Results for 'Caroline Fayolle'

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  1.  38
    The role of fingers in number processing in young children.Anne Lafay, Catherine Thevenot, Caroline Castel & Michel Fayol - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    General and Specific Contributions of RAN to Reading and Arithmetic Fluency in First Graders: A Longitudinal Latent Variable Approach.Caroline Hornung, Romain Martin & Michel Fayol - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Guyonne Leduc (dir.), Inégalités Femmes-hommes et utopie(s).Caroline Fayolle - 2018 - Clio 47.
    Dirigé par Guyonne Leduc, professeure au département d’études anglophones à l’Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III, ce livre collectif explore les manières dont l’utopie questionne et déstabilise les rapports de pouvoir entre les femmes et les hommes. Réunissant dix-sept contributions de chercheurs/euses issus de différentes disciplines, l’ouvrage aborde le genre utopique sous toutes ses formes : littéraire, politique, philosophique. Il apparaît que le « non-lieu » ou le « lieu idéal » cara...
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    Caroline Fayolle, La Femme nouvelle. Genre, éducation, Révolution (1789-1830). [REVIEW]Jean-Charles Buttier - 2018 - Clio 47.
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’une thèse d’histoire (2013, Paris VIII) qui a été récompensée par le prix de thèse du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (CTHS). L’originalité du travail de Caroline Fayolle est de relire l’histoire de la politique éducative menée depuis la Révolution jusqu’à la Monarchie de Juillet sous l’angle spécifique de l’éducation des filles. C’est à la redécouverte de ce « passé inachevé » de l’éducation féminine (pour reprendre une formule de Michèle Riot-Sarcey, p...
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    Laurent Colantonio & Caroline Fayolle (dir.), Genre et utopie. Avec Michèle Riot-Sarcey.Élodie Serna - 2016 - Clio 43:307-310.
    Dans cet ouvrage-hommage à Michèle Riot-Sarcey, les travaux et la pensée de l’historienne sont mis en perspective au travers de dix-huit articles organisés autour des thèmes « Genre », « Utopies et discontinuités », « Révolution, république et démocratie », et « Se situer dans son propre présent ». L’ensemble de l’ouvrage constitue une invitation à lire ou relire les œuvres de l’auteure et à prendre avec elle le parti de se confronter en toute conscience aux enjeux de l’écriture de (...)
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  6. Scorekeeping in a pornographic language game.Rae Langton & Caroline West - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (3):303 – 319.
    If, as many suppose, pornography changes people, a question arises as to how.1 One answer to this question offers a grand and noble vision. Inspired by the idea that pornography is speech, and inspired by a certain liberal ideal about the point of speech in political life, some theorists say that pornography contributes to that liberal ideal: pornography, even at its most violent and misogynistic, and even at its most harmful, is political speech that aims to express certain views about (...)
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    Perceiving temporal regularity in music.Edward W. Large & Caroline Palmer - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (1):1-37.
    We address how listeners perceive temporal regularity in music performances, which are rich in temporal irregularities. A computational model is described in which a small system of internal self‐sustained oscillations, operating at different periods with specific phase and period relations, entrains to the rhythms of music performances. Based on temporal expectancies embodied by the oscillations, the model predicts the categorization of temporally changing event intervals into discrete metrical categories, as well as the perceptual salience of deviations from these categories. The (...)
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    The Power of the Monstrous.Filippo De Lucchese & Caroline A. Williams - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (1):1-6.
  9. Temporal phase pluralism.David Braddon-Mitchell & Caroline West - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):59–83.
    Some theories of personal identity allow some variation in what it takes for a person to survive from context to context; and sometimes this is determined by the desires of person-stages or the practices of communities.This leads to problems for decision making in contexts where what is chosen will affect personal identity.‘Temporal Phase Pluralism’ solves such problems by allowing that there can be a plurality of persons constituted by a sequence of person stages. This illuminates difficult decision making problems when (...)
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  10. What is an animal personality?Marie I. Kaiser & Caroline Müller - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (1):1-25.
    Individuals of many animal species are said to have a personality. It has been shown that some individuals are bolder than other individuals of the same species, or more sociable or more aggressive. In this paper, we analyse what it means to say that an animal has a personality. We clarify what an animal personality is, that is, its ontology, and how different personality concepts relate to each other, and we examine how personality traits are identified in biological practice. Our (...)
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    Beyond Compliance Checking: A Situated Approach to Visual Research Ethics.Anthony B. Zwi, Christy E. Newman, Bridget Haire, Katherine Boydell, Jessica R. Botfield & Caroline Lenette - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):293-303.
    Visual research methods like photography and digital storytelling are increasingly used in health and social sciences research as participatory approaches that benefit participants, researchers, and audiences. Visual methods involve a number of additional ethical considerations such as using identifiable content and ownership of creative outputs. As such, ethics committees should use different assessment frameworks to consider research protocols with visual methods. Here, we outline the limitations of ethics committees in assessing projects with a visual focus and highlight the sparse knowledge (...)
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    Retractions in the Engineering Field: A Study on the Web of Science Database.Priscila Rubbo, Caroline Lievore Helmann, Celso Bilynkievycz dos Santos & Luiz Alberto Pilatti - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (2):141-155.
    This study assesses the retractions of scientific articles in engineering journals indexed on the Web of Science from 1945 to 2015. The data set was built based on documents containing the keywords retracted, retraction, withdrawal, or redress. We used database exploration techniques, including Structured Query Language and analysis of variance, for data analysis. We analyzed 238 retractions published by 117 journals. The most common reason for retraction was unethical research, and higher impact factors journals tended to publish more retractions. In (...)
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  13.  19
    Do the Eyes Have It? A Systematic Review on the Role of Eye Gaze in Infant Language Development.Melis Çetinçelik, Caroline F. Rowland & Tineke M. Snijders - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Eye gaze is a ubiquitous cue in child–caregiver interactions, and infants are highly attentive to eye gaze from very early on. However, the question of why infants show gaze-sensitive behavior, and what role this sensitivity to gaze plays in their language development, is not yet well-understood. To gain a better understanding of the role of eye gaze in infants' language learning, we conducted a broad systematic review of the developmental literature for all studies that investigate the role of eye gaze (...)
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    Ever-present threats from information technology: the Cyber-Paranoia and Fear Scale.Oliver J. Mason, Caroline Stevenson & Fleur Freedman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Mental models and the suppositional account of conditionals.Pierre Barrouillet, Caroline Gauffroy & Jean-François Lecas - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):760-771.
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    Developmental dyslexia and the dual route model of reading: Simulating individual differences and subtypes.Johannes C. Ziegler, Caroline Castel, Catherine Pech-Georgel, Florence George, F.-Xavier Alario & Conrad Perry - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):151-178.
  17.  84
    The Evidential Force of Religious Experience.Davis Caroline Franks - 1989 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Caroline Franks Davis provides a clear, sensitive, and carefully argued assessment of the value of religious experiences as evidence for religious beliefs. Much more than an 'argument from religious experience', the inquiry systematically addresses underlying philosophical issues such as the role of interpretation in experience, the function of models and metaphors in religious language, and the way perceptual experiences in general are used as evidence for claims about the world. The author examines several arguments from religious experience and, using (...)
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    Use of Novel Concussion Protocol With Infralow Frequency Neuromodulation Demonstrates Significant Treatment Response in Patients With Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms, a Retrospective Study.Stella B. Legarda, Caroline E. Lahti, Dana McDermott & Andreas Michas-Martin - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionConcussion is a growing public health concern. No uniformly established therapy exists; neurofeedback studies report treatment value. We use infralow frequency neuromodulation to remediate disabling neurological symptoms caused by traumatic brain injury and noted improved outcomes with a novel concussion protocol. Postconcussion symptoms and persistent postconcussion symptoms are designated timelines for protracted neurological complaints following TBI. We performed a retrospective study to explore effectiveness of ILF in PCS/PPCS and investigated the value of using this concussion protocol.MethodPatients with PCS/PPCS seen for (...)
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    Reduced Memory Representations for Music.Edward W. Large, Caroline Palmėr & Jordan B. Pollack - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (1):53-96.
    We address the problem of musical variation (identification of different musical sequences as variations) and its implications for mental representations of music. According to reductionist theories, listeners judge the structural importance of musical events while forming mental representations. These judgments may result from the production of reduced memory representations that retain only the musical gist. In a study of improvised music performance, pianists produced variations on melodies. Analyses of the musical events retained across variations provided support for the reductionist account (...)
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  20. Information structure. Notional distinctions, ways of expression.Manfred Krifka & Caroline Féry - manuscript
    to be published in the Proceedings of the 18. International Conference of Linguistics, Seoul, Korea.
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    The Interplay between Gaze Following, Emotion Recognition, and Empathy across Adolescence; a Pubertal Dip in Performance?Rianne van Rooijen, Caroline M. M. Junge & Chantal Kemner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Probability in reasoning: A developmental test on conditionals.Pierre Barrouillet & Caroline Gauffroy - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):22-39.
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    The wizard and I: How transparent teleoperation and self-description (do not) affect children’s robot perceptions and child-robot relationship formation.Caroline L. van Straten, Jochen Peter, Rinaldo Kühne & Alex Barco - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):383-399.
    It has been well documented that children perceive robots as social, mental, and moral others. Studies on child-robot interaction may encourage this perception of robots, first, by using a Wizard of Oz set-up and, second, by having robots engage in self-description. However, much remains unknown about the effects of transparent teleoperation and self-description on children’s perception of, and relationship formation with a robot. To address this research gap initially, we conducted an experimental study with a 2 × 2 between-subject design (...)
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  24. Liberalism and mental mediation.Daniel Nolan & Caroline West - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38 (2):186-202.
    Liberals agree that free speech should be protected, where speech is understood broadly to include all forms of intentional communication, including actions and pictures, not merely the spoken or written word. A surprising view about free speech in some liberal and legal circles is that communications should be protected on free-speech grounds only if the communications are mentally mediated. By “mentally mediated communication” we mean speech which communicates its message in such a way that the message can be rationally evaluated (...)
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    The "professional imprint": A prospective reflective writing activity to shed light on the processes of professional identity construction in trainee teachers.Mylène Leroux, Caroline Kirouac, Nancy Goyette & Catherine Malboeuf-Hurtubise - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):65.
    Bien que les approches basées sur les déficits soient encore prédominantes en formation à l’enseignement, on reconnaît de plus en plus l’apport potentiel des approches basées sur les forces, afin de développer une identité professionnelle positive. Conséquemment, nous avons expérimenté une activité innovante d’écriture réflexive, basée sur la psychologie positive, auprès de 50 stagiaires en enseignement préscolaire/primaire au Québec. L’analyse de ces empreintes offre de dégager divers aspects constitutifs de l’identité professionnelle des stagiaires, de décrire l’évolution du processus de construction (...)
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    The Social Psychology of Collective Action: Identity, Injustice and Gender.Sara Breinlinger & Caroline Kelly - 1996 - Taylor & Francis.
    In recent years there has been a growth of single-issue campaigns in western democracies and a proliferation of groups attempting to exert political influence and achieve social change. In this context, it is important to consider why individuals do or don't get involved in collective action, for example in the trade union movement and the women's movement. Social psychologists have an important contribution to make in addressing this question. The social psychological approach directly concerns the relationship between the individual and (...)
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    (1 other version)Speed, Accuracy, and Serial Order in Sequence Production.Peter Q. Pfordresher, Caroline Palmer & Melissa K. Jungers - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):63-98.
    The production of complex sequences like music or speech requires the rapid and temporally precise production of events (e.g., notes and chords), often at fast rates. Memory retrieval in these circumstances may rely on the simultaneous activation of both the current event and the surrounding context (Lashley, 1951). We describe an extension to a model of incremental retrieval in sequence production (Palmer & Pfordresher, 2003) that incorporates this logic to predict overall error rates and speed—accuracy trade-offs, as well as types (...)
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    A aprendizagem do “estar morto” como estratégia metodológica na pesquisa com crianças.Caroline Trapp de Queiroz - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (31):645-657.
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    The Governance of Genetic Information: Who Decides?Heather Widdows & Caroline Mullen (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume maps the areas of ethical concern in the debate regarding the governance of genetic information, and suggests alternative ethical frameworks and models of regulation in order to inform its restructuring. Genetic governance is at the heart of medical and scientific developments, and is connected to global exploitation, issues of commodification, commercialisation and ownership, the concepts of property and intellectual property and concerns about individual and communal identity. Thus the decisions that are made in the next few years about (...)
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    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Selektiver Fetozid bei Zwillingsschwangerschaft“.Maja Caroline Lehmann - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (3):239-241.
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    Bridging the Consumer‐Medical Divide: How to Regulate Direct‐to‐Consumer Genetic Testing.Kyle T. Edwards & Caroline J. Huang - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (3):17-19.
    While 23andMe aspires to be “the world's trusted source of personal genetic information,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes that the company's advertising practices have been anything but trustworthy. Last November, a harshly worded FDA “warning letter” demanded that the direct‐to‐consumer genetic testing company immediately discontinue marketing its unapproved “medical device.” The tussle between 23andMe and the FDA has attracted more attention than a typical disagreement between a company and a government agency. Larry Downes and Paul Nunes identify (...)
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    Using video in childbirth research.J. Davis Harte, Caroline S. E. Homer, Athena Sheehan, Nicky Leap & Maralyn Foureur - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):177-189.
    Background: Conducting video-research in birth settings raises challenges for ethics review boards to view birthing women and research-midwives as capable, autonomous decision-makers. Aim: This study aimed to gain an understanding of how the ethical approval process was experienced and to chronicle the perceived risks and benefits. Research design: The Birth Unit Design project was a 2012 Australian ethnographic study that used video recording to investigate the physical design features in the hospital birthing space that might influence both verbal and non-verbal (...)
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    Navigating Evolving Ethical Questions in Decision Making for Gender-Affirming Medical Care for Adolescents.Caroline Salas-Humara, Samantha Busa, Jeremy Wernick, Baer Karrington, Kelly McBride Folkers & Laura Kimberly - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (4):307-321.
    As more young people feel safe to outwardly identify as transgender or gender expansive (TGE), meaning that their gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth, an increasing number of youth who identify as TGE seek gender-affirming medical care (GAMC). GAMC raises a number of ethical questions, such as the capacity of a minor to assent or consent, the role of parents or legal guardians in decisions about treatment, and implications for equitable access to care (...)
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    Metaphysik - Ästhetik - Ethik. Beiträge zur Interpretation der Philosophie Kants.Antonino Falduto, Caroline Kolisang & Gabriel Rivero (eds.) - 2012 - Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Phonological Awareness and Rapid Automatized Naming Are Independent Phonological Competencies With Specific Impacts on Word Reading and Spelling: An Intervention Study.Caroline Vander Stappen & Marie Van Reybroeck - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Polemics and Pregnancy: A Response to Arguments About Ethical Obstetrical Care.Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Elaine Lee - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):64-65.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 64-65, December 2011.
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    Examining the Relationship Between Speech Perception, Production Distinctness, and Production Variability.Hung-Shao Cheng, Caroline A. Niziolek, Adam Buchwald & Tara McAllister - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Several studies have demonstrated that individuals’ ability to perceive a speech sound contrast is related to the production of that contrast in their native language. The theoretical account for this relationship is that speech perception and production have a shared multimodal representation in relevant sensory spaces. This gives rise to a prediction that individuals with more narrowly defined targets will produce greater separation between contrasting sounds, as well as lower variability in the production of each sound. However, empirical studies that (...)
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    Theatres of Trauma, Transcendence and Transformation.Julie Gosling & Caroline Fox - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (2):279-288.
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    Experiments are the key to understanding socially acquired knowledge in cetaceans.Eduardo Mercado & Caroline M. DeLong - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):345-345.
    We agree with Rendell and Whitehead that cetaceans acquire knowledge from caretakers and peers, and that a clear understanding of this process can provide insight into the evolution of mammalian cognition. The passive observational methods they advocate, however, are inadequate for determining what cetaceans know. Only by experimentally investigating the cognition of cetaceans can we hope to understand what they learn through social interactions.
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    The Pedagogue, the Engineer, and the Friend.François Osiurak, Caroline Cretel, Naomi Duhau-Marmon, Isabelle Fournier, Lucie Marignier, Emmanuel De Oliveira, Jordan Navarro & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (4):462-482.
    Humans can follow different social learning strategies, sometimes oriented toward the models’ characteristics. The goal of the present study was to explore which who-strategy is preferentially followed in the technological context based on the models’ psychological characteristics. We identified three potential who-strategies: Copy the pedagogue, copy the engineer, and copy the friend. We developed a closed-group micro-society paradigm in which participants had to build the highest possible towers. Participants began with an individual building phase. Then, they were gathered to discuss (...)
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    A survey of genomic studies supports association of circadian clock genes with bipolar disorder spectrum illnesses and lithium response.Michael J. McCarthy, Caroline M. Nievergelt, John R. Kelsoe & David K. Welsh - unknown
    Circadian rhythm abnormalities in bipolar disorder have led to a search for genetic abnormalities in circadian "clock genes" associated with BD. However, no significant clock gene findings have emerged from genome-wide association studies. At least three factors could account for this discrepancy: complex traits are polygenic, the organization of the clock is more complex than previously recognized, and/or genetic risk for BD may be shared across multiple illnesses. To investigate these issues, we considered the clock gene network at three levels: (...)
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    Abjectly Boundless: Boundaries, Bodies and Health Work.Caroline Bradbury-Jones - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (2):153-155.
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    What Kind of Political Education we Seek Today?Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):149-163.
    Face à la diversité culturelle et religieuse, face à l’irréductible pluralisme des sociétés multiculturelles contemporaines et aux demandes de reconnaissance qui émanent de leurs minorités, ni le républicanisme classique ni le libéralisme politique n’offrent de réponse satisfaisante qui puisse inspirer une éducation politique, adaptée à ce nouveau contexte social. Pour que l’école participe, comme on a longtemps voulu qu’elle y contribue, à la pacification et à l’harmonisation de ces inévitables divergences, il est requis de repenser le contenu d’une éducation politique, (...)
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  44. Philosophy and Religion Selections From the Manuscripts of the Late James Hinton.James Hinton & Caroline Haddon - 1881 - K. Paul, Trench & Co.
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    An Experience-Based Holistic Account.Bruno Rossion & Caroline Michel - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press. pp. 215.
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    Fashion, Representation, Femininity.Minna Thornton & Caroline Evans - 1991 - Feminist Review 38 (1):48-66.
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    British Architectural Theory, 1540-1750: An Anthology of Texts.Caroline Alexandra van Eck, Caroline van Eck & Christy Anderson - 2003 - Ashgate Publishing.
    The nature of architecture Building Architecture and Religion The sense of the past Following the example of antiquity.
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  48. Is the ugly duckling a hero? Philosophical inquiry as an approach to Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales in Danish primary school teaching.Anne Klara Bom & Caroline Schaffalitzky - 2019 - Forum for World Literature Studies 11 (2):226-241.
    Hans Christian Andersen is a cultural icon, and his fairy tales are famous around the world. But despite the positive ring to this description, his status as a canonized author poses a challenge when he is passed on to new generations of readers. In this article, we show examples of how this challenge reveals itself in Danish primary school teaching where Andersen is an obligatory figure in the subject Danish where he is frequently framed as a national romantic author of (...)
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    Parental Refusal to Terminate Pregnancy in face of a Strongly Negative Prognosis of Neonatal Viability.Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (4):485-508.
    During the last few years, several maternity departments in Paris hospitals have registered an increasing number of parental refusals to terminate pregnancies on the basis of foetal abnormality. These refusals have provoked disagreement and tension between parents and medical staff within the departments in question. The present contribution will endeavour to advance a number of ethical arguments and an analysis of these moral dilemmas with a view to justifying the need to fully account for the moral preferences of the parents (...)
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    Vers une meilleure compréhension du métier de conseiller pédagogique en mathématiques au primaire : une approche par le genre et les styles.Vanessa Hanin, Caroline Lajoie, Nadine Bednarz, Mireille Saboya & Lily Bacon - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (1):52-71.
    This research focuses on a profession, that of pedagogical consultant (PC) in mathematics, which has been little explored. Interviews were conducted with eight PCs in mathematics at the elementary school level, based on two professional situations related to problem solving and professional development of teachers. An emerging analysis brought to light, within their professional practice, common elements, characterizing what we can call “a PC’s professional genre”. Singular forms of this profession are also highlighted, reflecting the way in which these PCs (...)
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