Results for 'C. Malapani'

977 found
  1. Neural basis of timing and time perception.J. Gibbon & C. Malapani - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan. pp. 305--311.
  2.  20
    The Four Loves.C. S. Lewis - 1960 - New York: Harcourt, Brace.
    A repackaged edition of the revered author's classic work that examines the four types of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God—part of the C. S. Lewis Signature Classics series. C.S. Lewis—the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics—contemplates the essence of love and how it works in our daily lives in one of (...)
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  3. Kant: an introduction.C. D. Broad - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A critical and detailed introduction to Kant's philosophy, with particular reference to the Critique of Pure Reason. Since Broad's death there have been many publications on Kant but Broad's 1978 book still finds a definite place between the very general surveys and the more specialised commentaries. He offers a characteristically clear, judicious and direct account of Kant's work; his criticisms are acute and sympathetic, reminding us forcefully that 'Kant's mistakes are usually more important than other people's correctitudes'. C.D. Broad was (...)
  4.  15
    The Screwtape Letters: Annotated Edition.C. S. Lewis - 2013 - HarperOne.
    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of C. S. Lewis’s death, a special annotated edition of his Christian classic, The Screwtape Letters, with notes and excerpts from his other works that help illuminate this diabolical masterpiece. Since its publication in 1942, The Screwtape Letters has sold millions of copies worldwide and is recognized as a milestone in the history of popular theology. A masterpiece of satire, it offers a sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the (...)
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    Levinas, the Frankfurt school, and psychoanalysis.C. Fred Alford - 2002 - Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press.
    'Original and provocative . . . engagingly written. (C Fred Alford) counters Levinas's notorious obscurity with a goodly dose of transparency' - John Lechte, Macquarrie University Abstract and evocative, writing in what can only be ...
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    A history of western philosophy: from the pre-Socratics to postmodernism.C. Stephen Evans - 2018 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, an imprint of ItnterVarsity Press.
    Plato. Aristotle. Augustine. Hume. Kant. Hegel. Every student of philosophy needs to know the history of the philosophical discourse such giants have bequeathed us. Philosopher C. Stephen Evans brings his expertise to this daunting task as he surveys the history of Western philosophy, from the Pre-Socratics to Nietzsche and postmodernism—and every major figure and movement in between.
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    The Self in Social Theory: A Psychoanalytic Account of Its Construction in Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawls, and Rousseau.C. Fred Alford - 1991
    The self is a topic that crosses a great many disciplinary boundaries; concepts of the self are central to political science, psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology, and classical studies. In this book, C.Fred Alford sets forth a psychoanalytic account of the self and applies it to texts by Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawis, and Rouseau in order to draw out their implicit, often inchoate, assumptions about the self.
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    The Trials of Socrates: Six Classic Texts.C. D. C. Reeve (ed.) - 2002 - Hackett Publishing.
    This unique and expertly annotated collection of the classic accounts of Socrates left by Plato, Aristophanes, and Xenophon features new translations of Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and the death scene from Phaedo by C. D. C. Reeve, Peter Meineck's translation of Clouds, and James Doyle's translation of Apology of Socrates.
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    'Safe Enough in his Honesty and Prudence' The Ordinary Conduct of Government in the Thought of John Locke.C. Anderson - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (4):605.
    While for many years Locke was viewed almost universally as the prophet of liberalism, today a successive reading of C.B. Macpherson's Possessive Individualism, John Dunn's The Political Thought of John Locke and Richard Ashcraft's Revolutionary Politics and Locke's �Two Treatises of Government�, might produce a schizophrenic vision of Locke as simultaneously an accumulative bourgeois villain, an irrelevant Calvinist moralist and a radical egalitarian revolutionary hero. This essay addresses an issue examined to a greater or lesser extent by these and other (...)
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  10. Criticism and the terror of nothingness.C. Jason Lee - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):211-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 211-222 [Access article in PDF] Criticism and the Terror of Nothingness C. Jason Lee DESTINY IS OFTEN ANOTHER NAME for narrative, it being the order we retrospectively find in scattered events. It is traditionally the role of the storyteller to create a believable narrative, with the reader investing attention into believing the story while the critic dissects the results to ascertain whether the magic (...)
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  11.  21
    The Relationship between Judiciary and Politics in Islamic Thought: A Sociologi-cal Evaluation on Abū Ḥanīfa.Şaban Erdi̇ç - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):293-310.
    Makalenin konusu Ebû Hanîfe örneğinden hareketle İslam düşüncesinde yargı-siyaset ilişkisi-dir. Ebû Hanîfe’nin yaşadığı döneme kadar karizmanın dini ve siyasi kültürde gelişimine paralel olarak yargı-siyaset ilişkileri bağlamında İslam düşüncesinde bazı formlar çoktan ortaya çık-mıştı. Burada amaç İslam’ın henüz ikinci asrında yargı-siyaset ilişkilerini Ebû Hanîfe üzerinden anlamaya çalışmak ve dolaylı olarak da meselenin bugüne yansıyan yönlerine ışık tutmaktır. Bu yüzden farklı sosyolojik düzlemlerde inşa edilmiş Şiî, Haricî, Sünnî öteki formlar çalışma dışında tutulmuştur. Araştırma Ebû Hanîfe’nin; doktrini oluşturan Kur’an, sünnet ve sahabe uygulamaları (...)
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  12.  26
    Narcissism: Socrates, the Frankfurt School, and Psychoanalytic Theory.C. Fred Alford - 1988
    The term narcissism is normally used to describe an infatuation with the self so extreme that the interests of others are ignored. However, argues C. Fred Alford, psychoanalytic theory also implies that narcissism can be construed in a positive way, as a striving for perfection wholeness, and control over self and world. In this book, Alford applies the psychoanalytic theory of narcissism to the philosophies of Socrates and Frankfurt School members Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermas, contending (...)
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  13.  13
    Homo faber and homo economicus in the scientific revolution.Ahmet Selami Çalışkan - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Zahit Atçıl.
    Why did the scientific revolution take place in the West and not in China or the Islamic world? How did humanity's progress in science and technology, which had been moving along at a relatively steady pace for tens of thousands of years, end up taking such an unprecedented leap? Subjecting the history of thought and technology to a novel interpretation based on the relationship between theory and practice, Ahmet Selami Çalışkan argues that the industrial revolution and modern science-and the scientific (...)
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    Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, "Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World".C. Victor Fung - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):206-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Eva Alerby and Cecilia Ferm, “Learning Music: Embodied Experience in the Life-World”C. Victor FungThe authors' choice of using phenomenology as a foundation of their inquiry is appropriate and appealing. They have, to a great extent, achieved their goal to explain music learning from a life-world approach. Descriptions of absolute musicality and relativistic musicality in the opening paragraphs remind me of the good old "nature versus nurture" argument. (...)
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  15. Disseminating Research through Design - Challenges and Opportunities Learned.C. DiSalvo - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):22-23.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: The target article provides a thorough and insightful review of the Research Through Design conferences and discusses the successes and limitations of the events in the dissemination of design knowledge.
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    (1 other version)Subjectivity and Religious Belief: An Historical, Critical Study.C. Stephen Evans - 1978
    Immanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaard, and William James- three diverse philosophers from three different eras- have followed a similar route of non-theoretical justification of belief. This position states that there is no theoretical knowledge, positive or negative, of divine existence. The defense of religious belief, therefore, must be related to pervasive features of practical human existence; in other words, it must be subjective. While giving amble attention to the differences among these three philosophers, C. Stephen Evans finds and examines a common (...)
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    After drepana.C. F. Konrad - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):192-203.
    The Battle of Drepana in 249 b.c. marks the most significant defeat of Roman naval forces at the hands of their Carthaginian opponents during the First Punic War. Attempting to take the Punic fleet in the harbour of Drepana by surprise, the consul P. Claudius Pulcher sailed with his ships from Lilybaeum about midnight, and reached Drepana at dawn. Yet, owing to swift and level-headed counter-measures taken by the Punic commander, Adherbal, the unfolding fight – partly in the harbour, mostly (...)
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    God: eight enduring questions.C. Stephen Layman - 2022 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This book explores a wide range of philosophical issues in their connection with theism, including views of free will, ethical theories, theories of mind, naturalism, and karma-plus-reincarnation. In this clear and logical guide, C. Stephen Layman takes up eight important philosophical questions about God: Does God exist? Why does God permit evil? Why think God is good? Why is God hidden? What is God's relationship to ethics? Is divine foreknowledge compatible with human free will? Do humans have souls? Does reincarnation (...)
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    Viola: A new visual programming language designed for the rapid development of interacting agent systems.C. J. Topping, M. J. Rehder & B. H. Mayoh - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (2):129-140.
    The construction of complex simulation models and the application of new computer hardware to ecological problems has resulted in the need for many ecologists to rely on computer programmers to develop their modelling software. However, this can lead to a lack of flexibility and understanding in model implementation and in resource problems for researchers. This paper presents a new programming language, Viola, based on a simple organisational concept which can be used by most researchers to develop complex simulations much more (...)
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  20.  28
    The Rise of Scientific Philosophy. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):369-369.
    Reprints a useful, non-technical statement of Reichenbach's mature thought, combining an unconvincing survey of speculative philosophy and its "failure," with a concise account of the results of a philosophy carried out "scientifically." The original appeared in 1951.--V. C. C.
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  21.  57
    An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):344-344.
    A careful and competent introduction to the Russell-Broad type of analytic philosophy.--A. C. P.
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    Berkeley's Analysis of Perception. [REVIEW]A. S. C. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):371-371.
    "One basic and underlying assumption of this investigation will be that there is a distinct continuity and development in Berkeley's thought which can be traced through all of his reflective analyses of the problem of perception." The essay argues for Berkeley's theory of perception as a "prototype of the phenomenalists." It argues also for Berkeley's incorporation of elements from the representative theory of perception. Of special interest is the treatment of Berkeley's doctrine of "suggestion" and its connection with the role (...)
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  23.  33
    Mind and the World-Order. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):722-722.
    A nicely done paperback reprint of Lewis' classic in epistemology.--A. C. P.
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    Operations of Sociological Inquiry. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):722-722.
    The author believes that sociology will progress only if it adopts "a logic in which substantialism tends to become functionalized." The book is repetitious and of only mild philosophical interest.--A. C. P.
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    The Soul in Metaphysical and Empirical Psychology. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):517-517.
    A translation and revision of the author's Seele und Beseeltes.--A. C. P.
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  26.  31
    Dictionary of Demonology. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):549-549.
    This edition, providing the only available English language access to Collin de Plancy's long-forgotten Dictionnaire infernal, is directed to the reader who likes the reinforcement of being able to get through a whole book in an hour or so, whizzing through clean pages at incredible speeds. Perhaps the most misleading aspect of this flashy volume is the fact that the publishers never mention that it is abbreviated at all; it contains 177 truncated versions of Collin de Plancy's 2,400 plus entries, (...)
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  27.  24
    Diderot, the Embattled Philosopher. [REVIEW]M. M. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):539-539.
    In this revised and expanded edition of his well-known study of Denis Diderot's life and works, Crocker combines solid scholarship with a vivid portrayal of his subjects. Leaving firm ground only occasionally, Crocker masterfully reconstructs Diderot's life by weaving into his narrative the testimony of Diderot's contemporaries and the philosopher's own anecdotes of the more picturesque episodes of his life. The author never departs from firm ground, however, in his presentation of Diderot's works. With a rare blend of erudition and (...)
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  28.  19
    Etudes sur Marx et Hegel. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):721-721.
    A collection of previously published articles by one of the leading translators and interpreters of Hegel's philosophy. Most of the studies about Hegel concern the Phenomenology, although one goes back to his early writings to find the roots of some later doctrines. The other studies are about the philosophical presuppositions of Marxism and their relation to their idealistic sources.--C. L.
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    Jacob Boehme. [REVIEW]M. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):538-538.
    In this exposition of Boehme's key conceptions, the author tries to show that the seventeenth-century Silesian mystic's work can and should be viewed as an original, coherent philosophic system. Includes detailed biographical sketch, bibliography, indexes, illustrations and diagrams.--C. M.
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    La Doctrine de l'Analogie de l'Etre d'après Saint Thomas d'Aquin. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):308-308.
    Constantly aware of the mutual limits of philosophy and religion, Montagnes examines the development of St. Thomas' thought concerning the analogy of being and the conformity of his thought to that doctrine of Cajetan largely accepted by Thomists. He argues convincingly that Cajetan's thought differs importantly from that of Aquinas with regard to the source of the analogy.--C. E. B.
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    Le jeu. [REVIEW]J. D. C. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (2):340-340.
    This volume is No. 86 in a series entitled "Initiation philosophique," directed by Jean Lacroix. Henriot takes issue with those who, on the one hand, hold that all is play and with those who, on the other hand, hold that because everything is determined, there is nothing arbitrary or undetermined, and consequently there is no play at all. The author's argument occurs in three stages: the structure of play as an objective fact ; the act of playing itself ; that (...)
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  32.  23
    Life, Language, Law, Essays in Honor of Arthur F. Bentley. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):170-170.
    Twelve essays--two about and one by Bentley--on such varied topics as economics, politics, physics, law, and metaphysics. A bibliography of Bentley's writings is appended.--C. L.
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  33.  11
    Logical Studies. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):519-519.
    A collection of eight essays, including five that have previously been published. The subjects discussed are logical truth, modal logic, conditionals and entailment.--C. L.
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  34.  17
    Metaphysics: An Unfinished Essay. [REVIEW]M. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):347-348.
    A posthumous edition of Jordan's unrevised and unfinished draft of a metaphysics, with a complete bibliography of works by and about Jordan, and a preface outlining the course of his life and thought. For those who are unacquainted with Jordan's earlier writings this book is difficult to follow and to evaluate. It is extremely polemical and often dogmatic in tone; we are told that... "religion and science are the two forms of scepticism that have posed as the philosophy of the (...)
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  35.  19
    Nietzsche: An Introduction to the Understanding of his Philosophical Activity. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):154-154.
    Can Nietzsche be this great? Yes, in a special sense; and whatever the faults and difficulties of this book, it must be said that someone had to do it. It stands as a classic: as a thorough reading of Nietzsche, to be sure, and possibly also as an introduction to Jaspers' own thought. The translators have performed commendably.—C. D.
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  36.  24
    New Dialogue with Anglo-American Philosophy. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):773-774.
    Etienne Gilson once remarked that if philosophers cannot agree about the nature or meaning of being, they will in all likelihood agree about very little else. This observation is certainly applicable to Professor Webster’s putative "dialogue" with Anglo-American philosophy on the problem of being, rational thought and natural theology. He contends that a genuinely fundamental interpretation of scientism, logicism or linguisticism necessitates a philosophical strategy based on unity as a transcendental which is accessible to logic. This initial confrontation leads to (...)
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  37.  28
    Nietzsche, ou l'histoire d'un égocentrisme athée. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):165-165.
    A biographical and psychological analysis of Nietzsche's thought, written from a religious point of view. The author concludes that Nietzsche's philosophy is a reflection of four dominant factors: his sickly condition, his sensuality, his pride, and his godlessness.--C. L.
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  38.  17
    Philosophy and History, a Symposium. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):389-389.
    These twenty-six essays were first presented at the Fifth Conference of the New York University Institute of Philosophy. They were presented by both philosophers and historians. The first nine essays are divided into three sections dealing with the relation of philosophy and history, relativism and the historian's task, and the problem of science and history. Two articles are of special interest: Paul Weiss's caustic aphorisms and Ernest Nagel's analytic discussion of relativism.—C. E. B.
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  39. Pierre Bayle: Du Pays de Foix à la Cité d'Erasme. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):306-306.
    This biography of Bayle corrects and supplements the famous biography by Desmaizeux with its mode adequate documentation and more thorough knowledge of Bayle's correspondence and social environments. Labrousse has combed Bayle's writings for tiny details and semi-confessional passages in order to animate somewhat the cold, impersonal image previously given of Bayle.--C. E. B.
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    Problemi de Filosofia dell'Arte. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):632-632.
    These essays and critical reviews develop diverse themes in the context of discussing the philosophy of art. Two presuppositions dominate: 1) philosophy and art represent the highest peak of human culture, 2) Italian aesthetics has a decidedly philosophic foundation. One looks in vain for a defense or elaboration of these crucial assumptions.--C. E. B.
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    Problemi epistemologici da Hume all 'ultimo Wittgenstein'. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):393-393.
    A collection of essays aiming to present a historical study of the problematics of a philosophy of science. Relying upon a questionable understanding of Kant and his effect on later thought, the author exhausts his subject more by flank action than by direct, sharp attack. Each thinker is treated separately. Conclusions, he asserts, can be found as a chain of thought from article to article; but that chain resists detection. --C. E. B.
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  42.  26
    Pädagogischer Humanismus. [REVIEW]B. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):363-363.
    A posthumous collection of essays centered around the attempt to ground classical humanistic gymnasium education in first principles, themselves derived from Greek, especially Platonic, thought. The history of educational ideas is briefly traced, and humanism, democracy, and metaphysical zeal are related to each other and to specific problems of education.--C. B.
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  43.  38
    Religion and Understanding. [REVIEW]P. S. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):565-566.
    This collection complements New Essays in Philosophical Theology by displaying the influence of the later Wittgenstein on contemporary philosophers of religion. The first two papers are Peter Winch's "Understanding a Primitive Society" and Norman Malcolm's "Anselm's Ontological Arguments". Distinguishing between interpretations of experience within a system of concepts and the reality expressed by the limiting concepts presupposed by such a system, Winch will not allow us to question the validity of the portrayal of reality as such and specifically attacks MacIntyre's (...)
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  44.  25
    Religions of Ancient India. [REVIEW]P. S. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):386-386.
    Renou's Louis H. Jordan Lectures for 1951 give a concise, erudite, yet readable survey of Hinduism and Jainism. Their title is misleading since they mention modern as well as ancient developments and dwell not so much on religious as on theologico-philosophical and literary-historical issues. The work provides a good sense of European scholarship on its subject and includes more information on the various Hindu sects than do some of its counterparts. Except for the occasional, brilliant aside, it does not help (...)
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  45.  21
    The Conduct of Inquiry. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (2):378-378.
    Although extremely comprehensive in its subject-matter, catholic in its treatment of diverse points of view, and lucid, this book is not simply a survey. Rather, it is, in its own way, original—not because any information or thesis it contains is new, but because it offers a clear, synoptic, and sophisticated look at what has been a relatively ill-defined and fragmented sector of philosophy, that of determining the nature of the "behavioral sciences." Kaplan's way of accomplishing this is to consider the (...)
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  46.  24
    The Novelist as Philosopher. [REVIEW]L. B. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):170-171.
    The assumption underlying this collection of essays is that recent developments in philosophy and fiction have brought them closer than they have been. Novelists' insights into the ambiguity of experience, and, at the same time, philosophy's trend towards concreteness in such areas as phenomenology, point to areas of rapprochement. What the novel can do, philosophically speaking, is to formulate "the initial stages of... metaphysical thinking," and "carry out an imaginative or emotional exploration of a system of thought." In his introduction, (...)
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  47. The Question of Being: East-West Perspectives. [REVIEW]G. C. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (1):207-209.
    A collection of nine essays delivered at a Brock University symposium, including papers by J. Owens, C. Kahn, and H. G. Gadamer. As the title indicates, this volume is an example of "comparative philosophy": four of the papers deal with the Western tradition of thinking about being, and four with the Eastern tradition. Only one paper actually compares the two traditions at any length.
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    Aristotle's Metaphysics. [REVIEW]V. C. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):357-357.
    A fine new translation, in which clarity and ease of reading have been the principal aims. Mr. Warrington has re-arranged the traditional text in an effort to make of its often disparate parts a unified and well-ordered whole. Book Δ is printed first, for example, and Ι and Λ last, with α and parts of Κ and Μ as Appendices. Long sentences have been broken up, subtitles inserted, points and paragraphs numbered for ready reference, and parenthetical phrases printed as footnotes. (...)
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    God and Country. [REVIEW]V. C. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (3):524-524.
    An effort to account for the discrepancy between modern man's technological skill and his understanding of moral and social values, which has made human self-destruction a very real threat. The author's conclusions are familiar and not too illuminating.--V. C. C.
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    Vox Populi. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (2):335-336.
    In this scholarly, well-planned, and well-documented number in the series "Seminar in the History of Ideas," Professor Boas, in these days of the People's Revolution, shows himself an unrepentant elitist. Illustrative of this attitude is his statement in the fourth essay: "Hideous as such a view seems to a modern reader softened by humanitarianism, it would be well if we could tell in advance whom God has chosen to be lettered. There is certainly little sense in wasting a college education (...)
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