Results for 'B Preface'

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    Preface.B. Chiarelli - 1998 - Global Bioethics 11 (1-4):i-i.
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    Preface.B. Doyon - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):iii-iii.
  3. Preface.B. Ingemar B. Lindahl - 1988 - Theoretical Medicine 9 (2).
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    Preface.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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    Preface.John Kelsay & Sumner B. Twiss - 1997 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 17:7-11.
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    Preface.Steven B. Smith - 2012 - In Political philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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  7. Preface to'My Spiritual Garden'.X. B. Wang - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (3):5-9.
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    Preface to Empathy. [REVIEW]B. R. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):184-184.
    The author, a practicing psychologist, argues that empathy among persons is at once a creative act and the ground of ethics and psychological therapy. An analysis of group therapy with alcoholics is given as an example of personal psychology at work, but it is recognized that further effort is needed to strengthen or modify the central thesis.--R. B.
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    Preface.John Kelsay & Sumner B. Twiss - 2001 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 21:7-11.
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    A Preface to Philosophy.Mark B. Woodhouse - 1975 - Wadsworth Pub. Co.
    This book prepares readers for the challenges of studying philosophy and writing philosophical essays. This classic textbook, in print for over thirty years, addresses such foundational topics as discerning philosophical questions, the purpose of philosophy, and the practice of doing philosophy.
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    (2 other versions)Preface to Philosophy.W. E. Hocking, B. Blanshard, C. W. Hendel, J. H. Randall, R. E. Hoople & R. F. Piper - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (1):114-116.
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    Preface.Alan B. Anderson - 1985 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 5:5-6.
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    Editorial preface.C. J. B. Macmillan - 1982 - Synthese 51 (1):3-3.
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    Preface.Douglas Cenzer & Jeffrey B. Remmel - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 93 (1-3):1-2.
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    Preface.John Kelsay & Sumner B. Twiss - 1998 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 18:7-9.
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  16. Preface'to Callicott (1980) reprinted in R. Elliot.J. B. Callicott - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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    (1 other version)Preface to an Educational Philosophy.I. B. Berkson - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (24):670-671.
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    Preface.Alan B. Anderson - 1986 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 6:5-5.
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    Preface and Acknowledgments.Adam B. Seligman - 2003 - In Modernity's Wager: Authority, the Self, and Transcendence. Princeton University Press.
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    Preface to an Educational Philosophy. By I. B. Berkson. (New York: Columbia University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. 1940. Pp. xiv + 250. Price 2 dollars 50; 16s. 6d.). [REVIEW]P. B. Ballard - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (63):329-.
  21.  10
    Editor's Preface.Giovanni B. Sala - 1994 - In Lonergan and Kant. University of Toronto Press.
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    ‘Articulating the unsaid’ via and-prefaced formulations of others’ talk.Galina B. Bolden - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (1):5-32.
    This article provides a conversation analytic description of a previously unstudied conversational action: ‘articulating the unsaid’ via and-prefaced formulations of other people’s talk. Contributing to the extant research on formulations and on interactional functions of discourse markers, the article shows that and-prefaced formulations accomplish a distinct conversational action that has the following features: these formulations are assertions about the addressee’s domain of knowledge that perform a repair operation in the form of a request for confirmation; they articulate a ‘missing’ element (...)
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  23. Preface and Acknowledgments.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - In The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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    Preface.J. B. Schneewind - 2010 - Teaching New Histories of Philosophy.
  25. The Seats and Causes of Disease: Author's Preface.G. B. Morgagni - 1981 - In Arthur L. Caplan, Hugo Tristram Engelhardt & James J. McCartney (eds.), Concepts of health and disease: interdisciplinary perspectives. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program/World Science Division. pp. 157.
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    Jobit, Pierre, L’Évêque des pauvres, Saint Thomas de Villeneuve (Tomás de Villanueva 1486-1555). Préface de Daniel Rops. [REVIEW]B. Rano - 1961 - Augustinianum 1 (2):410-415.
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    Preface.Giuliana B. Prato - 2006 - Global Bioethics 19 (1):1-1.
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    The Foundations of Common Sense. A Psychological Preface to the Problems of Knowledge. [REVIEW]G. B. - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (24):726-726.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    On the cardinal virtues (De virtutibus cardinalibus) by St. Thomas Aquinas, translated from the Latin with a preface and commentary.Philip B. Sullivan - unknown
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    Our GIFT to All of Us: GA(Y)AM: Preface.Frank Loesche, Klara Łucznik, Susan L. Denham, Hannah Drayson, Kathryn B. Francis, Diego S. Maranan & Michael Punt - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (T):13-16.
    This special issue of AVANT is all about Cognitive Innovation. It is not about CogNovo, the interdisciplinary and international doctoral training programme that produced three different Off the Lip events. It is not about Off the Lip 2017, the novel symposium format we developed to collaboratively create a publication resulting in this special issue of AVANT. It is not about the seemingly heterogeneous collection of papers that follow this preface. Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation required something else, something we (...)
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    Isabelle Saint-Martin, Voir, savoir, croire. Catéchismes et pédagogie par l'image au XIXe siècle. préface de Ségolène Le Men, Paris, Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2003,614 p., 25 pl. en coul. et 107 fig. en n. et bl. [REVIEW]François Bœspflug - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 79:417-428.
    Ce livre est la version remaniée d'une thèse dont l'Auteure est désormais maître de conférence à l'EPHE et travaille également à l'Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions récemment fondé sur la recommandation de Régis Debray. Isabelle Saint-Martin évoque un monde en voie de disparition, celui des images pieuses qui ont contribué à la formation religieuse des chrétiens de la génération de nos grands et arrière-grands-parents. Publié pour la première fois vers le milieu des années 1880 et c..
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    Michel Serfati. La Révolution Symbolique: La Constitution de l'Ecriture Symbolique Mathématique. Preface by Jacques Bouverasse. Paris: Éditions Petra, 2005. Pp. ix + 427. ISBN 2-84743-006-7. [REVIEW]B. P. Larvor - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (1):122-126.
    It is difficult to imagine mathematics without its symbolic language. It is especially difficult to imagine doing mathematics without using mathematical notation. Nevertheless, that is how mathematics was done for most of human history. It was only at the end of the sixteenth century that mathematicians began to develop systems of mathematical symbols . It is startling to consider how rapidly mathematical notation evolved. Viète is usually taken to have initiated this development with his Isagoge of 1591, and a recognisably (...)
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    Philosophy of the Unconscious. By Eduard Von Hartmann. With a Preface by C. K. Ogden. (New Edition in one vol.) (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.1931. Pp. xxxviii + 372 + 368 + 368. Price 15s. net.). [REVIEW]B. M. Laing - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (25):99-.
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    What does science have to do with music?B. Konoval - 2005 - Annals of Science 62 (1):107-120.
    ANDREW BARKER, Scientific Method in Ptolemy's Harmonics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. viii+281 pp. $70. ISBN 0‐521‐55372‐5. The quotation is taken from the preface of the treatise,...
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  35. Douris and the Painters of Greek Vases. By Edmond Pottier. Translated by Bettina Kahnweiler. With a preface by Jane Ellen Harrison. 9″ × 5½″. Pp. xvi + 92. 25 plates. London: John Murray, 1909. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]B. W. H. - 1909 - The Classical Review 23 (04):136-.
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    Indian perspectives on the physical world.B. V. Subbarayappa - 2004 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    This volume is in the nature of a perspective on these and related Indian thoughts. Wherever necessary and possible, a brief overview of the concerned ideas in the other culture-areas has been given to facilitate a comparative understanding, besides a chapter on Modern Perspective on the Physical World. Relevant original passages in Sanskrit under References, an extensive bibliography of both primary and secondary sources, and a glossary of technical words have been included in this volume. It is hoped that these (...)
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    Shaftesbury's Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. [REVIEW]B. M. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):753-754.
    Today Shaftesbury is studied chiefly because he was a pivotal figure in English ethics; the publication of his Characteristics marked the turn from the primacy of abstract rational principles, in Cambridge Platonism, to the psychologically-based ethics of the "moral sense" school. Grean presents Shaftesbury more broadly, as expressing the basic faith of the Enlightenment, which still underlies the liberal democratic culture of the West. Shaftesbury maintains "that society, right and wrong was founded in Nature, and that Nature had a meaning (...)
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    Prototractatus. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):575-576.
    In September of 1965 G. H. von Wright discovered in Vienna a hitherto unknown notebook written in pencil by Wittgenstein. The first part contains an early, but essentially complete version of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Since it contains the dedication to David H. Pinsent who died May 8, 1918, von Wright dates its composition just before the final composition of the Tractatus in the summer of 1918. This is confirmed by the remaining portion of the manuscript which contains additions and further (...)
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    The Twelve Patriarchs, the Mystical Ark, Book Three of the Trinity. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):445-447.
    That "The Classics of Western Spirituality" should regard the man Dante hailed as "beyond the human in contemplation," and St. Bonaventure believed to be the medieval rival of the greatest patristic contemplative worthy of a special volume is not surprising. Richard of St. Victor’s masterful analysis of the ascent of the mind to God in contemplative prayer and meditation, emphasizing the individual’s relationship to other individuals as the paradigm of how the Three Divine Persons are related in their inner life (...)
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    Fonti documentarie in scrittura latina: repertorio . Preface by A. Petrucci. [REVIEW]J. B. Hall - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):394-394.
  41. Studies in Philosophy and in the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Max Fisch. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):765-766.
    Festschriften may have gone out of style, but not out of print. The desire to pay tribute to an important thinker remains strong and no one has found a more suitable vehicle. Hence the present volume in honor of Max Fisch, who retired recently from the University of Illinois after a long and distinguished career in the academic world, which began in 1926. The volume consists of fourteen essays by former graduate students of Fisch, as well as two short pieces (...)
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    Three Argentine Thinkers. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):349-350.
    This volume is a welcome, exciting, and unusually informative addition to what now seems a definite trend toward introducing Latin-American philosophers to the English-reading world. The preface contains a brief review of milestones in this development, which the interested reader will find handy as reference. The principal features common to post-revolutionary Latin-American intellectual history are very present in Lipp's examination of Argentine thought; namely, the dedication to some principle of activism, the search for an authentic national character, a national (...)
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    A Contemporary Approach to Classical Metaphysics. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):749-749.
    This is an undergraduate text which limits itself to consideration of metaphysics from the standpoint of the essence and existence of being. Insight into the notion of being is sought by analogy in the transcendental notions of the "one," the "true," the "good," and the "beautiful." Each chapter is followed by a summary, a set of exercises and a select bibliography. The book does not quite live up to the promise in the preface to incorporate or parry the contributions (...)
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    Brigitte Pipon, ed., Le chartrier de l'Abbaye-aux-Bois (1202–1341). Preface by Olivier Guyotjeannin. (Mémoires et Documents de l'Ecole des Chartes, 46.) Paris: Ecole des Chartes, 1996. Paper. Pp. 480; 11 black-and-white figures, 8 black-and-white plates, and 2 maps. Distributed by Droz, 11 rue Massot, Geneva 1211; and by H. Champion, 7 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris. [REVIEW]Constance B. Bouchard - 1998 - Speculum 73 (2):576-577.
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    El Joven Hegel y los Problemas de la Sociedad Capitalista. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):129-129.
    Spanish readers are fortunate in having a publishing house which is committed to reproduce in Spanish the complete works of Georg Lukács. The complete edition will consist of twenty-four, or more, volumes, of which ten are already in print, covering mainly Lukács works on esthetics and literary criticism. The Hegel volume was originally published in German in 1948. The main draft was written as early as the fall of 1938, but the outbreak of World War II delayed publication. Lukács at (...)
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    History and Class Consciousness. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):129-130.
    At long last, this seminal work is available in English. Originally published in German in 1923, it became almost immediately a center of interest and stormy controversy in both Marxist and non-Marxist circles. With the passage of time, the controversy has abated somewhat, the interest has heightened, and Lukács has become recognized generally as one of the most influential and creative Marxists of the post-World War I world. The tour de force in History and Class Consciousness is its insistence on (...)
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    Just theory: an alternative history of the western tradition.David B. Downing - 2019 - Urbana, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English.
    Preface: what is just theory? -- Introduction: framing the common good -- Cultural turn 1. Inventing western metaphysics -- Why is Plato so upset at the poets, and what is western metaphysics? -- Reframing the republic : from the homeric to the platonic paideia -- Finding love (and writing) in all the wrong places : Plato's pharmacy and the double-edged sword of literacy in the Phaedrus -- Aristotle's natural classification of things : when dialectic trumps rhetoric and poetry gets (...)
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    Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. [REVIEW]G. R. B. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (4):763-764.
    More than a decade after Philip P. Wiener and Frederick H. Young edited the first volume of Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, Moore and Robin have brought together a collection of essays which serves as a valuable supplement to that earlier publication. It is more than a supplement, however; it can stand on its own as a significant contribution to Peirce scholarship. Continuity with the first volume is achieved through new essays which analyze Peirce's theory of belief, (...)
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  49. Hobbes: Morals and Politics. [REVIEW]B. H. G. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):442-444.
    In his preface to Hobbes: Morals and Politics, Raphael tells us his intention is to provide "a genuine introduction for the student starting from scratch." That ought not deter others more familiar with Hobbes from reading the book. Raphael’s analysis is well-informed, sometimes insightful, and certainly worth reading. In addition to its intention to serve as an introduction, the book is also a vehicle for a rather elaborate interpretation of Hobbes’s theory of obligation. The interpretation of its Raphael in (...)
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    Meta-ontology and Meta-fiction.Denis E. B. Pollard - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (2):244-247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:META-ONTOLOGY AND META-FICTION by Denis E. B. Pollard Peter van inwagen's attempt to explain the nature of fiction makes use of Quine's program in meta-ontology.1 This program comprises four basic theses: (i) that being is the same as existence, (ii) that being is univocal, (iii) that this univocal sense is best captured, for the purposes of formalization, by die existential quantifier, and (iv) that deciding what to believe about (...)
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