Results for 'Authoritarianism'

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  1. Alan Carter.Eco-Reformism Eco-Authoritarianism - 1996 - Cogito 10:115.
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    Authoritarianism: Three Inquiries in Critical Theory.Wendy Brown, Peter E. Gordon & Max Pensky - 2018 - University of Chicago Press.
    Across the Euro-Atlantic world, political leaders have been mobilizing their bases with nativism, racism, xenophobia, and paeans to “traditional values,” in brazen bids for electoral support. How are we to understand this move to the mainstream of political policies and platforms that lurked only on the far fringes through most of the postwar era? Does it herald a new wave of authoritarianism? Is liberal democracy itself in crisis? In this volume, three distinguished scholars draw on critical theory to address (...)
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  3. Rejecting Eco-Authoritarianism, Again.Dan Coby Shahar - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (3):345-366.
    Ecologically-motivated authoritarianism flourished initially during the 1970s but largely disappeared after the decline of socialism in the late-1980s. Today, 'eco- authoritarianism ' is beginning to reassert itself, this time modelled not after the Soviet Union but modern-day China. The new eco-authoritarians denounce central planning but still suggest that governments should be granted powers that free them from subordination to citizens' rights or democratic procedures. I argue that current eco-authoritarian views do not present us with an attractive alternative to (...)
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    Authoritarianism as an element of social character and a factor of gendered social interaction.Sasa Jovancevic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22):171-194.
    The immediacy of daily encounters with gender roles, as well as the specific features of authoritarian mediation in their social shaping, make an analysis of gendered social interaction indispensable. In this paper the analysis is centered on the concept of social character, with special emphasis on authoritarianism as a continuous determinant of the transformation of natural sex into social construct of gender. It is precisely the authoritarian personality type that is the basis for alienated gender, dominated by sexism, a?natural? (...)
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    Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism.Richard Rorty - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Edited by Eduardo Mendieta & Robert Brandom.
    In his final work, Richard Rorty provides the definitive statement of his political thought. Rorty equates pragmatism with anti-authoritarianism, arguing that because there is no authority we can rely on to ascertain truth, we can only do so intersubjectively. It follows that we must learn to think and care about what others think and care about.
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    Authoritarianism and information processing.Sheldon G. Levy - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):240-242.
    Predicted relationships between media preference and authoritarianism were derived from theoretical and experimental studies. It was hypothesized that authoritarians would be more likely to believe their preferred media sources than would nonauthoritarians, and that the authoritarian’s position on political issues would be closer to the position represented by positively evaluated media but farther from the position of negatively evaluated media. Results from mail questionnaires obtained from 445 Detroit adults supported the hypotheses. Coercive force also was strongly related to (...) when the media were described as disagreeing with the views of important political leaders. (shrink)
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  7. Defining Digital Authoritarianism.James S. Pearson - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-19.
    It is becoming increasingly common for authoritarian regimes to leverage digital technologies to surveil, repress and manipulate their citizens. Experts typically refer to this practice as digital authoritarianism (DA). Existing definitions of DA consistently presuppose a politically repressive agent intentionally exploiting digital technologies to pursue authoritarian ends. I refer to this as the intention-based definition. This paper argues that this definition is untenable as a general description of DA. I begin by illustrating the current predominance of the intention-based definition (...)
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    Detecting Authoritarianism Efficiently: Psychometric Properties of the Screening Instrument Authoritarianism – Ultra Short (A-US) in a German Representative Sample.Ayline Heller, Oliver Decker, Bjarne Schmalbach, Manfred Beutel, Jörg M. Fegert, Elmar Brähler & Markus Zenger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    With right-wing-extremist and -populist parties and movements on the rise throughout the world, the concept of authoritarianism has proven to be particularly valuable to explain the psychological underpinnings of these tendencies. Even though many scales to measure the different dimensions of authoritarianism exist, no short screening instrument has been tested and validated on a large scale so far. The present study examines the psychometric properties of the screening instrument Authoritarianism – Ultrashort in three representative German samples. Using (...)
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  9. The Case against Asian Authoritarianism: A Libertarian Reading of Liu E's The Travels of Laocan.Cesar Guarde-Paz - unknown - Libertarian Papers 8.
    The present paper offers a libertarian reading of one of the most important Chinese novels of the twentieth century, The Travels of Laocan, written by Chinese entrepreneur Liu E between 1903 and 1906. I start with an exposition of the ideas associated with the concept of “Asian values,” the evident cultural unviability of this notion, and how “Asian authoritarianism” has been rationalized and justified on the basis of a Hobbesian conception of human nature. Next, I examine Liu E’s life (...)
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  10. Avoiding authoritarianism: On the problem of justification in contemporary critical social theory.Maeve Cooke - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (3):379 – 404.
    Critical social theories look critically at the ways in which particular social arrangements hinder human flourishing, with a view to bringing about social change for the better. In this they are guided by the idea of a good society in which the identified social impediments to human flourishing would once and for all have been removed. The question of how these guiding ideas of the good life can be justified as valid across socio-cultural contexts and historical epochs is the most (...)
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  11. Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison.[author unknown] - 2019
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    Authoritarianism” of the left and the right.Warner Wilson, Larry Dennis & Allen P. Wadsworth - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):271-274.
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    Does authoritarianism necessarily stifle creativity? The role of discipline-focused authoritarian leadership.Honglei Zhao, Qingming Su, Ming Lou, Chuqi Hang & Li Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A burgeoning body of research has shown that authoritarian leadership embodies the characteristics of “light” and “dark,” meaning that it does not always have a negative impact on employees’ creative activities. However, studies explaining this potential positive effect are insufficient. To extend the AL and creativity literature, we draw on self-determination theory and event system theory, and elicit discipline-focused AL and appointment event criticality to examine whether, when, and how authoritarian leaders affect employee creativity positively. With time-lagged data collected from (...)
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  14. Authoritarianism, the holocaust and the culture industry: Aspects of education in the philosophy..M. Zuckermann - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9 (3-4):13-35.
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    Authoritarianism as a group-level adaptation in humans.Sven van de Wetering - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):780-781.
    Wilson & Sober's discussion of group selection is marred by the absence of plausible examples of human group-level behavioral adaptation. The trait of authoritarianism is one possible example of such an adaptation. It reduces within-group variance in reproductive success, manifests itself more strongly in response to group-level threat, and is found in a variety of cultures.
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    Anti-Authoritarianism as a Liberal Culture: Richard Rorty Between Communitarian and Liberal Criticism.Lucas von Ramin - 2022 - Contemporary Pragmatism 19 (3):170-194.
    In recent years, Rorty’s anti-authoritarianism has been repeatedly associated with the loss of truth and a post-factual age. At the same time, Rorty is presented as a strict opponent of such positions. How is it that the same thinker who is held responsible for a postmodern decline is also to be understood as the most severe critic? To answer this question, this paper reconstructs Rorty’s anti-authoritarianism as a practice of solidarity by referring to his theory of recognition and (...)
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    Against eco-authoritarianism and ecomodernism: Towards a critique of ‘planetary’ governmentality and fantasies of steering.Márk Horváth & Adam Lovasz - forthcoming - Environmental Values.
    Contemporary society is dominated by the reality of the Anthropocene ecological crisis. In a certain subset of the ecopolitical literature, however, this topic is framed as a problem of governance. Supposedly, the unintended consequences of numerous micro-level human actions can be addressed by macro-level government interventions. Such discourses of eco-governmentality are informed by an emphasis upon the ‘planetary’ and the desirability of political centralisation. Our article seeks to critically engage with both the notion of a supposedly ‘planetary’ community of interests, (...)
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  18. On Transistor Radios and Authoritarianism: The Politics of Radio-Broadcasted Distance Learning.Regletto Aldrich Imbong - forthcoming - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology.
    As the Philippines continues to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, new modalities of instruction are being devised by the administration of Rodrigo Duterte, through the Department of Education (DepEd). Among these are what the DepEd provided as self-learning modules (SLMs) combined with “alternative learning delivery modalities” which include radio-based instruction (DepEd 2020). The SLMs and radiobased instruction are the most common modalities of learning, being the most accessible especially for the poor students of the country. This paper (...)
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    Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism.Richard Rorty - 2006 - In John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis, A Companion to Pragmatism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 7-20.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Sin and Truth Classical Pragmatism and the Need to Reconcile Science with Religion Pragmatism as Liberation from the Primal Father Conclusion.
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    Doctors' authoritarianism in end-of-life treatment decisions. A comparison between Russia, Sweden and Germany.J. Richter - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):186-191.
    Objectives—The study was performed in order to investigate how end-of-life decisions are influenced by cultural and sociopolitical circumstances and to explore the compliance of doctors with patient wishesParticipants and measurement—Five hundred and thirty-five physicians were surveyed in Sweden , Germany , and in Russia by a questionnaire. The participants were recruited according to availability and are not representative. The questionnaire is based on the one developed by Molloy and co-workers in Canada which contains three case vignettes about an 82-year-old Alzheimer (...)
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  21. Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change.Ross Mittiga - forthcoming - American Political Science Review.
    Is authoritarian power ever legitimate? The contemporary political theory literature—which largely conceptualizes legitimacy in terms of democracy or basic rights—would seem to suggest not. I argue, however, that there exists another, overlooked aspect of legitimacy concerning a government’s ability to ensure safety and security. While, under normal conditions, maintaining democracy and rights is typically compatible with guaranteeing safety, in emergency situations, conflicts between these two aspects of legitimacy can and often do arise. A salient example of this is the COVID-19 (...)
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    Legal indeterminacy and authoritarianism: Notes on William Scheuerman’s The End of Law.Peter Caldwell - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (2):153-157.
    Scheuerman’s book is one of the handful of significant attempts to rethink Schmitt’s work systematically over the past four decades. In so doing, he raises three key questions for me. First, is Schmitt’s work a sincere contribution to legal and political theory, or an attempt to argue for setting the rule of law aside for authoritarianism, that is, an instrumental critique of indeterminacy? Second, to what extent is Schmitt – critical of the ‘bourgeois’ rule of law, critical of globalization (...)
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    What is authoritarianism? A justificatory account.Alexander Motchoulski - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Authoritarian social movements and governments have brought about some of the greatest horrors in human history. Naturally, research in the social sciences has aimed at developing an understanding of authoritarianism. Certain kinds of authoritarian things, like personalities or governments, are better understood as a consequence, but a general concept of authoritarianism remains absent. I develop a general account of the concept of political authoritarianism which I call justificatory authoritarianism. According to this view, authoritarianism is a (...)
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    Authoritarianism, Conspiracy Beliefs, Gender and COVID-19: Links Between Individual Differences and Concern About COVID-19, Mask Wearing Behaviors, and the Tendency to Blame China for the Virus. [REVIEW]Eric C. Prichard & Stephen D. Christman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study investigated variables potentially associated with a lack of concern about COVID-19 and belief in the conspiracy theory that China is responsible for the virus. In particular, the study looked at Authoritarianism, Conspiracy Beliefs, gender, and consistency of handedness as predictors of nine Likert-type items gauging attitudes, behavior, and beliefs regarding the virus. Initial analyses showed that Authoritarianism predicted less concern about the impact of the virus on health, less mask wearing, and a stronger belief in (...)
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  25. Anti-authoritarianism, Meliorism, and Cultural Politics: On the Deweyan Deposit in Rorty’s Pragmatism.David Rondel - 2011 - Pragmatism Today 2 (1):56-67.
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    Influence of authoritarianism, vagal tone and mental fatigue on obedience to authority.Johan Lepage, Laurent Bègue, Oulmann Zerhouni, Rémi Courset & Martial Mermillod - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):157-172.
    ABSTRACTRecent research suggests that obedience in the Milgram paradigm is underpinned by stress vulnerability and inhibitory control over pain sharing. Because self-regulatory fatigue induction is a suited method to investigate the influence of inhibitory control on behaviour, participants were randomly assigned to a High vs. Low self-regulatory condition. Heart rate variability was collected during 5-min baseline and continuously during the experimental procedure. Prior to the experiment, participants completed an online survey assessing right-wing authoritarianism, a well-known predictor of obedience. Using (...)
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    Philosophical Anti-authoritarianism.Dylan B. Futter - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1333-1349.
    Unlike certain commentary traditions of philosophy in which deference to an authoritative author was a central feature, there are within the analytical tradition no recognised authorities to whom the reader is required to defer. This paper takes up the question of whether this anti-authoritarian position in philosophy can be sustained. Three lines of argument are considered. According to the first, there are no credible authorities in philosophy, or, even if there were, these authorities could not be identified by the non-expert (...)
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  28. A Defense of Epistemic Authoritarianism in Traditional African Cultures.Polycarp Ikuenobe - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Research 23:417-440.
    In this paper, I take issue with Wiredu’s characterization and criticism of the general problem of epistemic authoritarianism that he identifies in some African cultures. I then defend a plausible view of epistemic authoritarianism as a method of epistemic justification in some African cultures. I argue that both his characterization and criticism implies an affirmation of epistemic individualism and autonomy, doxastic voluntarism, and a denial of epistemic dependence. I argue against epistemic autonomy and individualism, and doxastic voluntarism, because (...)
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    Authoritarianism and political preferences in 1980.Donn Byrne & D. P. J. Przybyla - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (6):471-472.
  30. Eco-Authoritarianism, Eco-Reformism or Eco-Marxism?Alan Carter - 1996 - Cogito 10 (2):115-123.
  31. Social Protest and Contentious Authoritarianism in China.Xi Chen - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Xi Chen explores the question of why there has been a dramatic rise in and routinization of social protests in China since the early 1990s. Drawing on case studies, in-depth interviews and a unique data set of about 1,000 government records of collective petitions, this book examines how the political structure in Reform China has encouraged Chinese farmers, workers, pensioners, disabled people and demobilized soldiers to pursue their interests and claim their rights by staging collective protests. Chen suggests that routinized (...)
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    (1 other version)Interventionism, authoritarianism, and the liberal state in South Africa.Pieter Coetzee - 2002 - Philosophia Africana 5 (2):53-70.
    The liberal constitution in South Africa, which entrenches a certain kind of socio-economic organisation, renders systems of socio-economic organisation traditional to Africa, dysfunctional. These traditional communitarian systems contain within themselves structures endorsing harmony, mutuality and reciprocity as ground rules or values which distribute significant resources (both material and moral) to all agents in accordance with their socially determined deserts. The absence of these structures in South Africa contributes to a condition, inflamed by liberal structures, of rights paralysis under which agents (...)
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    Authority, Authoritarianism, and Education.Bruce Romanish - 1995 - Education and Culture 12 (2):4.
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    Humanism, anti-authoritarianism, and literary aesthetics: pragmatist stories of progress.Ulf Schulenberg - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book presents pragmatist humanism as a form of anti-authoritarianism and sheds light on the contemporary significance of pragmatist aesthetics and the revival of humanism.
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  35. Authoritarianism and the Individual. By Franz Alexander. [REVIEW]T. W. Adorno - 1950 - Ethics 61:76.
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    Critical theory, authoritarianism, and the politics of lipstick from the Weimar Republic to the contemporary Middle East.Roger Friedland & Janet Afary - 2018 - Critical Research on Religion 6 (3):243-268.
    In 2012–13, we signed up for Facebook in seven Middle East and North Africa countries and used Facebook advertisements to encourage young people to participate in our survey. Nearly 18,000 individuals responded. Some of the questions in our survey dealing with attitudes about women’s work and cosmetics were adopted from a survey conducted by the Frankfurt School in 1929 in Germany. The German survey had shown that a great number of men, irrespective of their political affiliation harbored highly authoritarian attitudes (...)
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  37. Spiritualism and authoritarianism in an African moral system.P. English & N. S. Hamme - 1997 - Philosophical Forum 28 (4-1):320-350.
  38. The ideo-logical-authoritarianism in unsuspected places.Br Mcgraw - 1987 - Semiotica 63 (3-4):359-369.
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  39. The scribe-the coming authoritarianism.Lp Williams - 1980 - Journal of Thought 15 (1):3-6.
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    (1 other version)The Distinction between Authoritarianism and Fundamentalism in Three Cultures: Factor Analysis and Personality Correlates.Stephen W. Krauss, Heinz Streib, Barbara Keller & Christopher Silver - 2006 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 28 (1):341-348.
    The goals of the study were to examine whether fundamentalism and authoritarianism could be distinguished by the Big Five factors of personality in American, Romanian and German samples, and to determine whether fundamentalism and authoritarianism could be distinguished by factor analysis in any of the three cultures. The results in all three cultures indicate that fundamentalism and authoritarianism have virtually identical personality correlates. In all three cultures, the two constructs were indistinguishable via exploratory factor analysis and could (...)
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    Values based practice and authoritarianism.Tim Thornton - 2016 - In Filford Kwm & Thornton Tim, [no title].
    Values based practice (VBP) is a radical view of the place of values in medicine which develops from a philosophical analysis of values, illness and the role of ethical principles. It denies two attractive and traditional but misguided views of medicine: that diagnosis is a merely factual matter and that the values that should guide treatment and management can be codified in principles. But, in the work of KWM (Bill) Fulford, it goes further in the form of a radical liberal (...)
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    (1 other version)“New Authoritarianism” in China: Political Reform in the One-Party State.Kerstin Klein - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (151):30-56.
    Introduction At the 4th Plenum of the Communist Party of China (CPC), held in September 2004, the CCP set out on a new self-declared path to establish itself as a permanent “governing party” (zhizheng dang) instead of remaining a “revolutionary” party.1 The 36-page resolution on the Enhancement of the Party's Governance Capability says that China's reform and development have reached a critical stage in which new situations and new problems are mushrooming.2 The CPC concedes that it needs to enhance its (...)
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    The Normative Justification of Traditional Chinese Authoritarianism.Michael Ng-Quinn - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (3):379-397.
    (2006). The Normative Justification of Traditional Chinese Authoritarianism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy: Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 379-397.
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    Authoritarianism, Democracy and the Concept of Prejudice.Ferenc Eros - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (2):113-117.
  45. Empiricist Authoritarianism Versus Value.Robert W. Fox - 1959 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):5.
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    Changes in authoritarianism before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparisons of latent means across East and West Germany, gender, age, and education.Ayline Heller, Oliver Decker, Vera Clemens, Jörg M. Fegert, Scarlett Heiner, Elmar Brähler & Peter Schmidt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Modern theories of authoritarianism have stressed the importance of threat to the expression of authoritarian attitudes and intolerance. Arguably, authoritarian tendencies may have increased during COVID-19 pandemic, a major threat to life and security. One issue arising when comparing mean scores is that of measurement invariance. Meaningful comparisons are only possible, if latent constructs are similar between groups and/or across time. This prerequisite is rarely ever tested in research on authoritarianism. In this study, we aim to analyze the (...)
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  47. The return of authoritarianism, the problems of authority: An introduction.Marek Hrubec - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (1):3-5.
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  48. Psychoanalysis, authoritarianism and the 1960s.Eli Zaretsky - 2012 - In Joy Damousi & Mariano Ben Plotkin, Psychoanalysis and politics: histories of psychoanalysis under conditions of restricted political freedom. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Protestantism and Authoritarianism: Weber's Secondary Problem.Milan Zafirovski - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (2):162-189.
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    Transition from Authoritarianism to Democracy.Wlodzimierz Wesolowski - 1990 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 57:435-462.
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