Results for 'Bogdan Owczarek'

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  1.  28
    Study of Literature. Dialogue. Ideology.Bogdan Owczarek - 1978 - Dialectics and Humanism 5 (1):161-169.
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    Twórczość i komunikacja literacka: spór o podstawy literaturoznawstwa marksistowskiego.Bogdan Owczarek - 1986 - Warszawa: Czytelnik.
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    Ideology, Economy, Infrastructure - Fronts in the Fight for the Digital Future.Michał Owczarek - 2024 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56 (2-4):103-109.
    The review concerns the book Kapitalizm sieci (Network Capitalism). After discussing the structure of the book, a deeper reflection is made on some of the themes of the publication. The question of ideology that emerge as a response to the course of the digital transformation is addressed. Then the issue of primary accumulation and how it plays out in the digital space is tackled. Finaly, the digital space is situated in the context of material infrastructure.
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    Hermes-Merkury – antyczna alegoria Łodzi i nieodkryty patron zrównoważonego rozwoju.Przemysław Owczarek - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 42:115-134.
    Od połowy XIX w. w miastach przemysłowych Zachodu pojawiają się liczne detale architektoniczne eksponujące postać i atrybuty Hermesa-Merkurego, greckiego boga: handlu, kupców i złodziei, opiekuna podróżnych, posłańca bogów i psychopomposa, władcy pisma i komunikacji, pieniądza i wszelkich miar. W synkretyzmie aleksandryjskim Hermes objawia się jako prorok Trismegistos, strażnik wiedzy tajemnej (czarodziej i lekarz z różdżką kaduceuszem), patronuje alchemicznym przemianom i wraz z innymi tajemnicami sztuki królewskiej oraz ezoteryczną wiedzą współtworzy tradycje masońskie. Hermes-Merkury stał się patronem przemysłu, starożytną ikoną nowoczesności i (...)
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    Computerized Systems Supporting Clinical Decision in Medicine.Aleksander J. Owczarek, Mike Smertka, Przemysław Jędrusik, Anita Gębska-Kuczerowska, Jerzy Chudek & Romuald Wojnicz - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 56 (1):107-120.
    Statistics is the science of collection, summarizing, presentation and interpretation of data. Moreover, it yields methods used in the verification of research hypotheses. The presence of a statistician in a research group remarkably improves both the quality of design and research and the optimization of financial resources. Moreover, the involvement of a statistician in a research team helps the physician to effectively utilize the time and energy spent on diagnosing, which is an important aspect in view of limited healthcare resources. (...)
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    Lipreading procedure for liveness verification in video authentication systems.Agnieszka Owczarek & Krzysztof Ślot - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 115--124.
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    ST, LP and Tolerant Metainferences.Bogdan Dicher & Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 383-407.
    The strict-tolerant approach to paradox promises to erect theories of naïve truth and tolerant vagueness on the firm bedrock of classical logic. We assess the extent to which this claim is founded. Building on some results by Girard we show that the usual proof-theoretic formulation of propositional ST in terms of the classical sequent calculus without primitive Cut is incomplete with respect to ST-valid metainferences, and exhibit a complete calculus for the same class of metainferences. We also argue that the (...)
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  8. Mind and Common Sense: Philosophical Essays on Common Sense Psychology.Radu J. Bogdan (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The contributors to this volume examine recent controversies about the importance of common sense psychology for our understanding of the human mind. Common sense provides a familiar and friendly psychological scheme by which to talk about the mind. Its categories tend to portray the mind as quite different from the rest of nature, and thus irreducible to physical matters and its laws. In this volume a variety of positions on common sense psychology from critical to supportive, from exegetical to speculative, (...)
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  9. ST, LP and tolerant metainferences.Bogdan Dicher & Francesco Paoli - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
  10. Interpreting Minds: The Evolution of a Practice.Radu J. Bogdan - 1997 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    In this original and provocative book, Bogdan proposes that the ability to interpret others' mental states should be viewed as an evolutionary adaptation.
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    Belief: Form, Content, and Function.Radu J. Bogdan (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Some of the topics presented in this volume of original essays on contemporary approaches to belief include the problem of misrepresentation and false belief, conscious versus unconscious belief, explicit versus tacit belief, and the durable versus ephemeral question of the nature of belief. The contributors, Fred Dretske, Keith Lehrer, William Lycan, Stephen Schiffer, Stephen P. Stich, and the editor, Radu Bogdan, focus on the mental realization of belief, its cognitive and behavioral aspects, and the semantic aspects of its content. (...)
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  12. A proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism.Bogdan Dicher - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):727-757.
    In this paper I offer a proof-theoretic defence of meaning-invariant logical pluralism. I argue that there is a relation of co-determination between the operational and structural aspects of a logic. As a result, some features of the consequence relation are induced by the connectives. I propose that a connective is defined by those rules which are conservative and unique, while at the same time expressing only connective-induced structural information. This is the key to stabilizing the meaning of the connectives across (...)
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    Variations on intra-theoretical logical pluralism: internal versus external consequence.Bogdan Dicher - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (3):667-686.
    Intra-theoretical logical pluralism is a form of meaning-invariant pluralism about logic, articulated recently by Hjortland :355–373, 2013). This version of pluralism relies on it being possible to define several distinct notions of provability relative to the same logical calculus. The present paper picks up and explores this theme: How can a single logical calculus express several different consequence relations? The main hypothesis articulated here is that the divide between the internal and external consequence relations in Gentzen systems generates a form (...)
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  14. Requiem for logical nihilism, or: Logical nihilism annihilated.Bogdan Dicher - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7073-7096.
    Logical nihilism is the view that the relation of logical consequence is empty: there are counterexamples to any putative logical law. In this paper, I argue that the nihilist threat is illusory. The nihilistic arguments do not work. Moreover, the entire project is based on a misguided interpretation of the generality of logic.
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  15. Hopeful Monsters: A Note on Multiple Conclusions.Bogdan Dicher - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (1):77-98.
    Arguments, the story goes, have one or more premises and only one conclusion. A contentious generalisation allows arguments with several disjunctively connected conclusions. Contentious as this generalisation may be, I will argue nevertheless that it is justified. My main claim is that multiple conclusions are epiphenomena of the logical connectives: some connectives determine, in a certain sense, multiple-conclusion derivations. Therefore, such derivations are completely natural and can safely be used in proof-theoretic semantics.
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  16. Minding minds: evolving a reflexive mind by interpreting others.Radu J. Bogdan - 2000 - Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
    The theme of this essay is rather simple, though its demonstration is not. It is that humans think reflexively or metamentally because -- and often in the forms in which -- they interpret each other. In this essay ‘metamental’ means ‘about mental’ and ‘reflexive mind’ means ‘a mind thinking about its own thoughts.’ To think reflexively or metamentally is to think about thoughts deliberately and explicitly, as in thinking that my current thoughts about metamentation are right. Thinking about thoughts requires (...)
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    Weak disharmony: Some lessons for proof-theoretic semantics.Bogdan Dicher - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic (3):1-20.
    A logical constant is weakly disharmonious if its elimination rules are weaker than its introduction rules. Substructural weak disharmony is the weak disharmony generated by structural restrictions on the eliminations. I argue that substructural weak disharmony is not a defect of the constants which exhibit it. To the extent that it is problematic, it calls into question the structural properties of the derivability relation. This prompts us to rethink the issue of controlling the structural properties of a logic by means (...)
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  18. (1 other version)The architectural nonchalance of commonsense psychology.Radu J. Bogdan - 1993 - Mind and Language 8 (2):189-205.
    Eliminativism assumes that commonsense psychology describes and explains the mind in terms of the internal design and operation of the mind. If this assumption is invalidated, so is eliminativism. The same conditional is true of intentional realism. Elsewhere (Bogdan 1991) I have argued against this 'folk- theory-theory' assumption by showing that commonsense psychology is not an empirical prototheory of the mind but a biosocially motivated practice of coding, utilizing, and sharing information from and about conspecifics. Here, without presupposing a (...)
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    Grounds for cognition: how goal-guided behavior shapes the mind.Radu J. Bogdan - 1994 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
    This is how guidance of behavior to goal grounds and explains cognition and the main forms in which it manages information.
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  20.  44
    Our Own Minds: Sociocultural Grounds for Self-Consciousness.Radu J. Bogdan - 2010 - Bradford.
    An argument that in response to sociocultural pressures, human minds develop self-consciousness by activating a complex machinery of self-regulation.
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    Emotional dissociations in temporal associations: opposing effects of arousal on memory for details surrounding unpleasant events.Paul C. Bogdan, Sanda Dolcos, Kara D. Federmeier, Alejandro Lleras, Hillary Schwarb & Florin Dolcos - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (1):82-96.
    Research targeting emotion’s impact on relational episodic memory has largely focused on spatial aspects, but less is known about emotion’s impact on memory for an event’s temporal associations. The present research investigated this topic. Participants viewed a series of interspersed negative and neutral images with instructions to create stories linking successive images. Later, participants performed a surprise memory test, which measured temporal associations between pairs of consecutive pictures where one picture was negative and one was neutral. Analyses focused on how (...)
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  22.  35
    On the Shoulders of Giants: A Reckoning with Social Justice.Elizabeth Bogdan-Lovis, Karen Kelly-Blake & Wendy Jiang - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):72-78.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S72-S78, March‐April 2022.
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  23.  51
    Predicative Minds: The Social Ontogeny of Propositional Thinking.Radu J. Bogdan - 2008 - MIT Press/Bradford Books.
    An exploration of why and how the human competence for predication came to be.
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    Reflective Equilibrium on the Fringe.Bogdan Dicher - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Reflective equilibrium, as a methodology for the "formation of logics," fails on the *fringe*, where intricate details can make or break a logical theory. On the fringe, the process of theorification cannot be methodologically governed by anything like reflective equilibrium. When logical theorising gets tricky, there is nothing on the pre-theoretical side on which our theoretical claims can reflect of---at least not in any meaningful way. Indeed, the fringe is exclusively the domain of theoretical negotiations and the methodological power of (...)
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  25. The manufacture of belief.Radu J. Bogdan - 1986 - In Belief: Form, Content, and Function. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Rules and Obligations.Bogdan Ciomaga - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1):19-40.
    The existence of the obligation to follow rules in sport is widely accepted, but there are only a few studies that provide accounts that justify it. Building upon Wolff's challenge to traditional political theories, this study proposes a theory that limits the level of normativity to which participants in sport contests are bound in an effort to maximize their autonomy. Instead of constructing a unitary theory of obligations to follow sport rules, a pluralistic account is offered, one that allows for (...)
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  27.  10
    D. M. Armstrong.Radu J. Bogdan (ed.) - 1984 - Dordrecht: Reidel.
  28.  27
    Does Infant‐Directed Speech Help Phonetic Learning? A Machine Learning Investigation.Bogdan Ludusan, Reiko Mazuka & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12946.
    A prominent hypothesis holds that by speaking to infants in infant‐directed speech (IDS) as opposed to adult‐directed speech (ADS), parents help them learn phonetic categories. Specifically, two characteristics of IDS have been claimed to facilitate learning: hyperarticulation, which makes the categories more separable, and variability, which makes the generalization more robust. Here, we test the separability and robustness of vowel category learning on acoustic representations of speech uttered by Japanese adults in ADS, IDS (addressed to 18‐ to 24‐month olds), or (...)
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    Conventionalism Revisited.Bogdan Ciomaga - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (4):410-422.
    Conventionalism in sport philosophy has been rejected as unable to provide a theory of normativity and as collapsing in ethical relativism, but this criticism is rather imprecise about its target, which invites doubt about the legitimacy of the concept of conventionalism described by its critics. Instead, a more charitable and legitimate account of conventionalism is proposed, one that draws inspiration from conventionalism in axiomatic geometry and is able to avoid the counterarguments directed against conventionalism. This new model allows for a (...)
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  30. Information and semantic cognition: An ontological account.Radu J. Bogdan - 1988 - Mind and Language 3 (2):81-122.
    Information is the fuel of cognition. At its most basic level, information is a matter of structures interacting under laws. The notion of information thus reflects the (relational) fact that a structure is created by the impact of another structure. The impacted structure is an encoding, in some concrete form, of the interaction with the impacting structure. Information is, essentially, the structural trace in some system of an interaction with another system; it is also, as a consequence, the structural fuel (...)
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    Toward a rationale for literary literacy.Deanne Bogdan - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 24 (2):199–212.
    Deanne Bogdan; Toward a Rationale for Literary Literacy, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 24, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 199–212,
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  32. The importance of belief.Radu J. Bogdan - 1986 - In Belief: Form, Content, and Function. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--16.
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  33. ``Cognition and Epistemic Closure".Radu Bogdan - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (1):55--63.
    JUSTIFICATION and knowledge are thought to be closed under known implication..1 This widely shared assumption is embodied in the following principles of epistemic closure.
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    Prudent evidence‐fettered shared decision making.Elizabeth Libby Bogdan-Lovis & Margaret Holmes-Rovner - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (2):376-381.
  35.  22
    The Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Stock Markets’ Statistical Complexity.Bogdan Dima, Stefana Maria Dima & Roxana Ioan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted all aspects of social and economic life, including the evolution of stock markets. Thus, we advance a methodological framework suitable for assessing 2020 year-long shifts in markets’ statistical complexity, and we apply such framework to ten major international developed or emerging stock markets. Our research reveals that this crisis had considerably altered markets’ evolutionary patterns. The network description of markets’ multivocal transmission of complex responses changed in 2020, European and Asian markets (...)
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    How much does prosody help word segmentation? A simulation study on infant-directed speech.Bogdan Ludusan, Alejandrina Cristia, Reiko Mazuka & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2022 - Cognition 219 (C):104961.
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    Mindvaults: Sociocultural Grounds for Pretending and Imagining.Radu J. Bogdan - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Looks at what the author calls "mindvaulting," or the human mind's ability to vault over the realm of current perception, motivation, emotion and action, to leap—consciously and deliberately—to past or future, possible or impossible, ...
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  38.  57
    Local Induction.Radu J. Bogdan (ed.) - 1976 - Dordrecht: Reidel.
    The local justification of beliefs and hypotheses has recently become a major concern for epistemologists and philosophers of induction. As such, the problem of local justification is not entirely new. Most pragmatists had addressed themselves to it, and so did, to some extent, many classical inductivists in the Bacon-Whewell-Mill tradition. In the last few decades, however, the use of logic and semantics, probability calculus, statistical methods, and decision-theoretic concepts in the reconstruction of in ductive inference has revealed some important technical (...)
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    Social media analytics: a survey of techniques, tools and platforms.Bogdan Batrinca & Philip C. Treleaven - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (1):89-116.
  40. Pretending as imaginative rehearsal for cultural conformity.Radu Bogdan - 2005 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 5 (1-2):191-213.
    Pretend play and pretense develop in distinct phases of childhood as ontogenetically adaptive responses to pressures specific to those phases, and may have evolved in different periods of human ancestry. These are pressures to assimilate cultural artifacts, norms, roles, and behavioral scripts. The playful and creative elements in both forms of pretending are dictated by the variable, open-ended, and evolving nature and function of the cultural tasks they handle. The resulting creativity of the adult intellect is likely to be a (...)
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  41. Roderick M. Chisholm.R. Bogdan - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (1):186-186.
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  42.  67
    On a Generality Condition in Proof‐Theoretic Semantics.Bogdan Dicher - 2017 - Theoria 83 (4):394-418.
    In the recent literature on proof-theoretic semantics, there is mention of a generality condition on defining rules. According to this condition, the schematic formulation of the defining rules must be maximally general, in the sense that no restrictions should be placed on the contexts of these rules. In particular, context variables must always be present in the schematic rules and they should range over arbitrary collections of formulae. I argue against imposing such a condition, by showing that it has undesirable (...)
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  43. Musical Spirituality: Reflections on Identity and the Ethics of Embodied Aesthetic Experience in/and the Academy.Deanne Bogdan - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 80-98 [Access article in PDF] Musical Spirituality:Reflections on Identity and the Ethics of Embodied Aesthetic Experience in/and the Academy Deanne Bogdan Music in/and My Life Several years ago, I attended a Pontifical High Mass at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. It was the feast of the Epiphany, a public holiday in the predominantly Roman Catholic country of Austria. 1 A "lapsed" (...)
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    Interpreting Minds by.Radu J. Bogdan & Vg Hardcastle - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):737-740.
    I have a confession to make. In general, I do not like discussions concerning folk psychology. I have never quite understood what the fuss was about. Radu Bogdan has changed my mind. His recent book, Interpreting Minds, explains why folk psychology is important and how we should understand it and does so in a plausible way. For these two reasons, philosophy should welcome his monograph wholeheartedly.
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    Incarnating the Shiver-Shimmer Factor: Toward a Dialogical Sublime.Deanne Bogdan - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (2):145.
    Abstract:This essay is an extension of Bogdan's article, "The Shiver-Shimmer Factor: Musical Spirituality, Emotion, and Education" in Philosophy of Music Education Review, which elaborates "shiver" and "shimmer" as two kinds of emotional response to music, with "shiver" defined as a sensate surface aesthetic, considered subordinate to "shimmer," a meditational state aspiring to the condition of musical spirituality. "Incarnating the Shiver-Shimmer Factor" reverses the relationship between "shiver" and "shimmer" by regarding "shiver" as logically prior to "shimmer." Within this context, the (...)
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    Why Me?: The Sociocultural Evolution of a Self-Reflective Mind.Radu J. Bogdan - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the evolution of the mental competence for self-reflection: why it evolved, under what selection pressures, in what environments, out of what precursors, and with what mental resources. Integrating evolutionary, psychological, and philosophical perspectives, Radu J. Bogdan argues that the competence for self-reflection, uniquely human and initially autobiographical, evolved under strong and persistent sociocultural and political pressures on the developing minds of older children and later adults. Self-reflection originated in a basic propensity of the human brain to (...)
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    Symposium: Art and Aesthetic Education in Times of Terror: Negotiating an Ethics and Aesthetics of Answerability.Deanne Bogdan, Claudia Eppert, Candace Yang & Charlene Morton - 2002 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 10 (2):124-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Symposium Art and Aesthetic Education in Times of Terror: Negotiating an Ethics and Aesthetics of Answerability Deanne Bogdan University of Toronto Claudia Eppert Louisiana State University Candace Yang Louisiana State University Charlene Morton University of Prince Edward Island The terrorist attacks of 1 1 September 2001 have created a climate of loss and fear among many in the western world. Some educators have maintained that any discussion ofthese (...)
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    Why self-ascriptions are difficult and develop late.Radu J. Bogdan - 2005 - In Bertram F. Malle & Sara D. Hodges, Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Gap Between Self and Others. Guilford. pp. 190--206.
    Many philosophers and a few psychologists think that we understand our own minds before we understand those of others. Most developmental psychologists think that children understand their own minds at about the same time they understand other minds, by using the same cognitive abilities. I disagree with both views. I think that children understand other minds before they understand their own. Their self-understanding depends on some cognitive abilities that develop later than, and independently of, the abilities involved in understanding other (...)
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    Whitehead, Russell, and Moore.Bogdan Rusu & Ronny Desmet - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (2):214-234.
    The aim of this historically oriented article is to give an account of the methodological similarity of Whitehead and Russell with regard to the logico-mathematical mode of philosophical analysis, and of Whitehead and Moore with regard to common sense. According to the authors, these similarities, especially when taken together, justify the classification of Whitehead as an analytic philosopher. Because of the doctrinal uniqueness of Whitehead, however, they also hold that he will always remain an atypical analytic philosopher.
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    Old Topics, New Formulations: Khaṇḍadeva and Navyanyāya.Bogdan Diaconescu - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):291-321.
    This article is first in a series dedicated to issues in the intellectual history of Mīmāṃsā in early modern India and part of a larger effort to broaden the basis for understanding the new formulations of central topics of the Mīmāṃsā textual-ritual complex in this period. It examines how the Varanasi scholar Khaṇḍadevamiśra makes use of Navyanyāya tools of analysis by putting under the microscope the example of his investigation and new formulation of the signification of agent and agency by (...)
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