Results for 'Ban Gu'

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  1.  12
    Chinese Character Glossary.An Lushan, Ban Gu, Bi Wan, Cao Cao, Chen Baoguang & Chen Shou - 2002 - In Benjamin Penny (ed.), Religion and Biography in China and Tibet. Curzon Press.
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    Zhuji gu xiang lun yin ming: shou jie quan guo yin ming xue pei xun ban lun wen ji.Ping Xiao (ed.) - 2008 - Guangzhou: Zhongshan da xue chu ban she.
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    “Yiwen zhi” 藝文志 (Treatise on Arts and Letters) Bibliography in Its Own Context.Michael Hunter - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4):763.
    On the shortlist of truly indispensable texts within early China studies, a special place is reserved for Ban Gu’s 班固 “Yiwen zhi” 藝文志, the oldest extant bibliography in the East Asian tradition, if not the oldest extant and complete bibliography from the ancient world. After outlining the bibliography in the first section, I argue that the “Yiwen zhi” was never meant to serve as a “library catalogue” in the everyday sense of the term. Instead, it was a highly selective and (...)
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    Diszkurzív politikatudomány: bevezetés a politika interpretatív szemléletébe és kutatásba.Márton Szabó - 2016 - Budapest: Osiris Kiadó.
    Több politikatudománnyal foglalkozó kötettel jelentkezett már Szabó Márton, aki eddigi kutatásait összegezve, egy alternatív szemléletű politikatudomány szemléletébe és kutatásába kívánja bevezetni olvasóit. Célja, hogy bizonyítsa: a politika reális valóságában meghatározó módon jelen van az egyének nyilvános és közös értelmezése és diskurzusa. Hogy a politika ezért nem tekinthető pusztán csak objektív rendszernek, hanem emberek által teremtett és értelmezett valóság. A szerző ezen szemlélet jegyében hét nagyobb egységben mutatja be a politika minden fontos területét, kezdve a politikai tények összetett természetével, folytatva a (...)
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    "Zhuzi yu lei" wen xian yu yan yan jiu =.Jie Liu - 2018 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang gong shang da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu fen shang xia liang ge bu fen,Shang bian shi zhu zi yu lei wen xian yan jiu,Xia bian shi zhu zi yu lei ci hui yan jiu.Quan shu yi gong fen wei 9 zhang.Di yi zhang xu lun,Shou xian jie shao le zhu xi yu zhu zi yu lei,Qi ci jin xing le xue shu hui gu,Zong jie le jin 20 nian lai(jie zhi 2009 nian)Guo nei wai zhu zi yu lei yan jiu de sheng kuang he qu (...)
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  6. Ban Nobutomo zenshū.Nobutomo Ban - 1907 - Tōkyō: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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    Między recentywizmem a etyką prostomyślności : księga jubileuszowa z okazji 70. rocznicy urodzin Profesora Józefa Bańki.Józef Bańka, Piotr Skudrzyk & Grzegorz Mitrowski (eds.) - 2000 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Wahrheit und Geschichte: die gebrochene Tradition metaphysischen Denkens: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Günther Mensching.Günther Mensching, Alia Mensching-Estakhr & Michael Städtler (eds.) - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Gu Xiancheng quan ji.Xiancheng Gu - 2022 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Xuewei Wang.
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    Gu Zhun li shi bi ji.Zhun Gu - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Guang ming ri bao chu ban she.
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    Gu Zhun wen ji.Zhun Gu - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    "Gu lan jing" lun li si xiang yan jiu.Shiqun Gu - 2016 - Yinchuan Shi: Ningxia ren min chu ban she.
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    Hui 'an Cun Gao Er: Gu Jingyang, Gao Jingyi Si Xiang Zhi Bi Jiao Yan Jiu'.Qingmei Gu - 2004 - Taibei Shi: Da an chu ban she.
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    Aristotle's theory of the syllogism.Günther Patzig - 1969 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    The present book is the English version of a monograph 'Die aristotelische Syllogistik', which first appeared ten years ago in the series of Abhand 1 lungen edited by the Academy of Sciences in Gottingen. In the preface to the English edition, I would first like to express my indebtedness to Mr. J. Barnes, now fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. He not only translated what must have been a difficult text with exemplary precision and ingenuity, but followed critically every argument and (...)
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    Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen: Schriften zur philosophischen Anthropologie.Günther Anders - 2018 - München: C.H. Beck. Edited by Christian Dries & Henrike Gätjens.
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    Hikmetin izinde: Kenan Gürsoy'a armağan.Kenan Gürsoy & Fulya Bayraktar (eds.) - 2016 - Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayınları.
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    Das Leben führen?: Lebensführung zwischen Technikphilosophie und Lebensphilosophie: für Günter Ropohl zum 75. Geburtstag.Günter Ropohl & Nicole C. Karafyllis (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Edition Sigma.
    Kann man das Leben führen? Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge stellen sich in kritischer Absicht dem modernen Konzept der »Lebensführung«, das die Technikphilosophie mit der Lebensphilosophie im frühen 20. Jahrhundert eng verbunden hat und teilweise bis heute verbindet. Auch relevante soziologische Positionen wurden in diesem Kontext entwickelt. Anhand zentraler Autoren wie Simmel, Bergson, Husserl, Heidegger, Blumenberg, Berdjajew, Reuleaux, von Uexküll, Plessner, Freyer, Jonas und Günter Ropohl (dem dieser Band aus Anlass seines 75. Geburtstags gewidmet ist) werden die Bezugnahmen zwischen (...)
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  18.  31
    The Theoretical Debate on “Sinologism”: A Rejoinder to Mr. Zhang Xiping.Ming Dong Gu - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (1):55-70.
    EDITORS’ AbstractThis article is a direct response to Zhang Xiping’s criticism of Sinologism in particular and to the overall critique of Sinologism in general. With a succinct account of what Sinologism is, it provides detailed answers to a series of questions brought up by the critics. In an effort to clarify the relationship between Sinologism on the one hand and Orientalism, postcolonialism, deconstruction, New Historicism, postmodernism, and ideological theory on the other, it attempts to rethink the issues of paradigms for (...)
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  19. Die Gegenständlichkeit der Welt:: Festschrift für Günter Figal zum 70. Geburtstag.Günter Figal & Antonia Egel (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Prospective Intention-Based Lifestyle Contracts: mHealth Technology and Responsibility in Healthcare.Emily Feng-Gu, Jim Everett, Rebecca C. H. Brown, Hannah Maslen, Justin Oakley & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (3):189-212.
    As the rising costs of lifestyle-related diseases place increasing strain on public healthcare systems, the individual’s role in disease may be proposed as a healthcare rationing criterion. Literature thus far has largely focused on retrospective responsibility in healthcare. The concept of prospective responsibility, in the form of a lifestyle contract, warrants further investigation. The responsibilisation in healthcare debate also needs to take into account innovative developments in mobile health technology, such as wearable biometric devices and mobile apps, which may change (...)
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  21. Exquisite 15th century glass beaker.Bolivian Textile Ban - 1990 - Minerva 1.
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    Die Staatsphilosophie Schleiermachers.Günther Holstein - 1923 - Aalen: Scientia-Verlag,: K. Schroeder.
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    El sistema penal normativista en el mundo contemporáneo: libro homenaje al profesor Günther Jakobs en su 70 aniversario.Günther Jakobs, Eduardo Montealegre Lynett, Caro John & José Antonio (eds.) - 2008 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    A diferencia de todos los demás sistemas de imputación, Jakobs ubica el acento de la relevancia jurídico-penal del hecho en su significado normativo, como algo que trasciende la mera causalidad exterior y la finalidad del autor, de manera que lo decisivo para la imputación jurídico-penal no es ni lo psíquicoreal querido por el autor, ni la causalidad desplegada por su conducta, sino el significado normativo de esa conducta como la expresión de un sentido objetivo de desautorización de la vigencia de (...)
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  24. Emanzipation und Freiheit.Günter Rohrmoser - 1970 - München,: Goldmann.
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  25. Hirata Atsutane, Ban Nobutomo, Ōkuni Takamasa.Atsutane Hirata, Nobutomo Ban, Takamasa Okuni & Tsuguo Tahara - 1973 - Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Nobutomo Ban, Takamasa Ōkuni & Tsuguo Tahara.
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    "Knowing value" logic as a normal modal logic.Tao Gu & Yanjing Wang - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 362-381.
  27. Erinnerung an Martin Heidegger.Günther Neske (ed.) - 1977 - Pfullingen: Neske.
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  28.  20
    Chinese Visions of World Order: Tianxia, Culture, and World Politics.Ban Wang (ed.) - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    The Confucian doctrine of _tianxia_ outlines a unitary worldview that cherishes global justice and transcends social, geographic, and political divides. For contemporary scholars, it has held myriad meanings, from the articulation of a cultural imaginary and political strategy to a moralistic commitment and a cosmological vision. The contributors to _Chinese Visions of World Order_ examine the evolution of tianxia's meaning and practice in the Han dynasty and its mutations in modern times. They attend to its varied interpretations, its relation to (...)
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    Den Menschen im Blick: phänomenologische Zugänge: Festschrift für Günther Pöltner zum 70. Geburtstag.Günther Pöltner, Reinhold Esterbauer & Martin Ross (eds.) - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    21-segi Yugyo yŏn'gu rŭl wihan paekka chaengmyŏng.Chŏng-gŭn Sin (ed.) - 2011 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: P'yŏnaen'got Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
    1-kwŏn. Yugyo ŭi kwagŏ wa hyŏnjae kŭrigo mirae -- 2-kwŏn. Chŏngsang kwa isang ŭi taegyŏl yŏksa.
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  31. Wer ist's, der alles dieses zusammenhält?Günter Altner - 1984 - In Günter Altner (ed.), Die Welt als offenes System: eine Kontroverse um das Werk von Ilya Prigogine. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch.
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    Assertio: drei fortlaufende Lektüren zu Skepsis, Narrheit und Sünde bei Erasmus und Luther.Günter Bader - 1985 - Tübingen: Mohr.
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    La science des moeurs au siècle des Lumières: conception et expérimentations.Laurie Bréban, Séverine Denieul & Elise Sultan-Villet (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La « science des mœurs » entreprend d’étudier l’homme en passant par l’observation et l’expérience. Au xviiie siècle, elle se propose d’appliquer une méthode nouvelle à un objet jusqu’alors réservé aux métaphysiciens ou aux moralistes. Or, une telle proposition ne va pas sans poser problème.-.
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    Die Logik der Weltbilder: Sinnstrukturen im Wandel der Geschichte.Günter Dux - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    From pre-service to in-service teachers: a longitudinal investigation of the professional development of English language teachers in secondary schools.Mingyue Michelle Gu - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):503-521.
    This study reports on a longitudinal inquiry into professional identity construction among six novice cross-border English language teachers from mainland China, who completed their pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong (HK) and began their teaching practice in local HK schools. The findings indicate that the participants navigated obstacles in teaching by deploying their own multiple languages as a cultural and linguistic repertoire. The findings also show that the teachers experienced difficulty legitimising their professional identity in the teaching community, where contextual (...)
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  36. Drei Motive im Anti-Liberalismus Carl Schmitts.Günter Maschke - 1988 - In Klaus Hansen & Hans J. Lietzmann (eds.), Carl Schmitt und die Liberalismuskritik. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.
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  37. Munhak iron yŏnʼgu.Chæong-gu Chæon & Yæong-min Kim - 1989 - Sŏul: Saemunsa. Edited by Yŏng-min Kim.
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  38. Filozofia jako przetwarzanie idei w człowieku.Józef Bańka & Andrzej Kiepas (eds.) - 1997 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    The Harra and the Hamad: Excavations and Surveys in Eastern Jordan, Volume 1.E. B. Banning & A. V. G. Betts - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (4):782.
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    Hvað er sagnfræði?: rannsóknir og miðlun: fyrirlestrar frá hádegisfundum Sagnfræðingafélags Íslands 2006-2007.Guðbrandur Benediktsson & Guðni Th Jóhannesson (eds.) - 2007 - Reykjavík: Skrudda.
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  41. Ne dediler?Güzide Birinci, Bâkiye Marangoz & Aysel Zeynep Tozduman (eds.) - 1988 - Fatih, İstanbul: B. Marangoz.
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  42. Die Gegenstädlichkeit der Dinge.Günter Figal - 2014 - In Iris Därmann & Rebekka Ladewig (eds.), Kraft der Dinge: phänomenologische Skizzen. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Metaphysische Grundfragen der Erziehungswissenschaft. Der Satz d. Aristoteles: Alle Menschen streben von Natur aus nach Wissen in d. Interpretation d. Francisco Suarez.Günter Ludwig - 1970 - Düsseldorf: Henn.
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    What Is the Aesthetics in China?Gu Feng & Dai Wenjing - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):125-134.
    It could be said that chinese aesthetics merges together three cornerstones of the western tradition. It might be intended as the study of beauty in the Platonic sense, because of the vaste debate on the topic rooted back in chinese’s ancient times; it could match the sense of aesthetics as intended by Baumgarten, because of the long tradition of chinese perceptual studies, and it may also be compared to the Hegelian philosophy of art, given the abundance of chinese artistic manufacts (...)
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  45. Anomalous Disjunctivism.Zhiwei Gu - manuscript
    This paper aims at offering a new disjunctivist solution – anomalous disjunctivism – to the screening-off problem. Anomalous disjunctivism focuses on the necessary causal conditions for perception and hallucination. It argues that the proximate cause is contingent on causing a particular kind of sensory experience that can either be perceptual or hallucinatory. It further shows that the perceived thing is a necessary causal condition for perceptual experience and the failure of perception is a necessary causal condition for the hallucinatory counterpart. (...)
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    Hume in der deutschen Aufklärung: Umrisse einer Rezeptionsgeschichte.Gu Nter Gawlick, Günter Gawlick & Lothar Kreimendahl - 1987
    Im 18. Jahrhundert bestand ein uberraschend grosses Interesse am Denker, Schriftsteller und Menschen David Hume (1711-1776), das die ganze Vielheit in den Voraussetzungen und Zielen der deutschen Aufklarung widerspiegelt. Zunachst standen die religionsphilosophischen Thesen Humes im Vordergrund; sie wurden durchweg abgelehnt und haufig nur polemisch zuruckgewiesen. Gerade als sich die Chance einer sachgerechteren Beurteilung Humes bot, revolutionierte Kant die gesamte Philosophie, und Hume wurde nur noch als der auslosende Faktor der Kantischen Metaphysikkritik gesehen. Die umstrittene Frage, wann und durch welches (...)
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  47. Encyclopaedisch Handboek van het Moderne Denken. Derde geheel herziene druk.W. Banning, C. Van der Klaauw, H. Kramers, H. Pos, K. Proost & J. Ubbink - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (3):563-564.
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  48. Encyclopaedisch Handboek van het Moderne Denken.W. Banning, C. J. van der Klaauw, H. A. Kramers, H. J. Pos, K. F. Proost & J. B. Ubbink - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:127-128.
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  49. Medytacje parmenidiańskie o pierwszej filozofii: recentywizm i pannyngeneza.Józef Bańka - 1992 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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    Myŝl systematyczna i historyczna w badaniach filozoficznych: Katowice-Wisła, 7-11 maja 1995 roku.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1995 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego.
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