Results for 'Catholic Church and evolutionary theory'

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  1.  38
    The Catholic Church and Evolutionary Theory : A Conflict Model.Gereon Wolters - 2009 - In Werner Arber, Nicola Cabibbo & Marcelo Sánchez-Sorondo (eds.), Pontificiae Academiae Acta Vol. 20. Pontifical Academy of Sciences. pp. 450-475.
    The arrticle deals with the ambivalent attitude of Church authorities towards evolutionary theory.
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  2. Ambivalence and Conflict: Catholic Church and Evolution.Gereon Wolters - 2009 - In Werner Arber, Nicola Cabibbo & Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (eds.), Pntifical Academy of Sciences, Acta 20. Pontifical Academy of Sciences. pp. 450-475.
    Somewhat traumatized by the Galileo Affair the Church until recently showed low profile in the conflicts with science, evolutionary theory included. The talk presents a categorization of possible relationships between science and religion by distinguishing between "Galilean conflicts", which are about mutually exclusive statements about matters of fact, and Freudian conflicts where an empirical science tries to explain away religion as a phenomenon in its own right. In the light of this distinction I deal with the reactions (...)
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  3.  43
    Is Intelligent Design a Scientific Alternative to Evolution? The Catholic Church Teaching about evolution, creation and intelligent design.Rafael Pascual - 2019 - Alpha Omega 22 (2):361-377.
    The aim of this article is to clarify the epistemic status of the Intelligent Design proposal. We can consider it as an updated version of the classical ways of demonstrating the existence of God, in particular of the so-called “fifth way”. As such, it seems to be neither scientific nor properly theological, but rather a proposal at a rational-philosophical level. At the same time, it must also be made clear that the negation of purpose in evolutionary biological processes is (...)
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    (1 other version)The Catholic Church and Italian Fascism at the Breaking Point: A Cultural Perspective.Valerio De Cesaris - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (164):151-169.
    ExcerptIn 1929, at the height of the conciliation process between the Italian State and the Catholic Church, sealed by the Lateran Treaty, Pope Pius XI referred to Mussolini as the man “sent by providence.”1 Conversely, in 1938, right in the middle of the clash between the Holy See and the Fascist government over the racial problem, Pius XI would say: “Today there is a mutual declaration of war between the Prime Minister and us. Mussolini might even win on (...)
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    Between Carl Schmitt, the Catholic Church, and Hermann Heller: On the foundations of democratic theory in the work of Ernst‐Wolfgang Böckenförde.Olivier Jouanjan - 2018 - Constellations 25 (2):184-195.
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    The "Conducive Situation" in the Context of Abuse and the Catholic Church: Exploring Integral Theories of Sexual Violence and Ecclesiologies Supporting Clerical Abuse.Cristina Lledo Gomez - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):127-147.
  7.  13
    Oriental Catholic Churches: The History of Origins and the Current State.N. M. Madey - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 15:35-42.
    The study of the historical path of the development of Christianity from the time of its occurrence and to this day makes it possible to conclude that at all stages of the existence of this religion for her was characterized by the division into separate directions and branches, which led to a struggle between them. The whole history of Christianity is a multitude of divisions, conflicts and heresies. But there is no doubt that the evolutionary process of the development (...)
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    El caso Schönborn: un cambio retórico en la postura católica ante la evolución biológica.José Antonio Díaz Rojo - 2009 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 14:33-58.
    The objective of this paper is to make a rhetorical analysis of the op-ed entitled «Finding Design in Nature» by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, published by The New York Times in 2005, three months after the death of John Paul II. In this essay, the Cardinal states that it is an error to affirm that Catholic doctrine is compatible with the «neo-Darwinist» theory of evolution and that the Roman Catholic Church accepts that theory. (...)
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  9.  17
    The Church and the Kingdom.Giorgio Agamben - 2012 - Seagull Books.
    Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben is the rare writer whose ideas and works have a broad appeal across many fields, and his devoted fans are not just philosophers, but readers of political and legal theory, sociology, and literary criticism as well. In March 2009, Agamben was invited to speak in Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral in the presence of the Bishop of Paris and a number of other high-ranking church officials. His resulting speech, a stunningly lucid and provocative look at the (...)
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    Evolución y creación: revelación y razón.Santiago Collado González - 2014 - Scientia et Fides 2 (1):31.
    Faith in general and the Catholic Church in particular have often been considered, and they still are, as an obstacle to the development of science. The alleged hostility of the Church to evolutionary theories is one of the arguments given by proponents of this thesis. This paper studies the historical truth of the Church’s opposition to Darwinism. Finally, it outlines a proposal that could help to understand the harmony and compatibility between the evolutionary theories (...)
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  11.  5
    The Church and the Kingdom.Leland de la Durantaye (ed.) - 2012 - Seagull Books.
    Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben is the rare writer whose ideas and works have a broad appeal across many fields, and his devoted fans are not just philosophers, but readers of political and legal theory, sociology, and literary criticism as well. In March 2009, Agamben was invited to speak in Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedral in the presence of the Bishop of Paris and a number of other high-ranking church officials. His resulting speech, a stunningly lucid and provocative look at the (...)
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  12.  34
    Rome and Theistic Evolutionism: The Hidden Strategies behind the ‘Dorlodot Affair’, 1920–1926.Raf De Bont - 2005 - Annals of Science 62 (4):457-478.
    Summary In 1918, Henry de Dorlodot—priest, theologian, and professor of geology at the University of Louvain (Belgium)—published Le Darwinisme au point de vue de l'Orthodoxie Catholique (translated as Darwinism and Catholic Thought) in which he defended a reconciliation between evolutionary theory and Catholicism with his own particular kind of theistic evolutionism. He subsequently announced a second volume in which he would extend his conclusions to the origin of Man. Traditionalist circles in Rome reacted vehemently. Operating through the (...)
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  13.  5
    Darwinism and Divinity: Essays on Evolution and Religious Belief ed. by John Durant. [REVIEW]F. F. Centore - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):357-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 357 chorus of Protestants calling for a recovery of church discipline, of use of creed and sacrament in worship, of christian education as character formation, etc. Unfortunately, he gives no suggestions about how much a. recovered sense of authority and sacramentalism can avoid the distortions of this necessary element of Church life that gave rise to the original Protestant Reformation (distortions recognized and warned against (...)
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  14.  12
    The New Catholic Feminism: Theology, Gender Theory and Dialogue.Tina Beattie - 2004 - Routledge.
    It is hard to over-estimate the challenge that feminism poses to Roman Catholicism. Pope John Paul II's call for a 'new feminism' has led to the development of a Catholic theological response to the so-called 'old feminism'. _The New Catholic Feminism _sets up a dramatic encounter between the orthodox Catholic establishment and contemporary critical theory, including feminist theology and philosophy, queer theory, and French psycholinguistics, in order to explore fundamental questions about human identity, personhood and (...)
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  15.  50
    Encyclical letter, Fides et ratio, of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II: to the bishops of the Catholic Church on the relationship between faith and reason.John Paul (ed.) - 1998 - Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference.
    Introduction: "Know yourself" -- The revelation of God's wisdom -- Credo ut intellegam -- Intellego ut credam -- The relationship between faith and reason -- The interventions of the Magisterium in philosophical matters -- The interaction between philosophy and theology -- Current requirements and tasks -- Conclusion.
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  16. Еволюція уявлень про державу в середовищі українських православних інтелектуалів другої половини XVII ст.Nataliia Shalashna - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    The article describes evolutionary process of the ideas about the state, which were formed by Ukrainian Orthodox intellectuals in the end of the XVI - the first half of the XVII century. Established, that on the development of these ideas had considerable influenced political circumstances of Ukrainian Cossack state in the second half of the XVII century. Varied Nation orientations available in Ukrainian political elite caused at that time the political split of Ukrainian society which reflected on the (...) life. Some part of Church leaders tended to association with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the convergence with the Greek Catholic Church, the rest were supporters of political union with Moscow and rapprochement with Moscow Orthodoxy. However, both groups of Ukrainian Orthodox intellectuals defended the independence of the Kyiv Metropolis. Accordingly, representatives of both political orientations in church circles had their own opinion on the nature of the state, the governor responsibilities, composition of nation and its political rights, the relationship between the secular and ecclesiastical authority in the ideal state. Two outstanding representatives of these viewpoints were Sofonovych F. and I. Gisel. There are many ways where their views are identical, so: both agreed about the priority of ecclesiastical authority over secular, Kyiv's role as a center of Orthodox state, about the existence of a sovereign Ukrainian nation as an ethnic and religious communities. However, they also had fundamental differences: in F. Sofonovych's "Chronicle" sense of the state's existence and first responsibility of the governor was to ensure the public good, the conception of political nation extends to the whole society, the governor is the monarch in the European sense, who should be accountable to his lieges. Instead of that in I. Gisela's "Synopsis" meaning of the state was described in citizens' association in a single church, the governor is autocrat that answers only to the face of God, as the political nation was described only a minor group of nobility and its features were limited. In that way, we can assume that the concept of state, represented in work by Sofonovych F. indicates the beginning of the transition from early modern to modern Ukrainian nation and the continuation of the idea of Ukrainian sovereignty. Theory by Gisela I., whereas, the initial point of departure of Enlightenment concept of absolutism, which later was developed by Prokopovich F., and embodies the idea of an Orthodox empire which in the political sense coincides with the Russian Empire and in the spiritual one - is a continuation of Kievan Rus, where Kiev clergy plays a significant role. Both concepts were actively developing in future and had some mutual influence; also they greatly influenced the political life. (shrink)
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  17.  9
    God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter Between Christianity and Science ed. by David C. Lindberg, Ronald L. Numbers. [REVIEW]William H. Austin - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):562-568.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:56~ BOOK REVIEWS of the problem of free will and God's omnipotence- not a problem peculiar to evolution, to be sure, but one that nonetheless arises within the context of the emergence of living things, especially man, on earth and how that process relates to divine intervention; and Francisco J. Ayola starts everything off with a biologist's hardline defense of evolutionary theory. It may be asking too (...)
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  18.  47
    The Judas Within: A Look at the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church.Christopher Chan & Brenda Scott-Ladd - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (4):326-339.
    Drawing from normal accident theory, high reliability theory, and systems theory, we analyze the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People that is promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the sexual abuses of minors by clergy members. Although the Charter is a step in the right direction, there remain some areas that require immediate attention. In spite of the goodwill processes, the safety of minors must remain the concerted (...)
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  19.  10
    Church Law in Modernity: Toward a Theory of Canon Law Between Nature and Culture.Judith Hahn - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Natural law has long been considered the traditional source of Roman Catholic canon law. However, new scholarship is critical of this approach as it portrays the Catholic Church as static, ahistorical, and insensitive to cultural change. In its attempt to stem the massive loss of effectiveness being experienced by canon law, the church has to reconsider its theory of legal foundation, especially its natural law theory. Church Law in Modernity analyses the criticism levelled (...)
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  20.  27
    Do advisors perceive climate change as an agricultural risk? An in-depth examination of Midwestern U.S. Ag advisors’ views on drought, climate change, and risk management.Sarah P. Church, Michael Dunn, Nicholas Babin, Amber Saylor Mase, Tonya Haigh & Linda S. Prokopy - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):349-365.
    Through the lens of the Health Belief Model and Protection Motivation Theory, we analyzed interviews of 36 agricultural advisors in Indiana and Nebraska to understand their appraisals of climate change risk, related decision making processes and subsequent risk management advice to producers. Most advisors interviewed accept that weather events are a risk for US Midwestern agriculture; however, they are more concerned about tangible threats such as crop prices. There is not much concern about climate change among agricultural advisors. Management (...)
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  21.  22
    Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives.John Sniegocki - 2009 - Marquette University Press.
    Introduction -- Overview of the contemporary global context : life stories -- Data on poverty, hunger, and inequality in an age of globalization -- The goals and structure of this book -- Development theory and practice : an overview -- Origins of the concept of development -- Modernization theory -- Modernization theory and U.S. aid policy -- The impact of modernizationist development -- Structuralist economic theories -- Dependency theories -- Basic needs approach -- New international economic order (...)
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  22.  9
    On Earth as it is in Heaven: Cultivating a Contemporary Theology of Creation.David Vincent Meconi (ed.) - 2016 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    With the 2015 publication of Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si', many people of faith have found themselves challenged to seek new ways of addressing serious ecological questions -- issues essential to the flourishing of all creatures and not just human beings. This volume brings together fifteen select scholars to consider pressing contemporary environmental concerns through the lens of Catholic theology. Drawing from the early church fathers and other authoritative voices in the Christian tradition, the contributors to On Earth (...)
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  23.  6
    Foucauldian Reexamination of the Aristotelian, Aquinian, and Contemporary Roman Catholic Theories of Hominization.Feorillo P. A. Demeterio Iii - 2017 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (1):60-80.
    Hominization theory speculates on the process and chronology of a human embryo’s ensoulment. Aristotle, a key ancient Greek thinker, presented his own hominization theory based on his hylemorphic metaphysics and pioneering researches in embryology. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval philosopher and theologian, built his Christian and Catholic hominization theory on the foundations laid down by Aristotle. The contemporary Roman Catholic Church, with its own prolife, anti-abortion and anticontraception agenda, modified the Aristotelian and Thomistic hominization theories (...)
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  24.  20
    Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Catholic Church United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & San Fransisco Zen Center - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):247-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ PathU.S. Conference of Catholic BishopsCatholics and Buddhists brought together by Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met 20-23 March 2003 in the first of an anticipated series of four annual dialogues. Abbot Heng Lyu, the monks and nuns, and members of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association hosted the dialogue (...)
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  25.  66
    Public spectacle and scientific theory: William Robertson Smith and the reading of evolution in Victorian Scotland.David N. Livingstone - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (1):1-29.
    This paper examines the reaction of Victorian Presbyterian culture to the theory of evolution in late nineteenth century Scotland. Focusing on the role played by the Free Church theologian, biblical critic and anthropological theorist, William Robertson Smith, it argues that, compared with Smith’s radical scholarship, evolutionary theories did little to disturb the Scottish Calvinist mind-set. After surveying the attitudes to evolution among a range of theological leaders, the paper examines Smith’s fundamentally threatening proposals and the circumstances that (...)
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  26. Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory.Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro (eds.) - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory gathers together contributions by many of the central theorists in Deleuze studies who have led the way in breaking down the boundaries between philosophical and biological research. They focus on the significance of Deleuze and Guattari’s engagements with evolutionary theory across the full range of their work, from the interpretation of Darwin in Difference and Repetition to the symbiotic alliances of wasp and orchid in A Thousand Plateaus. In this way, they explore (...)
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  27.  33
    “True Economic Liberalism” and the Development of American Catholic Social Thought, 1920-1940.Zachary R. Calo - 2008 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 5 (2):285-314.
    This paper considers the maturation of the American Catholic tradition of social and economic thought in the seminal period between 1920 and 1940, particularly as encapsulated in the work of John A. Ryan. While different social ethical models emerged in the American Church during this time, the dominant school of thought was the liberal tradition associated with Ryan. This tradition, which Ryan described as "true economic liberalism," forged American political liberalism and papal critiques of secular modernity into a (...)
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  28.  57
    The church as the axis of convergence in teilhard's theology and life.Mathias Trennert-Helwig - 1995 - Zygon 30 (1):73-89.
    . During the lifetime of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the Roman Catholic Church passed through deep changes of doctrines as well as ecclesiastical structures, marked by the First and Second Vatican Councils. In that historical period, the perceived threat of the more and more encompassing theory of universal evolution was the main reason that Teilhard was forbidden to publish anything about its theological or philosophical significance. Teilhard survived these lifelong restrictions within his beloved church by embracing (...)
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  29.  79
    Church, Charisma and Power -- Liberation Theology and the Institutional Church.Patrick M. Hughes - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):174-180.
    This theological treatise was condemned on March 20, 1985 by The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly known as The Holy Office). The statement of public notification approved by Pope John Paul II, declared that “the options of Leonardo Boff… endanger the sound doctrine of the faith which this congregation must promote and protect.” The central theme in the book is that today the practice and structure of the Catholic Church is an obstacle to the (...)
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  30.  14
    An Introduction to Catholic Ethics Since Vatican Ii.Andrew Kim - 2015 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Catholic ethics in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, an event widely considered crucial to the reconciliation of the Catholic Church and the modern world. Andrew Kim investigates Catholic responses to questions of moral theology in all four principal areas: Catholic social teaching, natural law, virtue ethics, and bioethics. In addition to discussing contemporary controversies surrounding abortion, contraception, labor rights, exploitation of the poor, and (...)
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  31.  9
    Salvation Outside the Church? Tracing the History of the Catholic Response by Francis A. Sullivan.Peter C. Phan - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):695-697.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 695 Salvation Outside the Church? Tracing the History of the Catholic Response. By FRANCIS A. SULLIVAN. New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1992. Pp. i + 224. $12.95 (paper). The subtitle of the volume describes well its purpose and content. The author surveys in chronological order, beginning with the earliest ecclesiastical writers and ending with John Paul II, the various interpretations of the axiom extra ecclesiam nulla (...)
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  32.  13
    Theology, Praxis, and Ethics in the Thought of Juan Luis Segundo, S.J.Joel Zimbelman - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):233-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THEOLOGY, PRAXIS, AND ETHICS IN THE THOUGHT OF JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO, S.J. JOEL ZIMBELMAN California State University, Chico Chico, California I. Introduction JESUS OF NAZARETH Yesterday and Today is Juan Luis Segundo's most recent contribution in an on-going effort to forge a distinctive post-conciliar catholic theology.1· This five-volume work establishes Segundo as one of the most prolific, methodologically sophisticated, and constructive Catholic theologians of this century. In (...)
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  33.  11
    Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives.Amy Levad - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):209-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for AlternativesAmy LevadCatholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives John Sniegocki Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 2009. 335 pp. $37.00.John Sniegocki’s dense volume argues for rethinking development policies in light of widespread poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation that have resulted from these policies over the last century. This argument does not mark Sniegocki’s text as particularly (...)
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  34.  22
    The Imago Dei: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives.Helen De Cruz & Yves De Maeseneer - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):95-100.
    This short article provides an introduction to a special section, consisting of six papers on human evolution and the imago Dei. These papers are the result of dialogue between theologians and philosophers of religion at the University of Oxford and the Catholic University of Leuven. All contributors focus on the imago Dei, and consider how this theological notion can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, looking at a variety of disciplines, including the psychology of reasoning, cognitive science of (...)
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  35.  34
    Protestant Christian Churches in Colombia and the Debate on Family and the Gender Ideology.Leonardo Luna & Sean Byrne - 2017 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 27 (2):21-42.
    The gender perspective theory is a framework that assists Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) scholars and practitioners to develop less violent and more equal societies. In Colombia, this theory is under attack from Protestant Christian churches that have produced the category of gender ideology to delegitimize the gender perspective. In this article, we analyse the narratives used by members of the Protestant Christian churches and conservative political leaders in Colombia to create the category of gender ideology. This new (...)
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  36.  29
    The Catholic Church and the Modern Mind.Paul C. Reinert - 1934 - Modern Schoolman 11 (4):95-95.
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  37.  11
    Never doubt Thomas: the Catholic Aquinas as evangelical and Protestant.Francis Beckwith - 2019 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
    Theologian, philosopher, teacher. There are few religious figures more Catholic than Saint Thomas Aquinas, a man credited with helping to shape Catholicism of the second millennium. In Never Doubt Thomas, Francis J. Beckwith employs his own spiritual journey from Catholicism to Evangelicalism and then back to Catholicism to reveal the signal importance of Aquinas not only for Catholics but also for Protestants. Beckwith begins by outlining Aquinas' history and philosophy, noting misconceptions and inaccurate caricatures of Thomist traditions. He explores (...)
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  38.  9
    Rosmini's suspended middle: the synthesistic performativity of genius and interdisciplinary thinking.Fernando Bellelli, Katherine M. Clifton, Antonio Staglianò & John Milbank (eds.) - 2024 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855) was a genius who combined science and sanctity. His contribution turns on the theory of the suspended middle of the original relationship between the natural and the supernatural, which he experienced and elaborated. The device of the relationship between the original metaphysical-affective-symbolic structure of the believing conscience and the affective turn in metaphysics, intrinsically linked to his trinitarian ontology, allowed Rosmini to elaborate theories and epistemologies from a unitary perspective in various fields of knowledge. This volume (...)
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  39. Traditional Catholic philosophy: baby and bathwater.James Franklin - 2006 - In M. Whelan (ed.), Issues for Church and Society in Australia. St Pauls. pp. 15-32.
    The teaching of the Aquinas Academy in its first thirty years was based on the scholastic philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, then regarded as the official philosophy of the Catholic Church. That philosophy has not been so much heard of in the last thirty years, but it has a strong presence below the surface. Its natural law theory of ethics, especially, still informs Vatican pronouncements on moral topics such as contraception and euthanasia. It has also been important in (...)
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    New Natural Law, Derivationist Natural Law, and Evolutionary Debunking.William Hannegan - 2024 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 24 (1):71-89.
    Evolutionary debunking arguments attempt to show from the fact of evolution either that there are no evaluative truths existing independently of our evaluative judgments or that we lack knowledge of such truths. In this paper, I consider whether Sharon Street’s influential evolutionary debunking argument threatens natural law theory. I argue that new natural law theory is vulnerable to her argument but that derivationist versions of natural law theory (sometimes referred to as “traditional” or “old” natural (...)
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  41. The imago Dei: Evolutionary and theological perspectives.Helen De Cruz & Yves Maeseneer - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):95-100.
    This short article provides an introduction to a special section, consisting of six papers on human evolution and the imago Dei. These papers are the result of dialogue between theologians and philosophers of religion at the University of Oxford and the Catholic University of Leuven. All contributors focus on the imago Dei, and consider how this theological notion can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, looking at a variety of disciplines, including the psychology of reasoning, cognitive science of (...)
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    The Catholic Church and the Movements.Michael Schuck - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (2):241-257.
  43. Patriarchal Religion, Sexuality, and Gender: A Critique of New Natural Law.Nicholas Bamforth & David A. J. Richards - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by David A. J. Richards.
    Legal theorists are familiar with John Finnis's book Natural Law and Natural Rights, but usually overlook his interventions in US constitutional debates and his membership of a group of conservative Catholic thinkers, the 'new natural lawyers', led by theologian Germain Grisez. In fact, Finnis has repeatedly advocated conservative positions concerning lesbian and gay rights, contraception and abortion, and his substantive moral theory derives from Grisez. Bamforth and Richards provide a detailed explanation of the work of the new natural (...)
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    Bioethics and natural law: The relationship in catholic teaching.J. Bryan Hehir - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):333-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics and Natural Law: The Relationship in Catholic TeachingJ. Bryan Hehir (bio)In the discipline of Catholic moral theology, bioethics (traditionally described as medical ethics) has held a major place. The systematic development of bioethics has drawn principally upon a natural law ethic, supported by broader religious arguments. The purpose of this essay is to examine the status and role of natural law in Catholic teaching as (...)
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  45.  31
    Pacifism and Just War Theory in Evolutionary Perspective.Richard Viladesau - 1996 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 7 (1):13-51.
  46.  25
    The Catholic Church and the Jewish People: Recent Reflections from Rome – Edited by Philip A. Cunningham, Norbert J. Hofmann SDB and Joseph Sievers.Gavin D'Costa - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):348-352.
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  47. The Catholic Church and Science.P. E. Hodgson - 1955 - Hibbert Journal 54:15.
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    The Catholic Church and Philosophy.Vincent McNabb - 1927 - New York: the Macmillan Company.
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    The Catholic Church and the Reproductive Health Bill Debate: The Philippine Experience.Eric Marcelo O. Genilo - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (6):1044-1055.
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    The Theory of an Independent Celtic Church.Hugh Graham - 1931 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 6 (2):275-281.
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