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  1. Is there such a thing as “group selection” in the contextual analysis framework?Ciprian Jeler - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (4):484-502.
    This paper argues that the contextual approach to natural selection does not offer an estimation of the contributions of individual and group selection to evolutionary change in multi-level selection scenarios, and that this is so because the term “group selection”, as defined by the contextual approach, does not refer to a process taking place at the group level. In the contextual analysis framework, this term simply denotes an evolutionary change that takes place due to the fact that, overall, individual types (...)
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    Two kinds of drift?Ciprian Jeler - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-22.
    Philosophers of biology have recently been debating about whether random genetic drift is a distinct process from that of natural selection. One camp argues that drift is a process of “indiscriminate sampling” that is logically and ontologically distinct from the “discriminate sampling” process that is natural selection. The other camp argues that, rather than being two autonomous processes, natural selection and drift are just two aspects or facets of a single process. I argue that the two positions involved in this (...)
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    Multi-level selection and the issue of environmental homogeneity.Ciprian Jeler - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (5):651-681.
    In this paper, I identify two general positions with respect to the relationship between environment and natural selection. These positions consist in claiming that selective claims need and, respectively, need not be relativized to homogenous environments. I then show that adopting one or the other position makes a difference with respect to the way in which the effects of selection are to be measured in certain cases in which the focal population is distributed over heterogeneous environments. Moreover, I show that (...)
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  4.  58
    Do We Need a New Account of Group Selection? A Reply to McLoone.Ciprian Jeler - 2016 - Biological Theory 11 (2):57-68.
    In "Some Criticism of the Contextual Approach, and a Few Proposals" in Biological Theory, Brian McLoone discusses some of the points about the contextual approach that I made in a recent paper. Besides offering a reply to McLoone’s comments on my paper, in this article I show why McLoone’s discussion of the two main frameworks for thinking about group selection—the contextual and the Price approach—is partly misguided. In particular, I show that one of McLoone’s main arguments against the contextual approach (...)
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    A Note Against the Use of “Belonging To” Properties in Multilevel Selection Theory.Ciprian Jeler - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):377-390.
    In this short paper, I argue against what I call the “belonging to” interpretation of group selection in scenarios in which a group’s fitness is defined as the per capita reproductive output of the individuals of the group. According to this interpretation, group selection acts on “belonging to” properties of individuals, i.e. on relational or contextual properties that all the individuals of a group share simply by belonging to that group; thus, if differences in the individuals’ “belonging to” properties cause (...)
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    Beyond an Instrumental View of Violence: On Sartre’s Discussion of Violence in Notebooks for an Ethics.Ciprian Jeler - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):237-255.
    This paper argues that Jean-Paul Sartre’s discussion of violence from his Notebooks for an ethics constitutes an attempt to go beyond an instrumental view of violence. An “instrumental view of violence” essentially assumes that violent behavior is a form of pragmatic behavior whose distinguishing feature consists in the kind of means one employs for reaching one’s goals (violent behavior resorting to means that are harmful for others, whereas non-violent behavior does not). For his part, Sartre attempts to provide a stronger (...)
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    Trait-centered vs. fitness-centered definitions of natural selection.Ciprian Jeler - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-20.
    During the past few decades, fitness-centered and trait-centered definitions of natural selection have coexisted in the philosophical literature. The former render natural selection definitionally dependent on the presence of fitness differences, where “fitness” is understood as a distinct property from actual reproductive success. On the other hand, trait-centered definitions see selection as definitionally dependent on the presence of a causal relation between a trait (not necessarily fitness) and reproductive success. Interestingly, endorsers of these definitions have rarely–and usually only cursorily–critically engaged (...)
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    Do Elliott Sober's arguments for group selection really account for the causal effect of natural selection?Ciprian Jeler - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (4).
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    How should we distinguish between selectable and circumstantial traits?Ciprian Jeler - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (1):1-22.
    There is surprisingly little philosophical work on conceptually spelling out the difference between the traits on which natural selection may be said to act (e.g. “having a high running speed”) and mere circumstantial traits (e.g. “happening to be in the path of a forest fire”). I label this issue the “selectable traits problem” and, in this paper, I propose a solution for it. I first show that, contrary to our first intuition, simply equating selectable traits with heritable ones is not (...)
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    A Sartrean Typology of Violent Agents.Ciprian Jeler - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:7-19.
    This paper provides a classification of violent agents according to the manner in which they relate to their own goals. By interpreting Jean-Paul Sartre’s discussion of violence in Notebooks for an Ethics, I show that violent agents may be classified into four categories that I call “defenders of the given order,” “instruments of a higher power,” “mineralized subjects” and, finally, “unchained subjects.” I also show how each of these four categories of violent subjects represents a particular manner of, in Sartre’s (...)
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    Georges Canguilhem et la question de la « subjectivité » vitale.Ciprian Jeler - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (2):506-525.
    This paper outlines a hypothesis regarding the close connection between two problems in Georges Canguilhem’s work. The first problem is that of Canguilhem’s insistence to include considerations about natural selection in his work and of the role that this notion could play therein. The second problem consists in Canguilhem’s tendency to often use the term “life” as the subject of his sentences, even though this tendency may seem to at least partially contradict some of the central theses advanced in his (...)
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    Explanatory goals and explanatory means in multilevel selection theory.Ciprian Jeler - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (3):1-24.
    It has become customary in multilevel selection theory to use the same terms to denote both two explanatory goals and two explanatory means. This paper spells out some of the benefits that derive from avoiding this terminological conflation. I argue that keeping explanatory means and goals well apart allows us to see that, contrary to a popular recent idea, Price’s equation and contextual analysis—the statistical methods most extensively used for measuring the effects of certain evolutionary factors on the change in (...)
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    La douleur comme « matrice » de la vie intérieure chez Nietzsche.Ciprian Jeler - 2011 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 3 (1):33-53.
    This paper attempts to put some order among the different notions of pain that are to be found in the Nietzschean philosophical corpus. It tries to show that there is a mutation of the Nietzschean concept of pain, from the notion of pain as evaluation to that of pain as localization of a commotion. Therefore pain is not in itself the source of a reaction, but is actually a consequence of a commotion that a reaction has already addressed by the (...)
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    Multilevel Selection and the Theory of Evolution: Historical and Conceptual Issues.Ciprian Jeler (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book puts multilevel selection theory into a much needed historical perspective. This is achieved by discussing multilevel selection in the first half of the twentieth century, the reasons for the energetic rejection of Wynne-Edwards’ group selectionist stance in the 1960s, Elisabeth Lloyd’s contribution to the units of selection debate, Price’s hierarchical equation and its possible interpretations and, finally, species selection in macroevolutionary contexts. Another idea also seems to emerge from these studies; namely, that perhaps a more sure-footed position for (...)
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    Pouvoir foucaldien et sélection naturelle. Une comparaison et une divergence.Ciprian Jeler - 2012 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 4 (2):318-342.
    This paper has a triple aim. First of all, it makes a comparison between Foucault’s notion of power relations and the notion of natural selection as it has been developed, since Darwin, by evolutionary biology. A number of common points between these two notions are analyzed here, such as acting on a spontaneity, facticity, fundamental visibility and global character. By analyzing these common points, this paper attempts – and this is its second aim – to indicate and criticize several preconceptions (...)
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  16. Quelques éléments préparatoires pour une théorie de l’interprétation chez Nietzsche.Ciprian Jeler - 2010 - Hermeneia:19-34.
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    Why Meillassoux’s Speculative Materialism Struggles with Ancestrality.Ciprian Jeler - unknown
    This paper shows that Quentin Meillassoux’s speculative materialism doesn’t offer us the means to account for the ancestral statements that the modern sciences produce, i.e. for the scientific statements about events preceding all forms of life. An analysis of the reasons why Meillassoux thinks that the problem of ancestrality problematizes the contemporary self-evidence of correlationism is first offered. The results of this analysis are then applied to speculative materialism itself and the consequences are not very promising: very much like correlationism, (...)
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    Les bulles, le « dépli » et la philosophie. [REVIEW]Ciprian Jeler - 2012 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 4 (1):231-240.
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    Philippe Huneman, ed., Functions: Selection and Mechanism. [REVIEW]Ciprian Jeler - 2013 - Logos and Episteme 4 (4):469-474.
  20.  6
    Pourquoi revient-on toujours à Darwin? [REVIEW]Ciprian Jeler - 2011 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 3 (1):221-230.
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