Results for 'C. Nijland'

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  1.  8
    Doppelte Heimat? Zur literarischen Produktion arabischsprachiger Immigranten in Argentinien.C. Nijland & Margot Scheffold - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):692.
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  2. Frames and Ambivalence in Context: An Analysis of Hands-On Experts' Perception of the Welfare of Animals in Traveling Circuses in The Netherlands. [REVIEW]Hanneke J. Nijland, Noelle M. C. Aarts & Reint Jan Renes - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (3):523-535.
    The results of an empirical study into the perceptions of “hands-on” experts concerning the welfare of (non-human) animals in traveling circuses in the Netherlands are presented. A qualitative approach, based on in-depth conversations with trainers/performers, former trainers/performers, veterinarians, and an owner of an animal shelter, conveyed several patterns in the contextual construction of perceptions and the use of dissonance reduction strategies. Perceptions were analyzed with the help of the Symbolic Convergence Theory and the model of the frame of reference, consisting (...)
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  3. Economie redden.Door Loes Nijland - forthcoming - Idee.
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    The Pedigree Dog Breeding Debate in Ethics and Practice: Beyond Welfare Arguments.Bernice Bovenkerk & Hanneke J. Nijland - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (3):387-412.
    Pedigree dog breeding has been the subject of public debate due to health problems caused by breeding for extreme looks and the narrow genepool of many breeds. Our research aims to provide insights in order to further the animal-ethical, political and society-wide discussion regarding the future of pedigree dog breeding in the Netherlands. Guided by the question ‘How far are we allowed to interfere in the genetic make-up of dogs, through breeding and genetic modification?’, we carried out a multi-method case-driven (...)
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    Training to improve quality of life, activity and participation in children with intense and complex support needs. Experiences of a European in-service training project “Enablin+”.Jo Nijland Lebeer - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-4 (16-4):31-51.
    Les enfants polyhandicapés ont des besoins de soutien intenses et complexes. Souvent, ils sont dans des établissements spécialisés, avec peu d’opportunités d’apprentissage, menant une vie passive et isolée. Pour améliorer leur qualité de vie, leurs activités et leur inclusion, en particulier l’éducation inclusive, nous avons développé et expérimenté, dans le cadre du projet Européen Enablin+, une formation continue interprofessionnelle. En 2015-2017, nous avons organisé 64 cours pilotes et ateliers de formation sur 41 sujets dans huit pays européens, suivis d’un cours (...)
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    Wageningen Dialogue : Hands-on navigator to explore why, when and how to engage with dialogue in research for more impact in society.Nina Roo, Janita Sanderse, Petra Boer, Dirk Apeldoorn, Birgit Boogaard, Annet Blanken, Jan Brouwers, Simone Burg, Mark Camara, Malik Dasoo, Ivo Demmers, Monice Dongen, Walter Fraanje, Miriam Haukes, Riti Herman Mostert, Alexander Laarman, Cees Leeuwis, Bert Lotz, Philip Macnaghten, Tamara Metze, Jeanne Nel, Hanneke Nijland, Leneke Pfeiffer, Simone Ritzer, Eirini Sakellari, Herman Snel, Gert Spaargaren, Wijnand Sukkel, Antoinette Thijssen, Daoud Urdu, Saskia Visser, Marieke Vonderen, Simone Vugt, Marjan Wink & Ingeborg Wolf - unknown
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  7. (3 other versions)How to make our ideas clear.C. S. Peirce - 1878 - Popular Science Monthly 12 (Jan.):286-302.
    This is one of the seminal articles of the pragmatist tradition where C.S. Peirce sets out his doctrine of doubt and belief --and their relationship to inquiry and clarity of our concepts. Originally published in the Popular Science Monthly; and widely available in reprints and collections of Peirce's writings.
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  8.  22
    The Four Loves.C. S. Lewis - 1960 - New York: Harcourt, Brace.
    A repackaged edition of the revered author's classic work that examines the four types of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God—part of the C. S. Lewis Signature Classics series. C.S. Lewis—the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics—contemplates the essence of love and how it works in our daily lives in one of (...)
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  9. Aristotle’s de Interpretatione: Contradiction and Dialectic.C. W. A. Whitaker - 1996 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Aristotle's treatise De Interpretatione is one of his central works; it continues to be the focus of much attention and debate. C. W. A. Whitaker presents the first systematic study of this work, and offers a radical new view of its aims, its structure, and its place in Aristotle's system, basing this view upon a detailed chapter-by-chapter analysis.By treating the work systematically, rather than concentrating on certain selected passages, Whitaker is able to show that, contrary to traditional opinion, it forms (...)
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  10. Kant: an introduction.C. D. Broad - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A critical and detailed introduction to Kant's philosophy, with particular reference to the Critique of Pure Reason. Since Broad's death there have been many publications on Kant but Broad's 1978 book still finds a definite place between the very general surveys and the more specialised commentaries. He offers a characteristically clear, judicious and direct account of Kant's work; his criticisms are acute and sympathetic, reminding us forcefully that 'Kant's mistakes are usually more important than other people's correctitudes'. C.D. Broad was (...)
  11.  16
    The Screwtape Letters: Annotated Edition.C. S. Lewis - 2013 - HarperOne.
    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of C. S. Lewis’s death, a special annotated edition of his Christian classic, The Screwtape Letters, with notes and excerpts from his other works that help illuminate this diabolical masterpiece. Since its publication in 1942, The Screwtape Letters has sold millions of copies worldwide and is recognized as a milestone in the history of popular theology. A masterpiece of satire, it offers a sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the (...)
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  12. The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure -- Corrected.C. B. Cross - 2012 - Mind 121 (482):457-466.
    This essay corrects an error in the presentation of the Paradox of the Knowledge-Plus Knower, which is the variant of Kaplan and Montague’s Knower Paradox presented in C. Cross 2001: ‘The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure,’ MIND, 110, pp. 319–33. The correction adds a universally quantified transitivity principle for derivability as an additional assumption leading to paradox. This correction does not affect the status of the Knowledge-Plus paradox as a rebuttal to an argument against epistemic closure, since the (...)
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  13.  72
    (1 other version)Reality and rationality.Wesley C. Salmon - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Phil Dowe & Merrilee H. Salmon.
    This volume of articles (most published, some new) is a follow-up to the late Wesley C. Salmon's widely read collection Causality And Explanation (OUP 1998). It contains both published and unpublished articles, and focuses on two related areas of inquiry: First, is science a rational enterprise? Secondly, does science yield objective information about our world, even the aspects that we cannot observe directly? Salmon's own take is that objective knowledge of the world is possible, and his work in these articles (...)
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  14. Versos do fim de uma era: um poema do último dos neoplatônicos.Bernardo C. D. A. Vasconcelos - 2018 - Metagraphias 2 (3):43-54.
    O artigo oferece uma breve exposição da biografia e do contexto histórico do filósofo neoplatônico Damáscio (c. 458 - c. 538) para, na sequência, apresentar a tradução de um dos seus poemas líricos do período final de sua vida. O procedimento adotado justifica-se pelo caráter lutuoso e decididamente pessoal dos versos, nos quais Damáscio lamenta consigo próprio as perdas sofridas no decorrer de sua longa e fascinante vida. Como veremos, tais perdas estão, em verdade, diretamente ligadas ao colapso do mundo (...)
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  15. 9/11 as Schmaltz-Attractor: A Coda on the Significance of Kitsch.C. E. Emmer - 2013 - In Monica Kjellman-Chapin, Kitsch: History, Theory, Practice. Cambridge Scholars Pub. pp. 184-224.
    "The concluding chapter, penned by C. E. Emmer, both revisits and greatly expands upon disputations within the contested territory of kitsch as term and tool in cultural turf-war arsenals. Focusing on debates surrounding two visual responses to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Dennis Madalone's 2003 music video for the patriotic anthem 'America We Stand As One' and Jenny Ryan's 'plushie' sculpture, 'Soft 9/11,' Emmer utilizes these debates to reveal the coexisting and competing attitudes towards ostensibly kitschy objects and (...)
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  16.  9
    After the Holocaust: The Book of Job, Primo Levi, and the Path to Affliction.C. Fred Alford - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Holocaust marks a decisive moment in modern suffering in which it becomes almost impossible to find meaning or redemption in the experience. In this study, C. Fred Alford offers a new and thoughtful examination of the experience of suffering. Moving from the Book of Job, an account of meaningful suffering in a God-drenched world, to the work of Primo Levi, who attempted to find meaning in the Holocaust through absolute clarity of insight, he concludes that neither strategy works well (...)
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    Are physical activity and academic performance compatible? Academic achievement, conduct, physical activity and self‐esteem of Hong Kong Chinese primary school children.C. C. W. Yu, Scarlet Chan, Frances Cheng, R. Y. T. Sung & Kit‐Tai Hau - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (4):331-341.
    Education is so strongly emphasized in the Chinese culture that academic success is widely regarded as the only indicator of success, while too much physical activity is often discouraged because it drains energy and affects academic concentration. This study investigated the relations among academic achievement, self?esteem, school conduct and physical activity level. The participants were 333 Chinese pre?adolescents (aged 8?12) in Hong Kong. Examination results and conduct grades were obtained from the school records. Global self?esteem was measured with the Physical (...)
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  18.  20
    The Constitutional Personality of the Unborn.C’Zar Bernstein - 2023 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 23 (3):471-490.
    In this talk presented at the 2022 conference of the Catholic Bar Association, C’Zar Bernstein unpacks the meaning of the word person in the Fourteenth Amendment and, through his exegesis, identifies philosophical arguments that may be instrumental in affording legal protection to the most vulnerable members of society.
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  19. Concepts of teaching: philosophical essays.C. J. B. Macmillan (ed.) - 1968 - Chicago,: Rand McNally.
    Introduction: conceptual analysis of teaching, by B. P. Komisar and T. W. Nelson.--A concept of teaching, by B. O. Smith.--The concept of teaching, by I. Sheffler.--A topology of the teaching concept, by T. F. Green.--Teaching: act and enterprise, by B. P. Komisar.--Must an education have an aim? By R. S. Peters.--Curriculum as a field of study, by D. Heubner.--Can and should means-ends reasoning be used in teaching? By C. J. B. Macmillan and J. E. McClellan.
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  20.  37
    Love's confusions.C. D. C. Reeve - 2005 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    These are a few of the paradoxes that typically lead philosophers to oversimplify love--and that draw C. D. C. Reeve to explore it in all its complexity, ...
  21.  33
    'Safe Enough in his Honesty and Prudence' The Ordinary Conduct of Government in the Thought of John Locke.C. Anderson - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (4):605.
    While for many years Locke was viewed almost universally as the prophet of liberalism, today a successive reading of C.B. Macpherson's Possessive Individualism, John Dunn's The Political Thought of John Locke and Richard Ashcraft's Revolutionary Politics and Locke's �Two Treatises of Government�, might produce a schizophrenic vision of Locke as simultaneously an accumulative bourgeois villain, an irrelevant Calvinist moralist and a radical egalitarian revolutionary hero. This essay addresses an issue examined to a greater or lesser extent by these and other (...)
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  22.  9
    The Epigram on the Fallen of Coronea.C. M. Bowra - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (2):80-88.
    The elegiac poem of eight lines discovered in the Ceramicus and published by by W. Peek is of considerable interest for the historian. Peek is surely right in maintaining that it was composed for the Athenians who fell under Tolmides at Coronea in 447 B.C., and his general exposition of the poem's meaning is convincing. The aim of this paper is to make some comments and supplements to his interpretation and then to consider some peculiarities in the thought and technique (...)
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  23.  27
    Narcissism: Socrates, the Frankfurt School, and Psychoanalytic Theory.C. Fred Alford - 1988
    The term narcissism is normally used to describe an infatuation with the self so extreme that the interests of others are ignored. However, argues C. Fred Alford, psychoanalytic theory also implies that narcissism can be construed in a positive way, as a striving for perfection wholeness, and control over self and world. In this book, Alford applies the psychoanalytic theory of narcissism to the philosophies of Socrates and Frankfurt School members Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermas, contending (...)
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  24.  11
    (1 other version)The Province of Jurisprudence Democratized.Allan C. Hutchinson - 2009 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Province of Jurisprudence Democratized explores the implications of taking a vigorously democratic approach to issues of traditional legal theory. Allan C. Hutchinson introduces the democratic vision and examines the complementary philosophy of a Dewey-inspired pragmatism. This is followed by an examination from a pragmatic perspective of the dominant theories of analytical jurisprudence in both their positivist and naturalist forms. He emphasizes the contested concepts of 'truth', 'facts' and 'law/morality relation' and explores what a more uncompromising democratic/pragmatic agenda for law (...)
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  25. Disseminating Research through Design - Challenges and Opportunities Learned.C. DiSalvo - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):22-23.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Developing a Dialogical Platform for Disseminating Research through Design” by Abigail C. Durrant, John Vines, Jayne Wallace & Joyce Yee. Upshot: The target article provides a thorough and insightful review of the Research Through Design conferences and discusses the successes and limitations of the events in the dissemination of design knowledge.
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    Living accountably: accountability as a virtue.C. Stephen Evans - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In contemporary culture, accountability is usually understood in terms of holding people who have done something wrong accountable for their actions. As such, it is virtually synonymous with punishing someone. Living Accountably argues that accountability should also be understood as a significant, forward-looking virtue, an excellence possessed by those who willingly embrace being accountable to those who have proper standing, when that standing is exercised appropriately. Those who have this virtue are people who strive to live accountably. The book gives (...)
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  27.  34
    Computations in extraversion.C. Fine & R. J. R. Blair - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):521-523.
    We make two suggestions with regard to Depue & Collins's target article. First, regarding the functioning of MOC13, we provide data indicating that, contrary to D&C's apparent position, this structure is not necessary for instrumental conditioning. Second, we suggest that D&C's approach would be advanced by reference to formal computational theory, in particular the work of Grossberg. We suggest that an integration of Grossberg 's and D&C's models can provide a more complete account of extraversion.
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    Polybios and the Consulship of Iunius Pullus.C. F. Konrad - 2016 - Hermes 144 (2):178-193.
    It is generally believed that Polybios mistook L. Iunius Pullus (cos. 249) for one of the consuls of 248 B. C. The internal evidence of Polybios’ narrative shows clearly that he knew the correct year of Iunius’ consulship, and inadvertently created a false impression of the date by structuring his account so as to tell the story of the Roman siege of Lilybaeum without interruption, from its inception in 250 to Claudius Pulcher’s defeat at Drepana in the following year. This (...)
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  29.  17
    Pullus, Pullius, and Pulcher.C. F. Konrad - 2023 - Hermes 151 (1):120-126.
    It is argued that (1) the alleged violation of the auspices by both the Consuls of 249 B. C. did in fact occur and (2) resulted in separate prosecutions directed at each of them; (3) the name ‘Pullius’, reported for one of the plebeian Tribunes that prosecuted P. Claudius Pulcher, is probably authentic; (4) the cognomen of L. Iunius Pullus is not spun out the violation of the auspices attributed to him and his colleague; and (5) the cognomen ‘Pulcher’, first (...)
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  30.  12
    God: eight enduring questions.C. Stephen Layman - 2022 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This book explores a wide range of philosophical issues in their connection with theism, including views of free will, ethical theories, theories of mind, naturalism, and karma-plus-reincarnation. In this clear and logical guide, C. Stephen Layman takes up eight important philosophical questions about God: Does God exist? Why does God permit evil? Why think God is good? Why is God hidden? What is God's relationship to ethics? Is divine foreknowledge compatible with human free will? Do humans have souls? Does reincarnation (...)
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  31. Atheism Considered.C. M. Lorkowski - 2021 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    Atheism Considered is a systematic presentation of challenges to the existence of a higher power. Rather than engage in polemic against a religious worldview, C.M. Lorkowski charitably refutes the classical arguments for the existence of god, pointing out flaws in their underlying reasoning and highlighting difficulties inherent to revealed sources. In place of a theistic worldview, he argues for adopting a naturalistic one, highlighting naturalism’s capacity to explain world phenomena and contribute to the sciences. Lorkowski demonstrates that replacing theism with (...)
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  32.  95
    Causal theories of action.C. Behan Mccullagh - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 27 (3):201 - 209.
    In order to characterize actions, It is not necessary to describe the characteristic way in which they are caused by an agent's wants and beliefs, As a I goldman and d davidson have supposed. It is enough to note the absence of alternative causes. Nor are all our actions intentional, As both davidson and, In a more limiting way, A c danto, Have suggested. These are the theses argued in this paper.
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  33.  70
    Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. (From Vol. 8. Of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung).C. G. Jung & Sonu Shamdasani - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    This book is parapsychological study of the meaningful coincidence of events, extrasensory perception, and similar phenomena.
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  34.  50
    Socrates on Trial T. C. Brickhouse and N. D, Smith (Review).C. D. C. Reeve - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):626.
  35.  74
    The Collected Works of C. G. JUNG.C. G. H. G. Jung - 1984 - In C. G. H. G. Jung & Aniela Jaffé, Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909-1961. Princeton University Press. pp. 201-210.
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  36. Philosophers Speak for Themselves, Vol. I, From Thales to Plato; Vol. II, From Aristotle to Plotinus. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):374-375.
    A reprint, in two paper-bound volumes, of a standard student text, first published in 1934. The new edition is both cheaper and easier to handle than the original, and thus is even better suited to student use.--V. C. C.
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  37.  28
    Freedom of the Will. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):163-163.
    This powerful study of freedom is the first volume of a new edition of Edwards' work under the general editorship of Perry Miller. The editors intend to publish the manuscript material as well as the printed works. This volume is handsome and well printed; Ramsey contributes a solid introduction outlining Edwards' argument and the relation of his thought to Locke, Berkeley, and Leibniz.--A. C. P.
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  38.  24
    Fichtes Religionsphilosophie. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):352-352.
    A systematic and thorough-going account of Fichte's philosophical version of Christianity.--A. C. P.
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  39.  14
    God Speaks: The Theme of Creation and its Purpose. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):700-700.
    A full and systematic exposition of the teachings of a thinker who has been hailed as the Avatar of our time. He describes the odyssey of the soul from its creation through its "evolution and involution of consciousness" to its eventual return into the Oversoul. The book is somewhat repetitive, and the profusion of Indian terms together with a certain incoherence make it hard going for the uninitiated--A. C. P.
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  40.  13
    Gesetz und Handlungsfreiheit in der Geschichte. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):353-354.
    A preliminary sketch of a philosophy of history together with an account of certain phases in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman history. Though the book is interesting and well written, it is impossible to tell whether the chapter on philosophy is to serve as a preface to the following three historical chapters, or whether these chapters are meant to illustrate and elucidate the embryonic philosophy outlined in the first.--A. C. P.
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  41.  41
    John Duns Scotus: A Teacher for our Times. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):183-183.
    A rather popular mixture of biography, philosophy, and theology, for the Catholic layman. Scotus' role in the defense of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception receives special emphasis. --A. C. P.
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  42.  44
    The Mysteries of Mithra. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):717-717.
    A paperback reprint of the work in which Cumont shows "how and why a certain Mazdean sect failed under the Caesars to become the dominant religion of the empire."--A. C. P.
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  43.  23
    The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Vol. I, Faith, Trinity, Incarnation. Structure and Growth of Philosophic Systems from Plato to Spinoza, III. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):186-186.
    A monumental work of scholarship, consisting of thorough and comprehensive treatments of four relatively distinct motifs in the thought of the early Church Fathers. Part One deals with the origin of the problem of faith and reason, together with the various solutions proposed; Part Two treats the Trinity, the Logos, and Platonic Ideas; Part Three examines the three Christian "mysteries"--the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the generation of the Logos; and Part Four details the rise of the heresies, particularly gnosticism. This (...)
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  44.  12
    An Existentialist Aesthetic. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):803-803.
    A long, meandering exposition of the theories of Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, including an original, suggestive theory of "aesthetics proper." Newsy and superficial mentions of American aestheticians are meant to show that the existentialist revolt is, after all, almost respectable.--C. D.
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  45.  24
    Aspects of Bhakti. [REVIEW]P. S. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):157-157.
    Although the author attempts to define all his terms, his book is too full of unfamiliar categories to be of much help to the lay reader. For the Indologist, it may provide a useful catalogue of bases to be touched in a survey of Hindu theism. However, it fails to take sufficient account of Saiva Siddhanta and ignores Tantrism. In short, it is a sample of partisan Vaisnava scholarship.--C. P. S.
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  46.  23
    Aristotelesstudien. [REVIEW]B. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):370-371.
    By means of careful philological analysis of several key passages and concepts, the author throws some light on the development of Aristotle's ethical thought. Differing explicitly from Jaeger on several points, he emphasizes Aristotle's reliance on the Platonism of the Statesman and sees Aristotle as developing between the poles of a "practical metaphysics" and a theoretically grounded ethics. He does not, however, emphasize Aristotle's characteristic differences from Plato, perhaps because the unified character of Plato's thought is neglected. A section on (...)
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  47.  16
    Buddhism: A "Mystery Religion"? [REVIEW]P. S. C. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):382-382.
    This monograph on Theravada and Mahayana ordination ceremonies makes up for the neglect of ritual in most readily available studies of Buddhism. Its major thesis is that the historical puzzle over Ananda's mistreatment at the first Buddhist Council may be solved by reference to the abuse of ordinands at these ceremonies. Such abasement precedes elevation to a revered status within the community and is not evidence of rejection by one or other faction, as some have supposed with regard to Ananda. (...)
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  48.  20
    Concepts of Force. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):347-347.
    A survey of the various meanings assumed by the concept of force in physics and philosophy from ancient times to the present. Seldom rising above the level of description to the level of historical understanding, it is informative rather than illuminating and, though scholarly, unimaginatively written. -- C. L.
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  49.  24
    Diderot, the Embattled Philosopher. [REVIEW]M. M. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):539-539.
    In this revised and expanded edition of his well-known study of Denis Diderot's life and works, Crocker combines solid scholarship with a vivid portrayal of his subjects. Leaving firm ground only occasionally, Crocker masterfully reconstructs Diderot's life by weaving into his narrative the testimony of Diderot's contemporaries and the philosopher's own anecdotes of the more picturesque episodes of his life. The author never departs from firm ground, however, in his presentation of Diderot's works. With a rare blend of erudition and (...)
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  50.  21
    European Philosophy Today. [REVIEW]T. W. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):822-822.
    Five essays, each on a different contemporary philosopher. Those on Franco Lombardi, Sartre, and Leszek Kolakowski and other present-day revisionist Marxists were presented at an American Philosophical Association symposium in 1961; the studies of Xavier Zubiri and Heidegger were added specially for this volume. In each case the authors endeavor to say something fresh and substantial; yet each piece is written in a clear and non-technical style. The anthology is therefore to be recommended to those new to the various "continental" (...)
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