Results for 'Carina Seidl'

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  1.  2
    An "R‐spondin code" for multimodal signaling ON‐OFF states.Christof Niehrs, Carina Seidl & Hyeyoon Lee - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (10):2400144.
    R‐spondins (RSPOs) are a family of secreted proteins and stem cell growth factors that are potent co‐activators of Wnt signaling. Recently, RSPO2 and RSPO3 were shown to be multifunctional, not only amplifying Wnt‐ but also binding BMP‐ and FGF receptors to downregulate signaling. The common mechanism underlying these diverse functions is that RSPO2 and RSPO3 act as “endocytosers” that link transmembrane proteins to ZNRF3/RNF43 E3 ligases and trigger target internalization. Thus, RSPOs are natural protein targeting chimeras for cell surface proteins. (...)
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    Infants’ Learning of Phonological Status.Amanda Seidl & Alejandrina Cristia - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Social Equality: On What It Means to Be Equals.Carina Fourie, Fabian Schuppert & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Oup Usa.
    This volume brings together a collection of ten original essays which present new analyses of social and relational equality in philosophy and political theory. The essays analyze the nature of social equality and its relationship with justice and with politics.
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    Minimal indirect reference: a theory of the syntax-phonology interface.Amanda Seidl - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    This book investigates the nature of the relationship between phonology and syntax and proposes a theory of Minimal Indirect Reference that solves many classic problems relating to the topic. Seidl shows that all variation across languages in phonological domain size is due to syntactic differences and a single domain parameter specific to phonology.
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  5. Moral Distress and Moral Conflict in Clinical Ethics.Carina Fourie - 2013 - Bioethics 29 (2):91-97.
    Much research is currently being conducted on health care practitioners' experiences of moral distress, especially the experience of nurses. What moral distress is, however, is not always clearly delineated and there is some debate as to how it should be defined. This article aims to help to clarify moral distress. My methodology consists primarily of a conceptual analysis, with especial focus on Andrew Jameton's influential description of moral distress. I will identify and aim to resolve two sources of confusion about (...)
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    Does working memory capacity predict cross-modally induced failures of awareness?Carina Kreitz, Philip Furley, Daniel J. Simons & Daniel Memmert - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 39 (C):18-27.
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    Event Knowledge in Large Language Models: The Gap Between the Impossible and the Unlikely.Carina Kauf, Anna A. Ivanova, Giulia Rambelli, Emmanuele Chersoni, Jingyuan Selena She, Zawad Chowdhury, Evelina Fedorenko & Alessandro Lenci - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (11):e13386.
    Word co‐occurrence patterns in language corpora contain a surprising amount of conceptual knowledge. Large language models (LLMs), trained to predict words in context, leverage these patterns to achieve impressive performance on diverse semantic tasks requiring world knowledge. An important but understudied question about LLMs’ semantic abilities is whether they acquire generalized knowledge of common events. Here, we test whether five pretrained LLMs (from 2018's BERT to 2023's MPT) assign a higher likelihood to plausible descriptions of agent−patient interactions than to minimally (...)
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    Intimacy Effects on Action Regulation: Retrieval of Observationally Acquired Stimulus–Response Bindings in Romantically Involved Interaction Partners Versus Strangers.Carina Giesen, Virginia Löhl, Klaus Rothermund & Nicolas Koranyi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:384733.
    Previous research has shown that stimulus–response (SR) binding and retrieval processes also occur when responses are only observed in another person ( Giesen et al., 2014 ). Importantly, this effect depends on the two individuals interacting interdependently during the task (e.g., competition or cooperation). Interdependence, however, must not necessarily result from task-related demands, but can also reflect an intrinsic feature of a given relationship. The present study examines whether observing responses of one’s romantic partner also produces stimulus-based retrieval of observed (...)
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    Distance is relative: Inattentional blindness critically depends on the breadth of the attentional focus.Carina Kreitz, Stefanie Hüttermann & Daniel Memmert - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 78:102878.
  10. Sobre la idea de familia en el proceso de toma de una fábrica.Carina Balladares - 2012 - Enfoques: Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 11 (1):1.
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  11. What do theories of social justice have to say about health care rationing?Carina Fourie - 2012 - In André den Exter & Martin Buijsen (eds.), Rationing health care: hard choices and unavoidable trade-offs. Maklu. pp. 65-86.
    One of the most controversial issues in many health care systems is health care rationing. In essence, rationing refers to the denial of - or delay in - access to scarce goods and services in health care, despite the existence of medical need. Scarcity of financial and medical resources confronts society with painful questions. Who should decide which medicine or new treatment will be covered by social security and on which criteria such decisions must be based? Can age, for example, (...)
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    (1 other version)Bemerkungen zu Ding an sich und transzendentalem Gegenstand in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Horst Seidl - 1972 - Kant Studien 63 (1-4):305-314.
  13. La crisis de los valores cristianos en el siglo XIX: Kierkegaard y Nietzsche.Patricia Carina - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:191-203.
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  14. A supremacia da visualidade e a leitura em contexto digital.Carina Ochi Flexor - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (2).
    A cultura digital vem provocando mudanças nas experiências leitoras, sobretudo quando se observa a condição ontológica da mídia digital, exigindo olhares atentos acerca da condição da imagem. O artigo – a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica e da observação de objetos empíricos –, considerando a materialidade livresca e os protocolos de leitura próprios dos livros-aplicativos, reflete acerca do lugar da imagem diante da leitura em contexto digital. Tomando como arcabouços teóricos as noções acerca dos protocolos de leitura e a pragmática computacional, (...)
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  15. Accommodating diversity: Feyerabend, science and philosophy.Carina Fourie - unknown
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    Einleitung.Carina Middel - 2017 - In Schiller Und Die Philosophische Anthropologie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Ideengeschichtlicher Brückenschlag. De Gruyter. pp. 1-22.
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    GC‐biased gene conversion links the recombination landscape and demography to genomic base composition.Carina F. Mugal, Claudia C. Weber & Hans Ellegren - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (12):1317-1326.
    The origin and evolutionary dynamics of the spatial heterogeneity in genomic base composition have been debated since its discovery in the 1970s. With the recent availability of numerous genome sequences from a wide range of species it has been possible to address this question from a comparative perspective, and similarities and differences in base composition between groups of organisms are becoming evident. Ample evidence suggests that the contrasting dynamics of base composition are driven by GC‐biased gene conversion (gBGC), a process (...)
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    Settling Accounts with Blood Memory: The Case of Argentina.Carina Perelli - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:415-452.
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    Information About the Optimism of a Placebo/Nocebo Provider and Placebo/Nocebo Side Effects.Carina Schlintl & Anne Schienle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundResearch has demonstrated that personality characteristics, such as optimism are associated with placebo/nocebo responding. The present study investigated whether written information about the optimism of a placebo/nocebo provider can influence the occurrence of reported placebo/nocebo side effects.MethodWe analyzed data from 201 females who participated in a “clinical study on a new massage oil with stone clover extract.” The oil was introduced as either eliciting a negative side effect or a positive side effect. The administration of the oil was combined with (...)
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    Theorien des Gesellschaftsvertrages und ihre ordnungspolitischen Implikationen.Carina Schubert - 1998 - Köln: Institut Fur Wirtschaftspolitik.
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    Bemerkungen zu G.W.F. Hegels Interpretation von Aristoteles',De anima' III 4-5 und,Metaphysica' XII7U.9.Horst Seidl - 1986 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 12:209-236.
  22. Die Bedeuntung der Naturphilosophie für die Naturwissenschaft im Hinblick auf das Aktuelle Realitäts-und Technikproblem.H. Seidl - 1996 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 41:51-70.
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    Der Begriff des Intellekts (nous) bei Aristoteles im philosophischen Zusammenhang seiner Hauptschriften.Horst Seidl - 1971 - A. Hain.
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    Erkennen und Leben: philosophische Beiträge zum Lebensbezug menschlicher Erkenntnis.Horst Seidl & Nikos Augeles (eds.) - 2002 - New York: G. Olms.
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    On Foundation Problems of Normative and Educational Ethics.Horst Seidl - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 44:215-222.
    The controversies in our time between teleological and deontological ethics which come down to the problem "from being to ought," referring to human being or nature, can be resolved only by an adequate conception of human nature. Taking up the ancient tradition again, we can re-examine the teleological conception of human nature as primarily instinctive and selfish, and say that human nature is constituted also by reason and that the instinctive nature is predisposed to be guided by reason or intellect. (...)
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    Realismus als philosophisches Problem.Horst Seidl (ed.) - 2000 - New York: G. Olms.
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    W. G. Sebalds poetische Wallfahrten: Geschichte zwischen Untergang und Rettung.Anna Seidl - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 68 (2):136-152.
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    Zur Kontroverse zwischen Erasmus und Luther unter Berücksichtigung traditioneller Ethik-Lehren.Horst Seidl - 1995 - In Andreas Speer (ed.), Die Bibliotheca Amploniana: Ihre Bedeutung im Spannungsfeld von Aristotelismus, Nominalismus und Humanismus. De Gruyter. pp. 489-502.
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    Zur Seinsfrage bei Aristoteles und Heidegger.Horst Seidl - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (2):203 - 226.
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    Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Praxis in Aristoteles' "Nikomachischer Ethik".Horst Seidl - 1965 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 19 (4):553 - 562.
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    Binge Drinking Trajectory and Decision-Making during Late Adolescence: Gender and Developmental Differences.Carina Carbia, Fernando Cadaveira, Francisco Caamaño-Isorna, Socorro Rodríguez Holguín & Montserrat Corral - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  32. 150+1 Probleme (și soluțiile lor) / 150+1 Problems (and their solutions).Carina Maria Viespescu, Lucian Tuțescu & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Miami: Global Knowledge.
    This book is written for middle and high school students, for teachers and for those with a passion for math, containing 150+1 problems (which are followed by solutions) to make it more accessible to the reader. The last problem (150+1), a very interesting one, leaves some space for comments and generalizations. The book is a collaboration between a multi-awarded student at Romania’s National Mathematics Olympiad (Carina Maria Viespescu, student in year 10 at Liceul International of Informatics Bucuresti), a teacher (...)
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    Affective matching moderates S–R binding.Carina Giesen & Klaus Rothermund - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):342-350.
  34. What is Social Equality? An Analysis of Status Equality as a Strongly Egalitarian Ideal.Carina Fourie - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (2):107-126.
    What kind of equality should we value and why? Current debate centres around whether distributive equality is valuable. However, it is not the only (potentially) morally significant form of equality. David Miller and T. M. Scanlon have emphasised the importance of social equality—a strongly egalitarian notion distinct from distributive equality, and which cannot be reduced to a concern for overall welfare or the welfare of the worst-off. However, as debate tends to focus on distribution, social equality has been neglected and (...)
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    Sex or no sex: Evolutionary adaptation occurs regardless.Michael F. Seidl & Bart P. H. J. Thomma - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (4):335-345.
    All species continuously evolve to adapt to changing environments. The genetic variation that fosters such adaptation is caused by a plethora of mechanisms, including meiotic recombination that generates novel allelic combinations in the progeny of two parental lineages. However, a considerable number of eukaryotic species, including many fungi, do not have an apparent sexual cycle and are consequently thought to be limited in their evolutionary potential. As such organisms are expected to have reduced capability to eliminate deleterious mutations, they are (...)
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  36. The Nature and Distinctiveness of Social Equality: An Introduction.Carina Fourie, Fabian Schuppert & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2015 - In Carina Fourie, Fabian Schuppert & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.), Social Equality: On What It Means to Be Equals. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 1-20.
    This chapter serves as an introduction to the collected volume. In the first section, we aim to provide background on important themes in social egalitarianism and to set the context for understanding which significant questions the chapters in this book pose and attempt to answer. In this section we focus especially on what could be said to characterize socially egalitarian relationships, on which relationships are of concern, and on what might make social egalitarianism distinct. In the second section, we provide (...)
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    Effects of Concomitant Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants Long-Term Use on Social Decision-Making: Results From the Ultimatum Game.Carina Fernandes, Helena Garcez, Senanur Balaban, Fernando Barbosa, Mariana R. Pereira, Celeste Silveira, João Marques-Teixeira & Ana R. Gonçalves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Benzodiazepines and antidepressants have been shown to change responses to unfairness; however, the effects of their combined use on unfairness evaluation are unknown. This study examines the effects of concomitant benzodiazepines and antidepressants long-term use on the evaluation of fair and unfair offers. To analyze behavioral changes on responses to unfairness, we compared the performance of medicated participants and healthy controls in the Ultimatum Game, both in the proposer and in the respondent role. The results showed that long-term psychotropic users (...)
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  38. Justice and the duties of social equality.Carina Fourie - unknown
  39. La paradoja del Cronopio, o los lugares del pensamiento.Carina Infantozzi - 2008 - A Parte Rei 58:11.
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    El sentimiento de vergüenza en la experiencia escolar de jóvenes indígenas.Carina V. Kaplan & Elisa Martina de los Ángeles Sulca - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:64-73.
    El presente art í culo analiza el sentimiento de verg ü enza en la experiencia escolar de j óvenes indígenas de una escuela secundaria rural-albergue del Norte de Argentina. Los testimonios recuperados expresan el dolor social y la búsqueda de reparaci ón simbó lica de la subjetividad herida.
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    III Schillers ästhetische Anthropologie der Freiheit.Carina Middel - 2017 - In Schiller Und Die Philosophische Anthropologie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Ideengeschichtlicher Brückenschlag. De Gruyter. pp. 125-312.
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    Literatur.Carina Middel - 2017 - In Schiller Und Die Philosophische Anthropologie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Ideengeschichtlicher Brückenschlag. De Gruyter. pp. 325-350.
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    Schluss.Carina Middel - 2017 - In Schiller Und Die Philosophische Anthropologie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Ideengeschichtlicher Brückenschlag. De Gruyter. pp. 313-324.
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    Schiller Und Die Philosophische Anthropologie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Ideengeschichtlicher Brückenschlag.Carina Middel - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Schillers Anthropologie und die Philosophische Anthropologie – dahinter stehen zwei Denksysteme mit zahlreichen Parallelen. Während den Theorien selbst in den letzten Jahrzehnten große Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde, ist die Analogie zwischen ihnen bislang nur wenig erforscht. Die Studie nutzt Schlüsselbegriffe und konstante Denkfiguren, die aus den Werken Schelers, Plessners und Gehlens herausgearbeitet und vor ihrem wissenschaftlichen wie gesellschaftlichen Hintergrund erklärt werden, zu dem heuristischen Zweck einer Neuinterpretation der schillerschen Philosophie vom Menschen. So deckt der typologische Vergleich zwischen den Schriften des späten (...)
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    Back Matter.Carina Pöhl - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:575-605.
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  46. Die aristotelischen Quellen der Transzendentalien-Aufstellung bei Thomas von Aquin, De ver., q. 1, art. 1.Horst Seidl - 1973 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 80 (1):166-71.
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    Sobre las críticas modernas a la metafísica aristotélica y su discusión en E. Berti.Horst Seidl - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (72):53-80.
    On the collective work edited by P. Rossi, E. Berti has written the section dedicated to metaphysics. A review of this contribution is attempted. Some personal remarks about modem critics to metaphysics are introduced whenever they differ from Berti's.
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  48. Sulla posizione dell'uomo nella natura.H. Seidl - 1990 - Aquinas 33 (3):567-577.
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    Traditionelle Tugendlehre als angewandte Ethik: von allgemeinen Normen zum konkreten Handeln.Horst Seidl - 2012 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Vom Dasein zum Wesen des Menschen: Erörterungen zur philosophischen Anthropologie zwischen Tradition und Gegenwart.Horst Seidl - 2001 - New York: G. Olms.
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