Results for 'Benjamin Scheller'

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  1.  7
    Wagnisse: Risiken eingehen, Risiken analysieren, von Risiken erzählen.Stefan Brakensiek, Christoph Marx & Benjamin Scheller (eds.) - 2017 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Im Erfolgsfall winken dem Wagemutigen Ruhm, ökonomischer Gewinn sowie wachsendes soziales und symbolisches Kapital. Dem Scheiternden bleibt zumindest der Nachruhm: Hat er nicht die Zukunft herausgefordert und sich nicht passiv in sein Schicksal ergeben? Eingegangene Risiken werden jedoch erst im nachträglichen Erzählen zum Wagnis. Was die einen als Wagnis preisen, mag von anderen als Fehler, Übermut, Hybris, ja Verbrechen gesehen werden.
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    The "we" of speculative philosophy.Benjamin Crowe - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 173-190.
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    The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times.Benjamin R. Barber - 1988 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The description for this book, The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times, will be forthcoming.
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    Kant on Remorse, Conversion, and the Descent into the Hell of Self-Cognition.Benjamin Vilhauer - forthcoming - Kantian Review:1-20.
    Kant’s conception of remorse has received little discussion in the literature. I argue that he thinks we ought to experience remorse for both retributivist and forward-looking reasons. This account casts helpful light on his ideas of conversion and the descent into the hell of self-cognition. But while he prescribes a heartbreakingly painful experience of remorse, he acknowledges that excess remorse can threaten rational agency through distraction and suicide, and this raises questions about whether actual human beings ought to cultivate their (...)
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    Appresentational and Knowledge-based Constitution of Everyday Life-Proof.Benjamin Stuck - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:169-187.
    Alfred Schutz elaborated Edmund Husserl’s term of appresentation to a particular theory of appresentational relations comprising “marks”, “signs”, “symbols” and “indications”. Even though Schutz implied the existence of other such relations, it was Husserl who drew a line between appresentation and proof. Following this differentiation, this paper aims to constitutionally analyse the everyday life phenomenon of proof and to describe its structure by consulting William James’ term of “knowledge about” as well as by discussing Schutz’ theory of relevance. With reference (...)
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    Causal Explanatory Power.Benjamin Eva & Reuben Stern - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axy012.
    Schupbach and Sprenger introduce a novel probabilistic approach to measuring the explanatory power that a given explanans exerts over a corresponding explanandum. Though we are sympathetic to their general approach, we argue that it does not adequately capture the way in which the causal explanatory power that c exerts on e varies with background knowledge. We then amend their approach so that it does capture this variance. Though our account of explanatory power is less ambitious than Schupbach and Sprenger’s in (...)
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  7. Super Capitalism and Social Responsibility.Benjamin Harrison & Roger Fuller - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
  8.  86
    Critical Reasoning and the Inferential Transparency Method.Benjamin Winokur - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (1):23-42.
    Alex Byrne (2005; 2011a; 2011b; 2018) has argued that we can gain self-knowledge of our current mental states through the use of a transparency method. A transparency method provides an extrospective rather than introspective route to self-knowledge. For example, one comes to know whether one believes P not by thinking about oneself but by considering the world-directed question of whether P is true. According to Byrne, this psychological process consists in drawing inferences from world-directed propositions to mind-directed conclusions. In this (...)
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    Law Enforcement Interventionism as Determinant of Decision-Making Among Resuscitated Opioid Users.Benjamin A. Barsky - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):40-42.
    Marshall and colleagues (2024) offer a framework for emergency physicians (EPs) tasked with caring for “resuscitated opioid users”—or patients who have recently overdosed on opioids. This framework...
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  10.  14
    Bentham's International Political Theory: Taking States’ Responsibilities Seriously.Benjamin Bourcier - forthcoming - Utilitas:1-17.
    In this article, I defend the idea that Bentham's international political theory entails a cosmopolitan dimension. First, I explain that Bentham rejects two pillars of internationalism, namely, the sovereign's unconstrained autonomous power and authority in international politics, and the legal and moral personality of the state in the international realm. This critique leads Bentham to construct a complex international political theory which places the issue of states’ responsibility at its centre. Bentham's international theory articulates a minimalist international system of cooperation (...)
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  11.  23
    A Non-Standard View of Intuitions.Benjamin Nelson - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 22:75-80.
    In this short paper, I outline a non-standard account of what it feels like to have an intuition. According to this account, intuitive contents are ontologically ambiguous. Because intuition alone is liable to persuade us of both motivated inferences and necessary truths, it is not a reliable source of evidence. However, we would not be able to grasp the concept of necessity without intuitions. Hence, I do not think it is any good to ignore or quarantine our intuitions when forming (...)
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  12.  31
    Francis Bacon, philosopher of industrial science.Benjamin Farrington - 1979 - New York: Octagon Books.
  13.  83
    Would Armed Humanitarian Intervention Have Been Justified to Protect the Rohingyas?Benjamin D. King - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (4):269-284.
    The mass killings, large-scale gang rape and large-scale expulsion of the Rohingyas from Myanmar constitute one of the most repugnant world events in recent years. This article addresses the question of whether armed humanitarian intervention would have been morally permissible to protect the Rohingyas. It approaches the question from the perspective of the jus ad bellum criteria of just war theory. This approach does not yield a definitive answer because knowing whether certain jus ad bellum conditions might have been satisfied (...)
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  14. A Semantics for Degree Questions Based on Intervals: Negative Islands and Their Obviation: Articles.M. árta AbrusáN. & Benjamin Spector - 2011 - Journal of Semantics 28 (1):107-147.
    According to the standard analysis of degree questions, the logical form of a degree question contains a variable that ranges over individual degrees and is bound by the degree question operator how. In contrast with this, we claim that the variable bound by the degree question operator how does not range over individual degrees but over intervals of degrees, by analogy with Schwarzschild and Wilkinson's proposal regarding the semantics of comparative clauses. Not only does the interval-based semantics predict the existence (...)
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  15.  65
    Ethics, Policy & Environment : A New Name and a Renewed Mission.Benjamin Hale & Andrew Light - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):1-2.
    Readers of Ethics, Place & Environment will notice at least one major change in this inaugural 2011 issue. Namely, we are no longer operating under the same name. At the Eastern Division American P...
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    Grasping neither war nor peace: the folly of cosmopolitan preventive war.Benjamin R. Banta - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics (1):1-19.
    ABSTRACTSome liberal-cosmopolitan theorists have sought to justify preventive war by proposing new institutions meant to ensure the accurate evaluation of non-imminent threats, and also make any wa...
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  17.  19
    Social ontology, sociocultures and inequality in the global south.Benjamin Baumann & Daniel Bultmann (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Challenging the assumption that that the capitalist transformation includes a radical break with the past, this edited volume traces how historically older forms of social inequality are transformed but persist in the present to shape the social structure of contemporary societies in the global South. Each society comprises an interpretation of itself - including the meaning of life, the concept of a human being and the notion of a collective. This volume studies the interpretation that various societies have of themselves. (...)
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  18.  81
    Nonrenewable Resources and the Inevitability of Outcomes.Benjamin Hale - 2011 - The Monist 94 (3):369-390.
  19.  7
    The professionalization of nuclear engineering: Sean F. Johnston: The neutron’s children: Nuclear engineers and the shaping of identity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, 344pp, $62.99, £35.00 HB.Benjamin Wilson - 2013 - Metascience 22 (3):629-632.
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  20. What is a Perfect Syllogism.Benjamin Morison - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 48:107-166.
  21. The philosophy of Francis Bacon.Benjamin Farrington - 1964 - [Liverpool]: Liverpool University Press. Edited by Francis Bacon.
  22.  56
    Imaging Uncertainty.Benjamin Eva & Stephan Hartmann - unknown
    The technique of imaging was first introduced by Lewis, in order to provide a novel account of the probability of conditional propositions. In the intervening years, imaging has been the object of significant interest in both AI and philosophy, and has come to be seen as a philosophically important approach to probabilistic updating and belief revision. In this paper, we consider the possibility of generalising imaging to deal with uncertain evidence and partial belief revision. In particular, we introduce a new (...)
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  23.  15
    Personenregister.Benjamin Alberts, Andreas Rupschus, Ekaterina Poljakova & Andrea Bertino - 2016 - In Andrea Bertino, Ekaterina Poljakova, Andreas Rupschus & Benjamin Alberts (eds.), Zur Philosophie der Orientierung. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 411-416.
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    Ricoeur’s Rawls: Constitutive Antecedence and Reflective Equilibrium.Benjamin Coy Hutchens - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):130-143.
    This article aims to stimulate dispute about the justification of Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutic reading of John Rawls. Offering a close, methodically point-for-point textual engagement, I shall propose that Ricœur’s misreading of certain hermeneutic circularities in Rawls is owed to some confusion about the role of the procedural nature of Rawls’ theory. Generally speaking, the problems with Ricœur’s interpretations center on the question of whether there is something “pre-understood” within the formal theoretical understanding of the procedural theory of justice and the (...)
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    Health in All Policies: Addressing the Legal and Policy Foundations of Health Impact Assessment.Benjamin R. Rajotte, Catherine L. Ross, Chinyere O. Ekechi & Vladimir N. Cadet - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):27-29.
    The concept of Health in All Policies aims to improve the health outcomes associated with policies in an attempt to mitigate health disparities and provide optimal environments for healthier living. This multidisciplinary framework seeks to improve health through effective assessment and reformation of policy for organizations of any level and stature. The importance of integrating health in policy assessment and decision making is a key concept in the growing field of Health Impact Assessment.The World Health Organization defines Health Impact Assessment (...)
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  26. Precarity and Resistance: A Critique of Martha Fineman's Vulnerability Theory.Benjamin Davis - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (2):1-17.
    Contemporary feminist theory by and large agrees on criticizing the traditional, autonomous subject and instead maintains a relational, dependent self, but the vocabulary used to describe the latter remains contested. These contestations are seen in comparing the approach of some feminist legal theory, as demonstrated by Martha Fineman, to the approach of some feminist theory that draws on continental philosophy, as demonstrated by Judith Butler. Fineman's concept of vulnerability emphasizes the universality of vulnerability in the human condition, arguing that a (...)
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  27.  9
    The Privilege of Territory: Christian Wolff at the Origins of Statist International Thought.Benjamin Mueser - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (6):897-930.
    The modern state is often taken as the only legitimate claimant to the division of the globe. Political theorists offer many theories of territorial rights but tend to agree that the state remains the proper institutional bearer of such rights. This article examines how states became the exclusive bearers of territorial rights by returning to the international theory of the eighteenth-century Prussian jurist Christian Wolff (1679–1754), who wrote in a moment when sovereign states were not the heirs apparent to the (...)
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  28. Internalism empowered: how to bolster a theory of justification with a direct realist theory of awareness.Benjamin Bayer - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (4):383-408.
    Abstract The debate in the philosophy of perception between direct realists and representationalists should influence the debate in epistemology between internalists and externalists about justification. If direct realists are correct, there are more consciously accessible justifiers for internalists to exploit than externalists think. Internalists can retain their distinctive internalist identity while accepting this widened conception of internalistic justification: even if they welcome the possibility of cognitive access to external facts, their position is still quite distinct from the typical externalist position. (...)
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  29.  12
    Science and Politics in the Ancient World.Benjamin Farrington - 1940 - Science and Society 4 (4):458-461.
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  30.  35
    Ad hoc identity, Goyal complementarity, and counting quantum phenomena.Benjamin C. Jantzen - unknown
    I introduce a thin concept of ad hoc identity -- distinct from metaphysical accounts of either relative identity or absolute identity -- and an equally thin account of concepts and their content. According to the latter minimalist view of concepts, the content of a concept has behavioral consequences, and so content can be bounded if not determined by appeal to linguistic and psychological evidence. In the case of counting practices, this evidence suggests that the number concept depends on a notion (...)
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  31.  22
    Reflections on a Restructuring Initiative: Conceptualization, Implementation, and Reflection on an “Episode in Contradictions”.Benjamin Robert Forsyth, Timothy Gilson & Susan Etscheidt - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (4):599-619.
    This paper evaluates and critiques a recent restructuring initiative for a college at a Midwestern university in the United States in which three academic departments were reduced down to two departments. The case study presents the experiences and perspectives of three faculty members– one from each of those departments–who participated in the restructuring process. The paper first introduces the current challenges and complexities in Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) which initiate and influence restructuring efforts After laying out the context of (...)
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  32.  41
    A dark business, full of shadows: Analogy and theology in William Harvey.Benjamin Goldberg - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (3):419-432.
    In a short work called De conceptione appended to the end of his Exercitationes de generatione animalium , William Harvey developed a rather strange analogy. To explain how such marvelous productions as living beings were generated from the rather inauspicious ingredients of animal reproduction, Harvey argued that conception in the womb was like conception in the brain. It was mostly rejected at the time; it now seems a ludicrous theory based upon homonymy. However, this analogy offers insight into the structure (...)
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  33.  22
    The Idea of Prison Abolition, by Tommie Shelby.Benjamin Ewing - forthcoming - Mind:fzad075.
    Equally conversant in the tradition of black American thought and contemporary Anglo-American political philosophy, Tommie Shelby is one of those rare scholars.
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    Moral Diversity for Medical Trainees.Benjamin W. Frush & Kristin M. Collier - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):424-436.
    While the proliferation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives among medical schools and residency training programs has provided important benefits of demographic and experiential diversity among medical trainees, there has not been a similar emphasis upon the importance of moral diversity in medical training. Enhanced attention to the importance of moral diversity and the centrality of conscience to medical practice might allow trainees to better interface with the morally diverse patients they serve, learn important virtues like humility, patience, and (...)
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  35. On Location: Aristotle’s Concept of Place.Benjamin Morison - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 52:341-344.
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  36.  15
    Energy Investment, Burden Distance and Phenomenology of Place.Benjamin A. Bross - 2021 - Environment, Space, Place 13 (2):93-128.
    Abstract:Designers whose projects are inspired by a community’s unique sense of spatial identity often focus on a site’s observable context, i.e. historic forms and surface aesthetics. Focus on typological components, however, overlooks generative relationships between the phenomenology of place and human energy investment. Recognizing Kubler’s dictum that material history is an observable continuum then, at its most fundamental level, the history of spatial production is the history of energy use. For most of human history, place was a unique socio-cultural expression (...)
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  37. Conscious and unconscious mental activity.Benjamin W. Libet - 2000 - Neuro-Psychoanalysis 2 (1):21-24.
  38.  71
    Advancing Health Rights in a Globalized World: Responding to Globalization through a Collective Human Right to Public Health.Benjamin Mason Meier - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):545-555.
    In confronting the insalubrious ramifications of globalization, human rights scholars and activists have argued for greater national and international responsibility pursuant to the human right to health. Codified seminally in Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the right to health proclaims that states bear an obligation to realize the “highest attainable standard” of health for all. However, in pressing for the highest attainable standard for each individual, the right to health has been ineffective in (...)
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  39.  20
    The Use of Advance Directives in Specialized Care Units: A Focus Group Study With Healthcare Professionals in Madrid.Benjamín Herreros, María José Monforte, Julia Molina, María Velasco, Karmele Olaciregui Dague & Emanuele Valenti - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (3):395-405.
    Eight focus groups were conducted in four public hospitals in Madrid to explore healthcare professionals’ perceptions of advance directives in order to improve the understanding of their lack of success among physicians and patients. A purposive sample of sixty healthcare professionals discussed ADs and reasons for their infrequent use. Three main themes were identified: perceptions about their meaning, appraisals of their use in clinical practice, and decision-making about them. Healthcare professionals perceived a lack of clarity about their definition and implementation. (...)
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  40.  49
    How framing statistical statements affects subjective veracity: Validation and application of a multinomial model for judgments of truth.Benjamin E. Hilbig - 2012 - Cognition 125 (1):37-48.
  41. De oorlog van allen tegen allen: terreur en angstpolitiek.Benjamin R. Barber - 2001 - Nexus 30.
    Terrorisme valt buiten alle democratische kaders en daarom hebben democratische landen er geen adequate antwoorden op. Het enige antwoord op de krachten, die chaos en angst zaaien is een wereldwijde open samenleving, met politieke vrijheid en ruimte voor religies.
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  42.  47
    The Philosophy of Physical Realism. Roy Wood Sellars.A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (2):270-272.
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    Au risque de la disparition.Benjamin Delmotte - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 8 (2):98-108.
    Résumé Les sculptures d’Alberto Giacometti révèlent une profonde ambiguïté dans leur caractère d’œuvre : à la pérennité et la solennité traditionnellement associées à l’œuvre d’art répond en effet une fragilité bouleversante qui expose parfois l’œuvre au risque de sa disparition. Comment donc comprendre les phénomènes de miniaturisation ou de dématérialisation dans ces sculptures? Dans un contexte historique de remise en question de la notion d’œuvre d’art, l’artiste entend tout à la fois faire œuvre et suggérer la menace de disparition qui (...)
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    Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350–550 A.D.Benjamin H. Dunning - 2012 - The European Legacy 19 (7):926-927.
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    The Logic of Modern PsychologyCarroll C. Pratt.Benjamin Ginzburg - 1940 - Isis 32 (1):223-225.
  46.  11
    Menninger: The Family and the ClinicLawrence J. Friedman.Benjamin Harris - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):163-164.
  47.  13
    Šarı¯‘a: Determinanten des islamischen Gesetzesbegriffes im Spiegel der Spätantike’.Benjamin Jokisch - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer (eds.), Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 201-213.
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  48.  10
    ha-Refuʼah ha-modernit: haḥlaṭot be-i-ṿadaʼut.Benjamin Mozes - 1988 - Tel Aviv: ʻAm ʻoved.
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    Einzel- und Gruppenerziehung im Reichsfürstenstand.Benjamin Müsegades - 2012 - Das Mittelalter 17 (1):150-161.
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    The Believing Primate: Scientific, Philosophical and Theological Reflections on the Origin of Religion. Edited by Jeffrey Schloss and Michael Murray.Benjamin Murphy - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (2):325-326.
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