Results for 'Arts Psychological aspects.'

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  1.  8
    The psychological aspects of Christian experience.Richard Hooker Keller Gill - 1915 - Boston,: Sherman, French & company.
    Excerpt from The Psychological Aspects of Christian Experience Continued observation of the various methods of religious instruction has brought upon me a conviction that grows stronger as the years go by, that there must be, as Francis Peabody says, a new expansion of the range of studies appropri ate to the teachers of religion. There ought to be a far deeper study of the psychology of reli gion. The appeal to the impulses and emotions, so prevalent in the methods (...)
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    Psychological aspects in the practice and teaching of creative dance.Franziska Boas - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (7):3-20.
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    The psychologizing of modernity: art, architecture, and history.Mark Jarzombek - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In The Psychologizing of Modernity, Mark Jarzombek examines the impact of psychology on twentieth-century aesthetics. Analysing the interface between psychology, art history and avant-gardist practices, he also reflects on the longevity of the myth of aesthetic individuality as it infiltrated not only avant-garde art, but also history writing. The principal focus of this study is pre-World War II Germany, where theories of empathy and Entartung emerged; and post-war America, where artists, critics and historians gradually shifted from their reliance on psychology (...)
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    Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Aesthetics and the Arts.Pablo P. L. Tinio & Jeffrey K. Smith (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The psychology of aesthetics and the arts is dedicated to the study of our experiences of the visual arts, music, literature, film, performances, architecture and design; our experiences of beauty and ugliness; our preferences and dislikes; and our everyday perceptions of things in our world. The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Aesthetics and the Arts is a foundational volume presenting an overview of the key concepts and theories of the discipline where readers can learn about the (...)
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  5. The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain.Robert L. Solso - 2003 - MIT Press.
    How did the human brain evolve so that consciousness of art could develop? In The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain, Robert Solso describes how a consciousness that evolved for other purposes perceives and creates art.Drawing on his earlier book Cognition and the Visual Arts and ten years of new findings in cognitive research, Solso shows that consciousness developed gradually, with distinct components that evolved over time. One of these components is an adaptive consciousness that (...)
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    The martial spirit: an introduction to the origin, philosophy, and psychology of the martial arts.Herman Kauz - 1977 - Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press.
    Emphasis is on mental training and the philosophical, psychological, and spiritual elements of the martial arts in this comparison of the various martial-arts systems and mind-body problems often encountered.
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    Development of a scale for capturing psychological aspects of physical–digital integration: relationships with psychosocial functioning and facial emotion recognition.Daiana Colledani, Pasquale Anselmi & Egidio Robusto - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The present work aims at developing a scale for the assessment of a construct that we called “physical–digital integration”, which refers to the tendency of some individuals not to perceive a clear differentiation between feelings and perceptions that pertain to the physical or digital environment. The construct is articulated in four facets: identity, social relationships, time–space perception, and sensory perception. Data from a sample of 369 participants were collected to evaluate factor structure (unidimensional model, bifactor model, correlated four-factor model), internal (...)
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    The Artful Mind: A Critical Review of the Evolutionary Psychological Study of Art.Eveline Seghers - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (2):225-248.
    Evolutionary psychology is among the various evolutionary and cognitive perspectives that have been used to account for the origins of art. It sets out to explain modern human psychology by means of the evolutionary history of the species, and by determining why and how our extant cognitive machinery evolved as adaptations to past environmental surroundings or by-products of such adaptations. In the case of art, evolutionary psychologists seek to track down its cognitive foundations and establish its evolutionary rationale, for instance (...)
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    The Subject of Aesthetics: A Psychology of Art and Experience.Tone Roald - 2015 - Leiden: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.
    In _The Subject of Aesthetics_ Tone Roald develops a psychology of art based on people’s descriptions of their own engagement with visual art.
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    Art of the ordinary: the everyday domain of art, film, philosophy, and poetry.Richard Deming - 2018 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In Art of the Ordinary, Deming brings together the arts, philosophy, and psychology in new and compelling ways so as to offer generative, provocative insights into how we think and represent the world to others as well as to ourselves.
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  11. The Artful Species: Aesthetics, Art, and Evolution.Stephen Davies - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Stephen Davies presents a fascinating exploration of the idea that art, and our aesthetic sensibilities more generally, should be understood as an element in human evolution. He asks: Do animals have aesthetics? Do our aesthetic preferences have prehistoric roots? Is art universal? What is the biological role of aesthetic and artistic behaviour?
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    Ethical Aspects of BCI Technology: What Is the State of the Art?Allen Coin, Megan Mulder & Veljko Dubljević - 2020 - Philosophies 5 (4):31.
    Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) technology is a promising research area in many domains. Brain activity can be interpreted through both invasive and non-invasive monitoring devices, allowing for novel, therapeutic solutions for individuals with disabilities and for other non-medical applications. However, a number of ethical issues have been identified from the use of BCI technology. In this paper, we review the academic discussion of the ethical implications of BCI technology in the last five years. We conclude that some emerging applications of BCI (...)
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    Education and Schmid's Art of living: philosophical, psychological and educational perspectives on living a good life.Christoph Teschers - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Instead of simply following the current neoliberal mantra of proclaiming economic growth as the single most important factor for maintaining well-being, Education and Schmid's Art of Living revisits the idea of an education focused on personal development and the well-being of human beings. Drawing on philosophical ideas concerning the good life and recent research in positive psychology, Teschers argues in favour of shifting the focus in education and schooling towards a beautiful life and an art of living for today's students. (...)
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    Constraint is freedom. An application of zombie to certain aspects of art and cognitive psychology.Brian Reffin Smith - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (1):55-64.
    Given that computers are not merely information-processors but rather representation-processors, who are the people most suited to dealing with representations of consciousness or the lack of it, once these consist in a computer? Who are the experts on irredundant holism when it comes to making sense of and manipulating these representations? Neither scientists nor philosophers, but rather artists, poets and so on. If this is the case it is not surprising that there already exists, in and out of the computational (...)
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  15. Psychological and other aspects of the sign arbitrariness.Miroslav Brada - 2017 - le Cours de Linguistique Générale 1916-2016.
    I confront arbitrariness of the sign to a criterion assessing the quality of language, logical system, psychometrics and art.
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    Psychologie de l'art et de l'esthétique.Robert Francès - 1979 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Yvonne Bernard.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Avant-propos Chapitre premier - Art, esthétique et sciences humaines Chapitre II - Formes, couleurs et sons Chapitre III - L'œuvre d'art picturale Chapitre IV - Le domaine musical Chapitre V - Les espaces architecturaux (...)
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    Practicing Evil: Training and Psychological Barriers in the Martial Arts.Russell Gillian - 2014 - In Gillian Russell, Philosophy and the Martial Arts. pp. 28-49.
    An important part of learning to fight is learning to overcome psychological barriers against harming others. Though there are some interesting exceptions, most human beings experience signi cant internal resistance to doing harm to other people. (Marshall 1947, Grossman 1995, Morton 2004, Jensen 2012) Whatever its moral properties, this reluctance to harm can compromise the ability to fight effectively. Hence one might think that combat training should help trainees overcome such barriers. -/- However, on one compelling theory of evil, (...)
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  18.  6
    Deleuze and the schizoanalysis of visual art.Ian Buchanan & Lorna Collins (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Schizoanalysis is Deleuze and Guattari's fusion of psychoanalytic-inspired theories of the self, the libido and desire with Marx-inspired theories of the economy, history and society. Schizoanalysis holds that art's function is both political and aesthetic - it changes perception. If one cannot change perception, then, one cannot change anything politically. This is why Deleuze and Guattari always insist that the artists operate at the level of the real (not the imaginary or the symbolic). Ultimately, they argue, there is no necessary (...)
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    Psychological aesthetics: painting, feeling, and making sense.David Maclagan - 2001 - Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
    This book is an introduction to psychological aesthetics for art educators, art therapists, psychoanalysts, artists, and art lovers.
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    Creating Art Together as a Transformative Process in Parent-Child Relations: The Therapeutic Aspects of the Joint Painting Procedure.Tami Gavron & Ofra Mayseless - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Art and enchantment: how wonder works.Patrick Curry - 2023 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book considers the experience of enchantment in art. Considering the essential characteristics, dynamics and conditions of the experience of enchantment in relation to art, including liminality, it offers studies of different kinds of artistic experience and activity, including painting, music, fiction and poetry, before exploring the possibility of a life oriented to enchantment as the activity of art itself. With attention to the complex relationship between wonder in art and the programmatic disenchantment to which it is often subject, the (...)
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  22. Seeking Salience in Engaging Artworks: A Short Story about Attention, Artistic Value, and Neuroscience (2018). The Arts and the Brain: Psychology and Physiology Beyond Pleasure, Progress in Brain Research 257: 437-453.William Seeley - 2018
    It has recently been suggested that research in neuroscience of art has failed to bring art into focus in the laboratory. Two general arguments are brought to bear in the regard. The common perceptual mechanisms argument observes that neuroscientists working within this field develop models to explain art relative to the ways that artworks are fine-tuned to the operations of perceptual systems. However, these perceptual explanations apply equally to how viewers come to recognize and understand art and nonart objects and (...)
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  23.  91
    Aesthetic Empathy: An Investigation in Phenomenological Psychology of Visual Art Experiences.Jannik M. Hansen & Tone Roald - 2022 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 53 (1):25-50.
    Empathy is a psychologically significant phenomenon. It plays a key role in the development of the self, sociality, and prosocial behaviour. The term empathy originated in 19th-century aesthetics, where the concept was seen as an explanation for aesthetic experience. Despite renewed interest in the relation between empathy and aesthetic experiences, investigations into how empathy shapes experiences of art are still scarce. Given this situation, we ask the following three questions: What does one experience when experiencing a work of art empathetically? (...)
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  24. Art and intention: a philosophical study.Paisley Livingston - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Art and intention Paisley Livingston develops a broad and balanced perspective on perennial disputes between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists in philosophical aesthetics and critical theory. He surveys and assesses a wide range of rival assumptions about the nature of intentions and the status of intentionalist psychology. With detailed reference to examples from diverse media, art forms, and traditions, he demonstrates that insights into the multiple functions of intentions have important implications for our understanding of artistic creation and authorship, the ontology (...)
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  25.  28
    Quale psicologia dell’arte.Daniele Zavagno - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 48:237-251.
    Despite there are many university classes entitled “Psychology of art”, and a noticeable production of scientific literature accumulated over the years around psychological aspects concerning art, I argue here that psychology of art still does not exist as an independent subject of research. The main ways in which psychology addressed art are discussed, and the problems and limitations of such approaches are pointed out. An integrated approach to the foundation of psychology of art as an independent psychological science (...)
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    Play it again, Sam: repetition in the arts.Samuel Jay Keyser - 2025 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An examination of repetition across the arts by a linguist well-known for his professional work in poetic meter (and his personal passion for jazz music).
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    Visual art and education in an era of designer capitalism: deconstructing the oral eye.Jan Jagodzinski - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The oral eye is a metaphor for the dominance of global designer capitalism. It refers to the consumerism of a designer aesthetic by the 'I' of the neoliberalist subject, as well as the aural soundscapes that accompany the hegemony of the capturing attention through screen cultures. An attempt is made to articulate the historical emergence of such a synoptic machinic regime drawing on Badiou, Bellmer, Deleuze, Guattari, Lacan, Rancir̈e, Virilio, Ziarek, and Zizek to explore contemporary art (post-Situationism) and visual cultural (...)
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    Your brain on art: how the arts transform us.Susan Magsamen - 2023 - New York: Random House. Edited by Ivy Ross.
    Have you ever gotten chills while listening to a particularly gorgeous piece of music? Or felt a sense of calm while gazing at a painting of a serene landscape? We have experiences like those every day, but rarely stop to consider what's happening internally to cause them. In Your Brain on Art, founder of the International Arts + Mind Lab at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Susan Magsamen and Google designer Ivy Ross explain how, by understanding how we (...)
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    The aesthetic clinic: feminine sublimation in contemporary writing, psychoanalysis, and art.Fernanda Negrete - 2020 - Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
    Negrete brings together women writers and artists known for their formal experimentation to show that "the aesthetic experiences afforded by their work are underwritten by a tenacious and uniquely feminine ethics of desire."-- taken from back cover.
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    Brain, beauty, & art: essays bringing neuroaesthetics into focus.Anjan Chatterjee & Eileen R. Cardillo (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    When I first started to think about the neural basis of aesthetic experiences in the late 1990s, little was written on the topic. Unlike other domains of psychology, such as attention, or perception, or memory, aesthetics had not gained purchase in cognitive neuroscience. In fact, aesthetics was barely visible in psychology itself despite being rooted in Fechner's writings over a hundred years earlier. In 1999, papers by Zeki (1999) and Ramachandran and Hirstein (1999) were initial forays into scientific aesthetics by (...)
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    The aesthetic brain: how we evolved to desire beauty and enjoy art.Anjan Chatterjee - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The Aesthetic Brain takes the reader on a wide-ranging journey addressing fundamental questions about aesthetics and art. Using neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, Chatterjee shows how beauty, pleasure, and art are grounded biologically, and offers explanations for why beauty, pleasure, and art exist at all.
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    L'art tout contre la machine: usages et critiques des dispositifs machiniques dans les arts visuels.Rodolphe Olcèse & Vincent Deville (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    À travers une vingtaine de contributions de chercheurs et d'artistes, L'art tout contre la machine invite à réfléchir à la médiation de la technique dans notre rapport au monde telles que les pratiques artistiques contemporaines en esquissent le sens. Il se divise en trois parties, qui tissent de nombreux liens entre elles : « Technique et nature » ; « Interfaces relationnelles et dispositifs génératifs » et « Outils conviviaux et machines domestiques ». Les objectifs sont multiples : interroger des (...)
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  33. The Possibility of Objectivity in Aesthetic Evaluation in the Visual Arts.Jennifer A. McMahon - 1990 - Dissertation, The University of Melbourne
    In order to establish a rational framework within which to discuss aesthetic matters, I attempt to find grounds to support the notion that objectivity in aesthetic evaluation is possible, within the visual arts. I begin by exploring the possibility that the foundations of our aesthetic response are innate, because, if this is the case, it would indicate that aesthetic considerations have a common basis within us all, rather than belonging to a purely personal and subjective realm. In Part One, (...)
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    Art and Human Interaction.Rob van Gerwen - 2021 - Aesthetic Investigations 5 (1):i-vi.
    In this Editor’s column I discuss certain fruits and limits of applying the notion of ‘performance’ to works of art. Art works can be viewed as perfor- mances, the public furnishing of works’ final form. Concerts can be viewed as performances of a work scored by someone else, the composer, but not all arts are double in this sense. Moreover, art can be viewed as mirroring the psychological, phenomenological and rhetorical aspects of human interaction, which exemplify the way (...)
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    Formal Elements of Art Products Indicate Aspects of Mental Health.Ingrid Pénzes, Susan van Hooren, Ditty Dokter & Giel Hutschemaekers - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology.Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann & Peter Goldie (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press.
    The Aesthetic Mind breaks new ground in bringing together empirical sciences and philosophy to enhance our understanding of aesthetics and the experience of art.
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  37. Creativity and art therapies to promote healthy aging: A scoping review.Flavia Galassi, Alessandra Merizzi, Barbara D’Amen & Sara Santini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this scoping review is to investigate the value of creative arts therapies in healthy older adults. This article aims to shed light on current knowledge concerning the effectiveness of art therapies for the prevention of common age-related conditions using the definition of art therapy provided by the American Art Therapy Association, as well as Cohen’s conceptual framework for the psychological conceptualization of the relationship between the arts and health in later life. The objective is (...)
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    Art et pathologies: au regard de la phénoménologie et de la psychanalyse.Eliane Escoubas & Caroline Gros (eds.) - 2005 - Argenteuil: Le Cercle Herméneutique.
    Plus qu'un ouvrage concernant les rapports ombrageux et controversés de l'art et de la pathologie, ce recueil est d'abord une rencontre, un creuset entre des champs, la clinique et la théorie qui, pour s'y confronter, excèdent les limites du " prêt-à-penser ". C'est pourquoi ici les divergences de méthodes et de perspectives entre des approches phénoménologique et psychanalytique ne dressent pas de strictes délimitations, mais font résonner des dissonances capables de laisser penser l'écart entre l'art et la pathologie comme établi (...)
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  39. The arts and human nature: evolutionary aesthetics and the evolutionary status of art behaviours: Stephen Davies: The artful species: aesthetics, art, and evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.Anton Killin - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (4):703-718.
    This essay reviews one of the most recent books in a trend of new publications proffering evolutionary theorising about aesthetics and the arts—themes within an increasing literature on aspects of human life and human nature in terms of evolutionary theory. Stephen Davies’ The Artful Species links some of our aesthetic sensibilities with our evolved human nature and critically surveys the interdisciplinary debate regarding the evolutionary status of the arts. Davies’ engaging and accessible writing succeeds in demonstrating the maturity (...)
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  40. Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives.David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is consciousness? Why and when do we have it? Where does it come from, and how does it relate to the lump of squishy grey matter in our heads, or to our material and social worlds? While neuroscientists, philosophers, psychologists, historians, and cultural theorists offer widely different perspectives on these fundamental questions concerning what it is like to be human, most agree that consciousness represents a 'hard problem'. -/- The emergence of consciousness studies as a multidisciplinary discourse addressing these (...)
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    L’influsso morale dell’arte. Danto, Platone e le strategie della Mimesis.Francesco Lesce - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:93-109.
    Danto’s interpretation about Plato’s original condemnation of art doesn’t ground in a rigorous and accurate exegesis of the Platonic text. This contributed to making the interpreters doubtful (e.g. Halliwell), since Danto seems to conceive the philosophical genesis of mimesis attributing to it an excessively univocal meaning as compared to Platonic theses. However, interesting topics about the dangers of poetry and the moral and political implications of the “philosophical disenfranchisement of art” arise from the few Danto’s mentions about Plato’s psychological (...)
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  42. Play, Skill, and the Origins of Perceptual Art.Mohan Matthen - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (2):173-197.
    Art is universal across cultures. Yet, it is biologically expensive because of the energy expended and reduced vigilance. Why do humans make and contemplate it? This paper advances a thesis about the psychological origins of perceptual art. First, it delineates the aspects of art that need explaining: not just why it is attractive, but why fine execution and form—which have to do with how the attraction is achieved—matter over and above attractiveness. Second, it states certain constraints: we need to (...)
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    Art and linguistic bodies: a transformative view.Ståle Finke, Thomas Netland & Mattias Solli - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    This article takes its point of departure from the second (embodied) linguistic turn represented by the enactivist notion of humans as linguistic bodies, using resources from Hans Georg Gadamer in order to propose a view of the relation between art and everyday experience as one of symbolic transformation. Conceiving art as a form of linguistic phenomenon wherein one can engage in original situations of communication, this view rejects both autonomist and direct continuity views of the art-everyday relation. We start by (...)
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    A path to liberation: a spiritual and philosophical approach to the martial arts.Herman P. Kauz - 1992 - Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press.
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  45. Emerging visions of the aesthetic process: psychology, semiology, and philosophy.Gerald C. Cupchik & Janos László (eds.) - 1992 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about aesthetic processes and play from the perspectives of psychologists, philosophers, and semiologists. They explore the underlying processes from many viewpoints, including the prehistoric roots of language and art; the historical evolution of artistic, literary, and musical styles; the structure of artworks from both gestalt and semiotic perspectives; the biological and psychological processes underlying production and appreciation; the appeal of sentimental art; emotional responses to art and other aesthetic forms; personality in relation to artistic style; the (...)
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    Things that art: a graphic menagerie of enchanting curiosity.Sarah S. Lochlann Jain - 2019 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    Lochlann Jain's debut non-fiction graphic novel, Things That Art, playfully interrogates the order of things. Toying with the relationship between words and images, Jain's whimsical compositions may seem straightforward. Upon closer inspection, however, the drawings reveal profound and startling paradoxes at the heart of how we make sense of the world. Commentaries by architect and theorist Maria McVarish, poet and naturalist Elizabeth Bradfield, musician and English Professor Drew Daniel, and the author offer further insight into the drawings in this collection. (...)
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    L'amour de l'art, ou, L'évanescence du discours.Christian Martin - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Emu aux larmes à l'écoute d'une musique, en arrêt devant ce tableau, vous ressentez un plaisir indéfinissable que n'a su provoquer aucune autre oeuvre. Celle-ci excite vos émotions, captive votre corps, court-circuite votre réflexion. "Que c'est beau!". Perdu en elle, vous fusionnez avec le mystère de sa présence en un acte de communion proche de l'amour romantique ou de l'extase mystique. Vous l'aimez, tout simplement! Entremêlant objet, culture et sujet, la relation artistique superpose aux significations de tous, un plaisir, des (...)
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  48. The science of art: A neurological theory of aesthetic experience.Vilayanur Ramachandran & William Hirstein - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (6-7):15-41.
    We present a theory of human artistic experience and the neural mechanisms that mediate it. Any theory of art has to ideally have three components. The logic of art: whether there are universal rules or principles; The evolutionary rationale: why did these rules evolve and why do they have the form that they do; What is the brain circuitry involved? Our paper begins with a quest for artistic universals and proposes a list of ‘Eight laws of artistic experience’ -- a (...)
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  49. L'art d'être libres au temps des automates.Luis de Miranda - 2010 - Paris: Milo.
    Vous éprouvez souvent l'embarras du choix? Que sera la liberté au XXIe siècle? Depuis l'invention des machines et des computeurs, notre quotidien semble avoir gagné du temps. Mais en contrepartie, il paraît de plus en plus codé, soumis aux automatismes. Depuis Leibniz jusqu'à la puce biométrique, l'auteur raconte une histoire alternative de l'ère informatique. Il démontre que le " numérisme ", le principe ordinateur, est une vertu humaine ancestrale et nécessaire. Mais insuffisante. Après le sauve-qui-peut du postmodernisme, un nouveau paradigme (...)
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    Healing art: don't let anything ruin your day.Robert Flatt - 2016 - Houston, Texas: Bright Sky Press.
    Robert Flatt always held the belief that life is good. When he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, he refused to let the news alter his fundamental perspective. Robert viewed this unexpected hurdle as an opportunity: the debilitating disease granted him the gift of time to pursue his artistic interests. Through photography, he discovered the beauty in his own backyard and the immense healing power of art. Taking vivid photographs of the wonders he had previously overlooked helped him cope, and he (...)
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