Results for 'C. Gennari'

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  1.  68
    Linking production and comprehension processes: The case of relative clauses.Silvia P. Gennari & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):1-23.
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    Speaking versus thinking about objects and actions.Barbara C. Malt, Steven A. Sloman & Silvia P. Gennari - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow (eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press. pp. 81--112.
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  3.  27
    Are There Really Syntactic Complexity Effects in Sentence Production? A Reply to Scontras et al.Maryellen C. MacDonald, Jessica L. Montag & Silvia P. Gennari - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):513-518.
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  4. Radiopotassium kinetic studies in heart failure.A. Caniggia & C. Gennari - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 2--271.
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  5. How adults and children manage stress in ambiguous contexts.Silvia Gennari, Andrea Gualmini & Luisa Meroni - unknown
    This paper investigates the influence of contrastive stress in resolving potential semantic ambiguities. The sentences under investigation contain the focus operator only. Sentences with only have three main properties: (a) some sentential element is typically in focus, (b) the speaker presupposes that a set of alternatives to the focus element (the contrast set) has previously been introduced in the context; and (c) the speaker makes the assertion that the focus element has some unique property which other members of the reference (...)
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  6.  74
    Motion events in language and cognition.S. Gennari - 2002 - Cognition 83 (1):49-79.
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  7.  16
    Intimate Partner Violence and Child Custody Evaluation: A Model for Preliminary Clinical Intervention.Marialuisa Gennari, Giancarlo Tamanza & Sara Molgora - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  8.  8
    Models of incremental concept formation.John H. Gennari, Pat Langley & Doug Fisher - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):11-61.
  9.  39
    Processing correlates of lexical semantic complexity.Silvia Gennari & David Poeppel - 2003 - Cognition 89 (1):B27-B41.
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  10.  8
    L'eidos del mondo.Mario Gennari - 2012 - Milano: Bompiani.
  11.  19
    The Conjoint Family Drawing: A Tool to Explore About Family Relationships.Marialuisa Gennari & Giancarlo Tamanza - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this article we will present the Conjoint Family Drawing, a graphic-interactive tool developed to evaluate family relationships. This tool allows an analytical and clinical evaluation of families and their relationships while facilitating the understanding of the overall family functioning through a synthetic coding system which distinguishes families from each other. First of all, a presentation of the analytical coding system is provided; such system consists of a grid, formed by two distinct levels of observation: the analysis of the product, (...)
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  12.  40
    In search of lost time: Reconstructing the unfolding of events from memory.Myrthe Faber & Silvia P. Gennari - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):193-202.
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  13.  32
    Revealing the Difference: Between Conflict Mediation and Law Enforcement—Living and Working Together as a Conceptual and Methodological Turning Point to Activate Transformation in a Juvenile Criminal Mediation Service.Giancarlo Tamanza, Caterina Gozzoli & Marialuisa Gennari - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):234-253.
    This article aims at proposing the construct of living and working together in organizations as an interpretation and tool proposed in a Juvenile Criminal Mediation Service, in order to highlight how important it was as a turning point in activating the working group's reflexive function as far as their sense of belonging, otherness, culture of diversity, and work subject matter are concerned and start an important transformation process in the very service delivery. Our proposal finds its roots in a follow-up (...)
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  14. Manuale di Logica.Lorenzo Magnani & Rosella Gennari - 1997 - Guerini.
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  15. Enciclopedia Filosofica.Virgilio Melchiorre, Paul Gilbert, Michele Lenoci, Antonio Pieretti, Massimo Marassi, Francesco Botturi, Francesco Viola, Elena Bartolini, Sergio Cremaschi, Sergio Givone, Carmelo Vigna, Alfredo Cadorna, Giuseppe Forzani, Mario Piantelli, Alberto Ventura, Mario Gennari, Guido Cimino, Mauro Fornaro, Paolo Volonté, Enrico Berti, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Gregorio Piaia, Claudio Ciancio, Marco Maria Olivetti, Roberto Maiocchi, Maria Vittoria Cerutti & Sergio Galvan (eds.) - 2006 - Milan: Bompiani.
    The 'Enciclopedia Filosofica' is an encyclopaedia of philosophical topics promoted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of Gallarate and published, in its third and last edition in 2006, by the Bompiani publishing house in Milan. The first edition of the 'Enciclopedia Filosofica' was promoted by the Centre for Philosophical Studies of Gallarate in the 1950s, seeing the light in 1957-58. A second edition, published by the Sansoni publishing house in Florence, was published in 1968-69 and reprinted in 1979. The third (...)
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  16.  24
    “Doubly Mother”: Heterologous Artificial Insemination Between Biological and Social Parenthood: A Single Case Study.Giancarlo Tamanza, Federica Facchin, Federica Francini, Silvia Ravani, Marialuisa Gennari & Giuseppe Mannino - 2019 - World Futures 75 (7):480-501.
    In heterologous artificial insemination, the donation of gametes from a third person allows infertile and same-sex couples to become parents. Therefore, the child is genetica...
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  17.  15
    The Screwtape Letters: Annotated Edition.C. S. Lewis - 2013 - HarperOne.
    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of C. S. Lewis’s death, a special annotated edition of his Christian classic, The Screwtape Letters, with notes and excerpts from his other works that help illuminate this diabolical masterpiece. Since its publication in 1942, The Screwtape Letters has sold millions of copies worldwide and is recognized as a milestone in the history of popular theology. A masterpiece of satire, it offers a sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the (...)
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  18.  31
    Levinas, the Frankfurt school, and psychoanalysis.C. Fred Alford - 2002 - Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
    'Original and provocative . . . engagingly written. (C Fred Alford) counters Levinas's notorious obscurity with a goodly dose of transparency' - John Lechte, Macquarrie University Abstract and evocative, writing in what can only be ...
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  19.  72
    (1 other version)Reality and rationality.Wesley C. Salmon - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Phil Dowe & Merrilee H. Salmon.
    This volume of articles (most published, some new) is a follow-up to the late Wesley C. Salmon's widely read collection Causality And Explanation (OUP 1998). It contains both published and unpublished articles, and focuses on two related areas of inquiry: First, is science a rational enterprise? Secondly, does science yield objective information about our world, even the aspects that we cannot observe directly? Salmon's own take is that objective knowledge of the world is possible, and his work in these articles (...)
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  20.  9
    The Epigram on the Fallen of Coronea.C. M. Bowra - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (2):80-88.
    The elegiac poem of eight lines discovered in the Ceramicus and published by by W. Peek is of considerable interest for the historian. Peek is surely right in maintaining that it was composed for the Athenians who fell under Tolmides at Coronea in 447 B.C., and his general exposition of the poem's meaning is convincing. The aim of this paper is to make some comments and supplements to his interpretation and then to consider some peculiarities in the thought and technique (...)
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  21. Disseminating Research through Design - Challenges and Opportunities Learned.C. DiSalvo - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):22-23.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: The target article provides a thorough and insightful review of the Research Through Design conferences and discusses the successes and limitations of the events in the dissemination of design knowledge.
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  22.  24
    De-Rham currents and charged particle interactions in electromagnetic and gravitational fields.C. T. J. Dodson & R. W. Tucker - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (3-4):307-328.
    A coordinate-free formulation is established for (semi) classical particle-field interactions. The exterior language of spacetime chains and De-Rham currents enables the description to include extended strings and membranes besides point particles. Treating physical fields in terms of sections of particular bundles, a unified account of interactions is presented in terms of an intrinsic action principle on a bundle of jets over spacetime. The theory is illustrated by considering the specific model of point particles with intrinsic spin covariantly coupled to theU(1) (...)
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  23.  9
    Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion: 300 Terms Thinkers Clearly Concisely Defined.C. Stephen Evans - 2002 - InterVarsity Press.
    Designed as a companion to the study of apologetics and philosophy of religion, this pocket dictionary by C. Stephen Evans offers 300 entries covering terms, apologists, philosophers, movements, apologetic arguments and theologies.
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  24.  13
    (1 other version)Subjectivity and Religious Belief: An Historical, Critical Study.C. Stephen Evans - 1978
    Immanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaard, and William James- three diverse philosophers from three different eras- have followed a similar route of non-theoretical justification of belief. This position states that there is no theoretical knowledge, positive or negative, of divine existence. The defense of religious belief, therefore, must be related to pervasive features of practical human existence; in other words, it must be subjective. While giving amble attention to the differences among these three philosophers, C. Stephen Evans finds and examines a common (...)
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  25.  6
    Evolution: Genesis and Revelations: With Readings from Empedocles to Wilson.C. Leon Harris - 1981 - SUNY Press.
    In this comprehensive history of evolutionism, C. Leon Harris has combined primary source readings with clear, pertinent background information, to provide a solid basic understanding of the ways scientists have arrived at today's views of evolution. Harris describes the major contributors to the theory of evolutionism, placing each in the context of the general cultural influences to which he was exposed. Each chapter also contains an explanation of the philosophical basis of the scientific approach of the period in question. A (...)
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  26.  92
    Causal theories of action.C. Behan Mccullagh - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 27 (3):201 - 209.
    In order to characterize actions, It is not necessary to describe the characteristic way in which they are caused by an agent's wants and beliefs, As a I goldman and d davidson have supposed. It is enough to note the absence of alternative causes. Nor are all our actions intentional, As both davidson and, In a more limiting way, A c danto, Have suggested. These are the theses argued in this paper.
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  27.  56
    Archetypes and memes: their structure, relationships and behaviour.C. M. H. Nunn - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (3):344-354.
    This paper starts with an overview of C.G. Jung’s notion of archetypes. His ideas imply that Jungian archetypes can be viewed as the most general examples of the shared awarenesses that occur in groups of people of all sizes, ranging from families to humanity as a whole. The term ‘archetype’ is used in connection with such shared awarenesses in the subsequent discussion. The distinction that Jung made between archetypal representations and archetypes themselves is retained and emphasized. It is then pointed (...)
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  28.  19
    The Cloud of Nothingness: The Negative Way in Nagarjuna and John of the Cross.C. D. Sebastian - 2016 - New Delhi: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores 'nothingness', the negative way found in Buddhist and Christian traditions, with a focused and comparative approach. It examines the works of Nagarjuna (c. 150 CE), a Buddhist monk, philosopher and one of the greatest thinkers of classical India, and those of John of the Cross (1542-1591), a Carmelite monk, outstanding Spanish poet, and one of the greatest mystical theologians. The conception of nothingness in both the thinkers points to a paradox of linguistic transcendence and provides a novel (...)
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  29.  22
    Œuvres Complètes. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):380-381.
    These two books are among the most recently published tomes of a projected twenty comprising the first French edition of the Complete Works of Kierkegaard. Such a work represents the life-long dedication of Paul Tisseau, Kierkegaard's principal French translator. Many of Tisseau's translations have already been published in various other places, and it is generally known that he undertook to publish on his own several of the less commercially appealing religious works. After his death in 1964, his daughter completed his (...)
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  30.  28
    The Rise of Scientific Philosophy. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):369-369.
    Reprints a useful, non-technical statement of Reichenbach's mature thought, combining an unconvincing survey of speculative philosophy and its "failure," with a concise account of the results of a philosophy carried out "scientifically." The original appeared in 1951.--V. C. C.
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  31.  57
    An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):344-344.
    A careful and competent introduction to the Russell-Broad type of analytic philosophy.--A. C. P.
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  32.  28
    A Preface to Logic. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):537-537.
    An attractive paperback reprint of Cohen's illuminating studies in the philosophy of logic.--A. C. P.
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  33.  20
    Existentialism and Theology. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):345-345.
    Bultmann's "demythologizing," according to Mr. Davis, consists in stripping away the non-historical elements of the Bible in order to lay bare the kernel of "existential meaning" embedded in the events about which the myths arose. Mr. Davis is lucid about what Bultmann does not believe; his account of the "existential meaning" which is to replace "discredited mythology" is both sketchy and puzzling.-- A. C. P.
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  34.  19
    Eighteen Visits to Mars. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):167-167.
    Describes the attempt of a medium "to bring the facts of other-world existence to the people of Mars." Giordano Bruno appears as one of a band of interplanetary spirits conducting the medium on her tour.--A. C. P.
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  35.  41
    John Duns Scotus: A Teacher for our Times. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):183-183.
    A rather popular mixture of biography, philosophy, and theology, for the Catholic layman. Scotus' role in the defense of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception receives special emphasis. --A. C. P.
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  36.  33
    Mind and the World-Order. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):722-722.
    A nicely done paperback reprint of Lewis' classic in epistemology.--A. C. P.
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  37.  28
    Paul Before the Areopagus. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):169-169.
    A collection of previously published essays and addresses on New Testament topics. Though these pieces are distinctly theological rather than philosophical, the studies of Bultmann and Dibelius should be of interest to some philosophers.--A. C. P.
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  38.  23
    The Vision of the Nazarene. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):700-700.
    The esoteric teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, revealed by an author who claims to have been, in a previous incarnation, an early Christian mystic.--A. C. P.
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  39.  28
    Vision and Design. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):538-538.
    A photographic reprint of the 1920 edition of Fry's graceful essays on painting, sculpture, and the principles of aesthetics criticism. --A. C. P.
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  40.  31
    Dictionary of Demonology. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):549-549.
    This edition, providing the only available English language access to Collin de Plancy's long-forgotten Dictionnaire infernal, is directed to the reader who likes the reinforcement of being able to get through a whole book in an hour or so, whizzing through clean pages at incredible speeds. Perhaps the most misleading aspect of this flashy volume is the fact that the publishers never mention that it is abbreviated at all; it contains 177 truncated versions of Collin de Plancy's 2,400 plus entries, (...)
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  41.  24
    Diderot, the Embattled Philosopher. [REVIEW]M. M. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):539-539.
    In this revised and expanded edition of his well-known study of Denis Diderot's life and works, Crocker combines solid scholarship with a vivid portrayal of his subjects. Leaving firm ground only occasionally, Crocker masterfully reconstructs Diderot's life by weaving into his narrative the testimony of Diderot's contemporaries and the philosopher's own anecdotes of the more picturesque episodes of his life. The author never departs from firm ground, however, in his presentation of Diderot's works. With a rare blend of erudition and (...)
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  42.  19
    Etudes sur Marx et Hegel. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):721-721.
    A collection of previously published articles by one of the leading translators and interpreters of Hegel's philosophy. Most of the studies about Hegel concern the Phenomenology, although one goes back to his early writings to find the roots of some later doctrines. The other studies are about the philosophical presuppositions of Marxism and their relation to their idealistic sources.--C. L.
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  43.  22
    Existentialisme théologique. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):374-374.
    A second, corrected edition of the 1948 original, plus preface and a third appendix on the import of Pascal for the present day. The work consists of a number of brief considerations centered around the theme of "common sense," essential to a study of history as sacred. Castelli writes in a climate interpreted as threatening to lead us to a state of "second innocence". Against this threat, Castelli lays the groundwork for a theological existentialism, based on a "sense of revelation," (...)
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  44.  21
    Fragments Philosophiques, 1909-1914. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):396-397.
    Students of Marcel will find this volume a helpful guide to the genesis of his mature thought; by themselves the "fragments" are of scant value, as the author himself states in a postscript written in 1961. During this five-year period, Marcel struggled mostly with Hegel and the post-Kantians, and though in complete ignorance of Kierkegaard, he paralleled the Dane's thought strikingly.--C. D.
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  45.  22
    Jacob Boehme. [REVIEW]M. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):538-538.
    In this exposition of Boehme's key conceptions, the author tries to show that the seventeenth-century Silesian mystic's work can and should be viewed as an original, coherent philosophic system. Includes detailed biographical sketch, bibliography, indexes, illustrations and diagrams.--C. M.
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  46.  19
    Knowledge and Certainty. [REVIEW]V. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):479-479.
    In this book we are offered a collection of ten papers illustrating Malcolm's conception of ordinary language philosophy, ranging in content over a wide variety of topics in epistemology. The influence of his former teachers, Moore and Wittgenstein, is evident throughout. Three lectures on the often neglected concept of memory, two of which are new, are included in the book, together with the widely regarded article entitled "Anselm's Ontological Arguments."--C. V.
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  47.  18
    Lucretius and Scientific Thought. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):596-596.
    By reference to Lucretius's contemporaries and predecessors, especially Epicurus, Winspear attempts to show the originality of Lucretius. He allows Lucretius to speak for himself and makes many references to the apparent closeness of Lucretius's doctrines to modern thought. The book is challenging and provocative.—C. E. B.
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  48.  23
    La Doctrine de l'Analogie de l'Etre d'après Saint Thomas d'Aquin. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):308-308.
    Constantly aware of the mutual limits of philosophy and religion, Montagnes examines the development of St. Thomas' thought concerning the analogy of being and the conformity of his thought to that doctrine of Cajetan largely accepted by Thomists. He argues convincingly that Cajetan's thought differs importantly from that of Aquinas with regard to the source of the analogy.--C. E. B.
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  49.  23
    Life, Language, Law, Essays in Honor of Arthur F. Bentley. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):170-170.
    Twelve essays--two about and one by Bentley--on such varied topics as economics, politics, physics, law, and metaphysics. A bibliography of Bentley's writings is appended.--C. L.
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  50.  42
    Les Niveaux de l'Etre. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):473-473.
    The first and longer of the two books in this volume interprets some doctrines of "the levels of Being," ontological knowledge and evil: those of Plato, Plotinus, Jewish mysticism, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, D. H. Lawrence and Bergson. Mme. Amado's purpose is to present the basic intuition and vision of each position, rather than an articulation of the theses. She shows that an identical intuition underlies the greatly differing theories. With some justifiable oversimplification, we might call this an historical epistemology. In Book (...)
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