Results for 'Beata Bajcar'

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  1.  26
    Transformational and Transactional Leadership in the Polish Organizational Context: Validation of the Full and Short Forms of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.Beata Bajcar & Jolanta Babiak - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire is the most frequently used leadership measure in scholarship and organizational practice. However, so far it has not been validated in the Polish context. Therefore, the present study aimed to validate and shorten the MLQ in the Polish organizational setting. A total sample of 1,065 employees from different organizations took part in two sessions of an online study. Respondents were between 18 and 70 years old with an average job tenure of 17.00 years. In subsample 1, (...)
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    The Distinctive Terminology in šarḥ Al-Kāfiya by Raḍī L-Dīn Al-ʾastarābāḏī.Beata Sheyhatovitch - 2018 - Brill.
    In _The distinctive terminology in Šarḥ al-Kāfiya by Raḍī l-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏī_ Beata Sheyhatovitch offers a comprehensive and systematic study of terminology used by a highly perceptive and original Arab grammarian from 13th century C.E.
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    How Does Observational Learning Produce Placebo Effects? A Model Integrating Research Findings.Elżbieta A. Bajcar & Przemysław Bąbel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The influence of APOE and TOMM40 polymorphisms on hippocampal volume and episodic memory in old age.Beata Ferencz, Erika J. Laukka, Martin Lövdén, Grégoria Kalpouzos, Lina Keller, Caroline Graff, Lars-Olof Wahlund, Laura Fratiglioni & Lars Bäckman - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  5. Estetyka przyrody: nowe pojmowanie natury.Beata Frydryczak - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):41-55.
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    Scent in science and culture.Beata Hoffmann - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):0952695113508120.
    Although we are not aware of many spontaneous sensual experiences, we learn about the surrounding world through our senses. One of the objects of sensual experience is smell. It influences our decisions, shapes social interactions and is also a carrier of social meanings. Unfortunately, long-term conviction about the domination of sight over smell led to a belief in the pictorial character of our contemporary culture. Moreover, constant fluctuations between the promotion and ignoring of olfactory data have played a role in (...)
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  7. Between Poem and Painting, between Individual and Common Experience - the Art of Haiku in Japan and in Poland.Beata Śniecikowska - 2007 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 9:243-270.
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    The Value-Pluralism and Liberalism Problem Revisited.Beata Polanowska - Sygulska - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (1):99-108.
    This article tackles one of the most burning issues discussed by adherents of the dynamically developing movement in ethics which bears on political and legal philosophy, that is value-pluralism. In particular, the article is devoted to an investigation into the highly controversial issue of the relationship between pluralism and liberalism, based upon the three crucial, divergent approaches represented by Isaiah Berlin and his two main opponents, John Gray and George Crowder. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the two concepts (...)
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    Filozoficzne oblicza kłamstwa.Beata Zielewska - Rudnicka - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15 (15):155-163.
    Historia kłamstwa zaczyna się tam, gdzie historia prawdy. Na przestrzeni wieków zmieniają się jego definicje i oceny moralne. Warunki historyczne, polityczne, społeczne ujawniają jego nowe konteksty. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiam trzy charakterystyki kłamstwa: ze względu naprawdę, w odniesieniu do języka i jego rolę w sztuce. Różnorodność znaczeń implikuje oceny moralne tego zjawiska. Filozoficzna refleksja jest o tyle istotna, o ile stanowi bazę dla innych nauk, np. dla psychologii lub socjologii. Historia kłamstwa wskazuje na niejednoznaczność rozumienia tego pojęcia i konieczność ciągłej (...)
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  10. Between You and I: Dialogical Phenomenology.Beata Stawarska - 2009 - Ohio University Press.
    Classical phenomenology -- The transcendental tradition -- The logical investigations of the I -- From the I to the ego -- The grammar of the transcendental ego -- Strawson on the primacy of personhood -- Wittgenstein on the lure of words -- The grammar of the transcendental ego -- Zahavi on transcendental subjectivity as intersubjectivity -- Contemporary arguments for the transcendental ego : Marbach, Soffer -- Schutz, Theunissen on social phenomenology -- Husserl's later thought -- The multidiscipline of dialogical phenomenology (...)
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  11.  66
    Moral Obligations of Nurses Based on the ICN, UK, Irish and Polish Codes of Ethics for Nurses.Beata Dobrowolska, Irena Wrońska, Wiestlaw Fidecki & Mariusz Wysokiński - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):171-180.
    A code of professional conduct is a collection of norms appropriate for the nursing profession and should be the point of reference for all decisions made during the care process. Codes of ethics for nurses are formulated by members of national nurses’ organizations. These codes can be considered to specify general norms that function in the relevant society, adjusting them to the character of the profession and enriching them with rules signifying the essence of nursing professionalism. The aim of this (...)
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  12.  27
    Feminist Experiences: Foucauldian and Phenomenological Investigations, by Johanna Oksala (Book Review Article).Beata Stawarska - 2019 - Puncta 2 (1):33-41.
    Review of Oksala's 2016 Feminist Experiences: Foucauldian and Phenomenological Investigations.
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    Co to jest strukturalizm? /Beata Szymańska ; Polska Akademia Nauk, Oddział w Krakowie.Beata Szymańska - 1980 - Kraków: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Saussure's Philosophy of Language as Phenomenology: Undoing the Doctrine of the Course in General Linguistics.Beata Stawarska - 2015 - New York: Oxford UP USA.
    This book draws on recent developments in research on Ferdinand de Saussure's general linguistics to challenge the structuralist doctrine associated with the Course in General Linguistics and to propose a phenomenological interpretation of Saussure's study of language.
  15. Defining imagination: Sartre between Husserl and Janet.Beata Stawarska - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2):133-153.
    The essay traces the double, phenomenological and psychological, background of Sartre’s theory of the imagination. Insofar as these two phenomenological and psychological currents are equally influential for Sartre’s theory of the imagination, his intellectual project is situated in an inter-disciplinary research area which combines the descriptive analyses of Edmund Husserl with the clinical reports and psychological theories of Pierre Janet. While Husserl provides the foundation for the prevailing theory of imagination as pictorial representation, Janet’s findings on obsessive behavior enrich an (...)
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  16.  27
    Two over three: a two-valued logic for software specification and validation over a three-valued predicate calculus.Beata Konikowska - 1993 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 3 (1):39-71.
  17.  35
    Conscientious object in nursing: Regulations and practice in two European countries.Beata Dobrowolska, Ian McGonagle, Anna Pilewska-Kozak & Ros Kane - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):168-183.
    Background: The concept of conscientious objection is well described; however, because of its nature, little is known about real experiences of nursing professionals who apply objections in their practice. Extended roles in nursing indicate that clinical and value-based dilemmas are becoming increasingly common. In addition, the migration trends of the nursing workforce have increased the need for the mutual understanding of culturally based assumptions on aspects of health care delivery. Aim: To present (a) the arguments for and against conscientious objection (...)
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  18.  14
    Language as Poeisis.Beata Stawarska - 2017 - In Sarah K. Hansen (ed.), New forms of revolt: essays on Kristeva's intimate politics. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 129-153.
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  19. Pictorial representation or subjective scenario? Sartre on imagination.Beata Stawarska - 2001 - Sartre Studies International 7 (2):87-111.
    The major thesis developed in Sartre's L'imaginaire is that all imaginary acts can be subsumed under the heading of one "image family" and, therefore, that imagination as a whole can be theorized in terms of pictorial representation. Yet this theory fails to meet the objective of Sartre's study, to demonstrate that imaginary activity is not a derivative of perception but an attitude with a character and dignity of its own. The subsidiary account of imagination in terms of neutralization of belief (...)
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  20.  33
    Exploring the relationship between the body self and personality defence mechanisms in women with bulimia nervosa.Beata Mirucka - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):118-126.
    This study investigated the relationship between disorders of the body self and personality defence mechanisms of women with bulimia nervosa. It was hypothesized that women with bulimia nervosa would not form a homogeneous group in terms of the body self disorder and that the extent of this disorder would be significantly related to personality functioning in terms of the defence styles adopted. The hypothesis was investigated with the aid of two questionnaires: the Body Self Questionnaire and the Defence Style Questionnaire (...)
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  21.  26
    The impact of accepting biological changes during adolescence on the severity of depression symptoms.Beata Dutczak, Paulina Hrycyk & Wioletta Radziwiłłowicz - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (4):394-401.
    : The aim of the study was to establish whether any relation exists between depression symptoms and the extent to which adolescents accept the changes their bodies undergo, and if the connection does exist - is it gender-related. Method: Data were collected from four sub-groups: younger girls, older girls, younger boys, and older boys. The participants were asked to complete questionnaires that allow to measure the subjective intensity of depression symptoms, the current stage of biological changes and whether these changes (...)
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  22. Metis - Zeus - Athena: Reality - the Artists - His Work.Beata Elwich - 2000 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 2:211-222.
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    Hope in the Garden of Melancholy.Beata Frydryczak - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (1):205-216.
    Garden and melancholy have been analysed by Alicja Kuczyńska from the standpoint of Renaissance Neoplatonism. I try to work out a common denominator for them, and attempt to compare Renaissance and Romantic melancholy—in the garden space. I see a positive moment in the notions developed by Kuczyńska, namely in that melancholy, as an expectation, acquires a positive dimension, approaching hope.
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    Nadzieja na prawd–prawda O nadziei.Beata Hiszpaska - forthcoming - Aletheia.
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    Biologically Inspired Emotional Expressions for Artificial Agents.Beáta Korcsok, Veronika Konok, György Persa, Tamás Faragó, Mihoko Niitsuma, Ádám Miklósi, Péter Korondi, Péter Baranyi & Márta Gácsi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:388957.
    A special area of human-machine interaction, the expression of emotions gains importance with the continuous development of artificial agents such as social robots or interactive mobile applications. We developed a prototype version of an abstract emotion visualization agent to express five basic emotions and a neutral state. In contrast to well-known symbolic characters (e.g., smileys) these displays follow general biological and ethological rules. We conducted a multiple questionnaire study on the assessment of the displays with Hungarian and Japanese subjects. In (...)
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  26.  24
    Contemporary dilemmas in university and academic education - a Central European perspective.Beata Kosová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (1):68-77.
    This study is a philosophically sociological and pedagogical reflection on the current status of universities as institutions and the profile of university education. It draws attention to the original characteristics that made up the idea and essence of university, which should not be forgotten at a time when higher education institutions are being diversified. It analyzes the development of higher education in terms of its functions and value in the context of societal change in the era of industrialization and globalization. (...)
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  27.  6
    Norwid widziany dzisiaj: praca zbiorowa.Beata Michalec & Tadeusz Skoczek (eds.) - 2021 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Muzeum Niepodległości Muzeum X Pawilonu Cytadeli Warszawskiej.
    To oni przywrócili pamięć o Norwidzie -- W poszukiwaniu formuły Norwidowskiego poematu. Trudny przypadek Szczesnej -- Norwid oczami młodzieży szkolnej, czyli jak pracujemy nad tekstami poety w jednym z warszawskich liceów -- "Tyś nie śmierci łup!" - Krasiński o Norwidzie -- "Nadzieja jest z prawdy" - o jednym cytacie z Norwida i jego znaczeniu w myśli Józefa Tischnera -- Kobiety-władczynie, czyli rzecz o Wandzie i Kleopatrze. Norwidowska "kwestia kobieca" w perspektywie feministycznej -- Literacka i filmowa przestrzeń Norwida (wstępny rekonesans) -- (...)
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  28.  44
    External and internal control in plant development.Beáta Oborny - 2004 - Complexity 9 (3):22-28.
  29.  8
    Prolegomena do filozofii krytycznej: wokół negatywnej dialektyki Th. W. Adorno.Beata Sierocka - 1991 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Philosopher and Disspasionate Scientist.Beata Stawarska - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):59-70.
    Philosophia means love of wisdom. If the way of access to wisdom is love, then the quest for wisdom does not appear as a purely cognitive enterprise but also and primarily as an affective one. Rather than reducing the one who searches for wisdom to a pure contemplative mind, it engages the entire person in the inquiry; the affective, and correlatively, sensitive and corporeal being of the self are put into play. Put simply and naïvely, one needs to be implicated (...)
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  31.  36
    riassunto: Anonimato e socialità.Beata Stawarska - 2003 - Chiasmi International 5:310-310.
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  32. Uwaga! Orginał!Beata Zgodzińska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 12 (12):171-184.
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    Ruins: Between Past and Present, Between Culture and Nature.Beata Frydryczak - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (2):9-16.
    The main question of the essay is: do ruins need a new definition? Ruins are not only destroyed architecture, but also everything that has been associated with it in the process of life. From the perspective of the question, the concept of ruins should be understood much broader than just architecturally, and they should be assigned not to the past but to the present, or rather between past and present. If we consider ruins from the standpoint which situates them between (...)
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    “There must be Someone’s Name Under Every Bit of Text, Even if it is Unimportant or Incorrect”: Plagiarism as a Learning Strategy.Beata Bielska & Mateusz Rutkowski - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):479-498.
    The article offers analyses of the phenomenon of copying (plagiarism) in higher education. The analyses were based on a quantitative survey using questionnaires, conducted in 2019 at one of the Polish universities. Plagiarism is discussed here both as an element of the learning process and a subject of public practices. The article presents students’ definitions of plagiarism, their strategies for unclear or difficult situations, their experiences with plagiarism and their opinions on how serious and widespread this phenomenon is. Focusing on (...)
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  35.  14
    Ponadnarodowe korporacje jako podmioty nieformalnego wpływu na przykładzie zaangażowania w działania skierowane do osób LGBT w Polsce.Beata Bielska & Katarzyna Tamborska - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (1):21-35.
    The paper explores the assertion about multi-faceted tools of impact used by large corporations that they aim to limit the subjectivity of consumers. It is based on the concept of ‘deep capture’ developed by Jon Hanson and David Yosifon. According to this concept consumers have only the idea of their own subjectivity. The authors’ basic assumption is that human behaviour is largely (but not completely) dependent on external situational factors rather than the individual dispositions of individuals. In this context we (...)
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  36.  32
    Landscape Garden as a Paradigmatic Model of Relationships between Human and Nature.Beata Frydryczak - 2014 - Dialogue and Universalism 24 (4):103-114.
    Following the suggestion expressed in the title of this essay, I deal with the idea which allows for considering landscape garden as a paradigmatic indicator of our relationship with nature. Focusing on the idea of landscape garden and its aesthetics I analyze two aesthetic notions: the picturesque and sublime, which are the background of the kind of experience accompanying a perception and participation of and in the landscape and environment. I analyse the kind of experience, which captures all the aspects (...)
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  37. O spotkaniu i rozstaniu Gernota Boehmego z estetyką przyrody Th. W. Adorna.Beata Frydryczak - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24.
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    Galicia studies in language: historical semantics brought to the fore.Beata Kopecka, Marta Pikor-Niedziałek, Agnieszka Uberman & Grzegorz Kleparski (eds.) - 2012 - Chełm: Wydawn. TAWA.
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    Bullying and exclusion from dominant peer group in Polish middle schools.Beata Kozak & Małgorzata Wójcik - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):2-14.
    School bullying also referred to as peer victimization is considered extremely harmful for all parties involved. It has been recognised as an important issue in Polish schools. This article presents the first stage of a project financed by the National Centre of Research and Development and includes the results of qualitative research conducted in groups of middle-school students, middle-school teachers and psychologists. The results highlight several factors leading to the exclusion from the dominant peer group. The results also indicate that (...)
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  40.  12
    The meaning of the body schema in reaching maturity during late adolescence.Beata Mirucka - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):149-158.
    The objective of the research presented in this paper was to investigate whether an association existed between the activation of the body schema and reaching adulthood among people in late adolescence. Three activities that are known to enjoy popularity among young people were analysed, namely: dancing, playing computer games that require motor involvement, and playing computer games of an educational and entertaining character. It was assumed that the chosen forms of activity correspond to three levels of activation of the body (...)
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  41. The Space of a Socialist Housing District, the Space of a Modern Poem - the Sensual Art of Miron Białoszewski.Beata Śniecikowska - 2009 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 11:299-316.
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  42. Człowiek Nietzschego w perspektywie przełomu wieków (A. Kucner: \\\"Friedrich Nietzsche. Źródła i perspektywy antropologii\\\").Beata Olkowska - 2001 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 7.
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    Rozumienie, dzieje, dialog: o kompetencjach tłumacza w hermeneutyce filozoficznej Hansa-Georga Gadamera.Beata Piecychna - 2018 - Białystok: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Wydział Filologiczny.
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    Wyznaczniki eutyfronicznego modelu kształcenia nauczycieli.Beata Pituła - 2010 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Feeling good vibrations in dialogical relations.Beata Stawarska - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (2):217-236.
    I engage phenomenological and empirical perspectives on dialogical relations in infancy in a mutually enlightening and challenging relation. On the one hand, the empirical contributions provide evidence for the primacy of first-to-second person interrelatedness in human sociality, as opposed to the claim of primary syncretism heralded by Merleau-Ponty, and also in distinction from the ego-alter ego model routinely used in phenomenology. On the other hand, phenomenological considerations regarding the lived affective experience of dialogical relatedness enrich and render intelligible the psychological (...)
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    The interplay between post–critical beliefs and self–consciousness.Beata Zarzycka & Jacek Śliwak - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (3):173-182.
    D. Wulff developed a notion of post-critical beliefs as a proposal for the description of religion in the light of the progress of secularization and socio-cultural changes. According to his theory, we can situate potential attitudes toward religion in a two-dimensional space. The vertical dimension stands for Inclusion vs. Exclusion of Transcendence, and the horizontal one-for the way an individual interprets religious content: Literal vs. Symbolic. In this way, the two dimensions determine four quadrants, each reflecting a potential attitude towards (...)
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    The caring concept, its behaviours and obstacles: perceptions from a qualitative study of undergraduate nursing students.Beata Dobrowolska & Alvisa Palese - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):305-314.
    Developing caring competences is considered to be one of the most important aims of undergraduate nursing education and the role of clinical placement is recognised as special in this regard. Students' reflection on caring, their experience and obstacles in being caring is recommended as a key strategy in the process of teaching and studying the nursing discipline. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the concept of caring, its manifestations and possible obstacles while caring, as perceived by first‐year (...)
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  48.  56
    Legal translation competence in the light of translational hermeneutics.Beata Piecychna - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):141-159.
    This paper is concerned with the concept of translation competence as seen from the perspective of translational hermeneutics. The first part of the article provides a short survey of how translation competence and its develop- ment has been described so far, with a particular focus on the legal translator’s skills and abilities. The second part of the paper briefly presents the notion of translational hermeneutics together with its main concepts. The aim of this part of the article is also to (...)
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  49. Work Values of Police Officers and Their Relationship With Job Burnout and Work Engagement.Beata A. Basinska & Anna M. Dåderman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50. Uncanny Errors, Productive Contresens. Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Appropriation of Ferdinand de Saussure’s General Linguistics.Beata Stawarska - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:151-165.
    Stawarska considers the ambiguities surrounding the antagonism between the phenomenological and the structuralist traditions by pointing out that the supposed foundation of structuralism, the Course in General Linguistics, was ghostwritten posthumously by two editors who projected a dogmatic doctrine onto Saussure’s lectures, while the authentic materials related to Saussure’s linguistics are teeming with phenomenological references. She then narrows the focus to Merleau-Ponty’s engagement with Saussure’s linguistics and argues that it offers an unusual, if not an uncanny, reading of the Course, (...)
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