Results for 'Cécile Wajsbrot'

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  1.  14
    Bognár Cecil.Cecil Bognár & Erzsébet Hász - 2002 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógai Könyvtár és Múzeum. Edited by Erzsébet Hász.
  2. Whose Body is It Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person.Cécile Fabre - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Do we have the right to deny others access to our body? What if this would harm those who need personal services or body parts from us? Ccile Fabre examines the impact that arguments for distributive justice have on the rights we have over ourselves, and on such contentious issues as organ sales, prostitution, and surrogate motherhood.
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  3. Distributive Justice and Freedom: Cohen on Money and Labour*: Cécile Fabre.Cécile Fabre - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (4):393-412.
    In his recent Rescuing Justice and Equality, G. A. Cohen mounts a sustained critique of coerced labour, against the background of a radical egalitarian conception of distributive justice. In this article, I argue that Cohenian egalitarians are committed to holding the talented under a moral duty to choose socially useful work for the sake of the less fortunate. As I also show, Cohen's arguments against coerced labour fail, particularly in the light of his commitment to coercive taxation. In the course (...)
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  4. Republicanism and Political Theory.Cecile Laborde & John Maynor (eds.) - 2008 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Republicanism and Political Theory is the first book to offer a comprehensive and critical survey of republican political theory. Critically assesses its historical credentials, conceptual coherence, and normative proposals Brings together original contributions from leading international scholars in an interactive way Provides the reader with valuable insight into new debates taking place in republican political theory.
  5.  50
    Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of Espionage and Counter-Intelligence.Cécile Fabre - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    Cécile Fabre draws back the curtain on the ethics of espionage and counterintelligence. In a book rich with historical examples she argues that spying is only justified to protect against ongoing violations of fundamental rights. Blackmail, bribery, mass surveillance, cyberespionage, treason, and other nefarious activities are considered.
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  6. Critical republicanism: the Hijab controversy and political philosophy.Cécile Laborde - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The first comprehensive analysis of the philosophical issues raised by the hijab controversy in France, this book also conducts a dialogue between contemporary Anglo-American and French political theory and defends a progressive republican solution to so-called multicultural conflicts in contemporary societies. It critically assesses the official republican philosophy of laïcité which purported to justify the 2004 ban on religious signs in schools. Laïcité is shown to encompass a comprehensive theory of republican citizenship, centered on three ideals: equality (secular neutrality of (...)
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    Liberalism’s Religion.Cécile Laborde (ed.) - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    Liberal societies conventionally treat religion as unique under the law, requiring both special protection and special containment. But recently this idea that religion requires a legal exception has come under fire from those who argue that religion is no different from any other conception of the good, and the state should treat all such conceptions according to principles of neutrality and equal liberty. Cécile Laborde agrees with much of this liberal egalitarian critique, but she argues that a simple analogy (...)
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  8.  17
    Conversation avec Cécile Laborde.Cécile Laborde, François Boucher & Ophélie Desmons - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    1. La philosophie politique contemporaine : en français et en anglais François Boucher (FB) : Votre travail semble habité par une volonté d'établir des ponts entre la pensée politique française et anglo-américaine. Cette volonté est déjà visible dans votre ouvrage de 2000, Pluralist Thought and the State in Britain and France (1900-1925), qui compare les penseurs pluralistes du début XXe en France et en Angleterre. Elle est également au cœur de Critical Republicanism, The Hijab Controversy an...
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    Réflexions d’un médecin expert et d’un juriste autour d’un exercice pratique de droit médical.Cécile Manaouil & Laurent Bloch - 2021 - Médecine et Droit 2021 (170):92-97.
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    A perfectionist original position?Cécile Laborde - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
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    Being Free, Feeling Free: Race, Gender, and Republican Domination.Cécile Laborde - 2024 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 98 (1):27-46.
    Members of racial and sexual minorities often live in the fear of arbitrary interference from others—rogue police officers or sexual harassers. Are they unfree by dint of believing they are unfree? I draw on the republican theory of freedom—according to which we are unfree if we are subjected to a risk of arbitrary interference—to offer a qualified positive answer. I clarify the role of probabilistic judgements about risk in republican political theory. I argue that under specific circumstances, diagnoses of republican (...)
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  12.  74
    The Morality of Defensive War.Cécile Fabre & Seth Lazar (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    International law and conventional morality grant that states may stand ready to defend their borders with lethal force. But what grounds the permission to kill for the sake of political sovereignty and territorial integrity? In this book leading theorists address this vexed issue, and set the terms of future debate over national defence.
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    (1 other version)Ethics, spirituality and self: managerial perspective and leadership implications.Cécile Rozuel & Nada Kakabadse - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (4):423-436.
    This paper argues that the self, as both the centre of our identity and the focus of our spiritual life, has not been given enough consideration with regard to the ethics of managers and leaders. Informed by models of self-realisation and the Jungian process of individuation, our discussion suggests that the way we perceive and interpret our self affects our moral behaviour. In particular, integrity of the self fully participates in enhancing servant leadership and consistent ethical practice. We illustrate the (...)
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  14.  39
    Social Rights Under the Constitution: Government and the Decent Life.Cécile Fabre - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    The book theoretically examines the recent and topical debates over democracy and social rights, arguing that there are four fundamental rights that should be constitutionalized; minimum income; housing; healthcare; and education. The theoretical discussion is explored within an analysis of important legal cases.
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  15. Political Liberalism and Religion: On Separation and Establishment.Cécile Laborde - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (1):67-86.
  16.  57
    Corporate social responsibility towards human development: A capabilities framework.Cécile Renouard & Cécile Ezvan - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):144-155.
    The starting point of this paper is the need to promote a people-centred corporate social responsibility framework in a context where many human needs and rights remain unsatisfied and where businesses may have both a positive and a negative impact on the quality of life of human beings today and tomorrow and may even lead to irreversible damage. Our normative definition of CSR is consistent with the criteria established by the EU Commission in 2011. We conceive CSR as a responsibility (...)
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    Harrow School Museum.—(1) Catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities from the collection of the late Sir Gardner Wilkinson: by E. A. Wallis Budge, M.A. - (2) Catalogue of the Classical antiquities from the collection of the late Sir Gardner Wilkinson: by Cecil Torr, M.A. Harrow, 1887. London: D. Nutt. 18. each. [REVIEW]Cecil Smith - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (09):285-288.
  18. Mandatory rescue killings.Cécile Fabre - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (4):363–384.
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    L’accès aux informations médicales par les autorités judiciaires.Cécile Manaouil & Mikaël Benillouche - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (113):49-60.
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    La notion de « praxéologie » pour soutenir l’articulation entre fondements épistémologiques et pratiques enseignantes dans le champ des pédagogies de l’éducation au développement durable.Cécile Redondo - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):194-215.
    In the field of education for sustainable development (ESD), the theoretical background is often absent (Considère and Tutiaux-Guillon, 2013 ; Tutiaux-Guillon, 2013), suggesting that a shared culture would be established and practices would be self-evident. Indeed, the exploration of ESD pedagogies highlights epistemological bases that are absent, incomplete or very personal and ideologically marked. We base our argument on the results of our thesis, defended in 2018 and based on a methodological device that has enabled us to collect the statements (...)
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  21.  18
    Catherine Lacour-Astol, Le genre de la Résistance. La Résistance féminine dans le nord de la France.Cécile Vast - 2016 - Clio 43.
    L'entrée au Panthéon, le 27 mai 2015, de quatre personnalités de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à parité entre les hommes et les femmes, devait signifier, aux yeux du Président de la République François Hollande, un changement notable dans la mise en scène de ce rituel républicain. À bien y regarder, cette forme d'innovation semble se heurter aux réalités de parcours bien plus complexes... Difficilement réductibles, en tout cas, à la trilogie traditionnelle, à laquelle il conviendrait d'ajouter...
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  22.  75
    Equal liberty, nonestablishment, and religious freedom.Cécile Laborde - 2014 - Legal Theory 20 (1):52-77.
    Egalitarian theories of religious freedom deny that religion is entitled to special treatment in law above and beyond that granted to comparable beliefs and practices. The most detailed and influential defense of such an approach is Christopher Eisgruber and Lawrence Sager's Religious Freedom and the Constitution (2007). In this essay I develop, elucidate, and show the limits of the strategy adopted by Eisgruber and Sager. The strategy requires that religion be analogized with other beliefs and practices according to a robust (...)
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    Conditions for mission‐led companies to humanize the economy: An Aristotelian perspective.Cécile Ezvan & Patricia Langohr - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (1):1-13.
    With the creation of the legal status of “benefit corporations,” mission-led companies have been developing since 2010 in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, Italy, and recently France. Shareholders of mission-led companies define a social, scientific, or environmental mission for their companies in addition to the pursuit of profits. Given this specific characteristic, these companies seem more likely than traditional firms to serve human flourishing in an authentic way. But are these legal forms and strategic objectives sufficient? (...)
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  24. III—Doxastic Wrongs, Non-Spurious Generalizations and Particularized Beliefs.Cécile Fabre - 2022 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 122 (1):47-69.
    According to the doxastic wrongs thesis, holding certain beliefs about others can be morally wrongful. Beliefs which take the form of stereotypes based on race and gender and which turn out to be false and are negatively valenced are prime candidates for the charge of doxastic wronging: it is no coincidence that most of the cases discussed in the literature involve false beliefs. My aim in this paper is to show that the thesis of doxastic wrongs does not turn on (...)
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  25. The Culture(s) of the Republic.Cécile Laborde - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (5):716-735.
  26.  38
    Kinetics of pleuridial growth in antithamnion plumula (rhodophyceae).Cécile Lambert, Roger Buis & Marie-Thérèse L'Hardy-Halos - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):169-175.
    The filamentous and branched thallus of Antithamnion plumula is constitued of two different kinds of branches with apical growth: the cladomial axes with a continuous or indefinite growth, and the pleuridia with a limited growth. The size of the pleuridia depends on their position with respect to the lateral cladomial axes.The growth kinetics of 35 pleuridia were analysed using Nelder's generalized logistics. Each sigmoidal curve, which was divided into four growth stages from the instantaneous acceleration variations, was thus characterized by (...)
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    The Groupe d’information sur les prisons: The voice of prisoners? Or Foucault’s?Cecile Brich - 2008 - Foucault Studies 5:26-47.
  28.  67
    Is the Body Special? Review of Cecile Fabre, Whose Body is it Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person.Cécile Fabre - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (2).
  29.  11
    Le rôle des principes universels dans les démonstrations selon Aristote.Cécile Wartelle - 2004 - Philosophie Antique 4 (4):27-59.
    In Metaph. Β and Γ, Aristotle claims that universal principles, such as the principle of non contradiction or the principle of excluded middle, are principles of demons­trations. Besides the technical question of the way in which such principles are principles of demonstrations, this paper raises the question why Aristotle insists on their relation to demons­trations in the Metaphysics and not in Analytics. The answer proposed is that demons­trations use these universal principles because they are to reveal the stucture of reality, (...)
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    Final Ends at the Forefront.Cécile Ezvan, Patricia Langohr, Cécile Renouard & Aurélien Colson - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:49-69.
    This paper provides a conception and qualitative analysis of a recent innovative pedagogical experience, a two-week program called “Understand and Change the World”, which is designed to help business schools generate an impetus towards change within students, faculty, and administrators and more generally to the institution’s systemic sustainable capability. We argue that harnessing the ends rather than the means is the key to meeting sustainability challenges within business schools. The conceptual basis of our program provides broad avenues for business school (...)
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    Les fluctuations en matière de responsabilité civile du médecin salarié.Cécile Manaouil & Emilie Traullé - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (81):151-158.
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    A middle course for ethicists.Cecil Miller - 1957 - Ethics 68 (3):207-209.
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    Handlist of Hebrew Manuscripts and Other Mss. and Documents Illustrating Jewish History and Literature in the Collection of C. Roth, Oxford.Cecil Roth - 1950 - Press of Maurice Jacobs.
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    Mr. Gladstone's Appendix.Cecil Torr - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (09):399-400.
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    Republicanism.Cécile Laborde - 2013 - In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press.
    After presenting the recent republican revival, focusing in particular on the neo-republican school of thought, this chapter assesses the exact nature of the differences between liberalism and republicanism, and notably the republicanism of freedom as non-domination associated with Philip Pettit. Drawing on the tools of ideological analysis, as laid out by Michael Freeden, it shows that some of these disagreements are conceptual; others are normative; and yet others are strategic. In particular, republicans have a distinctive understanding of the concept of (...)
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  36.  99
    Republicanism and Global Justice.Cécile Laborde - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (1):48-69.
    The republican tradition seems to have a blind spot about global justice. It has had little to say about pressing international issues such as world poverty or global inequalities. According to the old, if apocryphal, adage: extra rempublicam nulla justitia. Some may doubt that distributive justice (as opposed to freedom or citizenship) is the primary virtue of republican institutions; and at any rate most would agree that republican values have traditionally been realized in the polis not in the (oxymoronic) cosmopolis. (...)
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    Three cheers for liberal modesty.Cécile Laborde - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (1):119-135.
  38. The republican contribution to contemporary political theory.Cécile Laborde & John Maynor - 2008 - In Cecile Laborde & John Maynor (eds.), Republicanism and Political Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1--28.
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  39.  51
    Peace, Self‐Determination and Reckoning with the Past: A Reply to Butt, Lippert‐Rasmussen, Pasternak, Wellman and Stemplowska.Cécile Fabre - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (3):391-404.
    In this article, I offer responses to five commentaries on my recently published book, Cosmopolitan Peace. Those articles address my conception of individual and collective agency, my account of self-determination (and its implication for the problem of annexation during and after the war), and my accounts of, respectively, reparations and remembrance after war. I revise or provide further defences of those accounts in the light of my commentators’ probing remarks.
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    Secret médical en santé au travail.Cécile Manaouil - 2018 - Médecine et Droit 2018 (153):143-158.
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    On Republican Toleration.Cécile Laborde - 2002 - Constellations 9 (2):167-183.
  42.  19
    Justice and Doxastic Handicaps.Cécile Fabre - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (5):753-759.
    ABSTRACT It is tempting to suppose that the reason why the world remains profoundly unjust is that not enough of us hold the correct beliefs about the demands of justice and/or are motivated to bring it about. As Allen Buchanan shows, however, this is to miss a crucially important part of the picture: agents' mistaken beliefs about what it takes to achieve justice can seriously hamper prospects for such achievements. In this article, I expand on Buchanan's taxonomy of mistaken beliefs (...)
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    (1 other version)Les savoirs profanes et l’intelligence du Web.Cécile Méadel - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):111.
    Les savoirs profanes acquièrent une portée et une visibilité accrues, tout particulièrement dans les domaines de l’environnement ou de la santé. Internet leur offre de nouvelles ressources qui ne se résument pas à la mise en ligne de contenus ou à la numérisation de textes scientifiques, mais qui ouvrent aussi de nouvelles possibilités informatives et cognitives. Ces savoirs, qui s’appuient sur des ressources en accès libre, tirent leur efficacité de la participation de collectifs et de leur contrôle. Et pourtant, malgré (...)
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    Information du patient par le pharmacien en officine.Cécile Manaouil, Anne-Sophie Lemaire-Hurtel, Antoine Sénéchal & Olivier Jardé - 2016 - Médecine et Droit 2016 (138):70-81.
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  45.  14
    Conceptualisation en lexicométrie des anglicismes.Le corollaire empirique d’un choix méthodologique.Cécile Planchon - 2021 - Corpus 22.
    Cette étude met en relief la portée empirique de la définition du concept d’anglicisme dans l’analyse d’anglicismes lexicaux dans un corpus de presse écrite francophone. Elle examine en diachronie (2000-2015) les différences découlant de l’opposition entre trois acceptions de l’anglicisme ainsi que les effets sur des analyses comparatives portant sur l’origine géographique (France ou Québec) et sur la nature (« de référence » ou « populaire ») du journal. Nous obtenons une fréquence d’utilisation faible mais démontrons qu’il existe des différences (...)
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    The Earth We Live On. The Story of Geological Discovery. Ruth Moore.Cecil Schneer - 1957 - Isis 48 (4):479-481.
  47.  43
    Baudrillard and Heidegger: Between Two Deaths.Vanessa Anne-Cecile Freerks - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (6):87-104.
    In this article, I compare the ways in which Baudrillard and Heidegger seek to bring attention to the importance of death for our personal existential situation which has now become repressed in conceptions of existence and society. Heidegger critiques public conceptions of death that serve to cover up its importance. Less well known is that, somewhat in parallel fashion, Baudrillard charts a ‘genealogy’ of the ‘extradition’ of the dead from the centre of the social and he claims that we live (...)
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    Rights, Justice and War: A Reply.Cécile Fabre - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (3):391-425.
    I offer a response to Rodin’s, Statman’s, Stilz’s, and Tadros’ papers on my book Cosmopolitan War.
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    The ethics of hacking. Ross W. Bellaby.Cécile Fabre - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (3):1-4.
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    A new look at Hamilton's principle.Cecil D. Bailey - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (3):433-451.
    Hamilton's principle and Hamilton's law are discussed. Hamilton's law is then applied to achieve direct solutions to time-dependent, nonconservative, initial value problems without the use of the theory of differential or integral equations. A major question has always plagued competent investigators who use “energy methods,” viz., “Why is it that one can derive the differential equations for a system from Hamilton's principle and then solve these equations (at least in principle) subject to applicable initial and boundary conditions; but one cannot (...)
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