Results for 'Barbara Woshinsky'

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  1. Intuition in Britannicus in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Barbara Woshinsky - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:417-423.
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  2. Moral literacy.Barbara Herman - 2007 - New York: Harvard University Press.
    Making room for character -- Pluralism and the community of moral judgment -- A cosmopolitan kingdom of ends --Responsibility and moral competence --Can virtue be taught?: the problem of new moral facts -- Training to autonomy: Kant and the question of moral education -- Bootstrapping -- Rethinking Kant's hedonism -- The scope of moral requirement -- The will and its objects -- Obligatory ends -- Moral improvisation -- Contingency in obligation.
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  3. On the value of acting from the motive of duty.Barbara Herman - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (3):359-382.
    Richard Henson attempts to take the sting out of this view of Kant on moral worth by arguing (i) that attending to the phenomenon of the overdetermination of actions leads one to see that Kant might have had two distinct views of moral worth, only one of which requires the absence of cooperating inclinations, and (ii) that when Kant insists that there is moral worth only when an action is done from the motive of duty alone, he need not also (...)
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  4. Binding Implicit Variables in Quantified Contexts.Barbara Partee - 1989 - In Caroline Wiltshire, Randolph Graczyk & Bradley Music (eds.), Binding Implicit Variables in Quantified Contexts. Chicago Linguistic Society. pp. 342-365.
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    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara H. Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert E. Wall - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):271-272.
  6. Believing at will.Barbara Winters - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (5):243-256.
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  7. Explanatory dispositionalism: What anti-humeans should say.Barbara Vetter - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2051-2075.
    Inspired both by our ordinary understanding of the world and by reflection on science, anti-Humeanism is a growing trend in metaphysics. Anti-Humeans reject the Lewisian doctrine of Humean supervenience that the world is “just one little thing and then another”, and argue instead that dispositions, powers, or capacities provide connection and activity in nature. But how exactly are we to understand the shared commitment of this anti-Humean movement? I argue that this kind of anti-Humeanism, at its most general level, is (...)
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  8. The Evolution of Whistleblowing Studies: A Critical Review and Research Agenda.Barbara Culiberg & Katarina Katja Mihelič - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):787-803.
    Whistleblowing is a controversial yet socially significant topic of interest due to its impact on employees, organizations, and society at large. The purpose of this paper is to integrate knowledge of whistleblowing with theoretical advancements in the broader domain of business ethics to propose a novel approach to research and practice engaged in this complex phenomenon. The paper offers a conceptual framework, i.e., the wheel of whistleblowing, that is developed to portray the different features of whistleblowing by applying the whistleblower’s (...)
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    Varieties of Error and Varieties of Evidence in Scientific Inference.Barbara Osimani & Jürgen Landes - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):117-170.
    According to the variety of evidence thesis items of evidence from independent lines of investigation are more confirmatory, ceteris paribus, than, for example, replications of analogous studies. This thesis is known to fail (Bovens and Hartmann; Claveau). However, the results obtained by Bovens and Hartmann only concern instruments whose evidence is either fully random or perfectly reliable; instead, for Claveau, unreliability is modelled as deterministic bias. In both cases, the unreliable instrument delivers totally irrelevant information. We present a model that (...)
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    The “We” in the “Me”: Solidarity and Health Care in the Era of Personalized Medicine.Barbara Prainsack - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (1):21-44.
    This article challenges a key tacit assumption underpinning legal and ethical instruments in health care, namely, that people are ideally bounded, independent, and often also strategically rational individuals. Such an understanding of personhood has been criticized within feminist and other critical scholarship as being unfit to capture the deeply relational nature of human beings. In the field of medicine, however, it also causes tangible problems. I propose that a solidarity-based perspective entails a relational approach and as such helps to formulate (...)
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  11. Can Contractualism Save Us from Aggregation.Barbara H. Fried - 2012 - The Journal of Ethics 16 (1):39-66.
    This paper examines the efforts of contractualists to develop an alternative to aggregation to govern our duty not to harm (duty to rescue) others. I conclude that many of the moral principles articulated in the literature seem to reduce to aggregation by a different name. Those that do not are viable only as long as they are limited to a handful of oddball cases at the margins of social life. If extended to run-of-the-mill conduct that accounts for virtually all unintended (...)
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  12. Male aggression against women.Barbara Smuts - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (1):1-44.
    Male aggression against females in primates, including humans, often functions to control female sexuality to the male’s reproductive advantage. A comparative, evolutionary perspective is used to generate several hypotheses to help to explain cross-cultural variation in the frequency of male aggression against women. Variables considered include protection of women by kin, male-male alliances and male strategies for guarding mates and obtaining adulterous matings, and male resource control. The relationships between male aggression against women and gender ideologies, male domination of women, (...)
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  13. The statistical character of evolutionary theory.Barbara L. Horan - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (1):76-95.
    This paper takes a critical look at the idea that evolutionary theory is a statistical theory. It argues that despite the strong instrumental motivation for statistical theories, they are not necessary to explain deterministic systems. Biological evolution is fundamentally a result of deterministic processes. Hence, a statistical theory is not necessary for describing the evolutionary forces of genetic drift and natural selection, nor is it needed for describing the fitness of organisms. There is a computational advantage to the statistical theory (...)
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  14. Could it be Worth Thinking about Kant on Sex and Marriage?Barbara Herman - 1993 - In Louise M. Antony & Charlotte Witt (eds.), A Mind of One’s Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 49-68.
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    Implicit learning of tonality: A self-organizing approach.Barbara Tillmann, Jamshed J. Bharucha & Emmanuel Bigand - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (4):885-913.
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    Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design.Barbara Forrest & Paul R. Gross - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Forrest and Gross expose the scientific failure, the religious essence, and the political ambitions of "intelligent design" creationism. They examine the movement's "Wedge Strategy," which has advanced and is succeeding through public relations rather than through scientific research. Analyzing the content and character of "intelligent design theory," they highlight its threat to public education and to the separation of church and state.
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    Collaborative plans for complex group action.Barbara J. Grosz & Sarit Kraus - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (2):269-357.
  18. Making room for character.Barbara Herman - 1996 - In Stephen Engstrom & Jennifer Whiting (eds.), Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Rethinking Happiness and Duty. Cambridge University Press. pp. 36--60.
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    Nursing and euthanasia: A narrative review of the nursing ethics literature.Barbara Pesut, Madeleine Greig, Sally Thorne, Janet Storch, Michael Burgess, Carol Tishelman, Kenneth Chambaere & Robert Janke - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):152-167.
    Background: Medical Assistance in Dying, also known as euthanasia or assisted suicide, is expanding internationally. Canada is the first country to permit Nurse Practitioners to provide euthanasia. These developments highlight the need for nurses to reflect upon the moral and ethical issues that euthanasia presents for nursing practice. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to provide a narrative review of the ethical arguments surrounding euthanasia in relationship to nursing practice. Methods: Systematic search and narrative review. Nine electronic databases were (...)
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    (1 other version)Montague Grammar.Barbara H. Partee - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (5):278-312.
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  21. Degrees of Categoricity and the Hyperarithmetic Hierarchy.Barbara F. Csima, Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Richard A. Shore - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):215-231.
    We study arithmetic and hyperarithmetic degrees of categoricity. We extend a result of E. Fokina, I. Kalimullin, and R. Miller to show that for every computable ordinal $\alpha$, $\mathbf{0}^{}$ is the degree of categoricity of some computable structure $\mathcal{A}$. We show additionally that for $\alpha$ a computable successor ordinal, every degree $2$-c.e. in and above $\mathbf{0}^{}$ is a degree of categoricity. We further prove that every degree of categoricity is hyperarithmetic and show that the index set of structures with degrees (...)
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    Making Room for a This-Worldly Physicalism.Barbara Gail Montero & Christopher Devlin Brown - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):523-532.
    Physicalism is thought to entail that mental properties supervene on microphysical properties, or in other words that all God had to do was to create the fundamental physical properties and the rest came along for free. In this paper, we question the all-god-had-to-do reflex.
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  23. Time and Space in Plato's Parmenides.Barbara M. Sattler - 2019 - Études Platoniciennes 15.
    In this paper I investigate central temporal and spatial notions in the second part of Plato’s Parmenides and argue that also these notions, and not only the metaphysical ones usually discussed in the literature, can be understood as a response to positions and problems put on the table by Parmenides and Zeno. Of the spatial notions examined in the dialogue, I look at the problems raised for possessing location and shape, while with respect to temporal notions, I focus on the (...)
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    Functional Explanations in Sociobiology.Barbara L. Horan - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (2):131.
    In this essay I defend functional explanations in sociobiology against the charge that they are exercises in speculative story-telling. I distinguish proximate and ultimate biological functions, and discuss their role in functional explanations. I characterize functional explanations as a kind of "consequence explanation", and argue that sociobiologists need to justify a "functional fact" in addition to a "consequence law". Two methods used to supply evidence for functional hypotheses, the technique of optimality analyses and the comparative method, are discussed and illustrated (...)
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  25. Harming someone after his death.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):407-419.
    I argue for the possibility of posthumous harm based on an account of the harm of murder. I start with the deep-seated intuition that when someone is murdered he (or she) is harmed (over and above the pain of injury or dying), and argue that Feinberg's account that assumes that harm is an invasion of an interest cannot plausibly accommodate this intuition. I propose a new account of the harm of murder: it is an irreversible loss of functions necessary for (...)
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    Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialism and Feminism in the Nineteenth Century.Barbara Taylor - 1983 - New York: Pantheon Books.
  27. A note on the nature of "water".Barbara Abbott - 1997 - Mind 106 (422):311-319.
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    Quantificational structures and compositionality.Barbara H. Partee - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 541--601.
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  29. Embedded EthiCS: Integrating Ethics Across CS Education.Barbara J. Grosz, David Gray Grant, Kate Vredenburgh, Jeff Behrends, Lily Hu, Alison Simmons & Jim Waldo - 2019 - Communications of the Acm 62 (8):54-61.
    The particular design of any technology may have profound social implications. Computing technologies are deeply intermeshed with the activities of daily life, playing an ever more central role in how we work, learn, communicate, socialize, and participate in government. Despite the many ways they have improved life, they cannot be regarded as unambiguously beneficial or even value-neutral. Recent experience shows they can lead to unintended but harmful consequences. Some technologies are thought to threaten democracy through the spread of propaganda on (...)
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    Thinking ethical and regulatory frameworks in medicine from the perspective of solidarity on both sides of the Atlantic.Barbara Prainsack & Alena Buyx - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (6):489-501.
    This article provides a concise overview of the history of scholarship on solidarity in Europe and North America. While recent decades have seen an increase in conceptual and scholarly interest in solidarity in North America and other parts of the Anglo-Saxon world, the concept is much more strongly anchored in Europe. Continental European politics in particular have given rise to two of the most influential traditions of solidarity, namely, socialism and Christian ethics. Solidarity has also guided important public instruments and (...)
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    Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory.Barbara Herrnstein SMITH - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (2):182-184.
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    Truth and Justification.Barbara Fultner (ed.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Essays by Jurgen Habermas on truth, objectivity, normativity, naturalism, and realism after the linguistic turn.
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    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert Wall - 1987 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics (...)
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    At the Mercy of Strategies: The Role of Motor Representations in Language Understanding.Barbara Tomasino & Raffaella Ida Rumiati - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Scandalous knowledge: science, truth and the human.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2005 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Chronic and current epistemological controversies, with particular attention to the development of pragmatist/historicist/constructivist reconceptions of knowledge and science in the 20th century and the scandalized responses to them by defenders of more traditional rationalist/objectivist/realist conceptions. Individual chapters deal with complex and confused relations among epistemic skepticism, relativism, and constructivist epistemology ; 20th-century "postmodern" relativism and anti-relativism; Ludwik Fleck and constructivist views of truth, science, and knowledge; attacks on and disavowals of constructivism and/or relativism by established and feminist philosophers; the Science (...)
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  36. Chess and the conscious mind: Why Dreyfus and McDowell got it wrong.Barbara Gail Montero - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (3):376-392.
    Mind &Language, Volume 34, Issue 3, Page 376-392, June 2019.
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    Until RCT proven? On the asymmetry of evidence requirements for risk assessment.Barbara Osimani - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):454-462.
    The problem of collecting, analyzing and evaluating evidence on adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is an example of the more general class of epistemological problems related to scientific inference and prediction, as well as a central problem of the health-care practice. Philosophical discussions have critically analysed the methodological pitfalls and epistemological implications of evidence assessment in medicine, however they have mainly focused on evidence of treatment efficacy. Most of this work is devoted to statistical methods of causal inference with a special (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Formal Semantics: Origins, Issues, Early Impact.Barbara H. Partee - 2010 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 6 (1).
    Formal semantics is an approach to SEMANTICS1, the study of meaning, with roots in logic, the philosophy of language, and linguistics, and since the 1980’s a core area of linguistic theory. Characteristics of formal semantics to be treated in this article include the following: Formal semanticists treat meaning as mind-independent (though abstract), contrasting with the view of meanings as concepts “in the head” (see I-LANGUAGE AND E-LANGUAGE and MEANING EXTERNALISM AND INTERNALISM); formal semanticists distinguish semantics from knowledge of semantics (Lewis (...)
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    Naturalism and Physicalism.Barbara Gail Montero & David Papineau - 2015 - In Kelly James Clark (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 182–195.
    This chapter is concerned with materialistic views of the mind and the natural world in general. It examines the scientific evidence for the claim that everything within the spatiotemporal realm is physically constituted, and considers whether this evidence leaves room for any alternatives to this physicalist thesis.
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    The effect of CSR evaluations on affective attachment to CSR in different identity orientation firms.Barbara Fryzel & Nina Seppala - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):310-326.
    The goal of the present research was to examine the way in which organisational identity orientation and corporate social responsibility interact to produce affective attachment and related beneficial behaviours among organisational members. Using a questionnaire administered in Poland, it was shown that when CSR activity was viewed as authentic by employees, it led to affective attachment to the organisation's CSR stance, while an instrumental evaluation was correlated with a negative attachment to the CSR stance. The results suggest that CSR motives (...)
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    How to improve Bayesian reasoning: Comment on Gigerenzer and Hoffrage (1995).Barbara A. Mellers & A. Peter McGraw - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (2):417-424.
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    Pathological Altruism.Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan & David Sloan Wilson (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
  43. Murder and Mayhem.Barbara Herman - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):411-431.
    This paper began in the startled realization that little if anything is said in Kant’s ethics about the more violent forms of immoral action. There are discussions of lying, deception, self-neglect, nonbeneficence—but apart from suicide, a great silence about the darker actions. At the least, this should be an occasion for curiosity. Although the degree of concern with acts of violence in contemporary ethics may be in its own way curious, it does not seem unreasonable to expect a moral theory (...)
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  44. Morality and Everyday Life.Barbara Herman - 2000 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74 (2):29 - 45.
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    The combined effects of neurostimulation and priming on creative thinking. A preliminary tDCS study on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.Barbara Colombo, Noemi Bartesaghi, Luisa Simonelli & Alessandro Antonietti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:113006.
    The role of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in influencing creative thinking has been investigated by many researchers who, while succeeding in proving an effective involvement of PFC, reported suggestive but sometimes conflicting results. In order to better understand the relationships between creative thinking and brain activation in a more specific area of the PFC, we explored the role of dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC). We devised an experimental protocol using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS). The study was based on a 3 (kind of stimulation: (...)
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    Sex and Skill: Notes towards a Feminist Economics.Barbara Taylor & Anne Phillips - 1980 - Feminist Review 6 (1):79-88.
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    Embodied Normativity: Revitalizing Hegel’s Account of the Human Organism.Barbara Merker - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (2):154 - 175.
    Against the background of recent developments in neuroscience, the paper shows how, for Hegel, the theoretical, practical and evaluative functions of the mind are grounded in something like a natural normativity, based on the interaction of the body's inner world with the outer world. These forms of organic homeostasis are the basis for further kinds and levels of norms, and deviations from these norms, which result in mental pathologies, provide insights into the complexity of spirit.
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    Beyond Individual Rights: How Data Solidarity Gives People Meaningful Control over Data.Barbara Prainsack & Seliem El-Sayed - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):36-39.
    In today’s digital societies, it has become very difficult for people to exercise meaningful control over what and how data is collected and used. McCoy and colleagues (2023) seek to address this p...
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    Rescuing Womanly Virtues: Some Dangers of Moral Reclamation.Barbara Houston - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (sup1):237-262.
    Kathryn Morgan has introduced us to a typology of ‘the ways in which women’s moral voice and her sense of moral integrity are twisted and destroyed by patriarchal ideology and lived experience.’ She claims that this experience can induce in women ‘a sense of confusion and genuine moral madness.’I am in agreement with much of what Morgan says. However, I suspect that some others might find her case less convincing than I for the reason that she supports her claims by (...)
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    Quantification, Pronouns, and VP Anaphora.Barbara Partee & Emmon Bach - 1984 - In Partee Barbara & Bach Emmon (eds.), Truth, Interpretation and Information,. Foris Publications. pp. 99-130.
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