Bento Itamar Borges [35]Jorge Luis Borges [32]Maria Borges [25]Rodrigo Borges [21]
Maria de Lourdes Borges [16]Paulo Borges [14]Bento Borges [14]Anderson De Paula Borges [9]

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  1. Inferential Knowledge and the Gettier Conjecture.Rodrigo Borges - 2017 - In Rodrigo Borges, Claudio de Almeida & Peter David Klein (eds.), Explaining Knowledge: New Essays on the Gettier Problem. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    I propose and defend the conjecture that what explains why Gettiered subjects fail to know is the fact that their justified true belief depends essentially on unknown propositions. The conjecture follows from the plausible principle about inference in general according to which one knows the conclusion of one’s inference only if one knows all the premises it involves essentially.
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  2. The Rules of Logic Composition for the Bayesian Epistemic e-Values.Wagner Borges & Julio Michael Stern - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):401-420.
    In this paper, the relationship between the e-value of a complex hypothesis, H, and those of its constituent elementary hypotheses, Hj, j = 1… k, is analyzed, in the independent setup. The e-value of a hypothesis H, ev, is a Bayesian epistemic, credibility or truth value defined under the Full Bayesian Significance Testing mathematical apparatus. The questions addressed concern the important issue of how the truth value of H, and the truth function of the corresponding FBST structure M, relate to (...)
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  3. Knowledge from Knowledge.Rodrigo Borges - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (3):283 - 297.
    This paper argues that a necessary condition on inferential knowledge is that one knows all the propositions that knowledge depends on. That is, I will argue in support of a principle I call the Knowledge from Knowledge principle: (KFK) S knows that p via inference or reasoning only if S knows all the propositions on which p depends. KFK meshes well with the natural idea that (at least with respect to deductively valid or induc- tively strong arguments) the epistemic status (...)
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    Explaining Knowledge: New Essays on the Gettier Problem.Rodrigo Borges, Claudio de Almeida & Peter David Klein (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    The 'Gettier Problem' has been central to epistemology since 1963, when Edmund Gettier presented a powerful challenge to the standard analysis of knowledge. Now twenty-six leading philosophers examine the issues that arise from Gettier's challenge, setting the agenda for future work on the central problem of epistemology.
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  5. Labyrinths. Borges - 2006 - In Thomas L. Cooksey (ed.), Masterpieces of philosophical literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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  6. On synchronic dogmatism.Rodrigo Borges - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3677-3693.
    Saul Kripke argued that the requirement that knowledge eliminate all possibilities of error leads to dogmatism . According to this view, the dogmatism puzzle arises because of a requirement on knowledge that is too strong. The paper argues that dogmatism can be avoided even if we hold on to the strong requirement on knowledge. I show how the argument for dogmatism can be blocked and I argue that the only other approach to the puzzle in the literature is mistaken.
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  7. What Can Kant Teach Us About Emotions?Maria Borges - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):140-158.
  8.  32
    A bioethical perspective on the meanings behind a wish to hasten death: a meta-ethnographic review.Paulo J. Borges, Pablo Hernández-Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-35.
    BackgroundThe expressions of a “wish to hasten death” or “wish to die” raise ethical concerns and challenges. These expressions are related to ethical principles intertwined within the field of medical ethics, particularly in end-of-life care. Although some reviews were conducted about this topic, none of them provides an in-depth analysis of the meanings behind the “wish to hasten death/die” based specifically on the ethical principles of autonomy, dignity, and vulnerability. The aim of this review is to understand if and how (...)
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    Teacher's Physical Activity and Mental Health During Lockdown Due to the COVID-2019 Pandemic.Leire Aperribai, Lorea Cortabarria, Triana Aguirre, Emilio Verche & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has led teachers to an unpredictable scenario where the lockdown situation has accelerated the shift from traditional to online educational methods, and relationships have been altered by the avoidance of direct contact with the others, with implications for their mental health. Physical activity seemed to be a factor that could prevent from mental disorders such as anxiety or depression in this peculiar situation. Therefore, the aims of this study were to explore how teachers have been affected by (...)
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  10.  24
    Emotion and the beautiful in Art.Maria Borges - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:263-271.
    In this paper, I aim at explaining the difference Kant makes between emotion, the beautiful and the sublime. I begin by explaining what an emotion is, showing that it refers to feelings that are related to desire. In contrast, I show that the feeling of beautiful and the sublime give us an inactive delight, that is not related to an interest in the object. The feeling of beautiful is related to the judgment of taste, and it has a universal validity (...)
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  11.  21
    Some pragmatic consequences to the order of determination of the object’s trichotomies in Peirce’s late semiotics.Juliana Rocha Franco & Priscila Borges - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):1-15.
    The issue of the ordering of the ten trichotomies is one among the many questions still open regarding Peirce’s extended theory of signs. A proper decision regarding the order of the ten trichotomies demands a discussion of the entire semiotic process. The aim of this paper is to discuss the order of the trichotomies related to the mode of being of the immediate and dynamical objects. Therefore, it addresses only one part of this process, which concerns the relationship between the (...)
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  12.  41
    Kant on Eating and Drinking.Maria Borges - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):234-244.
    In this paper I analyze Kant’s ideas about eating and drinking. First, I show that gluttony and drunkenness are considered ways to oppose to the duty to oneself as an animal being. Second, I claim that for Kant there is a healthy way of having meals, which consists in eating together with friends. Then I indicate that Kant accepts that one can drink at dinner parties but has to avoid drinks that lead to drunkenness and unsocial behavior. In this sense, (...)
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  13.  30
    An Escape From Vardanyan’s Theorem.Ana de Almeida Borges & Joost J. Joosten - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1613-1638.
    Vardanyan’s Theorems [36, 37] state that $\mathsf {QPL}(\mathsf {PA})$ —the quantified provability logic of Peano Arithmetic—is $\Pi ^0_2$ complete, and in particular that this already holds when the language is restricted to a single unary predicate. Moreover, Visser and de Jonge [38] generalized this result to conclude that it is impossible to computably axiomatize the quantified provability logic of a wide class of theories. However, the proof of this fact cannot be performed in a strictly positive signature. The system $\mathsf (...)
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  14. A Failed Twist to an Old Problem.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (1):75-81.
    John N. Williams argued that Peter Klein's defeasibility theory of knowledge excludes the possibility of one knowing that one has (first-order) a posteriori knowledge. He does that by way of adding a new twist to an objection Klein himself answered more than forty years ago. In this paper I argue that Williams' objection misses its target because of this new twist.
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    Emotions and Reactions to the Confinement by COVID-19 of Children and Adolescents With High Abilities and Community Samples: A Mixed Methods Research Study.María de los Dolores Valadez, Gabriela López-Aymes, Norma Alicia Ruvalcaba, Francisco Flores, Grecia Ortíz, Celia Rodríguez & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The goal of this research is to know and compare the emotions and reactions to confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic in children and adolescents with high abilities and community samples. This is a mixed study with an exploratory reach that is descriptive, and which combines survey and qualitative methodologies to examine the emotions and reactions to confinement experiences of children and adolescents aged between 5 and 14 years. An online poll was designed with 46 questions, grouped into three sections: (...)
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  16. Behavioral Patterns in Special Education. Good Teaching Practices.Manuela Rodríguez-Dorta & África Borges - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:251047.
    Providing quality education means to respond to the diversity in the classroom. The teacher is a key figure in responding to the various educational needs presented by students. Specifically, special education professionals are of great importance as they are the ones who lend their support to regular classroom teachers and offer specialized educational assistance to students who require it. Therefore, special education is different from what takes place in the regular classroom, demanding greater commitment by the teacher. There are certain (...)
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  17. ". . . Merely a Man of Letters": an interview with Jorge Luis Borges.Jorge Luis Borges - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (3):337-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:.. MERELY A MAN OF LETTERS" an interview with Jorge Luis Borges* Philosophy and Literature: Why don't you tell us about some of the philosophers who have influenced your work and in whom you have been the most interested? Jorge Luis Borges: Well, I think that's an easy one. You might talk in terms of two: Berkeley and Schopenhauer. But I suppose Hume might be worked in also, because, (...)
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    Reducing Ingroup Bias in Ethical Consumption: The Role of Construal Levels and Social Goodwill.Diego Costa Pinto, Adilson Borges, Márcia Maurer Herter & Mário Boto Ferreira - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (1):31-63.
    ABSTRACT:Business ethics research has long been interested in understanding the conditions under which ethical consumption is consistent versus context-dependent. Extant research suggests that many consumers fail to make consistent ethical consumption decisions and tend to engage in ethical decisions associated with ingroup identity cues. To fill this gap, four experiments examine how construal levels moderate the influence of ingroup versus outgroup identity cues in ethical consumption. The studies support the contention that when consumers use concrete construal to process information, they (...)
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    Physiology and the controlling of affects in Kant's philosophy.Maria Borges - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (2):46-66.
    Kant is categorical about the relation between virtue and the controlling of inclinations:Since virtue is based on inner freedom it contains a positive command to a human being, namely to bring all his capacities and inclinations under his reason's control and so to rule over himself. Virtue presupposes apathy, in the sense of absence of affects. Kant revives the stoic ideal of tranquilitas as a necessary condition for virtue: ‘The true strength of virtue is a tranquil mind’ . In the (...)
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  20.  39
    A Visual Model of Peirce's 66 Classes of Signs Unravels His Late Proposal of Enlarging Semiotic Theory.Priscila Borges - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 221--237.
  21.  16
    Indeterminacy and final causation in the process of sign determination.Priscila Monteiro Borges & Juliana Rocha Franco - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):59925-59925.
    In semiotics, final causation can be related to the process of determination (PAPE, 1993). From Peirce’s point of view, determination is not a causal determinism, but a delimitation of a range of possibilities. One starts from objects towards interpretants, in a process mediated by the sign, in which the dynamic object works as a force that constrains interpretants to correspond to their objects. The correspondence between object and interpretant is important because it is through a generated interpretant that the object (...)
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  22. Knowledge, Scepticism, and Defeat: Themes from Klein.Rodrigo Borges, Branden Fitelson & Cherie Braden (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This is a collection of new essays written in honor of the work of Peter D. Klein, who has had and continues to have a tremendous influence in the development of epistemology. The essays reflect the breadth and depth of Klein’s work by engaging directly with his views and with the views of his interlocutors.
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    Emotion, reason, and action in Kant.Maria Borges - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Action, reason, and causes in Kant -- Can we act without feelings? Respect, sympathy and other forms of love -- A place for affects and passion in the Kantian system -- What can Kant teach us about emotions? -- Physiology and the controlling of affects in Kant's philosophy -- Virtue as a cure for affects and passions -- The beautiful and the good: refinement as an introduction to morality -- Women and emotion -- Evil and passion -- An emotional Kant?
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  24.  13
    Critical Thinking as a Resource for Fighting Disinformation.Jussara Borges, Daniela Silva & Rodrigo Flores - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7140.
    The phenomenon of disinformation calls for efforts from different fronts due to its complexity and the consequences it causes in today's society. This article, based on theoretical reflections, highlights information education, whose basis is supported by critical thinking. In a context of digital environments contaminated by hate speech and intolerance, criticality gains even more relevance, considering that citizens need reliable and credible information to make coherent decisions. This requires critical skills to analyze and substantiate ideas and actions based on evidence, (...)
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    Passions and evil in Kant's philosophy.Maria Borges - 2014 - Manuscrito 37 (2):333-355.
    In this paper, I aim at relating passions to evil in Kant's philosophy. I begin by explaining the difference between affects and passions in the text Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Kant claims that both affects and passions are illnesses of the mind, because both affect and passion hinder the sovereignty of reason. I show that passions are worse than affects for the purpose of pure reason. Second, I relate affects and passions to the degrees of the propensity (...)
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  26. Bad Luck for the Anti‐Luck Epistemologist.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):463-479.
    Anti-luck epistemologists tell us that knowledge is incompatible with epistemic luck and that epistemic luck is just a special case of luck in general. Much work has been done on the intricacies of the first claim. In this paper, I scrutinize the second claim. I argue that it does not survive scrutiny. I then offer an analysis of luck that explains the relevant data and avoids the problems from which the current views of luck suffer. However, this analysis of luck (...)
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    Educational Responses to Students With High Abilities From the Parental Perspective.Elena Rodríguez-Naveiras, María Cadenas, África Borges & Dolores Valadez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Influence of Slow-Paced Breathing on Inhibition After Physical Exertion.Sylvain Laborde, Theresa Lentes, Thomas J. Hosang, Uirassu Borges, Emma Mosley & Fabrice Dosseville - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  29. Gettier and Externalism.Rodrigo Borges - 2018 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington (ed.), The Gettier Problem. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  30.  21
    Percepción y actuación de los profesionales de la salud frente a casos de pérdida gestacional.Giovana Quadros Silva Tonetto, Amanda Cristina Silveira Morim Borges, Anah Giulia Ramos Cisterna, Vanessa Pedroso Gelfuso Lapenta & Selma Aparecida Geraldo Benzoni - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:284-299.
    In Brazil, the high number of annual gestational losses constitutes a serious public health issue. Gestational loss can cause emotional trauma for mothers and their families due to society's lack of validation and the inadequate and unsympathetic support often provided by healthcare professionals. Thus, the objective of this research was to understand the role of healthcare professionals in cases of gestational loss, identifying their own feelings, those of women and their families, as well as the attitudes and resources used in (...)
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  31. How to Moore a Gettier: Notes on the Dark Side of Knowledge.Rodrigo Borges - 2014 - Logos and Episteme 5 (2):133-140.
    The Gettier Problem and Moore’s Paradox are related in a way that is unappreciated by philosophers. If one is in a Gettier situation, then one is also in a Moorean situation. The fact that S is in a Gettier situation (the fact that S is “Gettiered”), like the fact that S is in a Moorean situation (the fact that S is “Moored”), cannot (in the logical sense of “cannot”) be known by S while S is in that situation. The paper (...)
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  32. Book Symposium: Duncan Pritchard, Epistemic Angst.Duncan Pritchard, Michael Veber, Nicola Claudio Salvatore & Rodrigo Borges - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (1):115-165.
    ABSTRACT This book symposium features three critical pieces dealing with Duncan Pritchard's book, 'Epistemic Angst'; the symposium also contains Pritchard's replies to his critics.
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  33. Knowledge, despite Evidence to the Contrary.Rodrigo Borges - 2019 - In Rodrigo Borges, Branden Fitelson & Cherie Braden (eds.), Knowledge, Scepticism, and Defeat: Themes from Klein. Springer Verlag.
  34.  37
    Common verbal quantifiers: Usage and interpretation.Marilyn A. Borges & Barbara K. Sawyers - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2):335.
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  35. The diachronic threshold problem.Rodrigo Borges - 2021 - Philosophical Studies.
    The paper introduces a new problem for fallibilist and infallibilist epistemologies – the diachronic threshold problem. As the name suggests, this is a problem similar to the well–known threshold problem for fallibilism. The new problem affects both fallibilism and infallibilism, however. The paper argues that anyone who worries about the well known problem for fallibilism should also worry about this new, diachronic version of the problem.
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    Ciencias de la complejidad: meterle al mundo lo que el mundo no tiene. Desentrañando la metáfora. Entrevista a Carlos Eduardo Maldonado.Rosa María Medina Borges - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 58:e50113590.
    No soy periodista. Debo confesar que tampoco he buscado, para mi primera ocasión como entrevistadora, ninguna información acerca de los procedimientos aceptados como válidos para esta forma de comunicación. Y menos aún, no pensaba saber cómo se hace una entrevista de corte académico o científico. Pero las cosas pasan por algo y no todo se resuelve dominando pasos o procedimientos. Dejarme llevar por la fluidez de verbo y pensamiento de mi entrevistado, me ha hecho sentirme muy cómoda. El tiempo transcurrió (...)
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  37. Introduction to the special issue ‘knowledge and justification: new perspectives’.Rodrigo Borges - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 7):1473-1480.
  38. Unreasonable Selflessness.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (3):492-502.
    According to Jennifer Lackey, one should assert that p only if it is reasonable for one to believe that p and if one asserted that p, one would assert that p at least in part because it is reasonable for one to believe that p. As data for this norm of assertion Lackey appeals to the intuition that in cases of ‘selfless assertion’ agents assert with epistemic propriety something they don’t believe. If that norm of assertion was true, then it (...)
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    The epistemic reach of aisthēsis in Theaetetus 184-6.Anderson de Paula Borges - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    This paper explores the scope of the theses presented in _Theaetetus_ 184-6 concerning the epistemic capacity of _aisthēsis_. I develop two main arguments in this analysis. First, I situate the passage within the broader context of 151-183 and propose that the argument in 184-6 stands independently of the analysis of the Protagorean theses conducted in 151-183. Then, I analyze the traditional reading of 184-6, which holds that _aisthēsis_ lacks cognition, and contrast this perspective with that of those who argue that (...)
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    Borges on Allegories and Novels.Jorge Luis Borges & Ruth L. C. Simms - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):268-271.
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  41. E=K and The Gettier Problem: A Reply to Comesaña and Kantin.Rodrigo Borges - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (5):1031-1041.
    A direct implication of E=K seems to be that false beliefs cannot justify other beliefs, for no false belief can be part of one’s total evidence and one’s total evidence is what inferentially justifies belief. The problem with this alleged implication of E=K, as Comesaña and Kantin :447–454, 2010) have noted, is that it contradicts a claim Gettier cases rely on. The original Gettier cases relied on two principles: that justification is closed under known entailment, and that sometimes one is (...)
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    Praecepta, decreta and happiness in Schopenhauer and Seneca: a short comparative study.George Felipe Bernardes Barbosa Borges - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03328-03328.
    There is an important part in Schopenhauer's bibliography dedicated to reflections on a good life. Between 1826 and 1829, the German philosopher started to think about a eudemonology, an unfinished project, which relied on the rescue of the thought of ancient philosophers. In his discussions there is a great appreciation for Stoic thinking in order to produce a life as little unhappy as possible. Therefore, it seems relevant to revisit Schopenhauer's ideas and compare them with Seneca, who focused on the (...)
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    Uma leitura arendtiana sobre ação política e amor mundi no espaço público.João Victor Pinto Gonçalo de Souza, Rebeka Cristina Rosa Borges & Rita de Cássia Souza Tabosa Freitas - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (1):80-91.
    O presente artigo busca traçar um estudo político-filosófico e se dedica a articular as nuances do conceito arendtiano de ação, sobre o entendimento do agir humano dentro do espaço público. Observar as nuances e a imprevisibilidade pela qual a ação humana é expressa frente à convivência entre iguais e diferentes no espaço público é enxergar a forma com a qual as singularidades humanas e o fenômeno da revelação das identidades se tornam evidentes. Dessa maneira, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho (...)
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  44. Reflexos da automação na consciência operária.Altamiro Borges - forthcoming - Princípios.
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    Berlin: “Medieval Theories of the Intellect”.Lucas Nogueira Borges - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:500-503.
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    Representations of health and work from the perspective of the administrative staff of a city hall of Minas Gerais.Andréa Gonçalves Borges & Ailton de Souza Aragão - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):157-180.
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    Representações de saúde e trabalho na perspectiva de servidores administrativos de uma prefeitura mineira.Andréa Gonçalves Borges & Ailton de Souza Aragão - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):162-185.
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    Definição Em Sócrates e a Crítica de Geach.Anderson Borges - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:3-25.
    Peter Geach cunhou a expressão “falácia socrática” para se referir a duas proposições que, segundo ele, são defendidas por Sócrates: que uma definição é necessária para usarmos corretamente um termo e que o estudo de exemplos de ocorrências do termo não é útil à sua elucidação. Várias respostas críticas foram dadas a Geach. No presente texto, retomo e comento estas duas proposições. Argumento que a segunda é realmente falsa, mas Sócrates não a adota. Mostro também que a primeira não é (...)
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    Many Shades of Love in Kant.Maria Borges - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 18 (47):219-232.
    Kant is usually considered a cold moralist who does not give any importance to feeling and emotions. In this paper I show that Kant has a place for love although he uses this word in different meanings through his work. I will analyze the use and meaning of five different uses of the term love: self-love, practical love, love as affect, love as passion, and sexual love. I show that Kant has a place for love in his theory, in a (...)
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  50. Emotions and Practical Reason in Kant.Maria Borges - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10:161-166.
    In this paper, I shall discuss the relation between practical reason and emotions in Kant. First, I begin by explaining why knowledge of emotions is important for the transcendental project in the moral domain, understood as the claim that reason can determine our actions, in spite of our inclinations. Second, I explain the definition of affects and passions in Kant's philosophy and relate the two to feelings and the faculty of desire. I then question the possibility of controlling emotions, showing (...)
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