Results for 'Cataldo Zuccaro'

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  1.  11
    Bioetica e valori nel postmoderno: in dialogo con la cultura liberale.Cataldo Zuccaro - 2003 - Brescia: Queriniana.
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    Il volto della Gorgone: la morte e i suoi significati.Umberto Curi & Cataldo Zuccaro (eds.) - 2001 - Milano: B. Mondadori.
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    New hypothesis for a diagrammatic thought.Zuccaro Luigi - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):261-285.
    Charles Sanders Peirce developed an optical system for the logic of relations based on the concept of graph, a tool able to produce models representing states of things and to develop new models that are closer to intuition. The thesis that we want to defend in this paper is that Peircean graphs form part of diagrammatic thought, a veritable logic of the concept that can justifably be placed in correspondence with the geometrization of meaning implemented by René Thom.
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  4. Il risentimento in Nietzsche, Scheler, Freud.Claudio Zuccaro - 2002 - Studium 98 (3):363-390.
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    Max Scheler: percorsi interpretativi.Claudio Zuccaro - 2008 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Reversing the similarity effect: The effect of presentation format.Andrea M. Cataldo & Andrew L. Cohen - 2018 - Cognition 175:141-156.
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    Husserl on Galileo’s Intentionality.Peter J. Cataldo - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (4):680-698.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUSSERL ON GALILEO'S INTENTIONAI,ITY 1JHE PROBLEM OF THE compatibility between pheomenology and history is the unique problem characterizing Edmund Husserl's The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology.1 Husserl attempts to resolve the pvoblem by directly investigating the crisis of the modern sciences-a crisis which he claims begins with Galileo. The aim of this essay is to evaluate critically Husserl's assessment of Galileo as the originator of the crisis. (...)
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    Framing context effects with reference points.Andrea M. Cataldo & Andrew L. Cohen - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104334.
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    Pope John Paul II on Nutrition and Hydration.Peter J. Cataldo - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (3):513-536.
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  10. La armonía de lo invisible: La música como movimiento puro en Schelling.Gustavo Víctor Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2015 - Endoxa 36:181.
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  11. Existence And Historicity The Problem Of Identity In Martin Heidegger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (153):31-44.
    RESUMEN La identidad humana puede ser interpretada de muy diversas maneras. El artículo explora, en primer lugar, los fundamentos de la crítica heideggeriana a la idea de "sujeto" como categoría apropiada para la existencia humana; en segundo lugar, y al hilo de esa crítica, señala algunos momentos relevantes que configuran la identidad pensada no ya como subiectum, sino como unidad histórico-acontecida. ABSTRACT Human identity may be interpreted in very different ways. The article starts out by examining the foundations of Heidegger's (...)
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    El encuentro y la tecnología virtual.Héctor Cataldo - 2023 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 9 (32):37-53.
    El artículo despliega el concepto de encuentro a partir de una lectura del §48 de El Ensayador de Galileo Galilei, desarrollando un análisis que proyecta una interpretación crítica de la tecnología de la realidad virtual actual. A su vez, a partir de un específico análisis acerca del lenguaje, que tanto Friedrich Nietzsche y Hannah Arendt desarrollan en escritos específicos, argumento, aplicando el análisis del concepto de encuentro, que la razón científica galileana, suprime, clausura y rechaza la percepción humana instalando en (...)
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    (2 other versions)Cristóbal Balbontín. Husserl y la aporía de la constitución de lo social.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 72:241-243.
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    A Cooperation Analysis of Embryonic Stem Cell Research.Peter J. Cataldo - 2002 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (1):35-41.
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    Cooperation, Complicity and Conscience: Problems in Healthcare, Science, Law and Public Policy, edited by Helen Watt.Peter J. Cataldo - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (4):808-812.
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    Compliance with Contraceptive Insurance Mandates.Peter J. Cataldo - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (1):103-130.
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    Deplantation of the Placenta in Maternal–Fetal Vital Conflicts.Peter J. Cataldo, William Cusick, Becket Gremmels, Cornelia Graves, Elliott Louis Bedford & Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (2):241-250.
    In this essay, some of the signatories to “Medical Intervention in Cases of Maternal–Fetal Vital Conflicts: A Statement of Consensus” respond to “The Placenta as an Organ of the Fetus: A Response to the Statement of Consensus on Maternal–Fetal Conflict,” both recently published in this journal. The response examines Bringman and Shabanowitz’s claims and assumptions about the morally relevant pathologic condition in some cases of peripartum cardiomyopathy complicated by a subsequent pregnancy, the moral status of a normally functioning placenta, and (...)
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  18. El sistema.Gustavo Cataldo - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):29-38.
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    George, Robert P. The Clash of Orthodoxies: Law, Religion, and Morality in Crisis.Peter J. Cataldo - 2003 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (2):418-420.
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    Health Decisions or Majoritarian Health Care?Peter J. Cataldo - 1992 - Ethics and Medics 17 (3):1-3.
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  21. La Constitución de Atenas: una lectura desde Aristóteles.Héctor García Cataldo - 2005 - Philosophica 28:127-148.
    Este trabajo es un primer acercamiento al texto original de la Constitución de Atenas de Aristóteles, y en él me propongo, básicamente, una sistematización de la información que el propio Aristóteles registró del desarrollo de la ley y de las instituciones de la realidad histórica ateniense, así como presentar esta obra, de por sí desconocida dentro del corpus aristotélico. Probablemente esto se deba a que es la más reciente de las obras descubiertas y atribuidas al filósofo y, en segundo lugar, (...)
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  22. Música y subjetividad. Hegel y las concepciones románticas de la música.Antonio Cataldo - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):593-608.
    La definición hegeliana de la música como Kunst des Gemüts no alude a la simple expresión de sentimientos, sino al hecho de que únicamente la música se dirige al yo, al sí mismo como tal, absolutamente. Que la música no sea solamente expresión de sentimientos particulares, sino del sentimiento puro o la subjetividad en sí, se fundamenta en el rasgo más determinante que comparten la música y el alma: la temporalidad. La música expresa al yo en su esencia radicalmente temporal. (...)
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    Plato, Aristotle, and pros hen Equivocity.Peter J. Cataldo - 1984 - Modern Schoolman 61 (4):237-247.
  24.  45
    Prospective Medical-Moral Decision Making.Peter J. Cataldo & Elliott Louis Bedford - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (1):53-61.
    In recent articles, Daniel Gannon argues that, according to Catholic morality, morally good decision making about life-sustaining treatment is intrinsically based on in-the-moment circumstances. Measured against this moral criterion, Gannon finds physician orders for life-sustaining treatment to be morally unacceptable and proposes his own medical order form. The authors argue here that Catholic moral teaching and tradition do not reduce the role of circumstances to those in the present moment and that such a reductive criterion undermines many of the sources (...)
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    (1 other version)¿Por qué importa la filosofía hoy? Acerca de la historicidad de la filosofía.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2019 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 76:251-255.
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    Schelling o el arte como reconciliación.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2013 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 48:13-23.
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    The ethics of Pope John Paul's allocution on care of the PVS patient: A response to JLA Garcia.Peter J. Cataldo - 2007 - In Christopher Tollefsen, Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: The New Catholic Debate. Springer Press. pp. 141--162.
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    Three Notes from Our Readers.Peter J. Cataldo, William E. May & David J. Mullen - 2001 - Ethics and Medics 26 (11):3-4.
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    Vision and ArtifactThe Dynamics of Architectural Form.John W. Cataldo, Mary Henle & Rudolf Arnheim - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 13 (2):122.
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    Whitehead and Aristotle On Propositions.Peter J. Cataldo - 1982 - Process Studies 12 (1):15-22.
  31.  52
    Woodward, P.A., editor. The Doctrine of Double Effect: Philosophers Debate a Controversial Moral Principle.Peter J. Cataldo - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (2):434-436.
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    Nihilismo y aburrimiento.S. Gustavo Cataldo - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):39-47.
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    Touch and other Somatosensory Senses.Tony Cheng & Antonio Cataldo - 2022 - In Felipe De Brigard & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Neuroscience and philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. pp. 211-240.
    In 1925, David Katz published an influential monograph on touch, Der Aufbau der Tastwelt, which was translated into English in 1989. Although it is called “the world of touch,” it also discusses the thermal and the nociceptive senses, albeit briefly. In this chapter, we will follow this approach, but we will speak about “somatosensory senses” in general in order to remind ourselves that perceptions of temperatures and pains should also be considered together in this context.
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    Explorations of lung cancer stigma for female long‐term survivors.Cati Brown & Janine Cataldo - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):352-362.
    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women, accompanied by greater psychological distress than other cancers. There is minimal but increasing awareness of the impact of lung cancer stigma (LCS) on patient outcomes. LCS is associated with increased symptom burden and decreased quality of life. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of female long‐term lung cancer survivors in the context of LCS and examine how participants discursively adhere to or reject stigmatizing beliefs. Findings (...)
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    Actions. [REVIEW]Peter Cataldo - 1985 - New Scholasticism 59 (2):244-245.
  36.  46
    Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. [REVIEW]Peter J. Cataldo - 1985 - New Scholasticism 59 (1):109-110.
  37. Introduction.Dan O’Brien & Peter Cataldo - 2019 - In Dan O’Brien & Peter Cataldo, Palliative Care and Catholic Health Care : Two Millennia of Caring for the Whole Person. Springer Verlag.
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  38. La salvación de las apariencias: el problema de la apariencia estética en Schiller.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2006 - Philosophica 30:33-49.
    Al hilo de la estética kantiana, de sus supuestos y de los problemas que ella deja sin resolver, este trabajo intenta despejar el concepto de apariencia estética en Schiller. La definición schilleriana de la belleza como "libertad en la apariencia", no solamente constituye una original prosecución del primado de la razón práctica y de la libertad en Kant, sino que además constituye una peculiar reinvindicación de la apariencia sobre la misma "realidad". Sin embargo, Schiller se esfuerza en mantener y conciliar (...)
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  39. El sistema.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 1994 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 43:29-38.
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  40. Hermenéutica y tropología en Carta sobre el humanismo de Martin Heidegger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2006 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 62:59-72.
    El trabajo investiga los diversos tropos de Carta sobre el humanismo, no como simples expresiones metódicamente indiferentes, sino como formas de prosecución de las tendencias hermenéuticas de la filosofía heideggeriana. La casa, el pastor y el claro constituyen tropos que no solo intentan superar cualquier rastro de la lógica del sujeto _y por lo mismo superar también el humanismo y la metafísica_ sino, además, se conforman y funcionan como verdaderos "tropos hermenéuticos". The paper investigates the various figures of speech contained (...)
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    Las ruinas.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2023 - Boletín de Estética 62:35-69.
    El artículo explora la forma estética de las ruinas como una poética del tiempo donde se articulan fuerzas contrapuestas que configuran una singular vivencia de la historicidad humana. Orientándose por las indicaciones de Martin Heidegger y Georg Simmel, reflexiona acerca de valor estético-existencial de las ruinas y su réplica subjetiva en el sentimiento de nostalgia, así como su importancia para el reconocimiento de la unidad narrativa de la existencia humana.
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    The Metaphysical Status of the Placenta.Becket Gremmels, Peter J. Cataldo, Elliott Louis Bedford & Cornelia R. Graves - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (2):295-333.
    The metaphysical status of the placenta has bearing on several ongoing discussions within Catholic moral theology. Numerous bioethicists and theologians have touched on this topic briefly, but to date no robust metaphysical argument appears in the literature. The authors aim to provide such an analysis. First, they provide an overview of the existing literature on the topic. Second, they briefly review the anatomy and physiology of the placenta. Third, they provide metaphysical and biological reasons why the placenta cannot be a (...)
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    Mundo virtual y libertad: Información, genoma y despolitización.Héctor Mauricio Cataldo González - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):237-260.
    The article analyzes the information on the Internet of Things, based on Evgeny Morozov's approach, and in genome studies, on Paula Sibilia's approach, identifying the main characteristics of the information, critically and reflexively relating them to the freedom that is derived from it, mainly, in its link with the market, surveillance and control, and with the disembodiment and depoliticization inherent in it.
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    Palliative Care and Catholic Health Care : Two Millennia of Caring for the Whole Person.Dan O’Brien & Peter Cataldo (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a comprehensive overview of the compatibility of palliative care with the vision of human dignity in the Catholic moral and theological traditions. The unique value of this book is that it presents expert analysis of the major domains of palliative care and how they are compatible with, and enhanced by, the holistic vision of the human person in Catholic health care. This volume will serve as a critically important ethical and theological resource on palliative care, including care (...)
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    (1 other version)La estructura del espacio humano.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 1990 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 35:105-116.
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  46. Muerte y libertad en Martín Heidergger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2003 - Philosophica 26:29-52.
    El presente artículo pretende dar cuenta de la concepción heideggeriana de la muerte, para ello se articula en cuatro momentos. En primer lugar se establece en qué sentido la muerte es un fenómeno de la vida, y no su mero término. En segundo lugar se explica la muerte como posibilidad, como un "aún no", fundado en un pertenecer. En tercer lugar, se establece que la proyección existenciaria de la propia muerte revela a ésta en su verdad irreductible. Finalmente, la libertad (...)
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    Música y subjetividad. Hegel y las concepciones románticas de la música.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):593-608.
    Hegel’s definition of music as Kunst des Gemüts do not refer to the simple expression of feelings, but to the fact that only the music is directed to the self, the self as such, absolutely. That music is not only expression of particular feelings, but of pure feeling or subjectivity itself, is based on the most decisive feature that share music and soul: the temporality. Music expresses the self in its radically temporal essence. It is not necessary to emphasize the (...)
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  48. Nihilismo y aburrimiento.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 1992 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 39:39-50.
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    Epistolae et orationes.Cataldo Parísio Sículo - 1500 - Coimbra: Per ordem da Universidade. Edited by Américo da Costa Ramalho.
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    Contribution to the profile of the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura reading public (1837-1847). [REVIEW]Fabiano Cataldo de Azevedo - 2011 - Cultura:103-124.
    Resultado de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo identificar os critérios que propiciaram a política de seleção do acervo do Real Gabinete Português de Leitura e a partir desses, estabelecer a Política de Seleção que foi praticada pelo Gabinete. Por uma abordagem exploratório-descritiva e utilizando características do acervo, esse artigo busca delinear a figura do leitor no período de 1837-1847. Identifica algumas classes de leitores e suas leituras.
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