Results for 'Carolyn Kopp'

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  1.  56
    Norepinephrine ignites local hotspots of neuronal excitation: How arousal amplifies selectivity in perception and memory.Mara Mather, David Clewett, Michiko Sakaki & Carolyn W. Harley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:1-100.
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    Public Deliberation about Gene Editing in the Wild.Michael K. Gusmano, Gregory E. Kaebnick, Karen J. Maschke, Carolyn P. Neuhaus & Ben Curran Wills - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (S2):2-10.
    The release of genetically engineered organisms into the shared environment raises scientific, ethical, and societal issues. Using some form of democratic deliberation to provide the public with a voice on the policies that govern these technologies is important, but there has not been enough attention to how we should connect public deliberation to the existing regulatory process. Drawing on lessons from previous public deliberative efforts by U.S. federal agencies, we identify several practical issues that will need to be addressed if (...)
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    Special Considerations When Research is Embedded within Community Health Centers.Danielle Pacia, Johanna Crane & Carolyn Neuhaus - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):55-58.
    In “Think Pragmatically: Investigators’ Obligations to Patient-Subjects When Research is Embedded in Care,” Morain and Largent 2023 persuasively argue that the prevailing ways of conceptualizing in...
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    A Radical Approach to Ebola: Saving Humans and Other Animals.Sarah J. L. Edwards, Charles H. Norell, Phyllis Illari, Brendan Clarke & Carolyn P. Neuhaus - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):35-42.
    As the usual regulatory framework did not fit well during the last Ebola outbreak, innovative thinking still needed. In the absence of an outbreak, randomised controlled trials of clinical efficacy in humans cannot be done, while during an outbreak such trials will continue to face significant practical, philosophical, and ethical challenges. This article argues that researchers should also test the safety and effectiveness of novel vaccines in wild apes by employing a pluralistic approach to evidence. There are three reasons to (...)
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  5.  72
    National Standards for Public Involvement in Research: missing the forest for the trees.Matthew S. McCoy, Karin Rolanda Jongsma, Phoebe Friesen, Michael Dunn, Carolyn Plunkett Neuhaus, Leah Rand & Mark Sheehan - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):801-804.
    Biomedical research funding bodies across Europe and North America increasingly encourage—and, in some cases, require—investigators to involve members of the public in funded research. Yet there remains a striking lack of clarity about what ‘good’ or ‘successful’ public involvement looks like. In an effort to provide guidance to investigators and research organisations, representatives of several key research funding bodies in the UK recently came together to develop the National Standards for Public Involvement in Research. The Standards have critical implications for (...)
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  6.  24
    Translating Cultural Safety to the UK.Amali U. Lokugamage, Elizabeth Rix, Tania Fleming, Tanvi Khetan, Alice Meredith & Carolyn Ruth Hastie - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (4):244-251.
    Disproportional morbidity and mortality experienced by ethnic minorities in the UK have been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has exposed structural racism’s contribution to these health inequities. ‘Cultural Safety’, an antiracist, decolonising and educational innovation originating in New Zealand, has been adopted in Australia. Cultural Safety aims to dismantle barriers faced by colonised Indigenous peoples in mainstream healthcare by addressing systemic racism.This paper explores what it means to be ‘culturally safe’. The ways in which New (...)
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    Avoiders vs. Amenders: Implications for the investigation of guilt and shame during Toddlerhood?Karen Caplovitz Barrett, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler & Pamela M. Cole - 1993 - Cognition and Emotion 7 (6):481-505.
    Recent research and theory highlights the distinctive features of shame vs. guilt, as well as the important implications of that distinction for typical and atypical behaviour regulation. Briefly, shame is characterised by withdrawal and hiding from judgemental others, and guilt by making amends–repairing and confessing. The present study was aimed at determining whether a shame-relevant and a guilt-relevant pattern of responses to a standard violation could be distinguished in toddlers.Two-year-old children participated in a play session, during which a mishap occurred (...)
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  8.  44
    Nursing Practices and Lactation Amenorrhoea.Marjorie F. Elias, Jane Teas, Johanna Johnston & Carolyn Bora - 1986 - Journal of Biosocial Science 18 (1):1-10.
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  9. Sustaining local agriculture Barriers and opportunities to direct marketing between farms and restaurants in Colorado.Amory Starr, Adrian Card, Carolyn Benepe, Garry Auld, Dennis Lamm, Ken Smith & Karen Wilken - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):301-321.
    Research explored methods for “shortening the food links” or developing the “local foodshed” by connecting farmers with food service buyers (for restaurants and institutions) in Colorado. Telephone interviews were used to investigate marketing and purchasing practices. Findings include that price is not a significant factor in purchasing decisions; that food buyers prioritize quality as their top purchasing criterion but are not aware that local farmers can provide higher quality, that institutions are interested in buying locally; that small farms can offer (...)
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    Moral Distress Under Structural Violence: Clinician Experience in Brazil Caring for Low-Income Families of Children with Severe Disabilities.Ana Carolina Gahyva Sale & Carolyn Smith-Morris - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):231-243.
    Rigorous attention has been paid to moral distress among healthcare professionals, largely in high-income settings. More obscure is the presence and impact of moral distress in contexts of chronic poverty and structural violence. Intercultural ethics research and dialogue can help reveal how the long-term presence of morally distressing conditions might influence the moral experience and agency of healthcare providers. This article discusses mixed-methods research at one nongovernmental social support agency and clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Chronic levels of moral (...)
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    Organizational ethics canadian style.Nuala P. Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, Carolyn Ells & Chris MacDonald - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (2):141-148.
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    Does language about similarity play a role in fostering similarity comparison in children?Şeyda Özçalışkan, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Dedre Gentner & Carolyn Mylander - 2009 - Cognition 112 (2):217-228.
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  13.  11
    A Longitudinal Study of the Predictors of Perceived Procedural Justice in Australian University Staff.Silvia Pignata, Anthony H. Winefield, Chris Provis & Carolyn M. Boyd - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  14.  11
    Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman.Wilfried Sieg, Richard Sommer & Carolyn Talcott - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Since their inception, the Perspectives in Logic and Lecture Notes in Logic series have published seminal works by leading logicians. Many of the original books in the series have been unavailable for years, but they are now in print once again. This volume, the fifteenth publication in the Lecture Notes in Logic series, collects papers presented at the symposium 'Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics' held in celebration of Solomon Feferman's 70th birthday (The 'Feferfest') at Stanford University, California in 1988. (...)
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  15. Reason and Being.Boris Grigor'evich Kuznetsov, Carolyn R. Fawcett & Robert Sonné Cohen - 1987 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17:1-436.
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    On Carolyn Korsmeyer, Things: in touch with the past Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 224.Carolyn Korsmeyer, Massimo Renzo, Zoltán Somhegyi, Larry E. Shiner & James O. Young - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
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  17.  48
    Influencing the occurrence of mind wandering while reading.Kristopher Kopp, Sidney D’Mello & Caitlin Mills - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:52-62.
  18.  35
    RePAIR consensus guidelines: Responsibilities of Publishers, Agencies, Institutions, and Researchers in protecting the integrity of the research record.Alice Young, B. R. Woods, Tamara Welschot, Dan Wainstock, Kaoru Sakabe, Kenneth D. Pimple, Charon A. Pierson, Kelly Perry, Jennifer K. Nyborg, Barb Houser, Anna Keith, Ferric Fang, Arthur M. Buchberg, Lyndon Branfield, Monica Bradford, Catherine Bens, Jeffrey Beall, Laura Bandura-Morgan, Noémie Aubert Bonn & Carolyn J. Broccardo - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    The progression of research and scholarly inquiry does not occur in isolation and is wholly dependent on accurate reporting of methods and results, and successful replication of prior work. Without mechanisms to correct the literature, much time and money is wasted on research based on a crumbling foundation. These guidelines serve to outline the respective responsibilities of researchers, institutions, agencies, and publishers or editors in maintaining the integrity of the research record. Delineating these complementary roles and proposing solutions for common (...)
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  19.  24
    Revisiting Human-Agent Communication: The Importance of Joint Co-construction and Understanding Mental States.Stefan Kopp & Nicole Krämer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:580955.
    The study of human-human communication and the development of computational models for human-agent communication have diverged significantly throughout the last decade. Yet, despite frequently made claims of “super-human performance” in, e.g., speech recognition or image processing, so far, no system is able to lead a half-decent coherent conversation with a human. In this paper, we argue that we must start to re-consider the hallmarks of cooperative communication and the core capabilities that we have developed for it, and which conversational agents (...)
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  20.  59
    The 'Healthy' Embryo: Social, Biomedical, Legal and Philosophical Perspectives.Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis, Isabel Karpin, Carolyn McLeod & Roxanne Mykitiuk (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Public attention on embryo research has never been greater. Modern reproductive medicine technology and the use of embryos to generate stem cells ensure that this will continue to be a topic of debate and research across many disciplines. This multidisciplinary book explores the concept of a 'healthy' embryo, its implications on the health of children and adults, and how perceptions of what constitutes child and adult health influence the concept of embryo 'health'. The concept of human embryo health is considered (...)
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  21.  21
    Advancing health equity in prelicensure nursing curricula: Findings from a critical review.Anna Graefe, Christine Mueller, Linda Bane Frizzell & Carolyn M. Porta - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12629.
    Nurses play a crucial role in reducing health disparities and advancing health equity for individuals and communities. The future nursing workforce relies on their nursing education to prepare them to promote health equity. Nursing educators prepare students through a variety of andragogical learning strategies in the classroom and in clinical experiences and by intentionally updating and revising curricular content to address knowledge and competency gaps. This critical review aimed to determine the extent to which health equity concepts are explicitly present (...)
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  22.  46
    A qualitative study of participants’ views on re-consent in a longitudinal biobank.Mary Dixon-Woods, David Kocman, Liz Brewster, Janet Willars, Graeme Laurie & Carolyn Tarrant - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):22.
    Biomedical research increasingly relies on long-term studies involving use and re-use of biological samples and data stored in large repositories or “biobanks” over lengthy periods, often raising questions about whether and when a re-consenting process should be activated. We sought to investigate the views on re-consent of participants in a longitudinal biobank. We conducted a qualitative study involving interviews with 24 people who were participating in a longitudinal biobank. Their views were elicited using a semi-structured interview schedule and scenarios based (...)
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  23.  46
    Electrophysiological indicators of surprise and entropy in dynamic task-switching environments.Bruno Kopp & Florian Lange - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  24.  29
    Choice in Fertility Preservation in Girls and Adolescent Women with Cancer.Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis & Carolyn McLeod - 2006 - Cancer 107 (S7):1686-1689.
    With the cure rate for many pediatric malignancies now between 70% and 90%, infertility becomes an increasingly important issue. Strategies for preserving fertility in girls and adolescent women occur in two distinct phases. The first phase includes oophorectomy and cryopreservation of ovarian cortex slices or individual oocytes; ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of oocytes, with or without in vitro maturation, followed by cryopreservation; and ovarian autografting to a distant site. The second phase occurs if the woman chooses to pursue pregnancy, and includes (...)
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  25.  13
    Awareness of Stress-Reduction Interventions on Work Attitudes: The Impact of Tenure and Staff Group in Australian Universities.Silvia Pignata, Anthony H. Winefield, Chris Provis & Carolyn M. Boyd - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Expectations and Experiences With Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic in University Students.Karla Lobos, Rubia Cobo-Rendón, Javier Mella-Norambuena, Alejandra Maldonado-Trapp, Carolyn Fernández Branada & Carola Bruna Jofré - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to COVID-19, university students continued their academic training remotely. To assess the effects of emergency remote teaching, we evaluated the expectations and, subsequently, the experiences of university students about online education. This study employed a simple prospective design as its method. We assessed the expectations of 1,904 students from different discipline areas during the beginning of the first semester, March 2020, and their experiences at the end of the same academic period, September 2020. We used convenience non-probability sampling. Participants (...)
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    Economic evaluations of community‐based care: lessons from twelve studies in Ontario.Gina Browne, Jacqueline Roberts, Amiram Gafni, Carolyn Byrne, Robin Weir, Basanti Majumdar & Susan Watt - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (4):367-385.
  28.  21
    I thought that I heard you laughing: Contextual facial expressions modulate the perception of authentic laughter and crying.Nadine Lavan, César F. Lima, Hannah Harvey, Sophie K. Scott & Carolyn McGettigan - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):935-944.
  29.  34
    An Examination of Business Ethics Curriculum in AACSB-Accredited Business Schools.Gerald L. Plumlee, T. Gregory Barrett & L. Carolyn Pearson - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:129-155.
    American businesses, their leaders, and the business schools that developed these leaders find themselves under public scrutiny. As a result, business programs have placed increased emphasis on developing and implementing curriculum to address business ethics, which presents practitioners with the issue of how to define, measure, and evaluate business ethics curriculum. The purpose of this study was to examine the business ethics curriculum in AACSB-accredited business schools in the U.S. A framework for defining and examining the curriculum was developed using (...)
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  30.  7
    Clarifying the effects of sequential item presentation in the police lineup task.Matthew Kaesler, John C. Dunn & Carolyn Semmler - 2024 - Cognition 250 (C):105840.
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    Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials: Philosophical Perspectives on Artifacts and Memory.Jeanette Bicknell, Jennifer Judkins & Carolyn Korsmeyer (eds.) - 2019 - Taylor & Francis.
    This collection of newly published essays examines our relationship to physical objects that invoke, commemorate, and honor the past. The recent destruction of cultural heritage in war and controversies over Civil War monuments in the US have foregrounded the importance of artifacts that embody history. The book invites us to ask: How do memorials convey their meanings? What is our responsibility for the preservation or reconstruction of historically significant structures? How should we respond when the public display of a monument (...)
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    Ben Almassiis an assistant professor of philosophy at the College of Lake County, in Grayslake, Illinois, and would welcome questions and commentary at bal-massi@ clcillinois. edu.Frances Batzer, Amanda K. Booher, Carolyn Ells & Ute Kalender - 2010 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 3 (2).
  33.  40
    A correlational study of two reasoning problems.L. Brunk, E. G. Collister, Carolyn Swift & S. Stayton - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (3):236.
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    Infants with Williams syndrome detect statistical regularities in continuous speech.Cara H. Cashon, Oh-Ryeong Ha, Katharine Graf Estes, Jenny R. Saffran & Carolyn B. Mervis - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):165-168.
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  35.  49
    Feminist Autobiography in the 1980sThe House on Mango StreetBorderlands/La Frontera: The New MestizaPeople Who Led to My PlaysZami: A New Spelling of My Name: A BiomythographyIn My Mother's HouseBronx Primitive: Portraits in a ChildhoodLandscape for a Good Woman: A Story of Two LivesA Restricted CountryThe Last of the Menu Girls.Regenia Gagnier, Sandra Cisneros, Gloria Anzaldúa, Adrienne Kennedy, Audre Lorde, Kim Chernin, Kate Simon, Carolyn Kay Steedman, Joan Nestle, Denise Chávez, Gloria Anzaldua & Denise Chavez - 1991 - Feminist Studies 17 (1):135.
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  36.  25
    Rethinking “Elective” Procedures for Women's Reproduction during Covid‐19.Marielle S. Gross, Bryna J. Harrington, Carolyn B. Sufrin & Ruth R. Faden - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):40-43.
    Common hospital and surgical center responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic included curtailing “elective” procedures, which are typically determined based on implications for physical health and survival. However, in the focus solely on physical health and survival, procedures whose main benefits advance components of well‐being beyond health, including self‐determination, personal security, economic stability, equal respect, and creation of meaningful social relationships, have been disproportionately deprioritized. We describe how female reproduction‐related procedures, including abortion, surgical sterilization, reversible contraception devices and in vitro fertilization, (...)
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    Exploring variation in pressure ulcer prevalence in Sweden and the USA: benchmarking in action.Lena Gunningberg, Nancy Donaldson, Carolyn Aydin & Ewa Idvall - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):904-910.
  38.  20
    New Medicaid Enrollees See Health and Social Benefits in Pennsylvania’s Expansion.Jeffrey K. Hom, Charlene Wong, Christian Stillson, Jessica Zha, Carolyn C. Cannuscio, Rachel Cahill & David Grande - 2016 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 53:004695801667180.
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    Evaluation of changes in primary health care availability and provision from the patient perspective.Dee Jones, Robert West & Carolyn Lester - 1997 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 3 (4):295-301.
  40.  22
    Statements prepared for the meeting of the faculty senate on 21 january 1988.Donald Kennedy, John Perry, John Perky, Carolyn Lougee, Marsh McCall & Paul Robinson - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Familiarity and task context shape the use of acoustic information in voice identity perception.Nadine Lavan, Jens Kreitewolf, Jonas Obleser & Carolyn McGettigan - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104780.
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    The effects of high variability training on voice identity learning.Nadine Lavan, Sarah Knight, Valerie Hazan & Carolyn McGettigan - 2019 - Cognition 193:104026.
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  43. The shape of things to come. Why age structure matters to a safer more equitable world.Elizabeth Leahy, Robert Engelman, Carolyn Gibb Vogel, Sarah Haddock, Tod Preston, M. J. Selgelid, C. Enemark, R. Jackson, N. Howe & R. Strauss - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (9):457-65.
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  44.  19
    Professors' Expectations About Online Education and Its Relationship With Characteristics of University Entrance and Students' Academic Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Karla Lobos Peña, Claudio Bustos-Navarrete, Rubia Cobo-Rendón, Carolyn Fernández Branada, Carola Bruna Jofré & Alejandra Maldonado Trapp - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to COVID-19, universities have been facing challenges in generating the best possible experience for students with online academic training programs. To analyze professors' expectations about online education and relate them to student academic performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, and considering the socio-demographic, entry, and prior university performance variables of students. A prospective longitudinal design was used to analyze the expectations of 546 professors in T1. In T2, the impact of the expectations of 382 of these professors was analyzed, who (...)
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    Ecological dissonance in decision-making participation systems as a predictor of job satisfaction, involvement, alienation, and formalization.Duane I. Miller, Shahuren Ismail, J. Martin Giesen, Carolyn Adams-Price & Jeff S. Topping - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):146-148.
    The discrepancy between measures of preferred and actual participation in decision making was used as a measure of ecological dissonance for an organization and then used to assess its relationship to job satisfaction, job involvement, job alienation, and job formalization. Questionnaires were administered to 143 faculty and staff members of Mississippi State University. Correlational analyses indicated mild relationships between the measures of ecological dissonance and job satisfaction, job involvement, job alienation, and job formalization, thus providing support for ecological dissonance theory (...)
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  46.  22
    Physicians on the Frontlines: Understanding the Lived Experience of Physicians Working in Communities That Experienced a Mass Casualty Shooting.Kathleen M. O'Neill, Blake N. Shultz, Carolyn T. Lye, Megan L. Ranney, Gail D'Onofrio & Edouard Coupet - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):55-66.
    This qualitative study describes the lived experience of physicians who work in communities that have experienced a public mass shooting. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seventeen physicians involved in eight separate mass casualty shooting incidents in the United States. Four major themes emerged from constant comparative analysis: The psychological toll on physicians: “I wonder if I'm broken”; the importance of and need for mass casualty shooting preparedness: “[We need to] recognize this as a public health concern and train physicians to (...)
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  47.  32
    The 2‐year costs and effects of a public health nursing case management intervention on mood‐disordered single parents on social assistance.D. Ph, Gina Browne RegN PhD, Jacqueline Roberts RegN MSc, Amiram Gafni PhD & Carolyn Byrne RegN PhD - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (1):45-59.
    Rationale, aims and objectives This randomized controlled trial was designed to evaluate the 2-year costs and effects of a proactive, public health nursing case management approach compared with a self-directed approach for 129 single parents (98% were mothers) on social assistance in a Canadian setting. A total of 43% of these parents had a major depressive disorder and 38% had two or three other health conditions at baseline. Methods Study participants were recruited over a 12 month period and randomized into (...)
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  48.  20
    Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging of youth sport-related concussion reveals acute changes in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and corpus callosum that resolve with recovery.Najratun Nayem Pinky, Chantel T. Debert, Sean P. Dukelow, Brian W. Benson, Ashley D. Harris, Keith O. Yeates, Carolyn A. Emery & Bradley G. Goodyear - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:976013.
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide a number of measurements relevant to sport-related concussion (SRC) symptoms; however, most studies to date have used a single MRI modality and whole-brain exploratory analyses in attempts to localize concussion injury. This has resulted in highly variable findings across studies due to wide ranging symptomology, severity and nature of injury within studies. A multimodal MRI, symptom-guided region-of-interest (ROI) approach is likely to yield more consistent results. The functions of the cerebellum and basal ganglia transcend (...)
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  49.  39
    Filmguide to "The General"Filmguide to "La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc"Filmguide to "The Rules of the Game"Filmguide to "The Grapes of Wrath"Filmguide to "Henry V"Filmguide to "Psycho"Filmguide to "The Battle of Algiers"Filmguide to "2001: A Space Odyssey".S. A. Selby, E. Rubinstein, David Bordwell, Gerald Mast, Warren French, Harry M. Geduld, James Naremore, Joan Mellen & Carolyn Geduld - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 9 (2):123.
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    Personality Variations in Autobiographical Memories, Self-Representations, and Daydreaming.Jefferson A. Singer, Jerome L. Singer & Carolyn Zittel - 2000 - In Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace (eds.), Individual Differences in Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 20--351.
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