Results for 'Catherine Ard'

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  1.  22
    The Double-Edged Helix: Social Implications of Genetics in a Diverse Society.Joseph S. Alper, Catherine Ard, Adrienne Asch, Peter Conrad, Jon Beckwith, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Jon Beckwith, Harry Coplan Professor of Social Sciences Peter Conrad & Lisa N. Geller - 2002
    The rapidly changing field of genetics affects society through advances in health-care and through implications of genetic research. This study addresses the impacts of new genetic discoveries and technologies on different segments of today's society. The book begins with a chapter on genetic complexity, and subsequent chapters discuss moral and ethical questions arising from today's genetics from the perspectives of health care professionals, the media, the general public, special interest groups and commercial interests.
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    Esculape et Dionysos: mélanges en l'honneur de Jean Céard.Jean Céard & Jean Dupèbe (eds.) - 2008 - Genève: Droz.
    This collection of articles illustrates the intimacy between science and literature, pleasure and sense, excess and moderation that Jean Ceard sought to understand and that he instilled in those who collaborated or studied with him.
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    Contingency, convergence and hyper-astronomical numbers in biological evolution.Ard A. Louis - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 58:107-116.
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    Catherine Tourre-Malen, Femmes à cheval, la féminisation des sports et des loisirs équestres : une avancée?Catherine Monnot - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Cet ouvrage prend pour objet les effets de la féminisation massive des activités équestres depuis l’après-guerre, tant au niveau statistique que du point de vue du contenu des pratiques. Le sous-titre choisi établit une certaine ambigüité sur la démarche adoptée : il pose la question d’une « avancée », c’est à dire d’un progrès que constituerait ou non la présence des femmes dans le domaine équestre. « Avancée » (mise ici en doute) pour qui? Pour les femmes? Pour les chevaux? (...)
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  5. Anonymisation and pseudonymisation as means of privacy protection (Second International Workshop, Budapest).Petra B. ard & Judit S. Andor - 2011 - In Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer, The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project. [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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  6. A psychiatric perspective on free will: a tenuous relationship.Mark Ard - 2020 - In Philip Clayton, James W. Walters & John Martin Fischer, What's with free will?: ethics and religion after neuroscience. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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    Knowing a name.David J. Ard - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 43 (3):377-388.
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    What If They Say No?Mark Ard - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):84-86.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 84-86.
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  9. De Budé à Aneau : lectures de l'Utopie de Thomas More.Jean Céard - 2015 - In Didier Kahn, Elsa Kammerer, Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé, Marine Molins, Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou & Marie-Madeleine Fontaine, Textes au corps: promenades et musardises sur les terres de Marie Madeleine Fontaine. Genève: Librairie Droz S.A..
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    The Intentionality of Formal Systems.Ard Moer - 2006 - Foundations of Science 11 (1):81-119.
    One of the most interesting and entertaining philosophical discussions of the last few decades is the discussion between Daniel Dennett and John Searle on the existence of intrinsic intentionality. Dennett denies the existence of phenomena with intrinsic intentionality. Searle, however, is convinced that some mental phenomena exhibit intrinsic intentionality. According to me, this discussion has been obscured by some serious misunderstandings with regard to the concept ‘intrinsic intentionality’. For instance, most philosophers fail to realize that it is possible that the (...)
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    Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation.Catherine Rottenberg, Rosalind Gill & Sarah Banet-Weiser - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (1):3-24.
    In this unconventional article, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg conduct a three-way ‘conversation’ in which they all take turns outlining how they understand the relationship among postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism. It begins with a short introduction, and then Ros, Sarah and Catherine each define the term they have become associated with. This is followed by another round in which they discuss the overlaps, similarities and disjunctures among the terms, and the article ends with how (...)
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  12.  15
    Valuing Value in Innovation Ecosystems: How Cross-Sector Actors Overcome Tensions in Collaborative Sustainable Business Model Development.Ard-Pieter de Man, Bart Bossink & Inge Oskam - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1059-1091.
    This article aims to uncover the processes of developing sustainable business models in innovation ecosystems. Innovation ecosystems with sustainability goals often consist of cross-sector partners and need to manage three tensions: the tension of value creation versus value capture, the tension of mutual value versus individual value, and the tension of gaining value versus losing value. The fact that these tensions affect all actors differently makes the process of developing a sustainable business model challenging. Based on a study of four (...)
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    Documents-essay review: On Catherine goldsteins book, un theoreme de fermat et ses lecteurs.Catherine Goldstein - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (2):295.
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    Syed Farid Alatas, Applying Ibn Khaldun: The Recovery of a Lost Tradition in Sociology. [REVIEW]Nurullah Ardıç - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (1):101-104.
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  15. Claveau, François; Herfeld, Catherine (2018). Social network analysis: A complementary method of discovery for the history of economics. In: Weintraub, E Roy; Düppe, Till. A contemporary historiography of economics. London: Routledge, n/a.François Claveau, Catherine Herfeld, E. Roy Weintraub & Till Düppe (eds.) - 2018
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  16. Jean Gerson D. Catherine Brown.D. Catherine Brown - 1997 - In Jill Kraye, Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3.
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  17. Catherine Z. Elgin.Catherine Z. Elgin - 1998 - In Linda Alcoff, Epistemology: the big questions. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 26.
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  18. Richard M. Lerner Catherine E. Barton.Catherine E. Barton - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 420.
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  19.  33
    War, domination, and the monarchy of France: Claude de Seyssel and the language of politics in the Renaissance.Rebecca Ard Boone - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    In medias res: the life of Claude de Seyssel -- The scholar diplomat -- The translator of histories -- Seyssel in Italy : a scholar looks at war -- The scholar and the state -- Seyssel, the church, and the ideal prelate.
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  20. al-Faḥṣ ʻan asās al-tafkīr al-falsafī: dirāsah.Taysīr Shaykh al-Arḍ - 1993 - Dimashq: Ittiḥād al-Kuttāb al-ʻArab.
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  21. al-Madkhal ilā falsafat Ibn Sīnā.Taysīr Shayk al-Arḍ - 1967 - Bayrūt: Dār al-anwār.
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  22. Dirāsāt falsafīyah: muḥāwalat thawrah fī al-falsafah.Taysīr Shaykh al-Arḍ - 1973 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Anwār.
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  23. Fuṣūl min ḥayātī: al-waqāʼiʻ wa-al-afkār: dirāsah.Taysīr Shaykh al-Arḍ - 1997 - [Damascus]: Ittiḥād al-Kuttāb al-ʻArab.
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  24. Ibn al-fikr.Taysīr Shaykh al-Arḍ - 1962
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  25. Ibn Bājjah.Taysīr Shaykh al-Arḍ - 1965 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Anwār.
  26. Ibn Ṭufayl.Taysīr Shaykh al-Arḍ - 1961
  27.  88
    The intentionality of formal systems.Ard Van Moer - 2006 - Foundations of Science 11 (1-2):81-119.
    One of the most interesting and entertaining philosophical discussions of the last few decades is the discussion between Daniel Dennett and John Searle on the existence of intrinsic intentionality. Dennett denies the existence of phenomena with intrinsic intentionality. Searle, however, is convinced that some mental phenomena exhibit intrinsic intentionality. According to me, this discussion has been obscured by some serious misunderstandings with regard to the concept ‘intrinsic intentionality’. For instance, most philosophers fail to realize that it is possible that the (...)
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    Confronting a controlling God: Christian humanism and the moral imagination.Catherine M. Wallace - 2016 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Confronting fundamentalism: the dangerous God of "control and condemn" -- 1967: What the cake said -- God-talk 101: The art that is Christianity -- The Copernican turn of Christian humanism -- Quantum theology: the symbolic character of God-talk -- Theological weirdness (1): the symbolic claim that God is a person -- Poets as theologians: the moral imagination of Christian Humanist tradition -- Moses debates with a burning bush -- I AM v. I WILL BE: translation and the authority of theologians (...)
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  29. Essential religiosity in Descartes and Locke.Catherine Wilson - 2018 - In Philippe Hamou & Martine Pécharman, Locke and Cartesian Philosophy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
  30.  35
    Plasticity and education – an interview with Catherine Malabou.Catherine Malabou & Kjetil Horn Hogstad - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (10):1049-1053.
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  31.  39
    Metaethics from a first person standpoint: an introduction to moral philosophy.Catherine Wilson - 2016 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.
    Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint addresses in a novel format the major topics and themes of contemporary metaethics, the study of the analysis of moral thought and judgement. Metathetics is less concerned with what practices are right or wrong than with what we mean by 'right' and 'wrong.' Looking at a wide spectrum of topics including moral language, realism and anti-realism, reasons and motives, relativism, and moral progress, this book engages students and general readers in order to enhance their (...)
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  32.  46
    Knowledge and Truth in Plato: Stepping Past the Shadow of Socrates.Catherine Rowett - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Catherine Rowett presents an in depth study of Plato's Meno, Republic and Theaetetus and offers both a coherent argument that the project in which Plato was engaging has been widely misunderstood and misrepresented, and detailed new readings of particular thorny issues in the interpretation of these classic texts.
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  33.  52
    Unchaining Solidarity: On Mutual Aid and Anarchism with Catherine Malabou.Catherine Malabou, Daniel Rosenhaft Swain, Petr Kouba & Petr Urban (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The concept of mutual aid is central to the anarchist tradition, but also a source of controversy. This book’s intervention is to consider solidarity and mutual aid at the intersection of politics and biology, developing out of the work of Catherine Malabou.
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  34. Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice.Catherine Kendig (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    This edited volume of 13 new essays aims to turn past discussions of natural kinds on their head. Instead of presenting a metaphysical view of kinds based largely on an unempirical vantage point, it pursues questions of kindedness which take the use of kinds and activities of kinding in practice as significant in the articulation of them as kinds. The book brings philosophical study of current and historical episodes and case studies from various scientific disciplines to bear on natural kinds (...)
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  35.  53
    What should we do with our brain?Catherine Malabou - 2008 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    But in this book, Catherine Malabou proposes a more radical meaning for plasticity, one that not only adapts itself to existing circumstances, but forms a ...
  36.  32
    Plasticity and education – an interview with Catherine Malabou.Malabou Horn Catherine & Kjetil Horn Hogstad - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (10):1049-1053.
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  37. Response to Ohad Nachtomy’s “Individuals, Worlds, and Relations: A Discussion of Catherine Wilson’s ‘Plenitude and Compossibility in Leibniz’”.Catherine Wilson - 2001 - The Leibniz Review 11:125-129.
    Ohad Nachtomy restates the main points of “Plenitude and Compossibility” with admirable fidelity and economy. His proposed revisions, based on the distinction between incomplete and complete substances and on the mind-relativity of relations, are intriguing additions to his earlier paper in Studia Leibnitiana and deserve careful consideration. Some brief remarks on the context of the problem, will, I hope, help to set the stage for the assessment of our various views.
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    Windows on Sophiatown.Catherine Descheneau, Ian Gough & Wendy Gough - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):147-148.
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  39. Jonathan Powell (ed.), Logos: Rational Argument in Classical Rhetoric.Catherine Steel - 2008 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5:355-358.
    Review of Jonathan Powell , Logos: Rational Argument in Classical Rhetoric, BICS supplement 96, London, 2007.
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  40. Women a types of Christ: Susanna and Jephthah's daughter.Catherine Brown Tkacz - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (2):278-311.
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  41.  21
    Les membres de l'École française d'Athènes : étude d'une élite universitaire (1846-1992).Catherine Valenti - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (1):157-172.
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  42. A Baby That Does Not Exist.Catherine Vanier - 2008 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 14:233.
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    D. SIMIĆ-LAZAR, Kalenić et la dernière période de la peinture byzantine, Skopje, 1995.Catherine Vanderheyde - 1999 - Byzantion 69:308.
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    La sculpture architecturale du katholikon d'Hosios Meletios et l'émergence d'un style nouveau au début du XIIe siècle.Catherine Vanderheyde - 1994 - Byzantion 64:391-407.
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    R. OUSTERHOUT, Master Builders of Byzantium, Princeton/New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1999.Catherine Vanderheyde - 2002 - Byzantion 72:566-567.
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    Liberal Culturalism and the National Minority/Immigrant Dichotomy.Catherine Lu - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):169-173.
    Catherine Lu | : Is the discrepancy between the cultural and linguistic rights of immigrants on the one hand and national groups on the other justified, with the latter group typically enjoying a fuller set of such rights than the former category? Patten presents a case for accepting some modest departures from neutrality in the treatment of immigrants’ cultural rights and that of majority and minority national groups. I challenge his thesis by asking whether such departures are justified with (...)
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  47. Epicureanism at the origins of modernity.Catherine Wilson - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This landmark study examines the role played by the rediscovery of the writings of the ancient atomists, Epicurus and Lucretius, in the articulation of the major philosophical systems of the seventeenth century, and, more broadly, their influence on the evolution of natural science and moral and political philosophy. The target of sustained and trenchant philosophical criticism by Cicero, and of opprobrium by the Christian Fathers of the early Church, for its unflinching commitment to the absence of divine supervision and the (...)
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  48. When Are Corporate Environmental Policies a Form of Greenwashing?Catherine A. Ramus & Ivan Montiel - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (4):377-414.
    Do environmental policy statements accurately represent corporate commitment to environmental sustainability? Because companies are not required by law to publish environmental policy statements or to verify that these statements are true using independent third parties, external stakeholders often wonder when a published commitment to a policy translates into actual policy implementation. The authors analyzed two independent databases to predict the circumstances under which large, leading-edge corporations in industry sectors will commit to and/or implement proactive corporate environmental policies and when it (...)
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  49.  94
    Differences from somewhere: The normativity of whiteness in bioethics in the united states.Catherine Myser - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):1 – 11.
    I argue that there has been inadequate attention to and questioning of the dominance and normativity of whiteness in the cultural construction of bioethics in the United States. Therefore we risk reproducing white privilege and white supremacy in its theory, method, and practices. To make my argument, I define whiteness and trace its broader social and legal history in the United States. I then begin to mark whiteness in U.S. bioethics, recasting Renee Fox's sociological marking of its American-ness as an (...)
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  50. Ecological Psychology and Enactivism: Perceptually-Guided Action vs. Sensation-Based Enaction1.Catherine Read & Agnes Szokolszky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:532803.
    Ecological Psychology and Enactivism both challenge representationist cognitive science, but the two approaches have only begun to engage in dialogue. Further conceptual clarification is required in which differences are as important as common ground. This paper enters the dialogue by focusing on important differences. After a brief account of the parallel histories of Ecological Psychology and Enactivism, we cover incompatibility between them regarding their theories of sensation and perception. First, we show how and why in ecological theory perception is, crucially, (...)
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