Results for 'B. M. de Waal'

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  1.  27
    Evolutionary Ethics, Aggression, and Violence: Lessons from Primate Research.Frans B. M. de Waal - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):18-23.
    This paper is unusual for this journal because most readers do not deal professionally with animals. Information from primatology, however, is relevant to consideration of violence between people. I will focus mainly on aggression and peacemaking among nonhuman primates, but will address related topics as well. I do not use the term “aggression” to refer only to violent behavior, but to any overt conflict between individuals. Although I am a professor of psychology, I am a biologist by training. When I (...)
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    Human and other natures.F. B. M. de Waal, A. Whiten, J. Goodall, W. C. McGrew, T. Nishida, V. Reynolds, Y. Sugiyama & C. E. G. Tutin - 2000 - In Leonard D. Katz (ed.), Evolutionary Origins of Morality: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives. Imprint Academic. pp. 62.
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  3. Natural normativity : the 'is' and 'ought' of animal behavior.Frans M. B. de Waal - 2014 - In Frans B. M. De Waal, Patricia Smith Churchland, Telmo Pievani & Stefano Parmigiani (eds.), Evolved Morality: The Biology and Philosophy of Human Conscience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
  4. Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases.Stephanie D. Preston & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):1-20.
    There is disagreement in the literature about the exact nature of the phenomenon of empathy. There are emotional, cognitive, and conditioning views, applying in varying degrees across species. An adequate description of the ultimate and proximate mechanism can integrate these views. Proximately, the perception of an object's state activates the subject's corresponding representations, which in turn activate somatic and autonomic responses. This mechanism supports basic behaviors that are crucial for the reproductive success of animals living in groups. The Perception-Action Model, (...)
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  5. Morality and its relation to primate social instincts.Frans B. M. de Waal - 2010 - In Henrik Høgh-Olesen (ed.), Human morality and sociality: evolutionary and comparative perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  6. Anthropomorphism and Anthropodenial.Frans B. M. de Waal - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 27 (1):255-280.
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    Emotional control.Frans B. M. de Waal - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):254-254.
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    No imitation without identification.Frans B. M. de Waal - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):689-689.
    We cannot solve questions about imitative learning without knowing what motivates animals to copy others. Imitative capacities can be expected to be most pronounced in relation to situations and models of great social significance. Experimental research on nonhuman primates has thus far made little effort to present such situations and models.
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    Evolved Morality: The Biology and Philosophy of Human Conscience.Frans B. M. De Waal, Patricia Smith Churchland, Telmo Pievani & Stefano Parmigiani (eds.) - 2014 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
    Morality is often defined in opposition to the natural "instincts," or as a tool to keep those instincts in check. New findings in neuroscience, social psychology, animal behaviour, and anthropology have brought us back to the original Darwinian position that moral behaviour is continuous with the social behavior of animals, and most likely evolved to enhance the cooperativeness of society. In this view, morality is part of human nature rather than its opposite. This interdisciplinary volume debates the origin and working (...)
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    A proximate perspective on reciprocal altruism.Sarah F. Brosnan & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (1):129-152.
    The study of reciprocal altruism, or the exchange of goods and services between individuals, requires attention to both evolutionary explanations and proximate mechanisms. Evolutionary explanations have been debated at length, but far less is known about the proximate mechanisms of reciprocity. Our own research has focused on the immediate causes and contingencies underlying services such as food sharing, grooming, and cooperation in brown capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees. Employing both observational and experimental techniques, we have come to distinguish three types of (...)
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  11. Monkey Business and Business Ethics.Jessica C. Flack & Frans B. M. De Waal - 2004 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 4:7-41.
    To what degree has biology influenced and shaped the development of moral systems? One way to determine the extent to which human moral systems might be the product of natural selection is to explore behaviour in other species that is analogous and perhaps homologous to our own. Many non-human primates, for example, have similar methods to humans for resolving, managing, and preventing conflicts of interests within their groups. Such methods, which include reciprocity and food sharing, reconciliation, consolation, conflict intervention, and (...)
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  12. A cross-species perspective on the selfishness axiom.Sarah F. Brosnan & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):818-818.
    Henrich et al. describe an innovative research program investigating cross-cultural differences in the selfishness axiom (in economic games) in humans, yet humans are not the only species to show such variation. Chimpanzees and capuchin monkeys show signs of deviating from the standard self-interest paradigm in experimental settings by refusing to take foods that are less valuable than those earned by conspecifics, indicating that they, too, may pay attention to relative gains. However, it is less clear whether these species also show (...)
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  13. The self-organizing consciousness.S. D. Preston & B. M. de Waal - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):515-526.
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    Empathy: Each is in the right – hopefully, not all in the wrong.Stephanie D. Preston & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):49-58.
    Only a broad theory that looks across levels of analysis can encompass the many perspectives on the phenomenon of empathy. We address the major points of our commentators by emphasizing that the basic perception-action process, while automatic, is subject to control and modulation, and is greatly affected by experience and context because of the role of representations. The model can explain why empathy seems phenomenologically more effortful than reflexive, and why there are different levels of empathy across individuals, ages, and (...)
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  15.  28
    Frans B. M. de Waal: Prirodno dobri.Lovorka Mađarević - 2002 - Prolegomena 1 (1):87-89.
  16. Identifying the motivations of chimpanzees: Culture and collaboration.Victoria Horner, Kristin E. Bonnie & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):704-705.
    Tomasello et al. propose that shared intentionality is a uniquely human ability. In light of this, we discuss several cultural behaviors that seem to result from a motivation to share experiences with others, suggest evidence for coordination and collaboration among chimpanzees, and cite recent findings that counter the argument that the predominance of emulation in chimpanzees reflects a deficit in intention reading.
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    Frans B. M. de Waal: Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves.Sarah F. Brosnan - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):77-80.
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    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2023.Cornelis de Waal, Richard Kenneth Atkins, André De Tienne & Elizabeth Cooke - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 60 (1):118-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2023Cornelis de Waal, Editor-in-Chief, Richard Kenneth Atkins, André De Tienne, Director and General Editor, and Elizabeth Cooke[as approved on January 17, 2024]The Annual General Meeting of the Charles S. Peirce Society was held in conjunction with the Eastern Division Meeting of the APA on January 5, 2023, at the Sheraton Le Centre, Montréal, Quebec. Rosa Maria Mayorga chaired the meeting and called (...)
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  19.  44
    Natural Conflict Resolution. Edited by Filippo Aureli & Frans B. M. de Waal. Pp. 409. (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA, 2000.) £40.00, ISBN 0-520-21671-7, hardback; £15.95, ISBN 0-520-22346-2, paperback. [REVIEW]Sławomir Kozeł - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (1):153-160.
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  20. Primates and Philosophers. How Morality Evolved.Frans de Waal, Stephen Macedo, Josiah Ober, Robert Wright, Christine M. Korsgaard & Philip Kitcher - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (3):598-599.
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  21.  82
    Attitudes of Dutch Pig Farmers Towards Tail Biting and Tail Docking.M. B. M. Bracke, Carolien C. De Lauwere, Samantha Mm Wind & Johan J. Zonerland - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):847-868.
    The Dutch policy objective of a fully sustainable livestock sector without mutilations by 2023 is not compatible with the routine practice of tail docking to minimize the risk of tail biting. To examine farmer attitudes towards docking, a telephone survey was conducted among 487 conventional and 33 organic Dutch pig farmers. “Biting” (of tails, ears, or limbs) was identified by the farmers as a main welfare problem in pig farming. About half of the farmers reported to have no tail biting (...)
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  22. The Tanner Lectures Vol 25.Grethe B. Peterson (ed.) - 2005 - University of Utah Press.
    The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, founded July 1, 1978, at Clare Hall, Cambridge University, was established by the American scholar, industrialist, and philanthropist Obert Clark Tanner. Lectureships are awarded to outstanding scholars or leaders in broadly defined fields of human values, and transcend ethnic, national, religious, or ideological distinctions. Volume 25 features lectures given by Frans B.M. de Waal, Richard Dawkins, Christine M. Korsgaard, Seyla Benhabib, and Harry Frankfurt.
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  23. Charles S. Peirce’s Centenary : Anti-nominalism, Judgment, and Religion.Cornelis de Waal, Rosa M. Mayorga & Jamie Nubiola - 2014 - Acta Philosophica 23 (2):333-344.
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  24. Editions and translations of philosophical texts. Experience of work and reflections.M. Baldi & B. F. de Mottoni - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 60 (3):569-573.
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    Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved: How Morality Evolved.Frans de Waal - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    "It's the animal in us," we often hear when we've been bad. But why not when we're good? Primates and Philosophers tackles this question by exploring the biological foundations of one of humanity's most valued traits: morality. In this provocative book, primatologist Frans de Waal argues that modern-day evolutionary biology takes far too dim a view of the natural world, emphasizing our "selfish" genes. Science has thus exacerbated our reciprocal habits of blaming nature when we act badly and labeling (...)
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  26.  78
    Evolutionary Ethics, Aggression, and Violence: Lessons from Primate Research.Frans B. M. Waal - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):18-23.
  27. Informed consent instead of assent is appropriate in children from the age of twelve: Policy implications of new findings on children’s competence to consent to clinical research.Irma M. Hein, Martine C. De Vries, Pieter W. Troost, Gerben Meynen, Johannes B. Van Goudoever & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundFor many decades, the debate on children’s competence to give informed consent in medical settings concentrated on ethical and legal aspects, with little empirical underpinnings. Recently, data from empirical research became available to advance the discussion. It was shown that children’s competence to consent to clinical research could be accurately assessed by the modified MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research. Age limits for children to be deemed competent to decide on research participation have been studied: generally children of 11.2 (...)
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  28.  87
    Qualitative Stakeholder Analysis for the Development of Sustainable Monitoring Systems for Farm Animal Welfare.M. B. M. Bracke, K. H. De Greef & H. Hopster - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (1):27-56.
    Continued concern for animal welfare may be alleviated when welfare would be monitored on farms. Monitoring can be characterized as an information system where various stakeholders periodically exchange relevant information. Stakeholders include producers, consumers, retailers, the government, scientists, and others. Valuating animal welfare in the animal-product market chain is regarded as a key challenge to further improve the welfare of farm animals and information on the welfare of animals must, therefore, be assessed objectively, for instance, through monitoring. Interviews with Dutch (...)
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  29.  61
    Intrinsic Value and the Genetic Engineering of Animals.R. B. M. de Vries - 2008 - Environmental Values 17 (3):375-392.
    The concept of intrinsic value is often invoked to articulate objections to the genetic engineering of animals, particularly those objections that are not directed at the negative effects the technique might have on the health and welfare of the modified animals. However, this concept was not developed in the context of genetic engineering. Given this external origin, this paper critically examines the assumption that the concept of intrinsic value is suitable to articulate and justify moral objections more specifically directed at (...)
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    Extending the Curry-Howard interpretation to linear, relevant and other resource logics.Dov M. Gabbay & Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (4):1319-1365.
  31. Quelques notes au sujet de l'article de B. Jeu, J. C. Demaille et J. L. Duhameau.B. M. Kedrov - 1971 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 25 (4=98):596.
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    On Dewey, by Robert B. Talisse. [REVIEW]Cornelis de Waal - 2000 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 28 (87):11-12.
  33. La treizième "Semaine de Synthèse", Paris.B. M. Teplov - 1947 - Synthese 6 (1/2):77.
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  34. Les degrés de la pensée productive.B. M. Kedrov - 1971 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 25 (4=98):467.
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    The Published Works of Charles Sanders Peirce, Edited by Kenneth Laine Ketner and Joseph M. Ransdell. [REVIEW]Cornelis de Waal - 1999 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 27 (84):11-13.
  36.  29
    Reference values for mental health assessment instruments: objectives and methods of the Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring Study.Yvonne W. M. Schulte-van Maaren, Ingrid V. E. Carlier, Erik J. Giltay, Martijn S. van Noorden, Margot W. M. de Waal, Nic J. A. van der Wee & Frans G. Zitman - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):342-350.
  37. DFL 65.00. Dolan, B.(ed.): 2000, Malthus, Medicine, & Morality:'Malthusianism'after 1798. Clio Medica 59. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 232 pages. ISBN: 90-420-0841-5. Price: DFL 40.00. [REVIEW]N. M. De S. Cameron, S. E. Daniels & B. J. White - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (115).
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    Boekbesprekingen.J.-M. Tison, Th C. De Kruljf, R. Mennes, P. Fransen, Bernard Van Dorpe, B. Van Dorpe, Jos Vercruysse, F. Tillmans, C. Verhaak, A. Poncelet, A. J. Leijen, G. Swüste, J. H. Nota, R. Hostie, P. Van Doornik & P. Grootens - 1969 - Bijdragen 30 (2):204-226.
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    Contradiction, Logic, anel Reality.B. M. Laing - 1930 - The Monist 40 (4):559-580.
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  40. John Duns Scotus, 1265-1965.B. M. Bonansea & John Kenneth Ryan - 1965 - Catholic University of America Press.
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  41. Le caractère de la confirmation chez saint Thomas.B. -M. Perrin - 1998 - Revue Thomiste 98 (2):225-265.
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  42. Der islamische Einfluss im Ramon Lulls' Buch vom Liebenden und Geliebten'.B. M. Weischer - 1968 - Kairos (misc) 10:19-29.
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    Intuitionistic N-Graphs.M. Quispe-Cruz, A. G. de Oliveira, R. J. G. B. de Queiroz & V. de Paiva - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (2):274-285.
    The geometric system of deduction called N-Graphs was introduced by de Oliveira in 2001. The proofs in this system are represented by means of digraphs and, while its derivations are mostly based on Gentzen's sequent calculus, the system gets its inspiration from geometrically based systems, such as the Kneales' tables of development, Statman's proofs-as-graphs, Buss' logical flow graphs, and Girard's proof-nets. Given that all these geometric systems appeal to the classical symmetry between premises and conclusions, providing an intuitionistic version of (...)
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  44. La justicia procedimental imperfecta en la conciencia jurídica material del juzgador de Alf Ross.G. B. González Gómez & M. De L. González Chávez - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 23.
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  45.  11
    Sur la synthèse des sciences.B. M. Kedrov - 1973 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 1:75-80.
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    How and Why Do Students Use Learning Strategies? A Mixed Methods Study on Learning Strategies and Desirable Difficulties With Effective Strategy Users.Sanne F. E. Rovers, Renée E. Stalmeijer, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer, Hans H. C. M. Savelberg & Anique B. H. de Bruin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  47. Teilhard de Chardin: Nouvel Index Analytique. [REVIEW]M. B. B. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (3):619-619.
    In 1967 Paul L'Archevêque published an analytical Index of the works of Teilhard de Chardin which has become an invaluable reference source for the thought of the renowned French scientist. This new Index is to a great extent a continuation and implementation of the former one. While it makes up for some of its deficiencies, it contains many additional references to Teilhard’s works which appeared after 1967, including some unpublished letters and pertinent material from the "Cahiers" of the "Editions du (...)
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    Recent Work on Cicero's De Natura Deorum- Cicero, De Natura Deorum. Für den Schulgebrauch erklärt Goethe von Alfred. Leipzig. Teubner. 1887. pp. iv, 242. 2 Mk. 4. [REVIEW]B. M. J. - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (04):160-164.
  49. Tegen de dood. Over Friederike Mayröckers, vom Umhalsen der Sperlingswald.A. B. M. Naaijkens - 2012 - Nexus:1-4.
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  50.  52
    Boekbesprekingen.L. Dequeker, J. Lambrecht, G. te Stroete, W. Beuken, P. Smulders, R. Mennes, Jos Vercruysse, P. Fransen, F. Tillmans, F. de Grijs, B. Van Dorpe, A. Poncelet, J. H. Nota, W. Thijs, F. De Graeve, H. Berghs, H. van Luijk, A. A. Derksen, H. Fink, F. Van Neste, A. J. Leijen, M. De Tollenaere, Frank De Graeve, G. Dierickx, R. Hostie, J. Besemer, G. Wilkens, P. G. van Breemen, J. Van Houtte, R. van Kessel, J. Kerkhofs & R. Ceusters - 1971 - Bijdragen 32 (1):75-115.
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