Results for 'Ce Beck'

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  1. Deweys aesthetics-implications for teachers.Ce Beck & Sj Kersey - 1970 - Journal of Thought 5 (2):92-100.
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    Formalism and Virtuosity: Franco-Burgundian Poetry, Music, and Visual Art, 1470-1520.Jonathan Beck - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (4):644-667.
    Let us look first at poetry. It is well known that by the fifteenth century, lyric poetry had undergone a radical transformation; the early lyric fluidity and formal variability had hardened into the nonlyric and even, some maintain, antilyric forms fixes which characterize the poetic formalism of late medieval France. Dispensing with the details of how and why this occurred, the essential point is that by the end of the Middle Ages, the poet in France and Burgundy saw himself as (...)
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    On the origin of frequency distributions in biology.L. G. M. Baas Becking & E. F. Drion - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (3):133-150.
    Die Frequenzkurven, die die lebendige Substanz charakterisieren, können als eine statische Beschreibung oder als das Ergebnis einer Entwicklung betrachtet werden.Im ersten Falle akzeptiert man ohne weiteres die gegebenen Verteilungen und man versucht, ihnen durch mathematische Gleichungen, die keine unmittelbare Wirklich-keitsbedeutung haben, nahezukommen. Das kausale Denken wird hier ausgeschaltet oder man gibt sich wenigstens mit nur sehr groben Analogien zufrieden.Verschiedene Methoden über die Genese der Frequenzkurven werden besprochen; dabei wird gezeigt, dass die Mehrheit der Fälle auf Hypothesen beruht, die biologisch wenig (...)
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    Robert BECK, L'Histoire du dimanche de 1700 à nos jours, Paris, Editions Ouvrières, 1997, 383 p.Deborah Gutermann - 2000 - Clio 11.
    Robert Beck propose d'étudier les mutations du dimanche au travers des siècles, ainsi que le processus de désacralisation que ce dernier a subi de 1700 à nos jours. Le « dimanche du seigneur » laisse peu à peu la place au « dimanche de fête », à mesure que la société se laïcise et s'industrialise. Les fissures de l'édifice dominical apparaissent avec le discours d'une partie des philosophes des Lumières qui, au nom de la morale et de l'économie, critiquent (...)
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    L’intégration par le droit dans la littérature postnationale sur l’Union européenne.Mathilde Unger - 2018 - Noesis 30:339-356.
    Ulrich Beck, Jean-Marc Ferry et Jürgen Habermas voient dans l’Union européenne la réalisation d’une démocratie postnationale, capable de se hisser au niveau des enjeux actuels. Les signes de cette réalisation ne se font toutefois pas jour dans des valeurs abstraites, mais dans l’expérience de l’européanisation, lors des commerces transfrontaliers. Après avoir présenté ce paradoxe dans les textes, nous suggérons que l’accent mis sur les expériences ordinaires tient à la place occupée par le droit dans la construction européenne. Le contrôle (...)
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    Interprétation et quantification des prises de risque délibérées.Patrick Peretti-Watel - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 1 (1):125-141.
    Les sociétés contemporaines entretiennent un rapport ambivalent au risque : elles sont promptes à s’alarmer pour des risques collectifs, tout en valorisant les prises de risque individuelles. Cet article s’attache à resituer les interprétations sociologiques de ces prises de risque délibérées, en particulier celles de Lyng et Le Breton, dans le cadre de la société du risque décrite par Beck et Giddens. Les prises de risque apparaissent alors comme la réaction à un environnement devenu très incertain et anxiogène. Ce (...)
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    Première introduction à la Critique de la faculté de juger et autres textes.Immanuel Kant - 1997 - Vrin.
    Le texte, redige par Kant dans les premiers mois de l'annee 1790, pour servir d'introduction a la Critique de la faculte de juger, a ensuite ete laisse de cote, mais uniquement en raison de son etendue hors de proportion avec le texte. Kant, qui confia ensuite l'introduction a son eleve J.S. Beck, en avait bien reconnu l'importance, et il l'evoque comme une contribution considerable permettant de comprendre plus completement le concept d'une finalite de la nature. Ce qu'ont parfaitement reconnu (...)
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    Bildung und Macht: zur sozialen und politischen Funktion der zweiten Sophistik in der griechischen Welt der Kaiserzeit (review).Maud W. Gleason - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (3):497-499.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.3 (2000) 497-499 [Access article in PDF] Thomas Schmitz. Bildung und Macht: zur sozialen und politischen Funktion der zweiten Sophistik in der griechischen Welt der Kaiserzeit. Munich: Beck, 1997. 270 pp. Paper, DM 98. (Zetemata, 97) This book, which originated as a Habilitationsschrift, offers an intelligent and energetic analysis of the Second Sophistic from a sociological perspective informed by the work of Pierre Bourdieu. (...)
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  9. La Pointure du Symbole.Jean-Yves Beziau (ed.) - 2014 - Petra.
    Dans un texte désormais célèbre, Ferdinand de Saussure insiste sur l’arbitraire du signe dont il vante les qualités. Toutefois il s’avère que le symbole, signe non arbitraire, dans la mesure où il existe un rapport entre ce qui représente et ce qui est représenté, joue un rôle fondamental dans la plupart des activités humaines, qu’elles soient scientifiques, artistiques ou religieuses. C’est cette dimension symbolique, sa portée, son fonctionnement et sa signification dans des domaines aussi variés que la chimie, la théologie, (...)
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    Dynamic Consent: a potential solution to some of the challenges of modern biomedical research.Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne, Harriet J. A. Teare, Jane Kaye, Stephan Beck, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Luciana Caenazzo, Clive Collett, Flavio D’Abramo, Heike Felzmann, Teresa Finlay, Muhammad Kassim Javaid, Erica Jones, Višnja Katić, Amy Simpson & Deborah Mascalzoni - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):4.
    BackgroundInnovations in technology have contributed to rapid changes in the way that modern biomedical research is carried out. Researchers are increasingly required to endorse adaptive and flexible approaches to accommodate these innovations and comply with ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. This paper explores how Dynamic Consent may provide solutions to address challenges encountered when researchers invite individuals to participate in research and follow them up over time in a continuously changing environment.MethodsAn interdisciplinary workshop jointly organised by the University of Oxford (...)
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  11. Peṇṇiya uḷappakuppạyvum peṇ el̲uttum.Ce Cāratāmpāḷ - 2005 - Cen̲n̲ai: Ulakat Tamil̲ārāycci Nir̲uvan̲am.
    Study on feminism and psychoanalysis and women's writings in Tamil.
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    L'hermétique du sujet: Sartre, Proust, Rimbaud.Guillaume Artous-Bouvet - 2015 - Paris: Hermann.
    Que reste-t-il du "sujet", en littérature, après le retrait du structuralisme? C'est la question que pose ce livre, qui, dans le compte tenu de l'héritage théorique des années 1960-1970, cherche à préciser le statut d'un sujet qui insiste dans les discours critiques contemporains (Compagnon, Clément, Macé) aussi bien que dans les tentatives littéraires récentes (Beck, Deguy, Michon). Trois études articulées, qui sont autant d'expériences de lecture, tentent ici de répondre à cette interrogation : la première, "L'exception du sujet", se (...)
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  13. La citation autobiographique chez De Quincey : cet autre moi-même.par Céline Lochot - 2019 - In Marie-Françoise Marein (ed.), Les illusions de l'autonymie: la parole rapportée de l'Autre dans la littérature. Paris: Hermann.
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  14. El cuerpo vivido: una mirada desde la fenomenología y la teoría del genero.Célida Godina Herrera - 2003 - Puebla (Mexico): Dirección General de Fomento Editorial.
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    Justice in a Changing World.Cécile Fabre - 2007 - Cambridge: Polity.
    Should governments give special rights to ethnic and cultural minorities? Should rich countries open their borders to economic immigrants or transfer resources to poor countries? When framing and implementing economic and environmental policies, should current generations take into account the interests of future generations? If our political community committed a wrong against another group a hundred years ago, do we owe reparations to current members of that group? These are just some of the pressing questions which are fully explored in (...)
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    Génesis del conocimiento: una aproximación dialéctica.Castaño Arias & César Augusto - 1993 - Santafé de Bogotá: Universidad INCCA de Colombia.
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  17. Investigating predictions of a stimulus-reinforcer interaction in a choice paradigm.Sj Weiss, Ce Cunningham & Mc Bushnell - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):348-348.
  18. El espíritu la va vida en la filosofía de Max Scheler.César Góngora Perea - 1943 - Lima,: Perú, Librería e imprenta Miranda.
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  19. De cómo la traducción se volvió ética : a propósito de la emigración.Hugo César Vázquez Morales - 2019 - In Silvana Rabinovich & Rafael Mondragón Velázquez (eds.), Heteronomías de la justicia: exilios y utopías. Université Paris: Bonilla Artigas Editores.
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    Prefixes In Turkish And Structure Which Have Prefixes.H. İbrahim Deli̇ce - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:703-716.
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  21. Inhibited Personality Temperaments Translated Through Enhanced Avoidance and Associative Learning Increase Vulnerability for PTSD.Michael Todd Allen, Catherine E. Myers, Kevin D. Beck, Kevin C. H. Pang & Richard J. Servatius - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. Territories of Citizenship.A. Abizadeh, G. Agamben, D. Archibugi, C. Armstrong, B. Barber, K. Barry, R. Bauböck, K. Baynes & U. Beck - 2012 - In Eva Erman & Ludvig Beckman (eds.), Territories of Citizenship. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 170.
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  23. Abel, Peter W., 193 Aerts, Goele, 1 Aida, Katsumi, 257 Amano, Masafumi, 251, 300.Yutaka Amemiya, Noriko Amiya, Hironori Ando, L. Anjos, Wayne L. Bacon, R. Balment, Veerle Beck, Luc R. Berghman, A. Lelania Bilodeau & Adelino Vm Canario - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 57.
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  24. Formas de la vida del espíritu.César Góngora Perea - 1939 - Lima: [Imprenta "La Moderna"].
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    Is It Possible to Train the Focus on Positive and Negative Parts of One’s Own Body? A Pilot Randomized Controlled Study on Attentional Bias Modification Training.Nicole Engel, Manuel Waldorf, Andrea Hartmann, Anna Voßbeck-Elsebusch & Silja Vocks - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Dysfunctional body- and shape-related attentional biases are involved in the aetiology and maintenance of eating disorders (ED). Various studies suggest that women, particularly those with ED diagnoses, focus on negatively evaluated parts of their own body, which leads to an increase in body dissatisfaction. The present study aims to empirically test the hypothesis that non-ED women show an attentional bias towards negative body parts, and that the focus on positive and negative parts of one’s own body can be modified by (...)
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    Archaeologies of listening.Peter Ridgway Schmidt & Alice Beck Kehoe (eds.) - 2019 - Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
    This book provides a fresh and bold look at how archaeologists and heritage managers may enhance their capacity to interpret and understand material culture and heritage values. Drawing on the founding principles of anthropology, Archaeologies of Listening demonstrates the value of cultural apprenticeship, an almost forgotten part of archaeological practice.
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  27. Problemas del conocimiento.Guardia Mayorga & César Augusto - 1964 - Lima: [Tip. Peruana].
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  28. La comunicación indisciplinada : apuntes para una comunicología de la liberación.Julio César Monastero - 2018 - In Martin E. Diaz, Carlos Pescader & Alejandro Rosillo Martínez (eds.), Geopolítica de los saberes hegemónicos: estudios críticos para desandar el eurocentrismo. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina: Departamento de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Comahue.
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    Revolutionary Hope: Essays in Honor of William L. Mcbride.Matthew Abraham, Matthew C. Ally, Joseph Catalano, Thomas Flynn, Lewis Gordon, Leonard Harris, Sonia Kruks, Martin Beck Matustik, Constance Mui, Julien Murphy, Ronald Santoni, Sally Scholz, Calvin Schrag & Shane Wahl (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Over the course of the last four decades, William Leon McBride has distinguished himself as one of the most esteemed and accomplished philosophers of his generation. This volume—which celebrates the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday—includes contributions from colleagues, friends, and formers students and pays tribute to McBride’s considerable achievements as a teacher, mentor, and scholar.
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    Knowing when to hold ‘em: regret and the relation between missed opportunities and risk taking in children, adolescents and adults.Aidan Feeney, Eoin Travers, Eimear O’Connor, Sarah R. Beck & Teresa McCormack - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):608-615.
    ABSTRACTRegret over missed opportunities leads adults to take more risks. Given recent evidence that the ability to experience regret impacts decisions made by 6-year-olds, and pronounced interest in the antecedents to risk taking in adolescence, we investigated the age at which a relationship between missed opportunities and risky decision-making emerges, and whether that relationship changes at different points in development. Six- and 8-year-olds, adolescents and adults completed a sequential risky decision-making task on which information about missed opportunities was available. Children (...)
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    Alexis Carrel and Carl Beck—: A Historical Footnote.William C. Beck - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (1):148.
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    Erratum to: Health Care: A Brave New World. [REVIEW]Shelley Morrisette, William D. Oberman, Allison D. Watts & Joseph B. Beck - 2015 - Health Care Analysis 23 (1):106-106.
    Erratum to: Health Care Anal DOI 10.1007/s10728-013-0244-5In the original version of this paper, unfortunately, there happened to be a mistake in the paragraph “Several studies have compared health…better results or lower costs [7].” under the section “Health Care is NOT a Right?”The incorrect sentence is: For example, hip and knee replacements are not performed on Canadian and UK citizens after 77 .The correct sentence is: For example, hip and knee replacements in Canada and the UK are prioritized by age such (...)
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    The Creative Mind.Lewis White Beck - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (4):659-661.
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    The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers.Lewis White Beck - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (1):121-122.
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  35. Conceptual and Practical Problems of Moral Enhancement.Birgit Beck - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):233-240.
    Recently, the debate on human enhancement has shifted from familiar topics like cognitive enhancement and mood enhancement to a new and – to no one's surprise – controversial subject, namely moral enhancement. Some proponents from the transhumanist camp allude to the ‘urgent need’ of improving the moral conduct of humankind in the face of ever growing technological progress and the substantial dangers entailed in this enterprise. Other thinkers express more sceptical views about this proposal. As the debate has revealed so (...)
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    (1 other version)The Method of Descartes.L. J. Beck - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (2):272-273.
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    The Cosmopolitan Condition.Ulrich Beck - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (7-8):286-290.
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    The method of possible worlds.Simon Beck - 1992 - Metaphilosophy 23 (1-2):119-131.
  39. Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.Ulrich Beck, Mark Ritter & Jennifer Brown - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (4):367-368.
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  40. Community in Ethics and Education.Clive Beck - 1985 - Philosophy of Education: Proceedings 41:285-294.
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    Heideggers Umweltanalyse in Sein und Zeit.Claus-Peter Becke - 2024 - Heidegger Studies 40 (1):301-320.
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  42. The Relation of European Thought to the> Logos< and> Logic<. A Pos-sible Contribution to Cultural World Integration?Heinrich Beck - 2005 - In Friedrich Wallner, Martin J. Jandl & Kurt Greiner (eds.), Science, medicine, and culture: festschrift for Fritz G. Wallner. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 119.
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    The Logic of Modern Psychology.Lewis White Beck - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (2):240-243.
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    Reflections on the revolutionary wave in 2011.Colin J. Beck - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (2):197-223.
    The “Arab Spring” was a surprising event not just because predicting revolutions is a difficult task, but because current theories of revolution are ill equipped to explain revolutionary waves where interactive causal mechanisms at different levels of analysis and interactions between the units of analysis predominate. To account for such dynamics, a multidimensional social science of revolution is required. Accordingly, a meta-framework for revolutionary theory that combines multiple levels of analysis, multiple units of analysis, and their interactions is offered. A (...)
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  45. Marking the Perception–Cognition Boundary: The Criterion of Stimulus-Dependence.Jacob Beck - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):319-334.
    Philosophy, scientific psychology, and common sense all distinguish perception from cognition. While there is little agreement about how the perception–cognition boundary ought to be drawn, one prominent idea is that perceptual states are dependent on a stimulus, or stimulus-dependent, in a way that cognitive states are not. This paper seeks to develop this idea in a way that can accommodate two apparent counterexamples: hallucinations, which are prima facie perceptual yet stimulus-independent; and demonstrative thoughts, which are prima facie cognitive yet stimulus-dependent. (...)
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    Human Nature in the Light of Psychopathology.Lewis White Beck - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (2):245-249.
  47. Perception is Analog: The Argument from Weber's Law.Jacob Beck - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (6):319-349.
    In the 1980s, a number of philosophers argued that perception is analog. In the ensuing years, these arguments were forcefully criticized, leaving the thesis in doubt. This paper draws on Weber’s Law, a well-entrenched finding from psychophysics, to advance a new argument that perception is analog. This new argument is an adaptation of an argument that cognitive scientists have leveraged in support of the contention that primitive numerical representations are analog. But the argument here is extended to the representation of (...)
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  48. Two forms of responsibility: Reassessing Young on structural injustice.Valentin Beck - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):918-941.
    In this article, I critically reassess Iris Marion Young's late works, which centre on the distinction between liability and social connection responsibility. I concur with Young's diagnosis that structural injustices call for a new conception of responsibility, but I reject several core assumptions that underpin her distinction between two models and argue for a different way of conceptualising responsibility to address structural injustices. I show that Young's categorical separation of guilt and responsibility is not supported by the writings of Hannah (...)
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    Psycho-Physical Dualism Today: An Interdisciplinary Approach.Friedrich Beck, Carl Johnson, Franz von Kutschera, E. Jonathan Lowe, Uwe Meixner, David S. Oderberg, Ian J. Thompson & Henry Wellman - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Until quite recently, mind-body dualism has been regarded with deep suspicion by both philosophers and scientists. This has largely been due to the widespread identification of dualism in general with one particular version of it: the interactionist substance dualism of Réné Descartes. This traditional form of dualism has, ever since its first formulation in the seventeenth century, attracted numerous philosophical objections and is now almost universally rejected in scientific circles as empirically inadequate. During the last few years, however, renewed attention (...)
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  50. Rethinking naive realism.Ori Beck - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):607-633.
    Perceptions are externally-directed—they present us with a mind-independent reality, and thus contribute to our abilities to think about this reality, and to know what is objectively the case. But perceptions are also internally-dependent—their phenomenologies depend on the neuro-computational properties of the subject. A good theory of perception must account for both these facts. But naive realism has been criticized for failing to accommodate internal-dependence. This paper evaluates and responds to this criticism. It first argues that a certain version of naive (...)
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