Results for 'Causality, Quentin Meillassoux, Speculative Realism, Metaphysics, Contingency'

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  1.  92
    Contingency without unreason: Speculation after meillassoux.Joshua Ramey - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (1):31-46.
    In this essay I critique the identification of contingency with sheer arbitrary possibility in Quentin Meillassoux's After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency. After offering logical and metaphysical reasons for why such an identification is a limitation on the speculative potential of reason, I draw upon Charles S. Peirce, Gilles Deleuze, and Giambattista Vico to articulate the outlines of a view of contingency which can underwrite a different speculative position to one that (...)
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  2. Fideism or Faith in Doubt?: Meillassoux, Heidegger, and the End of Metaphysics.Robert S. Gall - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (4):358-368.
    Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency advocates a “speculative materialism” or what has come to be called “speculative realism” over against “correlationism” (his term for [nearly] all post-Kantian philosophy). “Correlationism” is “the idea according to which we only ever have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other.” As part of his criticism of “correlationism,” Meillassoux argues that it necessarily leads to (...)
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  3. Phenomenological Metaphysics as a Speculative Realism.Lorenzo Girardi - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (4):336-349.
    The debate between speculative realism and phenomenology has become quite heated over the past years. The matter of contention is the possibility of a metaphysics that can provide knowledge of reality as it is in itself. The speculative realists accuse phenomenology of denying this possibility, confining knowledge to the sphere of subjectivity. What has been overlooked in this debate is the similarity between the speculative project of Quentin Meillassoux and a Husserlian metaphysics. This article looks at (...)
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  4. The Inner Life of Objects: Immanent Realism and Speculative Philosophy.Michael Austin - 2011 - Analecta Hermeneutica 3:1-12.
    Often a division of concepts can help us better understand unknown or seldom charted philosophical terrain: historically, the distinctions and differences between idealism and materialism have proven helpful, but with Quentin Meillassoux‟s concept of correlationism, the divisions between realism and anti realismwhich once seemed clean-cut are now harder to understand. Graham Harman has gone a step further than Meillassoux‟s initial definition of correlationism, by which “we mean the idea according to which we only ever have access to the correlation (...)
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    Speculative Realism: An Epitome.Leon Niemoczynski - 2017 - Leeds: Kismet Press.
    This book introduces the underlying ideas which have created the constellation of thought commonly referred to as Speculative Realism (SR). In a non-technical style Speculative Realism: An Epitome explores the thought of three contemporary philosophers: Quentin Meillassoux, Ray Brassier, and Iain Hamilton Grant. The book characterizes the milieu in which SR was born and charts how the tendencies of thought created from its birth have diverged into contemporary metaphysics. Readers will gain from the book an understanding how (...)
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    Towards Speculative Realism: Essays and Lectures.Graham Harman - 2010 - Zero Books.
    These writings chart Harman's rise from Chicago sportswriter to co-founder of one of Europe's most promising philosophical movements: Speculative Realism. In 1997, Graham Harman was an obscure graduate student covering Chicago sporting events for a California website. Unpublished in philosophy at the time, he was already a popular conference speaker on Heidegger and related themes. Little more than a decade later, as the author of stimulating and highly visible books on continental philosophy, he was Associate Vice Provost for Research (...)
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  7. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École (...)
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    Absolute Power and Contingency: on the Theological Structure of Meillassoux’s Speculative Philosophy.Hollis Phelps - 2015 - Sophia 54 (3):343-362.
    Although Quentin Meillassoux’s philosophy desires to be postmetaphysical and posttheological, I argue in this paper that it remains structurally theological. Specifically, I argue that Meillassoux’s speculative thesis on the contingency of nature and its laws repeats at a formal level the medieval theological distinction between God’s absolute power and God’s ordained power. The first part of this paper discusses how this distinction allowed medieval theologians such as Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus to understand and have faith in (...)
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  9. Meillassoux’s Speculative Philosophy of Science: Contingency and Mathematics.Fabio Gironi - 2011 - Pli 22:26-61.
    In this paper I will offer a survey of Quentin Meillassoux’s thought, focusing on what I identify as the central node of his thought, the link between mathematics and contingency. I will then proceed to question the compatibility of his principle of radical contingency with the philosophy—and the practice—of science, and I will propose a possible solution to this problem by pushing Meillassoux along the Pythagorean path. Finally, I will argue that 1) his project of evacuating metaphysical (...)
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    Excess and Withdrawal: Critical Phenomenology and Speculative Realism.Dustin Zielke - 2018 - PhaenEx 12 (2):103-122.
    This paper takes up the problem of correlationism from a phenomenological perspective. Speculative realists, such as Quentin Meillassoux and Graham Harman, seek to establish new forms of Continental realism largely because, in their view, phenomenology cannot adequately account for the real. To counter these claims, I will use what I call a “critical phenomenological approach”, which critically delimits the real from the intentional relation, and thus makes possible a phenomenological theory of the real. This approach to realism establishes (...)
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  11.  56
    21st Century Speculative Philosophy: Reflections on the “New Metaphysics” and its Realism and Materialism.Leon Niemoczynski - 2013 - Cosmos and History 9 (2):13-31.
    Regarding the state of contemporary metaphysics, as it has been said, “There’s something in the air.” My goal in this essay is to offer some brief reflections on the state of contemporary metaphysics, otherwise called contemporary “ speculative ” philosophy – the “something in the air” – that has resurfaced within the early part of the 21st century. In order to clarify the nature of the new metaphysics in question I proceed by isolating geographically and topically two main tendencies (...)
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  12.  87
    The Metaphysics of Speculative Materialism.Drew M. Dalton - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (4):687-705.
    Much has been made of the so-called “empirical turn” of “speculative materialism” with thinkers like Quentin Meillassoux championing the material sciences as a new route to absolute reality. According to Meillassoux, the material sciences “provide philosophers access once again to the great outdoors, the absolute outside,” of reality in-itself. One might expect from such encomia the attempt to engage with the products of contemporary science in order to develop a new metaphysics; but, Meillassoux spends almost no time in (...)
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  13.  40
    The Paradox of the Arche-fossil.F. A. Muller - 2022 - Dialectica 999 (1).
    In his influential After Finitude. An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency (2008), Quentin Meillassoux argues that *Correlationism* (an umbrella-term encompassing most varieties of Idealism) gives rise to an irresolvable paradox, called "the Paradox of the Arche-fossil", which is essentially a clash between philosophical principles and scientific findings. This irresolvable paradox of Correlationism then paves the way for the "Speculative Turn" and the ensuing rise of burgeoning "speculative realism" in Continental Philosophy: noumenal reality, as-it-is-in-and-of-itself, "the Great (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Speculative Realism.Ray Brassier, Iain Hamilton Grant, Graham Harman & Quentin Meillassoux - 2007 - Collapse:306-449.
  15. The End of the World after the End of Finitude: On a Recently Prominent Speculative Tone in Philosophy.Jussi Backman - 2017 - In Cavalcante Schuback Marcia & Lindberg Susanna, The End of the World: Contemporary Philosophy and Art. Rowman and Littlefield International. pp. 105-123.
    The chapter studies the speculative realist critique of the notion of finitude and its implications for the theme of the "end of the world" as a teleological and eschatological idea. It is first explained how Quentin Meillassoux proposes to overcome both Kantian and Heideggerian "correlationist" approaches with his speculative thesis of absolute contingency. It is then shown that Meillassoux's speculative materialism also dismantles the close link forged by Kant between the teleological ends of human existence (...)
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  16. Between Realism and Anti-realism: Deleuze and the Spinozist Tradition in Philosophy.Jeffrey Bell - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (1):1-17.
    In 1967, after a talk Deleuze gave to the Society of French Philosophy, Ferdinand Alquiéé expressed concern during the question and answer session that perhaps Deleuze was relying too heavily upon science and not giving adequate attention to questions and problems that Alquiéé took to be distinctively philosophical. Deleuze responded by agreeing with Alquiéé; moreover, he argued that his primary interest was precisely in the metaphysics science needs rather than in the science philosophy needs. This metaphysics, Deleuze argues, is to (...)
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  17. Speculating God: Speculative Realism and Meillassoux’s Divine Inexistence.Leon Niemoczynski - 2014 - In Clayton Crockett, Keith Putt & Jeffrey Robbins, The future of continental philosophy of religion. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 92-108.
    “Speculating God: Speculative Realism and Meillassoux’s Divine Inexistence.” In The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion. Edited by Clayton Crockett, Keith Putt, and Jeffrey Robbins. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
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    Dialectique spéculative et spéculation non-dialectique.Quentin Meillassoux - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 86 (86):65-84.
    It is argued, in this article, that Hegel’s philosophy is permeated by a tacit thesis, and that this takes the form of a non-dialectical negation, the precise nature and speculative importance of which we propose to determine. The unspoken thesis is that Hegel never directly states that his conceptual sublation of the representative form of Christianity results in the strict deletion of both the resurrection of Christ and the immortality of the soul. Yet, far from being reducible to the (...)
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  19.  73
    A Formal Ontological Game. Does Meillassoux’s Speculative Realism Need A Correlation?Jan Voosholz - 2019 - In Alexander Kanev, New Realism: Problems and Prospects. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. pp. 225-234.
    Quentin Meillassoux dismisses the question of the right correlation both in his 'After finitude' and in subsequent publications because his work aims to refute correlationism. The central question I want to address in this article is: Does Meillassoux’s position (and the New Realisms more generally) need a correlation to be more than just a formal ontological game? My answer to this question will be a no, but I think that both his and other versions of speculative and new (...)
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  20.  89
    What Laws? Which Past?: Meillassoux’s Hyper-Chaos and the Epistemological Limitations of Retro-Causation.Michael J. Ardoline - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):235-244.
    The question of the metaphysical status of the laws of physics has received increased attention in recent years. Perhaps most well-known among this work are David Lewis’s Humean supervenience and Nancy Cartwright’s dispositionalism, both of which reject the classical conception of the laws of physics as necessary and real independent of the objects they govern, arguing instead that what we call laws are shorthand for the regularities of local states of affairs or the dispositions of objects. The properties of necessity (...)
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  21.  91
    (1 other version)Quentin Meillassoux: Philosophy in the Making.Graham Harman - 2011 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Quentin Meillassoux has been described as the most rapidly prominent French philosopher in the Anglophone world since Jacques Derrida in the 1960s. With the publication of After Finitude (2006), this daring protege of Alain Badiou became one of the world's most visible younger thinkers. In this book, his fellow Speculative Realist, Graham Harman, assesses Meillassoux's publications in English so far. Also included are an insightful interview with Meillassoux and first-time translations of excerpts from L'Inexistence divine (The Divine Inexistence), (...)
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  22.  59
    The Eye is in Things: On Deleuze and Speculative Realism.Pablo Pachilla - 2022 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 14 (1):44-56.
    Speculative realists have directed a radical critique towards what they call “correlationism,” the stance according to which we only have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other. Both Quentin Meillassoux and Ray Brassier have used Gilles Deleuze’s ontology as a paradigmatic example of correlationism. Instead of defending Deleuze from this accusation, I argue that we need to accept it, but that the correlation is drastically transformed when we (...)
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    Speculative Realism: An Introduction. [REVIEW]Tom Sparrow - 2019 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 1.
    Review of Graham Harman, Speculative Realism: An Introduction, Polity, 2018.
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    The Night in which all Dinosaurs wear Nightcaps: a supplement to Zizek's critique of Meillassoux.Josef Moshe - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (3).
    This essay develops Slavoj Žižek’s critique of Quentin Meillassoux’s speculative materialism. The first part consists of a discussion of Meillassoux’s ‘principle of factiality’ (which states that only contingency is necessary) and Ray Brassier’s problematization of this principle’s self-referentiality. The second part takes up Žižek’s critique of Meillassoux, which solves the problem of self-reference by dialecticizing the principle of factiality, ending up with the thesis of the contingency of necessity. The third part is an elaboration of Žižek’s (...)
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  25.  28
    Power, Possibility, and Agency: Speculative Realism and Whitehead’s Theory of Relations.Christian Frigerio - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (3):5-22.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, the debate between supporters of internal and external relations showed how our assumptions on the nature of relations result in ontological, epistemic, and ethical commitments. In this debate, Alfred North Whitehead provided the most articulated and satisfying account through his “philosophy of the organism,” which holds relations to be internal yet vectorial, without excluding completely external relations. Today, the debate has become once again topical and constitutes a core issue for speculative realism. (...)
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  26.  40
    Speculative realism and Phenomenology: how does one give meaning, through Husserl and beyond Husserl, to what exceeds our intuitive capacities?Aurélien Alavi - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:147-192.
    Quentin Meillassoux first book, After Finitude, argues that most of the post-Kantian philosophies, including phenomenology, are guilty of inconsistency, since none of them is able to give account of the ancestral phenomena. The incorrigible phenomenologist is accused to make it impossible to understand scientific statements about some ancient past, that would be prior to the emergence of life, and thus escaping from any kind of givenness. However, we think that this critic does not achieve its purpose, for four main (...)
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  27.  48
    A New Take on Speculative Realism.Nathan Eckstrand - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (2):373-394.
    This paper argues that the inclusion of “fields” in speculative realist ontologies better explains human experience, encourages the inclusion of systems thinking, and avoids some of the unusual conclusions speculative realists currently accept. The paper begins by summarizing the philosophies of Quentin Meillassoux and Graham Harman, as well as major criticisms of each. Second, it explores the “math as structure” theories of Stewart Shapiro and Michael Resnik, and the ways relativity and quantum physics account for objects. Using (...)
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  28.  18
    À propos d’Après la finitude. [REVIEW]Beat Michel - 2018 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (1):129.
    Quentin Meillassoux's essay Après la finitude has quickly become well known, and his theses continue to be discussed in recent books. Meillassoux appears as a sort of leader of a speculative realism in Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel's book on realism in contemporary philosophy. He also occupies an important place in a book by Catherine Malabou on the current attempts to go beyond Kantian transcendentalism. It seems to us therefore justified to return to the main theses of this book.
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  29.  26
    Aesthetical Ontology, Ontological Aesthetics: Rethinking Art and Beauty through Speculative Realism.Mario-Teodoro Ramírez - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 74:201-216.
    We thus propose to criticize the subjective-anthropological conception of beauty and to define the meaning of an ontological conception of the beautiful while at the same time inquiring into an aesthetic conception of ontology from the standpoint of speculative realism. We discuss first the general character of Kantian aesthetics, considered as the founding moment of modern aesthetic subjectivism. The first section reviews Gadamer’s criticisms of Kantianism before exposing, in the second section, the reinterpretation made by some neorealist thinkers (Shaviro, (...)
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  30. Speculative enthusiasm: William Blake's Jerusalem and Quentin Meillassoux's Divine ethics.Allison Dushane - 2019 - In Chris Washington & Anne C. McCarthy, Romanticism and speculative realism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  31. What is a Compendium? Parataxis, Hypotaxis, and the Question of the Book.Maxwell Stephen Kennel - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):44-49.
    Writing, the exigency of writing: no longer the writing that has always (through a necessity in no way avoidable) been in the service of the speech or thought that is called idealist (that is to say, moralizing), but rather the writing that through its own slowly liberated force (the aleatory force of absence) seems to devote itself solely to itself as something that remains without identity, and little by little brings forth possibilities that are entirely other: an anonymous, distracted, deferred, (...)
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  32. Realismus, materialismus a umění.Tomas Hribek - 2016 - Sešit Pro Umění, Teorii a Příbuzné Zóny 21:38-66.
    [Realism, Materialism, and Art] Recent years have seen the ascendance of a new trend in continental philosophy called “the speculative turn”, “speculative realism”, “continental materialism”, or “object-oriented ontology” (OOO). I focus on the work of one of the proponents of this new trend, Graham Harman, in particular his recent attempt to extend his “object-oriented” approach to art and aesthetics. In part 1, I start with a brief characterization of the new trend in terms of the shared opposition of (...)
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  33.  33
    Cessation and Contingency in Meillassoux’s Speculative Materialism.Mark Losoncz - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (3):605-621.
    This article analyzes Quentin Meillassoux’s concept of cessation. First, the article argues that this concept plays a decisive role in Meillassouxian philosophy. Second, by taking into consideration medieval and early modern debates on annihilation, it critically examines the conclusions elaborated in After Finitude. After that, it conceptualizes the relation between absolute time and absolute contingency, keeping in mind the critical reception of Meillassoux’s philosophy. Finally, the article turns to his insights into death and resurrection, and it confronts them (...)
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  34.  93
    Internal and external causal explanations of the universe.Quentin Smith - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 79 (3):283 - 310.
    By "an infinite series of contingent beings" is meant a beginningless succession of modally contingent beings, such that the succession of beings occupies an infinite number of equal-lengthened temporal intervals (e.g. an aleph-zero number of past years).
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  35.  45
    Prolegomena to a materialist humanism.Michael O'Neill Burns - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (1):99-112.
    This article sets the agenda for a new materialist humanism through a critique and analysis of theories of materialist subjectivity in recent French philosophy. I begin with a critique of the lack of a properly internal account of the human subject in the work of Alain Badiou, arguing that his disavowal of any sort of humanism and a dismissal of the natural sciences leaves him without a way to conceptualize the internal activity of the human subject. I then consider the (...)
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    Spirit in the materialist world: On the structure of regard.John Ó Maoilearca - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (1):13-29.
    This essay interrogates recent materialist monisms, be they based on contingency, eliminativism, or objective phenomenology, on account of their metaphilosophical ramifications. It is argued that certain dualities must be retained, at least nominally, in order to have any explanatory purchase and escape velocity from philosophical circularity. Dyads such as “spirit” and “matter,” “manifest” and “scientific,” “living” and “dead,” or even “illusion” and “reality” are given an immanentist reading that treats them as equal parts of the Real. Following this revisionary (...)
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  37. Realism, Anti-Realism, and Materialism: rereading the critical turn after meillassoux.Raoni Padui - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (2):89-101.
    Quentin Meillassoux has recently leveled a controversial attack on critical philosophy and the transcendental turn through his concept of correlationism. This critique is motivated by the attempt to move away from a philosophy of human finitude towards a speculative materialism. In this paper I argue that Meillassoux’s understanding of correlationism does not adequately depict the critical turn, especially in regards to the distinction between the epistemological problem of realism and the problem of materialism. I attempt to show that (...)
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  38.  57
    Contra-Axiomatics: A Non- Dogmatic And Non-Idealist Practice Of Resistance.Chris Henry - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Kent
    What and how should individuals resist in political situations? While this question, or versions of it, recurs regularly within Western political philosophy, answers to it have often relied on dyads founded upon dogmatically held ideals. In particular, there is a strain of idealist political philosophy, inaugurated by Plato and finding contemporary expression in the work of Alain Badiou, that employs dyads (such as the distinction between truth and doxa or the privilege of thought over sense) that tend to reduce the (...)
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    Why Meillassoux’s Speculative Materialism Struggles with Ancestrality.Ciprian Jeler - unknown
    This paper shows that Quentin Meillassoux’s speculative materialism doesn’t offer us the means to account for the ancestral statements that the modern sciences produce, i.e. for the scientific statements about events preceding all forms of life. An analysis of the reasons why Meillassoux thinks that the problem of ancestrality problematizes the contemporary self-evidence of correlationism is first offered. The results of this analysis are then applied to speculative materialism itself and the consequences are not very promising: very (...)
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  40. "Speculating God: Meillassoux’s Divine Inexistence".Leon Niemoczynski - 2014 - In Clayton Crockett, Keith Putt & Jeffrey Robbins, The future of continental philosophy of religion. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 92-108.
  41. A Religious End of Metaphysics? Heidegger, Meillassoux and the Question of Fideism.Jussi Backman - 2016 - In Antonio Cimino & Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Rethinking Faith: Heidegger between Nietzsche and Wittgenstein. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-62.
    The paper analyzes Quentin Meillassoux’s conception of the fideistic approach to religious faith intrinsic to the “strong correlationism” that he considers pervasive in contemporary thought. Backman presents the basic elements of Meillassoux’s speculative materialism and especially the thesis according to which strong correlationism involves a “fideistic” approach to religiosity. In doing so, Backman critically examines Meillassoux’s notions of post-metaphysical faith, religious absolutes, and contemporary fanaticism, especially against the background of Heidegger’s philosophy. According to Backman, Meillassoux’s logical and conceptual (...)
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  42.  26
    Faith, science, and the wager for reality: Meillassoux and Ricœur on post-Kantian realism.Barnabas Aspray - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (2):133-156.
    This article compares two attempts to return to realism after Kant’s ‘Copernican Revolution’. Quentin Meillassoux, representing the ‘speculative realism’ school, rejects both Kantian and post-Kantian idealism in favour of a materialism based on the epistemology of the modern sciences. But Meillassoux is unaware of the element of choice in his philosophical position, and he does not solve the essential problem posed by idealism which concerns the place of the subject in being. Ricœur, on the other hand, sublates Kant (...)
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    On the possibility of speculative ethical absolutes after Kant: Returning to Schelling through the frailties of meillassoux and Badiou.Drew M. Dalton - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (4):157-172.
    According to Quentin Meillassoux, one of the principal aims of speculative philosophy “must be the immanent inscription of values in being.” In this regard, the return to speculation in contemporary philosophy is in many ways a deeply ethical project. This “inscription of values” can only be successful, however, if it can somehow assert an absolute ethical value without, on the one hand, resorting to the kind of dogmatism laid to rest by the Kantian critique; or, on the other, (...)
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    Speculative vs. Transcendental: a Deleuzian Response to Meillassoux.Mehdi Parsa - unknown
    In “Iteration, Reiteration, Repetition”, Quentin Meillassoux accuses Deleuze of forming a subjectalist philosophical system, that is to say, despite his critiques of subjectivism and representationalism, Deleuze absolutizes the correlation between thought and being, while failing to grasp absolute exteriority. Meillassoux’s main argument in support of this claim is his interpretation of Deleuze’s ideas of “intensity” and “intensive difference” as a “difference of degree” instead of a “difference in nature”. In this paper, I argue against Meillassoux’s reading, and claim that, (...)
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    On Correlationism and the Philosophy of (Human) Access: Meillassoux and Harman.Niki Young - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):42-52.
    Speculative Realism (SR) has often been characterised as a heterogeneous group of thinkers, united almost exclusively in their commitment to the critique of what Quentin Meillassoux terms ‘correlationism’ or what Graham Harman calls the ‘philosophy of (human) access.’ The terms ‘correlationism’ and ‘philosophy of access’ are in turn often treated – at times even by Meillassoux and Harman themselves – as synonymous. In this paper, I seek to analyse these terms to evaluate their similarities, but also possible differences. (...)
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  46. The Speculative Family, or: Critique of the Critical Critique of Critique.Frank Ruda - 2012 - Filozofski Vestnik 33 (2).
    Quentin Meillassoux has made his step to the forefront of contemporary philosophy with harsh criticism of the very idea of critique and any critical project following Kant’s philosophy. The article provides a critical assessment of Meillassoux’s approach (and in passing also tackles those of Graham Harman and Iain Hamilton Grant). The basic argument is that the so called “speculative realist / materialist” approach is less materialist than such approach assumes by fundamentally repeating a Heideggerian move that surprisingly does (...)
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  47.  16
    On Acosmic Realism.Roland Végső - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (2).
    In order to be able to raise the question of the “world” today in an effective way, we have to reactivate the Goethean categories of Weltliteratur and Weltschmerz for a critique of our own historical moment. We need to understand the phenomenon of Weltschmerz as a symptom of the impossibility of Weltliteratur. Going beyond the context of the original formulation of these categories, we could argue that something akin to the historical phenomenon of Weltschmerz emerges every time the ideological constitution (...)
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  48.  38
    Continental Realism and its Discontents.Marie-Eve Morin (ed.) - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    A new realist movement in continental philosophy has emerged to challenge philosophical approaches and traditions ranging from transcendental and speculative idealism to phenomenology and deconstruction for failing to do justice to the real world as it is ‘in itself’, that is, as independent of the structures of human consciousness, experience, and language. This volume presents a collection of essays that take up the challenge of realism from a variety of historical and contemporary philosophical perspectives. This volume includes essays that (...)
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    Meillassoux attraverso lo specchio.Giovanni Temporin - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 86 (86):127-143.
    In this article, we examine Quentin Meillassoux’s concept of speculation. Starting from a characterization provided by Graham Harman, which we consider to be misleading, we will first seek to clarify two key aspects of Meillassoux’s speculation, namely non-metaphysicality and factiality. In doing so, we will demonstrate a tension between systematicity and exposition within speculative materialism. Finally, we will refer to Meillassoux’s theory of faculties and to his distinction between two concepts of absolute in order to explain the difference (...)
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  50. Transcendental Idealism and Strong Correlationism: Meillassoux and the End of Heideggerian Finitude.Jussi Backman - 2014 - In Sara Heinämaa, Mirja Hartimo & Timo Miettinen, Phenomenology and the Transcendental. New York: Routledge. pp. 276-294.
    The chapter discusses Quentin Meillassoux's recent interpretation and critique of Heidegger's philosophical position, which he describes as "strong correlationism." It emphasizes the fact that Meillassoux situates Heidegger in the post-Kantian tradition of transcendental idealism that he defines in terms of a focus on the correlation between being and thinking. It is argued that Meillassoux's "speculative" attempt to overcome the Kantian philosophical framework in the name of absolute contingency should be understood as a further development and dialectical overcoming (...)
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