Results for 'Bertrand Stern'

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  1.  16
    The Fall of Language: Benjamin and Wittgenstein on Meaning.Alexander Stern - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    This book explores the nature of meaning, primarily through readings of the work of Walter Benjamin and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Alexander Stern offers a critical analysis of Benjamin's philosophy of language, finding in it a common root with Wittgenstein's thought on language, and traces the historical foundation of both accounts of meaning to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century German philosophy. Benjamin's theory of language is notoriously dense and obscure. In elucidating it, Stern emphasizes Benjamin's attempt to reorient the Kantian project around (...)
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  2. Obituary: Ludwig Wittgenstein.Bertrand Russell - 1951 - Mind 60 (239):297-298.
  3. The Chances of Choices.Reuben Stern - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    On Hobbes’s state of nature and game theory.Bertrand Crettez - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (4):499-511.
    Hobbes’s state of nature is often analyzed in two-person two-action non-cooperative games. By definition, this literature only focuses on duels. Yet, if we consider general games, i.e., with more than two agents, analyzing Hobbes’s state of nature in terms of duel is not completely satisfactory, since it is a very specific interpretation of the war of all against all. Therefore, we propose a definition of the state of nature for games with an arbitrary number of players. We show that this (...)
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    Philosophie du discours chez Ricœur et le fondement du langage.Bertrand Rioux - 1986 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 42 (1):15-21.
  6.  29
    Léal souvenir? La photographie, la peinture et le serment de l’image fidèle.Bertrand Rougé - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):115-128.
    The aim of this paper is to question the objectivist conception of photography by confronting it with the history – and epistemology – of the painted image. I suggest that the idea of photography as an objective testimony seems to rest upon a phenomenon already described by ancient rhetoric – enargeia, which Cicero latinized into evidentia. Thus the question is raised whether the objectivity of the photographic image is not the mere continuation of an old rhetorical and pictorial tradition about (...)
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    Kreines on the Problem of Metaphysics in Kant and Hegel.Robert Stern - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 39 (1):106-120.
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  8. The Philosophy of Leibniz.Bertrand Russell - 1992 - Routledge.
    `Mr Russell's very brilliant criticism of Leibniz ... is a piece of controversial philosophy as well as a contribution to history.' - Bernard Bosanquet.
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    (1 other version)The modal logics of kripke–feferman truth.Carlo Nicolai & Johannes Stern - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):362-396.
    We determine the modal logic of fixed-point models of truth and their axiomatizations by Solomon Feferman via Solovay-style completeness results. Given a fixed-point model $\mathcal {M}$, or an axiomatization S thereof, we find a modal logic M such that a modal sentence $\varphi $ is a theorem of M if and only if the sentence $\varphi ^*$ obtained by translating the modal operator with the truth predicate is true in $\mathcal {M}$ or a theorem of S under all such translations. (...)
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    Time As Power and Intentionality.Bertrand P. Helm - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (3):230-241.
    The purpose of the following discussion is to examine the account of time’s nature and time’s ways that was worked out by Plotinus. For the most part, his philosophy of time is given in treatise iii.7 of the Enneads, entitled “Time and Eternity.” His account of time will be related to the major emphases of his metaphysics and to important views on temporality that were developed by some of his predecessors.
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  11. Philosophy and Politics.Bertrand Russell - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (86):270-272.
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    Proving that the Mind Is Not a Machine?Johannes Stern - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):81-90.
    This piece continues the tradition of arguments by John Lucas, Roger Penrose and others to the effect that the human mind is not a machine. Kurt Gödel thought that the intensional paradoxes stand in the way of proving that the mind is not a machine. According to Gödel, a successful proof that the mind is not a machine would require a solution to the intensional paradoxes. We provide what might seem to be a partial vindication of Gödel and show that (...)
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    Le jardin intérieur.Yves Bertrand - 2004 - Montreal, Canada: Liber.
    a philosophy of life based on spirituality and goodness.
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    Nowhere else.Yves Bertrand - 2004 - Madison, Wisconsin: Atwood Publishing.
  15.  36
    La Pensée de Heidegger. Par Otto Pöggeler. Aubier-Montaigne, Paris, 1967. Pp. 407.Bertrand Rioux - 1969 - Dialogue 7 (4):652-655.
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    An inquiry into meaning and truth: the William James lectures for 1940 delivered at Harvard University.Bertrand Russell - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Russell examines the foundations of knowledge through a discussion of language and investigates the way a knowledge of the structure of language helps our understanding of the structure of the world.
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  17.  23
    English Literature and British Philosophy: A Collection of Essays.Stanford Patrick Rosenbaum - 1971 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Fish, S. Georgics of the mind: Bacon's philosophy and the experience of his Essays.--Brett, R. L. Thomas Hobbes.--Watt, I. Realism and the novel.--Tuveson, E. Locke and Sterne.--Kampf, L. Gibbon and Hume.--Frye, N. Blake's case against Locke.--Abrams, M. H. Mechanical and organic psychologies of literary invention.--Ryle, G. Jane Austen and the moralists.--Schneewind, J. B. Moral problems and moral philosophy in the Victorian period.--Donagan, A. Victorian philosophical prose: J. S. Mill and F. H. Bradley.--Pitcher, G. Wittgenstein, nonsense, and Lewis Carroll.--Bolgan, A. C. (...)
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    Address on the 10th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.Bertrand Russell & Kenneth Blackwell - 1980 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 37.
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  19.  20
    Enjeux métaphysiques de la morphogenèse : l’embryologie de Ruyer et la biologie du développement.Vaillant Bertrand - 2017 - 21:79-97.
    La biologie occupe une place centrale dans la philosophie de Raymond Ruyer. Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à certains faits biologiques, considérés par Ruyer comme ayant une portée métaphysique essentielle. Nous nous demanderons si les récentes évolutions de la biologie du développement ont pu invalider ses thèses concernant la morphogenèse, c’est-à-dire l’apparition d’une nouvelle forme dans le développement embryonnaire, et particulièrement son rejet des explications mécanistes. Nous étudierons trois ensembles de faits sur lesquels Ruyer appuie sa philosophie du développement (...)
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  20.  11
    (1 other version)Currency Board : théorie et exemple argentin.Olivier Bouzou Bertrand - 1999 - Labyrinthe 4:119-121.
    Les marchés financiers émergents présentent de fortes perturbations : bulles, crises, comportements mimétiques, évolutions inattendues. Or une condition nécessaire d'un développement économique harmonieux est une politique monétaire raisonnable, qui ne déstabilise pas le taux de change par une distribution erratique de crédit. Les régimes de changes flexibles sont imparfaits car ils laissent la possibilité aux gouvernements de pratiquer l'inflation, et les régimes de change fixes ajustables...
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    Journal philosophique.Claude Bertrand - 2008 - Longueuil, Québec: Presses philosophiques.
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  22.  22
    L'Anœdipien.Pierre Bertrand - 1974 - Dialogue 13 (2):363-368.
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    L’impassibilité du Christ selon Hilaire de Poitiers De Trinitate X.Dominique Bertrand - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (1):349-357.
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    The Ordinary Hero.Yves Bertrand - 1998 - Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.
    The Ordinary Hero is an in-depth search of where we should turn to find meaning in our lives.
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  25. Die Gesellschaftsphilosophie Nikolai Berdjajews.Hans Stern - 1966 - [n. p.,:
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  26. Moses Mendelssohn-Ausstellung, September 1929.Moritz Stern & Karl Schwarz (eds.) - 1929 - Berlin: Druck von H.S.Hermann.
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  27. Brief Notices.Natalie B. Dohrmann & David Stern - 2009 - Speculum 84 (2):523.
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    De La Justice.Bertrand de Jouvenel - 1998 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 8 (1):127-144.
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  29. Chê Hsüeh Ta Kang.Bertrand Russell & Ming-K. Ai Kao - 1954 - Chêng Chung Shu Chü.
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  30. Luosu tan Zhongguo.Bertrand Russell & Yihong Shen - 2001 - Hangzhou: Zhejing wen yi chu ban she. Edited by Yihong Shen.
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  31.  40
    Note on C. D. broad's article in the july "mind".Bertrand Russell - 1919 - Mind 28 (109):124.
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    Préface à « La géométrie dans le monde sensible » de Jean Nicod.Bertrand Russell - 1924 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 98:450 - 454.
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  33. Poznání založené na obeznámenosti a poznání založené na deskripci.Bertrand Russell - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49:754-770.
    [Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description].
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  34.  4
    Recorded Message for Spring Mobilization [New York, 1967].Bertrand Russell - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (1).
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  35.  14
    Batch repair actions for automated troubleshooting.Hilla Shinitzky & Roni Stern - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 283 (C):103260.
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  36.  9
    New Hopes for a Changing World.Bertrand Russell - 2019 - Allen & Unwin.
    This book is concerned with methods of curing three kinds of conflict which have afflicted mankind. They are the conflicts of man with nature, with other men, and with himself. Of these, the first is the concern of science, the second of politics, and the third of religion and psychology. Modern techniques have made poverty un-necessary, and have provided the possibility of a much higher level of general wellbeing than has ever existed at any former time. Failure to realize this (...)
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    Uncertain Paths to Freedom: Russia and China, 1919-22.Bertrand Russell - 2000 - London: Psychology Press.
    This volume collects together his writings during the period from 1919 to 1922 and describes his experiences in Russia and China which confirmed his emergence as a popular commentator on contemporary political issues.
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    On Education: Especially in Early Childhood.Bertrand Russell - 1971 - Allen & Unwin.
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  39.  19
    Freedom and Organisation, 1814-1914.Bertrand Russell - 2001 - Routledge.
    'The purpose of this book is to trace the opposition and interaction of two main causes of change in the Nineteenth century: the belief in freedom which was common to Liberals and Radicals, and the necessity for organization which arose through industrial and scientific technique.' - Bertrand Russell A revealing account by one of the twentieth century's greatest minds, charting the struggle between two determining forces in nineteenth century history: freedom and control. Russell's text sweeps from the defeat of (...)
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  40.  13
    Nietzsche, ou, La "sagesse sauvage".Bertrand Dejardin - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Nietzsche a mené une double lutte, d'une part, contre la "sagesse insigne" subjuguée par le pouvoir de la logique et, d'autre part, mais en vertu de la même passion philosophique, contre la peur. Ce combat donne le jour à une liberté et à une rébellion surhumaines et solitaires contre le "ressentiment" et contre ce qu'il engendre : la cruauté de la culture. C'est à la description de cette insurrection tragique que cet ouvrage est consacré.
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    Sur l'éthique théonome du premier Aristote.Bertrand Dumoulin - 1988 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:167.
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    Un Symposium sur l' « Ethique à Eudème ».Bertrand Dumoulin - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (2):195 - 211.
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  43. «Je les corrigerai» L'éducation divine d'Os 10, 10 et ses connotations sapientielles.Bertrand Pincon - 2013 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 44 (3):413-424.
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    How to Promote Initiative.Bertrand Russell - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (2):101-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2502\INITIATI.252 : 2006-02-27 11:49 rticles HOW TO PROMOTE INITIATIVE B R [The first series of Reith Lectures, delivered weekly on the  by Bertrand Russell in the winter of –, were a resounding success. They were soon published in book form as Authority and the Individual. However, Russell started late in the year to write them, and manuscripts for the lectures show that he (...)
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    Bernard Baertschi, Les rapports de l'âme et du corps. Descartes, Diderot et Maine de Biran.Bertrand Bouckaert - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (4):602-604.
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    Patočka et la méthode phénoménologique.Bertrand Bouckaert - 1999 - Études Phénoménologiques 15 (29-30):79-92.
  47.  26
    Éric Alliez, De l'impossibilité de la phénoménologie. Sur la philosophie française contemporaine.Bertrand Bouckaert - 1996 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 94 (3):540-542.
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  48.  12
    Comment to Averbeck-Lietz: Mapping intercultural communications: National or doctrinal comparisons?Bertrand Cabedoche - 2013 - Communications 38 (3):315-321.
  49.  20
    La méthode scientifique en philosophie: Notre connaissance du monde extérieur.Bertrand Russell - 2018 - Éditions Payot.
    Huit conférences du philosophe prix Nobel, et une question : la philosophie peut-elle être une science? Pour assurer la validité de ses recherches, la philosophie doit s'appuyer sur une méthode, "quelque chose de parfaitement défini, susceptible de se ramasser en formules, et capable de fournir toute la connaissance scientifique objective qu'il est possible d'atteindre". Tel est l'objectif de ce recueil consacré aux notions de logique, d'infini, de connaissance du monde extérieur, et de liberté, qui comprend notamment une conférence devenue célèbre, (...)
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  50. Correspondance sur la philosophie, la logique et la politique avec Louis Couturat.Bertrand Russell - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):442-444.
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