Results for 'Athol Fitzgibbons'

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  1.  67
    Adam Smith's System of Liberty, Wealth, and Virtue: The Moral and Political Foundations of the Wealth of Nations.Athol Fitzgibbons - 1997 - Clarendon Press.
    This study analyses the influence that Adam Smith's philosophy had on his Wealth of Nations, and reveals the unity in Smith's extensive system of morals, politics, and economics. It concludes that Smith was motivated by a political ideal, which was moral liberalism.
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    Jason: The End.Athol Fugard - 2007 - Arion 15 (1):138-146.
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    Commencement of the Legal Year Drinks.Athol Opas, Andrew Crockett, Daniel Moulis, Kate Fiddy, Brad Beasley Anu, Ruth Freeman, Nathalie Shepherd, Justice Terence Higgins, Margaret Reid & Gary Parker - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Ethics, Fundamental Principles of Moral Philosophy.John Francis Fitzgibbon - 1983 - Upa.
    A textbook presenting basic moral principles from the ethical standpoint of the author. The author contends that these basic principles do not change very often or very rapidly, although the application of these principles is subject to constant revision. Much of the literature in ethics is devoted to the application of moral philosophy; this book provides a thorough study of the principles themselves.
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    The failure of the freedom-based and utilitarian arguments for assisted suicide.Scott FitzGibbon - 1997 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 42 (1):211.
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    Who's Helping Who?Kath Fitzgibbon - 2008 - Ethics and Social Welfare 2 (2):203-208.
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    Peters's analysis of education: The pathology of an argument.R. E. Fitzgibbons - 1975 - British Journal of Educational Studies 23 (1):78-98.
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    The increasing role of the lay press in patient medical education: help or hindrance?Timothy C. Fitzgibbons & R. Michael Gross - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (2):85-87.
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    ""The Psychopathology of" Sex Reassignment" Surgery: Assessing Its Medical, Psychological, and Ethical Appropriateness.Richard P. Fitzgibbons, Philip M. Sutton & Dale O'Leary - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (1):97-125.
    Is it ethical to perform a surgery whose purpose is to make a male look like a female or a female to appear male? Is it medically appropriate? Sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) violates basic medical and ethical principles and is therefore not ethically or medically appropriate. (1) SRS mutilates a healthy, non-diseased body. To perform surgery on a healthy body involves unnecessary risks; therefore, SRS violates the principle primum non nocere, “first, do no harm.” (2) Candidates for SRS may believe (...)
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  10. Plural superlatives and distributivity.Yael Sharvit, Natalia Fitzgibbons & Jon Gajewski - unknown
    In this paper we propose a unified semantics for singular and plural superlative expressions that makes use of the ‘**’ (“double star”) distributivity operator (an operator whose role is to pluralize 2-place predicates). The analysis aims to solve two problems: (a) the distributivity problem (the fact that a superlative expression doesn’t distribute over the atomic parts of the plural individual it is predicated of); and (b) the cut-off problem (the fact that a plural superlative expression cannot simultaneously be predicated of (...)
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  11.  11
    Seven reasons for supporting social democracy: the conservative, liberal, capitalist, democratic, religious, socialist, and North American reasons.Donald Atholl Bailey - 2014 - Altona, Manitoba: Friesens.
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    Antoni Domènech: sobre republicanismo, libertad individual y derechos.Paul Fitzgibbon Cella - 2020 - Isegoría 63:485-506.
    Antoni Domènech was one of Spain’s most important political philosophers of the late twentieth and early twentyfirst centuries. Known primarily as a scholar of republicanism, his work on the concepts of individual liberty and rights complicates standard liberal definitions, which he believed erred in defining these terms independent of institutional context, as pre-political attributes of the individual. He argued that republicanism corrected liberalism’s abstraction by making one’s actually being able to exercise liberty and rights depend on one’s enjoying a sufficiently (...)
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  13.  42
    Constitutive spectral EEG peaks in the gamma range: suppressed by sleep, reduced by mental activity and resistant to sensory stimulation.Tyler S. Grummett, Sean P. Fitzgibbon, Trent W. Lewis, Dylan DeLosAngeles, Emma M. Whitham, Kenneth J. Pope & John O. Willoughby - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Pädagogisches Argumentieren.Harm Paschen, Lothar Wigger & Robert E. Fitzgibbons (eds.) - 1992 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
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    Deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex improves social relating in autism spectrum disorder.Enticott Peter, Fitzgibbon Bernadette, Kennedy Hayley, Arnold Sara, Elliot David, Peachey Amy, Zangen Abraham & Fitzgerald Paul - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  16. A Bohemian philosopher at Oxford in the 17th century. George Ritschel of Deutschkahn (1616-1683).Robert Fitzgibbon Young - 1925 - [London]: School of Slavonic studies in the University of London, King's college.
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  17. Chronological Table in Joseph Needham's The Teacher of Nations.R. Fitzgibbon Young - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:526.
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  18. The Jurisprudence of Marriage and Other Intimate Relationships.E. Christian Brugger, Scott FitzGibbon, Lynn D. Wardle, A. Scott Loveless & William S. Hein - 2010 - Am. J. Juris 55:225 - 225.
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    Exploring the role of citizen journalism in slum improvement: the case of ‘Voice of Kibera’.Tedla Desta, Mike Fitzgibbon & Noreen Byrne - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):215-220.
    This paper explores the role of citizen journalism in the improvement of slums through the Voice of Kibera (VoK) case study. To meet the research objectives, both qualitative and quantitative methods are applied. The study used content analysis, a survey and interview techniques. It concluded that citizen journalism in the VoK uses a participatory, bottom-up approach, with the residents taking a lead role in the production and consumption of news, and that it plays its part in improving the lives of (...)
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  20.  42
    International development: exploring the gap between organisations’ development policy and practice—a Southern perspective. [REVIEW]Denis Dennehy, Mike Fitzgibbon & Fergal Carton - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):221-230.
    International development policies inevitably encounter a conflict in their implementation, representing the gap between universal goals and grass-roots practice. The aim of this study was to explore and understand the significance of this gap, and to apply knowledge management principles as a lens to suggest bridging solutions. The research focuses on non-governmental organisations, which are a sub-section of the civil society. The study was unique as it took a Southern perspective—the views and experiences of policy-makers, practitioners and beneficiaries in Kenya (...)
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  21. Top, LR: Iveta Bales (Farrar Gesini Dunn), Jessica Wynd (Certus Law), Jessica Kennedy (Farrar Gesini Dunn). Middle, LR: Robert Routh (Certus.L. R. Bottom, Martin Hockridge, Greg Brackenreg & Athol Opas - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    A transcranial magnetic stimulation study of the effect of visual orientation on the putative human mirror neuron system.Jed D. Burgess, Sara L. Arnold, Bernadette M. Fitzgibbon, Paul B. Fitzgerald & Peter G. Enticott - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    AGM Members Lunch.Michael Flynn, Carolyn Pope, Councillor Jayne Reece, Richard Refshauge Sc, Bill Redpath, Peter Romano, Athol Opas, Jo Clay, Tim Sharman & Higgins Lawyers - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    The Return of Myth: Athol Fugard and the Classics.Marianne McDonald - 2006 - Arion 14 (2):21-48.
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    Indeterminism in Nature. Par G. E. Fitzgibbon S.V.D., Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana, Boston, 1963. vii-52 p. $3.00.Réjane Bernier - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):640.
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    The Jurisprudence of Marriage and Other Intimate Relationships Edited by Scott FitzGibbon, Lynn D. Wardle, and A. Scott Loveless.E. Christian Brugger - 2010 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 55 (1):225-250.
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  27. Antigone and Orestes in the Works of Athol Fugard.E. A. Mackay - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    El tema de la marginalidad en dos dramaturgos contemporáneos: Athol Fugard y Juan Radrigán.Enrique Sandoval Gessler - 2002 - Polis 3.
    El autor presenta a estos dos dramaturgos de culturas marcadamente distintas, que realizaron aportes libertarios frente a políticas represivas en las repúblicas de Sudáfrica y de Chile. Para ello contextualiza el país y el tiempo en que escribieron, y nos ofrece una interiorización a sus dramaturgias. Fugard produjo en un contexto de apartheid desde la clandestinidad. Radrigán, bajo dictadura y en condiciones de represión y autocensura. Ambos rescatan la dignidad de los marginados de su patria.
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    "Indeterminism in Nature," by William E. Fitzgibbon, S.V.D. [REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1966 - Modern Schoolman 43 (3):309-310.
  30. No Longer Lost for Words: Antigone's Afterlife.Alison Forsyth - 2006 - Colloquy 11:128-147.
    Why Revisit Classics Like Antigone? Sophocles’ dramatic depiction of the myth of Antigone has undergone a range of theatrical reincarnations over the centuries, from the tellingly entitled Antigone ou le piete by Robert Garnier to versions and free translations by Vittorio Alfieri , Friedrich Hölderin , Johann Wolfgang Goethe , Walter Hasenclaver , Jean Coc- teau , Jean Anouilh , Bertolt Brecht , Tom Paulin , Athol Fugard , Miro Gavran and Seamus Heaney – to name just a few. (...)
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    The Ethos of Drama: Rhetorical Theory and Dramatic Worth.Robert L. King - 2010 - Catholic University of America Press.
    Rhetorical ethos and dramatic theory -- Syntax, style, and ethos -- The worth of words -- Memory and ethos -- Shaw, ethos, and rhetorical wit -- Athol Fugard's dramatic rhetoric -- Rhetoric and silence in Holocaust drama.
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    Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives.John Sniegocki - 2009 - Marquette University Press.
    Introduction -- Overview of the contemporary global context : life stories -- Data on poverty, hunger, and inequality in an age of globalization -- The goals and structure of this book -- Development theory and practice : an overview -- Origins of the concept of development -- Modernization theory -- Modernization theory and U.S. aid policy -- The impact of modernizationist development -- Structuralist economic theories -- Dependency theories -- Basic needs approach -- New international economic order -- Alternative development (...)
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    Scholars turn their minds to marriage : The jurisprudence of marriage and other intimate relationships [Book Review]. [REVIEW]Margaret Somerville - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (3):44.
    Somerville, Margaret Review of: Scholars turn their minds to marriage : The jurisprudence of marriage and other intimate relationships, by Scott FitzGibbon, Lynn D. Wardle, and A. Scott Loveless, Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein and Co., 2010.
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    COVID-19 and Sunday worship in the wake of the pandemic at Our Lady of Loreto, South Africa.Mathias F. Alubafi - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):6.
    Christians, and those of the Roman Catholic Church, have made significant adjustments to their participation in Sunday liturgy in the wake of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This is especially the case for Catholic Christians at the ‘Our Lady of Loreto’ (OLL) Church in Kempton Park in South Africa. Sunday Church services that used to be compulsory for most Catholic families and community members, are now attended by few and in some cases none from staunch Catholic families and communities. (...)
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    ARAGÃO, Ivan Rêgo. “Vinde todas as pessoas, e vede a minha dor”: A Festa/Procissão ao Nosso Senhor dos Passos como Atrativo Potencial Turístico em São Cristóvão-Sergipe-Brasil.Ivan Rêgo Aragão - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (34):602-603.
    ARAGÃO, Ivan Rêgo. “ Vinde todas as pessoas, e vede a minha dor ”: A Festa/Procissão ao Nosso Senhor dos Passos como Atrativo Potencial Turístico em São Cristóvão-Sergipe-Brasil. 2012. 198f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Cultura e Turismo – Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), Ilhéus-BA. Palavras-chave: Turismo Cultural-Religioso Católico. Religiosidade Popular. Festa do Senhor dos Passos. Keywords: Catholic Religious-Cultural Tourism. Popular Religiosity. Party of Lord of the Steps.
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