Results for 'Bertolt Fessen'

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  1.  45
    A Neglected Interview with Bertolt Brecht.Bertolt Brecht, Philip S. Foner & Anne Hornemann - 1988 - Science and Society 52 (3):337 - 340.
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    Disabled or Cyborg? How Bionics Affect Stereotypes Toward People With Physical Disabilities.Bertolt Meyer & Frank Asbrock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Part II Values Revealed in the Work of Scientists.Bertolt Brecht’S. Galileo - 2005 - In Noretta Koertge (ed.), Scientific Values and Civic Virtues. New York, US: OUP Usa.
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  4. GENERAI. BOUMJlNUlNH-lw, 7S si sa.Bertolt Brecht - 1973 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 24:3.
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    Subgroup Splits in Diverse Work Teams: Subgroup Perceptions but Not Demographic Faultlines Affect Team Identification and Emotional Exhaustion.Kevin E. Tiede, Stefanie K. Schultheis & Bertolt Meyer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We investigate the relationship between subgroup splits, subjectively perceived subgroups, and team identification and emotional exhaustion. Based on the job demands-resources model and on self-categorization theory, we propose that faultline strength and perceived subgroups negatively affect emotional exhaustion, mediated by team identification. We further propose that subgroup identification moderates the mediation such that subgroup identification compensates low levels of team identification. We tested our hypotheses with a two-wave questionnaire study in a sample of 105 participants from 48 teams from various (...)
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    Linking Diversity and Mental Health: Task Conflict Mediates Between Perceived Subgroups and Emotional Exhaustion.Niklas Schulte, Friedrich M. Götz, Fabienne Partsch, Tim Goldmann, Lea Smidt & Bertolt Meyer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Diversity and psychological health issues at the workplace are pressing issues in today’s organizations. However, research linking the two fields is scant. To bridge this gap, drawing from team faultline research, social categorization theory, and the job-demands resources model, we propose that perceiving one’s team as fragmented into subgroups increases strain. We further argue that this relationship is mediated by task conflict and relationship conflict and that it is moderated by psychological empowerment and task interdependence. Multilevel structural equation models on (...)
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    Rosa Luxemburg, Bertolt Brecht y el problema de la ilustración obrera.Andrea Pérez Fernández - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):145-153.
    El texto presenta una articulación de las reflexiones de Rosa Luxemburg en torno a la tarea de ilustración de las masas (Aufklärungsarbeit) y de las de Bertolt Brecht a propósito del efecto de distanciamiento (Verfremdungseffekt) en su propuesta de teatro épico. La contribución pone el énfasis en tres ejes: (1) el lugar central que ocupa el pensamiento crítico de las masas; (2) el tipo de vínculo entre individuo y sociedad que se deduce de sus propuestas y (3) la no (...)
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    Estrangement, epochē, and performance: Bertolt Brecht’s Verfremdungseffek t and a phenomenology of spectatorship.Molly Kelly - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (4):419-431.
    During his period of exile in Scandinavia, Bertolt Brecht wrote “I don’t think the traditional form of theatre means anything any longer. Its significance is purely historic; it can illuminate the way in which earlier ages regarded human relationships […] [but] a modern spectator can’t learn anything from them”. To create a modern theatre fit for a modern audience, Brecht holds that not only would the content of plays have to change, but the experience of theatrical spectatorship itself. To (...)
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    (1 other version)Bertolt Brecht and Stalinism.H. Dahmer - 1974 - Télos 1974 (22):96-105.
  10. Bertolt Brecht, Politics, and Comedy.Marc Silberman - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (1):169-188.
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  11. Bertolt Brecht.Angela Curran - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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    Bertolt Brecht - Philosophie als Verhaltenslehre.Helmut Fahrenbach - 2018 - Mössingen-Talheim: Talheimer.
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  13. Bertolt Brecht.James R. Hamilton - 1998 - In M. Kelly (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Oxford University Press.
    Describes the life and influence of B. Brecht. Offers useful explanations of several key concepts Brecht employed, and revised over his career, including: gestus, Verfremdung, and Verfremdungseffekt.
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    Bertolt Brecht und die chinesische Philosophie.Yun-Yeop Song - 1978 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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    Bertolt Brecht und die Philosophie.Michael Gross - 1988 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 36 (3):213.
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    Beyond Empathy to System Change: Four Poems on Health by Bertolt Brecht.William MacGregor, Martin Horn & Dennis Raphael - 2024 - Journal of Medical Humanities 45 (1):53-77.
    Bertolt Brecht’s poem “A Worker’s Speech to a Doctor” is frequently cited as a means to raise awareness among health workers of the health effects of living and working conditions. Less cited is his Call to Arms trilogy of poems, which calls for class-based action to transform the capitalist economic system that sickens and kills so many. In this article, we show how “A Worker’s Speech to a Doctor,” with its plea for empathy for the ill, contrasts with the (...)
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  17. Georg lukács or bertolt Brecht?Bela Kiralyfalvi - 1985 - British Journal of Aesthetics 25 (4):340-348.
  18.  27
    Empathy in Modern Drama: Bertolt Brecht’s Threepenny Opera.Elisabetta Vinci - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (2):159-171.
    Summary The aim of this paper is to compare Brechtian theory concerning empathy in theatre and recent studies showing the biological basis of empathy. First of all, a brief summary about the concept of empathy is provided, with particular attention to empathy in Brechtian theatre. Then, a paragraph is dedicated to explain how empathy and emotional involvement are linked to neurobiological mechanisms and body state. In the end, an analysis of the Verfremdungseffekte in the Threepenny Opera is traced to understand (...)
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    Uma proposta didática a partir de Bertolt Brecht.Rita Alves Miranda - 2013 - Filosofia E Educação 5 (1):275-291.
    Este texto compreende uma proposta educativa baseadano processo didático para o teatro desenvolvido pelo dramaturgo e teóricoalemão Bertolt Brecht, que tenta através do uso da peça A vida de Galileu, uma das mais importantes do autor, desenvolvercom alunos de Ensino Médio um processo semelhante ao desenvolvido por Brechtpara servir aos atores. Acrescenta-se a isso a ação da reflexão filosóficausada para pensar os temas discutidos na peça como o advento do conhecimentocientífico e as consequências deste para a formação do novo (...)
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    Truth and Justice in Bertolt Brecht.Michael Freeman - 1999 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 11 (2):197-214.
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    Thomas Mann und Bertolt Brecht Repräsentant und Verräter der bürgerlichen Klasse.Jost Hermand - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (3):243-260.
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    “Cultivating the Art of Living”: The Pleasures of Bertolt Brecht’s Philosophising Theatre Pedagogy.Katja Frimberger - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (6):653-668.
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    Rosen in finsteren Zeiten: zur politischen Bildlichkeit bei Bertolt Brecht.Daniel Frey - 1988 - Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers.
    Nicht erst durch sein antibürgerliches Engagement verdient sich Brecht den Namen eines politischen Schriftstellers, sondern vor allem dadurch, dass die höchst kommunikative Sprache seiner Dichtung aktiv ins Bewusstsein eingreift. Im vorliegenden Buch wird gezeigt, wie die semantische Wirkung der sich im Gestischen festbeissenden Brechtschen Bilder durch strukturalistische und sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden voll erfasst werden kann. Sich auf ein Drittes beziehend, bewirken Metaphern und Symbole im aktionsfördernden Kontext, verallgemeinernd und anschaulich zugleich, tiefgründig politische Klärung.
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  24. El arte de la recepción: Bertolt Brecht contra la" Poética" de Aristóteles.Enrique Herreras - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (170):25-42.
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    Eine Rehabilitierungs-Maßnahme Alfred Kurellas Kritik an Bertolt Brechts Lob der Parteidisziplin.Martin Schaad - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 63 (3):273-298.
    This essay seeks to illuminate the motives behind Alfred Kurella's damning review of Bertold Brecht's Lehrstück The Measures Taken. This review of 1931 is commonly regarded as having turned the official marxist literary critique against Brecht, straining the relations between the playwright and the nomenklatura for the years that followed. Yet, a closer examination of Alfred Kurella's biography reveals that his review of The Measures Taken has much less to do with Bertold Brecht or with marxist cultural politics, than with (...)
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    Dealing with the Ghost: Phantasmagorical Apparitions of Bertolt Brecht. [REVIEW]Kurt Vanhoutte & Nele Wynants - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):191-194.
    Taken together, the commentaries by Sigrid Merx and Tom Paulus suggest a remarkable dialectical relationship with regard to our article “Performing Phenomenology: Negotiating Presence in Intermedial Theatre”. On the one side a lack of elaborated political consciousness is being detected, while on the other side an alleged surplus of political consciousness is being criticized. Although apparently contradictory, these reactions seem to originate in the same ideological stress: both are somehow haunted by the legacy of Bertolt Brecht and the ideology (...)
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  27. Erdmut Wizisla, Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht: The Story of a Friendship.Matthew Charles - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 161:60.
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  28. El arte de la recepción: Bertolt Brecht contra la "Poética" de Aristóteles.Enrique Herreras Maldonado - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (170):25-42.
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  29. Verfremden und Verdrängen. Die Temperierung der Aggressivität in der politischen Lyrik Bertolt Brechts.Tomasz Waszak - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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  30. Geld und Liebe bei Thomas Mann und Bertolt Brecht.Ehrhard Bahr - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    Lenguaje y expresividad en" Mann ist Mann" de Bertolt Brecht.Isabel García Manzano - 1974 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 41:35-48.
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    »Leben lernen«: Paul Feyerabend über Bertolt Brechtsvergnügliche Theater-Pädagogik der Verfremdung als Habituierung ins respektable Herumtüfteln.Katja Frimberger - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (3):295-320.
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    Contradiction and Coriolanus: A Philosophical Analysis of Mao Tse Tung's Influence on Bertolt Brecht.Anthony Squiers - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (1):239-246.
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    Weisheit, Kunst und Lebenskunst: fernöstliche Religion und Philosophie bei Hermann Hesse und Bertolt Brecht.Christoph Gellner - 1997 - Mainz: M. Grunewald Verlag.
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    Dialectical Realism and Radical Commitments:Brecht and Adorno on Representing Capitalism.Gene Ray - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (3):3-24.
    Bertolt Brecht and Theodor W. Adorno stand for opposing modes and stances within an artistic modernism oriented toward radical social transformation. In his 1962 essay ‘Commitment’, Adorno advanced a biting critique of Brecht’s work and artistic position. Adorno’s arguments have often been dismissed but, surprisingly, are seldom closely engaged with. This paper assesses these two approaches that have been so central to twentieth-century debates in aesthetics: Brecht’s dialectical realism and Adorno’s sublime or dissonant modernism. It provides what still has (...)
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    Anathematizing Barthes and Admiring Beckett with Eugène Ionesco.Arleen Ionescu - 2022 - Paragraph 45 (2):187-202.
    This article explores the world of theatre from within and beyond the stage and brings together Roland Barthes as a critic and Samuel Beckett as a playwright via a third character, the Romanian-born playwright Eugène Ionesco, who anathematized the former and admired the latter. The article starts from Martin Esslin’s The Theatre of the Absurd (1961), which defined Beckett’s and Ionesco’s art, pointing out that whilst Esslin showed why their works produced ‘bewilderment’ in England and the US, he ignored the (...)
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    The craft of acting as a pedagogical model for living a flourishing life in a world of tensions and contradictions.Katja Frimberger - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):74-85.
    In this paper, I explore German playwright Bertolt Brecht’s conception of the art of acting, and his views on the new actor’s conduct towards their craft, as a pedagogical model for Brechts’ broader view on how we should live our lives. Drawing on his key writings – most importantly, his famous street scene essay – I will show that Brecht’s conception of the theory-practice connection in his approach to actor training/acting bears some deeper insight into Brecht’s conception of the (...)
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    Brecht's Materialist Ethics between Confucianism and Mohism.Markus Wessendorf - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):122-145.
    Bertolt Brecht is internationally known as one of the most influential dramatists, directors, and theater theorists of the twentieth century and also, within German culture, as one of its most innovative modern poets and prose stylists. Whereas Brecht’s contributions to a Marxist aesthetics of drama, theater, poetry, and prose are widely acknowledged, he is less well known as a major thinker on ethical issues, mostly because of his materialist orientation, which conflicts with ethical traditions rooted in metaphysics. Against these (...)
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    Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings.Walter Benjamin - 1978 - Schocken.
    A companion volume to Illuminations, the first collection of Walter Benjamin's writings, Reflections presents a further sampling of his wide-ranging work. Here Benjamin evolves a theory of language as the medium of all creation, discusses theater and surrealism, reminisces about Berlin in the 1920s, recalls conversations with Bertolt Brecht, and provides travelogues of various cities, including Moscow under Stalin. He moves seamlessly from literary criticism to autobiography to philosophical-theological speculations, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest and most (...)
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    Hegelian Comedy.Martin Donougho - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (2):196-220.
    Dying is easy; comedy is hard. Comedy is sovereign. I begin with an excerpt from Bertolt Brecht’s Fugitive Conversations. Ziffel, a physicist, is chatting with the worker Kalle: For humor, I always think of the philosopher Hegel.... He had the makings of one of the greatest humorists among the philosophers.... I read his book The Great Logic once, when I had rheumatism and couldn’t move. It’s one of the greatest humorous works of world literature. It treats of the way (...)
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  41. Brecht’s Life of Galileo: Staging theory of the encounter of practices.Alejo Stark - 2024 - Galilaeana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science (1):145-165.
    Brecht’s Life of Galileo provides elements for elaborating what I call “a theory of the encounter of practices”. The concept of the encounter pushes back against teleological theories that predestine modern science to operate as an instrument of domination. I argue that Life of Galileo stages the missed encounters in modernity between science, politics, and art at the same time as it foregrounds the emancipatory power of science. I trace the encounter of practices from the play’s opening scenes – highlighting (...)
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  42.  26
    The Action of Non-Action: Walter Benjamin, Wu Wei and the Nature of Capitalism.Julia Ng - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (4-5):219-238.
    Beginning with a discussion of adaptations of François Jullien’s understanding of ‘potential born of disposition’ and ‘silent transformation’ in two recent analyses of capitalist contemporaneity (by Bennett and Dufourmantelle), this essay argues that as a philosophical tool, ‘China’ bears within it a rich and underanalysed genealogy that reframes critical theory’s approach to nature and its objects in a new geopolitical context. The remainder of the essay then unpacks the intellectual history and textual philology of one earlier and pivotal moment of (...)
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    Die Expressionismusdebatte und die Studien: eine Untersuchung zu Brechts Sonettdichtung.Young-Jin Choi - 1998 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Brechts Sonettsammlung Studien entstand als Reaktion auf die sogenannte Expressionismusdebatte, die in der Exilzeitschrift Das Wort (1937/38) ausgetragen wurde. Es geht darin um die produktive Nutzung des klassischen Erbes der Weltliteratur. Während die theoretischen Schriften Brechts über diese Debatte in der Forschung viel Beachtung fanden, wurden die Studien bisher marginalisiert. Die Autorin legt erstmalig eine Gesamtdarstellung der Studien vor. Im Zentrum stehen die Bezüge zur Expressionismusdebatte, die sich, wie in der Arbeit gezeigt wird, nicht auf eine «Brecht-Lukács-Debatte» reduzieren läßt. Darüber (...)
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  44.  26
    Adorno: A Political Biography.Lorenz Jäger - 2004 - London: Yale University Press.
    Theodor W. Adorno—philosopher, cultural critic, sociologist, and music theorist—was one of the most important German intellectuals of the twentieth century. This concise, readable life is the first attempt to look at his philosophical and literary work in its essential political context. Central to Adorno’s intellectual development were his musical training, his father’s Jewish roots, and the rise of National Socialism in Germany, which forced him to emigrate to the United States. While in exile, he and Max Horkheimer wrote Dialectic of (...)
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  45. IMAGES RE-READ: the method of georges didi-huberman.Laura Katherine Smith, Stijn De Cauwer, Jorge Rodriguez Solorzano, Elise Woodard & Jacques Rancière - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (4):11-18.
    In this text, Jacques Rancière critically discusses the work of Georges Didi-Huberman on images. He disagrees with various claims seemingly made by Didi-Huberman about images, such as that they can “take position” or that they are “active.” Rancière argues that Didi-Huberman adds another form of dialectics to the simpler form of dialectics adopted by Bertolt Brecht and Harun Farocki in their works, namely one that also involves a layering of different temporalities. However, both in Brecht’s War Primer and in (...)
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  46.  16
    Understanding Wittgenstein, Understanding Modernism.Anat Matar (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    In the last half-century Ludwig Wittgenstein's relevance beyond analytic philosophy, to continental philosophy, to cultural studies, and to the arts has been widely acknowledged. Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus was published in 1922 - the annus mirabilis of modernism - alongside Joyce's Ulysses, Eliot's The Waste Land, Mansfield's The Garden Party and Woolf's Jacob's Room. Bertolt Brecht's first play to be produced, Drums in the Night, was first staged in 1922, as was Jean Cocteau's Antigone, with settings by Pablo Picasso and (...)
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  47.  39
    Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy.John P. McCormick & Peter E. Gordon (eds.) - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    A comprehensive look at the intellectual and cultural innovations of the Weimar period During its short lifespan, the Weimar Republic witnessed an unprecedented flowering of achievements in many areas, including psychology, political theory, physics, philosophy, literary and cultural criticism, and the arts. Leading intellectuals, scholars, and critics—such as Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, Ernst Bloch, Bertolt Brecht, and Martin Heidegger—emerged during this time to become the foremost thinkers of the twentieth century. Even today, the Weimar era remains a vital resource (...)
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  48.  24
    Materialismo y arte en Walter Benjamin.Beñat Sarasola - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (2):491-510.
    El presente artículo analiza la cuestión del materialismo y su relación con el arte en el pensamiento de Walter Benjamin. Es una cuestión harto controvertida en los debates sobre Benjamin, y el artículo estudia minuciosamente sus dos textos fundamentales que abordan la cuestión: El autor como productor y La obra de arte en la era de su reproductibilidad técnica. Antes de ello, se enmarca el problema en el contexto de la época y, en especial, en la relación de Benjamin con (...)
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    Archival violence.Paul Grace - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (1):67-83.
    Photographs of violence carry an implicit critique of the social order from which they emerge. This necessitates the systemic management of their affect. Recognition of the experience carried by these signals has the potential to catalyse and contribute to emancipatory thought and action. The apparatus of epistemic control – characterized here as the Archive – has evolved to neutralize their affective potential. Certain artworks that reconfigure photographs of violence illuminate the nature of this neutralizing mechanism. They mimic and subvert the (...)
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  50. What's wrong with alienation?Heidi M. Silcox - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):pp. 131-144.
    Can art encourage social progress without invoking empathy? Bertolt Brecht thought so. He built convention violations into his plays in order to alienate audiences from their empathetic responses. He did this in order to encourage reasoned responses among his audience members. In so doing, Brecht ran the risk that spectators would imaginatively resist the play and focus exclusively on the convention violations. This kind of imaginative resistance does in fact undermine Brecht's purpose of achieving social progress. Contrary to Brecht's (...)
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