Results for 'Aryeh Wineman'

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  1.  11
    The Hasidic Moses: a chapter in the history of Jewish interpretation.Aryeh Wineman - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    In The Hasidic Moses, Aryeh Wineman invites readers to join him on a journey through various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Hasidic texts that interpret the life of Moses. Such texts read their own accent on spirituality and innerness along with their conceptions of community and spiritual leadership into the biblical account of Moses. Wineman reveals the ways in which historical Hasidic voices interpreted both the Exodus from Egypt and the scene of Revelation at Sinai as statements concerning what (...)
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    Ineffable landscapes.Perle Besserman - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (5):106-109.
    Keter: The Crown of God in Early Jewish Mysticism. By Arthur Green xi + 226 pp. $35 cloth. Mystic Tales From the Zohar. Translated and edited by Aryeh Wineman 161 pp. $12.95 paper. Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary. By Janet Gyatso xxiii + 360 pp. $39.50 cloth.
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    The Activity of Being: An Essay on Aristotle’s Ontology.Aryeh Kosman - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard.
    Understanding “what something is” has long occupied philosophers, and no Western thinker has had more influence on the nature of being than Aristotle. Focusing on a reinterpretation of the concept of energeia as “activity,” Aryeh Kosman reexamines Aristotle’s ontology and some of our most basic assumptions about the great philosopher’s thought.
  4.  69
    Philosophy and the Jewish tradition: lectures and essays by Aryeh Leo Motzkin.Aryeh Leo Motzkin - 2012 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Yehuda Halper.
    Plato and Aristotle on the vocation of the philosopher -- Halevi's Kuzari as a platonic dialogue -- Maimonides and the imagination -- Elia del Medigo, Averroes and Averroism -- Paduan Averroism reconsidered -- Philosophy and mysticism -- Maimonides and Spinoza on good and evil -- A note on natural right, nature and reason in Spinoza -- Spinoza and Luzzatto : philosophy and religion -- On the interpretation of Maimonides: the cases of Samuel David Luzzatto and Ahad Haxam -- Harry a. (...)
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    Virtues of Thought.Aryeh Kosman - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard.
    Exploring what two foundational figures, Plato and Aristotle, have to say about the nature of human awareness and understanding, Aryeh Kosman concludes that ultimately the virtues of thought are to be found in the joys and satisfactions that come from thinking philosophically, whether we engage in it ourselves or witness others' participation.
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    The two-arousal hypothesis: Reticular formation and limbic system.Aryeh Routtenberg - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (1):51-80.
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    Review of Aryeh Botwinick: Skepticism and Political Participation.[REVIEW]Aryeh BOTWINICK - 1993 - Ethics 103 (2):397-398.
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    Heraclitus and Thales’ Conceptual Scheme: A Historical Study.Aryeh Finkelberg - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    In Heraclitus and Thales’ Conceptual Scheme: A Historical Study Aryeh Finkelberg rejects the teleological interpretation of early Greek thought as targeted at later results, viz. philosophy, and seeks to determine its intended meaning by restoring it to its historical context.
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  9. Sefer Shaʼagat Aryeh: ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Sefer Ben maśkil ; ṿe-Sefer Mosheh emet ṿe-Torato emet.Yehudah Aryeh ben Mordekhai Leṿinger - 2013 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: Mordekhai Tsevi Luger. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Hilel Luger, Mordekhai Tsevi Luger & Yehudah Aryeh ben Mordekhai Leṿinger.
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    How Bioethics and Case Law Diverge in Assessments of Mental Capacity: An Argument for a Narrative Coherence Standard.Aryeh L. Goldberg - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (1):7-17.
    Clinical assessments of mental capacity have long been guided by four basic cognitive criteria (understanding, appreciation, ability to reason, communication of decision), distilled directly from widespread legal precedent in common law cases of informed consent and refusal. This article will challenge the sufficiency of these legal criteria at the bedside on the assertion that clinicians and bioethicists who evaluate decisional capacity face questions far deeper than the mere presence or absence of a patient’s informed consent. It will then present an (...)
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  11.  29
    Democracy and Vision: Sheldon Wolin and the Vicissitudes of the Political.Aryeh Botwinick & William E. Connolly (eds.) - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    These essays--and an introduction by William Connolly that lucidly outlines Wolin's thought and the deep uncertainty about political theory in the 1960s that did much to inspire his work--offer unprecedented insights into Wolin's lament ...
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    Chapter 7. Aristotle’s Prime Mover.Aryeh Kosman - 2017 - In Mary Louise Gill & James G. Lennox, Self-Motion: From Aristotle to Newton. Princeton University Press. pp. 135-154.
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    The moderating function of sexual sanctification on the relation between sexual and relationship satisfaction: A registered report.Aryeh Lazar - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    Past research on sanctification has focused on the direct association between domain sanctification and domain satisfaction. This registered-report study focused on the predicted moderating function of sexual sanctification on the association between sexual and relationship satisfaction. An Internet panel sample of 740 women and 872 men, all married Jewish individuals residing in Israel, assessed the levels of their sexual and marital satisfaction, sexual sanctification, religiousness, and social desirability via an anonymous online questionnaire. As expected, sexual and marital satisfaction were highly (...)
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  14. Aristotle on the Desirability of Friends.Aryeh Kosman - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (1):135-154.
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    A case for Hume's nonutilitarianism.Aryeh Botwinick - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Case for Hume's Nonutilitarianism ARYEH BOTWINICK IN MANY HISTORIES OF WESTERN THOUGHTI--as well as in those devoted more specifically to the history of Western political thought2--the designation of Hume as a utilitarian in his ethical and political theory is taken for granted. The word "utility" occurs frequently in both the Treatise and the Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, and this has led most commentators to posit (...)
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  16.  31
    Michael Oakeshott's Skepticism.Aryeh Botwinick - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    The English philosopher Michael Oakeshott is known as a conservative who rejected philosophically ambitious rationalism and the grand political ideologies of the twentieth century on the grounds that no human ideas have ultimately reliable foundations. Instead, he embraced tradition and habit as the guides to moral and political life. In this book, Aryeh Botwinick presents an original account of Oakeshott's skepticism about foundations, an account that newly reveals the unity of his thought. Botwinick argues that, despite Oakeshott's pragmatic conservatism, (...)
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  17.  9
    Skepticism.Aryeh Botwinick - 1990 - Temple University Press.
    Aryeh Botwinick argues for the recovery of a radical democratic tradition that emphasizes the role of individual participation in the development and control of social and political institutions. Such involvement implies philosophical skepticism—the assumption that the truth about what is the best course of action cannot be known with certainty and that, therefore, every person’s opinion has an equal claim to be considered. The crucial stumbling block to reappropriating this radical egalitarian tradition is the supposed unviability of a consistent (...)
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  18.  13
    (1 other version)Emmanuel Levinas and the Limits to Ethics: A Critique and a Re-Appropriation.Aryeh Botwinick - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
  19. What Does the Maker Mind Make?Aryeh Kosman - 1992 - In Martha Craven Nussbaum & Amélie Rorty, Essays on Aristotle's De anima. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 343-358.
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    Postmodernism and democratic theory.Aryeh Botwinick - 1993 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    In Postmodernism and Democratic Theory, Aryeh Botwinick is concerned with defining postmodernism and exploring its political-economic dimensions. Previous attempts at definition have foundered because the theory has a built-in incoherence: in their rejection of reasoned argument, postmodernists must rely on reasoned argument to make their case. This issue of "self-referentialism" is pivotal, for example, in Jurgen Habermas's criticism of the postmodernists. But Botwinick shows that postmodernism can be coherently conceived as a "generalized agnosticism," which remains open to all possibilities (...)
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  21.  23
    Skepticism, belief, and the modern: Maimonides to Nietzsche.Aryeh Botwinick - 1997 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Drawing upon diverse disciplines--political theory, metaphysics, analytic philosophy, intellectual history, and Jewish studies--Aryeh Botwinick calls into question cherished boundaries of western thought, specifically those that isolate religion. In developing his argument, he applies deconstructionist approaches to such classic texts as Plato's REPUBLIC, Maimonides' GUIDE OF THE PERPLEXED, and Hobbes's LEVIATHAN.
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  22.  22
    The Cosmology of Parmenides.Aryeh Finkelberg - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107:303-317.
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    On Cosmogony and Ecpyrosis in Heraclitus.Aryeh Finkelberg - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (2):195-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Cosmogony and Ecpyrosis In HeraclitusAryeh FinkelbergThe traditional attribution to heraclitus of the theory of recurrent reabsorption of the world into fire was challenged as early as 1807 by F. Schleiermacher. That contention, supported by F. Lassalle, was criticized by E. Zeller but was restated by J. Burnet in 1892. Burnet’s argument was elaborated by K. Reinhardt and then revised and restated by G. S. Kirk. The endeavors of (...)
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  24.  8
    The double-edged sword of sexual sanctification: Moderation of the associations between sexual dysfunctions and sexual and psychological well-being.Aryeh Lazar & Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This study aimed to investigate the possible moderating role of sexual sanctification in the context of sexual dysfunctions and sexual and psychological well-being, particularly examining potential gender differences. Data were collected from 1207 Israeli adult women and men in cohabiting relationships for at least 6 months using an online survey. Participants provided information on sexual functioning, and measures included non-theistic sexual sanctification, sexual and psychological distress, and sexual and relationship satisfaction. Measures of religious behavior and belief were also included as (...)
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  25.  51
    Politics in a World of Scarcity: Theories of Justice and Political Obligation.Aryeh Botwinick - 1981 - Journal of Social Philosophy 12 (3):7-15.
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    Plato's Method in Timaeus.Aryeh Finkelberg - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (3):391-409.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Plato's Method in TimaeusAryeh FinkelbergIIn the long dispute between advocates of the metaphorical and the literal interpretations of the Timaeus creation story the exegetic potential of the dialogue has been exhaustively presented, yet with no decisive outcome,1 for, as has been repeatedly recognized, the issue can hardly be settled by a direct appeal to the text.2 This being the case, assistance has been sought in the evidence of Plato's (...)
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  27. Introduction to "Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah".Aryeh Siegel - 2020 - In Yehuda Lev Ashlag & Aryeh Siegel, Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah. Urim Publications.
    THE PURPOSE OF OUR LIVES is to undergo a gradual transformation. We are born with a self-centered nature, but we can acquire a nature in which the focus is on the other. Through spiritual work, we can slowly learn to overcome our innate desire to find some form of self-gratification in all we do. Union with God is the result of desiring to give to others with no interest in reward of any kind. This is the essential teaching of the (...)
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    Moses Maimonides und Immanuel Kant – negative Theologie, Skeptizismus und die Rolle des Unendlichen.Aryeh Botwinick - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (1):25-42.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 66 Heft: 1 Seiten: 25-42.
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  29. America's new nationalism.Aryeh Neier - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (4):1015-1022.
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  30. Man's Search for Divinity - Self-transcendence in Logotherapy and Kabbalah.Aryeh Siegel - 2016 - In God and Evil. Efrat, Israel: Joy of Life Seminars. pp. 59-67.
  31. The Problem of Problems.Aryeh Siegel - 1981 - ReVISION - A Journal of Consciousness and Change 4 (2):32-39.
    The problem of evil might better be called "the problem of problems." That there is "evil" in the world can be expressed most generally by saying that there are problems with the way things are, that at least something is not the way it should be. I shall propose that the various possible resolutions of the problem of evil correspond to varying approaches that people generally take to the problems in their lives. In this way, a connection can be made (...)
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    The Moderating Effect of Religiousness and Spirituality on the Relation between Dyadic Sexual and Non-Sexual Communication with Sexual and Marital Satisfaction among Married Jewish Women.Aryeh Lazar - 2016 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (3):353-377.
    Moderating effects of religiousness and spirituality on the relations between sexual and non-sexual dyadic communication with sexual and marital satisfaction were examined. Three hundred forty-two married Jewish women responded to self-report measures. Religiousness moderated the relations between both sexual and non-sexual communication with marital satisfaction—for the less religious these relations were stronger in comparison with the more religious—but not with sexual satisfaction. Sexual communication had a unique contribution to the prediction of sexual satisfaction while both types of communication demonstrated unique (...)
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  33.  38
    The Glory of the Scholar: The Nexus of Beauty and Intellect in Chinese and Rabbinic Literature.Aryeh Amihay & Lupeng Li - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):531-555.
    Abstract:This study explores the relationship between beauty and intellect, often represented as diametrical opposites, in Chinese and Jewish texts, particularly with reference to Confucian and rabbinic texts. Four discourses concerning the nexus of beauty and intellect are presented: antagonistic, complementary, authentic, and epistemic. In both traditions, although more so in Confucianism, intellect is sometimes elided with moral virtue, adding another element to the discussion. The comparison of this theme in distant traditions seeks to highlight their shared resistance to a single (...)
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    Socio-rhetorical re-examination of Luke 9:51–56: Mission, migration, and nationalism.Daniel N. A. Aryeh - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    The conjoined themes of mission, migration, and nationalism are central issues in the Gospel of Luke. These essential motifs were amalgamated in a rhetorical composition to persuade implied readers to be mission-focused but accommodate the views of transiting communities or consular decisions and national pride. Luke 9:51–56 has been variedly interpreted on discipleship, media communication, Christological, and Elijah’s spirit tenets. Emphasising individual themes in the interpretation of Luke 9:51–56 is legitimate, but it leaves out a holistic understanding of the text (...)
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  35.  24
    The Confluence of Western Monotheism and Eastern Buddhism as a Potent Force for World Peace.Aryeh Botwinick - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (205):151-165.
    ExcerptBeing able to sustain the distinction between God’s unknowability and God’s nonexistence is a crucial prerequisite for deepening the coherence of our understanding of Western religion and for the articulation and generation of prospects toward peace. This is true both internationally and domestically—and in terms of intrapsychic peace (peace of mind).
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  36. Bringing war criminals to justice: A brief history.Aryeh Neier - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (4):1091-1097.
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  37. (1 other version)Same/other versus friend/enemy: Levinas contra Schmitt.Aryeh Botwinick - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (132):46-63.
  38.  81
    Being, truth and opinion in parmenides.Aryeh Finkelberg - 1999 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 81 (3):233-248.
  39. Anaximander's conception of the apeiron.Aryeh Finkelberg - 1993 - Phronesis 38 (3):229-256.
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    Aristotle's First Predicament.Aryeh Kosman - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):483 - 506.
    Alternatively, we might attend not to the different answers appropriate to different questions asked about the same entity, but to the different answers which result when, about different entities, the same question is asked repeatedly, the question "What is it?" What is Socrates? a man; what is a man? an animal; and so on, branch by branch up the Porphyrian tree, until we reach "substance." Each ultimate answer will signify a supreme and irreducible genus of entity, not a type of (...)
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  41. Commentary on Johansen.Aryeh Kosman - 2005 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 21.
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  42. The Divine in Aristotle's Ethics.Aryeh Kosman - 2009 - Animus 13:101-107.
    God plays several roles in Aristotle’s account of a good life, none explicitly. A principle of good in general and of human good in particular, God is specifically a principle of intelligent agency, of our ability to choose and thus shape and act in accordance with virtue. God explains well-being not obviously a result of virtuous action: the divine can be seen as the source of blessed lives. Similarly, the divine can figure moral luck, the way lives turn out despite (...)
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  43. Empirical State Determination of Entangled Two-Level Systems and Its Relation to Information Theory.Y. Ben-Aryeh, A. Mann & B. C. Sanders - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (12):1963-1975.
    Theoretical methods for empirical state determination of entangled two-level systems are analyzed in relation to information theory. We show that hidden variable theories would lead to a Shannon index of correlation between the entangled subsystems which is larger than that predicted by quantum mechanics. Canonical representations which have maximal correlations are treated by the use of Schmidt and Hilbert-Schmidt decomposition of the entangled states, including especially the Bohm singlet state and the GHZ entangled states. We show that quantum mechanics does (...)
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    Biblical interpretation during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from Africa.Daniel N. A. Aryeh & Victor V. S. Molobi - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):8.
    Biblical interpretation and/or hermeneutics is largely influenced by context and prevailing events and/or issues. This is attested by many scholars in the field. Previous pandemics have influenced the way biblical hermeneutics is conducted during the period. The situation is not too different from the emergence of COVID-19. The pandemic has been scripturalised to argue that it is the fulfilment of scriptural signs for the second coming of Jesus. Others assert that it is the result of human sins and 5G technology. (...)
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  45. Ontological Differences.Aryeh Kosman - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):421-434.
    Aristotle’s discussions, in Metaphysics Delta 7 and 8, of things designated by the terms we translate ‘being’ and ‘substance’ are revealing in several respects. The discussion in chapter 7 reveals the centrality in his thinking of the distinction between in itself and accidental being, a distinction different from that between substance and the other categories. The discussion in chapter 8 in turn reveals not only two related criteria for calling things substance, but a distinction as well between entities that are (...)
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    The Activity of Being: A reply to my critics, Mary Louise Gill, Jonathan Beere, and David Charles.Aryeh Kosman - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):881-888.
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    A neo-pragmatist defense of democratic participation.Aryeh Botwinick - 1988 - Journal of Social Philosophy 19 (2):63-79.
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    Hobbes's concept of law and representation: Some reflections on past and future.Aryeh Botwinick - 1983 - Journal of Social Philosophy 14 (1):34-51.
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    The Preacher’s Agenda: A Dominican versus the Italian Renaissance.Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):462-476.
    This article reviews the cultural agenda of the celebrated Dominican preacher Giovanni Dominici in fifteenth-century Florence. Central issues discussed include Dominici’s educational programme, his cultural propaganda, his interest in the visual arts and his opposition to the study of the classics, as expressed in his public popular preaching. The close examination of his cultural agenda discloses Dominici as the most extreme opponent of humanist studies.
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  50.  23
    Agnotologie, die Grenzen der Gewissheit und die Theorie der Demokratie.Aryeh Botwinick - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (3):349-372.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 3 Seiten: 349-372.
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