Results for 'Carel Koch'

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  1.  31
    (1 other version)Illness: The Cry of the Flesh.Havi Carel - 2008 - Routledge.
    What is illness? Is it a physiological dysfunction, a social label, or a way of experiencing the world? How do the physical, social and emotional worlds of a person change when they become ill? And can there be well-being within illness? In this remarkable and thought-provoking book, Havi Carel explores these questions by weaving together the personal story of her own serious illness with insights and reflections drawn from her work as a philosopher. Carel shows how the concepts (...)
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  2. Phenomenology as a Resource for Patients.H. Carel - 2012 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (2):96-113.
    Patient support tools have drawn on a variety of disciplines, including psychotherapy, social psychology, and social care. One discipline that has not so far been used to support patients is philosophy. This paper proposes that a particular philosophical approach, phenomenology, could prove useful for patients, giving them tools to reflect on and expand their understanding of their illness. I present a framework for a resource that could help patients to philosophically examine their illness, its impact on their life, and its (...)
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  3. What is conceptual engineering good for? The argument from nameability.Steffen Koch & Gary Lupyan - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    It is often assumed that how we talk about the world matters a great deal. This is one reason why conceptual engineers seek to improve our linguistic practices by advocating novel uses of our words, or by inventing new ones altogether. A core idea shared by conceptual engineers is that by changing our language in this way, we can reap all sorts of cognitive and practical benefits, such as improving our theorizing, combating hermeneutical injustice, or promoting social emancipation. But how (...)
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  4. A reply to 'towards an understanding of nursing as a response to human vulnerability' by Derek Sellman: Vulnerability and illness.Havi Carel - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (3):214-219.
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  5. Temporal finitude and finitude of possibility: The double meaning of death in being and time.Havi Carel - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (4):541 – 556.
    The confusion surrounding Heidegger's account of death in Being and Time has led to severe criticisms, some of which dismiss his analysis as incoherent and obtuse. I argue that Heidegger's critics err by equating Heidegger's concept of death with our ordinary concept. As I show, Heidegger's concept of death is not the same as the ordinary meaning of the term, namely, the event that ends life. But nor does this concept merely denote the finitude of Dasein's possibilities or the groundlessness (...)
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  6. Institutional Opacity, Epistemic Vulnerability, and Institutional Testimonial Justice.Carel Havi & Ian James Kidd - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (4):473-496.
    ABSTRACT This paper offers an account of institutional testimonial justice and describes one way that it breaks down, which we call institutional opacity. An institution is opaque when it becomes resistant to epistemic evaluation and understanding by its agents and users. When one cannot understand the inner workings of an institution, it becomes difficult to know how to comport oneself testimonially. We offer an account of an institutional ethos to explain what it means for an institution to be testimonially just; (...)
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    Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain.Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis (eds.) - 1994 - MIT Press.
    This book originated at a small and informal workshop held in December of 1992 in Idyllwild, a relatively secluded resort village situated amid forests in the ...
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  8. Bodily doubt.Havi Carel - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    In this paper I explore the tacit underlying sense of bodily certainty that characterizes normal everyday embodied experience. I then propose illness as one instance in which this certainty breaks down and is replaced by bodily doubt. I characterize bodily doubt as radically modifying our experience in three ways: loss of continuity, loss of transparency, and loss of faith in one's body. I then discuss the philosophical insights that arise from the experience of bodily doubt. The paper uses a Humean (...)
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  9. Conspicuous, Obtrusive and Obstinate: A Phenomenology of the Ill Body.Havi Carel - 2015 - In Darian Meacham (ed.), Medicine and Society, New Perspectives in Continental Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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  10. Can I be ill and happy?Havi Carel - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (2):95-110.
    Can one be ill and happy? I use a phenomenological approach to provide an answer to this question, using Merleau-Ponty’s distinction between the biological and the lived body. I begin by discussing the rift between the biological body and the ill person’s lived experience, which occurs in illness. The transparent and taken for granted biological body is problematised by illness, which exposes it as different from the lived experience of this body. I argue that because of this rift, the experience (...)
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  11. Epistemic injustice in healthcare encounters: evidence from chronic fatigue syndrome.Havi Carel, Charlotte Blease & Keith Geraghty - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):549-557.
    Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis remains a controversial illness category. This paper surveys the state of knowledge and attitudes about this illness and proposes that epistemic concerns about the testimonial credibility of patients can be articulated using Miranda Fricker’s concept of epistemic injustice. While there is consensus within mainstream medical guidelines that there is no known cause of CFS/ME, there is continued debate about how best to conceive of CFS/ME, including disagreement about how to interpret clinical studies of treatments. (...)
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  12. Illness, phenomenology, and philosophical method.Havi Hannah Carel - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (4):345-357.
    In this article, I propose that illness is philosophically revealing and can be used to explore human experience. I suggest that illness is a limit case of embodied experience. By pushing embodied experience to its limit, illness sheds light on normal experience, revealing its ordinary and thus overlooked structure. Illness produces a distancing effect, which allows us to observe normal human behavior and cognition via their pathological counterpart. I suggest that these characteristics warrant illness a philosophical role that has not (...)
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  13.  52
    Pathology as a phenomenological tool.Havi Carel - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):201-217.
    The phenomenological method has been fruitfully used to study the experience of illness in recent years. However, the role of illness is not merely that of a passive object for phenomenological scrutiny. I propose that illness, and pathology more generally, can be developed into a phenomenological method in their own right. I claim that studying cases of pathology, breakdown, and illness offer illumination not only of these experiences, but also of normal function and the tacit background that underpins it. In (...)
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  14. Illness, Second Edition: The Cry of the Flesh.Havi Carel - 2013 - Acumen Publishing.
    What is illness? Is it a physiological dysfunction, a social label, or a way of experiencing the world? How do the physical, social and emotional worlds of a person change when they become ill? And can there be wellbeing within illness? In this remarkable and thought-provoking book, Havi Carel explores these questions by weaving together the personal story of her own serious illness with insights and reflections drawn from her work as a philosopher. Carel’s fresh approach to illness (...)
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    The Naturalisation of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu.Max Koch - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (1):9-27.
    This paper analyses the hegemony of the growth paradigm through the example of its naturalisation in capitalist production and consumption relations. Applying a combination of theoretical elements from the Marxian tradition, the Regulation approach and Bourdieusian sociology, emphasis is placed on how the growth imperative is reflected in people's minds and bodies. It becomes hegemonic because it appears to be the natural way of steering economy and society. As a result, all people – including working people – benefit from the (...)
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  16. The Predicament of Patients.Havi Carel & Ian James Kidd - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 89:65-74.
    In this paper we propose that our understanding of pathocentric epistemic injustices can be enriched if they are theorised in terms of predicaments. These are the wider socially scaffolded structures of epistemic challenges, dangers, needs, and threats experienced by ill persons due to their particular emplacement within material, social, and epistemic structures. In previous work we have described certain aspects of these predicaments - pathocentric epistemic injustices, pathophobia, and so on. We argue that thinking predicamentally helps us integrate the various (...)
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  17. Illness as Transformative Experience.Havi Carel, Richard Pettigrew & Ian James Kidd - 2017 - The Lancet 388:1152-1153..
    We propose that certain forms of chronic illness can be transformative experiences, in the sense described by L.A. Paul.
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    Mapping African ethical review committee activity onto capacity needs: The Marc initiative and hrweb's interactive database of recs in Africa.Carel Ijsselmuiden, Debbie Marais, Douglas Wassenaar & Boitumelo Mokgatla-Moipolai - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (2):74-86.
    Health research initiatives worldwide are growing in scope and complexity, particularly as they move into the developing world. Expanding health research activity in low- and middle-income countries has resulted in a commensurate rise in the need for sound ethical review structures and functions in the form of Research Ethics Committees (RECs). Yet these seem to be lagging behind as a result of the enormous challenges facing these countries, including poor resource availability and lack of capacity. There is thus an urgent (...)
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  19. Phenomenology and its application in medicine.Havi Carel - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (1):33-46.
    Phenomenology is a useful methodology for describing and ordering experience. As such, phenomenology can be specifically applied to the first person experience of illness in order to illuminate this experience and enable health care providers to enhance their understanding of it. However, this approach has been underutilized in the philosophy of medicine as well as in medical training and practice. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of phenomenology to clinical medicine. In order to describe the experience of illness, we need a (...)
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  20.  25
    Short notice.Edwin Carels - 2015 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 5 (1):31-38.
    The cinematic illusion of movement always requires a number of images. In this regard, the present article poses the question as to how far one can narrow this down, and still consider such a manifestation a meaningful cinematic experience that communicates a concise idea. Demonstrating the impact of a flicker or an electronically alternating sequence of visual impulses that arrest our attention, a thaumatrope or an animated GIF can already generate such significance. Within both the art world and avant-garde cinema, (...)
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    Seefahrten des Denkens: Dietmar Koch zum 60. Geburtstag.Dietmar Koch, Alina Noveanu, Julia Pfefferkorn & Antonino Spinelli (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
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  22. Expanding Transformative Experience.Havi Carel & Ian James Kidd - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):199-213.
    We develop a broader, more fine-grained taxonomy of forms of ‘transformative experience’ inspired by the work of L.A. Paul. Our vulnerability to such experiences arises, we argue, due to the vulnerability, dependence, and affliction intrinsic to the human condition. We use this trio to distinguish a variety of positively, negatively, and ambivalently valenced forms of epistemically and/or personally transformative experiences. Moreover, we argue that many transformative experiences can arise gradually and cumulatively, unfolding over the course of longer periods of time.
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  23. The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach.Christof Koch - 2004 - Roberts & Company.
    In "The Quest for Consciousness," Caltech neuroscientist Christof Koch explores the biological basis of consciousness.
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    Narrative and Persuasion in Victor Hugo’s Claude Gueux.Marion Carel - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (1):143-159.
    The article deals with the question of persuasion by comparing two passages taken from a text written by Victor Hugo entitled Claude Gueux The first passage is taken from the first part of the text in which Hugo tells the story of the murder of the director of the Clairvaux prison workshop perpetrated by a prisoner, Claude Gueux, followed by the latter’s trial and execution. The second passage studied is taken from the second part of the text in which Hugo (...)
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  25. The problem of organ donation.Havi Carel - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 42 (3rd qu):43-49.
    More people desperately require an organ than become donors themselves. When discussing organ donation, people mainly consider the question whether they want to donate, whereas empirically they are more likely to be on the receiving end. So it is rational for each of us to join the organ donor register and to agree to donate our relative’s organs, if we are ever in that situation.
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    Eros und Gewalt: Untersuchungen zum Freiheitsbegriff bei Herbert Marcuse.Erhard Koch - 1985 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Infertilité secondaire et libre réalisation de l’arbre généalogique ou comment explorer les enjeux de la filiation et du désir d’enfant chez la femme gabonaise.Carelle Vanessa Koumba & Claudine Veuillet-Combier - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 231 (1):159-176.
    L’article interroge, à travers une vignette clinique, le désir d’enfant et l’infertilité secondaire en étant à l’écoute des enjeux inconscients et des représentations socioculturelles gabonaises. Il repère comment le recours à l’ amp n’exclut pas l’adhésion aux croyances traditionnelles de la malédiction. La recherche s’appuie sur une méthodologie qualitative et intègre la libre réalisation de l’arbre généalogique. L’utilisation de la médiation projective permet d’investiguer les liens familiaux, conjugaux et la place fantasmatique de l’enfant dans l’espace généalogique. L’analyse souligne, sur le (...)
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  28. Prolegomena van 'n prinsipiële pedagogiek.Carel Krügel Oberholzer - 1968 - Kaapstad,: H.A.U.M..
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    Kant, Fichte, Hegel und die Logik. Kleine Anmerkungen zu einem großen Thema.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2017 - In Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.), Logik / Logic. De Gruyter. pp. 291-316.
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    Vulnerabilization and De-pathologization: Two Philosophical Suggestions.Havi Carel - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (1):73-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vulnerabilization and De-pathologizationTwo Philosophical SuggestionsHavi Carel, PhD (bio)Alastair Morgan raises useful and interesting philosophical critiques of the 'power-threat-meaning' framework proposed by Johnstone et al. (2018). In what follows I make two suggestions that may clarify some aspects of the debate. First, to broaden the notion of threat: we can think more broadly about adverse life events as the source of mental suffering by broadening the notion of threat (...)
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  31. On the zombie within.Christof Koch & Francis Crick - 2001 - Nature 411 (6840):893-893.
  32. Phenomenology and Naturalism: Examining the Relationship Between Human Experience and Nature.Havi Carel & Darian Meacham (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    What is the relationship between phenomenology and naturalism? Are they mutually exclusive or is a rapprochement possible between their approaches to consciousness and the natural world? Can phenomenology be naturalised and ought it to be? Or is naturalism fundamentally unable to accommodate phenomenological insights? How can phenomenological method be used within a naturalistic research programme? This cutting-edge collection of original essays contains brilliant contributions from leading phenomenologists across the world. The collection presents a wide range of fascinating and carefully argued (...)
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    Totipotency, twinning, and ensoulment at fertilization.Rose Koch-Hershenov - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (2):139 – 164.
    From fertilization to approximately the sixteenth day of development, human embryonic cells are said to have the capacities of totipotency and monozygotic twinning, both of which are problematic to a theory of ensoulment at fertilization. In this article I will address the problems which these capacities pose to such a theory and present an interpretation of the biological data which renders ensoulment at fertilization more plausible. I will then argue that not only is an ensoulment theory consistent with current biological (...)
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    Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist.Cristof Koch - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In which a scientist searches for an empirical explanation for phenomenal experience, spurred by his instinctual belief that life is meaningful. What links conscious experience of pain, joy, color, and smell to bioelectrical activity in the brain? How can anything physical give rise to nonphysical, subjective, conscious states? Christof Koch has devoted much of his career to bridging the seemingly unbridgeable gap between the physics of the brain and phenomenal experience. This engaging book--part scientific overview, part memoir, part futurist (...)
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  35.  82
    The Philosophical Role of Illness.Havi Carel - 2014 - Metaphilosophy 45 (1):20-40.
    This article examines the philosophical role of illness. It briefly surveys the philosophical role accorded to illness in the history of philosophy and explains why illness merits such a role. It suggests that illness modifies, and thus sheds light on, normal experience, revealing its ordinary and therefore overlooked structure. Illness also provides an opportunity for reflection by performing a kind of suspension (epoché) of previously held beliefs, including tacit beliefs. The article argues that these characteristics warrant a philosophical role for (...)
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  36.  79
    Health, Illness and Disease: Philosophical Essays.Havi Carel & Rachel Valerie Cooper (eds.) - 2012 - Durham: Routledge.
    What counts as health or ill health? How do we deal with the fallibility of our own bodies? Should illness and disease be considered simply in biological terms, or should considerations of its emotional impact dictate our treatment of it? Our understanding of health and illness had become increasingly more complex in the modern world, as we are able to use medicine not only to fight disease but to control other aspects of our bodies, whether mood, blood pressure, or cholesterol. (...)
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  37. The Phenomenology of Illness.Havi Carel - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    The experience of illness is a universal and substantial part of human existence. Like death, illness raises important philosophical issues. But unlike death, illness, and in particular the experience of being ill, has received little philosophical attention. In Phenomenology of Illness Havi Carel argues that the experience of illness has been wrongly neglected by philosophers and provides a distinctively philosophical account of illness. Using phenomenology, Carel explores how illness modifies the ill person's body, values, and world. The aim (...)
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  38.  48
    ‘Creatures of a Day’: Contingency, Mortality, and Human Limits.Havi Carel - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 90:193-214.
    This paper offers a nexus of terms – mortality, limits, contingency and vulnerability – painting a picture of human life as marked by limitation and finitude. I suggest that limitations of possibility, capacity, and resource are deep features of human life, but not only restrict it. Limits are also the conditions of possibility for human life and as such have productive, normative, and creative powers that not only delimit life but also scaffold growth and transformation within it. The paper takes (...)
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  39. Normative and prescriptive criteria: The efficacy of organ transplantation allocation protocols.Tom Koch - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (1).
    Normative criteria adopted to assure just, equitable, and efficient allocation of donor organs to potential recipients has been widely praised as a model for the allocation of scarce medical resources. Because the organ transplantation program relies upon voluntary participation by potential donors, all such programs necessarily rely upon public confidence in allocation decision making protocols. Several well publicized cases have raised questions in North America about the efficacy of allocation procedures. An analysis of those cases, and the relevant technical literature, (...)
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    What’s the Harm in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?Peter M. Koch - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (6):603-612.
    In clinical ethics, there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding the appropriateness of attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for certain patients. Although the issue continues to receive ample attention and various frameworks have been proposed for navigating such cases, most discussions draw heavily on the notion of harm as a central consideration. In the following, I use emerging philosophical literature on the notion of harm to argue that the ambiguities and disagreement about harm create important and oft-overlooked challenges for the (...)
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    Filosofia Contemporanea em Açao.Havi Carel & David Gamez (eds.) - 2008 - Artmed.
    O que queremos dizer atualmente quando falamos sobre filosofia? Como a filosofia se relaciona com a ciência, com a política e a literatura? Que métodos o filósofo moderno utiliza, e como a filosofia progride? A filosofia é diferente de um lugar para outro? O que a filosofia pode fazer por nós? E o que não pode fazer? Este livro diz o que a filosofia é e também nos mostra a filosofia contemporânea em ação.
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    Reflections of a Natural Scientist on Panpsychism.C. Koch - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (9-10):65-75.
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    ‘I Am Well, Apart from the Fact that I Have Cancer’: Explaining Wellbeing within Illness.Havi H. Carel - 2009 - In Lisa Bortolotti (ed.), Philosophy and Happiness. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 82-99.
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    What a mess: can we tidy up the concept of health?Havi Carel - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This is a review article of Elizabeth Barnes’ new book, Health Problems. In this article, I try to offer a sense of where this exciting sub-discipline of philosophy of medicine has got to. I do that in three ways. First, I make a few comments on the general idea that there are theories of health competing in the field of philosophy of medicine; second, I offer specific comments on the phenomenological approach; and finally, I comment on Barnes’ claim that health (...)
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    Life and Death in Freud and Heidegger.Havi Carel - 2006 - Rodopi.
    Life and Death in Freud and Heidegger argues that mortality is a fundamental structuring element in human life. The ordinary view of life and death regards them as dichotomous and separate. This book explains why this view is unsatisfactory and presents a new model of the relationship between life and death that sees them as interlinked. Using Heidegger's concept of being towards death and Freud's notion of the death drive, it demonstrates the extensive influence death has on everyday life and (...)
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    II—Virtue Without Excellence, Excellence Without Health.Havi Carel - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):237-253.
    In this paper I respond to Edward Harcourt’s suggestion that human excellences are structured in a way that allows us to see the multiplicity of life forms that can be instantiated by different groups of excellences. I accept this layered model, but suggest that Harcourt’s proposal is not pluralistic enough, and offer three critical points. First, true pluralism would need to take a life-cycle view, thus taking into account plurality within, as well as between, lives. Second, Harcourt’s pluralism still posits (...)
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    Analysis of Power in Medical Decision-Making: An Argument for Physician Autonomy.Kathryn A. Koch, Bruce W. Meyers & Stephen Sandroni - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 20 (4):320-326.
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  48. Film as philosophy.Havi Carel & Greg Tuck - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 50 (50):30-31.
    More people desperately require an organ than become donors themselves. When discussing organ donation, people mainly consider the question whether they want to donate, whereas empirically they are more likely to be on the receiving end. So it is rational for each of us to join the organ donor register and to agree to donate our relative’s organs, if we are ever in that situation.
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  49. The externalist challenge to conceptual engineering.Steffen Koch - 2021 - Synthese 198 (1):327–348.
    Unlike conceptual analysis, conceptual engineering does not aim to identify the content that our current concepts do have, but the content which these concepts should have. For this method to show the results that its practitioners typically aim for, being able to change meanings seems to be a crucial presupposition. However, certain branches of semantic externalism raise doubts about whether this presupposition can be met. To the extent that meanings are determined by external factors such as causal histories or microphysical (...)
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  50. Neurodiversity, epistemic injustice, and the good human life.Robert Chapman & Havi Carel - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (4):614-631.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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