Results for 'Bárbara Inés Ohanian'

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  1. Dispositivo de gobierno, memoria y subjetividad: Un abordaje posible.Bárbara Inés Ohanian - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (4):10 - 18.
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    Amygdala Modulation During Emotion Regulation Training With fMRI-Based Neurofeedback.Ana Rita Barreiros, Inês Almeida, Bárbara Correia Baía & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Ine Jacobs, Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space. The „Classical“ City from the 4th to the 7th c. AD, Leuven u. a. . 2013. [REVIEW]Barbara Sielhorst - 2016 - Klio 98 (2):789-793.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 2 Seiten: 789-793.
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  4. Can Contractualism Save Us from Aggregation.Barbara H. Fried - 2012 - The Journal of Ethics 16 (1):39-66.
    This paper examines the efforts of contractualists to develop an alternative to aggregation to govern our duty not to harm (duty to rescue) others. I conclude that many of the moral principles articulated in the literature seem to reduce to aggregation by a different name. Those that do not are viable only as long as they are limited to a handful of oddball cases at the margins of social life. If extended to run-of-the-mill conduct that accounts for virtually all unintended (...)
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  5. Gender As a Social Structure: Theory Wrestling with Activism.Barbara J. Risman - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):429-450.
    In this article, the author argues that we need to conceptualize gender as a social structure, and by doing so, we can better analyze the ways in which gender is embedded in the individual, interactional, and institutional dimensions of our society. To conceptualize gender as a structure situates gender at the same level of general social significance as the economy and the polity. The author also argues that while concern with intersectionality must continue to be paramount, different structures of inequality (...)
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    Sceptical Counterpossibilities†.Barbara Winters - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):30-38.
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    Leibnizian Relationalism and the Problem of Inertia.Barbara Lariviere - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):437 - 447.
    I consider the contrast between Leibniz's relational concept of spacetime and Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. I suggest that there are two interpretations of Leibniz's view, which I call L1 and L2. L1 amounts to saying that there is no real inertial structure to spacetime, whereas in general relativity the inertial structure is dynamical or real in Lande's sense ; i.e., it can be ‘kicked’ and ‘kicks back,’ causing gravitational effects. If there is no real inertial structure to (...)
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    Belief and resistance: dynamics of contemporary intellectual controversy.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1997 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    An extended analysis and account of the psychological/social/cognitive dynamics of intellectual controversy. The immediate focus is the recurrent failure of intellectual engagement, in encounters having to do with with truth, knowledge, language, science, and/or objectivity, between, on the one hand, rationalist-realist-objectivist philosophers and/or those they have instructed and, on the other hand, constructivist-pragmatist ("postmodern") theorists and/or those persuaded by their critiques and/or alternative views. Individual chapters examine critiques and defenses of objectivist-rationalist views in law, politics, literary studies, ethics, communication theory, (...)
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    Collaborative plans for complex group action.Barbara J. Grosz & Sarit Kraus - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (2):269-357.
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    Bringing the men back in:: Sex differentiation and the devaluation of women's work.Barbara F. Reskin - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (1):58-81.
    To reduce sex differences in employment outcomes, we must examine them in the context of the sex-gender hierarchy. The conventional explanation for wage gap—job segregation—is incorrect because it ignores men's incentive to preserve their advantages and their ability to do so by establishing the rules that distribute rewards. The primary method through which all dominant groups maintain their hegemony is by differentiating the subordinate group and defining it as inferior and hence meriting inferior treatment. My argument implies that neither sex-integrating (...)
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    Dictionary of untranslatables: a philosophical lexicon.Barbara Cassin, Steven Rendall & Emily S. Apter (eds.) - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A one-of-a-kind reference to the international vocabulary of the humanities This is an encyclopedic dictionary of close to 400 important philosophical, literary, and political terms and concepts that defy easy—or any—translation from one language and culture to another. Drawn from more than a dozen languages, terms such as Dasein (German), pravda (Russian), saudade (Portuguese), and stato (Italian) are thoroughly examined in all their cross-linguistic and cross-cultural complexities. Spanning the classical, medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary periods, these are terms that (...)
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    On the notion of pre-request.Barbara Fox - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (1):41-63.
    In early work within Conversation Analysis, utterances within a request sequence which inquire regarding some of the preconditions of granting the request are analyzed as pre-requests. Levinson, in an extended discussion of the organization of pre-requests and request sequences, treats utterances such as ‘do you have X?’, ‘can I have X?’ or ‘can you X for me?’ as inquiring about preconditions that could prevent the recipient from granting the request. By checking on preconditions, the requester works to avoid producing a (...)
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    Making Sense.Barbara Abbott - 1981 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4 (3):437-451.
    This would have been a better book if Sampson had argued his main point, the usefulness of the Simonian principle as an explanation of the evolution, structure, and acquisition of language, on its own merits, instead of making it subsidiary to his attack on ‘limited-minders’ (e.g., Noam Chomsky). The energy he has spent on the attack he might then have been willing and able to employ in developing his argument at reasonable length and detail. He might then have found that (...)
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  14. Social Science and Social Pathology.Barbara Wootton - 1959 - Philosophy 37 (140):165-175.
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    Causal model progressions as a foundation for intelligent learning environments.Barbara Y. White & John R. Frederiksen - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (1):99-157.
  16. The Impact of Ethical Leadership, the Internal Audit Function, and Moral Intensity on a Financial Reporting Decision.Barbara Arel, Cathy A. Beaudoin & Anna M. Cianci - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):351-366.
    Two elements of corporate governance—the strength of ethical executive leadership and the internal audit function (IAF hereafter)—provide guidance to accounting managers making decisions involving uncertainty. We examine the joint effect of these two factors, manipulated at two levels (strong, weak), in an experiment in which accounting professionals decide whether to book a questionable journal entry (i.e., a journal entry for which a reasonable business case can be made but there is no supporting documentation). We find that ethical leadership and the (...)
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    How Game Location Affects Soccer Performance: T-Pattern Analysis of Attack Actions in Home and Away Matches.Barbara Diana, Valentino Zurloni, Massimiliano Elia, Cesare M. Cavalera, Gudberg K. Jonsson & M. Teresa Anguera - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Should We Say Goodbye to Latent Constructs to Overcome Replication Crisis or Should We Take Into Account Epistemological Considerations?Barbara Hanfstingl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Navajo conceptions of justice in the peacemaker court.Barbara E. Wall - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (4):532–546.
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    Bioethics Education Expanding the Circle of Participants.Barbara C. Thornton, Daniel Callahan & James Lindemann Nelson - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (1):25.
    Bioethics education now takes place outside universities as well as within them. How should clinicians, ethics committee members, and policymakers be taught the ethics they need, and how may their progress best be evaluated?
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  21. Ontological categories in GOL.Barbara Heller & Heinrich Herre - 2004 - Axiomathes 14 (1):57-76.
    General Ontological Language (GOL) is a formal framework for representing and building ontologies. The purpose of GOL is to provide a system of top-level ontologies which can be used as a basis for building domain-specific ontologies. The present paper gives an overview about the basic categories of the GOL-ontology. GOL is part of the work of the research group Ontologies in Medicine (Onto-Med) at the University of Leipzig which is based on the collaborative work of the Institute of Medical Informatics (...)
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  22. The Techno-Sublime: Towards a Post-aesthetic.Barbara Bolt - 2007 - In Sensorium: aesthetics, art, life. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 43--51.
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    The Call for Intellectual Diversity on Campuses and the Problem of Willful Ignorance.Barbara Applebaum - 2020 - Educational Theory 70 (4):445-461.
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    Do we need two basic types?Barbara Partee - manuscript
    In a provocative book, Andrew Carstairs- McCarthy argues that the apparently universal distinction in human languages between sentences and noun phrases cannot be assumed to be inevitable for languages with the expressive power of human languages, but needs explaining. His work suggests, but does not explicitly state, that there is also no conceptual necessity for the distinction between basic types e and t, a distinction argued for by Frege and carried into formal semantics through the work of Montague. Pragmatic distinctions (...)
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    Uma Filosofia (original) com crianças.Dalva Costa, Ines Cardoso & Lisa Celestino - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1.
    No Brasil os estudos pedagógicos limitam-se a áreas que não desenvolvem o raciocínio lógico racional da criança; preferimos reproduzir as ideologias e regras normativas do sistema. Acreditar que os sujeitos têm que estudar a fim de obter apenas um emprego considerado “bom” é insuficiente para a construção de cidadãos realmente críticos, que não caiam no conformismo, mas questionem os objetos que estudamos, sabendo lutar contra ideologias e a manipulação de valores, com a formação de conceitos, e tendo um pensamento criativo, (...)
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    La Grammaire dialectale de l’espagnol à travers le Corpus oral et sonore de l’espagnol rural (coser, Corpus oral y sonoro del español rural).Inés Fernández-Ordóñez - 2010 - Corpus 9:81-114.
    Le Corpus oral et sonore de l’espagnol rural(COSER) est un corpus d’enquêtes orales qui a pour but l’étude de la grammaire dialectale dans la péninsule ibérique. Dans cet article, les caractéristiques du COSER et la méthodologie suivie sont décrites et comparées à celles des atlas pour ce qui concerne la recherche sur la grammaire dialectale. Grâce au COSER, de nombreux aspects syntaxiques peu connus ou totalement ignorés des dialectes espagnols ont pu être étudiés, tels que plusieurs paradigmes pronominaux, la substitution (...)
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    Prométhée généticien: Profits techniques et usages de métaphores.María Inés Moretti - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:125-128.
    Este trabajo se propone estudiar las características de los paralogismos de composición y división (Retórica II 24.II, 1401a), de la consecuencia (Retórica II 24.VI, 1401b20-30) y de la causa aparente (Retórica II 24.VII, 1401b30-34), de modo de analizar si Eurípides los utiliza en el agón de Andrómaca de los versos 577 a 746 This paper intends to study the characteristics of paralogisms due to composition and division (Rhetoric II 24.II, 1401a), due to consequent (Rhetoric II 24.VI, 1401b20-30), and due to (...)
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    Sex and Skill: Notes towards a Feminist Economics.Barbara Taylor & Anne Phillips - 1980 - Feminist Review 6 (1):79-88.
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  29. Bound Variables and Other Anaphors.Barbara H. Partee - 2004 - In Barbara Hall Partee (ed.), Compositionality in formal semantics: selected papers of Barbara H. Partee. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 110--121.
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    The limits of a nonconsequentialist approach to torts.Barbara H. Fried - 2012 - Legal Theory 18 (3):231-262.
    The nonconsequentialist revival in tort theory has focused almost exclusively on one issue: showing that the rules governing compensation for acts reflect corrective justice rather than welfarist norms. The literature either is silent on what makes an act wrongful in the first place or suggests criteria that seem indistinguishable from some version of cost/benefit analysis. As a result, cost/benefit analysis is currently the only game in town for determining appropriate standards of conduct for socially useful but risky acts. This is (...)
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  31. Language specific preferences in anaphor resolution: Exposure or Gricean maxims.Barbara Hemforth, Lars Konieczny, Christoph Scheepers, Savéria Colonna, Sarah Schimke & Joël Pynte - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    William James: pragmatyzm i religia.Barbara Krawcowicz - 2007 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    On Epistemic Luck.Barbara J. Hall - 1994 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):79-84.
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    Negation, Conjunction, and Quantifiers: Syntax vs. Semantics.Barbara Hall Partee - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (2):153-165.
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    Pflichten Auf Distanz: Weltarmut Und Individuelle Verantwortung.Barbara Bleisch - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Nearly one billionpeople worldwide suffer from hunger. This book examines the question of what inhabitants of wealthy counties owe these people. The author focuses less on the question of how a better world can be created and more on the question of what well-off individuals are obligated to do in light of this obvious injustice and immense suffering. The book argues for a common responsibility to eliminate extreme poverty and speaks to individuals in their roles as citizens, consumers, and even (...)
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    Category anxiety and the invisible white woman: Managing intersectionality at the scene of argument.Barbara Tomlinson - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (2):145-164.
    Feminists may overlook the way that our practices of reading and writing serve as discursive technologies of power, particularly if we fail to acknowledge the dominance of the invisible subject position of the (middle-class, heterosexual) white woman. Under such circumstances, specific seemingly neutral rhetorical strategies can serve as potent tools of dominance, infusing the reading situation with strategies of subordination that go unremarked because they are authorised by tradition and convention. I examine here the use of a specific rhetorical device (...)
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  37. Gestural communication in olive baboons and domestic dogs.Barbara Smuts - 2002 - In Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt (eds.), The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 301--306.
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  38. Eutanasia e normatività: dilemmi filosofici e bioetici. Spunti da un recente volume.Barbara Troncarelli - 2003 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4 (4):811-824.
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  39. Wolność polityczna w myśli Hannah Arendt.Barbara Tyboń - 2001 - Civitas 5 (5):131-142.
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  40. Shifting Boundaries: Contextual Approaches to the Structure of Theological Education.Barbara G. Wheeler & Edward Farley - 1991
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  41. Is Progress and Illusion?Barbara Wootton - 1919 - Hibbert Journal 18:18.
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    An equational basis for commutative bck-algebras.Barbara Wozniakowska - 1981 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 10 (3):108-111.
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    A Swedish-Style Welfare State or Basic Income: Which Should Have Priority?Barbara R. Bergmann - 2004 - Politics and Society 32 (1):107-118.
    State provision of “merit goods” and of narrowly targeted cash payments has higher priority than large universal cash grants. Analysis of the Swedish budget shows that advanced countries do not have the taxing capacity to do both at once. Other problems with cash payments schemes include the disincentive to work for pay, reducing taxpaying capacity, and retrograde effects on gender equality. After the achievement of a welfare state, rises over time in productivity may gradually open up room in the national (...)
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    Ästhetische Autonomie als Abnormität: kritische Analysen zu Schopenhauers Ästhetik im Horizont seiner Willensmetaphysik.Barbara Neymeyr - 1996 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The series, founded in 1970, publishes works which either combine studies in the history of philosophy with a systematic approach or bring together systematic studies with reconstructions from the history of philosophy. Monographs are published in English as well as in German. The founding editors are Erhard Scheibe (editor until 1991), Günther Patzig (until 1999) and Wolfgang Wieland (until 2003). From 1990 to 2007, the series had been co-edited by Jürgen Mittelstraß.
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    The new importance of the relationship between formality and informality.Barbara A. Misztal - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (2):173-194.
    Arguing that the fruitful approach to a reworking of the social depends upon forging an alliance between sociological theory and feminist theory, the paper analyses strands in sociological thinking which are responsible for renewed interest in the ‘social’. The first perspective, as developed by Touraine, Urry, Bauman and Castells, formulates a new agenda for ‘sociology beyond the social’ and emphasizes the limitations of the concept of ‘the social as society’. The second orientation, represented here by Richard Sennett, tracks the shifting (...)
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    No-existing beings: phantasmata in Plato.Barbara Botter - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 18:113-149.
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    Romanticismo e riconoscimento: figure della coscienza in Rousseau.Barbara Carnevali - 2004 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    Tocqueville Reinvented or `Democracy in Brazil'.Barbara Freitag - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):69-81.
    This paper compares Tocqueville's concept of democracy to the social and political evolution of Brazil. It draws attention to the different points of departure which marked the establishment of American and Brazilian societies, through the works of authors such as Laura de Mello e Souza, Gilberto Freyre, Florestan Fernandes, Celso Furtado, and Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. It notes that, despite conditions being more favourable for the formation of a democratic society in the United States than in Brazil, subsequent to the (...)
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  49. Performing stasis.Barbara Gronau - 2019 - In Reinhold Gorling, Barbara Gronau & Ludger Schwarte (eds.), Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
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    Hannah Arendt - von den Dichtern erwarten wir Wahrheit: Ausstellung Literaturhaus Berlin.Barbara Hahn & Marie Luise Knott (eds.) - 2007 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz.
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