Results for 'Central American literatura'

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  1. Modalities of feminist literary criticism on Central American literature (1980-2023).Gabriel Baltodano Román & Grethel Ramírez Villalobos - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    Este artículo delimita las principales tendencias de la crítica literaria feminista en el periodo 1980-2023. Mediante la investigación bibliográfica y el análisis documental, se caracterizan y analizan cinco modalidades específicas del trabajo crítico, realizado en el marco de los estudios literarios centroamericanos contemporáneos, a saber: (a.) las biografías y los estudios históricos sobre escritoras centroamericanas, (b.) las antologías de literatura escrita por mujeres, (c.) las traducciones de literatura femenina (d.) los trabajos monográficos, comparativos y de análisis de casos (...)
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  2. Magdalema Camargo Lemieszek (Panamá, 1987).Juan Carlos Olivas - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    La poesía de Magdalena Camargo Lemieszek es una de las más importantes de la región actualmente. Dueña de una poesía donde los paisajes oníricos convergen con la sonoridad de un verbo insoslayablemente poderoso, lleva al lector a diversas esferas de la memoria, ahí donde el ser humano presenta su vulnerabilidad, su estado primigenio, y le devuelve quizás esa dignidad perdida en la infancia, tópico que se presenta en su obra, pero con giros hacia su estado presente, hacia una pregunta incómoda (...)
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    Carlos SANDOVAL, Servicio crítico.Despachos tentativos sobre literatura venezolana.Omar Osorio Amoretti - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:322-324.
    El artículo recorre la obra de Rodolfo Kusch posicionando sus principales propuestas en la construcción de tres enfoques convergentes en su filosofía. El primer enfoque está relacionado con la fenomenología y la cultura. El segundo enfoque se refiere a la influencia de la antropología y el cuestionamiento por el símbolo. El tercer enfoque despliega una aproximación filosófico-política. Estos enfoques permiten introducir tres “horizontes de pregunta” principalmente relacionados con el método, con lo popular y con lo indígena, que son expuestos como (...)
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    The Caribbean Space in Rastro de sal by Arabella Salaverry.Diana Martínez Alpízar - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (32):125-144.
    El presente trabajo analiza la construcción del espacio caribeño en la novela Rastro de sal de la escritora costarricense Arabella Salaverry. Este espacio se aborda desde dos perspectivas específicas: una, vinculada con la representación general del espacio caribeño. Este análisis se centra en tres relaciones concretas: conectividad/aislamiento, naturaleza/cultura, centro/periferia. La segunda perspectiva se interesa más bien en los espacios domésticos y su interacción con los personajes femeninos, a partir de las relaciones libertad/prisión e interior/exterior. Se concluye que, en Rastro de (...)
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    The future of the Central American and Caribbean region.Rodrigo Carazo Odio - 1982 - World Futures 18 (1):125-134.
    (1982). The future of the Central American and Caribbean region. World Futures: Vol. 18, Alternatives for Humankind: The Role of Latin America, pp. 125-134.
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    “Our community needs to heal”: Using Photovoice to Explore Intergenerational Memories of Civil War with Young Central Americans in Toronto.Juan Carlos Jimenez, Morgan Poteet, Giovanni Carranza & Veronica Escobar Olivo - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (3):428-453.
    In 2020, our research collective facilitated a photovoice project titled “Picturing Our Realities: Arts-based Reflections with Central American Youth in Canada,” which brought together young, second-generation, and one-and-a-half-generation (born in another country and moved at a young age) Central American identifying people in Toronto to talk about their experiences growing up as children of immigrants. This photovoice project reveals the ways the civil war and migration process is a haunting presence in the lives of second and (...)
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    Refugeehood Reconsidered: The Central American Migration Crisis.Stephen Macedo - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    The number of refugees in the world amounts to more than one percent of the entire world population. This essay is an attempt to think about this question and assess the literature that addresses it, especially from the standpoint of ethics and political theory, and a grounding in real-world problems. The paper is intended as an introductory discussion for those interested in the debates about who should qualify for refugee status, especially in light of the predicament of Central Americans (...)
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  8. Letter of relationship of parties in the reformulation of a canon.Luis Antonio Bedoya Morera - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (35).
    Se exponen rasgos particulares de la Relación de la fiesta de proclamación de Luis I en la ciudad de Cartago, Costa Rica (1725) que la separan del aparato prescriptivo aplicado a este tipo de documentos. Además, el comentario ha querido leer en estas irregularidades elementos de literariedad interesantes al análisis. Paralelamente, se reflexiona sobre las cuestiones de géneros literarios y de la admisión en el canon tradicional de obras de la cultura letrada, escritas durante la Colonia centroamericana. Estos rasgos particulares (...)
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  9. Multinationals Square Off against Central American Worker.Anne M. Street - 1985 - Business and Society Review 52:45-50.
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    Eroticism as Scriptural Transgression: a Reading of Three Central American Short Stories.Estefanía Calderón Sánchez - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (33):91-115.
    Dentro de la historiografía centroamericana, el erotismo ha sido un tema que, en contraposición con otros como la reinterpretación del discurso histórico, no cuenta con una cantidad considerable de estudios comparativos que permitan comprender su desarrollo y sus diferentes acercamientos. Con este indicio, el artículo, en aras de enriquecer las discusiones académicas, se centra en dicha temática en cuentos centroamericanos escritos por mujeres, aspecto que en las últimas décadas ha venido tomando un lugar trascendental dentro de los estudios literarios. Específicamente, (...)
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    More than just an immigrant: The semantic patterns of (im)migrant/predicate-pairings in news stories about Mexican and Central American (im)migrants to the USA. A corpus-assisted discourse study.Margrete Dyvik Cardona - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (3):285-304.
    In this paper we explore how some of the largest US-newspapers linguistically frame immigrants to the USA in articles about Mexican and Central American immigrants. Specifically, it is a corpus-assisted discourse study which examines the frequency of different semantic predicate-types with migrant subjects and migrant by-agents in the quest for underlying positive or negative biases. We wish to ascertain what activities migrants are presented as taking part in, principally as agents. The analysis shows that more than half of (...)
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  12. The reproduction of the Central American bushmasters (Lachesis muta melanocephala and Lachesis muta stenophrys) for the first time in captivity.D. Ripa - 1993 - Vivarium 5 (5).
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    The Church in the Central American Revolution.Blase Bonpane - 1984 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 59 (2):183-194.
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    Exportable Central America: Contributions to the historiography of Central American Modern Art.Sofía Vindas Solano - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (32):145-183.
    El siguiente artículo plantea una reflexión sobre la historiografía del arte centroamericano y latinoamericano, para establecer algunas tendencias en cómo se han estudiado y qué aportes han realizado estos campos de conocimiento al entendimiento de las artes visuales regionales y la historia cultural centroamericana. Adicionalmente, en contraste con este estado de la cuestión, se plantean las contribuciones que realiza la tesis doctoral “Hacer exportable a Centroamérica: activación de circuitos artísticos internacionales y su impacto en la consolidación de los museos de (...)
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    Hipótese sobre a noção de prefácio em Édouard Glissant.Alcione Correa Alves - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):207-238.
    Resumo: Este texto visa a estabelecer linhas iniciais a uma apropriação da premissa do Caribe como prefácio às Américas, conforme o ensaio Introduction à une poétique du Divers, de Édouard Glissant, compreendendo-o em um quadro de pensamento negro americano. A apropriação da premissa de Glissant almeja propor bases a uma ferramenta metodológica, fundamentada na centralidade epistemológica do lugar, subsidiando análises literárias a respeito de um corpus de literaturas afro-americanas. Este texto, inicialmente, parte da hipótese de que qualquer literatura nacional (...)
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    Some Notes on the Ideograms of the Chinese and the Central American Calendars.Richard H. Geoghegan - 1906 - The Monist 16 (4):562-596.
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    Labor recruitment and the lure of the capital:: Central american migrants in Washington, dc.Terry A. Repak - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (4):507-524.
    This case study of Central American migration to Washington, DC closely examines how gender is related to the decision to migrate, as well as the choice of destination. The study investigates the social and economic conditions in sending Central American countries as well as those in a receiving city in the United States to determine why women predominate in certain labor migrations. A macrostructural analysis accounts for the conditions that delimit the flow of international migrants, but (...)
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    A Two-Ocean Bouillabaisse: Science, Politics, and the Central American Sea-Level Canal Controversy.Christine Keiner - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (4):835-887.
    As the Panama Canal approached its fiftieth anniversary in the mid-1960s, U.S. officials concerned about the costs of modernization welcomed the technology of peaceful nuclear excavation to create a new waterway at sea level. Biologists seeking a share of the funds slated for radiological-safety studies called attention to another potential effect which they deemed of far greater ecological and evolutionary magnitude – marine species exchange, an obscure environmental issue that required the expertise of underresourced life scientists. An enterprising endeavor to (...)
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    Understanding the Aspirations of the Central American Liberation Movements.Hugh Lacey - 1990 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 2 (2):59-84.
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    Understanding actor-centered adaptation limits in smallholder agriculture in the Central American dry tropics.Benjamin P. Warner - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):785-797.
    Adaptations made by agrarian households in the face of global change risks are largely dependent on their livelihood goals. I argue that adaptation-limit research is crucial to many agrarian development programs because a focus on adaptation limits may allow researchers and practitioners to better understand and support successful adaptation and allow smallholders to pursue their goals. In this study of smallholder farming in Northwest Costa Rica, I found that security and the unique parcelero identity of rice farmers in this region (...)
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    Little things mean a lot: Working with Central American farmers to address the mystery of plant disease. [REVIEW]Stephen G. Sherwood - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (2):181-189.
    Cornell University and Zamorano (ThePanamerican School of Agriculture) facilitatedworkshops that provided Honduran and Nicaraguanfarmers new experience with plant diseases and helpedfarmers assimilate information and identify diseasemanagement alternatives. After learning about thebiology of plant diseases, farmers were able toidentify disease problems in their field, enablingthem to use pesticides more selectively. Furthermore,participants of seven courses conceived 273 pathogen-specificmanagement alternatives, and they identifiedon average 66 percent of the common recommendations by plantpathologists for the control of general disease types.Many ideas were novel and may (...)
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    The Fiction of Solidarity: Transfronterista Feminisms and Anti-Imperialist Struggles in Central American Transnational Narratives.Ana Patricia Rodríguez - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):199-226.
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    The central theme of American agricultural history.Richard Kirkendall - 1984 - Agriculture and Human Values 1 (2):6-8.
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    Do African American adolescents internalize direct online discrimination? Moderating effects of vicarious online discrimination, parental technological attitudes, and racial identity centrality.Chun Tao & Kimberly A. Scott - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    African American adolescents have become more active users of digital media, which may increasingly expose them to direct online discrimination based on their racial and gender identities. Despite well-documented impacts of offline discrimination, our understanding of if and how direct online discrimination affects African American adolescents similarly remains limited. Guided by intersectional and ecological frameworks, we examined the association between direct online discrimination and internalized computing stereotypes in African American adolescents. Further, we explored the moderating effects of (...)
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    Anglo-american university library for central europe.B. M. Headicar - 1921 - Mind 30 (118):255-a-255.
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    The Centrality of Events, Religion, Spirituality, and Subjective Well-Being in Latin American Jewish Immigrants in Israel.Hugo Simkin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:576402.
    This study aims to explore the impact of migration as a central event in personal identity, spirituality, and religiousness on subjective well-being (SWB). The sample was composed of 204 Latin American immigrants living in Israel, with ages ranging from 18 to 80 years ( M = 48.76; SD = 15.36) across both sexes (Men = 34.8%; Women = 65.2%). The results show that, when analyzing the effects on SWB, Positive and Negative Affect, Centrality of Event, Religious Crisis, and (...)
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    Literatura en tiempos de pandemia del covid-19. Constelación y literatura transnacional como criterios para la construcción de un corpus.Andrea Puchmüller - 2022 - Valenciana 30:79-101.
    En el actual contexto de la pandemia causada por el Covid-19, la literatura no se ha mantenido al margen. Han surgido múltiples textos literarios que encallan las experiencias, subjetividades y aporías de la actual crisis. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo describir algunos criterios teórico-metodológicos a partir de los cuales seleccionar y conformar un corpus de textos literarios que nos permita analizar e interpretar las configuraciones del núcleo traumático de la pandemia del Covid-19. Se proponen dos criterios centrales: la (...) transnacional y la constelación. En primer lugar, se enmarca a la literatura de la pandemia en una perspectiva transnacional porque el intercambio, el tránsito y la movilidad de los textos se producen material y simbólicamente por medio de la WWW, convirtiéndose el ciberespacio en un espacio transnacional, en el que lo local y lo global se vuelven simbióticos. En segundo término, se propone la figura de la constelación (de génesis benjaminiana) como instrumento metodológico para la construcción de un corpus, ya que posibilita encontrar nexos entre textos que usualmente no se pensarían como próximos o vinculados, facilitando encuentros improbables de textos entre culturas. Palabras clave: pandemia del covid-19, configuración, literatura transnacional, constelación. (shrink)
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    Romania and American planning on a federation in East-Central Europe during the Second World War years.Ion Stanciu - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):641-645.
  29. The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism.Cornel West - 1989 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    Taking Emerson as his starting point, Cornel West’s basic task in this ambitious enterprise is to chart the emergence, development, decline, and recent resurgence of American pragmatism. John Dewey is the central figure in West’s pantheon of pragmatists, but he treats as well such varied mid-century representatives of the tradition as Sidney Hook, C. Wright Mills, W. E. B. Du Bois, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Lionel Trilling. West’s "genealogy" is, ultimately, a very personal work, for it is imbued throughout (...)
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  30. Literatura infantil e gênero: subjetividade e auto conhecimento.Salete Rosa Pezzi dos Santos - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):155-165.
    Resumo: Palavras-chave: : Keywords: Child literature. Female subject. Representation. The child literature is inhabited by female characters as central figures of the narrative, some of them famous and popular. The decade of 1980 saw the raise of authors who introduce works that have recognized aesthetic value in which female characters play a prominent role. For example, Isabel (Bel), narrator character from the work Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel (1981), by Ana Maria Machado, who is lead through a path toward her (...)
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    Hegel at the American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Chicago. [REVIEW]Daniel E. Shannon - 1995 - The Owl of Minerva 27 (1):117-118.
    The 93rd annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Central Division, in Chicago, April 26–29, 1995, had two papers that related to Hegel directly, and one that related to him indirectly. The first, given by Robert Wallace, entitled “Mutual Recognition and Ethics,” claimed that Hegel in the mutual recognition sections of Chapter IV of the Phenomenology of Spirit replies to Kant’s argument that someone, in order to be autonomous, must be moral. Hegel responds to Kant’s position by showing (...)
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    A literatura no contexto da revolução estética concebida por Jacques Rancière.Nadier Pereira dos Santos & Joana Kelly Marques de Souza - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 13 (1):87-108.
    A partir da perspectiva dos três regimes de identificação das artes propostos por Jacques Rancière, a literatura ocupa um lugar central na superação do regime poético, ou representativo, pelo regime estético. Para Rancière, o realismo de escritores como Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal e Flaubert subverte as hierarquias e pressupostos normativos vigentes no regime poético das artes. A partir desses autores, qualquer assunto ou qualquer pessoa, isto é, pertencente a qualquer condição social, podem vir a ser tratados como objeto literário (...)
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    Archaeological Research on the Central Amazonas. A Contribution to the Early History of the South-American Lowlands.Herbert Wilhelmy - 1968 - Philosophy and History 1 (2):243-243.
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    An Introduction to Latin American Philosophy.Susana Nuccetelli - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Latin American philosophy is best understood as a type of applied philosophy devoted to issues related to the culture and politics of Latin America. This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of its central topics. It explores not only the unique insights offered by Latin American thinkers into the traditional pre-established fields of Western philosophy, but also the many 'isms' developed as a direct result of Latin American thought. Many concern matters of practical ethics and social and (...)
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    A questão sul-africana: literatura, colonialismo e masculinidades em Marie, de H. Rider Haggard.Evander Ruthieri da Silva Ruthieri da Silva - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):229-246.
    O escopo central do artigo converge na análise e problematização das relações entre colonialismo e masculinidade na produção literário-intelectual do romancista H. Rider Haggard, com destaque para seu romance Marie. A narrativa literária cinge elementos da ficção e realidade ao narrar eventos do passado sul-africano, em especial o Great Trek, período de migrações e deslocamentos de colonos bôeres na década de 1830. No cerne de um contexto imaginado com as marcas da violência e do martírio, Haggard retrata a formação (...)
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    Filosofía y literatura en Deleuze y Guattari: creación y acontecimiento.Alonso Silva Rojas, Jorge Francisco Maldonado & Mario Augusto Palencia - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 45:171-202.
    Este artículo propone estudiar la relación que hay entre filosofía y literatura para Deleuze y Guattari. La tesis de central muestra que se debe captar el diferencial justo donde ambas, filosofía y literatura están conectadas, a saber, en el acontecimiento. Por el tratamiento que cada una tiene del acontecimiento, resulta que ambas posibilitan, a su modo, nuevos cambios en la vida de los humanos. En la primera parte se expone la concepción del arte y de la filosofía, (...)
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    Literatura aplicada en el siglo XXI: ideas y prácticas.Sebastián Pineda Buitrago & José Sánchez Carbó (eds.) - 2022 - México: Editora Nómada.
    Compuesto por capítulos de diferentes especialistas en los estudios literarios que laboran en universidades de México, Europa y Estados Unidos, el libro Literatura aplicada en el siglo XXI: ideas y prácticas es el resultado de una invitación y de un esfuerzo para reflexionar sobre las posibilidades epistémicas del fenómeno literario como creación, recreación y programación. Parte de cuestionarse si el binomio clásico de estudiar/aprender ha perdido su sentido en la era de la tecnificación cibernética, es decir, de la inteligencia (...)
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    Entre filosofía y literatura.Pavel Eduardo Rodríguez Durango - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (2):91-110.
    En este artículo revisamos la relación entre filosofía y literatura como elemento central del trabajo del pensador colombiano Nodier Botero Jiménez, con la intención de exponer de forma práctica las correspondencias entre ambas disciplinas. Para esto, hablaremos de los puntos de encuentro entre filosofía y literatura desde la crítica y teoría literaria, la lectura filosófica del discurso literario como instrumento de desocultamiento y profundización de las causas finales, además, nos preguntaremos si la filosofía es equivalente a la (...)
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    Black American History and Culture: Untold, Reframed, Stigmatized and Fetishized to the Point of Global Ethnocide.K. Spotts - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (1):1-41.
    Purpose: A poetic work of fiction haunts the base of the Statue of Liberty. The act overshadowed the original tribute to the Civil War victory and the Emancipation Proclamation. Abraham Lincoln's praises of the Black American military fell silent. Eurocentrists shrouded centuries of genius and scaled-down Black American mastery. Sagas of barrier-breaking Olympians, military heroes, Wild West pioneers, and inventors ended as forgotten footnotes. Today, countries around the world fetishize Black American history and culture to the point (...)
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    Quando Hayden White encontra Sebald: Austerlitz entre o fardo da história e o passado prático | When Hayden White meets Sebald: Austerlitz between the burden of history and the practical past.Edmo Videira Neto - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):117-135.
    O objetivo deste ensaio é promover um encontro entre as ideias sobre a história de Hayden White e os caminhos históricos e traumáticos traçados por Sebald em Austerlitz. Neste sentido, partimos do pressuposto de que o personagem homônimo ao título do livro do escritor alemão funciona como um pêndulo entre o fardo da história e o passado prático, não coincidentemente, dois dos principais textos do historiador norte-americano. Para que possamos chegar minimamente a esse objetivo, abordaremos Austerlitz enquanto uma saga em (...)
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    Os limites da razão: Literatura e Metafísica em Merleau-Ponty.Alex Moura - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (1).
    Neste artigo, buscaremos discutir o modo pelo qual a literatura pode conduzir – e, talvez, mesmo exigir – uma mudança no próprio estatuto da filosofia, especialmente no caso da fenomenologia, ao tornar explícita a existência de um outro modelo de racionalidade, distinto de sua concepção clássica. Para isso, trabalharemos a partir das descrições propostas por Merleau-Ponty sobre o tema, concentrando-nos, nesse artigo, no período de sua obra entre o final dos anos quarenta e início dos anos cinquenta. Ao lado (...)
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    Sobre la condición migrante de la literatura caribeña: geoestéticas de resistencia, entre el turismo y la soberanía.Florencia Bonfiglio - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 24:9-26.
    El artículo analiza algunas problemáticas centrales de la literatura caribeña, en particular de expresión francófona y anglófona, relacionadas, por un lado, con la falta de desarrollo y el funcionamiento colonial de sus sistemas literarios, y, por el otro, con el problema social, económico y político de la emigración en las Antillas. Como propongo, es la misma condición migrante de la literatura caribeña, en tanto sistema atravesado por el desplazamiento masivo de sus productores, la que en gran parte determina (...)
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    Primo Levi e a Literatura Como Ato Ético.Marcelo Leandro dos Santos - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):534-549.
    O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a obra de Primo Levi como expressão inaugural da literatura de testemunho. Como metodologia, caracteriza a decisão de escrever o relato da vivência em Auschwitz como categoria singular da literatura, na medida em que o escrito se compromete com a profundidade da ética, entendida originalmente como campo do saber filosófico. Assim, que Auschwitz tenha existido e que tenha havido sobreviventes que decidiram escrever se torna uma questão central como crítica à violência. (...)
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    La inscripción de la literatura en la máquina social. El clivaje arguedas/vargas llosa en la mirada de Mabel Morana Y cornejo polar.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:192-221.
    RESUMEN En este artículo propongo revisar las aproximaciones de Mabel Moraña y Antonio Cornejo Polar al clivaje paradigmático entre las figuras de José María Arguedas y Mario Vargas Llosa en la cultura latinoamericana. En ese marco, tanto Cornejo Polar como Mabel Moraña desarrollan, en su propio lenguaje, preguntas por los dispositivos de poder y por las estrategias de resistencia que derivan de las relaciones entre literatura y máquinas sociales planteadas por Deleuze y Guattari, en una perspectiva decolonial. Este será (...)
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  45. 'American Pie’ and the Self-critique of Rock ‘n’ Roll.Michael Baur - 2006 - In William Irwin & Jorge J. E. Gracia (eds.), Philosophy and the Interpretation of Pop Culture. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 255-273.
    More than thirty-five years after its first release in 1971, Don McLean’s “American Pie” still resonates deeply with music listeners and consumers of popular culture. In a 2001 public poll sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Recording Industry Association of America, McLean’s eight-and-a-half-minute masterpiece was ranked number 5 among the 365 “most memorable” songs of the twentieth century. In 2002, the song was voted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. In 1997, Garth brooks performed “ (...) Pie” at a concert in Central Park, and in 2000, pop icon Madonna performed her own version of “American Pie” on the soundtrack of her movie The Next Best Thing. In 1999, American Pie became the title of a popular – and irreverently comical – coming-of-age movie starring Jason Biggs (the movie American Pie was followed by American Pie 2 in 2001, American Wedding in 2003, and American Pie Present – Band Camp in 2005). Like the movie to which it lent its name, the song “American Pie” presents a coming-of-age narrative; and, also like the movie, the song appealed strongly and immediately to its contemporary audience. Three months after its release in November of 1971, the song reached the number one slot on the charts in January of 1972, and it remained in the Top 40 for a total of seventeen weeks (longer than any other single during the year of 1972). Unlike the movie, however, the song “American Pie” is highly nuanced and sophisticated, containing multiple allusions and layers of meaning which challenge and heighten our understanding of rock ’n’ roll music and the possibility of self-reflection and self-critique in popular culture. (shrink)
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    Fenomenologia literária e literatura fenomenológica sartreanas.Francisco Amsterdan Duarte da Silva & Emanuel Ricardo Germano Nunes - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 11 (24):133-158.
    A predominância dos temas literários e fenomenológicos nos textos sartrianos dos anos 1930 já chamou atenção de vários especialistas e comentadores da obra do autor. É notável, entretanto, como os exames dos textos dessa época contentam-se, no mais das vezes, em apontar o paralelismo ou a contemporaneidade entre fenomenologia e literatura ali presente, sem realçar a fundamentação que uma parece conferir à outra e que constitui uma das questões mais interessantes que a filosofia sartriana levanta. Há que se incluir, (...)
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    Fenomenología y literatura según Julia Iribarne.Daniel Leserre - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:135.
    La relación entre filosofía y literatura ha sido una cuestión central de la reflexión de Julia Iribarne. El análisis de la conjunción de las obras de J. L. Borges y E. Husserl es, entre otras, una de las formas en las cuales ella exploró dicha relación. Esta exploración consiste esencialmente en desarrollar, como una forma de método filosófico, un enfoque conjetural de la cuestión del sentido de la vida. Para presentar su propia posición al respecto investiga cómo debemos (...)
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  48. Pensamiento filosófico contemporáneo de la América Central: ensayos.Olmedo España (ed.) - 1999 - Noruega: Universidad de Tromsō.
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    Constructions of agency in American literature on the War of Independence: war as action, 1775-1860.Martin Holtz - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book argues that the negotiation of agency is central not only to the experience of war but also to its representation in cultural expressions, ranging from a notion of disablement, expressed in victimization, immobilization, traumatization, and death, to enablement, expressed in the perpetration of heroic, courageous, skillful, and powerful actions of assertion and dominance. In order to illustrate this thesis, it provides a comprehensive analysis of literary representations of the American War of Independence from 1775, the beginning (...)
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    Inner Anxiety and Outward Exploration: The American Museum of Natural History and the Central Asiatic Expeditions.Ronald Rainger - 1997 - Intertexts 1 (2):177-188.
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