Results for 'Bettina Blaumeiser'

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  1.  22
    Chromosomal microarray analysis in prenatal diagnosis: ethical considerations of the Belgian approach.Joke Muys, Bettina Blaumeiser, Katrien Janssens, Patrick Loobuyck & Yves Jacquemyn - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):104-109.
    Detection of genetic aberrations in prenatal samples, obtained through amniocentesis or chorion villus biopsy, is increasingly performed using chromosomal microarray (CMA), a technique that can uncover both aneuploidies and copy number variants throughout the genome. Despite the obvious benefits of CMA, the decision on implementing the technology is complicated by ethical issues concerning variant interpretation and reporting. In Belgium, uniform guidelines were composed and a shared database for prenatal CMA findings was established. This Belgian approach sparks discussion: it is evidence-based, (...)
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    Sapphire as Praxis: Toward a Methodology of Anger.Bettina Judd - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):178-208.
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    Le principe de précaution : bouc émissaire de nos faiblesses ou éthique de la modernité? 1990-2020.Bettina Laville - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):215-224.
    L’auteure retrace les controverses qui ont émaillé l’histoire du principe de précaution en France dans les trente dernières années après son adoption au niveau international et européen. Elle montre que le principe de précaution constitue une dimension nouvelle de la rationalité adaptée aux défis de la société contemporaine.
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    Devices of Lie Detection as Diegetic Technologies in the “War on Terror”.Bettina Paul & Simon Egbert - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (3-4):84-92.
    Although lie detection procedures have been fundamentally criticized since their inception at the beginning of the 20th century, they are still in use around the world. In addition, they have created some remarkable appeal in the context of counterterrorism policies. Thereby, the links between science and fiction in this topic are quite tight and by no means arbitrary: In the progressive narrative of the lie detection devices, there is a promise of changing society for the better, which is entangled in (...)
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    Effects of Prompting in Reflective Learning Tools: Findings from Experimental Field, Lab, and Online Studies.Bettina Renner, Michael Prilla, Ulrike Cress & Joachim Kimmerle - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Wozu politische Bildung an beruflichen Schulen?Bettina Zurstrassen - 2017 - Polis 21 (4):7-10.
  7.  16
    Complexity of fundamental problems in probabilistic abstract argumentation: Beyond independence.Bettina Fazzinga, Sergio Flesca & Filippo Furfaro - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 268 (C):1-29.
  8.  7
    Levinas between Ethics and Politics: For the Beauty that Adorns the Earth.Bettina Bergo - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    The act of thought-thought as an act-would precede the thought thinking or becoming conscious of an act. The notion of act involves a violence essentially: the violence of transitivity, lacking in the transcendence of thought... Totality and Infinity The work of Emmanuel Levinas revolves around two preoccupations. First, his philosophical project can be described as the construction of a formal ethics, grounded upon the transcendence of the other human being and a subject's spontaneous responsibility toward that other. Second, Levinas has (...)
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    Monitoring supports performance in a dual-task paradigm involving a risky decision-making task and a working memory task.Bettina Gathmann, Johannes Schiebener, Oliver T. Wolf & Matthias Brand - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:118453.
    Performing two cognitively demanding tasks at the same time is known to decrease performance. The current study investigates the underlying executive functions of a dual-tasking situation involving the simultaneous performance of decision making under explicit risk and a working memory task. It is suggested that making a decision and performing a working memory task at the same time should particularly require monitoring—an executive control process supervising behavior and the state of processing on two tasks. To test the role of a (...)
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  10.  11
    God, Death, and Time.Bettina Bergo (ed.) - 2000 - Stanford University Press.
    This book consists of transcripts from two lecture courses Levinas delivered in 1975-76, his last year at the Sorbonne. They cover some of the most pervasive themes of his thought and were written at a time when he had just published his most important—and difficult—book, _Otherwise than Being, or Beyond Essence._ Both courses pursue issues related to the question at the heart of Levinas's thought: ethical relation. The Foreword and Afterword place the lectures in the context of his work as (...)
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  11.  16
    Samarasya: studies in Indian arts, philosophy, and interreligious dialogue: in honour of Bettina Bäumer.Bettina Bäumer, Sadananda Das & Ernst Fürlinger (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Inspirational Guide To An Open, Critical Exchange Between India And The West Is Framed As A Tribute To Dr. Bettina Baumer, An Eminent Scholar Of Indology. Comprising 32 Essays, Segregated Into Three Sections Indian Philosophy And Spirituality, Indian Arts And Aesthetics, And Interreligious And Intercultural Dialogue.
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    Willensfreiheit und Hirnforschung: das Freiheitsmodell des epistemischen Libertarismus.Bettina Walde - 2006 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  13. Attaining the Form of the Void.Bettina Bdumer - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche (eds.), Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 159.
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    (De)constructing ethics for autonomous cars: A case study of Ethics Pen-Testing towards “AI for the Common Good”.Bettina Berendt - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28.
    Recently, many AI researchers and practitioners have embarked on research visions that involve doing AI for “Good”. This is part of a general drive towards infusing AI research and practice with ethical thinking. One frequent theme in current ethical guidelines is the requirement that AI be good for all, or: contribute to the Common Good. But what is the Common Good, and is it enough to want to be good? Via four lead questions, the concept of Ethics Pen-Testing identifies challenges (...)
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    Nietzsche and the Shadow of God.Bettina Bergo & Philippe Farah (eds.) - 2012 - Northwestern University Press.
    In Nietzsche and the Shadow of God, his study of Nietzsche’s integral philosophical corpus, Franck revisits the fundamental concepts of Nietzsche’s thought, from the death of God and the will to power, to the body as the seat of thinking and valuing, and finally to his conception of a post-Christian justice. The work engages Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s destruction of the Platonic-Christian worldview, showing how Heidegger’s hermeneutic overlooked Nietzsche’s powerful confrontation with revelation and justice by working through the Christian body, (...)
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  16.  26
    The syntax of objects and the representation of history: Speaking of slavery in new York.Bettina M. Carbonell - 2009 - History and Theory 48 (2):122-137.
    The representation of history continues to evolve in the domain of museum exhibitions. This evolution is informed in part by the creation of new display methods—many of which depart from the traditional conventions used to achieve the “museum effect”—in part by an increased attention to the museum–visitor relationship. In this context the ethical force of bearing witness, at times a crucial aspect of the museum experience, has emerged as a particularly compelling issue. In seeking to represent and address atrocity, injustice, (...)
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  17. Das Schweigen der Sirenen : Hören, Singen, Stille.Bettina Hesse - 2019 - In Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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    Pflegefamilien zwischen öffentlicher und privater Erziehung. Eine Form professioneller Liebe?Bettina Hünersdorf & Tobias Studer - 2010 - In Elmar Drieschner & Detlef Gaus (eds.), Liebe in Zeiten pädagogischer Professionalisierung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. pp. 209--235.
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    The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review.Bettina S. Husebo, Elisabeth Flo & Knut Engedal - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):48.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway is an interdisciplinary protocol, aiming to ensure that dying patients receive dignified and individualized treatment and care at the end-of-life. LCP was originally developed in 1997 in the United Kingdom from a model of cancer care successfully established in hospices. It has since been introduced in many countries, including Norway. The method was withdrawn in the UK in 2013. This review investigates whether LCP has been adapted and validated for use in nursing homes and for dying (...)
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  20.  15
    Ein Schreiben des Konstantinos VII. Poprhyrogennetos an den umayyadischen Prinzen al-Ḥakam in Cordoba.Bettina Krönung - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105 (1).
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  21. Eine kognitionspsychologische Erklärung der Ästhetik von Farbkombinationen.Bettina Laugwitz & Hans Irtel - 2007 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 5:1.
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  22.  63
    Gender Studies auf der Couch. Was die Geschlechterforschung von der Geschichte der Psychoanalyse lernen kann.Bettina Mathes - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (30):109-121.
  23.  34
    Effects of a Syllable-Based Reading Intervention in Poor-Reading Fourth Graders.Bettina Müller, Tobias Richter, Panagiotis Karageorgos, Sabine Krawietz & Marco Ennemoser - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    In transparent orthographies, persistent reading fluency difficulties are a major cause of poor reading skills in primary school. The purpose of the present study was to investigate effects of a syllable-based reading intervention on word reading fluency and reading comprehension among German-speaking poor readers in Grade 4. The 16-session intervention was based on analyzing the syllabic structure of words to strengthen the mental representations of syllables and words that consist of these syllables. The training materials were designed using the 500 (...)
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  24.  15
    Measurement of the Effects of School Psychological Services: A Scoping Review.Bettina Müller, Alexa von Hagen, Natalie Vannini & Gerhard Büttner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    School psychologists are asked to systematically evaluate the effects of their work to ensure quality standards. Given the different types of methods applied to different users of school psychology measuring the effects of school psychological services is a complex task. Thus, the focus of our scoping review was to systematically investigate the state of past research on the measurement of the effects of school psychological services published between 1998 and 2018 in eight major school psychological journals. Of the 5,048 peer-reviewed (...)
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    GEORG STEINBERG. Christian Thomasius als Naturrechtslehrer..Bettina Noltenius - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (3):446-448.
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    Kultúra, társadalom és lélektan.Bettina Pikó - 2003 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  27.  34
    A Leonardo drawing and the medici diomedes Gem.Bettina H. Polak - 1951 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 14 (3/4):303-304.
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    Review: Elisabeth Bronfen: Nur über ihre Leiche. Tod, Weiblichkeit und Ästhetik.Bettina Schmitz - 1995 - Die Philosophin 6 (11):108-111.
  29. Teatro e pesquisa etnográfica da práxis como métodos.Bettina Võlter - 2007 - Civitas 7 (2):48.
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  30. Achim Lohmar, Moralische Verantwortlichkeit ohne Willensfreiheit.Bettina Walde - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (1):231.
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  31. Gesang und Freiheit.Bettina Wenzel - 2019 - In Bettina Hesse (ed.), Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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    Platonisches Denken heute: Festschrift für Barbara Zehnpfennig.Bettina Fröhlich, Hendrik Hansen & Raul Heimann (eds.) - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Is Plato’s philosophy still relevant for current issues in politics and political science? In order to answer this question, the contributions to this volume endeavour to re-read the Platonic dialogues and to interpret them in terms of textual hermeneutics on the one hand. On the other hand, they refer to Plato from a systematic point of view and apply his philosophy, in particular the method of Socratic dialogue, to discussions on contemporary political issues. The volume is dedicated to Barbara Zehnpfennig, (...)
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  33. U.s.-American and German business ethics:An intercultural comparison. [REVIEW]Bettina Palazzo - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (3):195 - 216.
    The differences between the "habits of the heart" in German and U.S.-American corporations can be described by analyzing the way corporations deal with norms and values within their organizations. Whereas many U.S. corporations have introduced formal business ethics programs, German companies are very reluctant to address normative questions publicly. This can be explained by the different cultural backgrounds in both countries. By defining these different "habits of the heart" underlying German and American business ethics it is possible to show the (...)
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    Contribution and Co-production: The Collaborative Culture of Linnaean Botany.Bettina Dietz - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (4):551-569.
    Summary This essay aims to elucidate the collaborative dimension of the knowledge-making process in eighteenth-century Linnaean botany. Due to its ever increasing and potentially infinite need for information, Linnaean botany had to rely more and more heavily on the accumulation and aggregation of contributions by many people. This, in turn, had a crucial impact on the genesis and form of botanical publications: the more comprehensive the project, the larger the effect. It was the botanist Carl Linnaeus who managed to establish (...)
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  35. Levinas's'ontology'.Bettina Bergo - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout (eds.), Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 2--25.
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    And God Created Woman.Bettina Bergo - 2018 - Levinas Studies 12:83-118.
    This article reads Levinas’s “And God Created Woman” in light of its socio-political context, Mai soixante-huit. It explores themes from his “Judaism and Revolution,” in which he reframed concepts of revolution, exegesis, the revolutionary, and human alienation. Following these themes, which run subtly through his Talmudic remarks on women and indirectly on feminism, I examine his arguments about a “signification beyond universality” and the fraught relationship between formal equity in gender relations and the practice of justice, as embodied by the (...)
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    My Action, My Self: Recognition of Self-Created but Visually Unfamiliar Dance-Like Actions From Point-Light Displays.Bettina E. Bläsing & Odile Sauzet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  38.  53
    Personal autonomy: discussion of a key concept of ethics using the example of fertility preservation in young cancer patients.Bettina Böttcher & Norbert W. Paul - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):47-59.
    ZusammenfassungDie bei Krebserkrankungen junger Frauen erforderliche Chemo- bzw. Strahlentherapie kann in der Folge bei den betroffenen Patientinnen zur Unfruchtbarkeit führen. Somit werden die Betroffenen oft gleichzeitig mit einer potentiell lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankung und einem potentiell kinderlosen Leben konfrontiert. Die derzeitigen Methoden zum Erhalt der Fertilität sind experimentell, mit therapeutischer Unsicherheit und gesundheitlichen Risiken belastet, dennoch werden sie zunehmend nachgefragt. Die mit dem Angebot fertilitätserhaltender Maßnahmen verbundene derzeitige Beratungspraxis wird in dem hier vorliegenden Beitrag aus ethischer Perspektive hinterfragt. Ausgehend von einer kritischen (...)
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    Unconscious processes influencing learning.Bettina Davou - 2002 - Psychodynamic Practice 8 (3):277-294.
  40.  8
    Iterative books: Posthumous publishing in eighteenth-century botany.Bettina Dietz - 2022 - History of Science 60 (2):166-182.
    The growing number of known plants, and the need repeatedly to correct their names and their taxonomic attributions, demanded strategies for combining the static nature of a printed book with the fluctuating nature of the information it contained. From the second half of the seventeenth century botanists increasingly relied on publishing multiple updated editions of a book instead of attempting to correct, polish, and thus delay the appearance of a manuscript until, in the author’s opinion, it was finished. Provisional by (...)
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    Knowledge in translation: global patterns of scientific exchange, 1000–1800 CE: edited by P. Manning and A. Owen, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018, 437 pp., 44 plts, $55.00, ISBN 9780822945376.Bettina Dietz - 2020 - Annals of Science 77 (3):388-389.
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    Towards a history of scientific publishing.Bettina Dietz - 2022 - History of Science 60 (2):155-165.
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  43.  12
    Validation of a German Version of the Grief Cognitions Questionnaire and Establishment of a Short Form.Bettina K. Doering, Paul A. Boelen, Maarten C. Eisma & Antonia Barke - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundWhereas the majority of bereaved persons recover from their grief without professional assistance, a minority develops pathological grief reactions. Etiological models postulate that dysfunctional cognitions may perpetuate such reactions. The Grief Cognitions Questionnaire assesses thoughts after bereavement in nine interrelated domains. A short form with four domains is often used. However, an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the GCQ-SF and its utility compared to the GCQ is lacking and these instruments have not been validated in German.MethodGerman bereaved persons responded (...)
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    Bettina e Brajo: il salotto di casa Fuso con Moravia, Argan, Guttuso, Burri...: dipinti, disegni e ceramiche.Massimo Duranti, Andrea Baffoni, Francesca Duranti, Fuso Bettina & Brajo Fuso (eds.) - 2016 - [Perugia]: Fabrizio Fabbri editore.
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    Ragione e passione in kierkegaard.Bettina Faber - 1999 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 28 (3):115-164.
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  46. I-SELF: A connectionist model of the self or just a general learing model? Comment on "connectionism and self: James, Mead, and the stream of enculturated consciousness" by Kashima et al.Bettina Hannover & Ulrich Kühnen - 2007 - Psychological Inquiry 18 (2):102-107.
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    Mexico: The Myth of "Renovatio".Bettina L. Knapp & Charlene Sacks - 1986 - Substance 15 (2):61.
  48.  13
    L’ordre public écologique.Bettina Laville - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):317-336.
    L’auteur retrace l’histoire du droit de l’environnement dans l’entrelacement des droits privés, administratif, constitutionnel et international public. Elle montre que les notions de préjudice écologique, de sécurité humaine et de Droits de l’Humanité permettent, par-delà une simple responsabilité éthique, d’incarner juridiquement un véritable ordre public écologique.
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    Sergey A. Ivanov, Holy fools in Byzantium and beyond.Bettina Lienhard - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):860-864.
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    On the locus of temporal preparation: Enhancement of premotor processes.Bettina Rolke & Rolf Ulrich - 2010 - In Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull (eds.), Attention and Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 227--241.
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