Results for 'Arturo Warman'

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  1.  11
    Book Review: Arturo Warman, Corn and Capitalism: How a Botanical Bastard Grew to Global Dominance. [REVIEW]Arturo Warman - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):594-595.
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    Book Review: Arturo Warman, Corn and Capitalism: How a Botanical Bastard Grew to Global Dominance. [REVIEW]Kim Kleinman - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):594-595.
  3. La scienza e lo spirito negli scritti di Arturo Danusso.Arturo Danusso - 1978 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  4. Testimonial Smothering and Domestic Violence Disclosure in Clinical Contexts.Jack Warman - 2023 - Episteme 20 (1):107-124.
    Domestic violence and abuse (DVA) are at last coming to be recognised as serious global public health problems. Nevertheless, many women with personal histories of DVA decline to disclose them to healthcare practitioners. In the health sciences, recent empirical work has identified many factors that impede DVA disclosure, known as barriers to disclosure. Drawing on recent work in social epistemology on testimonial silencing, we might wonder why so many people withhold their testimony and whether there is some kind of epistemic (...)
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  5. Il primo libro di Arturo Massolo.Arturo Massolo - 1967 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:458.
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  6. Ensayos en homenaje al doctor Arturo Ardao.Arturo Ardao, Hugo Achugar & Manuel Arturo Claps (eds.) - 1995 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Publicaciones.
    Contiene tres trabajos sobre Arturo Ardao: sobre la noción de sujeto (Yamandú Acosta); sobre la interpretación de Andrés Bello (Arturo A. Roig); y sobre su libro Filosofía de lengua española (ver HLAS 36:5047). Mencionamos algunas de las otras contribuciones: el tema de la historia de la filosofía latinoamericana (Horacio Cerutti Guldberg); el batllismo (Manuel A. Claps); el tema de Calibán (Roberto Fernández Retamar); el pensamiento de Pedro Figari (Juan Fló); la universidad latinoamericana en el siglo XVIII (Gregorio Weinberg); (...)
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    Arturo Andrés Roig, filósofo e historiador de las ideas.Arturo Andrés Roig, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg & Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente (eds.) - 1989 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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  8. Arturo Andrés Roig, filósofo e historiador de las ideas.Arturo Andrés Roig, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg & Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente (eds.) - 1989 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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    Arturo Ardao: a cien años de su nacimiento.Arturo Ardao, Yamandú Acosta, Fernanda Diab, María Inés Moreno & Hugo E. Biagini (eds.) - 2014 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República Uruguay.
  10.  26
    Sade: From Materialism to Pornography.Caroline Warman - 2002
    Sade's personal fate has too long encouraged critics to concentrate on his personal isolation and personal revolt. Extraordinary as his life was, the light that it throws on his work casts into shade the intellectual context that was much more important to its generation than his actual experience. This book is about how Sade took a pure version of eighteenth-century materialism and rendered it into an even purer form of pornography. The eternal yet unequal clashing of atomic bodies became the (...)
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    Topodynamics of metastable brains.Arturo Tozzi, James F. Peters, Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Pedro C. Marijuán - 2017 - Physics of Life Reviews 21:1-20.
    The brain displays both the anatomical features of a vast amount of interconnected topological mappings as well as the functional features of a nonlinear, metastable system at the edge of chaos, equipped with a phase space where mental random walks tend towards lower energetic basins. Nevertheless, with the exception of some advanced neuro-anatomic descriptions and present-day connectomic research, very few studies have been addressing the topological path of a brain embedded or embodied in its external and internal environment. Herein, by (...)
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  12. Behavior, purpose and teleology.Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener & Julian Bigelow - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (1):18-24.
    This essay has two goals. The first is to define the behavioristic study of natural events and to classify behavior. The second is to stress the importance of the concept of purpose.Given any object, relatively abstracted from its surroundings for study, the behavioristic approach consists in the examination of the output of the object and of the relations of this output to the input. By output is meant any change produced in the surroundings by the object. By input, conversely, is (...)
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  13. After Pascal’s Wager: on religious belief, regulated and rationally held.Jack Warman & David Efird - 2021 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 90 (1):61-78.
    In Pascal’s famous wager, he claims that the seeking non-believer can induce genuine religious belief in herself by joining a religious community and taking part in its rituals. This form of belief regulation is epistemologically puzzling: can we form beliefs in this way, and could such beliefs be rationally held? In the first half of the paper, we explain how the regimen could allow the seeking non-believer to regulate her religious beliefs by intervening on her evidence and epistemic standards. In (...)
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    John Dewey’s theory of democracy and its links with the heterodox approach to economics.Arturo Hermann - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 14:106-131.
    John Dewey es una de las figuras más representativas de la filosofía pragmatista, enfoque este que aplicó sistemáticamente al estudio de la estructura social y cultural. En este artículo el foco de análisis se concentrará en los aspectos principales del enfoque de Dewey al estudio de los aspectos que constituyen la “naturaleza humana” y en cómo ellos interactúan con las características del contexto cultural. Se ilustrará cómo los conceptos elaborados por Dewey pueden contribuir al análisis heterodoxo de una serie de (...)
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  15. Curse the Criminal: Exile, Community and Law before Violence.Arturo Aguirre Moreno - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12).
    El siguiente artículo tiene por finalidad explorar el concepto de exilio desde el enfoque filosófico. Se trata de un examen de la construcción teórica del concepto, a partir del análisis situado en pasajes de dos obras centrales en la cultura de Occidente: La Il íada de Homero y Las leyes de Platón. Se atiende a estas obras a la luz del exilio, para esclarecer una problemática que subyace a la propia constitución de la comunidad política en la historia jurídica, ética (...)
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  16. Cognitive insight: theory and assessment.Aaron T. Beck & Warman & M. Debbie - 2004 - In Xavier F. Amador & Anthony S. David (eds.), Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Oxford University Press UK.
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    The atheist's bible: Diderot's Éléments de physiologie.Caroline Warman - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
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    Repensando el siglo XIX desde América Latina y Francia: homenaje al filósofo Arturo A. Roig.Arturo Andrés Roig, Marisa Muñoz, Patrice Vermeren & Yamandú Acosta (eds.) - 2009 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Colihue.
  19. Injusticias Epistémicas en la Deliberación Democrática: El Caso de Las Personas Privadas de La Libertad.Jack Warman & Leandro De Brasi - 2022 - In Cristián Santibáñez & Leandro De Brasi (eds.), Injusticias Epistémicas: Análisis y Contextos. Lima, Peru: Palestra Editores.
    En este capítulo, defendemos la tesis de que ciertas injusticias epistémicas relacionadas al testimonio que afectan a las personas privadas de la libertad están en tensión con la deliberación democrática. En la primera sección, ofrecemos una breve discusión de la noción de la deliberación democrática. En la segunda sección, presentamos cuatro variedades de injusticia epistémica relacionadas al testimonio. En la tercera sección, consideramos algunos casos de estas variedades de injusticia epistémica en el sistema carcelario a modo ilustrativo y explicaremos cómo (...)
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  20. Religious Belief and the Wisdom of Crowds.Jack Warman & Leandro De Brasi - 2023 - Sophia 62 (1):17-31.
    In their simplest form, consensus gentium arguments for theism argue that theism is true on the basis that everyone believes that theism is true. While such arguments may have been popular in history, they have all but fallen from grace in the philosophy of religion. In this short paper, we reconsider the neglected topic of consensus gentium arguments, paying particular attention to the value of such arguments when deployed in the defence of theistic belief. We argue that while consensus gentium (...)
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    Character, Plot, and Thought in Plato’s Timaeus-Critias.Warman Welliver - 1977 - Leiden: Brill.
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    En torno a la filosofía del derecho de Hegel: cuestiones y objeciones.Arturo Klenner - 2002 - Polis 3.
    El autor trabaja en este artículo una de las obras más citadas y controvertidas del Hegel de su periodo maduro cual es los Principios de la Filosofía del Derecho o Derecho Natural y Ciencia Política, comúnmente conocida como Filosofía del Derecho y desarrolla algunos temas que permanecen como cuestiones abiertas al debate o como aspectos objetables, tanto en su teoría del espíritu objetivo como en su interpretación.
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  23. San Juan de Ávila y su preparación al sacerdocio.Arturo Llin Chafer - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48 (146):279-306.
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    Costume e diritto.Arturo Carlo Jemolo - 1968 - [Venezia],: N. Pozza.
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  25. Lecciones de introducción al derecho y a las ciencias sociales.Arturo Orgaz - 1945 - Córdoba (R.A.): Editorial "Assandri".
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  26. (1 other version)Teoría y crítica del pensamiento latinoamericano.Arturo Andrés Roig - 1981 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    The jewels of virtue: Sade's claim to the legacy of materialism.Caroline Warman - 2000 - Paragraph 23 (1):87-97.
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    Infinito romántico.Arturo Leyte - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (3).
    RESUMENAl hilo del significado de «in-finito», el artículo explora la respuesta romántica al Planteamiento trascendental kantiano. Asimismo, se indaga en la profunda diferencia que marca ya desde el inicio el diferente destino idealista (logico-histórico) y romántico (historico‐hermenéutico) del significado de infinito. Con su exigencia de reconocer real y no solo lógicamente la relación finito/infinito, el romanticismo formulará una concepción artística de la filosofía cuyo límite último tendría que coincidir con la poesía.PALABRAS CLAVESINFINITO, ROMANTICISMO TEMPRANO, IDEALISMO TEMPRANO, FILOSOFÍA DEL ARTE, ESTÉTICA, (...)
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    The Decline of the 'Original Institutional Economics' in the Post-World War II Period and the Perspectives of Today.Arturo Hermann - 2018 - Economic Thought 7 (1):63.
    Original, or 'old', institutional economics (OIE) – also known as 'institutionalism' – played a key role in its early stages; it could be said that it was once the 'mainstream economics' of the time. This period ran approximately from the first important contributions of Thorstein Veblen in 1898 to the implementation of the New Deal in the early 1930s, where many institutionalists played a significant role. However, notwithstanding its promising scientific and institutional affirmation, institutional economics underwent a period of marked (...)
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    Antagonism and Subjectification in the Poem of Resistance.Arturo Casas - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):71-81.
    This article offers a pragmatic and relational analysis of the controversial heuristic of cultural resistance and presents some of the problems that affect the production and distribution of the poetic discourses of resistance and emancipation. To that end, it focuses on the incorporation of the historicity and the historic contingency of conflict as key elements of the subjectification constituted by the poem of resistance as “poem for the political”. It also explores the applicability of certain notions common to the contemporary (...)
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  31.  14
    aproximación a la idea de amistad en el epistolario de Paulino de Nola.Arturo Morales - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-12.
    La perspectiva de la amistad en la antigüedad tardía constituye un considerable horizonte de reflexión y análisis. Este trabajo pretende delimitar las características singulares de la amistad en el mundo cristiano del s. IV d. C. y, más concretamente, ahondar en el legado epistolar de Paulino de Nola, considerado uno de los grandes referentes de la época patrística, y cuyos postulados reflejan una incidencia notoria de la amistad. Por eso, en un primer momento, ofreceré una visión general de su vida; (...)
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    The ethical and religious values of ancient India, 3,000 B.C.-650 A.D.Arturo Speziale - 1987 - Calcutta: Sujan Publications.
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    Hindu philosophy in a nutshell.Edward Barrett Warman - 1910 - Chicago,: A. C. McClurg & co..
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    ‘The Revolution is to the human mind what the African sun is to vegetation’: Revolution, heat, and the normal school project.Caroline Warman - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (2):9-26.
    This article focuses on a slightly earlier period in its investigation of the meanings of and associations with the term normal than Cryle and Stephens have done in their recent book. It looks at the establishment and rapid demise of the Ecole normale (normal school) in Paris in 1794–5, founded on the same model as a school for the manufacture of arms that had operated in spring 1794, and suggests that this model was not only responsible for some of the (...)
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    Tolerance: the beacon of the Enlightenment.Caroline Warman (ed.) - 2016 - Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
    Inspired by Voltaire's advice that a text needs to be concise to have real influence, this anthology contains fiery extracts by forty eighteenth-century authors, from the most famous philosophers of the age to those whose brilliant writings are less well-known. These passages are immensely diverse in style and topic, but all have in common a passionate commitment to equality, freedom, and tolerance. Each text resonates powerfully with the issues our world faces today. Tolerance was first published by the Société française (...)
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  36. The role of models in science.Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener - 1945 - Philosophy of Science 12 (4):316-321.
    The intention and the result of a scientific inquiry is to obtain an understanding and a control of some part of the universe. This statement implies a dualistic attitude on the part of scientists. Indeed, science does and should proceed from this dualistic basis. But even though the scientist behaves dualistically, his dualism is operational and does not necessarily imply strict dualistic metaphysics.
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    The ethics of autonomous neurosurgical robots (ANRs).Arturo Balaguer Townsend - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    It may only be a handful of years before fully autonomous neurosurgical robots (ANRs) are pushed into widespread clinical adoption. Nevertheless, whether it is ethical to greenlight the development and adoption of ANRs is still up for debate. On the one hand, the widespread adoption of ANRs may lead to unprecedented therapeutic effects, increase sterility, improve pain profiles, increase precision, and reduce complications over the long term. On the other hand, ANRs may lead to human neurosurgical skill atrophy, increased legal (...)
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  38. Looking at anthropology from a biological point of view: A. C. Haddon's metaphors on anthropology.Arturo Alvarez Roldan - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (4):21-32.
    As is well known, A. C. Haddon visited Torres Straits for the first time in the\nsummer of 1888 with the purpose of studying, as a marine biologist, the fauna\nand the structure and mode of formation of the coral reefs in Torres Straits. There\nbegan Haddon’s ’conversion’ from zoology to anthropology.’ It seems that\nHaddon felt an urgent need to collect ethnographic information on the islanders\nbecause he saw they were changing and diminishing in number very quickly, and\ntherefore their customs were vanishing.\nVery soon after (...)
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    What does a critical period for second language acquisition mean?: Reflections on Hartshorne et al.Arturo E. Hernandez, Jean P. Bodet, Kevin Gehm & Shutian Shen - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104478.
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  40. Purposeful and non-purposeful behavior.Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (4):318-326.
    In a recent essay Professor Taylor criticizes the criteria used by Rosenblueth, Wiener and Bigelow in 1943 to distinguish purposeful from non-purposeful behavior. He also criticizes our definition of behavior, our concept of the vague as opposed to the general, our use of the word correlation, and our statement that a system may reach a final condition. Indeed, there seems to be little, if anything, in our paper to which he does not emphatically object.He maintains that the notions of purpose (...)
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  41. Guadalupe y los Agustinos en Indias.Arturo Alvarez Alvarez - 2008 - Ciudad de Dios 221 (2):409-424.
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    La filosofía polémica de Feijóo.Arturo Ardao - 1962 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Losada.
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  43. Le basi naturali della politica e del diritto.Arturo Bruchi - 1902 - The Monist 12:629.
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  44. Frédéric Rauh: esperienza e moralità.Arturo Deregibus - 1976 - Torino: Giappichelli.
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  45. La filosofia di Jules Lequier (II).Arturo Deregibus - 1998 - Filosofia Oggi 21 (82):183-210.
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  46. Lo spiritualismo "critico" di Arthur Collier (I).Arturo Deregibus - 1995 - Filosofia Oggi 18 (69):95-138.
  47. Monismo e neocritismo nella filosofia di Filipo Masci.Arturo Derigibus - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 25 (97):87-118.
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    Islas Dislocadas.Arturo Dávila - 2013 - CLR James Journal 19 (1):11-15.
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    Actors, networks, and new knowledge producers.Arturo Escobar - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 273.
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  50. Social Movements and Biodiversity on the Pacific Coast of Colombia.Arturo Escobar & Mauricio Pardo - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies. New York: Verso. pp. 288--314.
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