Results for 'Beckmann Jürgen'

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  1.  32
    Editorial: Human-Nature Interactions: Perspectives on Conceptual and Methodological Issues.Tadhg E. MacIntyre, Juergen Beckmann, Giovanna Calogiuri, Aoife A. Donnell, Marc V. Jones, Christopher R. Madan, Mike Rogerson, Noel E. Brick, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen & Christopher James Gidlow - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2. An Exploratory Study of Extreme Sport Athletes’ Nature Interactions: From Well-Being to Pro-environmental Behavior.Tadhg Eoghan MacIntyre, Andree M. Walkin, Juergen Beckmann, Giovanna Calogiuri, Susan Gritzka, Greig Oliver, Aoife A. Donnelly & Giles Warrington - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Wissen und Verantwortung: Festschrift für Jan P. Beckmann.Jan Peter Beckmann, Thomas Keutner, Roman Oeffner & Hajo Schmidt (eds.) - 2005 - Freiburg: Alber.
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    Francis Bacon.Juergen Klein - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  5. Identifying neural correlates of consciousness: The state space approach.Juergen Fell - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):709-29.
    This article sketches an idealized strategy for the identification of neural correlates of consciousness. The proposed strategy is based on a state space approach originating from the analysis of dynamical systems. The article then focuses on one constituent of consciousness, phenomenal awareness. Several rudimentary requirements for the identification of neural correlates of phenomenal awareness are suggested. These requirements are related to empirical data on selective attention, on completely intrinsic selection and on globally unconscious states. As an example, neuroscientific findings on (...)
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  6. Foucault's Lecture On Kant.Juergen Habermas - 1986 - Thesis Eleven 14 (1):4-8.
  7.  10
    Neue Gesichtspunkte zum 5. Buch Euklids.Friedhelm Beckmann - 1967 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 4 (1):1-144.
    The author's purpose is to read the main work of Euclid “with modern eyes” and to find out what knowledge a mathematician of today, familiar with the works of V. D. Waerden and Bourbaki, can gain by studying Euclid's “theory of magnitudes”, and what new insight into Greek mathematics occupation with this subject can provide. The task is to analyse and to axiomatize by modern means (i) in a narrower sense Book V. of the Elements, i.e. the theory of proportion (...)
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  8. Moral Commitments and the Societal Role of Business: An Ordonomic Approach to Corporate Citizenship.Markus Beckmann - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (3):375-401.
    This article introduces an “ordonomic” approach to corporate citizenship. We believe that ordonomics offers a conceptual framework for analyzing both the social structure and the semantics of moral commitments. We claim that such an analysis can provide theoretical guidance for the changing role of business in society, especially in regard to the expectation and trend that businesses take a political role and act as corporate citizens. The systematicraison d'êtreof corporate citizenship is that business firms can and—judged by the criterion of (...)
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    Buchbesprechungen und Buchhinweise.K. -M. Beckmann, R. -P. Calliess, D. Schellong & B. Strohm - 1974 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 18 (1):248-255.
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  10. On Proving Consistency of Equational Theories in Bounded Arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann & Yoriyuki Yamagata - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-29.
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  11.  38
    Preface.Arnold Beckmann, Jeremy Avigad & Georg Moser - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (1-2):1-2.
  12. Philosophie im Mittelalter. Entwicklungslinien und Paradigmen.Jan P. Beckmann, Ludger Honnefelder, Gangolf Schrimpf & Georg Wieland - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (1):127-127.
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    Peter of Spain (Petrus Hispanus Portugalensis), Tractalus called aflerwards Sumtnule Logicales.Jan P. Beckmann - 1976 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 58 (1):70.
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    Pliny, Letters 10.98. A Metaphor for the Solution to the Christian Problem?Martin Beckmann - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):452-455.
    I argue that letter 98 of Book 10 of Pliny's Letters (= Epistulae) was deliberately moved from its original position in the sequence of letters in order to serve as a metaphor for the solution to the problem of Christians in Bithynia and Pontus. This solves a chronological problem in Pliny's Letters and is evidence of the hand of an active editor.
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    Zu Grundlage und Umsetzung der gesetzlichen Regelung der Patientenverfügung aus ethischer Sicht.Jan P. Beckmann - 2010 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 15 (1):221-242.
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  16. » Norm und Recht in Niklas Luhmanns Rechtssoziologie. Kritische Anmerkungen aus der Sicht der Rechtsethnologie «.Franz von Benda-Beckmann - 1974 - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie 60:275-289.
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    Commentary: The Human Default Consciousness and Its Disruption: Insights From an EEG Study of Buddhist Jhāna Meditation.Juergen Fell, Randi von Wrede & Roy Cox - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  18. Historical philosophy today.Juergen Grosse - 2008 - Philosophische Rundschau 55 (2):123 - 155.
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  19. The Periodic Table and its Iconicity: an Essay.Juergen H. Maar & Alexander Maar - 2019 - Substantia 3 (2):29-48.
    In this essay, we aim to provide an overview of the periodic table’s origins and history, and of the elements which conspired to make it chemistry’s most recognisable icon. We pay attention to Mendeleev’s role in the development of a system for organising the elements and chemical knowledge while facilitating the teaching of chemistry. We look at how the reception of the table in different chemical communities was dependent on the local scientific, cultural and political context, but argue that its (...)
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  20.  47
    (1 other version)Applications of cut-free infinitary derivations to generalized recursion theory.Arnold Beckmann & Wolfram Pohlers - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 94 (1-3):7-19.
    We prove that the boundedness theorem of generalized recursion theory can be derived from the ω-completeness theorem for number theory. This yields a proof of the boundedness theorem which does not refer to the analytical hierarchy theorem.
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  21.  17
    Autonomie: Aktuelle ethische Herausforderungen der Gesellschaft.Jan P. Beckmann - 2020 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Aktuelle bioethische Debatten werden vor allem von zwei Schwierigkeiten überschattet: zum einen von der Unklarheit des Begriffes menschlicher Autonomie. Hier geht es um individualethische Fragen, vor allem um Beginn und Ende menschlichen Lebens. Zum anderen bedroht die Verschiebung individueller Wissensträgerschaft zum anonymen Kollektivsubjekt angesichts einer zunehmenden Ökonomisierung des Gesundheitswesens das ärztliche Ethos des Helfens und Heilens. Diese und weitere konfliktgeladene Problemstellungen diskutiert Jan P. Beckmann in seinem neuen Buch.
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  22. Epistemology of causal inference in pharmacology: Towards a framework for the assessment of harms.Juergen Landes, Barbara Osimani & Roland Poellinger - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (1):3-49.
    Philosophical discussions on causal inference in medicine are stuck in dyadic camps, each defending one kind of evidence or method rather than another as best support for causal hypotheses. Whereas Evidence Based Medicine advocates the use of Randomised Controlled Trials and systematic reviews of RCTs as gold standard, philosophers of science emphasise the importance of mechanisms and their distinctive informational contribution to causal inference and assessment. Some have suggested the adoption of a pluralistic approach to causal inference, and an inductive (...)
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  23.  56
    A term rewriting characterization of the polytime functions and related complexity classes.Arnold Beckmann & Andreas Weiermann - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (1):11-30.
  24.  52
    Polynomial local search in the polynomial hierarchy and witnessing in fragments of bounded arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann & Samuel R. Buss - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (1):103-138.
    The complexity class of [Formula: see text]-polynomial local search problems is introduced and is used to give new witnessing theorems for fragments of bounded arithmetic. For 1 ≤ i ≤ k + 1, the [Formula: see text]-definable functions of [Formula: see text] are characterized in terms of [Formula: see text]-PLS problems. These [Formula: see text]-PLS problems can be defined in a weak base theory such as [Formula: see text], and proved to be total in [Formula: see text]. Furthermore, the [Formula: (...)
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    Intermediality in the Age of Global Media Networks – Including Eleven Theses on its Provocative Power for the Concepts of "Convergence," "Transmedia Storytelling" and "Actor Network Theory".Juergen E. Mueller - 2015 - Substance 44 (3):19-52.
    Narrative allegory is distinguished from mythology as reality from symbol; it is, in short, the proper intermedium between person and personification. Where it is too strongly individualized, it ceases to be allegory […]. In the community of scholars of intermedia research, the above quoted citation is commonly regarded as Coleridge’s coining of the term “intermedium” or “intermediality”. However, a short glance at the discursive strategy of his argument emphasizes that his notion of “intermedium” must be closely linked to the poetics (...)
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  26.  28
    Cobham recursive set functions.Arnold Beckmann, Sam Buss, Sy-David Friedman, Moritz Müller & Neil Thapen - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (3):335-369.
  27.  10
    Die Rassen-Konsultation des Okumenischen Rates der Kirchen in London vom 19. bis 24. Mai 1969.Klaus-Martin Beckmann - 1969 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 13 (1):305-309.
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    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Verpflichtungen einer werdenden Mutter und der betreuenden Ärztin? Zwischen Selbstbestimmung der Schwangeren und Wohl des Nasciturus“.Jan P. Beckmann - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (4):331-333.
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    Ordo-responsibility - conceptual reflections towards a semantic innovation.Markus Beckmann & Ingo Pies - manuscript
    Based on economic ethics, this paper reflects on and aims to improve the semantics of responsibility. The traditional concept of responsibility is threatened with erosion when responsibility is attributed to an actor who is unable to exercise individual control over the outcome of his actions. In the modern world-society this is increasingly the case. The concept of ordo-responsibility is helpful in identifying a suitable approach for the attribution and acceptance of responsibility. The perspective of economic ethics systematically differentiates between the (...)
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    (1 other version)Proving consistency of equational theories in bounded arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):279-296.
    We consider equational theories for functions defined via recursion involving equations between closed terms with natural rules based on recursive definitions of the function symbols. We show that consistency of such equational theories can be proved in the weak fragment of arithmetic S 1 2 . In particular this solves an open problem formulated by TAKEUTI (c.f. [5, p.5 problem 9.]).
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  31.  29
    Preservation theorems and restricted consistency statements in bounded arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):255-280.
    We define and study a new restricted consistency notion RCon ∗ for bounded arithmetic theories T 2 j . It is the strongest ∀ Π 1 b -statement over S 2 1 provable in T 2 j , similar to Con in Krajíček and Pudlák, 29) or RCon in Krajı́ček and Takeuti 107). The advantage of our notion over the others is that RCon ∗ can directly be used to construct models of T 2 j . We apply this by (...)
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  32.  11
    Thomas von Aquin im philosophischen Gespräch.Jan Peter Beckmann (ed.) - 1975 - München: Alber.
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  33.  19
    Zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion um eine Novellierung des Stammzellgesetzes aus ethischer Sicht.Jan P. Beckmann - 2007 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 12 (1):191-218.
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    Moral judgments, gender, and antisocial preferences: an experimental study.Juergen Bracht & Adam Zylbersztejn - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (3-4):389-406.
    We study questionnaire responses to situations in which sacrificing one life may save many other lives. We demonstrate gender differences in moral judgments: males are more supportive of the sacrifice than females. We investigate a source of the endorsement of the sacrifice: antisocial preferences. First, we measure individual proneness to spiteful behavior, using an experimental game with monetary stakes. We demonstrate that spitefulness can be sizable—a fifth of our participants behave spitefully—but it is not associated with gender. Second, we find (...)
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    The Architecture of MichelangeloMichelangelo's Theory of Art.Juergen Schulz, James S. Ackerman & Robert J. Clements - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (1):91.
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  36. Stories of self-consciousness. Fichte-Schelling-Hegel.Juergen Stolzenberg - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  37.  66
    An Alternative to Cognitivism: Computational Phenomenology for Deep Learning.Pierre Beckmann, Guillaume Köstner & Inês Hipólito - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (3):397-427.
    We propose a non-representationalist framework for deep learning relying on a novel method computational phenomenology, a dialogue between the first-person perspective (relying on phenomenology) and the mechanisms of computational models. We thereby propose an alternative to the modern cognitivist interpretation of deep learning, according to which artificial neural networks encode representations of external entities. This interpretation mainly relies on neuro-representationalism, a position that combines a strong ontological commitment towards scientific theoretical entities and the idea that the brain operates on symbolic (...)
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  38.  55
    The Brazilian contribution of Alcindo Flores Cabral to the periodic classification.Juergen Heinrich Maar & Eder João Lenardão - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (1):5-22.
    This paper presents the contributions of Alcindo Flores Cabral, professor of Chemistry at the Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, nowadays part of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, to chemistry teaching. It is a contribution almost unknown to the Brazilian chemical community, although recognized as valuable by several renowned chemists abroad, like W. Hückel, G. Charlot, F. Strong, E. Fessenden and others. Cabral’s innovative helical representation is presented in connection not only with contemporary representations, but also an incursion is made into (...)
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  39.  79
    On the German debate on human embryonic stem cell research.Jan P. Beckmann - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (5):603 – 621.
    Germany since 1990 has one of the strictest human embryo protection laws, yet according to the Stem Cell Act of 2002 allows, under strict conditions, the import and use of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) for high priority research goals. The author tries to show how this is taken to be coherent by the parliamentary majority (though not necessarily by the general public) in Germany. In doing so, he firstly looks into the chronicle of the debate in Germany showing its (...)
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  40.  9
    Clausewitz trifft Luhmann: eine systemtheoretische Interpretation von Clausewitz' Handlungstheorie.Rasmus Beckmann - 2010 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
    Seit fast 200 Jahren wird Clausewitz gelesen und interpretiert. Rasmus Beckmann erschließt seine Kriegstheorie den modernen Sozialwissenschaften. Dabei wird deutlich, dass sich Clausewitz keineswegs auf zwischenstaatliche Kriege beschränkt hat. Auch die asymmetrischen Kriege kann man durch seine Theorie besser analysieren und verstehen. Dies zeigt der Autor am Beispiel des Afghanistankrieges.
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  41. Analyzing Godel's T Via Expanded Head Reduction Trees.Arnold Beckmann & Andreas Weiermann - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (4):517-536.
    Inspired from Buchholz' ordinal analysis of ID1 and Beckmann's analysis of the simple typed λ-calculus we classify the derivation lengths for Gödel's system T in the λ-formulation.
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    Die gesetzliche Regelung der Patientenverfügung 2009: Neue Möglichkeiten – bleibende Probleme? Vorbemerkung.Jan P. Beckmann - 2010 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 15 (1):139-142.
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  43. Edith Stein’s Theory of the Person in Her Münster Years (1932–1933).Beate Beckmann-Zöller - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (1):47-70.
    The new critical edition of Stein’s lectures on philosophical and theological anthropology makes it possible to research further her theory of the person as developed during her middle period in Munster, that is, between 1932 and 1933. Her project revolves around the anthropological foundations of a Catholicpedagogy. Th is phase of her work is marked by various debates. On one hand, she attempts to bring the intellectual legacy of Husserl and phenomenology intodialogue with Thomas Aquinas and other Scholastic thinkers. On (...)
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  44. Menschlichkeit und Technologie.Klaus Martin Beckmann - 1971 - Wuppertal,: Jugenddienst-Verlag.
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  45.  12
    Präzision und Konfliktbereitschaft!: Zum Gespräch mit Muslimen – eine Antwort an Arnulf von Scheliha.Klaus Beckmann - 2011 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 55 (1):49-52.
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    Sexual Boundary Violations via Digital Media Among Students.Juergen Budde, Christina Witz & Maika Böhm - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As digital media becomes more central to the lives of adolescents, it also becomes increasingly relevant for their sexual communication. Sexting as an important image-based digital medium provides opportunities for self-determined digital communication, but also carries specific risks for boundary violations. Accordingly, sexting is understood either as an everyday, or as risky and deviant behavior among adolescents. In the affectedness of boundary violations gender plays an important role. However, it is still unclear to what extent digital sexual communication restores stereotypical (...)
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  47. Philosophy of history today.Juergen Grosse - 2008 - Philosophische Rundschau 55 (3):209 - 236.
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  48. Revitalisation of life philosophy?(Second chapter).Juergen Grosse - 2006 - Philosophische Rundschau 53 (2):108 - 129.
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  49.  50
    Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Addiction.Voges Juergen, Müller Ulf, Bogerts Bernhard & Heinze Hans-Joachim - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  50.  64
    Augmented humanity.Juergen Moritz - 2017 - Technoetic Arts 15 (3):341-352.
    Augmented Reality (AR) is commonly defined as a digital layer of information viewed on top of the physical world through a smartphone, tablet or eyewear. Increasingly, this understanding of AR is shifting to a dynamic framework of ‘smart things’, including wearable technology, sensors and artificial intelligence (AI), with the ability to intercede in key moments and to deliver contextual and meaningful experiences. The things that come into context are the logical next steps in an evolutionary development towards computers that are (...)
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