitique des migrations et démocratie dans l’Union européenne.Gérard-François Dumont - 2025 - Cités 100 (4):445-457.
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    The Meaning of Prāṇa and Apāna in the Taittirīya-BrāhmaṇaThe Meaning of Prana and Apana in the Taittiriya-Brahmana.P. -E. Dumont - 1957 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 77 (1):46.
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    La guerre civile perpétuelle: aux origines modernes de la dissociété.Bernard Dumont, Gilles Dumont & Christophe Réveillard (eds.) - 2012 - Perpignan: Artège.
    Au-dela des idees convenues, comment penser les fondements d'une crise sociale inscrite dans le temps long? La guerre civile perpetuelle evalue dans plusieurs domaines les ravages politiques de la philosophie de la modernite. Cette etude examine d'abord sa capacite a detruire a la racine la possibilite du lien social naturel, pour tenter par la suite de le recreer au moyen de divers artifices. Loin de se limiter au simple constat d'echec, l'originalite et la force de cet ouvrage resident dans l'analyse (...)
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    A Case For The Utility Of The Mathematical Intermediates.H. S. Arsen - 2012 - Philosophia Mathematica 20 (2):200-223.
    Many have argued against the claim that Plato posited the mathematical objects that are the subjects of Metaphysics M and N. This paper shifts the burden of proof onto these objectors to show that Plato did not posit these entities. It does so by making two claims: first, that Plato should posit the mathematical Intermediates because Forms and physical objects are ill suited in comparison to Intermediates to serve as the objects of mathematics; second, that their utility, combined with Aristotle’s (...)
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  14. Duns scotus's Parisian question on the formal distinction.Stephen Dumont - 2005 - Vivarium 43 (1):7-62.
    The degree of realism that Duns Scotus understood his formal distinction to have implied is a matter of dispute going back to the fourteenth century. Both modern and medieval commentators alike have seen Scotus's later, Parisian treament of the formal distinction as less realist in the sense that it would deny any extra-mentally separate formalities or realities. This less realist reading depends in large part on a question known to scholars only in the highly corrupt edition of Luke Wadding, where (...)
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    Уривки з книги арсена річинського "проблеми української релігійної свідомості", конфісковані польським цензором у 1933 році.Arsen Gudyma, Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 29:139-143.
    Arsen RYCHINSKY is a well-known public figure of the first half of the twentieth century. His work, "Problems of Ukrainian Religious Consciousness," printed in 1933, even with notes, caused dissatisfaction with the Polish authorities that dominated the western Ukrainian lands. Three times A. Richinsky was imprisoned. For the same work, in 1939, a talented ethnologist of religion was imprisoned by Bolshevik authorities.
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    The Univocity of the Concept of Being in the Fourteenth Century: II. The De ente of Peter Thomae.Stephen D. Dumont - 1988 - Mediaeval Studies 50 (1):186-256.
  17. Essays on Individualism: Modern Ideology in Anthropological Perspective.L. DUMONT - 1986
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    The Ultimatum of Pleasure: Behavioral Economics and Social Development.Arsen Dallakyan & Karlen Dallakyan - 2017 - Hamilton Books.
    This book presents the “pleasure phenomenon” as the most important factor in individual and socio-cultural development. This study emphasizes the necessity of transformation of marketing in the 21st Century which would shift the focus from seeking pleasure to controlling desires in a way that would benefit self and society.
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    Indo-Aryan Names from Mitanni, Nuzi, and Syrian Documents.P. -E. Dumont - 1947 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 67 (4):251-252.
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  20. Liberte humaine et concours divin d'apres Suarez.Paul Dumont - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:680.
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  21. La réflexion sur la méthode théologique.C. Dumont - 1961 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 83 (10):1034-1050.
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    Politique dans l'antiquité: images, mythes et fantasmes.Jean-Paul Dumont & Lucien Bescond (eds.) - 1986 - [Lille]: Presses Univ. Septentrion.
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    Robert con Davis is associate professor of English and graduate director at the university of oklahoma. His research interests include history of 20th century criticism, deconstruction, Jacques lacan, and.Jean-Paul Dumont - 1985 - American Journal of Semiotics 3 (3):155-156.
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    Synchronic contingency, instants of nature, and libertarian freedom: Comments on''the background to scotus's theory of will.Stephen Dumont - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 72:169.
  25. Temps, image et existence chez Platon.Jean-Paul Dumont - 1986 - In Jean-Paul Dumont & Lucien Bescond (eds.), Politique dans l'antiquité: images, mythes et fantasmes. [Lille]: Presses Univ. Septentrion.
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    Scientific conference "Christianity and culture".Arsen Arsenovysh Gudyma - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 10:93-94.
    Under this name, on December 12-13, 1998, a scientific conference was held in Ternopil. Co-organizers of the conference were the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies, the Office for Nationalities, Migration and Religions of the Ternopil Regional State Administration, the Ternopil State Medical Academy named after them. I.Gorbachevsky, Department of Religious Studies, Institute of Philosophy. G.S. Skovoroda, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kremenets State Medical College. The conference was held on the basis of the medical academy, whose rector was Prof. (...)
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    Orthodox "adjornamento": problems and prospects.Arsen Marchyschak - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:467-476.
    The third millennium set new requirements for the Orthodox Church, the decision of which depends on its role and place in the future. The question is whether the Church will be really catholic, universal or remain purely local. New demands of a modern man put Orthodoxy in a dilemma - whether to preserve traditionally conservative status, but whether to go through the adaptation of believers and to the requirements of modern times, as it did, for example, the Roman Catholic Church.
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    The Experience of Adults Bereaved by the Suicide of a Close Elderly Relative: A Qualitative Pilot Study.Gabrielle Michaud-Dumont, Sylvie Lapierre & Charles Viau-Quesnel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  29. A comparative analysis of multiagent system development methodologies: Towards a unified approach.Arsène Sabas, Sylvain Delisle & Mourad Badri - 2002 - In Robert Trappl (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems. Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies. pp. 599--604.
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  30. The Univocity of the Concept of Being in the Fourteenth Century: John Duns Scotus and William of Alnwick.Stephen D. Dumont - 1987 - Mediaeval Studies 49 (1):1-75.
  31.  31
    Music Interventions and Child Development: A Critical Review and Further Directions.Elisabeth Dumont, Elena V. Syurina, Frans J. M. Feron & Susan van Hooren - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A History of Personality Psychology: Theory, Science, and Research From Hellenism to the Twenty-First Century.Frank Dumont - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book Frank Dumont presents personality psychology with a fresh description of its current status as well as its prospects. Play, sex, cuisine, creativity, altruism, pets, grieving rituals, and other oft-neglected topics broaden the scope of this fascinating study. This tract is imbued with historical perspectives that reveal the continuity in the evolving science and research of this discipline over the past century. The author places classic schemas and constructs, as well as current principles, in the context of (...)
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    Traité de la propriété e il carteggio con Bentham e Dumont: testi inediti.Andrâe Morellet, Jeremy Bentham, Etienne Dumont, Eugenio Di Rienzo & Lea Campos Boralevi - 1990 - Centro Editoriale Toscano.
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    The Role of the Phantasm in the Psychology of Duns Scotus.Richard E. Dumont - 1965 - The Monist 49 (4):617-633.
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    Ternopil branch of UAR.Arsen Arsenovysh Gudyma - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 1:61-62.
    The Ternopil oblast organization of the UAR was established in April 1993. The regional branch is headed by Ph.D., associate professor Arsen Hudyma.
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    Bulletin d’homilétique.Emmanuel Dumont - 2024 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 108 (1):129-190.
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  37. The Origin of Scotus's Theory of Synchronic Contingency.Stephen D. Dumont - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 72 (2-3):149-167.
  38.  23
    Que devient la « phénoménologie française »?Philippe Capelle-Dumont - 2013 - Cités 56 (4):35.
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    Note sur des bijoux d'or trouvés en Lydie (pl. IV, V).A. Dumont - 1879 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 3 (1):129-130.
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    La parole, l’absolu et la promesse chez Jean-Louis Chrétien.Philippe Capelle-Dumont - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):1191-1198.
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  41. Meta, Theos ed eccedanza tra metafisica E teologia.Philippe Capelle-Dumont & Carla Canullo - 2009 - Giornale di Metafisica 31 (2):259-274.
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    A Note on Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa 3. 2. 8-12A Note on Taittiriya-Brahmana 3. 2. 8-12.P. -E. Dumont - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (3):187.
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    Collective Identities and Universalist Ideology: The Actual Interplay.Louis Dumont - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (3):25-33.
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    Liberté humaine et concours divin d'après Suarez.Paul Dumont - 1936 - Paris,: G. Beauchesne et ses fils.
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    La mondialisation selon.Fernand Dumont - 2005 - In Stéphane Courtois & Jocelyne Couture (eds.), Regards philosophiques sur la mondialisation. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 185.
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    Le néant et le pari du possible: puissances de l'idéalisme allemand (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schelling, Hölderlin).Augustin Dumont - 2020 - Paris: Hermann.
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  47. place de la clinique dans « La souffrance n’est pas la douleur » de Paul Ricœur.Martin Dumont - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (2):48-61.
    Cet article s’efforce de relever la place originale, parfois discrète, parfois non reconnue par l’auteur lui-même, qui est dévolue à l’expérience clinique psychiatrique par Paul Ricœur dans sa conférence « La souffrance n’est pas la douleur ». En effet, celle-ci semble de prime abord nettement séparer discours médical et discours philosophique phénoménologique, qui auraient deux objets et méthodes bien distincts. Pour autant, en bien des points, pour certains décisifs, Ricœur est amené à puiser dans l’expérience clinique pour alimenter sa phénoménologie (...)
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    Pour la conversion de la pensée chrétienne.Fernand Dumont - 1966 - Tours,: Mame.
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    (1 other version)The Necessary Connection of Moral Virtue to Prudence According to John Duns Scotus - Revisited.S. D. Dumont - 1988 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 55:184-206.
  50. New Questions by Thomas Wylton.Stephen Dumont - 1998 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 9:341-381.
    L'A. si occupa delle questioni teologiche di Wylton, conservate in tre mss.: Vat. Borgh. lat. 36; Tortosa, Archivo Capitular, 88; New Haven, CT, Yale Univ. Libr., Beinecke General 470. Lo studio verte sul contenuto di Beinecke 470 e Tortosa 88. Il primo contiene una serie di questioni teologiche e di fisica di Wylton, finora non notate. L'A. si sofferma sulle questioni teologiche, che in parte derivano da un prologo al Commento alle Sentenze, sulla questione relativa al problema della relazione , (...)
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