Results for 'Bohumil Fort'

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  1. Dolezel's fictional worlds.Bohumil Fort - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (3):337-341.
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  2. Mythologies of the World's Origins in Africa.Bohumil Holas - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (48):105-124.
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    Estetika praktického života.Bohumil Markalous - 1989 - Praha: Odeon.
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    Referenční výstavba textu.Bohumil Palek - 1988 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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    The map: Its signs and their relations.Bohumil Palek - 1986 - Semiotica 59 (1-2):13-34.
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    The treatment of reference in linguistic description.Bohumil Palek - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto, Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 237--244.
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  7. Dvě konsolace Senekovy a jejich prameny =.Bohumil Ryba - 1928 - V Praze: Nákl. Filosofické fakulty University Karlovy.
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    Introduction to the Ontology of Creation and Right.Bohumil Schaefer - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (2):97-112.
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  9. Die Formen der Widerspiegelung der Wirklichkeit und der Begriff des Sprachzeichens.Bohumil Valehrach - 1964 - In Igor Hrusovský, Magda Stítna, Frantisek Mestitz & Slovenská Akadémia Vied, Das Dialektische Gesetz. Bratislava: Vydavatel̕stvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied.
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    Úvahy o politice.Bohumil Fišer - 2011 - Brno: Joštova akademie, centrum celoživotního vzdělávání. Edited by Zdeněk Koudelka.
    The publication includes an essay by the late Bohumil Fiser "The policy from the perspective of a naturalist," which examines the relationship between natural and social laws in the past and present. The publication also contains a legal essay by Zdeněk Koudelka "Repeal of Constitutional Law by the Constitutional Court", which deals with the events of the abolition of the constitutional law on the reduction of the term of office of deputies in 2009.
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  11. Comment on" Political Economy and Social Philosophy" Francesco Forte.Francesco Forte - 1985 - In Peter Koslowski, Economics and philosophy. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr. pp. 33.
  12.  26
    Ethics and governance: business as mediating institution.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that ethical business behavior can be enhanced by taking fuller account of human nature, particularly with respect to the need for creating relatively small communities within the corporation. Timothy Fort discusses this premise in relation to the three predominant theories of business ethics--stakeholder, virtue, and contract. Drawing heavily from philosophy, he analyzes traditional business ethics and legal theory. Overall, his work provides a good example of how to integrate normative and empirical studies in business ethics, a (...)
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    Antecedents of managers moral reasoning.Almerinda Forte - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (4):313-347.
    This research investigates the degree to which there are differences in the moral reasoning ability of business top, middle, and first-line managers in selected industries. This study considered the influence of three independent variables: reported organizational ethical climate, locus of control, and selected demographic and institutional variables on managers reasoning ability. This researcher relies on Kohlberg's theory of moral development, Victor and Cullen's ethical work climate theory, and Rotter's theory of internal-external locus of control. A short form of Rest's DIT (...)
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  14.  71
    On Golden Rules, Balancing Acts, & Finding the Right SizeThe New Golden Rule.Timothy L. Fort & Amitai Etzioni - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (2):347.
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    Business as Mediating Institution.Timothy L. Fort - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):149-163.
    This paper argues that business can be helpfully conceived of as a mediating institution. Drawing upon neo-conservative theology, the author argues that mediating institutions serve a vital function in a free society to provide social justice out of an expanded civil society and provide a framework for a flourishing free market. Such institutions also nourish the attitudinal orientation of solidarity in applying the principle of subsidiarity by which self-interest becomes fulfilled through concern for others.The author further argues that businesses also (...)
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  16.  50
    A bioethical framework to guide the decision-making process in the care of seriously ill patients.Daniel Neves Forte, Fernando Kawai & Cláudio Cohen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-8.
    Background One of the biggest challenges of practicing medicine in the age of informational technology is how to conciliate the overwhelming amount of medical-scientific information with the multiple patients’ values of modern pluralistic societies. To organize and optimize the the Decision-Making Process of seriously ill patient care, we present a framework to be used by Healthcare Providers. The objective is to align Bioethics, Evidence-based Practice and Person-centered Care. Main body The framework divides the DMP into four steps, each with a (...)
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  17.  35
    Peace Through Commerce: A Multisectoral Approach.Timothy L. Fort - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S4):347 - 350.
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    Locus of Control and the Moral Reasoning of Managers.Almerinda Forte - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):65-77.
    Rotter’s theory of internal-external locus of control evolved from Carl Jung’s work. In Psychological Types (1923), Jung defined two opposing tendencies in personality introversion and extroversion. While both tendencies are present in all individuals, one tends to dominate the other. The internal–external control construct was conceived as a generalized expectancy to perceive reinforcement either as contingent upon one’s own behaviors (internal control) or as the result of forces beyond one’s control, such as chance, fate, or powerful others (external control) (Lefcourt, (...)
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  19. Jivanmukti in Transformation. Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta (Karel Werner).A. O. Fort - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (2):168-171.
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    The interpretation of field-ion micrographs: Contrast from perfect dislocation loops.M. A. Fortes, D. A. Smith & B. Ralph - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (145):169-176.
  21.  14
    Hipótesis y tener por verdadero en Kant.Rafael Reyna Fortes - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 88:137-151.
    En este artículo me propongo analizar dos aspectos, a menudo obviados, de la teoría kantiana del conocimiento. Se trata de la teoría del dar por verdadero y de su conexión con las hipótesis. En una primera aproximación intentaré precisar qué distingue a la opinión de otros modos de dar por verdadero como lo son el saber y la creencia. En segundo lugar, habiendo dado debida cuenta de qué son las opiniones, intentaré explicar por qué Kant considera que las hipótesis son (...)
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    The occurrence of glissile Shockley loops in field-ion specimens of iridium.M. A. Fortes & B. Ralph - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (154):787-805.
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    The self and its states: a states of consciousness doctrine in Advaita Vedanta.Andrew O. Fort - 1990 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
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  24. The look of nothingness: Blanchot and the image.Jeff Fort - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois, Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2008 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    “A great story, full of twists and turns.... Careers made and ruined, departments torn apart, writing programs turned into sensitivity seminars, political witch hunts, public opprobrium, ignorant media attacks, the whole ball of wax. Read it and laugh or read it and weep. I can hardly wait for the movie.” —Stanley Fish, _Think Again, New York Times_ “In such a difficult genre, full of traps and obstacles, French Theory is a success and a remarkable book in every respect: it is (...)
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    Heidegger and the Politics of Poetry.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2007 - University of Illinois Press.
    This volume collects and translates Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe’s studies of Heidegger, written and revised between 1990 and 2002. All deal with Heidegger’s relation to politics, specifically through Heidegger’s interpretations of the poetry of Hölderlin. Lacoue-Labarthe argues that it is through Hölderlin that Heidegger expresses most explicitly his ideas on politics, his nationalism, and the importance of myth in his thinking, all of which point to substantial affinities with National Socialism. Lacoue-Labarthe not only examines the intellectual background--including Romanticism and "German ideology"--of Heidegger's (...)
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  27.  44
    On Social Psychology, Business Ethics, and Corporate Governance.Timothy L. Fort - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (3):725-733.
    This paper is a response to a recent colloquy among Professors David Messick, Donna Wold, and Edwin Harman. I defend Messick’s naturalist methodology, which suggests that people inherently categorize others and act altruistically toward certain people in a given person’s in-group. This paper suggests that an anthropological reason for this grouping tendency is a limited human neural ability to process large numbers of relationships. But because human beings also have the ability to modify, to some extent, their nature, corporate law (...)
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  28.  36
    A field-ion microscope study of neutron irradiated iridium.M. A. Fortes & B. Ralph - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (127):189-194.
  29.  14
    Reflexión y libertad en la teoría kantiana de la imputación.Rafael Reyna Fortes - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1):207-225.
    En este trabajo pretendo mostrar las prestaciones reflexivas que hacen posible el juicio de imputación en la teoría kantiana sobre la filosofía práctica. En particular, se busca mostrar cuales son los requerimientos reflexivos en virtud de los cuales una acción es pensada como libre y no meramente como una causa.Este momento del juicio de imputación es decisivo ya que permite distinguir las acciones que son libres de las que no lo son y, por tanto, las que pueden ser objeto de (...)
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  30. La vis dominandi en la tradición republicana: Maquiavelo y Spinoza.Juan Manuel Forte - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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  31. Rumors of the outside: Blanchot’s murmurs and the indistinction of literature.Jeff Fort - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):158-177.
    Blanchot often evoked the silence required for literary writing, a silence which he says must “be imposed” on a pre-existing and indistinct murmur of language. Likewise, he evokes this murmur itself as an originary ground of all speech, including literary speech. Less often recognized are the ways in which he also locates this murmur in the realm of public speech and everyday language, the rumor of speech spoken by no one and by everyone, a realm which he in turn links (...)
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    Explaining Hope in Plato’s Philebus.Joseph Forte - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (3):283-295.
    My aim in this paper is to illustrate the significance of hope (elpis, elpizein) in Plato’s Philebus and to indicate topics under this heading that invite further investigation. Even though there is some scholarship treating the issue of hope in the Philebus, there is no study solely devoted to this topic. By providing such a study I intend to fill this lacuna and to show that examining this topic is valuable because it develops our understanding of the good life. In (...)
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  33.  18
    Lo discreto y lo continuo en las metafísicas de Suárez y Kant.Rafael Reyna Fortes - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):160-175.
    En este trabajo se pretenden mostrar algunas similitudes entre el planteamiento metafísico de Suárez y el desarrollado por Kant en sus lecciones de metafísica. En particular, se busca mostrar cómo ambos autores pensaron los conceptos de unidad discreta y continua. El objetivo de este trabajo es encontrar ciertos puntos de acuerdo en lo que concierne al tratamiento de la unidad en el pensamiento de ambos autores. Esos puntos serán, por un lado, la íntima conexión entre los conceptos de discreto y (...)
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    Business and Naturalism.Timothy L. Fort - 1999 - Business and Society 38 (2):226-236.
    Bill Frederick’s work calls on business ethicists to consider religion as well as nature. Because there are naturally wired religious impulses in human beings and because of the fairness of including normative approaches meaningful for business people, Frederick suggests that the “R” in CSR4 should represent religion. This article takes up the theme in terms of the emerging field of naturalist theology, particularly (although embryonically) as stated by theologian Paul Tillich. Doing so creates (a) connections between “God as Life” and (...)
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    Dreaming in advaita vedānta.Andrew O. Fort - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (4):377-386.
    This article discusses the early advaitin view of dreaming, Specifically sankara's and gaudapada's, And analyzes the advaitin view in relation to that of contemporary western dream psychology. Advaitins emphasize that dreams spring from waking experiences, But are also imaginative reconstructions of them. Both waking and dream seduce us into thinking appearances are real, But both ultimately only point to the non-Dual reality, Brahman.
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    The concept of sāksin in advaita vedānta.AndrewO Fort - 1984 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 12 (3):277-290.
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    An Intervention in Educational Inquiry: Re-membering, Honoring and Practicing a River’s Ways of Knowing and Being.Magali Forte - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):742-762.
    Answering this special issue’s call to reckon, repair and reworld, and following an ethical imperative to re-think social and educational structures, I turn to the wisdom of rivers. In the current settler colonial climate of near inertia that we live in, there is an urgent need to reckon with ways of being and knowing that go beyond the mainstream taken-for-granted habits of conventional educational research. Thinking with Indigenous perspectives, I problematize the Eurocentric worldview I was raised in and consider, in (...)
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  38. André Bazin's Eternal Returns: An Ontological Revision.Jeff Fort - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (1):42-61.
    The recent publication of André Bazin's Écrits complets (2018), an enormous two-volume edition of 3000 pages which increases ten-fold Bazin's available corpus, provides opportunities for renewed reflection on, and possibly for substantial revisions of, this key figure in film theory. On the basis of several essays, I propose a drastic rereading of Bazin's most explicitly philosophical notion of “ontology.” This all too familiar notion, long settled into a rather dust-laden couple (“Bazin and ontology”) nonetheless retains its fascination. Rather than attempting (...)
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  39. Oedipus and Job in West African Religion.Meyer Fortes (ed.) - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.
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  40. Commentary on "A Man of No Substance: The Philosopher in Plato's Gorgias," by S. Montgomery Ewegen.Joseph M. Forte - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Editorial: Temas em torno das obras de Marx e Lukács.Ronaldo Vielmi Fortes - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
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    As contraposições dialéticas dos discursos de Sócrates no Fedro de Platão.Fábio da Silva Fortes - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-21.
    Amor, éros, é o tópico que domina toda a primeira parte do Fedro. Os três discursos proferidos – o discurso de autoria de Lísias/Fedro (259e-262c) e os dois subsequentes proferidos por Sócrates (237a-241d; 257b-259d) – são variações desse mesmo tema. Esses três discursos – que ocupam, aliás, a maior parte do texto – não representam mera ilustração propedêutica acerca da retórica e de seu poder sobre os personagens, em vez disso, os dois discursos finais de Sócrates concretizam o próprio movimento (...)
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    Comparative Analysis of Water Extraction Mechanism in Roman Mines.J. C. Fortes-Garrido, A. M. Rodríguez-Pérez, J. A. Hernández-Torres, J. J. Caparrós-Mancera, J. M. Dávila-Martín & J. Castilla-Gutiérrez - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):185-203.
    The removal of water from mines was one of the key issues that former miners had to deal with. Roman colonists brought new technology to the Iberian Peninsula that addressed this problem. However, they did not invent this technology because it had already been applied to the growth of other endeavours in the Hellenistic society throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. In the mine, the Archimedes screw, waterwheels, bucket pulleys, and Ctesibius pumps were the primary drainage systems. In this essay, the primary (...)
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    Saichō: Founding Patriarch of Japanese Buddhism.Victor Forte - 2016 - In Gereon Kopf, The Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 307-335.
    Saichō 最澄, one of the most prominent of Japanese Buddhist innovators, is the renowned ninth-century founder of the Tendai School, the first Japanese Buddhist sect with its own system of temples and monasteries, ordinations, practices and philosophy. It was in the goal of founding and maintaining an authentic Buddhist monastic institution that, for better or worse, influenced his thinking, and structured his philosophy. Although Saichō’s identity as founder is beyond dispute, this accomplishment was initially made possible through what we might (...)
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    Business ethics: A study of the moral reasoning of selected business managers and the influence of organizational ethical climate. [REVIEW]Almerinda Forte - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (2):167-173.
    Since manager's decisions impact organizational goals and organizational ethical behavior, this researcher investigated the degree to which there are differences in the moral reasoning ability of business managers of selected industries and whether there are significant differences between top, middle, and first-line management levels. To determine the relationship between managers' locus of control and their moral reasoning ability, this study considered three independent variables: reported organizational ethical climate, locus of control, and selected demographic and institutional variables. For a foundation, this (...)
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    Contrast from dislocations in field-ion images.M. A. Fortes & B. Ralph - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (157):181-187.
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    Characterization of stacking faults with the field-ion microscope.M. A. Fortes - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (176):317-327.
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    How relationality shapes business and its ethics.Timothy L. Fort - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1381-1391.
    Just as Michael Porter's five forces provided a practical analytical tool for describing the forces that shape competitive strategy, so business ethicists ought to provide business leaders with a workable framework for understanding the sources of ethical obligations. The forces that shape competitive strategy vary according to time and industry, but are anchored in an ultimate criteria of profitability. Similarily, ethics can use a set of analytical categories that identify the relevant forces to business ethics on the basis of relationality.This (...)
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  49.  26
    Speech from Tree and Rock: Recovery of a Bronze Age Metaphor.Alexander S. W. Forte - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (1):1-35.
    Interpreters of archaic Greek epic poetry have long labored to explain the meaning of the semantically ambiguous phrase involving “tree (δρῦς) and/or rock (πέτρη).” The idiom appears three times in archaic epic: in the proem of Hesiod’s Theogony, during Hector’s deliberation about negotiating a truce in Iliad 22, and in Penelope’s speech to a disguised Odysseus in Odyssey 19. A tantalizingly similar, and equally unsolved idiom, rgm ‘ṣ w lḫšt ’abn, appears in the thirteenth-century Ugaritic Ba’al Cycle found at Ras (...)
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  50. The Best Ethical Choices Come When Long-Term Impact Rules.Tim Fort - 2003 - In Noel M. Tichy & Andrew R. McGill, The ethical challenge: how to lead with unyielding integrity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 195--208.
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