Results for 'Ca Weaver'

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  1. Is the flash necessary to form a flashbulb memory.Ca Weaver - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):507-507.
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    Helen in the iliad; ca usa Belli and victim of war: From silent Weaver to public speaker.Hanna Roisman - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (1):1-36.
    Homer creates Helen as a complex and suffering figure with a good mind, who strives for autonomy, expression, and belonging, within and despite the many constraints to which she is subject. The first part of the paper focuses on the constraints within which Helen operates: she is a captive and possession, she is subject to the wishes of the gods, and she is an abhorred foreigner viewed as the cause of suffering and strife. The second part examines her six encounters (...)
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    Além dos muros acadêmicos.Normaci Correia dos Santos Sena, Jamilli Cristina da Silva Quaresma & Barbara Coelho Neves - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):212-233.
    A transferência de informação se estabelece em uma área de conhecimento muito extensa e envolve vários meios de comunicação. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo tem como objetivo conhecer os impactos no processo da transferência da informação no contexto da Ciência Aberta (CA). Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva que utiliza-se como referencial teórico clássicos da Ciência da Informação para assim discutir características, aspectos e as repercussões ocasionadas pelo surgimento da Ciência Aberta. A pesquisa mostra que embora a transferência da informação seja (...)
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    In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963.Richard M. Weaver & Ted J. Smith - 2000
    Richard M Weaver, a thinker and writer celebrated for his unsparing diagnoses and realistic remedies for the ills of our age, is known largely through a few of his works that remain in print. This new collection of Weaver's shorter writings, assembled by Ted J Smith III, Weaver's leading biographer, presents many long-out-of-print and never-before-published works that give new range and depth to Weaver's sweeping thought. Included are eleven previously unpublished essays and speeches that were left (...)
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    INTERCHANGES: with myra hird and harlan weaver.Harlan Weaver & Myra Hird - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):217-232.
    Myra Hird and Harlan Weaver have been invited by the editors of this special issue to enter into discussion with each other – to conduct a series of interchanges – because of the careful attention their research has paid to the ways in which transness as a lived reality is ontologized in humans, non-human animals, bacteria, and viruses. With this issue’s interchanges, we would like to further the conversation on critically approaching the consequences of merging transness with animality. In (...)
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  6. Language Is Sermonic; Richard M. Weaver on the Nature of Rhetoric.Richard M. Weaver, Richard L. Johannesen, Rennard Strickland & Ralph T. Eubanks - 1972 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 5 (1):63-65.
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    Against methodocentrism in educational research.John A. Weaver & Nathan Snaza - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (11):1055-1065.
    This essay defines and critiques ‘methodocentrism’, the belief that predetermined research methods are the determining factor in the validity and importance of educational research. By examining research in science studies and posthumanism, the authors explain how this methodocentrism disenables research from taking account of problems and non-human actants that are presumed to be of no importance or value in existing social science research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative. Building from a critique of these methods as profoundly anthropocentric, the authors examine (...)
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    Taking Sin Seriously.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (1):45 - 74.
    Contemporary Roman Catholic ethics endeavors to take sin seriously by offering theologies of sin that emphasize it as a force and as a basic, personal orientation. Such efforts rightly counter the Catholic tradition's earlier reduction of sin to sins, and sins to external acts and moral culpability. But perhaps they go too far in this regard. By engaging Charles Curran, this study argues that inattention to sins undermines the theological referent of sin as a discourse that concerns more than moral (...)
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    Unifying some modifications of the Henkin construction.George Weaver - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (3):450-460.
  10.  58
    Does ethics code design matter? Effects of ethics code rationales and sanctions on recipients' justice perceptions and content recall.Gary R. Weaver - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (5):367 - 385.
    Prior research on ethics codes has suggested, but rarely tested, the effects of code design alternatives on the impact of codes. This study considers whether the presence of explanatory rationales and descriptions of sanctions in ethics codes affects recipients'' responses to a code. Theories of organizational justice and persuasive communication support an expectation that rationales and sanctions will be positively related to code recipients'' recall of code content and perceptions of organizational justice. Content recall is an obvious precondition of code (...)
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  11. Business ETHICS/BUSINESS ethics: One Field or Two?Gary R. Weaver - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):113-128.
    Abstract:This paper delineates the normative and empirical approaches to business ethics based upon five categories: 1) academic home; 2) language; 3) underlying assumptions; 4) theory purpose and scope; 5) theory grounds and evaluation criteria. The goal of the discussion is to increase understanding of the distinctive contributions of each approach and to encourage further dialogue about the potential for integration of the field.
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    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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    Book Reviews: Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrells (eds), Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society. [REVIEW]Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (3):367-370.
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    Ideas Have Consequences.Richard M. Weaver - 1948 - University of Chicago Press.
    In what has become a classic work, Richard M. Weaver unsparingly diagnoses the ills of our age and offers a realistic remedy. He asserts that the world is intelligible, and that man is free. The catastrophes of our age are the product not of necessity but of unintelligent choice. A cure, he submits, is possible. It lies in the right use of man's reason, in the renewed acceptance of an absolute reality, and in the recognition that ideas—like actions—have consequences.
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    Fundamental Causation: Physics, Metaphysics, and the Deep Structure of the World.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Fundamental Causation addresses issues in the metaphysics of deterministic singular causation, the metaphysics of events, property instances, facts, preventions, and omissions, as well as the debate between causal reductionists and causal anti-reductionists. The book also pays special attention to causation and causal structure in physics. Weaver argues that causation is a multigrade obtaining relation that is transitive, irreflexive, and asymmetric. When causation is singular, deterministic and such that it relates purely contingent events, the relation is also universal, intrinsic, and (...)
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  16. Udayanācāryas Nyāyapariśiṣṭam: with Vardhamāna Upādhyāya's commentary Prakāśa. Udayanācārya - 1938 - Calcutta: Metropolitan Print. and Pub. House. Edited by Vardhamāna & Narendra Chandra Vedantatirtha.
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    Demand and Supply: Association between Pediatric Ethics Consultation Volume and Protected Time for Ethics Work.Meaghann S. Weaver, Christopher Wichman, Shiven Sharma & Jennifer K. Walter - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (3):135-142.
    Background Despite national increase in pediatric ethics consultation volume over the past decade, protected time and resources for healthcare ethics consultancy work has lagged.Methods Correlation study investigating potential associations between ethics consult volume reported by recent national survey of consultants at children’s hospitals and five programmatic domains.Results 104 children’s hospitals in 45 states plus Washington DC were included. There was not a statistically significant association between pediatric ethics consult volume and hospital size, rurality of patient population, or number of consultants. (...)
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    Corporate Codes of Ethics: Purpose, Process and Content Issues.Gary R. Weaver - 1993 - Business and Society 32 (1):44-58.
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    The fallibility of religion.David Weaver - 2020 - Wellington: Pepped Warbeck Publishing.
    Spiritual belief is, in Weaver's view, a personal matter, not to be imposed doctrinally, and religion is a social construct with the critical role of providing structures within which communities can prosper. We need religion to survive in order to fulfil its true purpose of providing a social structure and rules for communal behaviour, he argues, but this will only happen if the existing religious claims to infallibility and exclusivity are eliminated. Many millions of people who no longer believe (...)
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  20. Cāritrasāraḥ. Cāmuṇḍarāyadeva - 2002 - Ambālā Chāvanī: Muni Śrī Saurabhasāgara Granthamālā. Edited by Śreyāṃakumāra Jaina.
    Sanskrit text with Hindi translation on Jaina monasticism and ethics.
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    A note on definability in equational logic.George Weaver - 1994 - History and Philosophy of Logic 15 (2):189-199.
    After an introduction which demonstrates the failure of the equational analogue of Beth?s definability theorem, the first two sections of this paper are devoted to an elementary exposition of a proof that a functional constant is equationally definable in an equational theory iff every model of the set of those consequences of the theory that do not contain the functional constant is uniquely extendible to a model of the theory itself.Sections three, four and five are devoted to applications and extensions (...)
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    Chapter 9. The Sacred Art of Teaching. Paul Tillich on Place, Boundary, and Pedagogy.Matthew Lon Weaver - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning (eds.), Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 105-112.
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    (Post) Modern Science (education): Propositions and Alternative Paths.John A. Weaver, Peter Michael Appelbaum & Marla Morris - 2001 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    These original essays offer new perspectives for science educators, curriculum theorists, and cultural critics on science education, French post-structural thought, and the science debates. Included in this book are chapters on the work of Bruno Latour, Michel Serres, and Jean Baudrillard, plus chapters on postmodern approaches to science education and critiques of modern scientific assumptions in curriculum development.
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  24. Pastoral Care of Alcohol Abusers.Andrew J. Weaver & Harold G. Koenig - 2009
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    Promoting Inquiry in Undergraduate Learning.Frederick Stirton Weaver - 1989 - Jossey-Bass.
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    Simple expansions of classes satisfying Fraenkel-Carnap properties.George Weaver & Irena Penev - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (3/4):175-186.
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    Studies on the Cārvāka/Lokāyata.Rāmakr̥shṇa Bhaṭṭācārya - 2009 - [Firenze]: Società Editrice Fiorentina.
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    Self Love and Christian Ethics.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Self love is an inescapable problem for ethics, yet much of contemporary ethics is reluctant to offer any normative moral anthropologies. Instead, secular ethics and contemporary culture promote a norm of self-realization which is subjective and uncritical. Christian ethics also fails to address this problem directly, because it tends to investigate self love within the context of conflicts between the self's interests and those of her neighbors. Self Love and Christian Ethics argues for right self love as the solution of (...)
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  29. Poincaré, Poincaré Recurrence, and the H-Theorem: A Continued Reassessment of Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2022 - International Journal of Modern Physics B 36 (23):2230005.
    In (Weaver 2021), I showed that Boltzmann’s H-theorem does not face a significant threat from the reversibility paradox. I argue that my defense of the H-theorem against that paradox can be used yet again for the purposes of resolving the recurrence paradox without having to endorse heavy-duty statistical assumptions outside of the hypothesis of molecular chaos. As in (Weaver 2021), lessons from the history and foundations of physics reveal precisely how such resolution is achieved.
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  30. Personal identity and persisting as many.Sara Weaver & John Turri - 2018 - In Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 2. Oxford University Press. pp. 213-242.
    Many philosophers hypothesize that our concept of personal identity is partly constituted by the one-person-one-place rule, which states that a person can only be in one place at a time. This hypothesis has been assumed by the most influential contemporary work on personal identity. In this paper, we report a series of studies testing whether the hypothesis is true. In these studies, people consistently judged that the same person existed in two different places at the same time. This result undermines (...)
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    An Ethics Consult Documentation Simplification Project: Summation of Participatory Processes, User Perceptions, and Subsequent Use Patterns.Meaghann S. Weaver, Anita J. Tarzian, Hannah N. Hester, Karinne R. Davidson, Rodney P. Dismukes & Mary Beth Foglia - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-17.
    Healthcare ethics consultants in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) document consults in an enterprise-wide web-based database entitled IEWeb, serving as a system of record for healthcare ethics documentation at 1300 VA facilities. The need arose to evolve the database from an ethics process training resource into a more streamlined documentation repository that captures essential consult elements. A VHA National Center for Ethics in Health Care (NCEHC) Improvement Team convened for three tasks: (1) Specify and prioritize IEWeb changes (occurred via six (...)
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  32. Evilism, moral rationalism, and reasons internalism.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (1):3-24.
    I show that the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent, and essentially omnimalevolent being is impossible given only two metaethical assumptions (viz., moral rationalism and reasons internalism). I then argue (pace Stephen Law) that such an impossibility undercuts Law’s (Relig Stud 46(3):353–373, 2010) evil god challenge.
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  33. In Praise of Clausius Entropy: Reassessing the Foundations of Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-64.
    I will argue, pace a great many of my contemporaries, that there's something right about Boltzmann's attempt to ground the second law of thermodynamics in a suitably amended deterministic time-reversal invariant classical dynamics, and that in order to appreciate what's right about (what was at least at one time) Boltzmann's explanatory project, one has to fully apprehend the nature of microphysical causal structure, time-reversal invariance, and the relationship between Boltzmann entropy and the work of Rudolf Clausius.
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    Corporations as intentional systems.William G. Weaver - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (1):87 - 97.
    The theory of corporations as moral persons was first advanced by Peter French some fifteen years ago. French persuasively argued that corporations, as persons, have moral responsibility in pretty much the same way that most human beings are said to have moral responsibility. One of the crucial features of French's argument has been his reliance on the idea that corporations are "intentional systems," that they have beliefs and desires just as humans do. But this feature of French's thought has been (...)
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  35. Pañcasūtraṃ: Tarkasamrāṭjainācāryaśrīharibhadrasūrikr̥tapañjikāyutaṃ. Śrīharibhadrasūriviracitaṃ Śrīmadācāryayaśobhadrasūrimahopādhyāyaśovijayakr̥tavr̥ttidvayopetaṃ Ṣoḍaśakaṃ ca. Cirantanācārya - 1980 - Piṇḍavāḍā: Bhāratīyaprācyatattvaprakāśanasamiti. Edited by Haribhadrasūri, Yaśobhadrasūri & Yaśovijaya.
    Two works, with commentaries, on Jaina ethics.
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  36. Śrīmadakhaṇḍabhūmaṇḍalācāryaśrīkr̥ṣṇavadanavirahavaiśvānarāvatāraśrīśrīmadvalla bhācāryaprādurbhāvitaṃ Śrīmadbrahmasūtrāṇubhāṣyam: akhaṇḍaśuddhādvaitabrahmavādapratipādanaparaṃ Peṭalādagrāmasthecchārāmabhaṭṭāvirbhāvitapradīpasamalaṅkr̥tam. Vallabhācārya - 1980 - Dillī: Buṭālā. Edited by Viṭṭhalanātha, Icchārāmabhaṭṭa, Gopālajī & Śāstrimagnalālaśarmā.
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  37. A Post-Holocaust Re-Examination of Nietzsche and the Jews vis-à-vis Christendom and Nazism.Weaver Santaniello - 1997 - In Jacob Golomb (ed.), Nietzsche and Jewish Culture. New York: Routledge. pp. 21--54.
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  38. nach dem Holocaust (1997).Weaver Santaniello - 2014 - In Christian Niemeyer (ed.), Friedrich Nietzsche. Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Causation in Physics.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2025 - Cambridge University Press.
    Causation in Physics demonstrates the importance of causation in the physical world. It details why causal mastery of natural phenomena is an important part of the effective strategies of experimental physicists. It develops three novel arguments for the viewpoint that causation is indispensable to the ontology of some of our best physical theories. All three arguments make much of the successes of experimental physics.
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    Los avisos escriturarios contra el orgullo en san Agustín.Rebecca Harden Weaver & José Anoz - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):319-326.
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    Report from BEQ Editor.Gary Weaver - 2007 - The Society for Business Ethics Newsletter 18 (2):3-4.
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    Serres and the university.John Weaver - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):375-383.
    Michel Serres was a successful scholar who made a living within the university on two continents. However, he also viewed the university with great trepidation and tried to warn young scholars against falling victim to the university culture that encouraged a scholar to become a critic and not do original work. In place of the current university system, Serres offers an alternative vision that I refer to as the Diogenes University.
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    Surveying knowledge in the tenth-century Middle East: al-Maqdisī's Book of teh Beginning and History.James Weaver - 2016 - .
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    The Status Nomenclature of the Imperial Freedmen.P. R. C. Weaver - 1963 - Classical Quarterly 13 (2):272-278.
    Lily Ross Taylor in an interesting recent article on the proportion of freedmen to freeborn in the sepulchral inscriptions of Imperial Rome discusses the increasing omission of status nomenclature by freedmen in the first and second centuries A.D. and the consequent difficulty of determining the status of persons whose names appear in the epitaphs. One contributory factor to this decline in the traditional nomenclature which she mentions is the growing numbers and importance of the freedmen of the emperor, the Augusti (...)
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  45. Visions of Order: The Cultural Crisis of Our Time.R. Weaver - 1964
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    ‘They did to him whatever they pleased’: The exercise of political power within Matthew’s narrative.Dorothy J. Weaver - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    Organizational Justice and Ethics Program “Follow-Through”: Influences on Employees’ Harmful and Helpful Behavior.Gary R. Weaver - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (4):651-671.
    Abstract:Organizational justice and injustice are widely noted influences on employees’ ethical behavior. Corporate ethics programs also raise issues of justice; organizations that fail to “follow-through” on their ethics policies may be perceived as violating employees’ expectations of procedural and retributive justice. In this empirical study of four large corporations, we considered employees’ perceptions of general organizational justice, and their perceptions of ethics program follow-through, in relation to unethical behavior that harms the organization, and to employees’ willingness to help the organization (...)
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  48. Nursing concept analysis in north America: State of the art.Kathryn Weaver & Carl Mitcham - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):180-194.
    Abstract The strength of a discipline is reflected in the development of a set of concepts relevant to its practice domain. As an evolving professional discipline, nursing requires further development in this respect. Over the past two decades in North America there have emerged three different approaches to concept analysis in nursing scholarship: Wilsonian-derived, evolutionary, and pragmatic utility. The present paper compares and contrasts these three methods of concept in terms of purpose, procedures, philosophical underpinnings, limitations, guidance for researchers, and (...)
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  49. Marriage and the Norm of Monogamy.Bryan R. Weaver & Fiona Woollard - 2008 - The Monist 91 (3-4):506-522.
    It appears that spouses have less reason to hold each other to a norm of monogamy than to reject the norm. The norm of monogamy involves a restriction of spouses' aeeess to two things of value: sex and erotic love. This restriction initially appears unwarranted but can be justified. There is reason for spouses to aeeept the norm of monogamy if their marriage satisfies three conditions. Otherwise, there is reason to permit non-monogamy. Some spouses have reason to accept the norm (...)
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  50.  11
    The Scandal of Community: Pauline Factions and the Circulation of Grace.Taylor M. Weaver - 2021 - Fortress Academic.
    Using the thought of Italian philosopher Robert Esposito, Taylor M. Weaver provides a new reading of Pauline community.
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