Results for 'Bertrand Souchard Fabien Revol'

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  1. Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019.Philippe Gagnon (ed.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    (Back Cover:) « La pensée métaphysique renaîtra demain. Ce sont des savants qui ont le goût et le sens de la pensée conduite jusqu’au terme de ses exigences internes, et des philosophes initiés aux sciences expérimentales qui, en commun, la feront. » L’œuvre de Claude Tresmontant (1925-1997) illustre parfaitement cette recherche de la métaphysique d’un monde en devenir, qui sait écouter et se modeler sur la transformation – la métamorphose – promise à une Création finalisée. Le trait commun aux exposés (...)
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    The concept of continuous creation part II: Continuous creation: Toward a renewed and actualized concept.Fabien Revol - 2020 - Zygon 55 (1):251-274.
    The renewal of the concept of continuous creation follows two steps: (1) an establishment of the concept of novelty in an exercise of philosophy of nature, as a means of interpreting the scientific discourse concerning the evolution of life; (2) starting out from philosophical and theological critiques and from the concept of novelty, this work proposes a reformulation of the concept of continuous creation in its dynamic perspective. If the universe of possibilities of creation proceeds from the Divine Word by (...)
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    The concept of continuous creation part I: History and contemporary use.Fabien Revol - 2020 - Zygon 55 (1):229-250.
    The concept of continuous creation is now widely used in the context of reflections on the dialogue between science and religion. The first part of this research work seeks to understand its meaning through a twofold elaboration: (1) the historical setting of the three philosophical trends in which this concept was developed: scholastic (conservation), Cartesian (conservation through repetition of the creative act at each instant), and dynamic (interpreting the emergence of radical and contingent novelty in nature as a sign of (...)
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    Improvement of Navigation and Representation in Virtual Reality after Prism Adaptation in Neglect Patients.Bertrand Glize, Marine Lunven, Yves Rossetti, Patrice Revol, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Evelyne Klinger, Pierre-Alain Joseph & Gilles Rode - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    La théologie des energies divines... humaines et cosmiques: une enquête biblique et philosophique.Bertrand Souchard - 2017 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    "Catholiques et orthodoxes se revendiquent ensemble du concile Constantinople III qui affirme "une énergie divine et une énergie humaine" pour le Christ, refusant le monoénergisme théandrique. Pourtant, des catholiques (thomasiens) défendent une simplicité divine, une grâce créée et une vision de Dieu alors que des orthodoxes (palamites) soutiennent une distinction réelle entre essence et énergie en Dieu, une énergie incréée et un Dieu inconnaissable. L'examen des divergences ne permet-il de voir des convergences? Dans l'Écriture, si l'énergie se rapporte souvent à (...)
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    Aristote de la physique à la métaphysique: réceptivité et causalité.Bertrand Souchard - 2003 - Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon.
    Synthèse sur la philosophie théorique d'Aristote (mathématique, physique et métaphysique) réalisée à partir de l'ensemble de son oeuvre et notamment des livres moins connus comme ceux sur les animaux, "Les problèmes" ou "Les petits traités d'histoire naturelle".
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    L'homme n'est ni ange, ni bête.Bertrand Souchard - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Qu'est-ce qu'une personne humaine si elle n'est 'ni ange, ni bête' selon le mot de Pascal? Pour l'écologie profonde et l'antispécisme, comme pour Darwin, la différence entre l'Homme et l'animal ne serait que de degré. Mais un examen attentif de la vie rationnelle (conscience, langage, technique, liberté), de la vie sensible (sensation, désir, violence, souffrance), de la vie corporelle (sexualité, naissance, nutrition, mort) permet d'induire une différence de nature. Par ailleurs, la religion demeure un propre de l'Homme par rapport à (...)
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    L'énergie d'Aristote à Einstein: Un éternel recommencement.Bertrand Souchard - 2018 - EDP Sciences.
    Si le terme d’énergie est central dans la science physique contemporaine, il est difficile à définir et à enseigner. Pour essayer d’en comprendre le sens, il faut d’abord voir l’écart entre la mécanique classique de Descartes, Galilée ou Newton qui utilisent le mot de force et la thermodynamique qui introduit le terme d’énergie dans la science. Alors que la force est l’action d’un corps à travers un espace vide, l’énergie exprime le bilan d’un système où nous trouvons conservation et transformation (...)
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    L'ange fait la bête: "l'humanisme postmoderne".Bertrand Souchard - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Qu'est-ce qu'une personne humaine pour notre société postmoderne? Une histoire de l'humanisme peut aider à répondre à cette question. L'humanisme grec est pluriel mais centré sur la nature. L'humanisme médiéval et chrétien s'appuie sur la Révélation de Dieu. L'humanisme moderne est anthropocentrique. L'humanisme postmoderne serait 'angélocentrique,' achèvement d'un détachement de la nature et de Dieu. Le propos de Pascal se réalise : « L'Homme n'est ni ange ni bête, et le malheur veut que qui veut faire l'ange fait la bête. (...)
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  10. Espace logique et modalités chez Wittgenstein.Fabien Schang - 2014 - AL-Mukhatabat 9:230-242.
    L'article s'intéresse aux obstacles épistémologiques qui empêchèrent Wittgenstein d'admettre l'idée moderne de logique modale et, en particulier, les logiques d'attitudes propositionnelles. Tout en proposant un aperçu rétrospectif de la logique des modalités épistémiques, nous verrons que ces obstacles reposent avant tout sur la nature de l'espace logique présenté dans le Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus et le statut métaphysique du sujet. Des passages éclairants seront rappelés pour justi.
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  11. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.Bertrand Russell (ed.) - 1940 - Routledge.
    Logical Atomism is a philosophy that sought to account for the world in all its various aspects by relating it to the structure of the language in which we articulate information. In _The Philosophy of Logical Atomism,_ Bertrand Russell, with input from his young student Ludwig Wittgenstein, developed the concept and argues for a reformed language based on pure logic. Despite Russell’s own future doubts surrounding the concept, this founding and definitive work in analytical philosophy by one of the (...)
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  12. A critical exposition of the philosophy of Leibniz.Bertrand Russell - 1937 - Wolfeboro, N.H.: Longwood Press.
    By what process of development he came to this opinion, though in itself an important and interesting question, is logically irrelevant to the inquiry how far the opinion itself is correct ; and among his opinions, when these have been ascertained, it becomes desirable to prune away such as seem inconsistent with his main doctrines, before those doctrines themselves are subjected to a critical scrutiny. Philosophic truth and falsehood, in short, rather than historical fact, are what primarily demand our attention (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Our Knowledge of the External World: As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy.Bertrand Russell - 1914 - Chicago and London: Routledge.
    _'Philosophy, from the earliest times, has made greater claims, and acheived fewer results than any other branch of learning... I believe that the time has now arrived when this unsatisfactory state of affairs can be brought to an end'_ - _Bertrand Russell_ So begins _Our Knowledge of the Eternal World_, Bertrand Russell's classic attempt to show by means of examples, the nature, capacity and limitations of the logico-analytical method in philosophy.
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  14. (1 other version)Theory of knowledge: the 1913 manuscript.Bertrand Russell - 1913/1992 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Elizabeth Ramsden Eames & Kenneth Blackwell.
    First published in 1984 as part of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell , Theory of Knowledge represents an important addition to our knowledge of Russell's thought. In this work Russell attempts to flesh out the sketch implicit in The Problems of Philosophy . It was conceived by Russell as his next major project after Principia Mathematica and was intended to provide the epistemological foundations for his work. Russell's subsequent difficulties in presenting his theory of knowledge, brought on by (...)
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  15. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.Bertrand Russell - 1918 - The Monist 28 (4):495-527.
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    The Problem of China.Bertrand Russell - 2020 - Routledge.
    'China, by her resources and her population, is capable of being the greatest power in the world after the United States.' Bertrand Russell, The Problem of China In 1920 the philosopher Bertrand Russell spent a year in China as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Beijing, where his lectures on mathematical logic enthralled students and listeners, including Mao Tse Tung, who attended some of Russell's talks. Written at a time when China was largely regarded by the West (...)
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  17. Religion and Science.Bertrand Russell - 1997 - Oup Usa.
    With a new introduction by Michael Ruse, this book will reintroduce Bertrand Russell's writings to readers and students of philosophy and religion. Russell provides an insightful study of the historical conflicts between science and traditional religion until the beginning of the Second World War. In a wide range of topics, including evolution, demonology and medicine, sould and body, determinism, mysticism, and science and ethics, Russell provides historic events in which scientific breakthroughs clashed with Christian doctrine. Through these examples, we (...)
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  18. Metaphysical Explanation by Constraint.Michael Bertrand - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (6):1325-1340.
    It is often thought that metaphysical grounding underwrites a distinctive sort of metaphysical explanation. However, it would be a mistake to think that all metaphysical explanations are underwritten by metaphysical grounding. In service of this claim, I offer a novel kind of metaphysical explanation called metaphysical explanation by constraint, examples of which have been neglected in the literature. I argue that metaphysical explanations by constraint are not well understood as grounding explanations.
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  19. We Need Non-factive Metaphysical Explanation.Michael Bertrand - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):991-1011.
    Suppose that A explains B. Do A and B need to be true? Provided that we have metaphysical explanation in mind, orthodoxy answers “yes:” metaphysical explanation is factive. This article introduces and defends a non-factive notion of metaphysical explanation. I argue that we need a non-factive notion of explanation in order to make sense of explanationist arguments where we motivate a view by claiming that it offers better explanations than its competitors. After presenting and rejecting some initially plausible rivals, I (...)
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  20. (2 other versions)The Scientific Outlook.Bertrand Russell - 1931 - Routledge.
    'A scientific opinion is one which there is some reason to believe is true; an unscientific opinion is one which is held for some reason other than its probable truth.' - Bertrand Russell One of Russell's most important books, this early classic on science illuminates his thinking on the promise and threat of scientific progress. Russell considers three questions fundamental to an understanding of science: the nature and scope of scientific knowledge, the increased power over nature that science affords, (...)
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    The Metaphysical Challenge of Morphogenesis: Ruyer’s Embryology and Modern Developmental Biology.Bertrand Vaillant - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:79-97.
    La biologie occupe une place centrale dans la philosophie de Raymond Ruyer. Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à certains faits biologiques, considérés par Ruyer comme ayant une portée métaphysique essentielle. Nous nous demanderons si les récentes évolutions de la biologie du développement ont pu invalider ses thèses concernant la morphogenèse, c’est-à-dire l’apparition d’une nouvelle forme dans le développement embryonnaire, et particulièrement son rejet des explications mécanistes. Nous étudierons trois ensembles de faits sur lesquels Ruyer appuie sa philosophie du développement (...)
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  22. Power: A New Social Analysis.Bertrand Russell - 2004 - Routledge.
    The key to human nature that Marx found in wealth and Freud in sex, Bertrand Russell finds in power. Power, he argues, is man's ultimate goal, and is, in its many guises, the single most important element in the development of any society. Writting in the late 1930s when Europe was being torn apart by extremist ideologies and the world was on the brink of war, Russell set out to found a 'new science' to make sense of the traumatic (...)
  23.  41
    Marriage and Morals.Bertrand Russell - 1929 - Routledge.
    _Marriage and Morals_ is a compelling cross-cultural examination of individual, familial and societal attitudes towards sex and marriage. By exploring the codes by which we live our sexual lives and conventional morality, Russell daringly sets out a new morality, shaped and influenced by dramatic changes in society such as the emancipation of women and the wide-spread use of contraceptives. From the origin of marriage to the influence of religion, Russell explores the changing role of marriage and codes of sexual ethics. (...)
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    Philosophy and Politics.Bertrand Russell - 1947 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1947, this book presents the content of the fourth annual lecture of the National Book League, which was delivered by Bertrand Russell in October 1946. In his lecture Russell provides a discussion of the relationship between philosophies and the development of political systems, in addition to the political qualities of philosophical thinking. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in political philosophy and the works of Russell.
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    Principles of Social Reconstruction.Bertrand Russell - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (3):384-387.
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  26. Fundamental ontological structure: an argument against pluralism.Michael Bertrand - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (5):1277-1297.
    In recent years, a hierarchical view of reality has become extremely influential. In order to understand the world as a whole, on this view, we need to understand the nature of the fundamental constituents of the world. We also need to understand the relations that build the world up from these fundamental constituents. Building pluralism is the view that there are at least two equally fundamental relations that together build the world. It has been widely, though tacitly, assumed in a (...)
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    Marriage and Morals.Bertrand Russell - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 40 (3):435-436.
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    Logical and philosophical papers, 1909-13.Bertrand Russell - 1992 - New York: Routledge. Edited by John G. Slater & Bernd Frohmann.
    The years 1909-1913 were among the most productive, philosophically speaking, of Bertrand Russell's entire career. In addition to the papers reprinted in this volume, he brought Principia Mathematica to its finished form and wrote The Problems of Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge and Our Knowledge of the External World . In October 1910, Russell began teaching at Cambridge, having accepted an appointment as lecturer in logic and the principles of mathematics at Trinity College for a term of five years. The (...)
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    Vagues figures, ou, Les promesses du flou: actes du septième colloque du Cicada, 5, 6, 7 décembre 1996.Bertrand Cicada de L'adour) & Rougâe (eds.) - 1999 - Pau: Publications de l'Université de Pau.
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    Insinuations trinitaires dans le Psaume 33(32),6 chez les pères de l’eglise et notamment chez saint Basile.Bertrand de Margerie - 2000 - Augustinianum 40 (1):35-41.
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    Co(n)textualisation.Souad El Fellah & Bertrand Verine - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Ce numéro prolonge la contribution de _Corela_ au débat entre « la tradition d’une linguistique de la langue […] des énoncés » d’un côté et, de l’autre, « une linguistique des contextes […] des textes et des discours ». En ouverture du copieux Hors Série 11 édité par Pascale Brunner _et al._, Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni montrait comment le débat s’est déplacé – sans vraiment changer de nature – entre, d’une part, « les partisans d’une description “immanente” » et, d’autre part ceux (...)
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    Tendencies towards environmental autocracy and technocracy.Stijn Neuteleers & Bertrand Guillaume - 2014 - Ethical Perspectives 21 (1):1-13.
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    A formal ontology for a generalized inventive design methodology.Cecilia Zanni-Merk, François de Bertrand de Beuvron, François Rousselot & Wei Yan - 2013 - Applied ontology 8 (4):231-273.
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    The Analysis of Matter.Philosophy.V. F. Lenzen & Bertrand Russell - 1929 - Journal of Philosophy 26 (23):637.
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  35. Metaphysical Constraints, Primitivism, and Reduction.Michael Bertrand - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (4):503-521.
    The argument from absence of analysis (AAA) infers primitivism about some x from the absence of a reductive analysis ofx. But philosophers use the word ‘primitive’ to mean many distinct things. I argue that there is a robust sense of ‘primitive’ present in the metaphysics literature that cannot be inferred via the AAA. Successfully demonstrating robust primitivism about somexrequires showing two things at once: that a reduction ofxis not possible and that an explanatorily deep characterization ofxis not available. In order (...)
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    Introduction à De l'esprit des lois de Montesquieu.Bertrand Binoche - 1998 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
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    Ensayos filosóficos.Bertrand Russell - 2003 - Alianza Editorial Sa.
    No sólo los especialistas en filosofía, sino también las personas interesadas en los problemas del hombre y su futuro, recibieron periódicos testimonios de la capacidad de BERTRAND RUSSELL (1872-1970) para enfrentarse, a lo largo de su dilatada y fecunda vida, con todo tipo de cuestiones, desde las muy técnicas de la teoría del conocimiento o la filosofía matemática, hasta las de la justicia y moralidad de los regímenes políticos, de los conflictos bélicos y de los sistemas sociales. Este volumen (...)
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    Foundations of logic, 1903-05.Bertrand Russell - 1994 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Alasdair Urquhart & Albert C. Lewis.
    This volume covers the period from the beginning of Russell's work on Volume Two of the Principles of Mathematics to the critical discovery of the theory of descriptions in 1905. Foundations of Logic gives a vivid picture of Russell wrestling with the logical paradoxes, often unsuccessfully, as he tries out one foundational scheme after another. This volume provides the key to both Bertrand Russell's philosophy of logic and philosophy of mathematics. It includes unpublished work on the theory of denoting (...)
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  39. Towards a universal neurobiological architecture for learning to read.Marcin Szwed, Fabien Vinckier, Laurent Cohen, Stanislas Dehaene & Ram Frost - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):308.
    Letter-position tolerance varies across languages. This observation suggests that the neural code for letter strings may also be subtly different. Although language-specific models remain useful, we should endeavor to develop a universal model of reading acquisition which incorporates crucial neurobiological constraints. Such a model, through a progressive internalization of phonological and lexical regularities, could perhaps converge onto the language-specific properties outlined by Frost.
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  40. Why Christians Should Not Be Kaneans about Freedom.Michael D. Bertrand & Jack Mulder - 2017 - Philosophia Christi 19 (2):315 - 329.
    Abstract: In this paper we argue that Robert Kane’s theory of free will cannot accommodate the possibility of a sinless individual who faces morally significant choices because a sinless agent cannot voluntarily accord value to an immoral desire, and we argue that Kane’s theory requires this. Since the Jesus of the historic Christian tradition is held to be sinless, we think Christians should reject Kane’s theory because it seems irreconcilable with historic Christian Christology. We consider two objections to our argument (...)
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    Note on Philosophy, January 1960.Bertrand Russell - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (133):146 - 147.
    The article on my theory of descriptions by Mr. Lejewski raises two points. One is as to the copula. I do not quite understand why it is thought that an ambiguity in the meaning of the word “is” is relevant in regard to my theory of descriptions. There are many problems in regard to which it is relevant. I have mentioned one of these in criticizing Hegel in Our Knowledge of the External World on p. 39 n of the original (...)
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    What Do Spatial Distortions in Patients’ Drawing After Right Brain Damage Teach Us About Space Representation in Art?Gilles Rode, Giuseppe Vallar, Eric Chabanat, Patrice Revol & Yves Rossetti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Transversalité du sens et relations interartistiques : l’héritage greimassien.Denis Bertrand & Veronica Estay Stange - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):315-333.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Théories contemporaines de l'éducation.Yves Bertrand - 1990 - [Montréal] : Agence d'Arc.
    a classification of educational theories with authors.
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    Sociedad humana: ética y política.Bertrand Russell - 1984 - Catedra Ediciones.
    Contemplados en su contexto social, los conflictos politicos de nuestra epoca despiertan intereses que nublan la objetividad de las opiniones. Bertrond Russell propone garantizar esta objetividad instalandonos en el marco de una etica imparcial, incompatible con cualquier fanatismo.
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    Extension du domaine de la thermodynamique: anatomie d'une controverse.Emanuel Bertrand - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "La Nouvelle Alliance (1979), by physicist Ilya Prigogine and philosopher Isabelle Stengers, is both a book on the history and philosophy of thermodynamics and a philosophical essay on man's place in nature. It has given rise to lively interdisciplinary controversy.".
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    Journal philosophique.Claude Bertrand - 2008 - Longueuil, Québec: Presses philosophiques.
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    La démocratie locale à l'épreuve de l'écologie politique.Aliénor Bertrand - 2009 - Cahiers Philosophiques 119 (3):61-78.
    Cet article a pour but d’expliquer en quoi l’urgence écologique nous impose de repenser le rapport de la démocratie aux territoires. Nos institutions politiques (internationales, nationales, locales) ne se montrent pas capables de faire face aux crises écologiques actuelles (climat, eau, biodiversité, approvisionnement énergétique). Or la solution n’est pas de valoriser l’échelon local au détriment du global en reconduisant les topoi philosophiques vantant les petites républiques ou promouvant la participation, mais de prendre les décisions adéquates à l’échelle pertinente. La capacité (...)
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    Les philosophies contemporaines de l'acte éducatif.Yves Bertrand - 2015 - Paris, France: Fabert.
    Les systèmes éducatifs sont en pleine mutation. Ceci rend d’autant plus urgent de réfléchir sur les fondements, les enjeux et les stratégies de l’acte éducatif. Pour faciliter cette réflexion, ce livre propose une grille analytique qui permet de comprendre les enjeux de différentes propositions de changement et ainsi d’avoir des points de repère pour prendre des décisions judicieuses. Cet ouvrage comprend de nombreux tableaux explicatifs qui permettent d’accéder rapidement au coeur des principales philosophies contemporaines de l’éducation. Quand nous parlons de (...)
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  50. La psychologie de l'effort.A. Bertrand - 1890 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 29:538-542.
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