Results for 'Birger Nilsson'

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    Kants problematische Freiheitslehre.Birger Ortwein - 1983 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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    Probabilistic logic.Nils J. Nilsson - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (1):71-87.
  3. Dictionary Grammars.Birger Enevold Andersen - 2007 - Hermes 38:119-136.
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  4. What Web Ads, Blurbs and Introductions Tell Potential Dictionary Buyers about Users, User Needs and Lexicographic Functions.Birger Andersen - 2012 - Hermes 49.
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    Perspectives on Memory Research.L. G. Nilsson (ed.) - 1979 - Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Incorporated.
  6. Notional Grammar: Kausalitet i ESP.Birger Enevold Andersen - 1989 - Hermes 3:11-28.
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  7. Liv og utvikling.Birger Bergersen - 1966 - [Oslo]: Universitetsforlaget.
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    Books and Israel: Why the Jerusalem fair is more than a commercial event.Zev Birger - 1993 - Logos 4 (1):33-35.
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  9. The Gospel Tradition.Birger Gerhardsson - 1986
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  10. The Mighty Acts of Jesus according to Matthew.Birger Gerhardsson - 1979
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  11. The Origins of the Gospel Traditions.Birger Gerhardsson - 1979
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  12. The Testing of God's Son (Matt. 4:1–11 & Par), Chapters 1–4.Birger Gerhardsson - 1966
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  13. The philosophy of Montaigne's skepticism.Birger R. Headstrom - 1931 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 12 (4):259.
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    Keyword.Birger Hjorland & Marco Lardera - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 48 (6):430-456.
    This article discusses the different meanings of ‘keyword’ and related terms such as ‘keyphrase', ‘descriptor’, ‘index term’, ‘subject heading’, ‘tag’ and ‘n-gram’ and suggests definitions of each of these terms. It further illustrates a classification of keywords, based on how they are produced or who is the actor generating them and present comparison between author-assigned keywords, indexer-assigned keywords and reader-assigned keywords as well as the automatic generation of keywords. The article also considers the functions of keywords including the use of (...)
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    Table of Contents.Birger Hjorland - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (2):98-120.
    A table of contents is a kind of document representation as well as a paratext and a kind of finding device to the document it represents. TOCs are very common in books and some other kinds of documents, but not in all kinds. This article discusses the definition and functions of ToC, normative guidelines for their design, and the history and forms of ToC in different kinds of documents and media. A main part of the article is about the role (...)
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    Benjamin Höijer.Birger Liljekrantz - 1912 - Lund,: H. Ohlssons boktryckeri.
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    Les Textes de Nag Hammadi. Colloque du Centre d'Histoire des Religions.Birger A. Pearson, Jacques-É Ménard & Jacques-E. Menard - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):474.
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  18. Alternative Interpretationen einer ökonomischen Metapher: die'invisible hand'bei Adam Smith.Birger P. Priddat - 1997 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 8:195-204.
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    Amartya Sen als Zivilisationstheoretiker.Birger P. Priddat - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (4).
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    Der ethische Ton der Allokation: Elemente der Aristotelischen Ethik und Politik in der deutschen Nationalökonomie des 19. Jahrhunderts.Birger P. Priddat - 1991 - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
  21.  11
    Das Kulturprogramm der digitalen Ökonomie.Birger P. Priddat - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (1):51-60.
    This article analyzes a developmental tendency of the digital economy, namely the increasingly perspicuous personalization of marketable goods and services. Pro-files of user preferences relevant to consumption, calculated from innumerable traces left in digital space, engender unprecedented ways of addressing potential buyers anticipatorily. Such ways cater to desires of recognition on consumers; and they simulate a benevolent authority shepherding the individual.
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    eGovernment/edemocracy: Eine neue Dimension der Gemeinwohlermittlung in der Politik.Birger P. Priddat - 2001 - In Karsten Fischer & Herfried Münkler, Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Rhetoriken Und Perspektiven Sozial-Moralischer Orientierung. De Gruyter. pp. 289-310.
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    Le concert universel.Birger P. Priddat - 2001 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
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    Moral und Ökonomie.Birger P. Priddat - 2005 - Berlin: Parerga.
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    Wozu Wirtschaftsethik?Birger P. Priddat - 2010 - Marburg: Metropolis.
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    Miljön, makten och friheten.Birger Schlaug - 1989 - [Stockholm]: Gidlund.
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    Prospects for a Cultural-historical Psychology of Intelligence.Birger Siebert - 2005 - Studies in East European Thought 57 (3-4):305-317.
    The ideas of cultural-historical psychology have led to a new understanding of the human psyche as developing in the process of the subject acting in social and historical contexts. Such a “non-classical” reinterpretation of psychological concepts should be based on a theoretical and philosophical framework in order to explain genetic sources of these concepts. For this purpose, Il’enkov’s philosophy is of great significance. This is illustrated by discussing a possible cultural-historical understanding of the concept of intelligence.
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    On Partial Classes Containig All Monotone and Zero-Preserving Total Boolean Functions.Birger Strauch - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):510-524.
    We describe sets of partial Boolean functions being closed under the operations of superposition. For any class A of total functions we define the set ????(A) consisting of all partial classes which contain precisely the functions of A as total functions. The cardinalities of such sets ????(A) can be finite or infinite. We state some general results on ????(A). In particular, we describe all 30 closed sets of partial Boolean functions which contain all monotone and zero-preserving total Boolean functions.
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    The Instrumentalization of CSR by Rent-Seeking Governments: Lessons From Tanzania.Eva Nilsson - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (6):1173-1200.
    This article examines how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can serve as an external source of rents for governments that depend on foreign financing for state-building and development. The strategic, instrumental use of CSR has been overlooked in previous research on governments and CSR, especially in the Global South. To understand how CSR can serve as a lever for rents, the concept of “extraversion” is introduced to describe the way in which rent-seeking African governments instrumentalize their asymmetric external relations for political (...)
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  30. Investment with a Conscience: Examining the Impact of Pro-Social Attitudes and Perceived Financial Performance on Socially Responsible Investment Behavior.Jonas Nilsson - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):307-325.
    This article addresses the growing industry of retail socially responsible investment (SRI) profiled mutual funds. Very few previous studies have examined the final consumer of SRI profiled mutual funds. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to, in an exploratory manner, examine the impact of a number of pro-social, financial performance, and socio-demographic variables on SRI behavior in order to explain why investors choose to invest different proportions of their investment portfolio in SRI profiled funds. An ordinal logistic regression analysis (...)
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    Rationality in inquiry : on the revisability of cognitive standards.Jonas Nilsson - 2000 - Umeå Studies in Philosophy 1:154.
    The topic of this study is to what extent standards of rational inquiry can be rationally criticized and revised. It is argued that it is rational to treat all such standards as open to criticism and revision. Arguments to the effect that we are fallible with regard to all standards of rational inquiry are presented. Standards cannot be ultimately justified and with certainty established either as adequate or as inescapable presuppositions. Apel's attempt to give ultimate justifications of certain moral and (...)
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  32. To Colorize a Worldview Painted in Black and White : Philosophical dialogues to reduce the influence of extremism on youths online.Daniella Nilsson, Viktor Gardelli, Ylva Backman & Teodor Gardelli - 2015 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 5 (1):64-70.
    A recent report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention in cooperation with the Swedish Security Service shows that the Internet has been extensively used to spread propaganda by proponents of violent political extremism, characterized by a worldview painted in black and white, an anti-democratic viewpoint, and intolerance towards persons with opposing ideas. We provide five arguments suggesting that philosophical dialogue with young persons would be beneficial to their acquisition of insights, attitudes and thinking tools for encountering such propaganda. (...)
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    Logic and artificial intelligence.Nils J. Nilsson - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 47 (1-3):31-56.
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    A Bootstrap Theory of Rationality.Jonas Nilsson - 2005 - Theoria 71 (2):182-199.
    In this paper a bootstrap theory of rationality is presented. Such a theory is an attempt to explain how standards of rational inquiry may be rationally revised — without assuming that there are any basic and fixed standards for evaluating such revisions. The general bootstrap idea is briefly presented in the first sections. The main part of the paper consists of a discussion of what normative requirements a bootstrap theory should contain, and a number of requirements on rational revisions are (...)
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    Logic and artificial intelligence.Neil Nilsson - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 47:31-56.
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    Embodying metaphors: Signed language interpreters at work.Anna-Lena Nilsson - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (1):35-65.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 1 Seiten: 35-65.
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    Heuristics can produce surprisingly rational probability estimates: Comment on Costello and Watts (2014).Håkan Nilsson, Peter Juslin & Anders Winman - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (1):103-111.
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    A Cube of Opposition for Predicate Logic.Jørgen Fischer Nilsson - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (1):103-114.
    The traditional square of opposition is generalized and extended to a cube of opposition covering and conveniently visualizing inter-sentential oppositions in relational syllogistic logic with the usual syllogistic logic sentences obtained as special cases. The cube comes about by considering Frege–Russell’s quantifier predicate logic with one relation comprising categorical syllogistic sentence forms. The relationships to Buridan’s octagon, to Aristotelian modal logic, and to Klein’s 4-group are discussed.GraphicThe photo shows a prototype sculpture for the cube.
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    Probabilistic logic revisited.Nils J. Nilsson - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):39-42.
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    Manifestos of White Nationalist Ethno-Soldiers.Per-Erik Nilsson - 2022 - Critical Research on Religion 10 (2):221-235.
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    Remembering actions and words.Lars-Göran Nilsson - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 137--148.
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    Understanding beliefs.Nils J. Nilsson - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    What beliefs are, what they do for us, how we come to hold them, and how to evaluate them. Our beliefs constitute a large part of our knowledge of the world. We have beliefs about objects, about culture, about the past, and about the future. We have beliefs about other people, and we believe that they have beliefs as well. We use beliefs to predict, to explain, to create, to console, to entertain. Some of our beliefs we call theories, and (...)
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    The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology.Martin Nilsson - 1972 - University of California Press.
    The last major work of the giant of the field. Martin P. Nilsson set himself the task of tracing the elements of Greekmythology, as they appear in Homer's Iliad, to their source in Mycenaean culture, a much earlier period. His conclusions, drawn from a very limited empirical material - archaeology, very few relevant Linear B texts - are remarkably compelling.
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  44. Designing artefacts for learning.J. Nilsson - forthcoming - AI and Society.
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    The inadequacy of ADHD: a philosophical contribution.Mattias Nilsson Sjöberg & Johan Dahlbeck - 2018 - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 23 (1):97-108.
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a widely spread diagnosis.The dominant paradigm of ADHD is biomedical where ADHD isdefined as a brain disorder. At the same time, the legitimacy of thediagnosis is being questioned since it is unclear whether or not ADHDcan be deemed a medical disorder in itself. The aim of this article is tocritically assess the merits of understanding the diagnosis of ADHD as amedical condition defined as a brain disorder. This is being done usingthe seventeenth century philosopher Benedict (...)
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    Looping in on Ndc80 – How does a protein loop at the kinetochore control chromosome segregation?Jakob Nilsson - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (12):1070-1077.
    Segregation of chromosomes during mitosis requires the interaction of dynamic microtubules with the kinetochore, a large protein structure established on the centromere region of sister chromatids. The core microtubule‐binding activity of the kinetochore resides in the KMN network, an outer kinetochore complex. As part of the KMN network, the Ndc80 complex, which is composed of Ndc80, Nuf2, Spc24, and Spc25, is able to bind directly to microtubules and has the ability to track with depolymerizing microtubules to produce chromosome movement. The (...)
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    Asclepius.Martin P. Nilsson, Emma J. & Ludwig Edelstein - 1947 - American Journal of Philology 68 (2):215.
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    Cdc20 control of cell fate during prolonged mitotic arrest.Jakob Nilsson - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (12):903-909.
    The fate of cells arrested in mitosis by antimitotic compounds is complex but is influenced by competition between pathways promoting cell death and pathways promoting mitotic exit. As components of both of these pathways are regulated by Cdc20‐dependent degradation, I hypothesize that variations in Cdc20 protein levels, rather than mutations in checkpoint genes, could affect cell fate during prolonged mitotic arrest. This hypothesis is supported by experiments where manipulation of Cdc20 levels affects the response to antimitotic compounds. The observed differences (...)
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    Deleuze, Concepts, and Ideas about Film as Philosophy: A Critical and Speculative Re-Examination.Jakob Nilsson - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (2):127-149.
    This article explores the idea of film as a possible means for articulating original philosophical concepts, in Gilles Deleuze’s sense of concepts. The first of two parts, critically re-examines current ideas about film as philosophy in relation to Deleuze’s ideas on philosophy and cinema/art. It is common within the field of film-philosophy to trace back its central argument that film/cinema is capable of expressing original philosophy, to Deleuze’s cinema books. In and around these books, however, Deleuze did not express such (...)
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  50. Rationality in Flux–Formal Representations of Methodological Change.Jonas Nilsson & Sten Lindström - 2011 - In Erik J. Olson Sebastian Enqvist, Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 347--356.
    A central aim for philosophers of science has been to understand scientific theory change, or more specifically the rationality of theory change. Philosophers and historians of science have suggested that not only theories but also scientific methods and standards of rational inquiry have changed through the history of science. The topic here is methodological change, and what kind of theory of rational methodological change is appropriate. The modest ambition of this paper is to discuss in what ways results in formal (...)
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