Results for 'Béatrice Maire-Sardi'

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  1.  27
    Pretend play and in-service teacher training: Analysis of reflective writing.Isabelle Truffer-Moreau, Anne Clerc-Georgy & Béatrice Maire-Sardi - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):83.
    Cet article présente le dispositif de formation et ses objectifs ainsi que l’analyse d’écrits réflexifs produits dans le cadre des travaux certificatifs et dans lesquels les participantes décrivent quelques-uns des effets de la formation sur leurs pratiques professionnelles.
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  2. Self-consciousness and self-reference: Sartre and Wittgenstein.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):1–21.
  3.  21
    The philosophy of Malebranche.Beatrice K. Rome - 1963 - Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
  4.  76
    Created truths and causa Sui in Descartes.Beatrice K. Rome - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (1):66-78.
  5.  35
    I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Béatrice Longuenesse presents an original exploration of our understanding of ourselves and the way we talk about ourselves. In the first part of the book she discusses contemporary analyses of our use of 'I' in language and thought, and compares them to Kant's account of self-consciousness, especially the type of self-consciousness expressed in the proposition 'I think.' According to many contemporary philosophers, necessarily, any instance of our use of 'I' is backed by our consciousness of our own body. For (...)
  6.  6
    jerarquía de virtudes como un desafío para la Inferencia a la Mejor Explicación: un análisis crítico de “La inferencia a la mejor explicación: una breve defensa”.Gabriel Chiarotti Sardi - 2022 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 12 (2):17-23.
    Víctor Alfonso Costeño Chilaca publicó en la última edición de Metatheoria (vol. 12, núm. 1, 2021) un artículo fructífero en el que explica en qué consiste la Inferencia a la Mejor Explicación (IME) y cómo las críticas dirigidas a este modelo inferencial pueden ser respondidas de manera satisfactoria. El autor resalta el papel importante desempeñado por las “virtudes explicativas” para una correcta aplicación de la IME. Sin embargo, a pesar del excelente trabajo realizado para aclarar estos aspectos filosóficos, queda un (...)
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    Educational Programs to Promote Social Entrepreneurship: Development of Human and Community Skills in Real Environments.Gustavo Adolfo Santana Sardi, Néstor Vicente Mendoza Ledesma, María Luz Gonzales Díaz & Fabian Alveiro Contreras Medina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:146-155.
    This quantitative study investigates the impact of educational programs designed to foster social entrepreneurship on the development of human and community skills. Data were collected from 150 university students in Latin America, who participated in social entrepreneurship programs during the 2022-2023 academic cycle. Through structured surveys, key competencies such as leadership, empathy, problem-solving and teamwork were assessed. The results show that educational programs that integrate social entrepreneurship have a significant impact on the development of skills that not only benefit students (...)
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  8.  29
    George Sand Littérature et Politique, sous la direction de Martine Reid et Michèle Riot-Sarcey, Nantes.Máire Cross - 2011 - Clio 34:07-07.
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    Why children’s news matters: The case of CBBC Newsround in the UK.Máire Messenger Davies, Jeanette Steemers & Cynthia Carter - 2021 - Communications 46 (3):352-372.
    There has never been a greater need for reliable, truthful news to help citizens navigate and assess the veracity of what they are reading and viewing, especially on social media. Widespread concerns around ‘fake’ news demonstrate an enduring requirement for curated and trustworthy children’s news that addresses children as young citizens with certain rights. Drawing on recent UK events, we discuss the case for children’s news provision by public service broadcasting from a communication rights perspective by analyzing the BBC’s 2019 (...)
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  10.  7
    Kirg Ja Kirjandus: Esseid Eesti Ja Euroopa Kirjandusest Ja Psühhoanalüüsist.Maire Jaanus - 2011 - Vikerkaar. Edited by Märt Väljataga & Piia Ruber.
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  11. Fourfold Geometry: Being the Elementary Geometry of the Four-Dimensional World.David Beveridge Mair - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (5):113-114.
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  12. Henri Bergson, son œuvre.Gilbert Maire - 1928 - Paris,: Éditions de la Nouvelle revue critique.
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  13.  17
    Supporting older and younger adults’ memory for recent everyday events: A prospective sampling study using SenseCam.Ali Mair, Marie Poirier & Martin A. Conway - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:190-202.
  14.  18
    A Natureza da Ciência Para Pierre Duhem.Gabriel Chiarotti Sardi - 2023 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 41.
    O livro Ensaios de Filosofia da Ciência (2019) é uma coletânea de vários textos de Pierre Duhem escritos em diferentes momentos de sua vida. A obra foi organizada pela Associação Filosófica Scientiae Studia e conta com um profícuo ensaio introdutório escrito pelo tradutor, o prof. Dr. Fábio Rodrigo Leite. Cada ensaio possui seus próprios capítulos, porém, na subdivisão dessa coletânea, cada texto foi referido como um capítulo e seus capítulos postos como subcapítulos. No presente fichamento abordaremos o primeiro capítulo, isto (...)
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  15.  11
    Modelos de explicação científica, inferência da melhor explicação e a história da dupla-hélice do DNA.Gabriel Chiarotti Sardi - 2023 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 18 (2):147-175.
    O presente artigo objetiva realizar um estudo de caso que aplica o modelo de inferência da melhor explicação (inference to the best explanation, IBE) de Peter Lipton ao episódio histórico da construção do modelo de dupla-hélice do DNA, no século XX. Procura avaliar a eficiência de tal modelo quando confrontado com a história da ciência e em que medida é capaz de rivalizar com ou superar outros modelos de explicação já consolidados na literatura de filosofia da ciência, tais como os (...)
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  16.  13
    O QUE É COMUNICAR E PENSAR? aportes para uma Dialética da Alteridade.Sérgio A. Sardi - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (4):1111-1120.
    O texto, em sua estrutura argumentativa, objetiva estabelecer as condições pelas quais a linguagem deveria remeter a um contexto que ultrapassa as exigências de uma razão que identifica verdade e universalidade. As questões o que é comunicar? e o que é pensar? orientam uma perspectiva de abordagem do problema, conduzindo à considerações críticas acerca da insuficiência de uma concepção da racionalidade que se funda na exclusão da alteridade.
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  17.  19
    Para filosofar com crianças..Sérgio A. Sardi - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (2):413-418.
    SÍNTESE - Este texto visa contribuir ao debate sobre as condições para filosofar com crianças. Sugere que o aprendizado da relação é passivei a partir do resgate da nossa história pessoal e do exercício da admiração, o que se efetiva na relação com crianças. Tal aprendizado, configurando já uma postura filosófica, possibilita a reconstrução do dizer e do pensar, da relação entre o dizer e o pensar, do comunicar. Há uma perspectiva ética, à base do filosofar com crianças, a qual (...)
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  18.  11
    Perguntas-Máquinas.Rosa Aparecida Fernandes Sardi - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 8:45-55.
    Perguntas-máquinas se desenvolvem em problemas e perseguem uma pergunta fundamental que não se satisfaz e perdura através de todas as respostas. Assim a aprendizagem conduz as faculdades ao exercício transcendente e requer uma educação voltada para a emissão e a exploração dos signos.
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  19.  9
    Die Kosmologie Eugen Finks: Einführung in das Denken Eugen Finks und Explikation des kosmischen Weltbegriffs an den Lebensvollzügen des Schlafens und Wachens.Katharina Schenk-Mair - 1997 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  20.  59
    Organizing for Society: A Typology of Social Entrepreneuring Models. [REVIEW]Johanna Mair, Julie Battilana & Julian Cardenas - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):353-373.
    In this article, we use content and cluster analysis on a global sample of 200 social entrepreneurial organizations to develop a typology of social entrepreneuring models. This typology is based on four possible forms of capital that can be leveraged: social, economic, human, and political. Furthermore, our findings reveal that these four social entrepreneuring models are associated with distinct logics of justification that may explain different ways of organizing across organizations. This study contributes to understanding social entrepreneurship as a field (...)
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  21.  5
    Faire Écrire Des Élèves Dans Une Visée Philosophique: Scénario Pédagogique Et Regard du Psychologue.Hélène Maire, Emmanuèle Auriac-Slusarczyk & Julie Pironom - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:91-117.
    Training students to write with a Philosophical Aim: Pedagogical Scenario and Psychological Perspective. Perspective with the international swarming of the oral and collective P4C (Philosophy FOR Children) practice, its benefits for children’s development have been demonstrated in various and transversal fields. Are these beneficial effects transferable and quantifiable in individual writings of students aged 13 to 14 years? We will outline some directions to answer this question by presenting an original educational P4C tool, Philo & Carto, which is based on (...)
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  22.  61
    Kant on Consciousness and Its Limits.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 117 (1):7-26.
    Le présent essai tente de tirer au clair les différentes significations des termes « conscient » et « conscience » dans la philosophie critique de Kant et en particulier dans la Critique de la raison pure. On considère d’abord les divers types de représentations et ce que veut dire Kant lorsqu’il les dit « avec » ou « sans » conscience. On considère ensuite le concept de conscience tel qu’il apparaît dans la Déduction transcendantale des catégories, où il ne réfère (...)
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  23.  44
    Comments by John and Beatrice Blyth Whiting.Beatrice Blyth Whiting - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (1):4-6.
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  24. Kant and the Capacity to Judge: Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason.Béatrice Longuenesse - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    "Kant and the Capacity to Judge" will prove to be an important and influential event in Kant studies and in philosophy.
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  25.  54
    Experimental Essays on Chuang-tzu.Victor H. Mair - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (3):315-319.
  26.  31
    The First Person in Cognition and Morality.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What do we express when we use the first-person pronoun 'I' in phrases such as 'I think' or 'I ought to'? Do we refer to ourselves as biologically unique, socially determined individuals? Or do we express a consciousness of ourselves as the bearers of thoughts we share, or can share, with all other human beings whatever their particular biological, social, or cultural background? Every year the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam invites a prominent philosopher to occupy the (...)
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  27.  40
    Ethical and Legal Aspects in Medically Assisted Human Reproduction in Romania.Beatrice Ioan & Vasile Astarastoae - 2008 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 14 (2):4-13.
    Up to the present, there have not been any specific norms regarding medically assisted human reproduction in Romanian legislation. Due to this situation the general legislation regarding medical assistance, the Penal and Civil law and the provisions of the Code of Deontology of the Romanian College of Physicians are applied to the field of medically assisted human reproduction. By analysing the ethical and legal conflicts regarding medically assisted human reproduction in Romania, some characteristics cannot be set apart because they derive (...)
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  28.  17
    Å styre et tomrom?Peter Mair - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 41 (2-3):236-263.
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  29.  22
    Statistical Practice: Putting Society on Display.Michael Mair, Christian Greiffenhagen & W. W. Sharrock - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (3):51-77.
    As a contribution to current debates on the ‘social life of methods’, in this article we present an ethnomethodological study of the role of understanding within statistical practice. After reviewing the empirical turn in the methods literature and the challenges to the qualitative-quantitative divide it has given rise to, we argue such case studies are relevant because they enable us to see different ways in which ‘methods’, here quantitative methods, come to have a social life – by embodying and exhibiting (...)
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  30.  36
    The Animal and the Daemon in Early China.Victor H. Mair & Roel Sterckx - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):841.
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    ‘Nothing is simply one thing’: Woolf, Deleuze and Difference.Beatrice Monaco - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (4):456-474.
    This paper explores some key texts of Virginia Woolf in the context of Deleuzian concepts. Using a close reading style, it shows how the prose poetry in Mrs Dalloway engages a complex interplay of repetition and difference, resulting in a remarkably similar model of the three syntheses of time as Deleuze understands them. It subsequently explores Woolf's technical processes in a key passage from To the Lighthouse, showing how the prose-poetic technique systematically undoes the structures of logical fact and rationality (...)
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  32.  40
    Birth intervals and women's economic activity.Máire Ní Bhrolcháin - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (1):31-46.
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    Medical discoveries.Beatrice Kavanaugh - 2017 - Broomall, Pennsylvania: Mason Crest.
    Medical science is advancing all the time. Researchers are constantly trying to find new ways to help people to have long and healthy lives. Thanks to their work, doctors today can cure diseases, lessen pain, replace unhealthy limbs or organs, and help infertile couples have children. Doctors can even keep seriously ill people alive against all odds. But not everyone is enamored with advances in medicine. They question whether it is appropriate to prolong life in all cases, or believe that (...)
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  34.  29
    Le sens-sans-signe: Pour une éthique de la création.Benoît Maire & Anne-Françoise Schmid - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (2):132-139.
    The following article is the result of a collaboration between a painter and a woman philosopher. They worked previously on an experimental documentary film about objects and art objects, which was realized at Palais de Tokyo. The painter had illustrated in black and white fictions of philosophy, written during a festival on lost films organized by UNdocumenta in South Korea, and then he made photographs of oil paintings of the English translation. This article about painting and philosophical ethics is their (...)
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    Baihua: Zum Problem der Verschriftung gesprochener Sprache im Chinesischen, dargestellt anhand morphologischer Merkmale in den bianwen aus Dunhuang.Victor H. Mair & Thomas Zimmer - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):306.
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  36.  52
    Conclusions.Thierry Maire - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):153-156.
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  37. Essai bibliographique des "Pensées" de Pascal.Albert Maire - 1923 - Paris: G Beauchesne.
  38.  24
    Experimental Essays on Zhuangzi.Victor H. Mair (ed.) - 2010 - Three Pine Press.
    Experimental Essays on Zhuangzi is a classic in the field. Originally published in 1983, this edition makes it available again in an expanded version, with four additional contributions, and in an updated format, with pinyin transcription, Chinese characters embedded in the text, and reference style notes. The work is a well respected textbook and essential reader in Daoist thought. It continues to constitute an essential contribution to the study of Daoism and Chinese philosophy.
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  39.  6
    Les voies étroites d’un évangélisme de gauche au Guatemala.Thierry Maire - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):64-70.
    Le courant évangélique est largement associé à une lecture conservatrice et orientée à droite. Cette affinité élective correspond à une réalité, au Guatemala comme ailleurs. Pourtant, les récents résultats de l’élection présidentielle, avec la victoire du candidat Bernardo Arévalo, ont montré qu’une forte présence évangélique (près de 45 % de la population guatémaltèque) n’obérait pas le potentiel électoral d’un candidat de gauche. Rendre compte de cette petite révolution politique nécessite d’abord de rappeler les fondements du conservatisme dominant, hérité de la (...)
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  40.  44
    Notes.A. W. Mair & W. Headlam - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (06):319-.
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    On Euripides, Hecuba, Ll. 1214–15.A. W. Mair - 1901 - The Classical Review 15 (07):375-376.
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  42. Pascal penseur, ses Pensées et leur bibliographie, étude.Albert Maire - 1926 - Paris,: L. Giraud-Badin.
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  43. Tao Te Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way: A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Manuscripts.Victor H. Mair & Michael Lafargue - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (4):745-750.
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  44. Of Saxons, a Viking and Normans: Colmán, Gerald and the Monastery of Mayo.Máire Ní Mhaonaigh - 2009 - In Mhaonaigh Máire Ní (ed.), Anglo-Saxon/Irish Relations before the Vikings. pp. 411.
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  45. Manuscript Submissions.Máire O' Neill - 1994 - Humana Mente:180.
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    Proponents of limited monarchy in sixteenth century France: Francis Hotman and Jean Bodin.Beatrice Reynolds - 1931 - New York,: AMS Press.
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  47.  13
    A vivência como princípio metodológico do filosofar com crianças.Sérgio A. Sardi - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    Ao considerarmos a conexão entre a vivência e o filosofar estabelecemos um ponto de partida espontâneo, relativo a uma determinada atitude, expressa na transposição a uma significação mais abrangente às nossas questões, ao serem estas existencialmente assumidas. Observamos, com isso, que o filosofar estabelece uma inter-relação produtiva entre o silêncio de eventos interiores, relativamente idiossincráticos, aos quais denominamos vivências, e as exigências de clarificação, ordenação e rigor, dentre outras, no âmbito lógico-lingüístico, por uma infinita aproximação entre estes dois pólos.
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  48.  16
    Da dialética do admirar E do perguntar.Sérgio A. Sardi - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (4):931-936.
    O texto visa contribuir, por um lado, à investigação acerca dos processos psicológicos, aos níveis subjetivo, lógico e intersubjetivo, inerentes a uma postura filosofante, remetendo a considerações metodológicas com relação ao ensino de Filosofia. Por outro, visa questionar a relação entre o filosofar e a História da Filosofia, visando à conexão entre o diálogo filosófico e o diálogo com a História da Filosofia.
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  49.  17
    Dialética E analogia na paidéia platônica.Sérgio A. Sardi - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (4):923-929.
    A analogia, enquanto procedimento metodológico da dialética platônica, estabelece uma relação entre paidéia e dialética ascendente. O presente estudo limita-se ao diálogo Ménon e visa, ainda, articular a relação entre este diálogo e o conjunto de obra de Platão no que concerne à relação entre analogia e dialética.
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  50.  25
    Janina Wellmann, The Form of Becoming: Embryology and the Epistemology of Rhythm, 1760–1830: Zone Books, New York, 2017, Translated by Kate Sturge, 424 pp., 68 b&w illus., $34.95 Cloth, ISBN: 9781935408765.Beatrice Steinert - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (3):493-495.
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