Results for 'Caroline Alamini-Rodrigues'

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  1.  11
    Effect of Experimentally-Induced Trunk Muscular Tensions on the Sit-to-Stand Task Performance and Associated Postural Adjustments.Alain Hamaoui & Caroline Alamini-Rodrigues - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  2.  13
    Análise do gênero epístola bíblica à luz dos estudos linguísticos contempor'neos.Abner Eslava da Silva, Willian Freitas Rodrigues, Caroline Kretzmann & Rosane de Mello Santo Nicola - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (1):e63539p.
    ABSTRACT The article aims to examine the behavior of contemporary speech genre theory in the analysis of Pauline epistles. The genre of letters is conceived within its original communicative purpose, limited to sender and receivers, whereas the epistle refers to the letter read outside of its original context, considered as literature. The research corpus is composed of the Corinthian epistles of the New Testament, which are accepted as authored by the Apostle Paul. They are selected due to their shared audience, (...)
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    Bem-estar pessoal de pais e filhos e seus valores aspirados.Jorge Castellá Sarriera, Verônica Morais Ximenes, Lívia Bedin, Anelise Lopes Rodrigues, Fabiane Friedrich Schütz, Carme Montserrat & Caroline Lima Silva - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 37:91-104.
    O bem-estar pessoal de adolescentes é um tema de crescente interesse na literatura científica, especialmente quando se considera a escassez de artigos que considerem o ponto de vista dos adolescentes. Este estudo busca analisar relações entre bem-estar pessoal de pais e filhos e seus valores aspirad..
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    Making realism work, from second wave feminism to extinction rebellion: an interview with Caroline New.Caroline New & Jamie Morgan - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):81-120.
    Caroline New is an energetic activist who has interpolated critical realist ideas into the front-line of political activism. In this wide-ranging interview, she begins by reflecting on her life and how she became a realist and her account is illustrated with personal anecdotes recalling memories of well-known philosophers and activists from the time. She discusses how her position set her apart from other feminists and she examines the interacting threads of longstanding debates on the political left, as well as (...)
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  5. Conversations with Caroline.Caroline Bressey - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy, How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Measuring evidence: a probabilistic approach to an extension of Belnap–Dunn logic.Abilio Rodrigues, Juliana Bueno-Soler & Walter Carnielli - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S22):5451-5480.
    This paper introduces the logic of evidence and truth \ as an extension of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \. \ is a slightly modified version of the logic \, presented in Carnielli and Rodrigues. While \ is equipped only with a classicality operator \, \ is equipped with a non-classicality operator \ as well, dual to \. Both \ and \ are logics of formal inconsistency and undeterminedness in which the operator \ recovers classical logic for propositions in its (...)
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    A Relational Approach to Rationing in a Time of Pandemic.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Cornelius Ewuoso - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (3):409-429.
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    Being watched: The effect of social self-focus on interoceptive and exteroceptive somatosensory perception.Caroline Durlik, Flavia Cardini & Manos Tsakiris - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:42-50.
    We become aware of our bodies interoceptively, by processing signals arising from within the body, and exteroceptively, by processing signals arising on or outside the body. Recent research highlights the importance of the interaction of exteroceptive and interoceptive signals in modulating bodily self-consciousness. The current study investigated the effect of social self-focus, manipulated via a video camera that was facing the participants and that was either switched on or off, on interoceptive sensitivity and on tactile perception ). The results indicated (...)
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  9. Chapter Six Recognising Non-Western Thought in Human Rights Theory Maria Rodrigues.Maria Rodrigues - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 101.
  10.  46
    Can Interpersonal Behavior Influence the Persistence and Adherence to Physical Exercise Practice in Adults? A Systematic Review.Filipe Rodrigues, Teresa Bento, Luís Cid, Henrique Pereira Neiva, Diogo Teixeira, João Moutão, Daniel Almeida Marinho & Diogo Monteiro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11. There are no good objections to substance dualism.José Gusmão Rodrigues - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (2):199-222.
    This article aims to review the standard objections to dualism and to argue that will either fail to convince someone committed to dualism or are flawed on independent grounds. I begin by presenting the taxonomy of metaphysical positions on concrete particulars as they relate to the dispute between materialists and dualists, and in particular substance dualism is defined. In the first section, several kinds of substance dualism are distinguished and the relevant varieties of this kind of dualism are selected. The (...)
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  12. Rethinking Identity: Dialectics, Quasi-Sets, and Metalogic.André Henrique Rodrigues - manuscript
  13. Proofs of valid categorical syllogisms in one diagrammatic and two symbolic axiomatic systems.Antonielly Garcia Rodrigues & Eduardo Mario Dias - manuscript
    Gottfried Leibniz embarked on a research program to prove all the Aristotelic categorical syllogisms by diagrammatic and algebraic methods. He succeeded in proving them by means of Euler diagrams, but didn’t produce a manuscript with their algebraic proofs. We demonstrate how key excerpts scattered across various Leibniz’s drafts on logic contained sufficient ingredients to prove them by an algebraic method –which we call the Leibniz-Cayley (LC) system– without having to make use of the more expressive and complex machinery of first-order (...)
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    On Barrio, Lo Guercio, and Szmuc on Logics of Evidence and Truth.Abilio Rodrigues & Walter Carnielli - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (2):313-338.
    The aim of this text is to reply to criticisms of the logics of evidence and truth and the epistemic approach to paraconsistency advanced by Barrio [2018], and Lo Guercio and Szmuc [2018]. We also clarify the notion of evidence that underlies the intended interpretation of these logics and is a central point of Barrio’s and Lo Guercio & Szmuc’s criticisms.
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    Legal and human rights issues of AI: Gaps, challenges and vulnerabilities.Rowena Rodrigues - 2020 - Journal of Responsible Technology 4 (C):100005.
  16.  32
    An Afro-Communitarian Relational Approach to Brain Surrogates Research.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Cornelius Ewuoso - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):561-574.
    Carrying out research on brains is important for medical advances in various diseases. However, such research ought not be carried out on human brains because the benefits do not outweigh the potential risks. A possible alternative is the use of brain surrogates. Nevertheless, some scholars who uphold a threshold account of moral status suggest the possibility that, with technological advances in the near future, more advanced brain surrogates will have very similar features to humans. This may suffice for these having (...)
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  17.  41
    Are future generations that belong to language minorities entitled to group rights?Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):1-8.
    In this article, I investigate to what extent future generations that belong to language minorities are entitled to group rights that protect their linguistic identity. In particular, I assess whether these future generations are entitled to assistance rights, symbolic claims, self-government rights and exemptions from the law. To address this I outline three arguments supporting group rights for current generations and raise the question of whether these arguments, which are true for current generations, will also be true for future generations. (...)
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    Stations dans la discursivité sociale : alternance et fenêtres.Suzy Lagazzi-Rodrigues - 2011 - Astérion 8 (8).
    Ce travail s’insère dans un projet intitulé « Le discours aux frontières du social », qui vise à analyser, dans des films documentaires, l’entrecroisement des différents matériaux en jeu dans ces productions. Pour comprendre comment se formule la critique sociale, j’ai choisi d’analyser deux documentaires ayant pour thème des conflits sociaux : Tereza (« Thérèse », qui met en scène la vie des détenus dans une prison de Campinas) et Boca de Lixo (« Décharge publique », qui présente la vie (...)
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  19.  19
    Feminism and Critical Realism.Caroline New - 1998 - Journal of Critical Realism 1 (1):2-4.
  20.  11
    Luc GWIAZDZINSKI , La ville 24 heures sur 24.Caroline Norrant - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce compte rendu a déjà paru dans Territoire en mouvement – Revue de géographie et aménagement [En ligne], 34 | 2017. Luc Gwiazdzinski, La ville 24 heures sur 24, Paris, Rhuthmos, 2016, 254 p. Cet ouvrage présente les nouvelles relations de la ville au temps, ou comment la ville évolue en fonction de notre nouvelle occupation du temps. C'est une approche complexe qui est présentée ici, au travers des visions et analyses de spécialistes de différents domaines, mais qui tous ont (...)
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    The Role of Portuguese Gardens in the Development of Horticultural and Botanical Expertise on Oranges.Ana Duarte Rodrigues - 2017 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 6 (1):69-89.
    In the early modern period, botany still remained a relatively new arrival at the top table of knowledge. Much botanical work was not done in universities, colleges, academies, laboratories, or botanic gardens, but behind the walls of different kinds of gardens – of the royalty as well as of common people, of monasteries as well as public gardens. By following the circula­tion of oranges, especially taking into consideration the role of Portugal as a turn­table, this paper sheds light on several (...)
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    Uma introdução ao Contextualismo na Epistemologia Contemporânea.Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues (ed.) - 2013 - Porto alegre: EDIPUCRS.
    Este livro oferece uma introdução ao Contextualismo Epistemológico e se destina aos leitores que possuem algumas noções/aptidões bem gerais sobre filosofia, mais especificamente sobre Teoria do Conhecimento ou Epistemologia, mas não requer qualquer conhecimento prévio sobre o Contextualismo e, portanto, acredito que deva ser de grande utilidade para estudantes e pesquisadores que se interessem e pretendam trabalhar com esse interessante tópico. Tendo em vista que ele reflete boa parte da minha pesquisa realizada durante o doutoramento, entendo que ele não deva (...)
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  23.  52
    African Views of Just War in Mandela and Cabral.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (4):657-673.
    ABSTRACT In this article, I will carry out an epistemic and interpretative project, drawing out the implications of African values for the morality of war. More precisely, I wish to interpret the African value system and tease out some conclusions as to what this value system entails in terms of the following: the morality of when to enter war, how to act in war, and what to do after war. I carry out this inquiry by articulating the African value of (...)
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  24. AI ethics should not remain toothless! A call to bring back the teeth of ethics.Rowena Rodrigues & Anaïs Rességuier - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Ethics has powerful teeth, but these are barely being used in the ethics of AI today – it is no wonder the ethics of AI is then blamed for having no teeth. This article argues that ‘ethics’ in the current AI ethics field is largely ineffective, trapped in an ‘ethical principles’ approach and as such particularly prone to manipulation, especially by industry actors. Using ethics as a substitute for law risks its abuse and misuse. This significantly limits what ethics can (...)
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    The Vagueness of the Muse—The Logic of Peirce’s Humble Argument for the Reality of God.Cassiano Terra Rodrigues - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):163-182.
    Published in 1908, C.S. Peirce’s ‘A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God’ is one of his most difficult articles. Presenting a peculiar entanglement of scientific method and theology, it sketches a ‘humble’ argument for the reality—and not the existence—of God for Musers, that is, those who pursue the activity he calls ‘Musement’. In Musement, Peirce claims, we can achieve a kind of perception of the intertwinement of the three universes of experience: of feeling, of brute fact, and of reason. (...)
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  26. Definability and Invariance.A. A. M. Rodrigues & N. C. A. da Costa - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (1):1-30.
    In his thesis 'Para uma Teoria Geral dos Homomorfismos' (1944) the Portuguese mathematician José Sebastião e Silva constructed an abstract or generalized Galois theory, that is intimately linked to F. Klein’s Erlangen Program and that foreshadows some notions and results of today’s model theory; an analogous theory was independently worked out by M. Krasner in 1938. In this paper, we present a version of the theory making use of tools which were not at Silva’s disposal. At the same time, we (...)
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  27. Relação custo-lucro e produtividade nas práticas culturais da cana-de-açúcar.Fernando Rodrigues de Amorim, Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Timoteo Ramos Queiroz - 2024 - Journal of Management and Technology 24 (1):215-237.
    Objective of the study: To analyze the costs and profits of sugarcane production regarding the cultural practices of sugarcane suppliers. Methodology/approach: This study positions itself in this gap by comparatively analyzing 6 types of cultural practices: unraveling, windrowing, application of correctives, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers, with the option of two systems Fixed rate (TF) and Variable rate (TV). Originality/Relevance: Brazil is a world reference in sugarcane production, with the State of São Paulo being the largest Brazilian producer. However, for sugarcane (...)
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    Afro-Communitarianism and the Duties of Animal Advocates within Racialized Societies: The Case of Racial Politics in South Africa.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):511-523.
    Animal advocates world-wide have been accused of campaigns immured in racism. Some authors have argued that for animal advocates to avoid this accusation they should simultaneously engage with racial discrimination issues when advocating for animal welfare/rights. This prescription has been mostly explored in the context of the Global North and by looking at Western normative theory. In this article I address this issue but by looking at the context of South Africa and analysing the prescriptions from an Afro-communitarian ethic. I (...)
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    Abduction and styles of scientific thinking.Mariana Vitti Rodrigues & Claus Emmeche - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1397-1425.
    In philosophy of science, the literature on abduction and the literature on styles of thinking have existed almost totally in parallel. Here, for the first time, we bring them together and explore their mutual relevance. What is the consequence of the existence of several styles of scientific thinking for abduction? Can abduction, as a general creative mode of inference, have distinct characteristic forms within each style? To investigate this, firstly, we present the concept of abduction; secondly we analyze what is (...)
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  30.  49
    What to consider about events: A survey on the ontology of occurrents.Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues & Mara Abel - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (4):343-378.
    This work presents a review of the ideas that are currently in use on the ontology-based conceptual modeling of occurrents (sometimes referred to as “events”, “perdurants”, or “processes”). It coll...
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    Between Choice and Coercion: Identities, Injuries, and Different Forms of Recognition.Carolin Emcke - 2000 - Constellations 7 (4):483-495.
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    Toward a decolonized healthcare ethics: Colonial legacies and the Siamese crocodile.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (3):118-119.
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  33. Dotting the I's and crossing the T's: autonomy and/or beneficence? The 'fetus as a patient' in maternal–fetal surgery.H. Catarina M. L. Rodrigues, Paul P. van den Berg & Marcus Düwell - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):219-223.
    Chervenak and McCullough, authors of the most acknowledged ethical framework for maternal–fetal surgery, rely on the ‘ethical–obstetrical’ concept of the fetus as a patient in order to determine what is morally owed to fetuses by both physicians and the women who gestate them in the context of prenatal surgery. In this article, we reconstruct the argumentative structure of their framework and present an internal criticism. First, we analyse the justificatory arguments put forward by the authors regarding the moral status of (...)
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    Revisiting knowledge from Falsehood.Tiegue Vieira Rodrigues - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (3):705-724.
    ***Revisitando o Conhecimento a partir de Falsidade***Os defensores da teoria do Conhecimento a partir de Falsidade nos apresentam exemplos putativos de conhecimento inferencial nos quais um sujeito S, supostamente, adquire conhecimento através de uma inferência competente realizada a partir de uma falsidade. Se eles estiverem certos, teremos que enfrentar alguns problemas importantes para a epistemologia do raciocínio. No entanto, neste artigo, argumentarei que não há conhecimento a partir de falsidades, os casos apresentados pelos defensores de KFF não constituem casos de (...)
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    Operative public values as a tool for healthcare decisions: the social value and clinical criteria of triage.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-5.
    With the current pandemic, many scholars have contended that clinical criteria offer the best way to implement triage. Further, they dismiss the criteria of social value as a good one for triage. In this paper, I respond to refute this perspective. In particular, I present two sets of arguments. Firstly, I argue that the objections to the social value criteria they present apply to the clinical criteria they favor. Secondly, they exaggerate the negative aspects of the social value criteria, while (...)
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    A Note on the Stag: Odyssey 10.156–72.Caroline Alexander - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (2):520-524.
    On the morning of the third day on Circe's island of Aeaea, Odysseus takes sword and spear in hand and leaves his demoralized and exhausted crew to seek out some sign of habitation. Eventually, from the height of a rocky point, he spies smoke rising in the distance. After debating with himself whether or not to investigate immediately, he determines first to return to his ships, in order to see about his comrades' dinner. Returning to the beach, he encounters an (...)
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    La trame de la logique floue et l'usure du temps.Caroline Ehrhardt - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):261-270.
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    Human rights, transnational actors and the chinese government: Another look at the spiral model.Caroline Fleay - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):43 – 65.
    This article assesses the usefulness of Thomas Risse, Stephen Ropp and Kathryn Sikkink's spiral model as an explanation of the changes in the Chinese government's human rights practices from the time of the 'anti-rightist' campaign in 1957-1958 to the end of 2003. It is concluded that the spiral model has provided a valid explanation for many of the changes in the Chinese government's human rights practices, and its responses to its internal and external critics, over this time period. Many of (...)
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  39. Medical evidence at the International Criminal Court - dosage and contraindications.Caroline Fournet - 2020 - In Caroline Fournet & Anja Matwijkiw, Biolaw and international criminal law: towards interdisciplinary synergies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Juventude numa era secular: Estudo dos impactos da secularização e condições de crença entre os jovens universitários da PUC Minas Betim.Eurides Rodrigues - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2317-2319.
    Thesis summary: RODRIGUES, Eurides.Youth in a secular age: study of the impacts of secularization and belief conditions among university students of PUC Minas in Betim.
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    Der Buddha und der "Andere": zur religiösen Differenzreflexion und narrativen Darstellung des "Anderen" im Majjhima-Nikaya.Caroline Widmer - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Als wahrscheinlich älteste vollständige Überlieferung des Buddhismus reflektiert der Pali-Kanon in literarisch-narrativer Form die Auseinandersetzung mit religiös,Anderen' aus emischer Perspektive. Die Suttas berichten nicht nur, wie der Buddha Mitglieder seines Ordens belehrt, sondern auch, wie er Vertretern anderer religiöser Gruppierungen begegnet und mit ihnen diskutiert haben soll. Caroline Widmer untersucht, inwiefern in diesen Begegnungen religiöse Abgrenzung im Sinne eines Otherings literarisch dargestellt wird, und behandelt diese religionswissenschaftliche Fragestellung im Bereich des Buddhismus erstmals durch eine literaturwissenschaftlich angelegte Analyse der narrativen (...)
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    American Enlightenments: Pursuing Happiness in the Age of Reason.Caroline Winterer - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    _A provocative reassessment of the concept of an American golden age of European-born reason and intellectual curiosity in the years following the Revolutionary War_ The accepted myth of the “American Enlightenment” suggests that the rejection of monarchy and establishment of a new republic in the United States in the eighteenth century was the realization of utopian philosophies born in the intellectual salons of Europe and radiating outward to the New World. In this revelatory work, Stanford historian Caroline Winterer argues (...)
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    Animal Abolitionism Revisited: Neo-Colonialism and Morally Unjustified Burdens.Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (4):499-510.
    Bob Fischer has written a reply to my article ‘Animal Abolitionism and ‘Racism without Racists’’. In this article, Fischer contends that my arguments whereby animal abolitionism engages in acts of racism without racists are mistaken. I wish to reply to Fischer’s objections in this article, through four sets of contentions: Fischer’s arguments reveal some misunderstandings in terms of the concept of racism and, particularly, of ‘racism without racists’; his arguments also underestimate the burdens suffered by individuals who wish to become (...)
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  44. Afro-Communitarianism and the Role of Traditional African Healers in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Thaddeus Metz - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):59-71.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide, and in Africa, given the lack of resources, they are likely to be even more acute. The usefulness of Traditional African Healers in helping to mitigate the effects of pandemic has been neglected. We argue from an ethical perspective that these healers can and should have an important role in informing and guiding local communities in Africa on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Particularly, we argue not only (...)
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    African perspectives on just war.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (3):e12808.
    Most Anglophone just war theory has been written from the point of view of Western philosophy. Nevertheless, other philosophical traditions outside the West have also produced sophisticated and innovative ideas about the morality of war, although they have been largely neglected. In this article, I overview for the first time the literature regarding jus ad bellum in contemporary African thought and contend that there are four kinds of arguments regarding the justification to initiate a war. Namely, these are arguments that (...)
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  46. Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism.Caroline Ramazanoglu (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Up Against Foucault offers both a feminist critique of Foucauldian theories as well as an attempt to reconcile these seemingly irreconcilable perspectives. Feminists are often "up against Foucault" because he questions key conclusions in feminism regarding the nature of gender relations, and men's possession of power. This book, however, fills the gap in literature about Foucault by showing how his theories of sexuality and power relations are often applicable to the everyday realities of women's lives. Drawing upon their diverse backgrounds (...)
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    Measuring Prosocial Tendencies in Germany: Sources of Validity and Reliablity of the Revised Prosocial Tendency Measure.Rodrigues Johannes, Ulrich Natalie, Mussel Patrick, Carlo Gustavo & Hewig Johannes - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  48. Méfiez-vous de celui qui veut mettre de l'ordre'.Caroline Jacot Grapa - 2012 - In Adrien Paschoud & Nathalie Vuillemin, Penser l'ordre naturel, 1680-1810. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
  49.  25
    Ethikberatung und Covid-19: Brauchen wir mehr Ethik, mehr als Ethik oder mehr Ethiker?Caroline Hack - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (2):279-306.
    Bisher ist die Rolle von Ethikkomitees und Ethikberatenden als Ressource im Umgang mit der Covid-19-Pandemie ungeklärt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird diskutiert, worin spezifische Herausforderungen bei der ethischen Bewertung von Fragen an Ethikkomitees im Pandemiekontext bestehen und welche möglichen Aufgaben für Ethikberatende identifiziert werden könnten. Dabei wird die Ansicht vertreten, dass es für die kompetente, professionelle Bearbeitung dieser Fragen hilfreich wäre, das theoretische Grundverständnis der Ethikberatung für den Pandemiekontext zu reflektieren, die begründungstheoretischen, normativen Argumente aktueller Publikationen und Stellungnahmen der Fachgesellschaften zu (...)
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    Comparative Just War Theory.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Danny Singh (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Widespread cross-cultural and cross-ideological agreement on the justifiable limits of war has become an increasingly complex yet vital element of global peace and conflict policies. Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues and Danny Singh bring together a truly international cohort of philosophers, ethicists, political scientists, criminologists, sociologists, and other scholars to address the morality of war from a comparative perspective. While conceptions of when to enter war (jus ad bellum) and how to fight war (jus in bello) have been well researched in Western (...)
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