Results for 'Boucher-Rivalain Odile'

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  1.  55
    Femmes africaines et politique : les colonisées au féminin en Afrique occidentale.Odile Goerg - 1997 - Clio 6.
    Cet article analyse l'impact de la colonisation sur le statut des femmes en l'abordant sous l'angle des droits politiques tels quils furent définis dans le cadre des institutions coloniales : droit de vote, problématique du suffrage, participation aux assemblées… Quels furent les facteurs qui déterminèrent l'accès plus ou moins tardif des femmes à la sphère politique? De quelle marge de manœuvre disposèrent les colonisées face à des politiques qui restèrent longtemps marquées par des mentalités paternalistes? La comparaison des approches française (...)
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    The Limits of Ethics in International Relations: Natural Law, Natural Rights, and Human Rights in Transition.David Boucher - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    In his major new work, David Boucher surveys the history of thinking about human rights and shows that far from being seen as universal and emancipatory, they have almost always privileged certain groups in relation to others.
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  3. Burke.David Boucher - 2003 - In David Boucher & Paul Joseph Kelly (eds.), Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present. 2nd. ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  4. Dis/abled reflections on posthumanism and biotech.Martin Boucher - 2022 - In Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald (eds.), From Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism: philosophies of immanence. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    K. W. F. Solger, esthétique et philosophie de la présence..Maurice Boucher - 1934 - Paris,: Stock (Delamain & Boutelleau).
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    La religion du libéralisme. Débats avec Cécile Laborde.François Boucher & Ophélie Desmons - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    Cécile Laborde, philosophe française établie au Royaume-Uni, est déjà l'auteure d'une œuvre fournie et essentielle. Elle s'est, dans un premier temps, inscrite au sein de la philosophie républicaine, en publiant notamment Français, encore un effort pour être républicains! (2010), ouvrage en français adapté d'un livre précédemment publié en anglais, Critical Republicanism: The Hijab Controversy and Political Philosophy (2008). En partant des controverses liées à la loi de 2004 interdisant le...
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  7. The Denial of Perennial Problems: The Negative Side of Quentin Skinner's Theory.David Boucher - 1984 - Interpretation 12 (2/3):287-300.
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    The political philosophy of the British idealists: Selected studies.David Boucher - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (1):153-154.
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    2. The Victim of Thought: The Idealist Inheritance.David Boucher - 2012 - In Paul Franco & Leslie Marsh (eds.), A Companion to Michael Oakeshott. Penn State. pp. 47-69.
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    Ultimate Questions.Geoff Boucher - 2017 - Philosophical Inquiry 41 (1):50-62.
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    Indifférence de l'essence et métaphysique chez Jean Duns Scot.Odile Gilon - 2012 - Bruxelles: Éditions Ousia.
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  12. Fantastique et identité chez Thomas Owen.Odile Joguin - 2004 - Iris 26:167-179.
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  13. Chanet (Pierre).Odile Leguern - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes. pp. 243--245.
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  14. Les aveux d'un amateur de paysage.Odile Marcel - 1982 - In François Dagognet (ed.), Mort du paysage?: philosophie et esthétique du paysage : actes du colloque de Lyon. [Paris]: Editions Champ Vallon.
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  15.  48
    Portrait of Guy Debord as a Young Libertine.Odile Passot & Paul Lafarge - 1999 - Substance 28 (3):71-88.
  16.  38
    Traces de commensalité féminine en Italie au Moyen Âge.Odile Redon - 2001 - Clio 14:133-138.
    Les normes somptuaires édictées dans les communes de Bologne, Venise, Pérouse, Sienne font apparaître l’usage aux XIIIe-XVe siècles de banquets réservés aux femmes, particulièrement à l’occasion des fiançailles et des noces. Ces traces confirment d’autres observations sur les solidarités féminines dans ces sociétés mais ne sont guère relayées par les textes littéraires, dont les auteurs sont pratiquement toujours des hommes ; elles suggèrent cependant de poursuivre l’enquête. The sumptuary laws enacted by the City-states of Bologna, Venice, Perugia, Siena bring to (...)
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  17. The Prophetic Books and Their Theological Witness.Odil Hannes Steck - 2000
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  18. A Note On the Berry Paradox.Andrew Boucher - unknown
    For those who have understood the solution to the Liarʼs Paradox and the Paradoxes of Predication, presented in A Comprehensive Solution to the Paradoxes and The Solution to the Liarʼs Paradox1, it will come as no surprise how the Berry Paradox should be solved. Nonetheless, the solution will be presented here in a short note, for completenessʼ sake.
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    Texts in context: revisionist methods for studying the history of ideas.David Boucher - 1985 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributor for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Introduction History, Historicism and Hermeneutics In the Phaedrus Socrates argues that the written word is far inferior to the spoken word as a means of..
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  20. Chapter Three From the Desire for Recognition to a Politics of Resistance Geoff Boucher.Geoff Boucher - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh (eds.), Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 50.
  21.  31
    British idealism and political theory.David Boucher & Andrew Vincent - unknown
  22. What is a philosophical stance? Paradigms, policies and perspectives.Sandy C. Boucher - 2014 - Synthese 191 (10):2315-2332.
    Since van Fraassen first put forward the suggestive idea that many philosophical positions should be construed as ‘stances’ rather than factual beliefs, there have been various attempts to spell out precisely what a philosophical stance might be, and on what basis one should be adopted. In this paper I defend a particular account of stances, the view that they are pragmatically justified perspectives or ways of seeing the world, and compare it to some other accounts that have been offered. In (...)
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  23.  85
    Ultrasound: A Window to the Womb?: Obstetric Ultrasound and the Abortion Rights Debate.Joanne Boucher - 2004 - Journal of Medical Humanities 25 (1):7-19.
    This paper explores the rhetoric of obstetric ultrasound technology as it relates to the abortion debate, specifically the interpretation given to ultrasound images by opponents of abortion. The tenor of the anti-abortion approach is precisely captured in the videotape, Ultrasound:A Window to the Womb. Aspects of this videotape are analyzed in order to tease out the assumptions about the (female) body and about the access to truth yielded by scientific technology (ultrasound) held by militant opponents of abortion. It is argued (...)
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  24.  23
    Decent Work in the South African Macroeconomy: Who are The Winners and Losers?Odile Mackett - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (2):277-305.
    Concerns related to the future of work has precipitated various studies aimed at ensuring that the labour market is a place where people can earn a living, work in dignity, and flourish as human beings. Studies on labour market inequalities and how macroeconomic policies can be used to address such inequalities are also plentiful. What macroeconomic studies have often failed to do, however, is highlight the differences _between_ individuals in the labour market. This is important, especially in an economy with (...)
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  25.  33
    British Idealism, the State, and International Relations.David Boucher - 1994 - Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (4):671-694.
  26.  22
    David George Ritchie: International Relations and the Second Anglo-Boer War.D. Boucher - 2019 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 25 (2):283-315.
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    Des problèmes pour exercer l'entendement du lecteur: Evrart de Conty, Nicole Oresme et la recherche de la nouveauté.Caroline Boucher - 2006 - In Pieter de Leemans & Michèle Goyens (eds.), Aristotle's Problemata in different times and tongues. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 175--197.
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    Habermas and Literature: The Public Sphere and the Social Imaginary.Geoff Boucher - 2021 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Although Habermas has written about the cultural role of literature and about literary works, he has not systematically articulated a literary-critical method as a component of either communicative reason or post-metaphysical thinking. Habermas and Literature brings Habermasian concepts and categories into contact with aesthetic and cultural theories in and around the Frankfurt School, and beyond. Its central claim is that Habermas' contribution to literary and cultural criticism is the concept of literary rationality and the notion that literature performs a key (...)
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  29. Political thinkers: from Socrates to the present.David Boucher & P. J. Kelly (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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  30.  47
    The last will of Daniele barbaro.Bruce Boucher - 1979 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1):277-282.
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    Concurrence systémique et sociétés civiles pouvoir et contrepouvoir au stade de Pultra-impérialisme.Odile Castel - 2002 - Actuel Marx 31 (1):85-108.
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    The Silent Monologue by Khady Sylla and Charlie Van Damme: Some (not so New) Gendered Stories of Globalization.Odile Cazenave - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (1):48-56.
    This paper examines how, building on earlier filmic representations such as Ousmane Sembene’s La Noire de… and Abderrahmane Sissako’s Bamako, Khady Sylla’s Le Monologue de la muette traces a continuum of women’s exploitation, from slavery to colonization to globalization.
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    David Gauthier and Robert Sugden, eds., Rationality, Justice and the Social Contract: Themes from 'Morals by Agreement', London, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993, pp. xii + 201.David Boucher - 1994 - Utilitas 6 (2):317.
  34.  39
    After postmodernism: Working woke in the neoliberal era.D. Edward Boucher & Christine Clark - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1435-1436.
  35.  8
    Ann Laura Stoler, La Chair de l’empire. Savoirs intimes et pouvoirs raciaux en régime colonial.Odile Goerg - 2013 - Clio 38.
    Sous l’impulsion de l’Institut Émilie du Chatelet, Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power : Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule (Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002) vient d’être traduit en français et publié par La Découverte, premier ouvrage de cette auteure prolifique et novatrice à être ainsi offert aux lecteurs francophones. Comment recevoir cette belle traduction une décennie après son édition originale, alors même qu’Ann Stoler continue d‘avancer d’un bon pas, creusant le mê...
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  36.  19
    Rebecca Rogers et Pascale Molinier (dir.), Les Femmes dans le monde académique. Perspectives comparatives.Odile Goerg - 2017 - Clio 45.
    Me rendant à l’université de Bâle, je fus étonnée de voir notés sur les marches du grand escalier du bâtiment administratif, le Kollegienhaus, les noms, en ordre chronologique, des premières étudiantes admises, tardivement, à partir de 1890. Ce lieu de mémoire particulier marque les esprits. Il renvoie au premier pan des recherches reflétées dans ce livre : documenter l’apparition et l’accroissement des étudiantes puis des enseignantes dans les institutions d’enseignement supérieur. Fruit d’u...
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  37. Cureau de la Chambre.Odile Leguern - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes. pp. 301--304.
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  38.  25
    Life after death: Ethical issues and principles of mental health care professionals in postmortem reproduction.Frank Odile - 2003 - Global Bioethics 16 (1):81-98.
    Postmortem reproduction refers to normally unnatural situations that are made possible by modern medical technology. It's a definition that applies to a situation in which one parent of an offspring is dead at the time of conception of the offspring or at the time of birth of the offspring. It is a situation which raises complex and multifactorial dilemma as with most issues that concern decisions over human life; accordingly, this discussion of its ethical ramifications is not intended to be (...)
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  39.  41
    Economics reasoning by econometrics or artificial intelligence.Odile Paliés & Jacques Mayer - 1989 - Theory and Decision 27 (1-2):135-146.
  40.  19
    La Grande Guerre, berceau de l’extrémisme célinien.Odile Roynette - 2018 - Cités 74 (2):167.
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    The military uniform in the xixth century: a factory of the male.Odile Roynette - 2012 - Clio 36:109-128.
    Au cours du xixe siècle, porter l’uniforme est devenu un élément constitutif de l’identité militaire, particulièrement en France où le service militaire s’est progressivement universalisé à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale. Objet matériel doté de fonctions symboliques, l’uniforme introduit l’historien au cœur du fonctionnement d’un milieu social qui est alors l’un des laboratoires de la masculinité. Décrit, critiqué, modifié par les médecins militaires soucieux de fonctionnalité et de bien-être, il donne à voir un corps qui demeure cependant largement (...)
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    Décider en commun.Odile Tourneux - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (2):561-571.
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    What Next after Determinism in the Ontology of Technology? Distributing Responsibility in the Biofuel Debate.Philip Boucher - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):525-538.
    This article builds upon previous discussion of social and technical determinisms as implicit positions in the biofuel debate. To ensure these debates are balanced, it has been suggested that they should be designed to contain a variety of deterministic positions. Whilst it is agreed that determinism does not feature strongly in contemporary academic literatures, it is found that they have generally been superseded by an absence of any substantive conceptualisation of how the social shaping of technology may be related to, (...)
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  44. The Scottish Idealists: Selected Philosophical Writings.David Boucher - 2006 - Appraisal 6.
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    Le Monologue de la muette de Khady Sylla et Charlie Van Damme.Odile Cazenave - 2015 - Diogène 245 (1):68-79.
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    Jacob T. Levy, Rationalism, Pluralism, and Freedom, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.François Boucher - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):328.
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  47. Les fondements égalitaristes des pratiques d'accommodement de la diversité religieuse.François Boucher - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (4):671-695.
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  48.  41
    A treatise on social theory, vol. 2. Substantive social theory.David Boucher - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (3):431-432.
  49.  14
    Editor's introduction.David Boucher - 2009 - In Boison Camilla & Boucher David (eds.).
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    À propos de l'Hermès de Polyclète.Stéphanie Boucher S. - 1976 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 100 (1):95-102.
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