Results for 'Art, Hungarian'

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    TechnoCool: new trends in Hungarian art in the nineties (1989-2001).Zsolt Petrányi (ed.) - 2023 - Budapest: Hungarian National Gallery.
    Essays -- Interviews -- Exhibited works -- Appendix.
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    Szilágyi In Search of Pelasgian Ancestors. The 1861 Hungarian Excavations in the Apennines. Translated by P. Agócs. Pp. 219, b/w & colour ills, colour map. Budapest: Atlantisz Publishing House/Museum of Fine Arts, 2004. Paper. ISBN: 963-9165-751. [REVIEW]David Ridgway - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (2):493-494.
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    Gombrich’s critique of Hauser’s Social History of Art.Jim Berryman - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (5):494-506.
    This article examines E.H. Gombrich’s critical appraisal of Arnold Hauser’s book, The Social History of Art. Hauser’s Social History of Art was published in 1951, a year after Gombrich’s bestseller, The Story of Art. Although written in Britain for an English-speaking public, both books had their origins in the intellectual history of Central Europe: Gombrich was an Austrian art historian and Hauser was Hungarian. Gombrich’s critique, published in The Art Bulletin in 1953, attacked Hauser’s dialectical materialism and his sociological (...)
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    Frederick Antal and the Marxist challenge to art history.Jim Berryman - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (2):55-76.
    First published in 1948, Frederick Antal’s Florentine Painting and Its Social Background was an important milestone in anglophone art history. Based on European examples, including Max Dvořák, it sought to understand art history’s relationship to social and intellectual history. When Antal, a Hungarian émigré, arrived in Britain in 1933, he encountered an inward-looking discipline preoccupied with formalism and connoisseurship; or, as he phrased it, art historians of ‘the older persuasion’ ignorant of ‘the fruitful achievements of modern historical research’. Despite (...)
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    Philosophical-aesthetic Grounds for Overcoming Human Alienation in Georg Lukacs’ Art.Liliya Masgutova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:185-192.
    A well-known Hungarian philosopher, politician, literary and art theorist Georg Lukacs was a notable figure of philosophical thought in XX century. Although he was interested in many problems philosophical-aesthetical matter is the main one in all his works. The problem of human alienation from social forms is outlined in his numerous literary, philosophical, aesthetical works of pre- and post- Marxian periods. The concept of philosophical-aesthetical grounds for overcoming human alienation has been developed in his art from romantic feeling of (...)
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    The case of holography among Media Studies, art and science.Pier Luigi Capucci - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):247-253.
    In the last few years holography has celebrated some important anniversaries: in 2010 the 50th anniversary of the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) invention; in 2011 the 40th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to the Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor for inventing holography and in 2012 the 50th anniversary of the first holograms. Holography can create an accurate visual simulation, with total parallax: a replica of the real object made of light, which has the real object’s (...)
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  7. The works of art from the philosophically innocent point of view.Gábor Bács & János Tőzsér - 2012 - Hungarian Philosophical Review 57 (4):7-17.
    the Mona Lisa, the Mondscheinsonate, the Chanson d’automne are works of art, the salt shaker on your table, the car in your garage, or the pijamas on your bed are not. the basic question of the metaphysics of works of art is this: what makes a thing a work of art? that is: what sort of property do works of art have in virtue of which they are works of art? or more simply: what sort of property being a work (...)
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  8. Son of Saul, Kierkegaard, and the Holocaust.Katalin Balog - 2016 - The New York Times.
    Art often is the subject of philosophy; it is more rare that a work of art becomes philosophy, pursued by means other than language. In its cinematic way, Son of Saul, a Hungarian film by László Nemes about the Holocaust, engages with the same set of problems that the nineteenth century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wrote about.
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    "...fejünkből töröljük ki a regulákat": Kassák Lajos az író, képzőművész, szerkesztő és közszereplő.Gábor Andrási, Pál Deréky & Lajos Kassák (eds.) - 2010 - Budapest: Kassák Alapítvány.
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    Kant hátán a szőr: művészeti írások.Gerda Széplaky - 2017 - [Eger]: Líceum.
    Filozófiai és művészeti gyűjtemények számára egyaránt érdekes lehet Széplaky Gerda filozófus, esztéta, kritikus legújabb kötete, melynek írásai izgalmasan társítják az esztétikát a fenomenológiával. A szerző esszéi a testiség, a nézőben végbemenő fiziológiai folyamatok felől értelmezik a befogadás aktusát. Az első írás általánosságban szól a radikális kritikáról, majd a figyelemfelkeltő kötetcímmel megegyező című esszé (Kant hátán a szőr) a megrázkódtatásról, mint esztétikai fenoménról szól. Olyan további általánosabb témákról ejt még szót a szerző, mint az esztétikai hatásban megnyilvánuló erőszak vagy az építészeti (...)
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    Soul and Form.Georg Lukacs & Judith Butler - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    György Lukács was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. Soul and Form was his first book, published in 1910, and it established his reputation, treating questions of linguistic expressivity and literary style in the works of Plato, Kierkegaard, Novalis, Sterne, and others. By isolating the formal techniques these thinkers developed, Lukács laid the groundwork for his later work in Marxist aesthetics, a field that introduced the historical and political implications of text. (...)
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    The science of therapeutic images.Connor Cummings - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (2):69-87.
    The Netherne Hospital in Surrey is perhaps the most prestigious site in the history of British art therapy, associated with the key figures Edward Adamson and Eric Cunningham Dax, whose pioneering work involved the setting-up of a large studio for psychiatric patients to create expressive paintings. What is little-known, however, is the work of the designated scientist for psychiatric research, Hungarian Jewish émigré Francis Reitman, who was charged with an overall scientific analysis of the artistic products of the studio. (...)
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    Soul and Form.Stephen Zelnick - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (1):88-89.
    György Lukacs was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. _Soul and Form_ was his first book, published in 1910, and it established his reputation, treating questions of linguistic expressivity and literary style in the works of Plato, Kierkegaard, Novalis, Sterne, and others. By isolating the formal techniques these thinkers developed, Lukács laid the groundwork for his later work in Marxist aesthetics, a field that introduced the historical and political implications of text. (...)
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    Soul and Form.John T. Sanders, Katie Terezakis & Anna Bostock (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    György Lukacs was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. _Soul and Form_ was his first book, published in 1910, and it established his reputation, treating questions of linguistic expressivity and literary style in the works of Plato, Kierkegaard, Novalis, Sterne, and others. By isolating the formal techniques these thinkers developed, Lukács laid the groundwork for his later work in Marxist aesthetics, a field that introduced the historical and political implications of text. (...)
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    Faustus Afrikában: szerződés a valósággal.Péter György - 2018 - Budapest: Magvető.
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    Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited.Allan Janik - 2018 - Routledge.
    Fin de siecle Vienna was once memorably described by Karl Kraus as a "proving ground for the destruction of the world." In the decades leading to the World War that brought down the Austro-Hungarian empire, the city was at once an operetta dream world masking social and political problems and tension, as well as a center for the far-reaching explorations and innovations in music, art, science, and philosophy that would help to define modernity. One of the most powerful critiques (...)
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    Parents' Views on Play and the Goal of Early Childhood Education in Relation to Children's Home Activity and Executive Functions: A Cross-Cultural Investigation.Biruk K. Metaferia, Judit Futo & Zsofia K. Takacs - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study investigated the cross-cultural variations in parents' views on the role of play in child development and the primary purpose of preschool education from Ethiopia and Hungary. It also examined the cross-cultural variations in preschoolers' executive functions, the frequency of their engagement in home activities, and the role of these activities in the development of EF skills. Participants included 266 preschoolers with their parents. The independent samples t-test showed that Ethiopian parents view fostering academic skills for preschooler significantly (...)
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  18. Aesthetics in Motion. On György Szerdahely’s Dynamic Aesthetics.Botond Csuka - 2018 - In Anthropologische Ästhetik in Mitteleuropa (1750–1850). Anthropological Aesthetics in Central Europe (1750–1850). (Bochumer Quellen und Forschungen zum achtzehnten Jahrhundert, 9). Hannover, Németország: pp. 153-180.
    György Alajos Szerdahely, the first professor of aesthetics in Pest, publishes his Aesthetica in 1778, a work, written in Latin, that not only engages with the eclectic university aesthetics of late-18th-century Germany and Central Europe, but also marks the beginning of the Hungarian aesthetic tradition. Szerdahely proposes aesthetics as the doctrine of taste, a philosophical discipline that can polish our manners and social conduct through a sensual-affective Bildung offered by art experiences. Highlighting his sources in both British criticism and (...)
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    Hungary.Laszlo Zsolnai - 2024 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 43 (3):295-327.
    The paper presents the state of the art of business ethics teaching, research, and training in Hungary. It reviews the most important publications by Hungarian authors on business ethics issues since 2011. It identifies the most striking business ethics related problems in Hungary. It maps the important activities, topics and issues in business ethics teaching and research in Hungary and reports on the themes in training on business ethics. Also, the paper reflects on the main business ethics related issues (...)
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    The safe haven of a new classicism: the quest for a new aesthetics in Hungary 1904–1912.Éva Forgács - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2):75-95.
    Seen through the quest for a new metaphysics, the visual arts were interpreted in the framework of the particular sense of progress that the generation of György Lukács developed in the first decade of the twentieth century. They saw Impressionism as the veritable symptom of the deficiencies of their age and dreamed of a great, solid, lasting new Hungarian culture which would transcend the fragmentariness, sociological interests, and ethereality of Impressionism. Although exhibitions of contemporary modernist art were organized in (...)
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    Imre Lakatos and literary tradition.Suzanne Black - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):363-381.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 363-381 [Access article in PDF] Imre Lakatos and Literary Tradition Suzanne Black ALTHOUGH THE CANON DEBATES have largely subsided, the categories of tradition and canon remain problematic and unhelpfully contentious. Some authors view tradition as weighty and oppressive, while cultural studies scholars criticize the concept itself as elitist and exclusionary. Yet literature, like other creative pursuits, cannot avoid its past; nor should it seek (...)
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    Eva Besnyö: Budapest - Berlin - Amsterdam.Marion Beckers & Elisabeth Moortgat (eds.) - 2011 - Hirmer Publishers.
    "Eva Besnyö was not only an exceptionally gifted photographer but was also politically active during her lifetime: she acquired her photographic skills in the studio of József Pécsi in Budapest, became aware of the aesthetics of modern photography in the early 1930s in Berlin and became a respected master photographer in Amsterdam. Eva Besnyö's life and work were not only influenced by Modernism the arts but also by the dramatic political movements and events of 20th century Europe such as Fascism, (...)
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    Philosophy after Joyce: Derrida and Davidson.Reed Way Dasenbrock - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):334-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 334-345 [Access article in PDF] Philosophy After Joyce:Derrida and Davidson Reed Way Dasenbrock A GOOD DEAL OF ATTENTION has been paid to James Joyce's influence on literature. Few novelists in the twentieth century have escaped Joyce's influence one way or another, and Robert Martin Adams has even dedicated a book, AfterJoyce, 1 to the proposition that the history of prose fiction is most properly (...)
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    Greta Garbo: Sailing beyond the Frame.Betsy Erkkila - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (4):595-619.
    Greta Garbo named herself. It was she who invented the name “Garbo” and officially registered the change from Greta Gustafsson to Greta Garbo at the Ministry of Justice in Sweden on 4 December 1923. The name had the metonymic virtue of suggesting the nature of her screen presence. The Swedish meaning of garbo, “wood nymph,” suggests the association with otherworldly forces that became part of her image; while the Spanish meaning of the word, “animal grace sublimated,” combines the animal passion (...)
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    Medical knowledge and the improvement of vernacular languages in the Habsburg Monarchy: A case study from Transylvania.Teodora Daniela Sechel - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):720-729.
    In all European countries, the eighteenth century was characterised by efforts to improve the vernaculars. The Transylvanian case study shows how both codified medical language and ordinary language were constructed and enriched by a large number of medical books and brochures. The publication of medical literature in Central European vernacular languages in order to popularise new medical knowledge was a comprehensive programme, designed on the one hand by intellectual, political and religious elites who urged the improvement of the fatherland and (...)
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    A modern esztétika feltalálása: Megjegyzések a brit esztétika kora modern történetéhez [Inventing Modern Aesthetics: Remarks on the Early Modern History of British Aesthetics].Endre Szécsényi - 2024 - Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
    This e-book written in Hungarian seeks to reconstruct “the aesthetic” in the modern sense of the word, from the mid-17th century to the 1730s, through the texts of mainly British authors such as John Dennis, Lord Shaftesbury, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Francis Hutcheson, George Berkeley, sometimes using their Spanish and French predecessors for contextualization. It assumes that “the aesthetic” is an unprecedented type of experience that had to be discovered, or rather invented; it is therefore more than a discussion (...)
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  27. The Ongoing Historical Debate About the Shroud of Turin: The Case of the Pray Codex.Tristan Casabianca - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (5):789-802.
    The Shroud of Turin is one of the most studied and controversial artifacts. To better understand the reasons for this impossible consensus, we focus on a specific point in the ongoing historical debate: the alleged relationship between the Shroud of Turin and the Pray Codex, the first illuminated manuscript in Hungarian named after the eighteenth-century Jesuit György Pray (1723–1801). Scholars have often compared the characteristics of a miniature in the Pray Codex, commonly dated circa 1192–1195, with the features of (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Die Lehren einer Fußnote. Die Wirkung der Ästhetik- und Gesellschaftstheorie von Burke auf die Ästhetikkonzeption von A. G. Szerdahely und auf die Philokalia-Konzeption von J. L. Schedius. [REVIEW]Piroska Balogh - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):193-214.
    Lessons from the Footnotes: The Reception of Burke’s Aesthetics and Social Theory in Szerdahely’s Conception of Aesthetics and Schedius’s Theory of Philokalia This article discusses the early phase of the Hungarian reception of the aesthetic views of Edmund Burke. It does so by considering two reference works on aesthetics, one by György Alajos Szerdahely (1740–1808), the other by Johann Ludwig Schedius (1768–1847). Both authors were, in their day and later, well known amongst the scholars of Europe. Their reference works (...)
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    Jövőbe szédülő lendülettel: avantgárd és kultúra.Tamás Seregi - 2021 - Budapest: Prae.
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    A meglepetés lépcsőfokai: esszék.Szabolcs Tornai - 2015 - Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
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    Annex: The survey questionnaires.Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1994 - World Futures 39 (1):161-164.
    (1994). Annex: The survey questionnaires. World Futures: Vol. 39, The Evolution of European Identity: Surveys of the Growing Edge A Report by the European Culture Impact Research Consortium (EUROCIRCON), pp. 161-164.
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  32. Privacy, trust and business ethics for mobile business social networks.Hungarian Academy of Sciences Istvan Mezgar & Sonja Grabner-Kräuter Hungary - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer, Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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    Ilona Molnar.Taining A. That-Clause & In Hungarian - 1982 - In Ferenc Kiefer, Hungarian General Linguistics. Benjamins. pp. 4--387.
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  34. Arte classica ch 6900 lugano. Via peri 9-tel. 091 23 38 54.Bernheimer'S. Antique Arts & Antique Jewelry - 1991 - Minerva 2.
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    Semiotics of art literature• painting• film.Sémiotique des Arts - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok, Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 397.
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    Kʻartʻvel pʻilosopʻostʻa lekʻsikoni: personalia.Tamaz Buachidze & Sak°Art°Velos P.°Ilosop°Iuri Sazogadoeba (eds.) - 2000 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Oazisi".
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  37. Artes plásticas.Laís Moura—Duas Artes Primitivas, Homem Comum, M. Silveira & Domingos Crippa—O. Humanismo Marxista - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 10.
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    A Hungarian Theologian Abroad: The Reception of the Lima Document in the Works of Gellért Békés OSB (1915–1999).O. S. B. Fülöp Kisnémet - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1111):339-351.
    This article aims to provide an insight into the ecumenical work of a Hungarian Benedictine monk, Gellért Békés. First, I offer a short overview of Békés's life, who was forced into exile by the socialist regime and who spent almost half a century as Professor at the University of Saint Anselm in Rome. Next, I review Békés's publications and the main thrust of his thinking in the field of ecumenical theology. The central part of my article is devoted to (...)
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  39. Chapter Ten Art Constructs as Generators of the Meaning of the Work of Art Viktor F. Petrenko and Olga N. Sapsoleva.Art Constructs as Generators - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov, Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  40. Bernheimer's antique arts.Antique Jewelry & Arte Classica - 1991 - Minerva 2.
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    The Hungarian Nominal Functional Sequence.Éva Dékány - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The Hungarian Nominal Functional Sequence combines the methods of syntactic cartography with evidence from compositional semantics in a comprehensive exploration of the structure of Noun Phrases. Proceeding from the lexical core to the top of DP, it uses Hungarian as a window on the underlying universal functional hierarchy of Noun Phrases, but it also regularly complements and supports the analysis with cross-linguistic evidence. The book works out a minimal map of the extended NP in the sense that the (...)
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    Hungarian businesses and European union.Edit Romvári - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):490-497.
    (1996). Hungarian businesses and European union. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 490-497.
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    Hungarian Cubes: Subversive Ornaments in Socialism.Katharina Roters (ed.) - 2014 - Park Books.
    "Hungarian Cubes" proposes an aesthetical typology of the ornamentation of cubic houses from the 1960s 70s in Hungary. The book is based on the artistic project Magyar Kocka Hungarian Cube, which German-Hungarian artist Katharina Roters is pursuing since 2005. The origins of the Hungarian Cube, a standardized type of residential house, date back to the 1920s, when the cube as prototype of a radically functional design first appeared in plans for single-family homes in Budapest s suburbs (...)
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  44. What's morally wrong with eugenics.Art Caplan - 2004 - In Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti, Health, Disease, and Illness: Concepts in Medicine. Georgetown University Press.
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    Reflections on Business Ethics: What Is It? What Causes It? and, What Should A Course in Business Ethics Include?Art Wolfe - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (4):409-439.
    Business ethics courses have been launched with professors from business pulling on one oar, and professors of philosophy pulling on the other, but they lack a sense of direction. Let's begin with the basics: What is an ehtical decision? More fundamentally, why the interest in professional ethics in the first place?There are over 300 centers for the study of appIied ethics in this country-why? The events which face our society today are outside the business-oriented collection of shared beIiefs that set (...)
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    Hungarian Rhapsody, on John Cunningham's Hungarian Cinema: From Coffee House to Multiplex.Peter Ruppert - 2004 - Film-Philosophy 8 (3).
    John Cunningham _Hungarian Cinema: From Coffee House to Multiplex_ London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2004 ISBN 1-903364-79-5 xiii + 258pp.
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    Lord Kelvin and the age-of-the-earth debate: a dramatization.Art Stinner & Jürgen Teichmann - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (2):213-228.
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  48. Overt Scope in Hungarian.Michael Brody & Anna Szabolcsi - 2003 - Syntax 6 (1).
    The focus of this paper is the syntax of inverse scope in Hungarian, a language that largely disambiguates quantifier scope at spell-out. Inverse scope is attributed to alternate orderings of potentially large chunks of structure, but with appeal to base-generation, as opposed to nonfeature-driven movement as in Kayne 1998. The proposal is developed within mirror theory and conforms to the assumption that structures are antisymmetrical. The paper also develops a matching notion of scope in terms of featural domination, as (...)
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    Going Far by Going Together: James M. Buchanan’s Economics of Shared Ethics.Art Carden, Gregory W. Caskey & Zachary B. Kessler - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (3):359-373.
    We explore themes in Nobel Prize–winning economist James M. Buchanan’s work and apply hisEthics and Economic Progressto problems facing individuals and firms. We focus on Buchanan’s analysis of the individual work ethic, his exhortations to “pay the preacher” of the “institutions of moral-ethical communication,” and his notion of law as “public capital.” We highlight several ways people with other-regarding preferences can contribute to social flourishing and some of the ways those who have “affected to trade for the public good” might (...)
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    becker, howard s., faulkner, robert r., and kirshenblatt-gimblett, barbara (eds). Art from Start to Finish. Jazz, Painting, and Other Improvisations. University of Chicago Press. 2006. pp. 248. 23 half. [REVIEW]Art Criticism - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (4).
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