Results for 'Axel Bühler'

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  1. Drei Briten in Kakanien: Axel Bühler im Gespräch mit dem "Seminar for Austro-German-Philosophy".Kevin Mulligan, Peter M. Simons, Barry Smith & Axel Bühler - 1987 - Information Philosophie 3:22-33.
    The three young philosophers Kevin Mulligan, Peter Simons and Barry Smith have become well-known in the last few years especially in German-speaking analytical philosophy and phenomenology circles. This is on the one hand as a result of their historical and systematic philosophical work; but it is also because of the provocative way in which they represent their philosophy. Because they often appear in threes, they have become known as the "gang of three" or "three musketeers" or even – and this (...)
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  2. Ist ein Leben im Sinne der pyrrhoneischen Skepsis möglich?Axel Bühler - 1994 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 5 (4):585.
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    Die Vielfalt des Interpretierens.Axel Bühler - 1999 - Analyse & Kritik 21 (1):117-137.
    Many discussions in the philosophy of the humanities and of the social sciences take it for granted that the term „interpretation“ unambiguously refers to only one well-defined activity. In this paper, I want to discredit this assumption. First, I distinguish seventeen different kinds of activity regarding linguistic utterances which are commonly considered activities of interpretation. Then I specify diverse methodological requirements connected with each of the kinds of interpretation distinguished. Finally, I argue that attempts to give an unitary account of (...)
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    Die Richtigkeit von Interpretationen.Axel Bühler - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 62 (3):343-357.
    Im vorliegenden Aufsatz unterscheide ich verschiedene Weisen, in denen Interpretationen richtig oder falsch sein können. Ich komme zu dem Resultat, dass Interpretationen richtig oder falsch sind, sofern ihr deskriptiver Inhalt hinreichend bestimmt ist. Die Richtigkeit oder Falschheit der Interpretation hängt dabei davon ab, ob der deskriptive Inhalt wahr oder falsch ist.
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    Hartmut Böhme, Peter Matussek, Lothar Müller: Orientierung Kulturwissenschaft. Was sie kann, was sie will.Axel bühler - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):357-361.
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  6. Unzeitgemässe Hermeneutik. Verstehen und Interpretation im Denken der Aufklärung.Axel Bühler & Luigi C. Madonna - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (1):127-128.
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    Hermeneutik der Aufklärung.Axel Bühler & Luigi Cataldi - 1994
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    Protagoras: Wahrnehmung und Wahrheit.Axel Bühler - 1989 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 14 (3):15-34.
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    (1 other version)8 Universalien, Dispositionen und Naturnotwendigkeit1.Axel Bühler - 1935 - In Karl Raimund Popper (ed.), Logik der forschung. Wien,: J. Springer. pp. 167-185.
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  10. Benötigen wir eine verstehend-erklärende Psychologie?Axel Bühler - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (1):22.
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    Die Einheit der wissenschaftlichen Methode und Maximen des Verstehens.Axel Bühler - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 41 (4):633 - 644.
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    Der hermeneutische Intentionalismus als Konzeption von den Zielen der Interpretation.Axel Bühler - 1993 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4 (4):511-18.
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  13. Hermeneutischer Intentionalismus und die Interpretation philosophischer Texte.Axel Bühler - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2:1-18.
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  14. Verstehen: Vernunft und Erfahrung.Axel Bühler - 1995 - Philosophia Naturalis 32 (2):271-294.
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    Review. [REVIEW]Axel Bühler - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (2):285-288.
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  16. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius Teil I: Leben - Werk - Logik.Axel Bühler & Christoph Kann - 2005 - In Wolfram Ax (ed.), Lateinische Lehrer Europas: Fünfzehn Portraits von Varro Bis Erasmus von Rotterdam. Böhlau. pp. 165--191.
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  17. Hermeneutik. Basistexte zur Einführung in die wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen von Verstehen und Interpretation.Axel Bühler - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):409-416.
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  18. Interpretation als Erkenntnis.Axel Bühler - 2015 - In Jan Borkowski, Stefan Descher, Felicitas Ferder & Philipp David Heine (eds.), Literatur interpretieren: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis. Mentis. pp. 173-189.
    Welche Anforderungen können an Interpretationen gestellt werden, wenn sie Erkenntnisse vermitteln sollen? In diesem Aufsatz führe ich sieben solcher Anforderungen auf und erläutere sie knapp: (1) Eine Interpretation soll mit dem Anspruch auf empirische Erkenntnis verbunden sein. (2) Sie befasst sich mit einem historischen Einzelfall. (3) Sie erklärt die Beschaffenheit von Texten psychologisch mit Absichten und Überzeugungen. (4) Diese Absichten und Überzeugungen haben Inhalte, sind über etwas. (5) Interpretationen sind im Sinne des Metaphysischen Realismus aufzufassen. (6) Die Tätigkeit der Texthervorbringung (...)
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  19. Ist Beckermanns messtheoretische Auffassung mit dem Naturalismus vereinbar?Axel Bühler - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (4):449.
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  20. Jetzt verstehe ich meine Absichten besser.Axel Bühler - 1993 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4 (4):574.
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    Unzeitgemässe Hermeneutik: Verstehen und Interpretation im Denken der Aufklärung.Axel Bühler & Luigi C. Madonna - 1994
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Axel Bühler - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (1):177-185.
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    Richard Schantz: Wahrheit, referenz und realismus. Eine studie zur sprachphilosophie und metaphysik (perspectives in analytical philosophy, vol. 12). [REVIEW]Axel Bühler - 1998 - Erkenntnis 48 (1):123-127.
  24.  39
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Erwin Kerkenberg & Axel Bühler - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22 (1):177-185.
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    (1 other version)Axel bühler (hg.): Hermeneutik. Basistexte zur einführung in die 2 wissenschaftstheoretischen grundlagen Von verstehen und interpretation. Heidelberg: SYNCHRON wissenschaftsverlag der autoren, 2003. 285 S. ISBN 3–935025–40-8, euro 29,80. [REVIEW]Anne Mazuga - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):409-416.
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    Logische und grammatische Form in der Prädikatenlogik – Anmerkungen zu einem „Gedanken“ Axel Bühlers.Michael Wolff - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (3):352-376.
    This article defends the view that the logical vocabulary of syllogistic is sufficient for representing the logical form of rules and laws of non-syllogistic (classical or non-classical) predicate logic. This representation requires replacement only of the descriptive vocabulary of syllogistic (i. e. of variables for terms) by non-syllogistic descriptive signs. The validity of rules and laws of modern (classical or non-classical) predicate logic rests on the validity of rules and laws which can without exception be represented in the formal language (...)
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    Anthropological Epochés: Phenomenology and the Ontological Turn.Morten Axel Pedersen - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (6):610-646.
    This article has two objectives. In the first part, I present a critical overview of the extensive anthropological literature that may be deemed “phenomenological.” Following this critique, which is built up around a classification into four different varieties of phenomenological anthropology, I discuss the relationship between phenomenological anthropology and the ontological turn (OT). Contrary to received wisdom within the anthropological discipline, I suggest that OT has several things in common with the phenomenological project. For the same reason, I argue, it (...)
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    The development of a multidimensional meaning of tax: From unfair tax to fair.Anders Vilhelmsson, Amanda Sonnerfeldt, Niklas Sandell & Axel Hilling - 2023 - Discourse and Communication 17 (1):57-76.
    Historically, companies have communicated taxes as a burden, as the benefits provided by governments are not perceived to be in proportion to their payments. With sustainable development becoming central in many policy areas, new discourses including ‘fair’ or ‘sustainable’ tax have become omnipresent in public talk on taxes. This paper analyzes tax discourses in corporate annual reports within this changing context to examine the use of language in the construction of the meaning of tax. By analyzing tax reporting by a (...)
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  29. How do we know what we are doing? Time, intention and awareness of action☆.Jean-Christophe Sarrazin, Axel Cleeremans & Patrick Haggard - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):602-615.
    Time is a fundamental dimension of consciousness. Many studies of the “sense of agency” have investigated whether we attribute actions to ourselves based on a conscious experience of intention occurring prior to action, or based on a reconstruction after the action itself has occurred. Here, we ask the same question about a lower level aspect of action experience, namely awareness of the detailed spatial form of a simple movement. Subjects reached for a target, which unpredictably jumped to the side on (...)
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  30. Fishing with the wrong nets: How the implicit slips through the representational theory of mind.Luis Jiménez & Axel Cleeremans - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):771-771.
    Dienes & Perner's target article is not a satisfactory theory of implicit knowledge because in endorsing the representational theory of knowledge, the authors also inadvertently accept that only explicit knowledge can be causally efficacious, and hence that implicit knowledge is an inert category. This conflation between causal efficacy, knowledge, and explicitness is made clear through the authors' strategy, which consists of attributing any observable effect to the existence of representations that are as minimally explicit as needed to account for behavior. (...)
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    The relativity theories of Einstein--untenable.Axel Ideström - 1948 - Uppsala,: Almqvist & Wiksells boktr..
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    Theorien des historischen Materialismus.Urs Jaeggi & Axel Honneth (eds.) - 1977 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  33.  24
    Revisión de las Publicaciones Académicas en Chile y Perú: Influencia de Slavoj Žižek en la Filosofía y Literatura.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Paolo de Lima, Axel Fuentes Silva & Jamadier Esteban Uribe Muñoz - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (3).
    Resumen: El presente documento tiene por objeto indagar en las publicaciones académicas de dos saberes: la filosofía y la literatura. A partir de allí, se identificó la influencia de las ideas del filósofo Slavoj Žižek en esos documentos -artículos y libros-. Esta revisión se centró en dos países de la región latinoamericana tal como lo son Chile y Perú. Se revisaron las producciones académicas que hacen menciones a las hipotesis del esloveno trazando un recorrido histórico que permite identificar cual es (...)
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  34. Linguistic Trust.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - manuscript
    In conversation we trust others to communicate successfully, to understand us, etc. because they have the adequate skills to be competent in the linguistic domain. In other words, to be trustworthy regarding an activity is nothing but to have the appropriate skills required for the activity. In the linguistic case, this means that being trustworthy regarding conversation is nothing but to have the capacity of partaking as a responsible participant in linguistic conversation, which requires having the appropriate linguistic skills. Now, (...)
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    Does Cognition Have a Role in Plasticity of “Innate Behavior”? A Perspective From Drosophila.E. Axel Gorostiza - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Measures of awareness and of sequence knowledge.Luis Jimenez, Castor Mendez & Axel Cleeremans - manuscript
    Jackson and Jackson (1995) argue that most current tests used to assess awareness of sequential material are flawed because of their emphasis on accuracy. They propose to distinguish two forms of sequence knowledge: Serial knowledge, that is, knowledge about the specific sequence that stimuli follow, which involves information about the statistical relationship between many sequence elements, and statistical knowledge, or knowledge about the probability of different transitions between adjacent sequence elements. Further, they suggest a new method to analyze generation performance, (...)
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    Is it acceptable to use animals to model obese humans?: A critical discussion of two arguments against the use of animals in obesity research.Thomas Bøker Lund, Thorkild I. A. Sørensen, I. Anna S. Olsson, Axel Kornerup Hansen & Peter Sandøe - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):320-324.
    Animal use in medical research is widely accepted on the basis that it may help to save human lives and improve their quality of life. Recently, however, objections have been made specifically to the use of animals in scientific investigation of human obesity. This paper discusses two arguments for the view that this form of animal use, unlike some other forms of animal-based medical research, cannot be defended. The first argument leans heavily on the notion that people themselves are responsible (...)
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  38. Brill Online Books and Journals.Hans Peter Hasenfratz, Johann Baptist Müller, Jörg K. Hoensch, Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach, Hans-Joachim Barkenings & Axel Helmstädter - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 42 (3).
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    The effect of the cognitive demands of the distraction task on unconscious thought.Laurent Waroquier, Marlène Abadie, Olivier Klein & Axel Cleeremans - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):44-45.
    The unconscious-thought effect occurs when distraction improves complex decision making. Recent studies suggest that this effect is more likely to occur with low- than high-demanding distraction tasks. We discuss implications of these findings for Newell & Shanks' (N&S's) claim that evidence is lacking for the intervention of unconscious processes in complex decision making.
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  40. Strukturfunktionalismus: Talcott Parsons.Kristina Lepold & Axel Honneth - 2014 - In Jörn Lamla, Henning Laux, David Strecker & Hartmut Rosa (eds.), Handbuch der Soziologie. Utb. pp. 149-161.
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    Omnipotence or Fusion? A Conversation between Axel Honneth and Joel Whitebook.Axel Honneth & Joel Whitebook - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):170-179.
  42.  31
    Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language.Karl Bühler - 1990 - John Benjamins.
    Karl Buhler (1879-1963) was one of the leading theoreticians of language of the twentieth century. This is an English translation of Buhler's theory that begins with a survey on 'Buhler's legacy' for modern linguistics (Werner Abraham), followed by the Theory of Language, and finally with a special 'Postscript: Twenty-five Years Later!'.
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  43. I—Axel Honneth: Invisibility: On the Epistemology of ‘Recognition’.Axel Honneth - 2001 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 (1):111-126.
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    Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory.Axel Honneth - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Axel Honneth has been instrumental in advancing the work of the Frankfurt School of critical theorists, rebuilding their effort to combine radical social and political analysis with rigorous philosophical inquiry. These eleven essays published over the past five years reclaim the relevant themes of the Frankfurt School, which counted Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Jürgen Habermas, Franz Neumann, and Albrecht Wellmer as members. They also engage with Kant, Freud, Alexander Mitscherlich, and Michael Walzer, whose work on morality, (...)
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    Axel Gelfert on where the ivory tower meets the crystal palace.Axel Gelfert - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 46 (46):36-39.
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  46. No Good Arguments for Causal Closure.Keith Buhler - 2020 - Metaphysica 21 (2):223-236.
    Many common arguments for physicalism begin with the principle that the cosmos is “causally closed.” But how good are the arguments for causal closure itself? I argue that the deductive, a priori arguments on behalf of causal closure tend to beg the question. The extant inductive arguments fare no better. They commit a sampling error or a non-sequitur, or else offer conclusions that remain compatible with causal openness. In short, we have no good arguments that the physical world is causally (...)
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  47. Axel Honneth, Riconoscimento e conflitto di classe. Scritti 1979-1989.Eleonora Piromalli & Axel Honneth - 2011 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis Edizioni.
    Questo volume raccoglie alcuni dei più importanti scritti pubblicati da Axel Honneth nel periodo precedente a "Lotta per il riconoscimento". Essi documentano i passaggi fondamentali dell'itinerario filosofico attraverso il quale Honneth è giunto ad elaborare la sua teoria del riconoscimento: le riflessioni sul lavoro sociale e sul conflitto di classe svolte in un orizzonte di pensiero ancora marxista, l'interlocuzione con la teoria di Habermas, l'indagine sulle forme della moralità quotidiana, il progressivo emergere della "logica morale del riconoscimento". Tutti questi (...)
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    Musikalische Skalen und Intervalle bei Leibniz unter Einbeziehung bisher nicht veröffentlichter Texte (Teil II).Walter Bühler - 2012 - Studia Leibnitiana 44 (2):134-165.
  49. Sprachtheorie.Karl Bühler - 1936 - Erkenntnis 6 (1):65-68.
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    Mechanisms of Implicit Learning: Connectionist Models of Sequence Processing.Axel Cleeremans - 1993 - MIT Press.
    What do people learn when they do not know that they are learning? Until recently, all of the work in the area of implicit learning focused on empirical questions and methods. In this book, Axel Cleeremans explores unintentional learning from an information-processing perspective. He introduces a theoretical framework that unifies existing data and models on implicit learning, along with a detailed computational model of human performance in sequence-learning situations.
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